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Charlotte M. Young 《CMAJ》1965,93(17):900-910
The terms “body weight” and “body composition” are by no means synonymous, and attention is increasingly being focused on body composition. A measurement of relative fatness is a better criterion of caloric overnutrition than is body weight.The simple technique of skinfold measurement using established standard methods is the most practical for use in the field to obtain an estimate of fatness or caloric overnutrition. The current need is for the establishment of “norms” for skinfolds for population groups of all ages and both sexes. When these are established, excellent simple criteria for overnutrition will be available.Prior to the establishment of norms, more work is needed to indicate which skinfolds for each age group and for each sex best reflect total body fatness. Body fatness may then be studied in relation to body weight and both may be related to morbidity, mortality and longevity. Finally, the answer may be obtained to the question whether it is overweight per se or overfatness that is related to excess morbidity and mortality.  相似文献   

1. The critical thermal increments are calculated for respiratory processes (O2 consumption, CO2 production) in various plants and animals. They are characteristically found to be of two, possibly three, types: µ = 11,500, and 16,100 or 16,700. The first is commonly encountered above 15°, the second below that temperature, but these relations may be reversed. (The value of µ may be significantly changed in inanition.) 2. For reduction of methylene blue by bacteria, through removal of H from succinic acid, µ = 16,700. This process (Quastel and Whetham, 1924) at constant temperature is a function of the hydroxyl ion concentration. The suggestive identity is pointed out of the critical increment for this reduction phenomenon with that deduced for biological respirations in which a dehydrogenation mechanism is supposed to be of widespread occurrence, and in connection with which Fe very likely has a catalytic rôle. The action of OH'' is believed to be revealed in the value µ = 11,500, frequently obtained in connection with respiration. 3. A somewhat lower µ (16,140) is associated with the oxidation of Fe'''', and may be compared with (1) that of respiration in sea urchin eggs, for which (Warburg) iron is catalyst, and (2) that for some simple reactions in which Fe is known to serve as catalyst; it is not found for oxidative reactions in which Fe is not involved. 4. The bearing of these findings is discussed in relation to the theory of functional analysis of concurrent catalyzed reactions in protoplasm. It is shown that for a number of activities in which the effects of respiration may safely be assumed, the values of the critical increments are consistent with those determined for processes of respiration. 5. The further development of these views may lead to an extremely important method of identifying controlling reactions in undisturbed living matter.  相似文献   


The ligand binding assay is a powerful tool in the search for antagonists for novel receptors, and for identification of novel classes of antagonists for well-known receptors. Ligand binding mass screening can be adapted for very high throughput. In order for mass screening to be useful, it is necessary to strictly define the binding characteristics for a compound to be considered a putative receptor antagonist. In practice, we have found that synthetic pursuit of a compound with a Ki of ± 1 uM is likely to lead down a blind alley unless very good evidence for specificity is available. Even potent competitors for binding should be thoroughly evaluated in assays of biological activity before a synthetic program is initiated in earnest.  相似文献   

Spatial autocorrelation plays an important role in geographical analysis; however, there is still room for improvement of this method. The formula for Moran’s index is complicated, and several basic problems remain to be solved. Therefore, I will reconstruct its mathematical framework using mathematical derivation based on linear algebra and present four simple approaches to calculating Moran’s index. Moran’s scatterplot will be ameliorated, and new test methods will be proposed. The relationship between the global Moran’s index and Geary’s coefficient will be discussed from two different vantage points: spatial population and spatial sample. The sphere of applications for both Moran’s index and Geary’s coefficient will be clarified and defined. One of theoretical findings is that Moran’s index is a characteristic parameter of spatial weight matrices, so the selection of weight functions is very significant for autocorrelation analysis of geographical systems. A case study of 29 Chinese cities in 2000 will be employed to validate the innovatory models and methods. This work is a methodological study, which will simplify the process of autocorrelation analysis. The results of this study will lay the foundation for the scaling analysis of spatial autocorrelation.  相似文献   

