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Human leiomyoma of the uterus contained seven forms of cyclic AMP phosphodiesterase in the crude cytosol as revealed by a specific activity stain on non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The enzymes from human myometrium and normal uterus showed an identical activity pattern. Ferguson plot analysis showed four different molecular weight species of Mr 229,000 +/- 4,000, 186,000 +/- 4,000, 174,000 +/- 4,000 and 162,000 +/- 4,000. The Mr 174,000 species comprised four differently charged forms. Sucrose density gradient centrifugation of the crude cytosol revealed the presence of three molecular weight species sedimenting at 11.8S, 8.1S and 3.6S. The Michaelis constant (Km) for the band 1 form which displayed linear kinetics was 5 microM and the band 2 form which produced non-linear kinetics had Km values of 5.8 and 37 microM.  相似文献   

A new flavin metabolite comprising approximately 5% of the total flavin of human urine was isolated and characterized using absorption and fluorescence spectra, oxidation-reduction and hydrolysis data, and ninhydrin reactions. The flavin is a derivative associated with a peptide residue in ester linkage from an amino acid carboxyl to the ribityl chain of riboflavin, probably at the 5'-terminus.  相似文献   

A high-molecular-weight form of acrosin (alpha-acrosin, EC was extracted from spermatozoa obtained from frozen semen and purified over 300-fold. Purification was effected by sequential use of Sephadex G-150, CM-cellulose and DEAE-cellulose chromatography. Properties of human acrosin were compared with those of human pancreatic trypsin. The molecular weight (Mr) of acrosin (70000) was greater than that of trypsin (Mr 21000). Isoelectric points for acrosin (pI = 9.0) and trypsin (pI = 8.2) were also different. alpha-N-Benzoyl-L-arginine ethyl ester was hydrolysed 50% more rapidly by acrosin than by trypsin. Acrosin had similar kcat. values for the hydrolysis of esters with different acylating groups (i.e. benzoyl-L-arginine and p-tosyl-L-arginine esters). In contrast, trypsin had dissimilar kcat. values for the hydrolysis of esters with different acylating groups. Kinetic data argue against deacylation as the rate-limiting step in ester hydrolysis by acrosin. Acrosin was less sensitive than trypsin to inhibition by 7-amino-1-chloro-3-L-tosylamidoheptan-2-one ('TLCK'), di-isopropyl fluorophosphate and soya-bean trypsin inhibitor. D-Fructose and D-arabinose inhibited acrosin, but had no effect on trypsin. The data indicate that definite differences exist between human acrosin and trypsin.  相似文献   

The metabolism of bioreactive lipid mediators was studied in two types of activated macrophages (M phi). We compared the capacity of resident and activated M phi to release, upon a zymosan challenge, cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase products as well as PAF-acether (platelet-activating factor) and its 2-lyso precursor. Activated M phi were obtained from mice injected intraperitoneally either with nonviable C74 streptococci (St-M phi) or with trehalose dimycolate, a defined immunostimulant isolated from Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TDM-M phi). Both activated populations exhibited common features: conversion of endogenous [14C]arachidonic acid into prostaglandin E2 and thromboxane A2 rather than into prostaglandin I2 and low biosynthesis of PAF-acether, probably due to an impairment of the acetylation step. However, contrary to St-M phi, TDM-M phi did not display a marked overall reduction of arachidonate metabolism. In addition, as compared to resident M phi, TDM-M phi presented a ratio of thromboxane B2/6-ketoprostaglandin F1 alpha 30-fold higher, a better conversion of leukotriene C to leukotriene D and a higher capacity to release the PAF-acether they synthesize. These macrophages thus seem to be valuable tools for studying the formation of mediators and for determining specific markers of an activated state.  相似文献   

The paramagnetic form of ribonucleotide reductase was detected by ESR method in human cervix tissues, especially in tumor ones. The magnetic relaxation rate was proved to be slower for this form than for that in normal animal tissues having a high level of proliferative activity or in Ehrlich tumor cells studied before.  相似文献   

Methyl-coenzyme M reductase (MCR), which catalyses the reduction of methyl-coenzyme M (CH(3)-S-CoM) with coenzyme B (H-S-CoB) to CH(4) and CoM-S-S-CoB, contains the nickel porphinoid F430 as prosthetic group. The active enzyme exhibits the Ni(I)-derived axial EPR signal MCR(red1) both in the absence and presence of the substrates. When the enzyme is competitively inhibited by coenzyme M (HS-CoM) the MCR(red1) signal is partially converted into the rhombic EPR signal MCR(red2). To obtain deeper insight into the geometric and electronic structure of the red2 form, pulse EPR and ENDOR spectroscopy at X- and Q-band microwave frequencies was used. Hyperfine interactions of the four pyrrole nitrogens were determined from ENDOR and HYSCORE data, which revealed two sets of nitrogens with hyperfine couplings differing by about a factor of two. In addition, ENDOR data enabled observation of two nearly isotropic (1)H hyperfine interactions. Both the nitrogen and proton data indicate that the substrate analogue coenzyme M is axially coordinated to Ni(I) in the MCR(red2) state.  相似文献   

