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RNA recognition by a Staufen double-stranded RNA-binding domain   总被引:17,自引:6,他引:17       下载免费PDF全文
The double-stranded RNA-binding domain (dsRBD) is a common RNA-binding motif found in many proteins involved in RNA maturation and localization. To determine how this domain recognizes RNA, we have studied the third dsRBD from Drosophila Staufen. The domain binds optimally to RNA stem–loops containing 12 uninterrupted base pairs, and we have identified the amino acids required for this interaction. By mutating these residues in a staufen transgene, we show that the RNA-binding activity of dsRBD3 is required in vivo for Staufen-dependent localization of bicoid and oskar mRNAs. Using high-resolution NMR, we have determined the structure of the complex between dsRBD3 and an RNA stem–loop. The dsRBD recognizes the shape of A-form dsRNA through interactions between conserved residues within loop 2 and the minor groove, and between loop 4 and the phosphodiester backbone across the adjacent major groove. In addition, helix α1 interacts with the single-stranded loop that caps the RNA helix. Interactions between helix α1 and single-stranded RNA may be important determinants of the specificity of dsRBD proteins.  相似文献   

Specific RNA recognition of proteins containing the double-strand RNA-binding domain (dsRBD) is essential for several biological pathways such as ADAR-mediated adenosine deamination, localization of RNAs by Staufen, or RNA cleavage by RNAse III. Structural analysis has demonstrated the lack of base-specific interactions of dsRBDs with either a perfect RNA duplex or an RNA hairpin. We therefore asked whether in vitro selections performed in parallel with individual dsRBDs could yield RNAs that are specifically recognized by the dsRBD on which they were selected . To this end, SELEX experiments were performed using either the second dsRBD of the RNA-editing enzyme ADAR1 or the second dsRBD of Xlrbpa, a homolog of TRBP that is involved in RISC formation. Several RNA families with high binding capacities for dsRBDs were isolated from either SELEX experiment, but no discrimination of these RNAs by different dsRBDs could be detected. The selected RNAs are highly structured, and binding regions map to two neighboring stem-loops that presumably form stacked helices and are interrupted by mismatches and bulges. Despite the lack of selective binding of SELEX RNAs to individual dsRBDS, selected RNAs can efficiently interfere with RNA editing in vivo.  相似文献   

RNA helicase A (RHA) is a highly conserved protein with multifaceted functions in the gene expression of cellular and viral mRNAs. RHA recognizes highly structured nucleotides and catalytically rearranges the various interactions between RNA, DNA, and protein molecules to provide a platform for the ribonucleoprotein complex. We present the first solution structures of the double-stranded RNA-binding domains (dsRBDs), dsRBD1 and dsRBD2, from mouse RHA. We discuss the binding mode of the dsRBDs of RHA, in comparison with the known dsRBD structures in their complexes. Our structural data provide important information for the elucidation of the molecular reassembly mediated by RHA.  相似文献   

TIS11, a member of the CCCH zinc finger protein family, was found to be distributed throughout cells with a preferential cytoplasmic localization when transiently expressed in COS-7 cells. Upon treatment with heat shock, TIS11 became localized in discrete particles in the cytoplasm of the transfectants. We showed the TIS11-positive particles to be stress granules (SGs), which are known to be formed in the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells in response to environmental stresses. By deletion studies using the green fluorescent protein fusion system, we mapped a functional stress granule (SG) localization signal to a region containing two tandem repeats of the zinc finger motif of TIS11. Site-directed mutations of Tyr105/Tyr113, Gly109/Gly 114, and Phe119 in the first zinc finger motif diminished the ability of this TIS11 domain to direct SG localization. Importantly, when the zinc-chelating Cys residues in either the first or second zinc finger were mutated to Ala residues, the recruitment of the TIS11 zinc finger region to SG was significantly inhibited by the mutation and was completely abolished by the mutation in both zinc fingers. These results suggest that recruitment of TIS11 to heat shock-induced SG is governed by the tandem zinc finger domains of this protein.  相似文献   

