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Prey selection by Chaoborus punctipennis under laboratory conditions   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Equal numbers of Diaphanosoma leuchtenbergianum, Daphnia parvula, and Diaptomus pallidus were offered to individual, fourth-instar larvae of Chaoborus punctipennis. When the prey species were presented separately to the larvae, 100% of the Diaphanosoma, 67% of the Daphnia, and 57% of the Diaptomus were consumed. However, when the three species were offered to the predator concurrently, 90% of the Diaphanosoma, 10% of the Daphnia and < 1% of the Diaptomus were eaten. This strong selection for Diaphanosoma was consistent at three prey densities.  相似文献   

Prey selection by 2nd-, 3rd-, and 4th-instar larvae of Chaoborus punctipennis was evaluated by comparing larval crop contents to the species structure of the zooplankton community in a small, eutrophic lake. The rotifers, Brachionus caudatus and Trichocerca similis, were positively selected by and comprised most of the diet of 2nd- and 3rd-instar larvae. Rotifers comprised 67% of all prey items identified in the crops of even 4th-instar larvae. Whereas 2nd-and 3rd-instar larvae selected the two rotifers with equalfrequency, 4th-instar larvae selected Trichocerca significantly more frequently than they did Brachionus. Although copepods comprised only 8% of all prey identified in 3rd-instar crops, they comprised 33% of the crop contents of 4th-instar larvae. Both 3rd and 4th instars exhibited a positive electivity for Cyclops vernalis significantly more frequently than for Diaptomus pallidus. We conclude that the larvae of Chaoborus punctipennis can, and do, select between Trichocerca and Brachionus and between Cyclops and Diaptomus.The paper by Brooks and Dodson (1965) triggered a flurry of studies on aquatic predators and their ability to discriminate between available prey species. Although the original work dealt with vertebrate predators, it has become increasingly apparent that invertebrate predators may also exhibit considerable selectivity in choosing between prey categories. The larval stages of the various species of Chaoborus are ubiquitous lentic predators, especially in mesotrophic or eutrophic systems. Although there have been a number of recent publications which deal with the food habits and preferences of several species of Chaoborus, only a few studies have included analyses of larval crop contents and none of these have included Chaoborus punctipennis. This species is of particular interest because it is one of the smaller species in the genus, and perhaps for this reason, because it is frequently present in lakes which support large populations of planktivorous fish (von Ende 1979). The purpose of our research was to characterize the food habits and preferences of Chaoborus punctipennis in a small, eutrophic reservoir which supports a rather depauperate number of species of zooplankters.  相似文献   

Some zooplankton, including Chaoborus punctipcnnis, have recentlybeen reported to undergo die1 horizontal migrations in additionto their widely known vertical migrations. In a series of laboratoryand field experiments, we tested the influences of gradientsin light intensity and fish presence on horizontal migrationin C.Punctipennis. In a small chamber, C.punctipennis showedno response to simulated moonlight gradients. They did, however,show significant movement away from fish held at one end ofthe chamber under uniform moonlight. A field experiment in alarge chamber indicated that the response to fish was inducedby chemical cues. When tested in the laboratory chamber withboth moonlight gradients and fish present, C.punctipennis becamepositively phototactic. This response increased the movementaway from fish when the fish were at the darker end of the gradient,or reduced it when the fish were at the brighter end. Ln combination,these experiments demonstrate that C.punctipennis show directedhorizontal movements in response to fish presence and moonlightgradients, suggesting a potential for these stimuli to influencehorizontal migrations observed in the field. Present address: Department of Biology, University of CaliforniaLos Angeles, CA 90095-1606, USA  相似文献   

The nutritional and food safety characteristics of the foods customarily eaten by infants and mothers in The Gambia are discussed. Special emphasis is placed on their low energy and nutrient density and the consequent difficulty of meeting internationally recommended levels of intake. The consequences of an inadequate diet during pregnancy and lactation are considered in terms of their effect on the size of the baby at birth, the mother's lactational performance, and the growth and development of the baby. The microbiological contamination of locally introduced weaning foods is also highlighted. Suggestions are made concerning the desirable characteristics of new foods that need to be introduced to overcome these problems. Attention is paid to a more rational distribution and use for aid foods.  相似文献   

