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Three methods of immunoanalysis (immunoblot, ELISA and dot-blot) were used to evaluate the immunospecificity of the antiserum against the porin Om1 of Vibrio anguillarum serotype O1 with respect to all the serotypes of V. anguillarum , different Vibrio species and other Gram-negative genera. In the immunoblot analysis of the outer membrane proteins, this antiserum cross-reacted with the main outer membrane protein (MOMP) of all the Vibrio strains studied but not with other genera, except Plesiomonas shigelloides . However, when analyses were performed using whole cells as antigens (ELISA and dot-blot), the antiserum was more specific for V. anguillarum.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus is a human and animal pathogen that carries the highest death rate of any food-borne disease agent. It colonizes shellfish and forms biofilms on the surfaces of plankton, algae, fish, and eels. Greater understanding of biofilm formation by the organism could provide insight into approaches to decrease its load in filter feeders and on biotic surfaces and control the occurrence of invasive disease. The capsular polysaccharide (CPS), although essential for virulence, is not required for biofilm formation under the conditions used here. In other bacteria, increased biofilm formation often correlates with increased exopolysaccharide (EPS) production. We exploited the translucent phenotype of acapsular mutants to screen a V. vulnificus genomic library and identify genes that imparted an opaque phenotype to both CPS biosynthesis and transport mutants. One of these encoded a diguanylate cyclase (DGC), an enzyme that synthesizes bis-(3'-5')-cyclic-di-GMP (c-di-GMP). This prompted us to use this DGC, DcpA, to examine the effect of elevated c-di-GMP levels on several developmental pathways in V. vulnificus. Increased c-di-GMP levels induced the production of an EPS that was distinct from the CPS and dramatically enhanced biofilm formation and rugosity in a CPS-independent manner. However, the EPS could not compensate for the loss of CPS production that is required for virulence. In contrast to V. cholerae, motility and virulence appeared unaffected by elevated levels of c-di-GMP.  相似文献   

Aims:  Vibrio anguillarum is a universal marine pathogen causing vibriosis. Vibrio anguillarum encounters different osmolarity conditions between seawater and hosts, and its outer membrane proteins (OMPs) play a crucial role in the adaptation to changes of the surroundings. In the present study, proteomic approaches were applied to investigate the salt-responsive OMPs of V. anguillarum .
Methods and Results:  Lower salinity (0·85% NaCl) is more suitable for growth, survival and swimming motility of the bacterium. Comparative two-dimensional electrophoresis (2-DE) analysis reveals six differentially expressed protein spots among three different salinities, which were successfully identified as OmpU, maltoporin, flagellin B, Omp26La, Omp26La and OmpW respectively.
Conclusions:  OmpW and OmpU were highly expressed at 3·5% salinity, suggesting their role in the efficient efflux of NaCl. Maltoporin was downregulated in higher salinity, indicating that higher osmolarity inhibits carbohydrate transport and bacterial growth. Omp26La, the homologue of OmpV, functions as a salt-responsive protein in lower salinity.
Significance and Impact of the Study:  To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report describing salt stress-responsive proteins of V. anguillarum using proteomic approaches. Our results provide a useful strategy for delineating the osmoregulatory mechanism of the marine pathogens.  相似文献   

The sigma factor σ54 (RpoN) is an important regulator of bacterial response to environmental stresses. Here, we demonstrate the roles of RpoN in Vibrio anguillarum M3 by comparative investigation of physiological phenotypes and virulence of the wild-type, an rpoN mutant, and an rpoN complemented strain. Disruption of rpoN was found to decrease biofilm formation, production of exopolysaccharides, and production of the metalloproteases EmpA and PrtV. Injection experiments in fish showed that the M3 ΔrpoN mutant was attenuated in virulence when administrated either by intramuscular injection or by immersion challenge. Slower proliferation of the mutant in fish was also observed. Complementation of the mutant strain with rpoN restored some of the phenotypes to wild-type levels. RpoN was involved in regulation of some virulence-associated genes, as shown by real-time quantitative reverse PCR analysis. These results revealed a pleiotropic regulatory role of RpoN in biofilm formation, production of proteases and exopolysaccharides, and virulence in V. anguillarum M3.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae , the causative agent of the devastating diarrheal disease cholera, can form biofilms on diverse biotic and abiotic surfaces. Biofilm formation is important for the survival of this organism both in its natural environment and in the human host. Development of V. cholerae biofilms are regulated by complex regulatory networks that respond to environmental signals. One of these signals, norspermidine, is a polyamine that enhances biofilm formation via the NspS/MbaA signaling system. In this work, we have investigated the role of the polyamine spermidine in regulating biofilm formation in V. cholerae . We show that spermidine import requires PotD1, an ortholog of the periplasmic substrate-binding protein of the spermidine transport system in Escherichia coli . We also show that deletion of the potD1 gene results in a significant increase in biofilm formation. We hypothesize that spermidine imported into the cell hinders biofilm formation. Exogenous spermidine further reduces biofilm formation in a PotD1-independent, but NspS/MbaA-dependent, manner. Our results suggest that polyamines affect biofilm formation in V. cholerae via multiple pathways involving both transport and signaling networks.  相似文献   

