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A biological control strategy relying on a self-disseminating agent may provide the only affordable long-term technique for reducing brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) numbers throughout New Zealand. The objective of this study was to determine the frequency and patterns of social interactions in single and mixed-sex groups of possums, in order to identify interactions that may assist in the dissemination of biocontrol agents. Thirty-two sexually mature wild-caught possums (16 female, 16 male) were housed in captive groups (of four) in enclosures during the breeding and non-breeding seasons. Groups consisted of either all females, females and males or all males. Four types of social interactions were defined: threats, fights, affiliative and sexual interactions. Interactions only occurred between two animals at one time and were most frequent in the non-breeding season. Within all female groups, possums readily engaged in interactions that had either an agonistic or affiliative nature. Mixed-sex groups interacted less frequently than females, but also engaged in both agonistic and affiliative interactions. In contrast, possums in all male groups rarely interacted, with only a few fights and no affiliative interactions observed. Some mixed-sex dyads appeared to 'associate' during the breeding period. Young were produced by three females that regularly associated with a male and one female that showed little associative behaviour. Given the different interaction patterns observed in each group type, biological control agents that rely on specific interaction patterns for dissemination, are likely to spread at different rates among different possum groups and in different seasons.  相似文献   


Den sharing among wild brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) has important implications for disease transmission. This study investigated den sharing in captive possums, and measured interactions between possums sharing dens. Thirty‐four sexually mature possums (16 female, 18 male) were housed in single‐sex or mixed‐sex pairs in large enclosures that contained two dens. Daily patterns of den sharing were recorded for each pair over a 69 day period in the breeding or non‐breeding season. Social behaviour within shared dens was sampled using miniature infrared cameras. Male pairs rarely shared dens in the breeding or non‐breeding seasons (4% and 1% of days respectively) and usually engaged in ‘threats’ and ‘fights’ associated with den defence. Pairs of female possums (in both seasons) and mixed‐sex pairs housed together in the breeding season shared dens most frequently (between 84% and 91% of days), and also spent the most time together in dens each night. While sharing dens, affiliative interactions were frequent, including long periods of ‘touching’, and also ‘food sharing’ and ‘allogrooming’. The preference for den sharing and close contact shown by captive possums highlights the importance of den sharing as a potential route for disease transmission.  相似文献   

Sexual selection should produce sexual size dimorphism in species where larger members of one sex obtain disproportionately more matings. Recent theory suggests that the degree of sexual size dimorphism depends on physical and temporal constraints involving the operational sex ratio, the potential reproductive rate and the trade-off between current reproductive effort and residual reproductive value. As part of a large-scale experiment on dispersal, we investigated the mating system of common brushtail possums inhabiting old-growth Eucalyptus forest in Australia. Paternity was assigned to 20 of 28 pouch-young (maternity known) genotyped at six microsatellite loci. Male mating success was strongly related to body size and age; male body weight and age being highly correlated. Despite disproportionate mating success favouring larger males, sexual size dimorphism was only apparent among older animals. Trapping and telemetry indicated that the operational sex ratio was effectively 1 : 1 and the potential reproductive rate of males was at most four times that of females. Being larger appeared to entail significant survival costs because males 'died-off' at the age at which sexual size dimorphism became apparent (8-9 years). Male and female home ranges were the same size and males appeared to be as sedentary as females. Moreover, longevity appears to be only slightly less important to male reproductive success than it is to females. It is suggested that a sedentary lifestyle and longevity are the key elements constraining selection for greater sexual size dimorphism in this 'model' medium-sized Australian marsupial herbivore.  相似文献   

We evaluated the distribution pattern of a specific xenobiotic metabolizing enzyme, cytochrome P450 3A (CYP3A) in the common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). Western blot studies using CYP3A antibodies were used to compare CYP3A levels in the intestine, liver, kidney, brain, testes and adrenal gland in possums fed diets with and without a mixture of terpenes. Possums appear to produce at least 3 different CYP3A-like isoforms that are differentially expressed in various tissues. The liver and duodenum produce all three isoforms (CYP3A P1, P2, P3), the jejunum only produces CYP3A P1, the ileum, kidney, testes and adrenal only produce CYP3A P2 and the brain only produces CYP3A P3. Terpene treatment did not alter relative levels of isoforms present in any tissue type. This study is the first to identify the presence and differential expression of several CYP3A-like isoforms in a variety of tissues of a wild mammalian herbivore. Data suggest that CYP3A-like enzymes are not induced by terpenes. However, the wide distribution of CYP3A-like isoforms in a variety of tissues, suggests that these enzymes are an important mechanism for metabolism in possums and may contribute to the high tolerance possums have to a wide range of xenobiotics.  相似文献   

