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Fertilization of the Xenopus laevis egg causes the conversion of the vitelline envelope to the fertilization envelope, a change reflected in the loss of sperm penetrability of the egg and the appearance of an electron-dense layer on the outer aspect of the fertilization envelope. As seen by one-dimensional gel electrophoresis, two components with molecular weights of 69,000 and 64,000 in the vitelline envelope were converted to 66,000 and 61,000 in the fertilization envelope. By two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, the components in the 69,000 and 64,000 molecular weight regions of the vitelline envelope were seen to shift to more basic isoelectric points upon conversion to the fertilization envelope. Peptide mapping by limited proteolysis suggested that the 69,000 and 64,000 molecular weight components shared the same polypeptide chains but the smaller glycoprotein lacked a carbohydrate side chain found on the larger species. Similar sites on each glycoprotein were affected when the vitelline envelope was converted to the fertilization envelope. No N-terminal amino acids could be identified on the envelope components, indicating that these glycoproteins have blocked N-termini. Ionophore A23187-activation of jellied eggs (but not dejellied eggs) caused the molecular weight changes in the absence of sperm. Thus, factors from the jelly and the cortical granules but not from sperm apparently are involved in the processing of the 69,000 and 64,000 molecular weight components.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that the Xenopus laevis egg envelope exists in three forms with differing ultrastructural, macromolecular, and sperm penetrability properties. The coelomic envelope (CE) is derived from eggs released from the ovary into the body cavity of the female, the vitelline envelope (VE) from eggs which have passed through the oviduct, and the fertilization envelope (FE) from fertilized eggs. In the present study, the physicochemical characteristics of these three envelope types were differentiated. Investigation of envelope solubility, deformability, sulfhydryl reactivity, and hydrophobic dye and ferritin binding capacity demonstrated that profound physicochemical changes occur in envelope conversions CE----VE----FE. The physical strength of the envelopes, as evidenced by deformability studies, ranked FE greater than CE greater than VE. These differences were not accountable by differences in the number of disulfide bonds, although the CE sulfhydryl groups were significantly less accessible than those in the VE or FE. All three envelope forms were hydrophilic in nature, exhibiting little ability to bind 1-anilino-8-naphthalenesulfonic acid. The CE bound greater amounts of ferritin in comparison to the VE and FE, indicating the presence of a basic domain, presumably in the 43-kDa glycoprotein, which is lost upon proteolysis to 41 kDa during the CE----VE conversion. The envelope integrity of all three forms was maintained by both noncovalent and covalent (disulfide) bonds. Measurements of the effect of pH on envelope solubilization indicated the involvement of an ionizable group with pKa of 8.0 in maintaining envelope structure.  相似文献   

The egg envelope of most animal eggs is modified following fertilization, resulting in the prevention of polyspermy and hardening of the egg envelope. In frogs and mammals a prominent feature of envelope modification is N-terminal proteolysis of the envelope glycoprotein ZPA. We have purified the ZPA protease from Xenopus laevis eggs and characterized it as a zinc metalloprotease. Proteolysis of isolated egg envelopes by the isolated protease resulted in envelope hardening. The N-terminal peptide fragment of ZPA remained disulfide bond linked to the ZPA glycoprotein moiety following proteolysis. We propose a mechanism for egg envelope hardening involving ZPA proteolysis by an egg metalloprotease as a triggering event followed by induction of global conformational changes in egg envelope glycoproteins.  相似文献   