The virulence of 18 strains of Vibrio anguillarum serogroup O1 was compared to plasmid content, expression of siderophores and outer membrane proteins. All strains, irrespective of plasmid content, produced siderophores and inducible outer membrane proteins under iron-limited conditions. Only strains that carried the 67 kbp virulence plasmid or derivatives of it produced the outer membrane protein, OM2. All virulent strains harboured the 67 kbp plasmid or derivatives of it, indicating its importance for virulence. However, some strains carrying the virulence plasmid or a derivative of it, produced siderophores as well as OM2 but were non-pathogenic to fish. Likewise, among the virulent strains, considerable variation in LD50 values was recorded. Plasmid profiling and restriction analysis showed that the virulence plasmid existed in various molecular weights from 26 to 80 kbp, with 65-67 kbp being the most common, and that this plasmid displayed various restriction profiles. The presence of other plasmids did not seem to affect the pathogenic properties.  相似文献   

Vibrio anguillarum strain E-383a, isolated from sea water, accumulated a considerable amount of N,N '-diacetylchitobiose when it was cultivated in a medium containing colloidal chitin. The maximum conversion of chitin to chitobiose was found to be 40·3%. The rate of chitobiose accumulation was accelerated after the cessation of bacterial growth. Small amounts of N -acetylglucosamine and N,N',N -triacetylchitotriose were also accumulated but no other saccharides were detected. These results may suggest that strain E-383a produces an exo-type chitinase which successively hydrolyses the glycosidic linkages of chitin into biose units. The exclusive accumulation of chitobiose by the bacterial cells may provide a new, selective method for the production of this substance.  相似文献   

Two strains of Vibrio cholerae serotype O1 Inaba were isolated from eastern oysters, Crassostrea virginica, collected from estuarine waters in Florida during April 1980. The oyster meats and waters from which the oysters were collected had low fecal coliform counts, and the area had no prior evidence of sewage contamination.  相似文献   

Thirty-one strains ofVibrio anguillarum serogroup O1 isolated in Italy and Greece from dead fish were subjected to rRNA gene restriction pattern analysis. WithHindIII as the restriction enzyme, two different ribotypes were detected, of which one profile was dominant. One profile was found in all strains except one isolated from sea bass, sea bream, and mullet, while the second profile was found in all three strains isolated from rainbow trout and in one strain from a sea bass. WithEcoRI only one profile was found.  相似文献   

A total of 75 Vibrio anguillarum serogroup O1 strains were studied with respect to their plasmid contents, ribotypes, and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) patterns. Eight plasmid profiles and six ribotypes were demonstrated, and one profile was dominant by both typing methods. In contrast, PFGE had very high discriminatory power, demonstrating 35 profiles. On the basis of PFGE patterns, a similarity matrix and a dendrogram were constructed. The results indicated that Scandinavian strains and southern European isolates (with some exceptions) belong to two different clonal lineages. A few strains from the United States and United Kingdom deviated considerably from each other and from Scandinavian and southern European strains.  相似文献   

