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Three EST-derived microsatellite loci from Vitis vinifera were amplified and sequenced across eight species of Vitaceae from four different genera. Phylogenetic analysis of the microsatellite’s flanking regions produced informative results in congruence with previous studies. Generic relationships were respected and the data produced sufficient inter-specific variation to distinguish between Cayratia acris and Cayratia saponaria, two very closely related species. Overall, the sequence alignments showed that priming sites were conserved, whereas microsatellite repeats were present in most cases but structurally variable. The sequence data provided information on the evolutionary patterns of various microsatellite repeats and their correlation to evolutionary relationships among taxa. Received: 15 December 2000 / Accepted: 12 April 2001  相似文献   

Major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules play a pivotal role in immune defense system, presenting the antigen peptides to cytotoxic CD8+ T lymphocytes. Most vertebrates possess multiple MHC class I loci, but the analysis of their evolutionary relationships between distantly related species has difficulties because genetic events such as gene duplication, deletion, recombination, and/or conversion have occurred frequently in these genes. Human MHC class I genes have been conserved only within the primates for up to 46-66 My. Here, we performed comprehensive analysis of the MHC class I genes of the medaka fish, Oryzias latipes, and found that they could be classified into four groups of ancient origin. In phylogenetic analysis using these genes and the classical and nonclassical class I genes of other teleost fishes, three extracellular domains of the class I genes showed quite different evolutionary histories. The α1 domains generated four deeply diverged lineages corresponding to four medaka class I groups with high bootstrap values. These lineages were shared with salmonid and/or other acanthopterygian class I genes, unveiling the orthologous relationships between the classical MHC class I genes of medaka and salmonids, which diverged approximately 260 Ma. This suggested that the lineages must have diverged in the early days of the euteleost evolution and have been maintained for a long time in their genome. In contrast, the α3 domains clustered by species or fish groups, regardless of classical or nonclassical gene types, suggesting that this domain was homogenized in each species during prolonged evolution, possibly retaining the potential for CD8 binding even in the nonclassical genes. On the other hand, the α2 domains formed no apparent clusters with the α1 lineages or with species, suggesting that they were diversified partly by interlocus gene conversion, and that the α1 and α2 domains evolved separately. Such evolutionary mode is characteristic to the teleost MHC class I genes and might have contributed to the long-term conservation of the α1 domain.  相似文献   



An important question in genome evolution is whether there exist fragile regions (rearrangement hotspots) where chromosomal rearrangements are happening over and over again. Although nearly all recent studies supported the existence of fragile regions in mammalian genomes, the most comprehensive phylogenomic study of mammals raised some doubts about their existence.  相似文献   

The rabbit genome encodes an opal suppressor tRNA gene. The coding region is strictly conserved between the rabbit gene and the corresponding gene in the human genome. The rabbit opal suppressor gene contains the consensus sequence in the 3' internal control region but like the human and chicken genes, the rabbit 5' internal control region contains two additional nucleotides. The 5' flanking sequences of the rabbit and the human opal suppressor genes contain extensive regions of homology. A subset of these homologies is also present 5' to the chicken opal suppressor gene. Both the rabbit and the human genomes also encode a pseudogene. That of the rabbit lacks the 3' half of the coding region. Neither pseudogene has homologous regions to the 5' flanking regions of the genes. The presence of 5' homologies flanking only the transcribed genes and not the pseudogenes suggests that these regions may be regulatory control elements specifically involved in the expression of the eukaryotic opal suppressor gene. Moreover the strict conservation of coding sequences indicates functional importance for the opal suppressor tRNA genes.  相似文献   

Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum) is an allohexaploid species, consisting of three subgenomes (A, B, and D). To study the molecular evolution of these closely related genomes, we compared the sequence of a 307-kb physical contig covering the high molecular weight (HMW)-glutenin locus from the A genome of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum, AABB) with the orthologous regions from the B genome of the same wheat and the D genome of the diploid wheat Aegilops tauschii (Anderson et al., 2003; Kong et al., 2004). Although gene colinearity appears to be retained, four out of six genes including the two paralogous HMW-glutenin genes are disrupted in the orthologous region of the A genome. Mechanisms involved in gene disruption in the A genome include retroelement insertions, sequence deletions, and mutations causing in-frame stop codons in the coding sequences. Comparative sequence analysis also revealed that sequences in the colinear intergenic regions of these different genomes were generally not conserved. The rapid genome evolution in these regions is attributable mainly to the large number of retrotransposon insertions that occurred after the divergence of the three wheat genomes. Our comparative studies indicate that the B genome diverged prior to the separation of the A and D genomes. Furthermore, sequence comparison of two distinct types of allelic variations at the HMW-glutenin loci in the A genomes of different hexaploid wheat cultivars with the A genome locus of durum wheat indicates that hexaploid wheat may have more than one tetraploid ancestor.  相似文献   

