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2007年8~10月、2008年3~7月在内蒙古达赉湖自然保护区共收集到130份貉(Nyctereutes procyonoides)的粪便,采用粪便分析法中的频率法和剩余物相对干重法对其进行分析.貉的食物主要是鸟类(出现率39.81%,剩余物相对干重百分比52.60%)和啮齿类(出现率22.69%,剩余物相对干重百分比25.85%),其次为昆虫(出现率26.39%,剩余物相对干重百分比13.32%)、植物(出现率7.41%,剩余物相对干重百分比1.39%)、鱼类(出现率2.31%,剩余物相对干重百分比5.79%)及虾类(出现率0.93%,剩余物相对于重百分比0.85%),软体动物(出项率0.46%,剩余物相对干重百分比0.20%)极少,未见到大型有蹄类动物出现.本文还对两种粪便分析法所得的结果进行了比较,发现这两种方法对貉食物种类的分析评述上无显著差异.  相似文献   

紫貂冬季食性的分析   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
徐利  王永庆 《兽类学报》1996,16(4):272-277
1991至1998年的三个冬季,在大兴安岭地区共收集紫貂粪样223个.食性分析结果表明,紫貂冬季食物主要为小型哺乳类(54.1%)、植物浆果和种子(32.4%)、鸟类(12.5%)和昆虫(1.0%).在紫貂选择的7种小型哺乳类中,主要以棕背(27.3%)和红背(19.2%)为食,其次为雪兔和冬眠的花鼠。对于鸟类,紫貂主要捕食花尾榛鸡(8.1%),松鸦(0.7%),大山雀(0.5%)和黑啄本鸟等。有2.2%的粪样中含有小型鸟的卵壳、紫貂的植物性食物主要为越桔浆果(20.8%)和偃松种籽(8.8%)。昆虫中只有蚂蚁在紫貂食性中出现(1.0%).紫貂冬季食物构成没有年度间差异(P>0.05)。通过捕食迹,我们还发现紫貂捕食黑嘴松鸡。虽然红背的捕获率(79.4%)高于棕背(2.9%),但食性分析结果却相反,说明紫貂更喜欢捕捉身体较大的鼠类。有较强气味的中虽有一定的数量,但在紫貂冬季食物中未出现过。  相似文献   

北京市三个区域食肉类动物食性的比较分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了解北京地区捕食性动物的生存竞争关系,于2002年采用样线法收集北京松山、云蒙山、雾灵山3个区域的食肉动物粪便样品85份,并以食物残留物出现频率法进行了食性分析。粪样主要属于犬科的貉和赤狐、鼬科的黄鼬和猪獾、猫科的豹猫。粪样内容物的鉴定发现,此类动物的食物构成以小型哺乳类为主,鼠类的出现频率为82.4%,植物的出现率(54.1%)列为第二位,鸟类的出现率为31.8%,大型猎物的出现率仅为8.3%。犬科动物赤狐和貉的食物构成以棕背(50%)、植物(42.9%)和鼠科动物(40.5%)为主;猫科豹猫的食物构成中植物的出现率为72.4%,其次为鸟类(62.1%)和鼠科动物(48.3%),在生态旅游开发强度较大的区域塑料制品的出现率较高。通过对犬科动物和豹猫的食物生态位重叠度和生态位宽度的比较,讨论了捕食性动物的共存与竞争关系。  相似文献   

可可西里自然保护区藏羚羊的食性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2005 年7 月和2006 年1 月在可可西里国家自然保护区内收集藏羚羊的新鲜粪样各33 份和55 份。利用粪便显微分析法分析了该地区藏羚羊的食物构成及其冷季(1月)和暖季(7月)的变化。结果表明,在藏羚羊粪便中镜检到的可识别植物碎片为15 科24 种(属)植物,其食物谱构成主要包括禾本科、豆科、菊科、柽柳科及玄参科植物;禾本科是藏羚羊全年的主要食物,它在食物组成中所占的比例为60. 5% ;莎草科、豆科、菊科、柽柳科及玄参科植物是藏羚羊全年都取食的主要食物,其所占比例分别为16.7% 、9.2% 、6.4% 、4.9% 及0.9% 。藏羚羊在冷季和暖季的食物构成有显著变化,莎草科和柽柳科在冷季所占比例较低,分别为7.7% 和0.8% ,而禾本科、豆科和玄参科在冷季所占比例较高,分别达到了70.4%、12.6% 和2.4%。   相似文献   

