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In humans, the capacity for economically rational choice is constrained by a variety of preference biases: humans evaluate gambles relative to arbitrary reference points; weigh losses heavier than equally sized gains; and demand a higher price for owned goods than for equally preferred goods that are not yet owned. To date, however, fewer studies have examined the origins of these biases. Here, we review previous work demonstrating that human economic biases such as loss aversion and reference dependence are shared with an ancestrally related New World primate, the capuchin monkey (Cebus apella). We then examine whether capuchins display an endowment effect in a token-trading task. We identified pairs of treats (fruit discs versus cereal chunks) that were equally preferred by each monkey. When given a chance to trade away their owned fruit discs to obtain the equally valued cereal chunks (or vice versa), however, monkeys required a far greater compensation than the equally preferred treat. We show that these effects are not due to transaction costs or timing issues. These data suggest that biased preferences rely on cognitive systems that are more evolutionarily ancient than previously thought-and that common evolutionary ancestry shared by humans and capuchins may account for the occurrence of the endowment effect in both species.  相似文献   

This paper reviews concept learning in Cebus monkeys, focussing on their ability to use the identity relation, oddity and natural concepts. Capuchins are similar to other primate genera in their use of these concepts. The extant data on learning in primates generally reflect historical concerns with general processes of learning. An alternative approach which considers the tasks the animal faces in its natural environment may be better suited to the discovery of species-unique characteristics of learning. This approach has not yet been applied to Cebus.  相似文献   

Controlling relations in the simple discrimination performances of capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) were studied in two experiments using a blank-comparison procedure. The main goal was to determine whether monkeys would (a) select an S+ stimulus if another stimulus was substituted for the S- (indicating a select-controlling relation) and (b) reject an S- if another stimulus was substituted for S+ (indicating a reject-controlling relation). In experiment 1, two simple simultaneous discriminations were established, one of which was reversed repeatedly until rapid reversal learning was exhibited. During subsequent probe tests, some behavior was consistent with select- and reject-controlling relations, but there was also substantial variability. To control the variability, the procedures of experiment 2 were designed to establish select- and reject-control relations directly by training with the blank-comparison procedure. On subsequent probe trials, new stimuli were substituted for the blank comparison. Both animals exhibited consistent, reliable select- and reject-controlling relations. These experiments are the first to employ the blank-comparison procedure with non-human subjects. They also demonstrate a reliable method for generating select- and reject-controlling relations for experimental study.  相似文献   

In group-living animals, collective movements are a widespread phenomenon and occur through consensus decision. When one animal proposes a direction for group movement, the others decide to follow or not and hence take part in the decision-making process. This paper examines the temporal spread of individual responses after the departure of a first individual (the initiator) in a semi-free ranging group of white-faced capuchins (Cebus capucinus). We analysed 294 start attempts, 111 succeeding and 183 failing. Using a modelling approach, we have demonstrated that consensus decision-making for group movements is based on two complementary phenomena in this species: firstly, the joining together of group members thanks to a mimetic process; and secondly, a modulation of this phenomenon through the propensity of the initiator to give up (i.e. cancellation rate). This cancellation rate seems to be directly dependent upon the number of followers: the greater this number is, the lower the cancellation rate is seen to be. The coupling between joining and cancellation rates leads to a quorum: when three individuals join the initiator, the group collectively moves. If the initiator abandons the movement, this influences the joining behaviour of the other group members, which in return influences the initiator''s behaviour. This study demonstrates the synergy between the initiator''s behaviour and the self-organized mechanisms underlying group movements.  相似文献   

We investigated the initiation of group movements in white-faced capuchin monkeys, Cebus capucinus, with the aim of determining whether a single individual with high dominance status consistently leads movements or whether leadership is distributed between group members. The group studied was reared in semifree-ranging conditions. A multivariate analysis followed by univariate analyses demonstrated that leadership was not concentrated on a single individual in this species. All individuals could initiate a collective movement. Nearly half of group members regularly succeeded in recruiting at least three followers. Although both sexes had similar rates of start attempts, females succeeded more frequently than males. We found no significant effect of the dominance status on the percentage of successful attempts. The use of a slow speed, looking back towards the other group members, or trills by the initiator heightened the likelihood of success in group movement initiation. An initiator starting from a core position in a clumped group was more successful than one starting from an edge position in a clumped group or from a dispersed group. Furthermore, the probability of successful start attempts was higher when the group remained stationary for a long period. Leadership in white-faced capuchins appears to be distributed between group members rather than exclusively concentrated on high-ranking individuals. Copyright 2003 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.   相似文献   

