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Most colon cancers arise within preexisting adenomatous polyps or adenomas. The slow evolution from the non-invasive premalignant lesion, the adenomatous polyp, to invasive cancer supports a strategy of early detection. Recently, we identified unique nuclear matrix proteins (NMPs) specific for colon cancer (CC2, CC3, CC4, CC5). Most of the NMPs identified are common to all cell types, but several identified NMPs are tissue and cell line specific. The objective of this study is to describe and characterize the NMP profile of premalignant adenomatous colon polyps. Specifically when in the adenoma-carcinoma sequence four specific colon cancer NMPs, previously described, appear. Using two-dimensional (2-D) gel analysis 20 colon polyps (one juvenile polyp, six tubular adenoma (TA), seven tubulovillous adenoma (TVA), six TVA with focal high-grade dysplasia (HGD), were analyzed for the presence of four (CC2, CC3, CC4, CC5) specific NMPs. CC2 was not seen in any of the premalignant polyps. CC5 was present in only two premalignant TVA with HGD and in one TA. CC3 and CC4 were present in most adenomas. None of the NMPs were seen in the juvenile polyp, which is not considered to be a precursor of colon cancer. CC2 and CC5 are NMPs expressed at the junction of an advanced adenoma and invasive colorectal cancer. CC3 and CC4 are expressed earlier in the evolution of adenomatous polyps. Development of an assay to these proteins may serve as a new method for early detection of colorectal cancer.  相似文献   

Colon cancer is one of the most common malignancies among populations in the United States and Western Europe, and one of the leading causes of worldwide morbidity and mortality due to cancer. The early detection of colon cancer is central to the effective treatment of this disease and early detection markers are needed. We have demonstrated that high-resolution two-dimensional gel analysis of nuclear matrix proteins (NMPs) demonstrated a specific oncological fingerprint of colon cancer. Utilizing this approach, four proteins specific for colon cancer was identified. Additionally, one protein was expressed much more strongly in colon cancer compared to adjacent and normal donor tissue. The amino acid composition of this protein revealed sequence similarity with calreticulin. The multi-functional protein, calreticulin, is normally found in the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum although some reports have described a nuclear localization of the protein. The aim of this study was to confirm the identity of the protein as calreticulin as well as to evaluate the localization of calreticulin in the nuclear matrix of colon cancer tissue.  相似文献   

There are few biomarkers that have been developed which have proven clinical utility for the detection and prognosis of cancer. Cancer is diagnosed today, in large part, by examining cells under the microscope and determining the shape and texture of the nucleus. The molecular underpinnings of this hallmark of cancer are the components of the nuclear matrix. Utilizing proteomics focused on this subset of proteins, biomarkers have been identified that are specific for cancer types including prostate, colon and bladder cancer. These cancer biomarkers now serve as the basis of assays which can specifically identify individuals with cancer by sampling their blood and/or urine. In addition, these may serve as potential therapeutic targeting or imaging approaches.  相似文献   

The nuclear matrix (NM) contains a number of proteins that have been found to be associated with transformation. We have previously identified changes in the NM associated with prostate cancer. In this study, we examine the molecular changes that are associated with prostate cancer development in transgenic adenocarcinoma of mouse prostate (TRAMP) model by studying the differences in the NM proteins (NMPs). We collected prostates from the TRAMP males at six critical time points: 6 weeks (puberty), 11 and 19 weeks (development of mild hyperplasia), 25 weeks (development of severe hyperplasia), 31 and 37 weeks (development of neoplasia). The nuclear matrices from the prostates collected at these time points were then isolated and the NMPs were characterized by high-resolution two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. We found three NMPs (E1A, E1B, and E1C) that were present in the 6-week-old prostate and two NMPs (E2A and E2B) that were present in the 11-week-old prostate. These NMPs were absent in the 31- and 37-week-old prostate. We also found five NMPs (E3A-E3E) that were present in the 31-week-old prostate, but absent in the earlier time points. In addition, three NMPs (Le1, Le2, Le3) were present at higher expression in the 6-, 11-, 19-, and 25-weeks old TRAMP prostates, but they were expressed lower during the development of neoplasia at 31- and 37-weeks old. Identification of these NMPs permits the development of novel markers that can characterize various stages of prostate cancer development as well as potentially therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

