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Larvae of the crab Chasmagnathus granulata were collected in a salt marsh located in the Lagoa dos Patos, Brazil and reared from eclosion to metamorphosis under different dietary regimes. Larvae reared individually in beakers of 40 ml and fed Tetraselmis chuii (zoea III and zoea IV), showed a supplementary stage, here designated as zoea V, with morphological characteristics intermediary between zoea IV and megalopa. No zoeae V molted to megalopa stage. To confirm the occurrence of the supplementary stage, mass cultures of larvae of C. granulata were fed Artemia sp. at high densities, we again detected the fifth zoeal instar. However, when zoeae V were individually placed in beakers and fed Artemia nauplii, they succeeded in molting into megalopae. We observed the occurrence of two types of zoeae IV — a smaller type (from which originated the zoeae V) and a larger type (which directly developed into megalopae). We conclude that stressful nutritional/environmental conditions were responsible for the occurrence of this alternative path of development.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The effects of seasonal variation on the carbohydrate and lipid metabolism of the Chasmagnathus granulata were investigated.
  • 2.2. Glycemia is high in winter and summer and low in spring and fall.
  • 3.3. The glycogen content in the hepatopancreas and muscle is higher in fall and winter, and decreases during spring and summer.
  • 4.4. The muscle lipids are higher in summer, and decrease during fall and winter whereas hepatopancreas lipids are higher except in the fall.
  • 5.5. The crabs show change in the metabolic pattern of lipids and carbohydrates during the seasons of the year.

The effects of individual larval biomass, and salinity experienced during embryogenesis (i.e., prehatching salinity) on starvation tolerance and growth of zoea 1 of the estuarine crab (Chasmagnathus granulata) were evaluated in laboratory experiments. Freshly hatched zoeae 1 were obtained from broods maintained at three salinities (15‰, 20‰ and 32‰), and cultured at 20‰ under different initial feeding periods and subsequent food deprivation (“point of reserve saturation” experiment: PRS) or under initial periods of food deprivation and subsequent feeding (point of no return experiment: PNR). Another group of larvae were used for determination of biomass (dry weight, carbon, and nitrogen) of zoea 1.Larval survival and duration of development depended on the length of feeding period: no larvae reached the second instar under complete starvation; survival was higher and duration of development shorter as the feeding period lengthened. After different initial feeding periods (PRS experiment), zoeae 1 that hatched from eggs incubated at the prehatching salinities of 15‰ and 20‰ showed higher survival and shorter duration of development than those at 32‰. Prehatching salinity also affected the amount of reserves accumulated during the first 2 days after hatching, with larvae from 15‰ and 20‰ showing the highest percentage of total accumulation of carbon and nitrogen. Initial larval biomass did not affect survival, but it had a slight effect on duration of development, with larger larvae (in terms of biomass) developing faster. After different initial starvation periods (PNR experiment), prehatching salinity did not affect survival, but it affected duration of development: larvae from 15‰ and 20‰ reached the second instar earlier. Variability in survival and duration of development was explained in part by among-brood variability in initial larval biomass: larvae with higher biomass showed higher survival and shorter duration of development. Thus, C. granulata, survival and duration of development under food stress depend on the interaction between environmental conditions experienced before and after hatching (pre- and posthatching factors, respectively).  相似文献   

Some kinetic properties of gill Na(+),K(+)-ATPase of the estuarine crab, Chasmagnathus granulata, and its involvement in osmotic adaptation were analyzed. Results suggest the presence of different Na(+),K(+)-ATPase isoforms in anterior and posterior gills. They have different affinities for Na(+), but similar affinity values for K(+), Mg(2+), ATP and similar enzymatic profiles as a function of temperature of the incubation medium. Ouabain concentrations which inhibit 50% of enzyme activity were also similar in the two types of gills. Enzyme activity and affinity for Na(+) are higher in posterior gills than in anterior ones. Furthermore, affinities of Na(+),K(+)-ATPase of posterior gills for Na(+) and K(+) were similar to or higher than those of gills or other structures involved in the osmoregulation in several euryaline decapod crustaceans. Acclimation to low salinity was related to a significant increase in the maximum Na(+), K(+)-ATPase activity, mainly in posterior gills. On the other hand, crab acclimation to high salinity induced a significant decrease in maximum enzyme activity, both in anterior and posterior gills. These results are in accordance to the osmoregulatory performance showed by C. granulata in diluted media, and point out the major role of posterior gills in the osmoregulation of this species.  相似文献   