内蒙古中部蒙古野驴春季食性分析   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
2012年3~5月和2013年3~5月,在内蒙古自治区中部的中蒙边境地区,采用粪便显微组织学分析方法并结合野外观察,分析研究了蒙古野驴(Equus hemionus hemionus)春季的食物组成。在取食点采集植物标本并进行种类鉴定发现共有20科45种植物;野外共观察到蒙古野驴取食群162次,群体平均大小为29.32头,采集粪样175个,将采集到的粪样按月分组,并组成6个混合粪样组。粪样显微分析结果表明,分布于内蒙古自治区中部地区的蒙古野驴,在春季共取食15科31种植物,其中实际采食比例(DR)禾本科植物54.88%、藜科植物17.37%、柽柳科植物6.64%、豆科植物6.52%;在取食植物中,克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)(24.38%)、芨芨草(Achnatherum splendens)(15.11%)、珍珠猪毛菜(Salsola passerina)(9.92%)、狗尾草(Setaria viridis)(6.97%)、红沙(Reaumuria soongorica)(6.64%)、雾滨藜(Bassia dasyphylla)(5.67%)、糙隐子草(Kengia squarrosa)(5.10%),是主要取食植物种类,占取食植物的73.79%。春季采食的植物种类数比冬季多,各种植物在食物组成中所占的比例的差异不显著,低选择性是蒙古野驴春季取食对策的显著特征。  相似文献   

利用粪便显微分析法对贺兰山高山麝冬春季的食性进行了研究。采集高山麝活动区域内粪样和植物样本,采用频率转换法对数据进行处理,得到高山麝冬春季的食性组成及比例。结果表明:高山麝冬季共取食植物19科30种(属),其中蔷薇科(17.16%)、忍冬科(16.64%)、豆科(15.64%)和莎草科(10.93%)组成了高山麝冬季的主要食物;春季共取食植物20科31种(属),其中蔷薇科(27.37%)、杨柳科(13.28%)和豆科(12.84%)为主要食物;秦氏黄芪(Astragalus chingianus)为冬春季共同的主要食物,分别占冬春季食物的11.33%和11.04%;此外,高山麝也取食乔木类植物,取食量从冬季的9.53%上升至春季的18.67%;根据高山麝粪样镜检结果,计算其取食植物的Shannon指数、均匀度指数、生态位宽度指数,分析高山麝食物组成及其多样性,结果显示,3种指数冬季均高于春季。  相似文献   

贺兰山野化牦牛冬春季食性   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
2008年11-12月和2009年4-5月对贺兰山野化牦牛的冬季和春季食性进行了分析,在其分布的哈拉乌沟收集冬季粪样500 g,春季粪样498 g,利用粪便显微分析法分析贺兰山牦牛取食植物的种类组成和比例,结果表明,冬季牦牛取食11科20种(属)植物,主要取食禾本科(59.10%)和菊科(26.05%)植物,其中针茅(35.86%)、冷蒿(23.96%)、冰草(8.28%)、莎草(7.60%)、虎尾草(6.81%)、芦苇(6.58%)构成了冬季食物总量的89.09%,为冬季主要食物。春季取食植物11科21种(属)植物,主要取食禾本科(52.76%)和莎草科(18.80%)植物,其中针茅(22.72%)、莎草(18.80%)、冰草(13.23%)、狗尾草(9.93%)、唐松草(6.46%)、冷蒿(6.31%)占春季食物总量的77.45%,为春季主要食物。此外,冬春季均取食一定量的毛茛科和豆科植物。冬春季针茅都是贺兰山野化牦牛的大宗食物。冬季食物生态位宽度低于春季,而Shannon-Wiener指数和Pielou均匀度指数均高于春季。  相似文献   