Dynamic rearrangement of RNA structure is crucial for intron recognition and formation of the catalytic core during pre-mRNA splicing. Three of the splicing factors that contain sequence motifs characteristic of the DExD/DExH-box family of RNA-dependent ATPases (Prp16, Prp22, and the human homologue of Brr2) recently have been shown to unwind RNA duplexes in vitro, providing biochemical evidence that they may direct structural rearrangements on the spliceosome. Notably, however, the unwinding activity of these proteins is sequence nonspecific, raising the question of how their functional specificity is determined. Because the highly conserved DExD/DExH-box domain in these proteins is typically flanked by one or more nonconserved domains, we have tested the hypothesis that the nonconserved regions of Prp16 determine the functional specificity of the protein. We found that the nonconserved N-terminal domain of Prp16 is (1) essential for viability, (2) required for the nuclear localization of Prp16, and (3) capable of binding to the spliceosome specifically at the step of Prp16 function. Moreover, this domain can interact with the rest of the protein to allow trans-complementation. Based on these results, we propose that the spliceosomal target of the unwinding activity of Prp16, and possibly other DExD/DExH-box splicing factors as well, is defined by factors that specifically interact with the nonconserved domains of the protein.  相似文献   

DEAD box helicases catalyze the ATP-dependent destabilization of RNA duplexes. Whereas duplex separation is mediated by the helicase core shared by all members of the family, flanking domains often contribute to binding of the RNA substrate. The Thermus thermophilus DEAD-box helicase Hera (for “heat-resistant RNA-binding ATPase”) contains a C-terminal RNA-binding domain (RBD). We have analyzed RNA binding to the Hera RBD by a combination of mutational analyses, nuclear magnetic resonance and X-ray crystallography, and identify residues on helix α1 and the C-terminus as the main determinants for high-affinity RNA binding. A crystal structure of the RBD in complex with a single-stranded RNA resolves the RNA–protein interactions in the RBD core region around helix α1. Differences in RNA binding to the Hera RBD and to the structurally similar RBD of the Bacillus subtilis DEAD box helicase YxiN illustrate the versatility of RNA recognition motifs as RNA-binding platforms. Comparison of chemical shift perturbation patterns elicited by different RNAs, and the effect of sequence changes in the RNA on binding and unwinding show that the RBD binds a single-stranded RNA region at the core and simultaneously contacts double-stranded RNA through its C-terminal tail. The helicase core then unwinds an adjacent RNA duplex. Overall, the mode of RNA binding by Hera is consistent with a possible function as a general RNA chaperone.  相似文献   

DEAD box family helicases consist of a helicase core that is formed by two flexibly linked RecA-like domains. The helicase activity can be regulated by N- or C-terminal extensions flanking the core. Thermus thermophilus heat resistant RNA-dependent ATPase (Hera) is the first DEAD box helicase that forms a dimer using a unique dimerization domain. In addition to the dimerization domain, Hera contains a C-terminal RNA binding domain (RBD) that shares sequence homology only to uncharacterized proteins of the Deinococcus/Thermus group. The crystal structure of Hera_RBD reveals the fold of an altered RNA recognition motif (RRM) with limited structural homology to the RBD of the DEAD box helicase YxiN from Bacillus subtilis. Comparison with RRM/RNA complexes shows that a RNA binding mode different than that suggested for YxiN, but similar to U1A, can be inferred for Hera. The orientation of the RBD relative to the helicase core was defined in a second crystal structure of a Hera fragment including the C-terminal RecA domain, the dimerization domain, and the RBD. The structures allow construction of a model for the entire Hera helicase dimer. A likely binding surface for large RNA substrates that spans both RecA-like domains and the RBD is identified.  相似文献   

RNA helicase A (RHA), a DExD/H box protein, plays critical roles in a wide variety of cellular or viral functions. RHA contains a conserved core helicase domain that is flanked by five other domains. Two double-stranded RNA binding domains (dsRBD1 and dsRBD2) are at the N-terminus, whereas HA2 (helicase associated 2), OB-fold (oligonucleotide- or oligosaccharide-binding fold), and RGG (repeats of arginine and glycine–glycine residues) domains are at the C-terminus. The role of these domains in the helicase activity of RHA is still elusive due to the difficulty of obtaining enzymatically active mutant RHA. Here, we purified a series of mutant RHAs containing deletions in either N-terminus or C-terminus. Analysis of these mutant RHAs reveals that the dsRBDs are not required for RNA unwinding, but can enhance the helicase activity by promoting the binding of RHA to substrate RNA. In contrast, deletion of C-terminal domains including RGG, OB-fold, and HA2 does not significantly affect the binding of RHA to substrate RNA. However, HA2 is essential for the RNA unwinding by RHA whereas the RGG and OB-fold are dispensable. The results indicate that the core helicase domain alone is not enough for RHA to execute the unwinding activity.  相似文献   