The retina is a good model for the developing central nervous system. The large size of the eye and most importantly the accessibility for experimental manipulations in ovo/in vivo makes the chicken embryonic retina a versatile and very efficient experimental model. Although the chicken retina is easy to target in ovo by intraocular injections or electroporation, the effective and exact concentration of the reagents within the retina may be difficult to fully control. This may be due to variations of the exact injection site, leakage from the eye or uneven diffusion of the substances. Furthermore, the frequency of malformations and mortality after invasive manipulations such as electroporation is rather high.This protocol describes an ex ovo technique for culturing whole retinal explants from chicken embryos and provides a method for controlled exposure of the retina to reagents. The protocol describes how to dissect, experimentally manipulate, and culture whole retinal explants from chicken embryos. The explants can be cultured for approximately 24 hr and be subjected to different manipulations such as electroporation. The major advantages are that the experiment is not dependent on the survival of the embryo and that the concentration of the introduced reagent can be varied and controlled in order to determine and optimize the effective concentration. Furthermore, the technique is rapid, cheap and together with its high experimental success rate, it ensures reproducibleresults. It should be emphasized that it serves as an excellent complement to experiments performed in ovo.  相似文献   

Many physicians and others are convinced that there is a pressing need for more discussion and more agreement concerning what ought to be the scope of medicine in today''s society. At the present moment, there is no general consensus either within or without the profession. Yet if the responsibility is ever to be met, its scope must be recognized and somehow defined.The editors of California Medicine propose to provide a forum in this journal for discussion of the scope and responsibility of medicine. This is a forum with a purpose, and so far as is known, an innovation in medical journalism. The forum is initiated with the statements beginning on the following page. Readers and others are invited to submit their views constructively and succinctly. As many of these as space permits will be published in future issues of California Medicine as a continuation of this forum. At an appropriate time all the material will be collated and, if feasible, the distillate will be prepared in the form of a statement on “The Scope and Responsibility of Medicine” to be submitted to the Council of the California Medical Association for its consideration.The statements which follow are the concisely expressed views of distinguished scholars, educators, statesmen and practitioners in the health field. It is hoped their views on this timely and important subject will provoke thought and comment among the readers of this journal  相似文献   

Aim, Scope and Background  When materials are recycled they are made available for use for several future life cycles and can therefore replace virgin material more than just once. In order to analyse the optimal waste management system for a given material, the authors have analysed the material flows in a life cycle perspective. It is important to distinguish this approach for material flow analysis for a given material from life cycle analysis of products. A product life cycle analysis analyses the product system from cradle to grave, but uses some form of allocation in order to separate the life cycle of one product from another in cases where component materials are recycled. This paper does not address allocation of burdens between different product systems, but rather focuses on methodology for decision making for waste management systems where the optimal waste management system for a given material is analysed. The focus here is the flow of the given material from cradle (raw material extraction) to grave (the material, or its inherent energy, is no longer available for use). The limitation on the number of times materials can be recycled is set by either the recycling rate, or the technical properties of the recycled material. Main Features  This article describes a mathematical geometric progression approach that can be used to expand the system boundaries and allow for recycling a given number of times. Case studies for polyethylene and paperboard are used to illustrate the importance of including these aspects when part of the Goal and Scope for the LCA study is to identify which waste management treatment options are best for a given material. The results and discussion examine the different conclusions that can be reached about which waste management option is most environmentally beneficial when the higher burdens and benefits of recycling several times are taken into account. Results  In order to assess the complete picture of the burdens and benefits arising from recycling the system boundaries must be expanded to allow for recycling many times. A mathematical geometric progression approach manages to take into account the higher burdens and benefits arising from recycling several times. If one compares different waste management systems, e.g. energy recovery with recycling, without expanding the system to include the complete effects of material recycling one can reach a different conclusion about which waste management option is preferred. Conclusions  When the purpose of the study is to compare different waste management options, it is important that the system boundaries are expanded in order to include several recycling loops where this is a physical reality. The equations given in this article can be used to include these recycling loops. The error introduced by not expanding the system boundaries can be significant. This error can be large enough to change the conclusions of a comparative study, such that material recycling followed by incineration is a much better option than waste incineration directly. Recommendations and Outlook  When comparing waste management solutions, where material recycling is a feasible option, it is important to include the relevant number of recycling loops to ensure that the benefits of material recycling are not underestimated. The methodology presented in this article should be used in future comparative studies for strategic decision-making for waste management. The approach should not be used for LCAs for product systems without due care, as this could lead to double counting of the benefits of recycling (depending on the goal and scope of the analysis). For materials where the material cycle is more of a closed loop and one cannot truly say that recycled materials replace virgin materials, a more sophisticated approach will be required, taking into account the fact that recycled materials will only replace a certain proportion of virgin materials.  相似文献   