豹猫(Prionailurus bengalensis)作为北京地区的顶级食肉动物,对于维持食物网结构和生态系统稳定性起到重要的生态作用。对于捕食动物食物构成研究,较为简便的方法是粪样内容物检视法,而粪样残余物DNA鉴定技术具有更为准确细致的优势,但也存在不足,探索不同方法的优势互补,将有助于提高技术应用成效。本研究利用DNA宏条形码技术与粪样内容物分析法,对采集自北京市4个自然保护区的71份豹猫粪样进行食物构成分析,比较两种分析方法的特点,了解豹猫的食物资源利用状况。结果显示,DNA宏条形码技术共鉴别出36种猎物,来自10目22科,4个保护区的豹猫食性具有显著差异,百花山、松山、云蒙山保护区的豹猫食物种类的出现比率均以小型哺乳类为主,其中对鼠类的捕食比例最高,对鸟类的捕食次之,而分布于云峰山保护区的豹猫对鸟类捕食比例最高,对鼠类的捕食次之。粪样内容物分析法鉴别出9类猎物,其中包括昆虫和植物两种DNA宏条形码技术未检出的食物,4个保护区的豹猫食物均以鼠类和鸟类为主,且最多检测出鼠类数量为3只、鸟类2只,次要食物则为植物和昆虫。两种方法均显示北社鼠(Niviventer confucia...  相似文献   

徐嘉  暴旭  刘振生  高惠  赵唱  孙玉姣  王继飞  滕丽微 《生态学报》2018,38(10):3705-3711
对贺兰山同域分布的高山麝和阿拉善马鹿秋季的粪便进行采集,利用粪便显微分析法对二者秋季食性进行了研究。分别采集高山麝和阿拉善马鹿活动区域内粪样和植物样本,分别获得两种动物40个复合粪便样本,采用频率转换法对数据处理计算,得到贺兰山同域分布的高山麝和阿拉善马鹿秋季的食性组成及组成比例。结果显示,高山麝秋季共取食植物20科30种(属),其中蓝锭果忍冬(11.96%)、秦氏黄芪(10.17%)、密齿柳(8.32%)、折枝绣线菊(6.82%)、内蒙野丁香(6.18%)组成了高山麝的主要食物;阿拉善马鹿秋季共取食植物12科29种(属),其中针茅(22.15%)、灰榆(21.14%)、早熟禾(16.90%)、小叶金露梅(11.62%)、山杨(10.00%)为阿拉善马鹿秋季的主要食物。高山麝和阿拉善马鹿共有9种食物重叠,生态位重叠指数为83.75%。秋季高山麝取食的Shannon-Wiener指数、Pieou均匀性指数、食物生态位宽度指数和最大的物种多样性指数均高于阿拉善马鹿。  相似文献   

2016年4月至2017年4月,采用红外相机技术和粪便分析法(频率法和剩余物干重法)对四川栗子坪国家级自然保护区内黄喉貂不同季节的日活动节律及食物组成变化进行了研究。结果显示:(1)黄喉貂主要在白天活动(昼间独立照片数占总独立照片数的85. 64%),不同季节黄喉貂日活动节律无显著差异(χ~2=126. 950,df=132,P=0. 608),但在不同季节其日活动高峰出现时间不同,春季的活动高峰在16:00~19:00(31. 65%),夏季活动高峰在15:00~18:00 (26. 32%),秋季活动高峰在13:00~16:00 (34. 31%),冬季活动高峰在11:00~14:00 (25. 00%),并且冬季夜间活动与其他季节相比明显增多;(2)黄喉貂取食食物有兽类、鸟类、昆虫类和植物类等,但兽类是黄喉貂最主要的食物来源,在一年中以兽类的出现频率最高,为95. 28%,兽类剩余物的总相对干重百分比达80. 99%,其次是植物、鸟类和昆虫;(3)黄喉貂对食物类别的利用表现出明显的季节差异,春、夏、秋三个季节黄喉貂粪便中兽类所占比重最多,春季鸟类出现频率较高,冬季黄喉貂粪便中植物所占比重明显增多。本研究表明,黄喉貂在不同季节其日活动节律和食性均表现出一定的差异,这可能与其繁殖特性和生理代谢需求有关。本研究揭示了黄喉貂的日活动节律及食性的季节性变化,充实了黄喉貂的生物、生态学资料,也为该物种的保护管理提供了参考资料。  相似文献   