Cancer is diagnosed by examining the architectural alterations to cells and tissues. Changes in nuclear structure are among the most universal of these and include increases in nuclear size, deformities in nuclear shape, and changes in the internal organization of the nucleus. These may all reflect changes in the nuclear matrix, a non-chromatin nuclear scaffolding determining nuclear form, higher order chromatin folding, and the spatial organization of nucleic acid metabolism. Malignancy-induced changes in this structure may have profound effects on chromatin folding, on the fidelity of genome replication, and on gene expression. Elucidating the mechanisms and the biological consequences of nuclear changes will require the identification of the major structural molecules of the internal nuclear matrix and an understanding of their assembly into structural elements. If biochemical correlates to malignant alterations in nuclear structure can be identified then nuclear matrix proteins and, perhaps nuclear matrix-associated structural RNAs, may be an attractive set of diagnostic markers and therapeutic targets. J. Cell. Biochem. 70:172–180, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The deleted in colorectal cancer (DCC) gene encodes a 170- to 190-kDa protein of the Immunoglobulin superfamily. Firstly identified as a tumor suppressor gene in human colorectal carcinomas, the main function for DCC has been described in the nervous system as part of a receptor complex for netrin-1. Moreover, roles in mucosecretory cell differentiation and as inducer of apoptosis have also been reported. DCC knockout mice supported a crucial role for this gene in axonal migration, yet questioned its implication in tumor suppression and mucosecretory differentiation. The work presented here demonstrates that a DCC-transfected HT-29 colonic human cell line (HT-29/DCC) displays an increase in cell-cell adhesion to the detriment of cell-matrix interactions: HT-29/DCC cells exhibit more and better-structured desmosomes while focal adhesions and hemidesmosomes are disrupted. HT-29/DCC cells show no changes in adherent junctions but upon treatment with TPA, HT-29/DCC cells show resistance to scattering, and maintain E-cadherin in the membrane. In addition, the actin cytoskeleton is affected in HT-29/DCC cells: stress fibers are disrupted while cortical actin remains intact. We identified a putative ERM-M (ezrin/radixin/moesin and merlin) binding domain in the juxtamembrane region of the DCC protein. In vitro pull-down assays demonstrate the interaction of the DCC cytoplasmic domain with the N-terminal region of ezrin and merlin, and co-immunoprecipitation assays in transiently DCC-transfected COS-1 cells showed that the interaction between DCC and ezrin also takes place in vivo. Altogether, our results suggest that DCC could regulate cell adhesion and migration through its association with ERM-M proteins.  相似文献   

Currently, there are no specific markers available for the early detection and for monitoring testicular cancer. Based upon an approach that targets nuclear structure, we have identified a set of proteins that are specific for seminomas, which may then have clinical utility for the disease. Utilizing samples obtained from men with no evidence of testicular cancer (n = 5) as well as those with seminomas (n = 6), nuclear matrix proteins were extracted and separated using a high‐resolution two‐dimensional electrophoresis gel system. The proteins were identified by mass spectrometry analysis. These analyses revealed seven nuclear matrix proteins associated with the normal testes, which did not appear in the seminomas. In the seminomas, four nuclear matrix proteins were identified to be associated with the disease that were absent in the normal testes. Mass spectrometric and immunoblot analyses of these proteins revealed that one of the proteins identified in the normal testes appears to be StAR‐related lipid transfer protein 7 (StARD7). In the non‐seminoma tissues, one of the identified proteins appears to be cell division protein kinase 10 (CDK10). Both StarD7 and CDK10 could potentially be involved in cell differentiation and growth, and thus may serve as potential targets for therapy of prognostication of seminomas. This is the first study to examine the role of nuclear structural proteins as potential biomarkers in testicular cancer. We are currently examining the roles of some of the identified proteins as potential biomarkers for the disease. J. Cell. Biochem. 108: 1274–1279, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Using quantitative immunoelectron microscopy we show here that when the nuclear matrix is isolated from rat hepatocytes in the presence of an inhibitor of RNase activity both lamins and the nuclear mitotic apparatus protein (NuMA) preferentially localize within the electron-dense domains of the internal nuclear matrix (INM). After RNA digestion NuMA undergoes a sharp depletion, while labeling by an antibody against lamins A and C within the electron-transparent regions increases, suggesting that a subset of lamin epitopes is masked by the interaction with RNA. We were able to explain this result by visualizing for the first time a thin web of lamin protofibrils which connects the electron-dense regions. Confirmation of these changes has been obtained by immunoblot analysis and confocal microscopy. As RNA digestion results both in the release of NuMA and in the collapse of the INM, we propose that a fraction of nuclear RNA brings about the association of NuMA islands with a lamin scaffold and that this interaction is required to maintain the latter in a state of high molecular dispersion.  相似文献   