The inactivation properties of a model of the nerve membrane are examined. The inactivation kinetics are closely first order and may be characterized by Hodgkin-Huxley (H-H) parameters h and τh which depend on potential in agreement with experiments. Some differences from the H-H equations are identified. The forms predicted for τh variation with hyper-polarization and change of external [K+] agree with available data. While the inactivation time delay predicted by the model is too small to be detected experimentally, there are grounds for expecting that it may be larger in other tissues, as observed in Myxicola giant axons. The variation of the delay with test potential is predicted to be exponential. Although the model is coupled in the sense defined by Hoyt, it gives rise to an inactivation shift of negligible magnitude. However, introducing a simple variability in one physical parameter leads to the observed form of both the peak transient current voltage relation and the inactivation shift. Inactivation shift thus does not unambiguously indicate coupling; that it results from parametric heterogeneity may be a better hypothesis, and is readily testable. The inactivation shift dependence on current ratio, from experimental data, can be used to correct for the effects of parametric heterogeneity and obtain the value of a previously predicted fundamental parameter of excitable membranes. It is suggested that the effects of parametric heterogeneity must be considered in interpreting experiments and designing models for excitable systems.  相似文献   

Summary The phosphorylase reaction in rat brain is strong, but for its correct evaluation in pathological states certain precautions are needed. Control material from animals of the same age should be used identically and simultaneously with the pathological, preferably freezing blocks from each on the same holder. Several sections should be cut and then the holder rotated through 180° and more sections cut, thus avoiding changes in section thickness which can drastically influence the color reactions, i.e., apparent phosphorylase activity. The time the animal is killed until its brain is frozen should be less than 5 min, preferably 11/2 to 3 min, to limit postmortem changes in the enzyme.Preparing the stock incubating medium and storing it at 4°C does not affect the potency of the medium; this procedure is convenient and eliminates more variables.Small amounts of medium can be placed between two slides set at right angles to each other. The height of the chamber, equal to the thickness of a slide, is uniform.Prefixation of the cryostat sections in cold acetone (4°C) for 5 min can be useful for obtaining sharper enzyme localization.AMP is the nucleotide of choice for stimulating full phosphorylase reaction. The inclusion of glycogen in the incubating medium is also necessary.The optimal incubation time for phosphorylase + branching enzyme is about 1/2 hr for 16 sections. For phosphorylase alone (active or total) it is about 2 hr. Dehydrating, clearing, and mounting in iodine-containing solutions is not recommended nor is it necessary. The best preservation of original colors, which is important for the correct interpretation of the results, is accomplished by sealing the preparations mounted in iodine-glycerin with paraffin.  相似文献   

Drosophila possesses an inherited reflex response to a moving visual pattern which can be used to measure its capacity for intensity discrimination and its visual acuity at different illuminations. It is found that these two properties of vision run approximately parallel courses as functions of the prevailing intensity. Visual acuity varies with the logarithm of the intensity in much the same sigmoid way as in man, the bee, and the fiddler crab. The resolving power is very poor at low illuminations and increases at high illuminations. The maximum visual acuity is 0.0018, which is 1/1000 of the maximum of the human eye and 1/10 that of the bee. The intensity discrimination of Drosophila is also extremely poor, even at its best. At low illuminations for two intensities to be recognized as different, the higher must be nearly 100 times the lower. This ratio decreases as the intensity increases, and reaches a minimum of 2.5 which is maintained at the highest intensities. The minimum value of ΔI/I for Drosophila is 1.5, which is to be compared with 0.25 for the bee and 0.006 for man. An explanation of the variation of visual acuity with illumination is given in terms of the variation in number of elements functional in the retinal mosaic at different intensities, this being dependent on the general statistical distribution of thresholds in the ommatidial population. Visual acuity is thus determined by the integral form of this distribution and corresponds to the total number of elements functional. The idea that intensity discrimination is determined by the differential form of this distribution—that is, that it depends on the rate of entrance of functional elements with intensity—is shown to be untenable in the light of the correspondence of the two visual functions. It is suggested that, like visual acuity, intensity discrimination may also have to be considered as a function of the total number of elements active at a given intensity.  相似文献   