In Crawford Lake, a small meromictic water body in southern Ontario, Canada, the life cycles of planktonic Chaoborus flavicans and C. punctipennis were out of phase by about two months, the former pupating from mid May through mid June and the latter from July through September. C. flavicans possibly produced a second annual generation. Fourth instars of both species were strong diel migrators and occupied similar strata at most times. C. punctipennis fourth instar diet consisted almost entirely of rotifers. C. flavicans ate rotifers but fed heavily also on daphnids in May and August. C. punctipennis fourth instars showed little growth until early spring, possibly owing to a sparseness of rotifers, then grew rapidly until pupation. C. flavicans had a slow, but relatively constant growth rate at all times during the open water season, presumably because its greater mouth gape allowed it a wider range of food items.  相似文献   

Synopsis Resource partitioning was studied in two benthic Lake Michigan fishes, the deepwater sculpin,Myoxocephalus thompsoni, and the slimy sculpin,Cottus cognatus, that exhibit nearly disjunct distributions along a hypolimnetic depth gradient. Fish were collected in an area of sympatry over two 24 h periods. These sculpins exhibited food segregation—slimy sculpins ate primarilyPontoporeia affinis, deepwater sculpins ate bothP. affinis andMysis relicta — and their depth segregation was associated with the reported abundance of these prey. Different feeding behaviors may be responsible for this association, since slimy sculpins consumed intermediate size ranges ofPontoporeia and deepwater sculpins consumedPontoporeia in a pattern similar to the ambient size distribution. Neither fish showed a daily activity cycle, and both appear food-limited.  相似文献   

Limnology - Knowing the interactions between exotic and native species is essential to establish possible threats to the local fauna. In this study, we assessed the use of food resources and diet...  相似文献   

Karen A. Eaton 《Hydrobiologia》1983,106(3):247-252
A study of the life history and production of Chaoborus punctipennis (Say) in Lake Norman, North Carolina, U.S.A. was conducted from February 1978 through January 1979. Four sublittoral (~8 m) and two profundal (~30 m) locations were sampled. Larvae and pupae were collected with a modified Petersen grab and a plankton net, and adults were collected with emergence and light traps. Based on larval, pupal, and adult collections, there appear to be two generations per year — an overwintering spring generation and a summer generation. Annual dry weight standing stock biomass, dry weight production, and P/ B ratio were estimated from each sampling location and depth zone. Production was estimated by the size-frequency method. Standing stock biomass (30.9 mg · m-2) and production (170.8 mg · m-2) were highest in the profundal zone. In the sublittoral zone, standing stock biomass and production were 4.7 mg · m-2, and 29.6 mg · m-2, respectively. Annual P/ B ratios in the profundal and sublittoral zones were 5.5 and 6.3, respectively.  相似文献   

Numerous studies along the northern Mediterranean borderland have documented the use of shellfish by Neanderthals but none of these finds are prior to Marine Isotopic Stage 3 (MIS 3). In this paper we present evidence that gathering and consumption of mollusks can now be traced back to the lowest level of the archaeological sequence at Bajondillo Cave (Málaga, Spain), dated during the MIS 6. The paper describes the taxonomical and taphonomical features of the mollusk assemblages from this level Bj(19) and briefly touches upon those retrieved in levels Bj(18) (MIS 5) and Bj(17) (MIS 4), evidencing a continuity of the shellfishing activity that reaches to MIS 3. This evidence is substantiated on 29 datings through radiocarbon, thermoluminescence and U series methods. Obtained dates and paleoenvironmental records from the cave include isotopic, pollen, lithostratigraphic and sedimentological analyses and they are fully coherent with paleoclimate conditions expected for the different stages. We conclude that described use of shellfish resources by Neanderthals (H. neanderthalensis) in Southern Spain started ~150 ka and were almost contemporaneous to Pinnacle Point (South Africa), when shellfishing is first documented in archaic modern humans.  相似文献   