An amphibian egg recovered from the body cavity is enclosed by a coelomic egg envelope. Upon transport down the oviduct, the envelope is converted to the vitelline envelope. The coelomic and vitelline envelopes are distinct in terms of sperm penetrability, ultrastructural morphology, and radioiodination profiles. In this study, the macromolecular compositions of these two envelopes were determined. Isolated envelopes were compared by one- and two-dimensional gel electrophoresis, peptide mapping, and radiolabeling. A protein with a molecular weight of 57,000 (57K) was present in the vitelline envelope but was absent in the coelomic envelope. A glycoprotein with a molecular weight of 43K in the coelomic envelope was converted to a component with a molecular weight of 41K in the vitelline envelope. The 43K-molecular weight component of the coelomic envelopes could be radioiodinated by lactoperoxidase but no labeling of the 41K-molecular weight component occurred in the vitelline envelope. Peptide mapping using limited proteolysis established that the 43K-molecular weight component of the coelomic envelope was a precursor to the 41K-molecular weight component of the vitelline envelope. These molecular alterations may underlie the ultrastructural and physiological changes occurring in these envelopes.  相似文献   

Cortical granules remaining after fertilization in Xenopus laevis   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Eggs of Xenopus laevis were examined in an electron microscope at unfertilized egg, 1-cell, 2-cell, 32-cell, and blastula stages. Granules closely resembling cortical granules were observed within the “germinal plasm” as well as in the peripheral cytoplasm of all the eggs examined. A staining method was developed that makes it easier to count cortical granules in thick Epon sections. Light and electron microscope examinations revealed that granules remaining after fertilization possessed morphological characteristics wholly consistent with those of cortical granules of unfertilized eggs. These granules were confirmed to be true cortical granules.  相似文献   

Microtubules take part in several mechanisms of intracellular motility, including organelle transport and mitosis. We have studied the ability of Xenopus egg extract to support nuclear membrane and pore complex formation when microtubule dynamics are manipulated. In this report we show that the formation of a nuclear envelope surrounding sperm chromatin requires polymerized microtubules. We have observed that microtubule-depolymerizing reagents, and AS-2, a known inhibitor of the microtubule motor protein kinesin, do not inhibit the formation of a double nuclear membrane. However these double membranes contain no morphologically identifiable nuclear pore complexes and do not support the accumulation of karyophilic proteins. In contrast, the assembly of annulate lamellae, cytoplasmic structures containing a subset of pore complex proteins, was not affected. Our data show that not only polymerized microtubules, but also the microtubule motor protein kinesin, are involved in the formation of the nuclear envelope. These results support the conclusion that multiple nuclear envelope-forming mitotic vesicle populations exist, that microtubules play an essential and selective role in the transport of nuclear envelope-forming vesicle population(s), and that separate mechanisms are involved in nuclear envelope and annulate lamellae formation.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix (ECM) of unfertilized Xenopus laevis eggs consists of an elaborate filamentous network in the perivitelline space (PS) and a thick fibrillar vitelline envelope (VE), with a thin layer of horizontal filaments (HF) separating the two. At fertilization this ECM is converted into the fertilization envelope (comprised of the fertilization (F) layer and altered VE), and a third layer, the smooth (S) layer, is formed at the upper boundary of the PS (Larabell and Chandler, 1988). In this report, we use quick-freeze, deep-etch, rotary-shadow electron microscopy to show that an intact S layer can be formed in vitro by incubation of unfertilized eggs in an exudate obtained from cortical granules. Within 5 min numerous 36-nm-diameter particles assemble in a highly ordered array at the microvillar tips. These particles appear to "melt" and to form patches of smooth material and within 10 min one continuous sheet has formed. The presence of the VE is required for formation of the S layer, and we suggest that the HF layer is the site of assembly.  相似文献   