Population composition is often estimated by double sampling in which the value of a covariate is noted on each of a large number of randomly selected units and the value of the covariate and the exact class to which the unit belongs is noted for a smaller sample. The cross‐classified sample can be used to estimate the classification rates and these, in turn, can be used in conjunction with the estimated distribution of the covariate to obtain an improved estimate of the population composition over that obtained by direct observation of the identity of the individuals in a small sample. There are two approaches to this problem characterized by the way in which the classification rates are defined. The simplest approach uses estimates of the probability P(i | j) that the unit is actually in class i given that the covariate is in class j. The more complicated approach uses estimates of the probability Pi | j) that the covariate falls in class j given that the unit is actually in class i. The latter approach involves estimating more parameters than the former but avoids the necessity for the two samples to be drawn from the same population. We show the two approaches can be combined when there are multiple surveys. For example, one might conduct a disease survey for several years; in each year the accurate and/or error‐prone techniques may be applied to samples. The sensitivities and specificities of the error‐prone test are assumed constant across surveys. Generalizations allow for more than one error‐prone classifier and partial verification (estimation of misclassification rates by application of the accurate technique to fixed subsamples from each error‐prone category). The general approach is illustrated by considering a repeated survey for malaria.  相似文献   


A model of hydrophobic collapse (in silico), which is generally considered to be the driving force for protein folding, is presented in this work. The model introduces the external field in the form of a fuzzy-oil-drop assumed to represent the environment. The drop is expressed in the form of a three-dimensional Gauss function. The usual probability value is assumed to represent the hydrophobicity distribution in the three-dimensional space of the virtual environment. The differences between this idealized hydrophobicity distribution and the one represented by the folded polypeptide chain is the parameter to be minimized in the structure optimization procedure. The size of fuzzy-oil-drop is critical for the folding process. A strong correlation between protein length and the dimension of the native and early-stage molecular form was found on the basis of single-domain proteins analysis. A previously presented early-stage folding (in silico) model was used to create the starting structure for the procedure of late-stage folding of lysozyme. The results of simulation were found to be promising, although additional improvements for the formation of β-structure and disulfide bonds as well as the participation of natural ligand in folding process seem to be necessary.  相似文献   

The Cobalt Requirement of Non-legume Root Nodule Plants   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
As already shown for Alnus glutinosa, cobalt is found to beessential for the proper growth of nodulated plants of Casuarinacunninghamiana and Myrica gale in a nitrogen-free rooting medium.If cobalt is not supplied, the plants develop symptoms of nitrogendeficiency; under the conditions of the experiments such symptomsbecame pronounced during the second season of growth of theseperennial plants. No cobalt requirement could be detected innon-nodulated plants of Alnus and Myrica supplied with nitrateor ammonium-nitrogen, and this suggests that in nodulated plantsthe need for cobalt is confined to the nodules. Vitamin B12analogues are shown to be present in the nodules in relativelylarge amounts when cobalt is supplied, their formation beingattributed to the endophytes, which may therefore require cobaltfor their growth. The great reduction in fixation of atmosphericnitrogen in cobalt-deficient nodules may be due to a retardedgrowth of the endophyte, though this is not the only possibility.The cobalt relation of these non-legumes appears to be basicallysimilar to that of legumes.  相似文献   

Spanish territories contain many of the hot spots of plant biodiversity among European countries. Most of the Spanish territory is found in the Mediterranean basin and in the Canary Islands, a region of great floral singularity and diversity (Macaronesian bioregion). Therefore, an important effort must be made to contribute to its conservation. Several strategies can be considered, but seed conservation under standard conditions is the most resource-efficient method. However, the application of this methodology is not always possible for recalcitrant seeds or species for which vegetative propagation is necessary or convenient under some circumstances. Micropropagation is one of the measures suggested for preserving endangered species. During the 1990s, several in vitro culture protocols for Spanish endemics were established. The main purpose of this strategy was to obtain a considerable number of individuals to reduce the loss of natural populations. Likewise, diverse slow growth protocols were developed for this material. However, these efforts usually did not lead to the establishment of in vitro collections. The advantages and disadvantages of the in vitro conservation strategy will be reviewed for some cases. The establishment of the in vitro protocols together with the development of cryopreservation techniques created the ideal conditions to generate cryogenic collections. In this paper, we review the knowledge and experience accumulated during the last decades in micropropagation, slow growth, and cryopreservation for Spanish plant wild species. Their application in the development ex situ collections and their contribution toward an integrated system to conserve threatened species will be discussed.  相似文献   