Among gene families it is the Hox genes and among metazoan animals it is the insects (Hexapoda) that have attracted particular attention for studying the evolution of development. Surprisingly though, no Hox genes have been isolated from 26 out of 35 insect orders yet, and the existing sequences derive mainly from only two orders (61% from Hymenoptera and 22% from Diptera). We have designed insect specific primers and isolated 37 new partial homeobox sequences of Hox cluster genes (lab, pb, Hox3, ftz, Antp, Scr, abd-a, Abd-B, Dfd, and Ubx) from six insect orders, which are crucial to insect phylogenetics. These new gene sequences provide a first step towards comparative Hox gene studies in insects. Furthermore, comparative distance analyses of homeobox sequences reveal a correlation between gene divergence rate and species radiation success with insects showing the highest rate of homeobox sequence evolution.  相似文献   

We sequenced locus Mel 08, with complex short repetitive motifs, in 24 carnivore species belonging to five different families in order to explore mutational changes in the region in the context of locus and species evolution. This non-coding locus includes up to four different parts or repetitive motifs showing size variability. The variability consists of repeat additions and deletions; substitutions, insertions and/or deletions creating interruptions in the repeat; and substitutions, insertions and deletions in the flanking regions. The locus has different repeat expansions in different carnivore subfamilies. We hypothesize that the complexity of this locus is due to a high mutation rate at an ancestral DNA sequence and, thus, prompts the emergence of repeats at mutational hotspots. High levels of homoplasy were evident, with nine electromorphs representing 28 haplotypes never shared across species. The variability in flanking regions was informative for phylogenetic inference and their evolutionary content. Tree topologies were congruent with relevant hypotheses on current conflicts in carnivore phylogenies, such as: (i) the monophyly of Lutrinae, (ii) the paraphyly of Mustelinae, (iii) the basal position of the Eurasian badger, Meles meles , in the Mustelidae, (iv) the classification of skunks as a separate family, Mephitidae, and (v) the placement of the red panda, Ailurus fulgens , as a monotypic family, Ailuridae, at a basal position in the Musteloidea.  相似文献   

Mitochondrial genomes represent a valuable source of data for evolutionary research, but studies of their short-term evolution have typically been limited to invertebrates, humans and laboratory organisms. Here we present a detailed study of 12 mitochondrial genomes that span a total of 385 transmissions in a well-documented 50-generation pedigree in which two lineages of chickens were selected for low and high juvenile body weight. These data allowed us to test the hypothesis of time-dependent evolutionary rates and the assumption of strict maternal mitochondrial transmission, and to investigate the role of mitochondrial mutations in determining phenotype. The identification of a non-synonymous mutation in ND4L and a synonymous mutation in CYTB, both novel mutations in Gallus, allowed us to estimate a molecular rate of 3.13 × 10−7 mutations/site/year (95% confidence interval 3.75 × 10−8–1.12 × 10−6). This is substantially higher than avian rate estimates based upon fossil calibrations. Ascertaining which of the two novel mutations was present in an additional 49 individuals also revealed an instance of paternal inheritance of mtDNA. Lastly, an association analysis demonstrated that neither of the point mutations was strongly associated with the phenotypic differences between the two selection lines. Together, these observations reveal the highly dynamic nature of mitochondrial evolution over short time periods.  相似文献   