The common brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is a pest of considerable economic importance in New Zealand. Attempts to develop methods of suppressing reproduction in this species are currently hampered by the lack of reliable methods to synchronise oestrus and ovulation in this species. The objective of this study was to compare antral follicle populations in anoestrous and cyclic brushtail possums and to assess the efficacy of exogenous FSH to induce follicle development in anoestrous animals. Ovaries were recovered from anoestrous possums after administration of either exogenous FSH (1.0 mg/injection) or the saline vehicle alone (0.5 ml/injection) at 12-h intervals for 3 days (n = 6/group), and from cyclic animals (n = 6) that were euthanised in mid-follicular phase (5 days after removal of their pouch young). All antral follicles > or =1.0 mm in diameter were dissected free of extraneous tissue, incubated in vitro to measure oestradiol production, and then processed for histological assessment of health status. Mean weight of ovaries and vaginal cul-de-sac tissues were both significantly greater (P<0.001) in FSH-treated anoestrous females (24.2+/-5.1 mg and 6.50+/-1.34 g, respectively), but did not differ significantly between saline-treated anoestrous possums (12.4+/-3.0 mg and 1.31+/-0.27 g) and cyclic animals (13.5+/-1.6 mg and 2.62+/-0.95 g). Mean uterine weights in both cyclic (889+/-161 mg) and FSH-treated (1098+/-184 mg) animals were significantly heavier(P<0.001) than those of anoestrous possums (414+/-61 mg). The mean number of follicles (> or =1.0-mm diameter) present was significantly greater (P<0.001) in FSH-treated, than in cyclic and anoestrous possums (38.0+/-4.4, 23.2+/-3.2 and 10.7+/-3.4 follicles/animal, respectively). Cyclic animals had significantly more (P<0.01) follicles than anoestrous possums. The proportion of follicles that were classified as healthy, was significantly lower (P<0.01) in cyclic possums(38%) than in anoestrous (69%) and FSH-treated (88%) animals. The mean diameter of the largest healthy follicle present was 2.5+/-0.41, 2.1+/-0.08, and 3.1+/-0.15 mm for cyclic, anoestrous and FSH-treated animals, respectively. None of the follicles harvested from saline-treated anoestrous possums produced measurable levels of oestradiol in vitro, whereas 7% and 59% of those from cyclic and FSH-treated animals did so. In summary, cyclic possums had more antral follicles present than anoestrous animals, but a lower percentage of these follicles were healthy. Less than 10% of healthy follicles from cyclic possums, and none of those from anoestrous animals, were capable of producing oestradiol when incubated in vitro. Treatment with ovine FSH promoted follicle development in anoestrous possums, to significantly increase the number of follicles present, the proportion that were healthy and the percentage capable of producing oestradiol.  相似文献   

1. The causes of juvenile sex-biased philopatry and space use in mammals remain poorly understood, and results of previous research have been conflicting. Experimental interventions and manipulations on wild populations are rare, but can play an important role in establishing the factors governing offspring space use. 2. We experimentally removed mothers of independent juvenile brushtail possums from the maternal home range and examined changes in offspring space use with global positioning system collars. We examined the influence of mother absence on philopatric behaviour, and determined whether or not maternal presence affected offspring space use. 3. We fitted a longitudinal linear mixed effects model to demonstrate a change over time in the home range size of juveniles following experimental treatment by the removal of their mothers. When mothers were removed from the natal range, juveniles occupied significantly larger home range areas, with average increases of 175% in 95% kernel density estimates and 289% in minimum convex polygon estimates. This increase occurred within the first month following mother absence and was independent of juvenile sex. Home ranges of control juveniles did not change during the same time period. 4. Changes in the spatial structure of mammalian populations in response to removal of individuals have important implications for pest management. The impacts of management strategies which target particular individuals in a population may counteract conservation benefits through their effect on the space use of survivors. Studies involving experimental removals provide important information on consequences of control and also yield insights into the causes of mammalian space use, philopatric behaviours and ultimately dispersal.  相似文献   