Gambogic acid (GA), a promising anticancer candidate, is a polyprenylated xanthone abundant in the resin of Garcinia morella and Garcinia hanburyi. The major circulating metabolite of GA in human, 10-hydroxygambogic acid (10-OHGA), was identified by comparison of the retention time and mass spectra with those of reference standard using liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry. The reference standard of 10-OHGA was isolated from bile samples of rats after intravenous injection of GA injection, and its structure was confirmed by NMR. Then, a selective and sensitive method was developed for the quantitative determination of this metabolite in human plasma. After liquid–liquid extraction by ethyl acetate, the analyte and the internal standard were separated on a Sepax HPC18 column (100 mm × 2.1 mm i.d., 3.0 μm) with a mobile phase of 10 mM ammonium acetate water solution containing 0.1% formic acid–acetonitrile (20:80, v/v). The detection was performed on a single quadrupole mass spectrometer equipped with electrospray ionization (ESI) source. The calibration curve was linear over the range of 3–2000 ng/mL for 10-OHGA. The developed quantification method can now be used for the pharmacokinetic and pharmacological studies of 10-OHGA after intravenous infusion of GA injection in human.  相似文献   

Polypeptide 3, the major membrane-penetrating protein of the human erythrocyte membrane, was characterized, together with two major fragments derived by specific proteolysis of the native protein in the membrane. One fragment (fragment 3f) was obtained from thermolysin cleavage in the extracellular region of the protein, and the other (fragment T1) was derived from tryptic cleavage in the intracellular region of the protein. The results of N- and C-terminal group analysis suggest that fragment 3f contains the N-terminal region of polypeptide 3 and fragment T1 contains the C-terminal part of the molecule. The carbohydrate contents of the polypeptides suggest that carbohydrates are present in three regions of the molecule, much of this carbohydrate being present in the C-terminal part of the molecule. This region of the protein also contains the receptors for concanavalin and the lectins from Phaseolus vulgaris and Ricinis communis, and our results suggest that there is heterogeneity in the carbohydrate chains present in the C-terminal region of polypeptide 3. These data are related to the folding of polypeptide 3 in the erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   

Hormone-sensitive lipase (HSL) is an esterase and lipase, which are essential for spermatogenesis. Two HSL mRNAs are expressed in human testis. A long form is encoded by a testis-specific exon and nine exons common to testis and adipocyte HSL. Here we show that the short-form 3.3-kb mRNA possesses a unique 5' end that is transcribed from a novel testis-specific exon. The corresponding protein is similar to the 775-amino-acid-long adipocyte HSL. Immunohistochemistry experiments on human testis sections revealed that the long form is strictly expressed in haploid germ cells whereas the short form is expressed in interstitial and tubular somatic cells as well as premeiotic germ cells.  相似文献   

Membrane type 3 matrix metalloproteinase (MT3-MMP), an activator for the zymogen of MMP-2 (proMMP-2, or progelatinase A), is known to be expressed in human placenta, brain, lung and rat vascular smooth muscle cells, but information about its biochemical properties is limited. In the present study, we expressed and purified a truncated form of MT3-MMP lacking the transmembrane and intracytoplasmic domain (DeltaMT3) and characterized the enzyme biochemically. DeltaMT3 digested type III collagen into characteristic 3/4- and 1/4-fragments by cleaving the Gly781-Ile782 and Gly784-Ile785 bonds of alpha1(III) chains. Although DeltaMT3 did not have such an activity against type I collagen, it attacked the Gly4-Ile5 bond of the triple helical portion of alpha2(I) chains, leading to removal of the crosslink containing N-terminal telopeptides. By quantitative analyses of the activities of DeltaMT3 and a similar deletion mutant of MT1-MMP (DeltaMT1), DeltaMT3 was approximately fivefold more efficient at cleaving type III collagen. DeltaMT3 also digested cartilage proteoglycan, gelatin, fibronectin, vitronectin, laminin-1, alpha1-proteinase inhibitor and alpha2-macroglobulin into almost identical fragments to those given by DeltaMT1, although carboxymethylated transferrin digestion by DeltaMT3 generated some extra fragments. The activity of DeltaMT3 was inhibited by tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinases-2 (TIMP-2) and TIMP-3 in a 1 : 1 stoichiometry, but not by TIMP-1. ProMMP-2 was partially activated by DeltaMT3 to give the intermediate form. These results indicate that, like MT1-MMP, MT3-MMP exhibits proteolytic activities against a wide range of extracellular matrix molecules. However, differences in the proMMP-2 activation and tissue distribution suggest that MT3-MMP and MT1-MMP play different roles in the pathophysiological digestion of extracellular matrix.  相似文献   