Background Ovarian absence is a rare condition with congenital or traumatic origin. Methods Gross and microscopic examination of two capuchin monkeys were performed. Results Case 1 had absence of the right ovary and distal uterine tube, bilateral absence of fimbriae, and a rudimentary uterus. Case 2 had unilateral ovarian absence, but a functional contralateral ovary, and a normal uterus. Conclusions Unilateral ovarian absence was confirmed in two capuchin monkeys for the first time.  相似文献   

It has been claimed that capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) show inequity aversion in relation to food rewards for a simple exchange task. However, other factors may affect the willingness of a monkey to consume foods of high or low value in the presence of a conspecific. In this study, pairs of monkeys were presented with unequally valued foods, but without any task-performance: they simply received the food under four experimental conditions. By looking at the rate of collection and consumption of low-valued cucumber slices we expected to see variation dependent on whether the partner either had 1) cucumber (equity), 2) grape (inequity), 3) inaccessible cucumber or 4) inaccessible grape. Testing 12 adult capuchin monkeys, our findings differed from those of other authors in that the monkeys failed to show negative reactions to inequity, but rather responded with scramble competition (i.e., fast food collection) in the presence of a conspecific without access to food. They also showed facilitated consumption in the presence of a conspecific consuming high-valued food. Possibly, (in)equity plays a different role if food serves as a reward for a task rather than if it is simply made available for consumption.  相似文献   

Reintroduction of capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) into their social group in captivity can elicit sirena screams and embraces. Captive scream-embrace displays are male biased, and females never perform sirena screams. One hypothesis is that scream-embrace displays serve a tension-reduction or reconciliatory function between males with conflicting interests. Alternatively, these displays may function to maintain strong affiliative bonds between friendly male dyads. Scream and/or embrace displays in wild Brazilian black-horned capuchins were analyzed for social and ecological contexts, behavioral components, and individuals involved. Seventy-two displays were observed during the 199-day study period. Among the 66 displays for which both members could be identified by sex, there were 42 occurrences of male-male dyads, 17 of male-female dyads, and seven of female-female dyads. Scream-embrace dyads were male-male pairs significantly more often than expected from group membership, and the alpha male was the only male to engage in scream-embrace displays with females. Female-female pairs did embrace, but never emitted sirena screams. Displays most commonly occurred in "reunion" contexts, primarily the reuniting of subgroups after hours or days out of contact, but also after intergroup encounters, and across groups in "intergroup" displays. Displays were rare, but socially contagious, and subgroup reunions could elicit multiple displays in rapid succession. Although the occurrence of screams and embraces was positively correlated, both behaviors also occurred independently, and their functions may be different. Male sirena screams may be honest advertisements of united alliances, directed toward a third party, whereas the embrace may be a risky affiliative signal, directed primarily within the dyad.  相似文献   

To assess how brown capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) delay gratification and maximize payoff, we carried out four experiments in which six subjects could exchange food pieces with a human experimenter. The pieces differed either in quality or quantity. In qualitative exchanges, all subjects gave a piece of food to receive another of higher value. When the difference of value between the rewards to be returned and those expected was higher, subjects performed better. Only two subjects refrained from nibbling the piece of food before returning it. All subjects performed two or three qualitative exchanges in succession to obtain a given reward. In quantitative exchanges, three subjects returned a food item to obtain a bigger one, but two of them nibbled the item before returning it. Individual differences were marked. Subjects had some difficulties when the food to be returned was similar or equal in quality to that expected.  相似文献   

Spontaneous interactions over fruits and vegetables were observed in a captive group of Cebus apella. The group lacked fully grown males; 3 adult females dominated the remaining 11 individuals, most of which were adolescents and late juveniles. Apart from expressions of interest and unsuccessful attempts to claim food, interactions over food included two types of interindividual food transfer: forced claims (i.e., involuntary transfers) and peaceful sharing. These two categories represented 7.2% and 20.3% of 3,389 observed food interactions, respectively. Sharing of food was subdivided into four categories; the most frequent category was the collection of discarded food items from within reach of the possessor, and the least frequent was active giving of food items by the possessor. The voluntary nature of food transfers was further investigated in an experiment in which two monkeys were placed in adjacent cages with a wire-mesh partition between them. One subject received food; the other did not. Although this setup made it easy for possessors to prevent food transfers, sharing occurred in all 18 tests on different combinations of individuals. In 10 of the tests, possessors were observed to actively push food through the mesh partition to their partner. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to examine the influence of age on hand preference in capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella). Twenty-two capuchins, aged 6 months to 30 years, were presented with a task that involved reaching for food and a task that involved using sponging tools to absorb juice. Adults exhibited a greater percentage of right-handed actions in each task than did immature subjects. Adults also exhibited a stronger lateral bias than did immature subjects in the sponging task. These results are consistent with hypotheses: a) adult capuchin monkeys are biased toward use of their right hand for reaching; b) adult capuchins exhibit a greater incidence of right-hand preference than do immature capuchins; and c) primates exhibit age-related differences in the strength and direction of hand preference in tasks that involve the use of tools.  相似文献   