Fused in sarcoma (FUS) belongs to the group of RNA-binding proteins implicated as underlying factors in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and certain other neurodegenerative diseases. Multiple FUS gene mutations have been linked to hereditary forms, and aggregation of FUS protein is believed to play an important role in pathogenesis of these diseases. In cultured cells, FUS variants with disease-associated amino acid substitutions or short deletions affecting nuclear localization signal (NLS) and causing cytoplasmic mislocalization can be sequestered into stress granules (SGs). We demonstrated that disruption of motifs responsible for RNA recognition and binding not only prevents SG recruitment, but also dramatically increases the protein propensity to aggregate in the cell cytoplasm with formation of juxtanuclear structures displaying typical features of aggresomes. Functional RNA-binding domains from TAR DNA-binding protein of 43 kDa (TDP-43) fused to highly aggregation-prone C-terminally truncated FUS protein restored the ability to enter SGs and prevented aggregation of the chimeric protein. Truncated FUS was also able to trap endogenous FUS molecules in the cytoplasmic aggregates. Our data indicate that RNA binding and recruitment to SGs protect cytoplasmic FUS from aggregation, and loss of this protection may trigger its pathological aggregation in vivo.  相似文献   

RNA-dependent protein kinase (PKR) is an interferon-induced, RNA-activated enzyme that phosphorylates and inhibits the function of the translation initiation factor eIF-2. PKR is activated in vitro by binding RNA molecules with extensive duplex structure. To further define the nature of the RNA regulation of PKR, we have prepared and characterized site-specifically modified proteins consisting of the PKR 20 kDa RNA-binding domain (RBD). Here we show that the two cysteines found naturally in this domain can be altered by site-directed mutagenesis without loss of RNA binding affinity or the RNA-regulated kinase activity. Introduction of cysteine residues at other sites in the PKR RBD allows for site-specific modification with thiol-selective reagents. PKR RBD mutants reacted selectively with a maleimide to introduce a photoactivatable crosslinking aryl azide at three different positions in the protein. RNA crosslinking efficiency was found to be dependent on the amino acid modified, suggesting differences in access to the RNA from these positions in the protein. One of the amino acid modifications that led to crosslinking of the RNA is located at a residue known to be an autophosphorylation site, suggesting that autophosphorylation at this site could influence the RNA binding properties of PKR. The PKR RBD conjugates described here and other similar reagents prepared via these methods are applicable to future studies of PKR–RNA complexes using techniques such as photocrosslinking, fluorescence resonance energy transfer and affinity cleaving.  相似文献   

Long double-stranded RNA may undergo hyper-editing by adenosine deaminases that act on RNA (ADARs), where up to 50% of adenosine residues may be converted to inosine. However, although numerous RNAs may undergo hyper-editing, the role for inosine-containing hyper-edited double-stranded RNA in cells is poorly understood. Nevertheless, editing plays a critical role in mammalian cells, as highlighted by the analysis of ADAR-null mutants. In particular, the long form of ADAR1 (ADAR1p150) is essential for viability. Moreover, a number of studies have implicated ADAR1p150 in various stress pathways. We have previously shown that ADAR1p150 localized to cytoplasmic stress granules in HeLa cells following either oxidative or interferon-induced stress. Here, we show that the Z-DNA-binding domain (ZαADAR1) exclusively found in ADAR1p150 is required for its localization to stress granules. Moreover, we show that fusion of ZαADAR1 to either green fluorescent protein (GFP) or polypyrimidine binding protein 4 (PTB4) also results in their localization to stress granules. We additionally show that the Zα domain from other Z-DNA-binding proteins (ZBP1, E3L) is likewise sufficient for localization to stress granules. Finally, we show that Z-RNA or Z-DNA binding is important for stress granule localization. We have thus identified a novel role for Z-DNA-binding domains in mammalian cells.  相似文献   

Tight control of translation is fundamental for eukaryotic cells, and deregulation of proteins implicated contributes to numerous human diseases. The neurodegenerative disorder spinocerebellar ataxia type 2 is caused by a trinucleotide expansion in the SCA2 gene encoding a lengthened polyglutamine stretch in the gene product ataxin-2, which seems to be implicated in cellular RNA-processing pathways and translational regulation. Here, we substantiate a function of ataxin-2 in such pathways by demonstrating that ataxin-2 interacts with the DEAD/H-box RNA helicase DDX6, a component of P-bodies and stress granules, representing cellular structures of mRNA triage. We discovered that altered ataxin-2 levels interfere with the assembly of stress granules and cellular P-body structures. Moreover, ataxin-2 regulates the intracellular concentration of its interaction partner, the poly(A)-binding protein, another stress granule component and a key factor for translational control. Thus, our data imply that the cellular ataxin-2 concentration is important for the assembly of stress granules and P-bodies, which are main compartments for regulating and controlling mRNA degradation, stability, and translation.  相似文献   