2005 ~2008 年于陕西省青木川自然保护区使用瞬时扫描法观察了川金丝猴的食性。结果表明,川金丝猴冬季和夏季共取食42 种植物,可鉴定植物归属23 科34 属。川金丝猴食物类型包括果实、花、树叶、树皮、树芽。夏季取食21 种植物的果实或树叶;冬季取食25 种植物。树叶是其冬季主要食物,取食频次占总取食频次的73.0% ;夏季取食果实的频次占总取食频次的72.2% ,灯台树果实是其主要食物。啃食树皮行为主要发生在落叶阔叶林、针叶林与落叶阔叶混交林;在常绿和落叶阔叶混交林中,树皮啃食强度则相对较小。与其它地区金丝猴的食性比较,该地区川金丝猴食物谱较宽。蔷薇科和壳斗科植物在川金丝猴食物组成中最多,杨柳科、桦木科、山茱萸科、槭树科和忍冬科植物也取食较多。  相似文献   

All primates show some dietary flexibility, particularly during food shortages. Foods consumed during times of scarcity (i.e., fallback foods) strongly influence the ecology and evolution of a species. Geladas (Theropithecus gelada) eat primarily graminoid leaves (i.e., grasses and sedges), but also consume other diet items (e.g., underground storage organs), especially in the dry season. We investigated the feeding ecology of wild geladas in the Sankaber region of the Simien Mountains National Park, Ethiopia across 12 mo. We asked how the gelada diet in this region, which is disturbed by livestock and agriculture, correlated with food availability and whether underground foods are fallback foods. We quantified the monthly diets of adults from eight reproductive units using instantaneous scan sampling, and seasonal aboveground and underground food availability using point-intercept transects and soil core sampling. Geladas primarily consumed graminoid leaves year-round (76.3% of the annual diet, 36.2–93.2% of the monthly diet) but spent considerable time consuming underground foods in the dry season (14.0% of the annual diet, 11.1–49.7% of the diet across dry season months). Graminoid consumption increased with graminoid availability, and underground food consumption decreased with graminoid availability. Underground food availability did not vary significantly between the dry and wet season sampling months, supporting the hypothesis that underground foods are fallback foods for geladas. We then compiled data from gelada feeding studies and found that underground foods are an important dry season diet item across study sites, but geladas rely more heavily on underground foods in habitats more heavily influenced by humans. Understanding the range and effects of primate dietary flexibility in human-modified habitats will contribute to a better understanding of how changing environments shape primate ecology and evolution.  相似文献   

This study investigated composition and selectivity in diet for waterbuck in the Pendjari National Park in north-western Benin, through the use of micrographic analysis of faecal samples. Three plant species ( Panicum anabaptistum, Echinochloa stagnina and Andropogon gayanus ) were regularly consumed all year round. Meanwhile, three other species (i.e., Hyparrhenia involucrata, Acroceras amplectens and Oryza barthii ) are mostly found in its diet during the beginning of the rainy season. During the dry season, long life grasses (>40%) and tree forage (about 35%) were the most dominant life form in the diet. On the contrary at the beginning of the rainy season, annual species (> 50%) were dominant. In conclusion, the waterbuck has a grazer regime when plant species are abundant and a mixed diet during the dry season. Waterbuck's food niche breath, defined by Hespenheide [ Ecology and Evolution of communities . Harvard Univ. Press, 1975], was lower than 1, implying this antelope does not eat all food categories in a proportional way. Shannon diversity index showed that the diet was more diversified during the rainy season and less diversified at the end of the dry season. Based on [ Ecology , 64 (1983), 1297] diet selectivity index, waterbuck exerted a positive selection on the major graminaceous species.  相似文献   

Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), captured during the summer, 1972, in Cumberland Sound, Baffin Island, fed mainly on planktonic amphipods (Parathemisto libellula, Pseudalibrotus glacialis), copepods (Calanus hyperboreus), and fish (Boreogadus saida, Myoxocephalus sp.), but failed to utilize coelenterates, planktonic gastropods, and epi- and infauna. The considerable variation in the species composition of the diet of char of different lengths was due primarily to size selection. The average length of all individuals in stomach contents and of representatives of most food species increased with the length of fish. The minimum and maximum length of frequently ingested organisms increased four and 90 times, respectively, as char increased from 4 to 85 cm. Char less than 10 cm in length captured in rivers tributary to the Sound fed mainly on larval Chironomidae (Eukiefferiella bavaria) during the summer, whereas those longer than 10 cm fed predominantly on other char. During the winter the stomachs of the smaller individuals were always empty while the diet of the large char was restricted to other fish. Most species available to the char were consumed in proportion to their relative abundance in the rivers. The dry weight of stomach contents, when expressed on a unit weight basis, decreased with the wet weight of char in both fresh and salt water. Thus, fish 10 g in weight contained approximately 1.5 times more food in their stomachs than those weighing 1000 g. The stomach contents of char captured in salt water weighed approximately 11 times more than those of char of comparable size captured simultaneously in fresh water. The fish fed at random intervals during the day and ceased feeding at night. Arctic char, at all sampling areas, had reached a length of approximately 9.6 cm after four years. Upon migrating to salt water, their growth rate increased sharply with the result that after eight years they were 26.5 cm in length, reflecting food availability. The growth rate gradually decreased in fish older than nine years so that 20 year olds were approximately 70.0 cm in length.  相似文献   

在巴基斯坦对仓鸮食性的季节变化进行了研究。通过分析连续3年在6个地区搜集的2 360个仓鸮回吐食物团,发现其食物主要是小型哺乳动物(95.6 %)。其中,家(Suncus murinus)有最高的比例,达65.6%(冬季最多78%,夏季最少27%)。就生物量而言,小型哺乳动物占仓鸮食物总生物量的99% 。  相似文献   

Although Arnoglossus laterna (Walbaum, 1792) is a common benthic fish in Portugal, several aspects of its feeding ecology remain incomplete. In this study, diet was examined and the food consumption estimated on inshore waters in the central coast of Portugal. The diet of the scaldfish included mainly mysids, amphipods and polychaetes, while the decapod Philocheras bispinosus Hailstone was the most frequent prey. Variation in the diet according to fish size (two size‐classes), sex and spawning/non‐spawning seasons was examined. Significant differences in diet composition were found between seasons, whereby the most frequently consumed prey in the non‐spawning season were crustaceans, while polychaetes and nemerteneans comprised most of its diet in the spawning season. The average value of the vacuity index was very similar between seasons (24.7% non‐spawning season and 25.0% spawning season). Diet overlap between size‐classes and sexes was high, but low between the two seasons. Food consumption of A. laterna was estimated based on diet characterization and evacuation rate. The estimate of the daily food consumption was 1.15 mg dry weight for the non‐spawning season and 1.67 mg dry weight for the spawning season. Significant differences in consumption rates were found between size‐classes and sexes. Larger individuals showed a higher consumption rate than smaller individuals. Females consumed more food than males in the non‐spawning season, while in the spawning season males consumed more than females.  相似文献   

The diet of sea trout in some of the sea lochs of the west coast of Scotland was investigated. The contents of 986 sea trout stomachs from the Loch Etive area (1970–1973), and 291 stomachs from the Loch Eil area (1964–1973), were examined and the composition of the diet, seasonal changes and the effect of trout size were analysed using frequency of occurrence, dry weight and number of organisms methods. Benthic feeding (crustacea and annelids) was more important in winter while midwater and surface organisms (young fish and insects) were preferred in summer. Young fish (mainly clupeids and sand eels) featured more in the diet of larger trout (≤21 cm) than in the smaller size range (≥21 cm). Surveys of 24-h were completed in June and September, 1972, and indicated that availability of food was the main factor influencing the presence or absence of trout. Bottom feeding was greatest during the day while the amount of midwater and surface feeding tended to increase between sunset and sunrise.  相似文献   