The traditional method for inducing and synchronising oestrus in the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) is by removal of their suckling pouch young (RPY). However, our studies have recently shown that, in addition to wide variation between animals in the time of ovulation after RPY, a proportion of animals failed to ovulate. Evidence from several mammalian species indicates that the presence of males can stimulate ovarian activity and synchronise oestrus in females. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of the male on the oestrous cycle of the female brushtail possum after RPY. A total of 67 adult female brushtail possums were treated as three replicates. In order to observe the day of preovulatory follicle emergence and ovulation, animals underwent laparoscopic examination at 1–4 day intervals over a period from 0–21 days after RPY. The first replicate (N=18, May/June 1995) involved only animals kept in isolation from males, whereas the two remaining replicates compared ovarian responses between animals kept with (N=10, July 1995; N=14, June 1996) or in isolation from (N=10, July 1995; N=15, June 1996) males. The incidence of ovulation after RPY was significantly higher in females that were housed with males than in those kept in isolation from males (100%, 92.8% vs. 50.0%, 66.7%, 14.3%; P<0.001). Every animal that ovulated, had previously had a preovulatory follicle present at the site where the corpus luteum formed. Conversely, none of the animals that failed to ovulate, developed a preovulatory follicle during the period of study. The range of mean day of preovulatory follicle emergence (6.00–6.86 days), of ovulation (11.80–12.20 days) and the synchrony of ovulation between animals (range 8–17 days) after RPY, were not significantly affected by the presence of males. This study demonstrates for the first time, that the presence of males significantly increases the incidence of ovulation after RPY in the brushtail possum. However neither the timing of reproductive events nor the synchrony of ovulation were affected by presence of the male.  相似文献   

Because invasive species are often opportunistic and behaviourally flexible, they tend to be successful in urban landscapes, where they may use space differently than in their more traditional habitats. Consequently, control strategies developed for invasive pest species in non-urban areas may not succeed in an urban context. Using GPS tracking, we examined habitat use by an invasive pest, the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula) in residential New Zealand habitats; these habitats comprise a large proportion of the urban landscape and are currently not targeted for pest control. We predicted that home ranges of possums in residential areas would be larger than those in non-urban habitats due to lower densities of their primary food resource, plant material; that possums would prefer forest fragment habitat; and that they would avoid roads due to the mortality risk. Home range sizes estimated using mechanistic Brownian bridges and 100 % minimum convex polygons were smaller or similar in size to those recorded in rural and forest habitats. Resource utilization functions and the regression of utilization distribution probabilities against environmental variables showed that possums selected forest fragments primarily, followed by residential habitat characterised by large gardens with a degree of vegetative structural complexity. Roads were not avoided. Control operations should expand their scope to include residential areas containing mature, diverse vegetation rather than only focussing on forest fragments, a strategy that ignores biodiversity values in residential habitats, and is likely to be unsuccessful due to reinvasion potential from neighbouring residential areas.  相似文献   

Development of p-aminopropiophenone (PAPP) as a toxicant for pest predator management in New Zealand and Australia prompted investigation of its toxicity to potential nontarget species. Acute oral toxicity of PAPP in brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula), dama wallabies (Macropus eugenii), and Mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) was estimated in pen trials, carried out between February 2000 and September 2001. The susceptibility of possums (LD50>or=500 mg kg(-1)) and wallabies (LD50 89 mg kg(-1)) to PAPP was low in comparison to noncarnivorous placental mammal species, but ducks (LD50 38 mg kg(-1)) were more susceptible than other bird species. These results suggest that the nontarget hazard to possums and wallabies from PAPP bait applied for pest predator control would be low. However, future development of PAPP as a vertebrate pest control agent should include rigorous assessments of the hazard posed by bait formulations to bird species and provision for delivery techniques that could mitigate exposure of nontarget birds.  相似文献   