A complex of three proteins (of 80, 70, 58 kDa-p80, p70, and p58, respectively) with the ability to bind alphoid DNA (alpha-satDNA) was revealed by gel mobility shift assay (GMSA) in human nuclear matrix. The probes of the alpha-satDNA bound in the GMSA with the greatest specificity, but the complex was capable of binding human satellite 3 fragment. According to ion exchange and affinity chromatography, the complex includes two DNA-binding proteins, p70 and p80, and a non-DNA-binding one, p58, which enhances the specificity of binding to the alpha-satDNA. GMSA, SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting showed that the lamins, as well as constitutive centromeric proteins (CENP-A, CENP-B, CENP-C, CENP-G), were not incorporated into the complex. It was demonstrated by immunoprecipitation assay that p70 and, probably p58, share a common antigen determinant with the rod domain of intermediate filaments (IF) proteins. The results obtained indicate that the nuclear matrix contains at least one IF-related protein that is able to bind specifically to alpha-satDNA in vitro and that this protein is distinct from the lamins.  相似文献   

The tumor-associated antigen 90K (TAA90K)/Mac-2-binding protein implicated in cancer progression and metastasis is modified by beta1-6 branched N-linked oligosaccharides in colon cancer cells, glycans shown to contribute to cancer metastasis. To elucidate the role of TAA90K in colon cancer, we examined its expression and function in human colon tumors and colon carcinoma cell lines. Immunohistochemical analyses of colon tumors revealed elevated expression of TAA90K in all samples analyzed compared to normal colon. To examine the function of TAA90K in colon cancer, we carried out protein and cell binding assays using TAA90K-His purified from HT-29 cells colon carcinoma cells infected with recombinant vaccinia virus expressing TAA90K containing a C-terminal poly-histidine tag. TAA90K-His bound to fibronectin, collagen IV, laminins-1, -5, and -10 and galectin-3 (Mac-2) but poorly to collagen I and galectin-1. As expected, binding of TAA90K to galectin-3 was dependent on carbohydrate since it was inhibitable by lactose and asiolofetuin, and a TAA90K-His glycoform purified from HT-29 cells treated with the glycosylation inhibitor 1-deoxymannojirimycin bound poorly to galectin-3. Unlike TAA90K isolated from other cell types, TAA90K-His isolated from colon cancer cells failed to mediate adhesion of colon cancer and normal cell lines, possibly due to cell-type specific glycosylation of TAA90K-His and/or its putative cellular receptor. However, at low concentrations, TAA90K-His enhanced galectin-3-mediated HT-29 cell adhesion while at high concentrations, it inhibited cell adhesion. Thus, a possible mechanism by which TAA90K may contribute to colon cancer progression is by modulating tumor cell adhesion to extracellular proteins, including galectin-3.  相似文献   

The risk of colorectal cancer (CRC) varies between people, and the cellular mechanisms mediating the differences in risk are largely unknown. Senescence has been implicated as a causative cellular mechanism for many diseases, including cancer, and may affect the risk for CRC. Senescent fibroblasts that accumulate in tissues secondary to aging and oxidative stress have been shown to promote cancer formation via a senescence‐associated secretory phenotype (SASP). In this study, we assessed the role of senescence and the SASP in CRC formation. Using primary human colon tissue, we found an accumulation of senescent fibroblasts in normal tissues from individuals with advanced adenomas or carcinomas in comparison with individuals with no polyps or CRC. In in vitro and ex vivo model systems, we induced senescence using oxidative stress in colon fibroblasts and demonstrated that the senescent fibroblasts secrete GDF15 as an essential SASP factor that promotes cell proliferation, migration, and invasion in colon adenoma and CRC cell lines as well as primary colon organoids via the MAPK and PI3K signaling pathways. In addition, we observed increased mRNA expression of GDF15 in primary normal colon tissue from people at increased risk for CRC in comparison with average risk individuals. These findings implicate the importance of a senescence‐associated tissue microenvironment and the secretory factor GDF15 in promoting CRC formation.  相似文献   