Three cases of infanticide are reported from a well-studied population of wedge-capped capuchin monkeys, Cebus olivaceus, located in the Venezuelan llanos. For each case, we examined the social context and the consequences to the reproductive success of the infanticidal male. In 1 case, the male probably killed his own son. In 2 cases, the male killed an unrelated animal. In all 3 cases, the female conceived in the following breeding season, but in only 1 case did the infanticidal male possibly enhance his own reproductive success. These data are interpreted in the light of current hypotheses for infanticide.  相似文献   

The present study analyzed haptic abilities of four squirrel monkeys. Using a two-alternative forced-choice procedure, stimuli were presented in a visually opaque box, allowing unrestrained test subjects to grab through a small opening and touch the discriminanda. Difference thresholds were determined by a modified method of limits. In the first experiment we determined size difference thresholds for the discrimination of circular cylinders using standard stimuli differing in diameter from 10 mm to 35 mm. In the second experiment a texture difference threshold was obtained for the discrimination of grooved surfaces (groove width 2-7 mm).The squirrel monkeys achieved a mean size difference threshold of 8% stimulus difference. The linear increase of absolute thresholds as a function of the starting stimulus size showed that haptic size discriminations in squirrel monkeys correspond to Weber's law. Three of the animals achieved a texture difference of 10% stimulus difference, while one monkey showed a distinctively lower haptic acuity. An analysis of the exploratory behavior points to a subject-related difference in the significance of cutaneous and kinesthetic information during size discriminations. Whereas differences in the animals' exploratory behavior did not correlate with the size difference threshold a subject achieved, different thresholds for texture discrimination can be explained by the different exploratory procedures the monkeys used to touch grooved surfaces. The low difference thresholds determined for the squirrel monkeys in the present study point to the significance of unrestrained test conditions for the assessment of the haptic capacity of a species.  相似文献   

The present study analyzed haptic abilities of four squirrel monkeys. Using a two-alternative forced-choice procedure, stimuli were presented in a visually opaque box, allowing unrestrained test subjects to grab through a small opening and touch the discriminanda. Difference thresholds were determined by a modified method of limits. In the first experiment we determined size difference thresholds for the discrimination of circular cylinders using standard stimuli differing in diameter from 10 mm to 35 mm. In the second experiment a texture difference threshold was obtained for the discrimination of grooved surfaces (groove width 2-7 mm). The squirrel monkeys achieved a mean size difference threshold of 8% stimulus difference. The linear increase of absolute thresholds as a function of the starting stimulus size showed that haptic size discriminations in squirrel monkeys correspond to Weber's law. Three of the animals achieved a texture difference of 10% stimulus difference, while one monkey showed a distinctively lower haptic acuity. An analysis of the exploratory behavior points to a subject-related difference in the significance of cutaneous and kinesthetic information during size discriminations. Whereas differences in the animals' exploratory behavior did not correlate with the size difference threshold a subject achieved, different thresholds for texture discrimination can be explained by the different exploratory procedures the monkeys used to touch grooved surfaces. The low difference thresholds determined for the squirrel monkeys in the present study point to the significance of unrestrained test conditions for the assessment of the haptic capacity of a species.  相似文献   

Although most primates live in groups, experiments on reciprocity usually test individuals in dyads. This could hide the processes emerging in richer social settings, reducing the ecological validity of the results. We run an experiment on reciprocal food transfers testing capuchin monkeys (Cebus apella) in triads, so that subjects could choose to allow access to their food to either of their two partners. We tested the hypothesis that partner choice was related to a comparison of long-term social bonds with the two partners, more than to a comparison of recent food transfer events from the two partners. The results confirmed this hypothesis, thus supporting the notion that reciprocal partner preferences are based on long-term accounts of benefits that have been exchanged.  相似文献   

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