The colours and sizes of the fleshy fruits of native trees and shrubs in the New Zealand flora and in the flora of the Orongorongo Valley, southern Rimutaka Range, were compared with those known to be eaten by possums to assess the degree of food selection by possums. Colour and diameter of fruits had little effect on whether they were selected by possums, but the size of the enclosed seed affected feeding behaviour. Fruits with seeds < 10 mm were eaten whole, whereas usually only the skin and flesh were eaten from fruits with larger seeds. An analysis of the wet and dry weights of the flesh and seeds of fruits growing in the Orongorongo Valley suggested that possums could maximise their dry matter intake from fruits by feeding preferentially on the larger fruits. Although this suggestion was supported in general by field observations, other studies suggest that annual variations in the abundance of fruits of the various species and their accessibility are also important in determining the contribution of fruits to the diet of possums.  相似文献   

We fed common brushtail possums artificial diets containing a buffer and the plant secondary metabolite (PSM), orcinol, to test the hypothesis that organic acids, common products of PSM metabolism, limit feeding by common brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula). We introduced several diets containing orcinol and a buffer (urinary alkalising agent) over a course of three experiments. A diet containing 2% orcinol (wet matter) caused possums to reduce their food intake immediately, but feeding returned to normal 1–2 days later. Even though possums excreted strongly acidic urine (pH 5.1) and had perturbed nitrogen metabolism, they maintained their food intake and body mass until the experiment terminated 9 days after the introduction of orcinol. Possums ate 52% less when the basal diet contained 4% orcinol. As expected, the acid loads caused a change in the composition of urinary nitrogen with possums excreting more ammonium than urea and a large amount of unidentified nitrogenous material. Supplementing the diet containing orcinol with buffer neutralised the metabolic acid load and partly restored normal nitrogen metabolism, but did not restore feeding. Also, animals eating orcinol excreted normal amounts of 3-methylhistidine, indicating no increase in muscle protein catabolism. This suggests that a limitation to the rate of detoxification or toxicosis, rather than acid loads, limits the ingestion of acid-inducing PSMs.  相似文献   

The transfer of animals from the wild into captivity is an important strategy for the conservation of species that are under threat of extinction. To determine the reproductive capability of animals following transfer from the wild, brushtail possums relocated from Brisbane, Adelaide, and Armidale into captivity in Brisbane were monitored. Seventy five percent of the Brisbane possums (N = 80) gave birth during the months from March to May following transfer from the suburbs of Brisbane and 75% of the young born reached weaning. Thirteen adult females and four adult male brushtail possums were relocated from Adelaide into captivity in Brisbane in June 1994. Four young were born in Brisbane, however none survived to weaning and all the relocated possums had died 2 years after their transfer from Adelaide. Seventeen adult females and seven adult male possums were transferred from Armidale to Brisbane in July 1996. In the first year, 1997, four young were born in Brisbane and none survived to weaning. In the second year, three young were born and survived to weaning. Two years after their transfer, one adult male and three adult females from Armidale and three juvenile possums were housed in the Brisbane enclosures. As the Brisbane, Adelaide, and Armidale possums received the same photoperiod and environmental conditions, some factor must have inhibited breeding activity in the Adelaide possums and to a lesser extent in the Armidale possums. The ability of the Armidale possums to give birth and wean their young after 2 years in Brisbane would suggest that relocated possums require up to 2 years in order to adjust sufficiently to their new environment to reproduce. However, the failure of the Adelaide possums to reproduce successfully after a similar period of time in Brisbane suggests that certain environmental differences inhibit the ability of different populations of possums to adjust to a new environment. J. Exp. Zool. 284:783-788, 1999. Copyright 1999 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Acrosome development in the Australian Brush-tailed possum, Trichosurus vulpecula, displays a number of extraordinary features. This is particularly evident in the later stages of spermiogenesis, when the area of the nuclear surface bounded by the nuclear ring, and covered by the acrosome, is reduced considerable. As a result, the acrosomal material becomes located over its definitive position on the anterior third of the dorsal nuclear surface; in this process it is thrown into a series of folds, and a wide subacrosomal space is formed.Further changes around the time of spermiation result in the release of a spermatozoon in which a thin layer of acrosomal material is closely applied to the nucleus over the area of the definitive location of the acrosome, whilst its margins are greatly extended and project freely away from the nucleus. The latter feature does not appear to have been reported for the sperm of other mammals.The authors would like to thank Dr. D.J.H. Cockayne, Director of the Electron Microscope Unit, University of Sydney, for the generous provision of transmission electron microscope facilities, and Dr. M.R. Dickson, Electron Microscopist in charge, Biomedical Electron Microscope Unit, University of New South Wales, for the use of other facilities. Also, thanks are due to Miss Robin Arnold and Mrs. Eva Vassak of the Department of Histology and Embryology, University of Sydney, for their expert assistance. The assistance of the N.S.W. National Parks and Wildlife Service in the provision of permits to work on these native mammals is acknowledged  相似文献   