T. L. Fisher 《CMAJ》1964,91(26):1363-1365
Sexual sterilization is legal when it is an integral part of a procedure for the preservation of the life or health of a patient. Done for other reasons it may not be illegal, but this has not been tested in Canadian courts. It is, broadly speaking, a surgical procedure; it is commonly, but not always, successful; complications, while rare, do occur; the results tend to be irreversible. The same end, the prevention of pregnancy, may be attained by other methods which are safer, less liable to complications, less permanent and so should be used unless contraindicated. Patients'' statements that they do not like contraceptives should not be accepted as a reason for sterilization. Sexual sterilization should be reserved for those occasions when it is necessary for the preservation of the health or life of the individual who is to be sterilized.  相似文献   

The rate of milk secretion in farrow cows may be expressed as See PDF for Equation, in which y = yield and t = time from calving. Pregnancy causes a decrease in yield which may be expressed as See PDF for Equation, in which i = inhibition or decrease in yield and p = time from conception. The constant K appears to be the same for various groups but b is roughly proportional to a. The decrease in yield associated with pregnancy is interpreted as due to a hormone. The hormone hypothesis also affords an interpretation of the increasing rate of milk secretion which occurs for a short time following parturition.  相似文献   

Purpose: A cochlea modeling approach is presented allowing for a user defined degree of geometry simplification which automatically adjusts to the patient specific anatomy. Model generation can be performed in a straightforward manner due to error estimation prior to the actual generation, thus minimizing modeling time. Therefore, the presented technique is well suited for a wide range of applications including finite element analyses where geometrical simplifications are often inevitable. Methods: The method is presented for n=5 cochleae which were segmented using a custom software for increased accuracy. The linear basilar membrane cross sections are expanded to areas while the scalae contours are reconstructed by a predefined number of arc segments. Prior to model generation, geometrical errors are evaluated locally for each cross section as well as globally for the resulting models and their basal turn profiles. The final combination of all reconditioned features to a 3D volume is performed in Autodesk Inventor using the loft feature. Results: Due to the volume generation based on cubic splines, low errors could be achieved even for low numbers of arc segments and provided cross sections, both of which correspond to a strong degree of model simplification. Model generation could be performed in a time efficient manner. Conclusion: The proposed simplification method was proven to be well suited for the helical cochlea geometry. The generated output data can be imported into commercial software tools for various analyses representing a time efficient way to create cochlea models optimally suited for the desired task.  相似文献   

Adverse influences on motivation for recovery from alcoholism must be searched for in three areas: society, the medical practitioner and the patient. Society is ambivalent because there is a vicarious release through identification with the cheerful “drunk” coupled with unconscious envy and resentment leading to punitive action.The current “alcohol culture” decrees that to drink is to be well, not to drink is to be ill.The medical profession attempts to suppress, deny, rationalize or reject the problem of alcoholism because it involves a change in attitude and recognition of limitations.The alcoholic patient has a notorious lack of motivation, but this must be recognized as a symptom of his disease, and with certain techniques this symptom is treatable. Furthermore, motivation fluctuates and many opportunities for treatment are available when the medical practitioner can detect that motivation is high. At times a coercive approach is required, at times a permissive one; and the optimal use of such approaches will increase the motivation to an effective level.  相似文献   

淫羊藿属是分类学上研究的热点和难点,其类群发表和修订均较频繁。为更清晰掌握淫羊藿属的性状变异,该文在查阅该属研究成果和标本的基础上,结合课题组野外调查和分析,对该属重要性状进行系统梳理。花瓣式样是淫羊藿属分类的最重要依据,但并非绝对稳定,种内花瓣形态可能存在丰富变异。花瓣颜色、花药颜色,甚至花的大小至少在部分类群中不宜作为分类的主要依据。根茎性状在多数类群中不失为一个有用的分类性状,但不能一概而论,应基于广泛调查。多数类群的花茎上叶的类型及小叶存在不同程度的变异,在实际应用中存在一定困难。非腺毛特征十分复杂,不同样本存在不同程度差异,不宜作为物种鉴别的关键依据。淫羊藿属植物栽培后植株普遍更矮小,提示开展自然生境下的调查和形态观测对掌握物种形态特征非常必要。中国淫羊藿属类群仍处于活跃进化中,其形态变异复杂,物种鉴定和资源利用时应足够谨慎。  相似文献   

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