Chasmagnathus granulatus is an estuarine crab which actively moves from subtidal to supratidal areas. To elucidate the possible existence of extrabranchial sites for aerial gas exchange, we measured respiratory and acid-base variables in animals with and without branchial water (controls and experimental crabs, respectively) during air exposure. An histological study of the branchiostegite was also performed. Throughout 4 h of emergence C. granulatus did not suffer venous hypoxia, even without branchial water. The rate of oxygen uptake (M(O(2))) was similar in both groups. The rate of carbon dioxide excretion (M(CO(2))) and the gas exchange ratio (R) significantly decreased during emergence in both groups, with R significantly lower for experimental crabs. Consequently, CO(2) was accumulated in the hemolymph. This variable stabilized after 90 min in control animals, but experimental crabs continued accumulating CO(2). Histological study of the branchiostegites demonstrated the presence of an attenuated and greatly perfused epithelium facing the branchial chamber lumen, with a shortest diffusion distance of 0.5 microm. Simple folds and lobulated projections increase the respiratory surface area. These results suggest that C. granulatus is a bimodal breathing crab, active both in water and air. When emerged, this species extract oxygen directly from air through branchiostegal lungs, but relies on branchial exchange to eliminate carbon dioxide.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. The ventilatory mechanism, gill area, sites of oxygen uptake, oxygen consumption and activity of a crab from south Brazil, Chasmagnathus granulata, were investigated.
  • 2.2. The oxygen uptake seems to be restricted to the gill lamellae.
  • 3.3. The gill area varies with the wet body weight, being relatively higher in smaller animals. There is not a significative reduction of the gill area in relation to species of the infralittoral zone.
  • 4.4. C. granulata presents a mechanism for recirculating the water of its branchial chamber when exposed to atmospheric air.
  • 5.5. The oxygen consumption and activity are reduced when the animals are exposed to atmospheric air. The reduction in the oxygen consumption may be related to the poorly adapted respiratory system, while the decrease in activity may be a mechanism for saving energy during this hypoxic period.

The semiterrestrial crab Neohelice (=Chasmagnathus) granulata (Dana 1851) is a predominant species in brackish salt marshes, mangroves and estuaries. Its larvae are exported towards coastal marine waters. In order to estimate the limits of salinity tolerance constraining larval retention in estuarine habitats, we exposed in laboratory experiments freshly hatched zoeae to six different salinities (5–32‰). At 5‰, the larvae survived for a maximum of 2 weeks, reaching only exceptionally the second zoeal stage, while 38% survived to the megalopa stage at 10‰. Shortest development and negligible mortality occurred at all higher salt concentrations. These observations show that the larvae of N. granulata can tolerate a retention in the mesohaline reaches of estuaries, with a lower limit of ca. 10–15‰. Maximum survival at 25‰ suggests that polyhaline conditions rather than an export to oceanic waters are optimal for successful larval development of this species. In another experiment, we tested the capability of the last zoeal stage (IV) for reimmigration from coastal marine into brackish waters. Stepwise reductions of salinity during this stage allowed for moulting to the megalopa at 4–10‰. Although survival was at these conditions reduced and development delayed, these results suggest that already the zoea-IV stage is able to initiate the reimmigration into estuaries. After further salinity reduction, megalopae survived in this experiment for up to >3 weeks in freshwater, without moulting to juvenile crabs. In a similar experiment starting from the megalopa stage, successful metamorphosis occurred at 4–10‰, and juvenile growth continued in freshwater. Although these juvenile crabs showed significantly enhanced mortality and smaller carapace width compared to a seawater control, our results show that the late larval and early juvenile stages of N. granulata are well adapted for successful recruitment in brackish and even limnetic habitats.  相似文献   