An indirect estimate of the extent of branching of the olivary axons in the cerebellum in a marsupial (Trichosurus vulpecula) was carried out. The cells in the inferior olivary nuclear complex (IOC) of both sides were estimated (mean = 57,200), as were the cerebellar Purkinje cells (mean = 881,300). Assuming that all climbing fibers arise from IOC cells and that each Purkinje cell receives a climbing fiber input, each IOC cell sends climbing fiber terminals to 15 Purkinje cells.  相似文献   

1. In the possum (T. vulpecula) sympathetic stimulation, the baroreceptor reflex, exogenous noradrenaline and adrenaline (large dose) produce vasoconstriction in hind limb skeletal muscle. These responses are blocked by α-adrenoceptor blocking agents.2. Exogenous isoprenaline and adrenaline (small dose) produce vasodilatation which is blocked by propranolol.3. Sympathetic cholinergic vasodilator fibres do not appear to exist in the possum.4. At supramaximal frequencies of sympathetic stimulation of the hind limb vascular bed, there is less than maximal response.  相似文献   

1. There were marked differences in prostatic wts among individual possums, but no evidence of a seasonally related change in wt could be established. It was concluded that the wt differences are mainly due to the changes in secretory activities. After castration the prostate wts fell while after administration of testosterone or oestradiol partially reversed this process. 2. Seven steroid conversion products were isolated from prostatic homogenates incubated with [3H] testosterone; 5 alpha-androstane-3 beta,17 beta-diol forming the highest yield. 3. While the 5 alpha-reductase activity of prostates from intact possums was very low (approx. 8% of the total yield), it increased to over 50% after castration. 4. Administration of testosterone or oestradiol partially reversed the post-castration rise in 5 alpha-reductase, while 17 beta-hydroxy-5 alpha-androstane-3-one (DHT) was ineffective. Administration of porcine FSH-NIH-P2 to both intact or castrated possums caused a marked rise in prostatic 5 alpha-reductase activity. 5. It was concluded that in possum, FSH may have a direct stimulatory effect on prostatic 5 alpha-reductase activity. The results are discussed in relation to placental mammals.  相似文献   

1. Specific [3H]estradiol binding activity with characteristics of estrogen receptors was found in the cytosols and nuclear extracts of the adrenal cortex proper and special zone of the brushtail possum (Trichosurus vulpecula). 2. The specific estradiol receptor had a sedimentation coefficient on sucrose gradients of approximately 9S and a molecular weight on gel filtration of more than 200,000. The adrenal cortex cytosol binds [3H]estradiol with high affinity (Ka 5.5 X 10(9) M-1), and limited capacity (Bmax 62.7 fmol/mg cytosol prot). In competition experiments with different steroids the receptor showed a high affinity for four estrogens and a very low affinity to androgens, progesterone and cortisol. 3. There was no difference in the affinity and maximum binding capacity of the cytosols from cortex proper in male and female animals, but the binding capacity of the special zone of females was half that of cortex proper. Estradiol receptors were found in the kidney, liver, lung, testis and muscle but only in the adrenal and prostate was the binding capacity relatively high compared with the uterus. 4. The specific binding capacity of [3H]estradiol to cytosols of adrenal cortex at different stages of the estrus cycle and pregnancy was unrelated to that of the uterus. In the adrenal the receptor concentration was lowest at estrus, when uterine concentration was high, while in late pregnancy the binding of adrenal cortex and uterus cytosols was almost the same. 5. The possible physiological significance of the presence of a specific estrogen receptor in male and female possums is discussed.  相似文献   

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