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Analysis of the subcellular location of the proteins encoded by the oncogenes of avian myeloblastosis virus and avian leukemia virus E26 ( p45v -myb and p135gag -myb-ets, respectively) and by the chicken c-myb gene ( p75c -myb) shows that all three proteins are located in the nucleus. In AMV-infected (but not transformed) chicken fibroblasts p45v -myb also resides in the nucleus, indicating that a nuclear location of p45v -myb in these cells is not sufficient to achieve transformation. In AMV-transformed myeloblasts a small fraction of p45v -myb occupies an additional site in the perinuclear region of the cytoplasm. If the myeloblasts are caused to differentiate to macrophages, most of p45v -myb is found in the cytoplasm. This redistribution of p45v -myb within the cell may be responsible for reversion of the transformed phenotype.  相似文献   

Structure of the Abelson murine leukemia virus genome.   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
A Shields  S Goff  M Paskind  G Otto  D Baltimore 《Cell》1979,18(4):955-962
Virions produced from cells transformed by A-MuLV contain a 30S, 5.6 kb RNA that can be translated in a cell-free system to form the characteristic A-MuLV protein. This RNA was mapped by heteroduplex methods using DNA probes from M-MuLV, the presumed parent of A-MuLV. The overall organization of the RNA was determined by using full-length M-MuLV reverse transcribed DNA and visualizing the heteroduplexes in the electron microscope. This showed that A-MuLV and M-MuLV have homologous sequences at both ends of their RNAs but that the central portion of the A-MuLV genome is not homologous to sequences in M-MuLV RNA. A precise measure of the lengths of the shared regions was obtained by using S1 nuclease to digest hybrids between 32P-labeled M-MuLV DNA and A-MuLV RNA; the resulting fragments were analyzed for their length by electrophoresis. The regions of homology were shown to be 1320 nucleotides long at the 5' end and 730 nucleotides long at the 3' end. Thus approximately 6200 nucleotides of the approximately 8300 in M-MuLV RNA were deleted when the A-MuLV genome was formed, but an insert of 3600 nucleotides, presumably derived from the normal murine genome, was inserted in place of the deleted region.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to transfer the murine sarcoma virus genome from cryptically transformed HT-1 cells to hamster embryo cells via isolated chromosomes (chromosome immigration). Chromosome immigration did not result in any transformation of recipient embryo cells. However, there was transfer of a rescuable sarcoma virus genome. Evidence indicates that the transfer requires the intact chromosome structure. It was not possible to identify one or any chromosome associated with the rescuable sarcoma genome.  相似文献   

The segment of the avian leukemia virus E26 genome near the termination of the p135gag-myb-ets open reading frame contains an inversion of the chicken ets-1 sequence. The inversion contains at least 41 bp and may be as large as 46 bp. This results in the replacement of 13 amino acids of chicken ets-1, with 16 amino acids derived from reverse complement of the normal ets-1 coding strand or read-through into E26 env sequences. At least 13 of these codons are specified by the inverted ets sequences. This represents the first reported occurrence of inverted oncogene sequences in a natural retrovirus. The inverted ets sequences are immediately followed by sequences homologous to the Rous sarcoma virus Prague B env gene. Since the E26 env sequence is more closely related to subgroup B avian retroviruses than to avian retroviruses from subgroups A, C, D, or E, the progenitor of E26 was a virus belonging to avian retrovirus subgroup B.  相似文献   

N Sagata  Y Ogawa  J Kawamura  M Onuma  H Izawa  Y Ikawa 《Gene》1983,26(1):1-10
The bovine leukemia virus (BLV) DNA harbored in the bovine tumor cell genome was cloned in lambda Charon 4A phage. Using either representative or 3' half-enriched BLV cDNA as a blot hybridization probe, clone lambda BLV-1 was shown to carry 9 kb of the BLV genome, flanked by cellular sequences at both ends. Restriction mapping with twelve endonucleases and hybridization of the DNA fragments to BLV cDNA representing a 3'-end portion of the viral genome revealed the presence and precise location of two long terminal repeats (LTRs) and virus-cell junctions. Thus, lambda BLV-1 appears to contain the complete BLV genome and flanking tumor cellular sequences. The restriction map of the cloned BLV proviral DNA closely resembles that previously reported for unintegrated linear proviral DNA, but differs significantly from that of the integrated provirus of another BLV isolate, the difference occurring preferentially in the putative gag and pol genes.  相似文献   