Lipids seem to be the major energy store in crustaceans. Moreover, they are extremely important in maintaining structural and physiological integrity of cellular and sub cellular membranes. During salinity adaptation, energy-demanding mechanisms for hemolymph osmotic and ionic regulation are activated. Thus, the main goal of this work was to verify the possible involvement of lipids as an energy source in the osmotic adaptation process. The estuarine crab Chasmagnathus granulata was captured and acclimated to salt water at 20 per thousand salinity and 20 +/- 2 degrees C, for 30 days. After acclimation, crabs were divided into groups of ten and transferred to fresh water (0 per thousand ), salt water at 40 per thousand salinity, or maintained in salt water at 20 per thousand salinity (control group), without feeding. Before and seven days after the salinity change, wet weight and lipid concentration in gills, muscle, hepatopancreas, and hemolymph were determined according to the colorimetric assay of sulphophosphovanilin. Results show that hepatopancreas lipids were not mobilized during osmotic stress regulation. Gill and muscle lipids were significantly lower in crabs subjected to hypo-osmotic stress than those subjected to the hyper-osmotic stress or maintained at the control salinity. Our results point to the occurrence of lipid mobilization and involvement of these compounds in the osmotic acclimation process in C. granulata, but with differences between tissues and the osmotic shock (hypo or hyper) considered.  相似文献   

In marine benthic invertebrates with complex life cycles, recruitment success, juvenile survival, and growth may be affected by variation in both maternal factors and environmental conditions prevailing during preceding embryonic or larval development. In an estuarine crab, Chasmagnathus granulata, previous investigations have shown that initial larval biomass is positively correlated with the biomass of recently extruded eggs, and it depends also on the salinity experienced during embryogenesis. Biomass at hatching has consequences for the subsequent larval development which, in this species, comprises two alternative developmental pathways with four or five zoeal instars (short or long pathway) and a megalopa. Larvae hatching with a lower than average biomass tend to develop through the long pathway and metamorphose to megalopae with higher biomass. In the present study, we show experimentally that the long pathway produces also significantly larger juveniles (crab size measured as carapace width, biomass as dry mass, carbon and nitrogen contents). Compared with juveniles originating from the short pathway, those from the long pathway showed in successive instars longer moulting cycles and larger carapace width, but lower size increments at ecdysis. In consequence, differences in size or biomass of long pathway vs short pathway crabs tended to disappear in later instars (after stage V). Furthermore, we tested in juveniles the tolerance of starvation at three salinities (5‰, 15‰, 32‰). Tolerance of starvation was significantly higher in juveniles originating from the long pathway, indicating higher energy reserves. While salinity played only a minor role for survival, it exerted significant effects on the time of moulting to the second juvenile instar, regardless of the preceding developmental pathway. The biomass of first juveniles obtained from the short pathway showed a significant positive correlation with the biomass of the freshly hatched zoea I, but not in those from the long pathway. In conclusion, the fitness of juvenile C. granulata is linked with previous developmental processes and environmental conditions during the embryonic and larval phase. Hence, a better understanding and prediction of the recruitment success of marine benthic invertebrates with a complex life cycle may require more comprehensive life‐history investigations.  相似文献   

Duration of embryonic development, egg size, larval size at hatching, and starvation tolerance of the first zoeal stage were studied in an intertidal crab from the southwestern Atlantic, Neohelice (formerly Chasmagnathus) granulata. These reproductive traits were quantified comparing (a) two populations living in ecologically contrasting coastal habitats in Argentina, a brackish lagoon, Mar Chiquita, MC vs. an open marine habitat near San Antonio, Patagonia, SA, (b) beginning vs. end of the reproductive season, and (c) two temperatures during egg development (18 vs. 27°C). Eggs in an early stage of embryonic development were in both populations larger at the beginning than at the end of the season, and were consistently larger in the SA population. These size differences persisted through larval hatching, independent of the temperature during embryogenesis. At 18°C, eggs produced at the beginning of the season developed in both populations more rapidly than those from the end of the reproductive season, while the opposite trend was observed at 27°C. The stage duration of the zoea I was in both populations shorter at the beginning as compared to the end of the season. The nutritional flexibility of the zoea I stage was compared using as indices the point-of-reserve-saturation (PRS50) and the point-of-no-return (PNR50). The PRS50 was consistently lower in larvae from SA than in those from MC. In the MC population, this index was lower at the beginning than at the end of the season, while no significant seasonal difference was observed in larvae from SA. The PNR50 varied between temperatures of embryonic development and populations, showing also significant interactions between all three factors. The PRS50 was on average lower, and the PNR50 was higher, than values previously reported for N. granulata, suggesting a stronger nutritional flexibility in the larvae used in the present study. Our results indicate significant intraspecific variability among separate populations, seasonal variation, and carry-over effects of environmental conditions prevailing during the embryonic phase, all of which may affect the performance of the larval phase.  相似文献   