The exploitation of food resources by the German cockroach, Blattella germanica (L.) (Dictyoptera: Blattellidae) was investigated experimentally in relation to distance from shelters and depletion of neighbouring food patches. In addition, the dynamics of exploitation of a patch were analysed. Observations were made after dark in a public swimming baths building and each one lasted 3 h. Food patches were placed in rows, at different distances from the shelters. The number of cockroaches in food dishes, in a 20 cm diameter circle round each food dish and in a 60 cm diameter circle round this first circle were recorded.Food items nearest the shelters were exploited first. Exploitation of row 2 and of row 3 food items started later, after row 1 food patches had been depleted. Under these conditions, the moment a food patch was exploited was related to its distance from shelter. Exploitation of food patches occurred in a step-by-step manner, one patch attracting animals when a nearby patch had been depleted, and not following a model of ideal free distribution.Although our experimental food patches were exploited in relation to their distance from shelter, we were able to demonstrate that distance did not influence the dynamics of exploitation of a food item. The mean number of cockroaches on a food patch, whatever its spatial position, increased regularly, reached a maximum at t=–10 min, and then decreased rapidly after all the food had been completely consumed, at t=0 min. The mean number of animals in the 20 cm diameter circle round a food source peaked at t=0 min, then decreased rapidly. This area appeared to be a transit area. The mean number of animals in a 60 cm diameter circle round the food source peaked later, and then decreased slowly. Animals remained in this area longer than in the area closer to the food dish, but their presence there was concomitant with the depletion of the food box.  相似文献   

Summary In southwestern Québec, non-harvested moose populations stabilize at a density of 0.40 animal·km-2. In an attempt to test population regulation by food resources, we investigated moose body condition near this equilibrium density (0.37) and at 2 lower densities (0.22 and 0.17). Annual population growth rates were evaluated at 4, 18, and 24% respectively. We predicted that moose in the high density area would exhibit growth retardation and poorer body condition, compared to moose in the lower density areas. Measurements of head length, cranial breadth, heart weight, and kidney weight were collected from 443 moose killed during the regular autumn harvesting seasons of 1981 and 1982. There was no indication that body condition was poorer at high moose density, and hence no evidence that foraging conditions were deteriorated. We concluded that food limitation was not sufficient to explain the differences in population growth rates. Predation by wolves and/or black bears is presented as an alternative and testable hypothesis.  相似文献   


Our study sought to analyze patterns and overlap in prey items consumed by elasmobranch species in southern Brazil through a complex network analysis. We hypothesized that species with the same habitat use would show greater trophic niche overlap and lower diet specialization than species with different habitat use. We conducted a literature survey of the species recorded in southern Brazil and analyzed publications with quantitative data on the diet of each species. We found records of 103 species in the region, of which 58 had their diets analyzed and had quantitative data to contribute to this analysis. The results suggest nested diet patterns in this community. Nestedness may arise for different reasons, and suggests that species might be balancing their high feeding niche overlap through compensatory mechanisms. There are no prior records of such a pattern in elasmobranch communities, which brings to light important information about their feeding niche. Data on prey consumption and temporal and spatial patterns of elasmobranch feeding may yield further insight into how these species are interacting in the environment and assist the investigation of the processes that shaped the current community’s trophic structure.


The Nagoya Protocol is a supplementary agreement to the Convention on Biological Diversity that provides a framework for the effective implementation of the fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising out of the utilization of genetic resources, including invertebrate biological control agents. The Protocol came into force on 12 October 2014, and requires signatories and countries acceding to the Protocol to develop a legal framework to ensure access to genetic resources, benefit-sharing and compliance. The biological control community of practice needs to comply with access and benefit sharing regulations arising under the Protocol. The IOBC Global Commission on Biological Control and Access and Benefit Sharing has prepared this best practices guide for the use and exchange of invertebrate biological control genetic resources for the biological control community of practice to demonstrate due diligence in responding to access and benefit sharing requirements, and to reassure the international community that biological control is a very successful and environmentally safe pest management method based on the use of biological diversity. We propose that components of best practice include: collaborations to facilitate information exchange about what invertebrate biological control agents are available and where they may be obtained; knowledge sharing through freely available databases that document successes (and failures); cooperative research to develop capacity in source countries; and transfer of production technology to provide opportunities for small-scale economic activity. We also provide a model concept agreement that can be used for scientific research and non-commercial release into nature where access and benefit sharing regulations exist, and a model policy for provision of invertebrate biological control agents to other parties where access and benefit sharing regulations are not restrictive or do not exist.  相似文献   

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