A unique C-terminal domain extension is required by most leucyl-tRNA synthetases (LeuRS) for aminoacylation. In one exception, the enzymatic activity of yeast mitochondrial LeuRS is actually impeded by its own C-terminal domain. It was proposed that the yeast mitochondrial LeuRS has compromised its aminoacylation activity to some extent and adapted its C terminus for a second role in RNA splicing, which is also essential. X-ray crystal structures of the LeuRS-tRNA complex show that the 60 residue C-terminal domain is tethered to the main body of the enzyme via a flexible peptide linker and allows interactions with the tRNALeu elbow. We hypothesized that this short peptide linker would facilitate rigid body movement of the C-terminal domain as LeuRS transitions between an aminoacylation and editing complex or, in the case of yeast mitochondrial LeuRS, an RNA splicing complex. The roles of the C-terminal linker peptide for Escherichia coli and yeast mitochondrial LeuRS were investigated via deletion mutagenesis as well as by introducing chimeric swaps. Deletions within the C-terminal linker of E. coli LeuRS determined that its length, rather than its sequence, was critical to aminoacylation and editing activities. Although deletions in the yeast mitochondrial LeuRS peptide linker destabilized the protein in general, more stable chimeric enzymes that contained an E. coli LeuRS C-terminal domain showed that shortening its tether stimulated aminoacylation activity. This suggested that limiting C-terminal domain accessibility to tRNALeu facilitates its role in protein synthesis and may be a unique adaptation of yeast mitochondrial LeuRS that accommodates its second function in RNA splicing.  相似文献   

DEAD-box proteins are the most common RNA helicases, and they are associated with virtually all processes involving RNA. They have nine conserved motifs that are required for ATP and RNA binding, and for linking phosphoanhydride cleavage of ATP with helicase activity. The Q motif is the most recently identified conserved element, and it occurs approximately 17 amino acids upstream of motif I. There is a highly conserved, but isolated, aromatic group approximately 17 amino acids upstream of the Q motif. These two elements are involved in adenine recognition and in ATPase activity of DEAD-box proteins. We made extensive analyses of the Q motif and upstream aromatic residue in the yeast translation-initiation factor Ded1. We made site-specific mutations and tested them for viability in yeast. Moreover, we purified various mutant proteins and obtained the Michaelis-Menten parameters for the ATPase activities. We also measured RNA affinities and strand-displacement activities. We find that the Q motif not only regulates ATP binding and hydrolysis but also regulates the affinity of the protein for RNA substrates and ultimately the helicase activity.  相似文献   

Human RNA helicase A was recently identified to be a shuttle protein which interacts with the constitutive transport element (CTE) of type D retroviruses. Here we show that a domain of 110 amino acids at the carboxyl terminus of helicase A is both necessary and sufficient for nuclear localization as well as rapid nuclear export of glutathione S-transferase fusion proteins. The import and export activities of this domain overlap but are separable by point mutations. This bidirectional nuclear transport domain (NTD) has no obvious sequence homology to previously identified nuclear import or export signals. However, the Ran-dependent nuclear import of NTD was efficiently competed by excess amounts of the nuclear localization signal (NLS) peptide from simian virus 40 large T antigen, suggesting that import is mediated by the classical NLS pathway. The nuclear export pathway accessed by NTD is insensitive to leptomycin B and thus is distinct from the leucine-rich nuclear export signal pathway mediated by CRM1.  相似文献   

We previously reported ATPase, RNA unwinding, and RNA-binding activities of recombinant p68 RNA helicase that was expressed in Escherichia coli. Huang et al. The recombinant protein bound both single-stranded (ss) and double-stranded (ds) RNAs. To further characterize the substrate RNA binding by p68 RNA helicase, we expressed and purified the recombinant N-terminal and C-terminal domains of the protein. RNA-binding property and protein phosphorylation of the recombinant domains of p68 were analyzed. Our data demonstrated that the C-terminal domain of p68 RNA helicase bound ssRNA. More interestingly, the C-terminal domain was a target of protein kinase C (PKC). Phosphorylation of the C-terminal domain of p68 abolished its RNA binding. Based on our observations, we propose that the C-terminal domain is an RNA substrate binding site for p68. The protein phosphorylation by PKC regulates the RNA binding of p68 RNA helicase, which consequently controls the enzymatic activities of the protein.  相似文献   

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