可口革囊星虫胚胎与幼体的发育   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
解剖经降温8-10℃刺激30-40h后的可口革囊星虫(Phascolosomaesculenta)亲体取得精、卵,用人工授精法获得的受精卵进行胚胎和幼体发育的研究。结果表明:可口革囊星虫的卵为圆形或椭圆形,卵的大小为120μm×142μm-125μm×148μm。精子由头部、中段和尾部组成,全长约为32-40μm。在海水盐度23.8ppt、pH8.1、温度15℃的条件下,精、卵不能受精;在海水盐度23.8ppt、pH8.1、温度20℃的条件下,精卵能受精,但胚胎发育到原肠胚期停止;在海水盐度23.8ppt、pH8.1条件下,25℃、30℃和35℃的不同水温,精卵均能受精,受精卵发育到初期海球幼虫分别需要72h0min、47h08min和42h53min。在海水盐度23.8-25.5ppt,pH8.1-8.2,温度28-30℃条件下,从初期海球幼虫发育到稚虫需要15-20d。  相似文献   

Reproductive traits at the beginning and the end of the annual reproductive season were compared between two populations of the intertidal crab Chasmagnathus granulatus living in ecologically contrasting habitats: (1) Mar Chiquita (MC) (37°45′S, 57°19′W), a highly productive estuarine coastal lagoon with strong salinity fluctuations. (2) San Antonio Bay (SA) (40°46′S, 64°50′), a physically stable but less productive coastal marine environment. Number, size, and elemental composition (CHN) of eggs and larvae differed significantly between populations. Regardless of the season, more but smaller eggs and larvae were produced in MC, while eggs and larvae from SA revealed higher dry mass and C/N ratios indicating higher lipid content. A latitudinal temperature gradient cannot explain these patterns, suggesting that other environmental factors including salinity, quality or quantity of benthic food sources and productivity may be responsible. In both populations, fecundity and biomass per egg were higher at the beginning as compared to the end of the reproductive season. As a consequence, the reproductive effort was consistently maximal at the beginning of the season. At MC, also variability was found between two successive years. Intraspecific (both interpopulational and seasonal) variations in reproductive and developmental traits may be important for the formation of physiologically different metapopulations along the wide geographic range of C. granulatus.  相似文献   

Neohelice granulata (Chasmagnathus granulatus) is an intertidal crab species living in salt marshes from estuaries and lagoons along the Atlantic coast of South America. It is a key species in these environments because it is responsible for energy transfer from producers to consumers. In order to deal with the extremely marked environmental salinity changes occurring in salt marshes, N. granulata shows important and interesting structural, biochemical, and physiological adaptations at the gills level. These adaptations characterize this crab as a euryhaline species, tolerating environmental salinities ranging from very diluted media to concentrated seawater. These characteristics had led to its use as an animal model to study estuarine adaptations in crustaceans. Therefore, the present review focuses on the influence of environmental salinity on N. granulata responses at the ecological, organismic and molecular levels. Aspects covered include salinity tolerance, osmo- and ionoregulatory patterns, morphological and structural adaptations at the gills, and mechanisms of ion transport and their regulation at the gills level during environmental salinity acclimation. Finally, this review compiles information on the effects of some environmental pollutants on iono- and osmoregulatory adaptations showed by N. granulata.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Lipid, glucose and glycogen concentrations were measured in different tissues of the crab Chasmagnathus granulata during emersion.
  • 2.2. After 6 hr of emersion no reduction in the total amount of carbohydrates was found to occur, suggesting that a general metabolic arrest was taking place.
  • 3.3. A transitory increase in haemolymphatic glucose and lipid levels was observed. Possible causes are therefore discussed in relation to changes in the flux of substrates for energy production.
  • 4.4. The mobilization of carbohydrates and lipids to the gills, observed only during summer, may be concerned with energy supplying for ionic regulation.

