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Ze Hua Dong  Tao Liu 《Biofouling》2013,29(5):487-495
Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) were isolated by centrifugation of thermophilic sulphate-reducing bacteria (SRB) grown in API-RP38 culture medium. The protein and polysaccharide fractions were quantified and the highest concentrations were extracted from a 14-day old culture. The effect of EPS on carbon steel corrosion was investigated by electrochemical techniques. At 30°C, a small amount of EPS in 3% NaCl solution inhibited corrosion, whilst excessive amounts of EPS facilitated corrosion. In addition, the inhibition efficiency of EPS decreased with temperature due to thermal desorption of the EPS. The results suggest that adsorbed EPS layers could be beneficial to anti-corrosion by hindering the reduction of oxygen. However, the accumulation of an EPS film could stimulate the anodic dissolution of the underlying steel by chelation of Fe2+ ions.  相似文献   

Coupons of stainless steel type AISI-304 were exposed to the industrial cooling system of a petrochemical plant fed by seawater from the Guanabara Bay, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in order to study thein situ formation of biofilms. Bacteria, microalgae and fungi were detected on the coupons as soon as 48 h after exposure. Their respective numbers were determined at times 48, 96 and 192 h and over the following 8 weeks. Aerobic, anaerobic and sulfate-reducing bacteria were quantified according to the technique of the most probable number, and fungi by the pour plate technique. The number of microorganisms present in the forming biofilm varied over the experimental period, reaching maximal levels of 14×1011 cells cm–2, 30×1013 cells cm–2, 38×1011 cells cm–2 and 63×105 cells cm–2, respectively, for aerobic bacteria, anaerobic bacteria, sulfate-reducing bacteria and fungi, and the dynamics of this variation depended on the group of microorganisms.Bacillus sp,Escherichia coli, Serratia sp andPseudomonas putrefaciens were identified among the aerobic bacteria isolated. Additionally, microalgae and bacteria of the genusGallionella were also detected. Nonetheless, no evidence of corrosion was found on the stainless steel type AISI-304 coupons over the experimental period.  相似文献   

Identification of early microbial colonizers in human dental biofilm   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
AIMS: To elucidate the first colonizers within in vivo dental biofilm and to establish potential population shifts that occur during the early phases of biofilm formation. METHODS AND RESULTS: A 'checkerboard' DNA-DNA hybridization assay was employed to identify 40 different bacterial strains. Dental biofilm samples were collected from 15 healthy subjects, 0, 2, 4 and 6 h after tooth cleaning and the composition of these samples was compared with that of whole saliva collected from the same individuals. The bacterial distribution in biofilm samples was distinct from that in saliva, confirming the selectivity of the adhesion process. In the very early stages, the predominant tooth colonizers were found to be Actinomyces species. The relative proportion of streptococci, in particular Streptococcus mitis and S. oralis, increased at the expense of Actinomyces species between 2 and 6 h while the absolute level of Actinomyces remained unaltered. Periodontal pathogens such as Tannerella forsythensis(Bacteroides forsythus), Porphyromonas gingivalis and Treponema denticola as well as Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans were present in extremely low levels at all the examined time intervals in this healthy group of subjects. CONCLUSION: The data provide a detailed insight into the bacterial population shifts occurring within the first few hours of biofilm formation and show that the early colonizers of the tooth surface predominantly consist of beneficial micro-organisms. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The early colonizers of dental plaque are of great importance in the succession stages of biofilm formation and its overall effect on the oral health of the host.  相似文献   

We have studied the differences in the organic matter processing and biofilm composition and structure between autoheterotrophic and heterotrophic biofilm communities. Microbial communities grown on artificial biofilms were monitored, following incubation under light and dark conditions and with or without the addition of glucose as a labile organic compound. Glucose addition greatly affected the microbial biofilm composition as shown by differences in 16S rRNA gene fingerprints. A significant increase in β-glucosidase and peptidase enzyme activities were also observed in glucose-amended biofilms incubated in the dark, suggesting an active bacterial community. Light enhanced the algal and bacterial growth, as well as higher extracellular enzyme activity, thereby indicating a tight algal–bacterial coupling in biofilms incubated under illumination. In these biofilms, organic compounds excreted by photosynthetic microorganisms were readily available for bacterial heterotrophs. This algal–bacterial relationship weakened in glucose-amended biofilms grown in the light, probably because heterotrophic bacteria preferentially use external labile compounds. These results suggest that the availability of labile organic matter in the flowing water and the presence of light may alter the biofilm composition and function, therefore affecting the processing capacity of organic matter in the stream ecosystem.  相似文献   