The neutral theory predicts that, in comparisons among related genes, the number of amino acid replacements per site in a given gene region should be a linear function of that in another region of the same gene, unless the genes have diverged functionally in one region. Therefore, nonlinearity of this relationship can be used to identify regions of possible functional divergence among members of a multigene family. This method of analysis was applied to members of the heat-shock protein 70 (HSP70) gene family, which encode highly conserved ATP- dependent chaperone proteins found in all organisms. A nonlinear relationship was found between the rate of amino acid replacement in the conserved IA domain of the ATPase portion of the molecule and that in other ATPase domains and the peptide-binding domain. These results suggest that genes in the HSP70 subfamily C (dnaK of bacteria and SSC1 of yeast) may have diverged functionally from other subfamilies in the ATPase domains, especially IIB, whereas SSB1 of yeast has diverged markedly in the peptide-binding domain. Functional divergence within these regions is consistent with what is known about functional differences between the HSP70 subfamilies in yeast.   相似文献   

We have explored the evolution of the alpha-globin gene family by comparative sequence and phylogenetic analyses of mammalian alpha-globin genes. Our analyses reveal the existence of a new alpha-globin gene lineage in mammals that is related to the alpha(D)-globin genes of birds, squamates and turtles. The gene is located in the middle of the alpha-globin gene cluster of a marsupial, Sminthopsis macroura and of humans. It exists in a wide variety of additional mammals, including pigs, cows, cats, and dogs, but is a pseudogene in American marsupials. Evolutionary analyses suggest that the gene has generally evolved under purifying selection, indicative of a functional gene. The presence of mRNA products in humans, pigs, and cows also suggest that the gene is expressed and likely to be functional. The analyses support the hypothesis that the alpha(D)-globin gene lineage has an ancient evolutionary origin that predates the divergence of amniotes. The structural similarity of alpha-globin gene clusters of marsupials and humans suggest that an eight gene cluster (5'-zeta2-zeta1-alpha(D)-alpha3-alpha2-alpha1-theta-omega-3'), including seven alpha-like genes and one beta-like globin gene (omega-globin) existed in the common ancestor of all marsupial and eutherian mammals. This basic structure has remained relatively stable in marsupials and in the lineage leading to humans, although omega-globin has been lost from the alpha-globin gene cluster of humans.  相似文献   

We have conducted an extensive phylogenetic analysis of polymorphic alleles from human and mouse major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I and class II genes. The phylogenetic tree obtained for 212 complete human class I allele sequences (HLA-A, -B, and -C) has shown that all alleles from the same locus form a single cluster, which is highly supported by bootstrap values, except for one HLA-B allele (HLA-B*7301). Mouse MHC class I loci did not show locus-specific clusters of polymorphic alleles. This was considered to be because of either interlocus genetic exchange or the confusing designation of loci in different haplotypes at the present time. The locus specificity of polymorphic alleles was also observed in human and mouse MHC class II loci. It was therefore concluded that interlocus recombination or gene conversion is not very important for generating MHC diversity, with a possible exception of mouse class I loci. According to the phylogenetic trees of complete coding sequences, we classified human MHC class I (HLA-A, -B, and -C) and class II (DRB1) alleles into three to five major allelic lineages (groups), which were monophyletic with high bootstrap values. Most of these allelic groups remained unchanged even in phylogenetic trees based on individual exons, though this does not exclude the possibility of intralocus recombination involving short DNA segments. These results, together with the previous observation that MHC loci are subject to frequent duplication and deletion, as well as to balancing selection, indicate that MHC evolution in mammals is in agreement with the birth-and-death model of evolution, rather than with the model of concerted evolution.  相似文献   