The diet and feeding of sea sweep (Scorpis aequipinnis) was investigated from 230 specimens collected from the south-western Victorian coastline between January and July, 2002. Stomach content analysis indicated that S. aequipinnis are browsing omnivores (55.6% algae, 25.4% animal, by dry weight), with rhodophytes found to be the most important component of their diet (93.5% frequency of occurrence; 42.6% dry weight; 45.5% prey-specific abundance). However, the relative proportions of the major dietary components differed significantly between size classes. The dietary composition of small individuals ( < 150 mm total length) was significantly different to larger individuals, primarily due to a higher degree of carnivory exhibited by the smaller fish. S. aequipinnis were found to be highly flexible feeders exploiting both benthic and pelagic food resources, characterised by irregular periods of selective carnivorous feeding.  相似文献   

A. Tolonen 《Hydrobiologia》1998,390(1-3):153-169
A bioenergetics model was used to estimate daily food consumption and growth of benthic whitefish Coregonus lavaretus (L.) of age groups 1+ to 10+, in oligotrophic Lake Kilpisjärvi, northern Finnish Lapland. Fish and zooplankton samples and water temperature data were collected twice per month from February to December 1993. Simulation results indicated wide seasonal variations in consumption and growth rates. Growth was in general slow; especially in age-group 6 the net increase in weight was slight. The fit of the model to the weight data was good, and the model was able to follow even rapid seasonal variations in the weight. There were clear changes in the diet during the year. In March, when the food intake was reduced, copepods, mainly adult calanoids, formed the bulk of the food consumed. The most intensive consumption period lasted from June to late September. Chironomid pupae and planktonic cladocerans were the major summer food items. The largest individuals fed mainly on molluscs during summer. Zooplankton survey and consumption estimates did not show directly that the population density of copepodids and adults of Eudiaptomus graciloides were affected by whitefish predation although their population density decreased in spring. Nauplii, showing the maximum population density in April, were not consumed. The role of copepod consumption in the timing of Diphyllobothrium ditremum plerocercoid transmission to whitefish was also discussed. The increased copepod consumption rate during winter results in high energy intake but also an increased risk of food transmitted parasite infection.  相似文献   

Summary Like many polyphagous herbivores, individuals of Sarasinula plebeia (Fischer) (Soleolifera: Veronicellidae) consume a variety of plant species that may differ in nutritional content. In this study we determined the ability of these slugs to compensate for such variation in diet composition. Dilution with water of an agar-based diet containing commercial guinea pig food or carrot root to obtain dry weights (dw) of 90, 70, 40 and 10% of diet fresh weight (fw), caused immature slugs to consume increasingly more fresh weight of food [as much as 4.7-(guinea pig) to 6.1-fold (carrot) more]. Dry weight consumption and body mass-relative dry weight consumption rate also increased at intermediate dilutions, buth with further dilution, dry weight intake declined despite the greater fresh weight consumption. At each dilution level, slugs fed the guinea pig diet consumed from ca. 5-to 6.4-fold more fresh weight than the carrotfed slugs. The former grew substantially, with their final biomass and body mass-relative growth rate varying curvilinearly with diet % dw. If these slugs had not fed more but instead maintained the same fresh weight consumption as slugs in the 90% dw tretments, without altering food utilization efficiencies, then their biomass gain in the 70, 40 and 10% dw treatments would have been only about 62, 43, and 21%, respectively, of the values actually attained. In contrast, carrot-fed slugs did not grow and were only able to maintain their initial biomass. For each diet, slug tissue water (% fw) was highest in the most diluted treatment but did not differ significantly among the other dilution levels. Approximate digestibility of the carrot diet was highest at intermediate dilution levels (ca. 75% of ingested food was digested and absorbed); for the guinea pig diet, this efficiency declined linearly from about 66% to 59% with increased dilution. For slugs that grew (i.e., those fed the guinea pig diet), effeciences of converting digested (29–52%) and ingested (18–33%) food to dry biomass were both curvilinearly related to diet % dw. Thus, S. plebeia, like many other herbivores, has the capacity to increase food consumption substantially inresponse to reduced dietary nutrient level, allowing the slugs to cope with variable nutrient content in their food plants.  相似文献   

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