Single-celled myxamoebae undergo differentiation into either stalk cells or spore cells during a 24-hr period in Dictyostelium discoideum. This study employed ultramicrochemical techniques and enzymatic cycling to assess the presence of cell-specific events in spore and stalk cells. Freeze-dried sections of one organism were assayed in 0.1 μl of reaction mixture. This method was used to determine the extent of localization of trehalose in spore cells and stalk cells during development.Trehalose was low in the early stages of differentiation to about 20 hr when the level started to increase. In developing spore cells, the trehalose level increased sixfold during the last 5 hr of development. Likewise, the entire stalk contained trehalose when the stalk was first formed. At mature sorocarp, trehalose levels were the same in spores and the apex of the stalk. There was a decreasing gradient of trehalose down the stalk. The bottom one-fourth of the stalk was devoid of this disaccharide. Therefore, trehalose was degraded from an area of the stalk where it was localized earlier in development.The results of this investigation negate the assumption that trehalose is never present in the stalk. Although trehalose was found in spore cells, prestalk cells also contained high trehalose levels. The stalk cell-specific trehalose was not retained during differentiation, however, but was apparently degraded in the mature stalk cell.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of maturation-promoting factor (MPF) on embryonic nuclei during the early cleavage stage of Xenopus laevis development. When protein synthesis is inhibited by cycloheximide during this stage, the embryonic cell cycle arrests in an artificially produced G2 phase-like state, after completion of one additional round of DNA synthesis. Approximately 100 nuclei can be arrested in a common cytoplasm if cytokinesis is first inhibited by cytochalasin B. Within 5 min after injection of MPF into such embryos, the nuclear envelope surrounding each nucleus disperses, as determined histologically or by immunofluorescent staining of the nuclear lamina with antilamin antiserum. The breakdown of the nuclear envelope occurs at levels of MPF comparable to or slightly lower than those required for oocyte maturation. Amplification of MPF activity, however, does not occur in the arrested egg as it does in the oocyte. These results suggest that MPF can act to advance interphase nuclei into the first events of mitosis and show that the nuclear lamina responds rapidly to MPF.  相似文献   

sn-1,2-Diacylglycerol (DAG) mass and translocation of protein kinase C alpha and beta to a membrane fraction increased approximately 7 min after insemination of Xenopus laevis eggs. The DAG mass increase of 48 pmol (from 62 to 110 pmol/cell) was greater than that for inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3; an increase of approximately 170 fmol or approximately 280-fold smaller than the DAG increase), and DAG peaks approximately 5 min after IP3. Choline mass (a measure of phosphatidyl choline-specific phospholipase D) also peaked before DAG and the choline increase (134 pmol/cell) was greater than that of DAG. There was no detectable change in phosphocholine mass (a measure of phosphatidylcholine-specific phospholipase C). During first cleavage, DAG decreased, PKC translocation was low, and choline increased and peaked (whereas published work shows an increase in IP3 mass). Artificial elevation of intracellular calcium ([Ca2+]i) increased DAG levels but prevention of the [Ca2+]i increase after fertilization did not block DAG production. Thus, sperm stimulate production of DAG and choline through [Ca2+]i-independent and [Ca2+]i-dependent paths.  相似文献   

Vitelline envelopes are composed of glycoproteins that participate in sperm-egg interactions during the initial stages of fertilization. In Xenopus laevis, the vitelline envelope is composed of at least 4 glycoproteins (ZPA, ZPB, ZPC, and ZPX). A sperm binding assay involving the covalent coupling of envelope glycoproteins to silanized glass slides was developed. In our assay, sperm bound to the egg envelopes derived from oviposited eggs but not activated eggs. The majority of the egg envelope ligand activity for sperm binding was derived from the complex N-linked oligosaccharides of ZPC. This sperm binding involved N-acetylglucosamine and fucose residues, as binding was abolished after treatment with cortical granule beta-N-acetylglucosaminidase and commercial beta-N-acetylglucosaminidases and was reduced by 44% after treatment with alpha-fucosidase. Although both the envelope glycoproteins ZPA and ZPC possessed independent ligand activity, ZPC was the major ligand for sperm binding (75%). Mixing of isolated ZPA, ZPB, and ZPC in a ratio of 1:4:4 (equal to that in the egg envelope) resulted in sperm binding that was greater than that of the sum of the separate components. The egg glycoproteins acted in synergy to increase sperm binding. Thus, ZPC possessed both independent and hetero-oligomeric-dependent ligand activities for sperm binding.  相似文献   

