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Natural transfer of mitochondrial DNA has occurred between three western Palaearctic waterfrog taxa: Pelophylax lessonae, Pelophylax ridibundus and their hybridogenetic hybrid, Pelophylax kl. esculentus. The transfer is asymmetric with most P. kl. esculentus and approximately one third of all central European P. ridibundus having mtDNA derived from P. lessonae (L-mtDNA). We obtained complete nucleotide sequences of multiple mitochondrial genomes (15,376-78 bp without control regions) from all 3 taxa, including a P. ridibundus frog with introgressed L-mtDNA. The gene content and organization of the mitogenomes correspond to those typical of neobatrachians. Divergence between the mtDNAs of P. lessonae and P. ridibundus is high with an uncorrected p-distance of 11.9% across the entire mitogenome. However, the rate of nucleotide substitution depends on the degree of functional constraint with up to 30-fold differences in levels of divergence. In general, mitochondrial genes encoding the translational machinery evolve very slowly, whereas genes encoding polypeptides of the electron transport system, especially the ND genes, evolve rapidly. Only 25 of 211-213 observed amino acid replacements could be classified as radical and are therefore more likely to be exposed to selection. A disproportionately high number of amino acid substitutions has occurred in the ND4, ND4L and cytb genes of the P. lessonae lineage (including 36% of all radical changes). In contrast to the interspecific divergence, nucleotide polymorphism within L- and R-mtDNA is very low: L-mtDNA haplotypes differed on average by only 19 nucleotides, while there was no variation within two mtDNAs derived from P. ridibundus. This is an expected finding considering that we have sampled a post-glacial expansion area. Moreover, the introgressed L-mtDNA on a P. ridibundus background differed from other L-mtDNAs by only a few substitutions, indicative of a very recent introgression event. We discuss our findings in the context of natural selection acting on L-mtDNA and its potential significance in cytonuclear epistasis.  相似文献   

We previously cloned the sigH gene encoding a stress-response sigma factor sigma(H) in Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2), located in an operon with the gene encoding proposed anti-sigma factor UshX. To clarify the in vivo function of sigma(H), a stable null mutant of sigH was prepared by homologous recombination. This mutation appeared to have no obvious effect on vegetative growth, but dramatically affected morphological differentiation. Microscopy showed that the sigH mutant produced undifferentiated hyphae with rare spore chains, giving the colony a pale gray color compared to the dark gray wild-type spores. The sigH mutation partially affected growth under conditions of high osmolarity. Expression of the sigH operon was investigated in the S. coelicolor sigH mutant. Out of four promoters directing expression of the sigH operon, the sigH-P2 promoter--the only promoter preferentially induced by salt-stress conditions--was inactive in the sigH mutant. The results indicated that the sigH-P2 promoter is dependent (directly or indirectly) upon sigma(H) and that the operon is autocatalytically activated. We propose that in S. coelicolor sigma(H) has a dual role, regulating the osmotic response and morphological differentiation.  相似文献   

Actinophage phiC31 isolated from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2), the only strain among actinomycetes for which a genetic map had been constructed, appears to be a typical temperate phage. After phiC31 infection, true lysogenic cultures arose which liberated phage and were immune to infection with homologous phage after repeated single-colony isolations and treatment with phage-specific antiserum. Clear-plaque (c) mutants were derived from phiC31 phage which failed to lysogenize sensitive cultures. Actinophage phiC31 has a temperature-sensitive stage of reproduction. A phage which reproduces with the same effectiveness at high (37 C) and low (28 C) temperatures has also been obtained. Heat-inducible (ct) mutants were isolated from this phage which were able to lysogenize sensitive cultures at 28 C but failed to do so at 37 C. Properties of ct mutants suggest that ct mutations involve a gene controlling maintenance of the lysogenic state in actinomycetes and synthesizing repressor, which may become heat-sensitive as a result of mutation.  相似文献   

Using the method for the identification of promoters recognized by the sporulation specific σ factor (σF), we identified a positive 950 pbSau3Al DNA fragment inStreptomyces cœlicolor A3(2). High-resolution S1-nuclease mapping identified a potential promoter, PF35, in theE. coli two-plasmid system similar to the consensus sequence ofBacillus subtilis promoters recognized by the general stress-response σ factor (σB). However, the putativesigF-dependent promoter, PF35, was inactive inS. cœlicolor in the course of diffenentiation and it was located divergently in the promoter region directing expression of thechiC gene encoding chitinase. Sequence analysis of the region potentially governed by PF35 revealed two translationally coupled genes encoding proteins similar to bacterial two-component regulatory systems, and with the highest similarity to the two-component systemchiS, chiR, regulating chitinase activity inStreptomyces thermoviolaceus. However, the genes had a divergent orientation with respect to the PF35 promoter. Disruption of theS. cœlicolor chiR gene appeared to have no obvious effect on growth, morphology, differentiation, and production of pigmented antibiotic actinorhodin and undecylprodigiosin. Moreover, thechiR disruption did not affect the overall chitinase activity.  相似文献   

Summary Glutamine synthetase I activity ofStreptomyces coelicolor was strongly repressed by ammonia and was induced 56.8 fold in a nitrogen-free medium. Glutamine synthetase II activity was not induced even by a long-term nitrogen starvation. Therefore, glutamine synthetase I is the only active enzyme ofStreptomyces coelicolor.  相似文献   