Human osteosarcoma MG-63 cells were induced into differentiation by 5 mmol/L hexamethylene bisacetamide (HMBA). Their nuclear matrix proteins (NMPs) were selectively extracted and subjected to two-dimensional gel electrophoresis analysis. The results of protein patterns were analyzed by Melanie software. The spots of differentially expressed NMPs were excised and subjected to in situ digestion with trypsin. The maps of peptide mass fingerprinting were obtained by MALDI-TOF-MS analysis, and were submitted for NCBI database searches by Mascot tool. There were twelve spots changed remarkably during the differentiation induced by HMBA, nine of which were identified. The roles of the regulated proteins during the MG-63 differentiation were analyzed. This study suggests that the induced differentiation of cancer cells is accompanied by the changes of NMPs, and confirms the presence of some specific NMPs related to the cancer cell proliferation and differentiation. The changed NMPs are potential markers for cancer diagnosis or targets for cancer therapy.  相似文献   

Protein‐linked glycans play key roles in cell differentiation, cell–cell interactions, cell growth, adhesion and immune response. Aberrant glycosylation is a characteristic feature of tumor cells and is involved in tumor growth, escape from apoptosis, metastasis formation, and resistance to therapy. It can serve as cancer biomarker and treatment target. To enable comprehensive screening for the impact of tumor driving mutations in colorectal cancer cells we present a method for specific analysis of tumor driver‐induced glycome changes. The strategy is based on a combination of three technologies, that is recombinase‐mediated cassette exchange (RMCE), Click‐It chemistry and mass spectrometry. The new method is exemplified by the analysis of the impact of inactivating mutations of the TGF‐ß‐receptor type II (TGFBR2) on sialic acid incorporation into protein‐linked glycans of the colon cancer cell line HCT116. Overall, 70 proteins were found to show de novo sialic acid incorporation exclusively upon TGFBR2 expression whereas 7 proteins lost sialylation upon TGFBR2 reconstitution. Validation of detected candidate glycoproteins is demonstrated with the cell surface glycoprotein nectin‐3 known to be involved in metastasis, invasion and prognosis of various cancers. Altogether, our new approach can help to systematically puzzle out the influence of tumor‐specific mutations in a major signaling pathway, as exemplified by the TGFBR2 tumor suppressor, on the tumor glycome. It facilitates the identification of glycan‐based tumor markers that could be used for diagnostic and therapeutic applications. In principle the outlined strategy can be adapted to any cancer cell line, tumor driver mutation and several glycan‐building blocks.  相似文献   

The eukaryotic cell nucleus is a membrane-enclosed compartment containing the genome and associated molecules supported by a highly insoluble filamentous network known as the nucleoskeleton or nuclear matrix. The nuclear matrix is believed to play roles in maintaining nuclear architecture and organizing nuclear metabolism. Recently, advances in microscopic techniques and the availability of new molecular probes have made it possible to localize functional domains within the nuclear matrix and demonstrate dynamic interactions between both soluble and insoluble components involved in the control of multiple nuclear transactions. Like the cytoplasm and its skeleton, the nucleoplasm is highly structured and very crowded with an equally complex skeletal framework. In fact, there is growing evidence that the two skeletal systems are functionally contiguous, providing a dynamic cellular matrix connecting the cell surface with the genome. If we impose cell cycle dynamics upon this skeletal organization, it is obvious that the genome and associated nuclear matrix must undergo a major structural transition during mitosis, being disassembled and/or reorganized in late G2 and reassembled again in daughter nuclei. However, recent evidence from our laboratory and elsewhere suggests that much of the nuclear matrix is used to form the mitotic apparatus (MA). Indeed, both facultative and constitutive matrix-associated proteins such as NuMA, CENP-B, CENP-F, and the retinoblastoma protein (Rb) associate within and around the MA. During mitosis, the nuclear matrix proteins may either become inert “passengers” or assume critical functions in partitioning the genome into newly formed G1 nuclei. Therefore, we support the view that the nuclear matrix exists as a dynamic architectural continuum, embracing the genome and maintaining cellular regulation throughout the cell cycle. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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