J Wagner  Y X Li  J Pearson    J Keizer 《Biophysical journal》1998,75(4):2088-2097
In the preceding paper Fontanilla and Nuccitelli (Biophysical Journal 75:2079-2087 (1998)) present detailed measurements of the shape and speed of the fertilization Ca2+ wave in Xenopus laevis eggs. In order to help interpret their results, we develop here a computational technique based on the finite element method that allows us to carry out realistic simulations of the fertilization wave. Our simulations support the hypothesis that the physiological state of the mature egg is bistable, i.e., that its cytoplasm can accommodate two alternative physiological Ca2+ concentrations: a low concentration characteristic of the prefertilization state and a greatly elevated concentration characteristic of the state following the passage of the wave. We explore this hypothesis by assuming that the bistability is due to the release and re-uptake properties of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) as determined by inositol trisphosphate (IP3) receptor/Ca2+ channels and sarcoendoplasmic reticulum calcium ATPase (SERCA) pumps. When combined with buffered diffusion of Ca2+ in the cytoplasm, our simulations show that inhomogeneities in the Ca2+ release properties near the plasma membrane are required to explain the temporal and spatial dependences of the shape and speed of these waves. Our results are consistent with an elevated IP3 concentration near the plasma membrane in the unfertilized egg that is augmented significantly near the site of fertilization. These gradients are essential in determining the concave shape of the Ca2+ fertilization wave front.  相似文献   

The vitelline envelope (VE) that surrounds an egg released from the ovary into the coelom of Xenopus laevis differs markedly, in structure and penetrability, from the VE surrounding an oviposited egg. In a coelomic egg, the filaments that form the VE are arranged in distinct fascicles or bundles. The exterior surface of the VE is irregular in contour and is permeated by channels. In an oviposited egg, the filaments are evenly dispersed and lack a fasciculated arrangement; the exterior surface is smooth and no channels are present. The fascicular arrangement of fibrils in the coelomic VE is maintained only at neutral pH, and is not visibly altered by the cortical reaction. VEs from coelomic eggs retain their fasciculated morphology after isolation from the egg. In an in vitro test system, sperm penetrated VEs isolated from oviposited eggs, but failed to penetrate VEs isolated from coelomic eggs. The structural transformation of the VE from the coelomic type to the oviposited type occurs in the first 1-cm segment of the oviduct, prior to addition of jelly to the egg. Neither intact jelly, solubilized jelly, nor jelly extracts were capable of altering the structural organization of coelomic VEs, suggesting that the structural transformation of the VE is effected by some oviducal factor other than jelly.  相似文献   

The glycoproteins of the Xenopus laevis egg envelope function in fertilization and development. As the unfertilizable coelomic egg transits the pars recta region of the oviduct, it is converted to a fertilizable egg by limited proteolysis of the envelope glycoprotein gp43 to gp41. This conversion is caused by an oviductally secreted serine active site protease, oviductin. We cloned a cDNA for gp43 from an oocyte cDNA library. The cDNA encoded a 454 amino acid protein homologous to the ZPC family of glycoproteins previously shown to be present in mammalian and fish egg envelopes. Conserved ZPC domains and motifs present in the Xenopus sequence included a signal peptide sequence, an N-linked glycosylation site, and 12 aligned Cys residues. In mammalian and Xenopus sequences, a furin-like (convertase) site and a C-terminal transmembrane domain were present reflecting the biosynthesis of ZPC in these species via the secretory glycoprotein pathway. However, fish envelope glycoproteins lack these sequences since they are synthesized via a different route (in the liver, transported to the ovary, and assembled into the egg envelope surrounding the oocyte). Consensus amino acid residues were identified by sequence comparisons of seven ZPC family members; 19% of the amino acid residues were invariant and 48% of the residues were identical in at least four of the seven sequences. The consensus sequence was used to make structure-fertilization function predictions for this phylogenetically conserved family of glycoproteins.  相似文献   

Egg surface proteins of Xenopus laevis were compared between unfertilized and fertilized egg surfaces before the first cleavage. The egg surfaces were isolated in acetone. The macromolecular compositions of egg surfaces were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and were shown to contain at least 30 proteins with molecular weights ranging from 27,000 to 200,000. At 50 min after fertilization, one spot with a molecular weight of 160,000 disappeared and two bands with molecular weights of 190,000 and 180,000 increased gradually after fertilization. Although the disappearance of the spot was not affected by colchicine or cytochalasin B, intensification of the two bands was inhibited completely by the two agents.  相似文献   