γ-Butyrolactones in Streptomyces are well recognized as bacterial hormones, and they affect secondary metabolism of Streptomyces. γ-Butyrolactone receptors are considered important regulatory proteins, and various γ-butyrolactone synthases and receptors have been reported in Streptomyces. Here, we characterized a new regulator, SCO0608, that interacted with SCB1 (γ-butyrolactone of Streptomyces coelicolor) and bound to the scbR/A and adpA promoters. The SCO0608 protein sequences are not similar to those of any known γ-butyrolactone binding proteins in Streptomyces such as ScbR from S. coelicolor or ArpA from Streptomyces griseus. Interestingly, SCO0608 functions as a repressor of antibiotic biosynthesis and spore formation in R5 complex media. We showed the existence of another type of γ-butyrolactone receptor in Streptomyces, and this SCO0608 was named ScbR-like γ-butyrolactone binding regulator (SlbR) in S. coelicolor.  相似文献   

Most genes have multiple polyadenylation sites (PAS), which are often selected in a tissue-specific manner, altering protein products and affecting mRNA stability, subcellular localization and/or translability. Here we studied the polyadenylation mechanisms associated to the beta-adducin gene (Add2). We have previously shown that the Add2 gene has a very tight regulation of alternative polyadenylation, using proximal PAS in erythroid tissues, and a distal one in brain. Using chimeric minigenes and cell transfections we identified the core elements responsible for polyadenylation at the distal PAS. Deletion of either the hexanucleotide motif (Hm) or the downstream element (DSE) resulted in reduction of mature mRNA levels and activation of cryptic PAS, suggesting an important role for the DSE in polyadenylation of the distal Add2 PAS. Point mutation of the UG repeats present in the DSE, located immediately after the cleavage site, resulted in a reduction of processed mRNA and in the activation of the same cryptic site. RNA-EMSA showed that this region is active in forming RNA-protein complexes. Competition experiments showed that RNA lacking the DSE was not able to compete the RNA-protein complexes, supporting the hypothesis of an essential important role for the DSE. Next, using a RNA-pull down approach we identified some of the proteins bound to the DSE. Among these proteins we found PTB, TDP-43, FBP1 and FBP2, nucleolin, RNA helicase A and vigilin. All these proteins have a role in RNA metabolism, but only PTB has a reported function in polyadenylation. Additional experiments are needed to determine the precise functional role of these proteins in Add2 polyadenylation.  相似文献   

Streptomyces are ubiquitous soil bacteria well known for their ability to produce a wide range of secondary metabolites including antibiotics. In their natural environments, they co-exist and interact with complex microbial communities and their natural products are assumed to play a major role in mediating these interactions. Reciprocally, their secondary metabolism can be influenced by the surrounding microbial communities. Little is known about these complex interactions and the underlying molecular mechanisms. During pairwise co-culture experiments, a fluorescent Pseudomonas, Pseudomonas fluorescens BBc6R8, was shown to prevent the production of the diffusible blue pigment antibiotic γ-actinorhodin by Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) M145 without altering the biosynthesis of the intracellular actinorhodin. A mutant of the BBc6R8 strain defective in the production of gluconic acid from glucose and consequently unable to acidify the culture medium did not show any effect on the γ-actinorhodin biosynthesis in contrast to the wild-type strain and the mutant complemented with the wild-type allele. In addition, when glucose was substituted by mannitol in the culture medium, P. fluorescens BBc6R8 was unable to acidify the medium and to prevent the biosynthesis of the antibiotic. All together, the results show that P. fluorescens BBc6R8 impairs the biosynthesis of the lactone form of actinorhodin in S. coelicolor by acidifying the medium through the production of gluconic acid. Other fluorescent Pseudomonas and the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 also prevented the γ-actinorhodin production in a similar way. We propose some hypotheses on the ecological significance of such interaction.  相似文献   

α-l-Arabinofuranosidase, which belongs to the glycoside hydrolase family 62 (GH62), hydrolyzes arabinoxylan but not arabinan or arabinogalactan. The crystal structures of several α-l-arabinofuranosidases have been determined, although the structures, catalytic mechanisms, and substrate specificities of GH62 enzymes remain unclear. To evaluate the substrate specificity of a GH62 enzyme, we determined the crystal structure of α-l-arabinofuranosidase, which comprises a carbohydrate-binding module family 13 domain at its N terminus and a catalytic domain at its C terminus, from Streptomyces coelicolor. The catalytic domain was a five-bladed β-propeller consisting of five radially oriented anti-parallel β-sheets. Sugar complex structures with l-arabinose, xylotriose, and xylohexaose revealed five subsites in the catalytic cleft and an l-arabinose-binding pocket at the bottom of the cleft. The entire structure of this GH62 family enzyme was very similar to that of glycoside hydrolase 43 family enzymes, and the catalytically important acidic residues found in family 43 enzymes were conserved in GH62. Mutagenesis studies revealed that Asp202 and Glu361 were catalytic residues, and Trp270, Tyr461, and Asn462 were involved in the substrate-binding site for discriminating the substrate structures. In particular, hydrogen bonding between Asn462 and xylose at the nonreducing end subsite +2 was important for the higher activity of substituted arabinofuranosyl residues than that for terminal arabinofuranoses.  相似文献   

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