Changes in biomass and elemental composition (dry mass, W; carbon, C; nitrogen, N; hydrogen, H) were studied in the laboratory during complete larval and early juvenile development of the southern king crab, Lithodes santolla (Molina), formerly known as Lithodes antarcticus (Jacquinot). At 6±0.5 °C, total larval development from hatching to metamorphosis lasted about 10 weeks, comprising three demersal zoeal stages and a benthic megalopa, with mean stage durations of 4, 7, 11 and 47 days, respectively. No differences in development duration or mortality were observed in larvae either fed with Artemia sp. nauplii or unfed, indicating that all larval stages of L. santolla are lecithotrophic. First feeding and growth were consistently observed immediately after metamorphosis to the first juvenile crab stage. Regardless of the presence or absence of food, W, C, N and H decreased throughout larval development. Also the C:N mass ratio decreased significantly, from 7.7 at hatching to 4.1 at metamorphosis, indicating that a large initial lipid store remaining from the egg yolk was gradually utilized as an internal energy source, while proteins played a minor role as a metabolic substrate. In total, 56-58% of the initial quantities of C and H present at hatching, and 20% of N were lost during nonfeeding larval development to metamorphosis. Nine to ten percent of the initially present C, N and H were lost with larval exuviae, half of these losses occurring in the three zoeal stages combined and another half in the megalopa stage alone. Metabolic biomass degradation accounted for losses of about 47-50% in C and H but for only 10% in N. Hence, most of the losses in C and H reflected metabolic energy consumption (primarily lipid degradation), while about half of the losses in N and two thirds of those in W were due to larval exuviation. Complete independence from food throughout larval development is based on an enhanced maternal energy investment per offspring and on energy-saving mechanisms such as low larval locomotory activity and low exuvial losses. These traits are interpreted as bioenergetic adaptations to food-limited conditions in Subantarctic regions, where a pronounced seasonality of day length limits the period of primary production, while low temperatures enforce a long duration of pelagic development.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Behavioural observations and haemolymphatic measurements of Na+ K+ and Ca+ were performed in Chasmagnalhus granulata during emersion.
  • 2.2. Activity levels were found to be higher during voluntary emersion periods than when the animals were submerged. A lt50 of 39.45 hr was observed when no access to water was allowed.
  • 3.3. The Na+ and K+ and Ca+ levels increased during aerial exposure. The Na+ and K+ levels were restored prior the end of the experimental period. Mechanisms for such regulation are therefore discussed. The Ca2+ levels, remaining high during emersion, are probably a result of acid-base balance adjustments.

温度和盐度对中华多刺鱼胚胎发育过程的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年3-5月,在北京怀柔水库入库河流怀九河的西四渡河河段,采集性成熟的中华多刺鱼(Pungitius sinensis),人工干法授精获取受精卵,观察并记录受精卵的胚胎发育历程;设置温度和盐度梯度,观察温度和盐度对中华多刺鱼胚胎发育过程的影响。结果表明:北京地区的中华多刺鱼胚胎发育的起始温度(生物学零度)为4.7℃,适宜的发育水温为14.0℃-16.0℃,与中华多刺鱼繁殖盛期(4月中下旬)自然水体的水温相近;平均水温14.0℃时,中华多刺鱼完成胚胎发育约需183h;水温升至22.5℃时,胚胎的孵化率仅为22.2%;水温升至25.0℃时,受精卵不能孵化,此温度应是中华多刺鱼胚胎发育温度的上限。实验表明,北京地区中华多刺鱼的胚胎对盐度的耐受力较为有限,在与自然水体相同的盐度下(0‰)其孵化率接近100%;随着盐度的升高,孵化率降低,8‰盐度时,仅有56%的受精卵孵化;至20‰时,受精卵全部死亡,此盐度应为中华多刺鱼胚胎发育的盐度上限。  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of anoxia (8 h) and different periods of reoxygenation (20 and 40 min) on the oxidative balance in anterior and posterior gills of the crab Chasmagnathus granulata. Enzyme activity of catalase and GST was increased in the gills of the animals submitted to anoxia, and SOD activity was decreased. These enzymes returned approximately to control levels during the anoxia recovery time. These results demonstrated enzyme activities change with variations in environmental oxygen levels. The posterior gills showed a higher antioxidant enzyme activity than anterior gills. In the gills, there were no changes in the non-enzymatic antioxidant system (TRAP) during anoxia. On the other hand, during anoxia recovery, an increase of TRAP in both gills was observed. Anoxia does not change lipid peroxidation (TBARS) in the gills. During anoxia recuperation, an increase in levels of TBARS was observed. Thus the results demonstrate that C. granulata has a similar strategy of preparation for oxidative stress as observed in other intertidal species, enabling the crabs to survive in an environment with extreme variations in physical and chemical characteristics, such as salt marshes.  相似文献   

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