 All vertebrate eggs have extracellular matrices, referred to as the zona pellucida in Mus musculus and the vitelline envelope in Xenopus laevis. The mouse zona, composed of three sulfated glycoproteins (ZP1, ZP2, ZP3), is critical for fertilization and early development, and mice lacking a zona pellucida produce no live offspring. The primary structures of mouse ZP1 (623 amino acids), ZP2 (713 amino acids) and ZP3 (424 amino acids) have been deduced from full-length cDNAs, but posttranslational modifications result in mature zona proteins with molecular masses of 200–180 kDa, 140–120 kDa, and 83 kDa, respectively. The vitelline envelope forms a similar structure around Xenopus eggs and contains three glycoproteins that are structurally related (39–48% amino acid similarity) to the three mouse zona proteins. To investigate whether the structural semblances are sufficient to allow incorporation of the mouse zona proteins into the Xenopus vitelline envelope, capped synthetic mRNAs encoding ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3 proteins were injected into the cytoplasm of stage VI Xenopus oocytes. After 20 h of incubation the oocytes were harvested, and posttranslationally modified zona proteins were detected with monoclonal antibodies specific to mouse ZP1, ZP2, and ZP3. The oocytes were imaged with confocal microscopy to detect individual zona proteins in the extracellular matrix of the oocytes, and this localization was confirmed biochemically. Thus the mouse zona proteins appear to have been sufficiently conserved through 350 million years of evolution to be incorporated into the extracellular envelope surrounding Xenopus eggs. Received: 5 January 1999 / Accepted: 12 February 1999  相似文献   

Critical developmental periods, such as fertilization, involve metabolic activation, membrane fusion events such as sperm-egg or plasma membrane-cortical granule merger, and production and hydrolysis of phospholipids. However, there has been no large-scale quantification of phospholipid changes during fertilization. Using an enzymatic assay, traditional FA analysis by TLC and gas chromatography, along with a new method of phospholipid measurement involving HPLC separation and evaporative light-scattering detection, we report lipid levels in eggs, sperm, and during fertilization in Xenopus laevis. Sperm were found to contain different amounts of phospholipids as compared with eggs. During fertilization, total phosphatidylinositol, lysophosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin, and phosphatidylserine decreased, and ceramide increased, whereas there was no change in phosphatidylcholine, cardiolipin, or phosphatidylethanolamine. FA analysis of phospholipids found numerous changes during fertilization. Because there is an increase in sn-1,2-diacylglycerol at fertilization, the FAs associated with this increase and the source of the increase in this neutral lipid were examined. Finally, activation of phospholipase C, phospholipase D, phospholipase A2, autotoxin, and sphingomyelinase at fertilization is discussed.  相似文献   

Cohen S  Méchali M 《EMBO reports》2002,3(12):1168-1174
Instability and plasticity of telomeric DNA, which includes extrachromosomal DNA, are usually correlated with the absence of telomerase and with abnormal growth of mammalian cells. Here, we show the formation of extrachromosomal circular DNA of telomeric repeats (tel-eccDNA) during the development of Xenopus laevis. Tel-eccDNA is double-stranded relaxed circles composed of the vertebrate consensus telomeric repeats (TTAGGG)n. Its size varies from <2 to >20 kb and it comprises up to 10% of the total cellular telomere content of the early embryo (pre-MBT stage). The amount of tel-eccDNA is reduced in later developmental stages and in adult tissues. Using a cell-free system derived from Xenopus egg extracts, we show that tel-eccDNA can be formed de novo from the telomere chromosomal tracts of sperm nuclei and naked DNA in a replication-independent manner. These results reveal an unusual plasticity of telomeric DNA during normal development of Xenopus.  相似文献   

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