Antigens present in the extracellular products (ECP) and cell walls of strains of Vibrio anguillarum of serotypes O1, O2, and O3 isolated from different fish species in distinct geographic areas were characterized. The usefulness of slide agglutination, dot blot assay, and quantitative agglutination for subtyping V. anguillarum serovars was also evaluated. The three serological assays used to establish the serogroups within V. anguillarum isolates demonstrated that serotype O1 constitutes a homogeneous group, whereas within serotypes O2 and O3, two different patterns of serological reactions were detected. Among the three serological methods used, only dot blot and quantitative agglutination assays differentiated subgroups within serotypes O2 and O3 with unabsorbed sera. Electrophoretic analysis and immunoblot assays of cell envelope and ECP components showed that strains belonging to serotype O1 possessed immunologically related lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and proteins, while V. anguillarum isolates grouped in serotypes O2 and O3 exhibited internal heterogeneity in their LPS and protein banding patterns. On the other hand, although the LPS present in the ECP and those obtained from cell envelopes of V. anguillarum strains showed apparently different gel patterns, a strong relationship between both types of LPS was seen by immunoblot assay. From these results, it can be concluded that V. anguillarum strains representative of each of the antigenic groups (O1, O2 alpha, O2 beta, O3A, and O3B) and their ECPs should be included in the formulation of vaccines against vibriosis in areas where the three serotypes coexist.  相似文献   

Vibrio cholerae serotype O1 has been isolated from Chesapeake Bay in Maryland and estuaries and sewers in Louisiana. The occurrence of V. cholerae O1 in the aquatic environment in the absence of human disease suggests that this organism survives and multiples in the natural environment.  相似文献   

Aim: To evaluate the diversity of Vibrio anguillarum isolates from vibriosis‐infected Penaeus monodon collected from east coast of India. Methods and Results: Thirty‐six V. anguillarum were cultured from specific V. anguillarum medium, further identified using biochemical tests and confirmed by PCR detection of rpoN gene. Randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis revealed that in each location, the selected V. anguillarum isolates produced a unique band pattern, indicating that the members of this species are genetically heterogeneous. Antibiotic sensitivity results showed that 85%, 72%, 70%, 58%, 45% and 34% of the isolates were resistant to erythromycin, furazolidone, chloramphenicol, oxolinic acid, ciprofloxacin and nitrofurantoin, respectively. Plasmids were found in 70% of the isolates, and nine different plasmid profiles were observed. Conclusions: Wide ranges of diversity were noted in V. anguillarum isolates collected from P. monodon at different locations of east coast of India. Significance and Impact of the Study: Molecular typing, antibiotic resistance and plasmid profiles of V. anguillarum isolates from shrimp in India enables the prediction of possible risk for diseases in shrimp culture environment and the application of alternative management plans to prevent further spread of antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

OMP85 is a highly conserved outer membrane protein in all Gram-negative bacteria. We studied an uncharacterized OMP85 homolog of Porphyromonas gingivalis, a primary periodontal pathogen forming subgingival plaque biofilms. Using an outer-loop peptide antibody specific for the OMP85 of P. gingivalis, loop-3 Ab, we found a difference in the mobility of OMP85 on SDS-PAGE gel between the P. gingivalis wild-type and the isogenic galE mutant, a deglycosylated strain, suggesting that OMP85 naturally exists in a glycosylated form. This was also supported by a shift in OMP85 PAGE mobility after chemical deglycosylation treatment. Further, loop-3 Ab cross-reacted with the galE mutant stronger than the wild-type strain; and could inhibit biofilm formation in the galE mutant more than in the wild-type strain. In conclusion, this is the first report providing the evidence of OMP85 glycosylation and the involvement of OMP85 in biofilm formation.  相似文献   

Vibrio vulnificus is a foodborne pathogen causing septicemia with high mortality rate. In this study, we explored how Escherichia coli, one of the commensal bacteria in the human gastrointestinal tract, can interact with V. vulnificus. Our study results show that the amount of biofilm produced by V. vulnificus was reduced in the presence of E. coli ATCC 35218, although the growth of V. vulnificus L-180 remained unaffected. We also detected an antibiofilm effect of E. coli culture supernatant against V. vulnificus, which could not be reduced even after heat treatment. These findings indicate that E. coli and its culture supernatant may be suitable to prevent biofilm formation by V. vulnificus. By contrast, live cells of V. vulnificus could reduce the amount of preformed E. coli biofilm, but its culture supernatant could not. This suggests that the cell-associated factors contribute toward reduction in E. coli biofilm. Therefore, we speculate that ingestion of an infectious dose of V. vulnificus might induce dislodging of the commensal bacteria from the intestinal epithelia and thus can colonize to initiate the infection.  相似文献   

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