Chimeric genes form through the combination of portions of existing coding sequences to create a new open reading frame. These new genes can create novel protein structures that are likely to serve as a strong source of novelty upon which selection can act. We have identified 14 chimeric genes that formed through DNA-level mutations in Drosophila melanogaster, and we investigate expression profiles, domain structures, and population genetics for each of these genes to examine their potential to effect adaptive evolution. We find that chimeric gene formation commonly produces mid-domain breaks and unites portions of wholly unrelated peptides, creating novel protein structures that are entirely distinct from other constructs in the genome. These new genes are often involved in selective sweeps. We further find a disparity between chimeric genes that have recently formed and swept to fixation versus chimeric genes that have been preserved over long periods of time, suggesting that preservation and adaptation are distinct processes. Finally, we demonstrate that chimeric gene formation can produce qualitative expression changes that are difficult to mimic through duplicate gene formation, and that extremely young chimeric genes (d(S) < 0.03) are more likely to be associated with selective sweeps than duplicate genes of the same age. Hence, chimeric genes can serve as an exceptional source of genetic novelty that can have a profound influence on adaptive evolution in D. melanogaster.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among the Paramyxoviridae, a broad family of viruses whose members cause devastating diseases of wildlife, livestock, and humans, were examined with both fusion (F) and matrix (M) protein-coding sequences. Neighbor-joining trees of F and M protein sequences showed that the Paramyxoviridae was divided into the two traditionally recognized subfamilies, the Paramyxovirinae and the Pneumovirinae. Within the Paramyxovirinae, the results also showed groups corresponding to three currently recognized genera: Respirovirus, Morbillivirus, and Rubulavirus. The relationships among the three genera of the Paramyxovirinae were resolved with M protein sequences and there was significant bootstrap support (100%) showing that members of the genus Respirovirus and the genus Morbillivirus were more closely related to each other than to members of the genus Rubulavirus. Both F and M phylogenies showed that Newcastle disease virus (NDV) was more closely related to the genus Rubulavirus than to the other two genera but were consistent with the proposal (B. S. Seal et al., 2000, Virus Res. 66, 1-11) that NDV be classified as a separate genus within the Paramyxovirinae. Both F and M phylogenies were also consistent with the proposal (L. Wang et al., 2000, J. Virol 74, 9972-9979) that Hendra virus be classified as a new genus closely related and basal to the genus Morbillivirus. Rinderpest was most closely related to measles and a more derived virus than to canine distemper virus, phocine distemper virus, or dolphin morbillivirus.  相似文献   

Inference of evolutionary relationships between nematodes is severely hampered by their conserved morphology, the high frequency of homoplasy, and the scarcity of phylum-wide molecular data. To study the origin of nematode radiation and to unravel the phylogenetic relationships between distantly related species, 339 nearly full-length small-subunit rDNA sequences were analyzed from a diverse range of nematodes. Bayesian inference revealed a backbone comprising 12 consecutive dichotomies that subdivided the phylum Nematoda into 12 clades. The most basal clade is dominated by the subclass Enoplia, and members of the order Triplonchida occupy positions most close to the common ancestor of the nematodes. Crown Clades 8-12, a group formerly indicated as "Secernentea" that includes Caenorhabditis elegans and virtually all major plant and animal parasites, show significantly higher nucleotide substitution rates than the more basal Clades 1-7. Accelerated substitution rates are associated with parasitic lifestyles (Clades 8 and 12) or short generation times (Clades 9-11). The relatively high substitution rates in the distal clades resulted in numerous autapomorphies that allow in most cases DNA barcode-based species identification. Teratocephalus, a genus comprising terrestrial bacterivores, was shown to be most close to the starting point of Secernentean radiation. Notably, fungal feeding nematodes were exclusively found basal to or as sister taxon next to the 3 groups of plant parasitic nematodes, namely, Trichodoridae, Longidoridae, and Tylenchomorpha. The exclusive common presence of fungivorous and plant parasitic nematodes supports a long-standing hypothesis that states that plant parasitic nematodes arose from fungivorous ancestors.  相似文献   

Five sequence-related genes encoding four adrenergic receptors and a serotonin receptor were localized to specific regions of four mouse chromosomes with respect to 11 other genetic markers. Linkage was established by the analysis of the haplotypes of 114 interspecific backcross mice. Adra2r (alpha 2-C10) and Adrb1r (beta 1) receptors mapped to the distal region of mouse chromosome 19. These genes were separated by 2.6 +/- 1.5 cM in a segment of mouse chromosome 19 that has a similar organization of these genes on the long arm of human chromosome 10. The Adra1r (alpha 1B), Adrb2r (beta 2), and Htra1 (5HT1A) genes mapped to proximal mouse chromosome 11, proximal mouse chromosome 18, and distal mouse chromosome 13, respectively. The organization of genes linked to these loci on regions of the three mouse chromosomes is consistent with the organization of homologous human genes on human chromosome 5. These findings further define the relationship of linkage groups conserved during the evolution of the mouse and human genomes. We have identified a region that may have been translocated during evolution and suggest that the human genomic organization of adrenergic receptors more closely resembles that of a putative primordial ancestor.  相似文献   

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