The lens-specific proteins alpha and delta crystallins and lentoid bodies, structures that follow a differentiation pathway similar to that of the lens, regularly appear after 4 to 5 weeks in quail embryo neuroretina monolayer cultures. We have investigated the effects of the avian oncogenic retroviruses Mill Hill 2 and Rous sarcoma virus on this process. Quail embryo neuroretina cells transformed by Mill Hill 2 virus were established into permanent cultures that synthesized alpha and delta crystallins and contained stem cells for the production of lentoid bodies. In contrast, transformation with the Rous sarcoma virus mutant tsNY-68 blocked the appearance of mRNA crystallins, but cytoplasmic alpha and delta crystallin mRNA and alpha crystallin appeared 44 h after a shift to the nonpermissive temperature. However, delta crystallins and lentoid bodies were only present after 7 days. The crystallins of transformed quail neuroretina cultures were immunologically indistinguishable from those of quail lenses and of normal quail embryo neuroretina cultures.  相似文献   

H Beug  M J Hayman    T Graf 《The EMBO journal》1982,1(9):1069-1073
Avian leukemia virus E26 contains the myb oncogene and transforms erythroid and myeloid hematopoietic cells in vivo and in vitro. E26-transformed nonproducer myeloblasts but not avian erythroleukemia virus (AEV)-transformed erythroblasts nor MC29-transformed macrophages were shown to be dependent for growth on factor(s) present in supernatants from Concanavalin A-stimulated chicken spleen cells. The same factor enhanced the synthesis of p135 E26, the candidate transforming protein of E26, but did not induce the synthesis of the transforming proteins of AEV and MC29 viruses nor that of helper virus-derived structural proteins. P135 E26 was shown to contain sequences related to the viral gag gene as well as sequences which may be related to the myb gene product. P135 E26 might constitute the first example of a viral onc protein whose synthesis is regulated directly or indirectly by an exogenous hematopoietic growth factor.  相似文献   

DNA methylation specifies chromosomal localization of MeCP2.   总被引:34,自引:7,他引:27       下载免费PDF全文
MeCP2 is a chromosomal protein that is concentrated in the centromeric heterochromatin of mouse cells. In vitro, the protein binds preferentially to DNA containing a single symmetrically methylated CpG. To find out whether the heterochromatic localization of MeCP2 depended on DNA methylation, we transiently expressed MeCP2-LacZ fusion proteins in cultured cells. Intact protein was targeted to heterochromatin in wild-type cells but was inefficiently localized in mutant cells with low levels of genomic DNA methylation. Deletions within MeCP2 showed that localization to heterochromatin required the 85-amino-acid methyl-CpG binding domain but not the remainder of the protein. Thus MeCP2 is a methyl-CpG-binding protein in vivo and is likely to be a major mediator of downstream consequences of DNA methylation.  相似文献   

Summary The application of anti-prostaglandin E2 immunoglobulin to plastic-embedded thin sections of the rat ileum has permitted the localization of prostaglandin E2 in this tissue. In agreement with the published data (Chock & Schmauder-Chock (1988), Schmauder-Chock & Chock (1989)), the results also suggest the presence of an arachidonic acid cascade in the granules of various secretory cells of the gut. Since antibody labelling was found within the secretory granules of connective tissue mast cells, goblet cells, and Paneth cells, the presence of the arachidonic acid cascade in these granules is implied. The appearance of prostaglandin E2 over the non-cellular internal elastic lamina of arterioles suggests that it may have been secreted along with the elastin. The even distribution of prostaglandin throughout the cytoplasm of the erythrocyte is consistent with the concept that this cell scavenges the eicosanoid from the circulation. These data further link the secretorh granule to the production of eicosanoids and therefore illustrate the potential sources of prostaglandins in the rat ileum.  相似文献   

The present study reports the functional annotation of complete genome of methylotrophic bacterium Paracoccus sp. strain AK26. The 3.6 Mb genome with average GC content of 65.7% was distributed across five replicons; including chromosome (2.7 Mb) and four extrachromosomal replicons pAK1 (471Kb), pAK2 (189Kb), pAK3 (129Kb) and pAK4 (84 Kb). Interestingly, nearly 23% of the Cluster of Orthologous Group (COG) of proteins were annotated on extrachromosomal replicons and 185Kb genome content was attributed to segregated 19 genomic island regions. Among the four replicons, pAK4 was identified as essential and integral part of the genome, as supported by codon usage, GC content (66%) and synteny analysis. Comparative genome analysis for methylotrophy showed mechanistic variations in oxidation and assimilation of C1 compounds among closely related Paracoccus spp. Collectively, present study reports the functional characterization and genomic architecture of strain AK26 and provides genetic basis for quinone and isoprenoid based secondary metabolites synthesis using strain AK26.  相似文献   

The genome of avian leukemia virus E26 shares homology with v-myb, the oncogene of avian myeloblastosis virus, and encodes a protein with an Mr of 135,000. Analyses of tryptic oligopeptides show that this protein is related to the proteins encoded by gag (Pr76gag) as well as v-myb (p45v-myb[AMV] ) and c-myb (p75c-myb). We found no evidence for the existence of additional myb-related proteins or subgenomic species of myb-related RNA in myeloblasts transformed by strain E26.  相似文献   

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