Characterization of the major protein-tyrosine-phosphatases of human placenta   总被引:51,自引:0,他引:51  
In the preceding article (Tonks, N. K., Diltz, C. D., and Fischer, E. H. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 6722-6730), the purification of the major protein-tyrosine-phosphatases from human placenta, some to apparent homogeneity, was described. This report compares the characteristics of these enzymes and clearly identifies at least two distinct protein-tyrosine-phosphatase catalytic subunits. All were absolutely specific for phosphotyrosyl residues and showed no activity on any of the phosphoseryl/phosphothreonyl-containing proteins tested; they exhibited a high affinity for substrate with Km values in the submicromolar range. All were absolutely dependent on sulfhydryl compounds and appeared to contain at least one highly reactive cysteinyl residue essential for activity. Subtypes 1A and 1B could be distinguished by their response to polyanionic and polycationic compounds. The 1B enzymes were activated by EDTA, spermine, spermidine, and myelin basic protein to a greater extent than the 1A subtypes. Furthermore, they were inhibited by approximately 2 orders of magnitude lower concentrations of heparin (IC50 approximately 20 nM) and 1:1 or 4:1 poly (glutamate/tyrosine) (IC50 approximately 50 nM) than the 1A subtypes. Surprisingly, inhibition by the glutamate/tyrosine copolymers was strictly noncompetitive. Peptide mapping following digestion with Achromobacter protease I or Staphylococcus aureus V8 protease supported the view that, whereas protein-tyrosine-phosphatase subtypes 1A and 1B are different, their soluble and particulate counterparts are closely related structurally and are distinct from serine/threonine phosphatases 1 and 2A.  相似文献   

The steady-state kinetics of the major form of ox kidney aldehyde reductase with d-glucuronic acid have been determined at pH7. Initial rate and product inhibition studies performed in both directions are consistent with a Di-Iso Ordered Bi Bi mechanism. The mechanism of inhibition by sodium valproate and benzoic acid is shown to involve flux through an alternative pathway.  相似文献   

Biopterin is required for growth of the protozoan parasite Leishmania and is salvaged from the host through the activities of a novel biopterin transporter (BT1) and broad-spectrum pteridine reductase (PTR1). Here we characterize Leishmania major quinonoid-dihydropteridine reductase (LmQDPR), the key enzyme required for regeneration and maintenance of H(4)biopterin pools. LmQDPR shows good homology to metazoan quinonoid-dihydropteridine reductase and conservation of domains implicated in catalysis and regulation. Unlike other organisms, LmQDPR is encoded by a tandemly repeated array of 8-9 copies containing LmQDPR plus two other genes. QDPR mRNA and enzymatic activity were expressed at similar levels throughout the infectious cycle. The pH optima, kinetic properties, and substrate specificity of purified LmQDPR were found to be similar to that of other qDPRs, although it lacked significant activity for non-quinonoid pteridines. These and other data suggest that LmQDPR is unlikely to encode the dihydrobiopterin reductase activity (PTR2) described previously. Similarly LmQDPR is not inhibited by a series of antifolates showing anti-leishmanial activity beyond that attributable to dihydrofolate reductase or PTR1 inhibition. qDPR activity was found in crude lysates of Trypanosoma brucei and Trypanosoma cruzi, further emphasizing the importance of H(4)biopterin throughout this family of human parasites.  相似文献   

A major CNBr fragment of glutathione reductase, peptide Q [Krohne-Ehrich, G., Schirmer, R.H. & Untucht-Grau, R. (1977) Eur. J. Biochem. 80, 65-71], was further fractionated by trypsin, chymotrypsin, thermolysin and clostripain digestion. The peptides were isolated and most of them were sequenced by solid-phase Edman degradation. The whole peptide Q was sequenced N-terminally up to position 51 by the same technique. A total sequence of 128 amino acids (28% of the whole protein) was obtained and could be localized in the electron density map [Schulz, G.E., Schirmer, R.H., Sachsenheimer, W. & Pai, E.F. (1978) Nature (Lond.) 273, 120-124] from position 259-387. This part of the polypeptide links and participates in all three domains of the flavoenzyme.  相似文献   

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