微生物电解池阳极生物膜功能菌群构建及群落特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】微生物电解电池(MEC)是近几年快速发展的利用电极呼吸微生物快速降解有机质,通过较小的辅助外加电压直接生成氢气的新工艺。MEC能够有效地富集高效率电子传递功能菌群,是未来工艺放大和快速启动的关键。【方法】采用不同驯化方法构建MEC电极微生物菌群,通过单链构象多肽性技术(Single-strand conformation poly-morphism,SSCP)快速检测分析启动后电子传递功能菌群特征。【结果】阳极生物膜接种MEC可以实现2 d的快速启动,库仑效率达到20%以上,7 d获得稳定产氢,氢气转化率达到30%,能量回收效率达到90%以上。通过SSCP群落分析发现,采用微生物燃料电池阳极生物膜构建的MEC主要电子传递功能相关的菌群包括Pseudomonas sp.、Flavobacterium sp.、Ochrobactrum sp.,而直接由产氢MEC阳极生物膜新启动的MEC功能菌群组成丰度更大,包括电子传递效能更高的Desulfovibrio、Pseudomonas和Shewanella成为主要优势电子传递菌群。通过稳定产氢运行,MEC阳极生物膜优势菌群中存在的较大比例的厌氧菌与电子传递辅助菌对体系的快速稳定运行十分重要。【结论】与MFC阳极生物膜相比,MEC生物膜作为启动菌源能够获得多样性更丰富的电极功能菌群,其库仑效率和产氢效率更具优势。  相似文献   

The microbial composition of concrete biofilms within wastewater collection systems was studied using molecular assays. SSU rDNA clone libraries were generated from 16 concrete surfaces of manholes, a combined sewer overflow, and sections of a corroded sewer pipe. Of the 2457 sequences analyzed, α-, β-, γ-, and δ-Proteobacteria represented 15%, 22%, 11%, and 4% of the clones, respectively. β-Proteobacteria (47%) sequences were more abundant in the pipe crown than any of the other concrete surfaces. While 178 to 493 Operational Taxonomic Units (OTUs) were associated with the different concrete samples, only four sequences were shared among the different clone libraries. Bacteria implicated in concrete corrosion were found in the clone libraries while archaea, fungi, and several bacterial groups were also detected using group-specific assays. The results showed that concrete sewer biofilms are more diverse than previously reported. A more comprehensive molecular database will be needed to better study the dynamics of concrete biofilms.  相似文献   

The influence of the composition and microstructure of different carbon steel grades on the initial attachment (≤ 60 min) of Escherichia coli and subsequent longer term (28 days) corrosion was investigated. The initial bacterial attachment increased with time on all grades of carbon steel. However, the rate and magnitude of bacterial attachment varied on the different steel grades and was significantly less on the steels with a higher pearlite phase content. The observed variations in the number of bacterial cells attached across different steel grades were significantly reduced by applying a fixed potential to the steel samples. Longer term immersion studies showed similar levels of biofilm formation on the surface of the different grades of carbon steel. The measured corrosion rates were significantly higher in biotic conditions compared to abiotic conditions and were found to be positively correlated with the pearlite phase content of the different grades of carbon steel coupons.  相似文献   

细菌生物被膜(biofilm)附着在生物或者非生物表面,由细菌及其分泌的糖、蛋白质和核酸等多种基质组成的细菌群落,是造成病原细菌持续性感染、毒力和耐药性的重要原因之一.细菌的生物被膜基质由复杂的胞外聚合物(extracellular polymeric substances,EPS)构成,影响生物被膜的结构和功能.本文...  相似文献   

Summary Formation and activity of bacterial nitrifying biofilms play an important role in the closed seawater systems for shrimp cultivation. The structure of microbial biofilm on empty oyster shells, used as a biofilm carrier in biofiltration of aquacultural water, was studied using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) and confocal laser scanning microscopy. FISH was performed with specific oligonucleotide probes for Bacteria and ammonia-oxidizing Nitrosomonas spp. The bacterial cells were arranged within the biofilm as a layer of vertically elongated aggregates. Aggregates of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria were embedded within the matrix formed by other bacteria. Vertically elongated cell aggregates may be ecologically important in bacterial biofilms because they have a higher surface-to-volume ratio than that of laminated biofilms.  相似文献   

The relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem stability is poorly understood in microbial communities. Biofilm communities in small bioreactors called microbial electrolysis cells (MEC) contain moderate species numbers and easy tractable functional traits, thus providing an ideal platform for verifying ecological theories in microbial ecosystems. Here, we investigated the resilience of biofilm communities with a gradient of diversity, and explored the relationship between biodiversity and stability in response to a pH shock. The results showed that all bioreactors could recover to stable performance after pH disturbance, exhibiting a great resilience ability. A further analysis of microbial composition showed that the rebound of Geobacter and other exoelectrogens contributed to the resilient effectiveness, and that the presence of Methanobrevibacter might delay the functional recovery of biofilms. The microbial communities with higher diversity tended to be recovered faster, implying biofilms with high biodiversity showed better resilience in response to environmental disturbance. Network analysis revealed that the negative interactions between the two dominant genera of Geobacter and Methanobrevibacter increased when the recovery time became longer, implying the internal resource or spatial competition of key functional taxa might fundamentally impact the resilience performances of biofilm communities. This study provides new insights into our understanding of the relationship between diversity and ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

To investigate if corrosion inhibition by aerobic biofilms is a general phenomenon, carbon steel (SAE 1018) coupons were exposed to a complex liquid medium (Luria–Bertani) and seawater-mimicking medium (VNSS) containing fifteen different pure-culture bacterial suspensions representing seven genera. Compared to sterile controls, the mass loss in the presence of these bacteria (which are capable of developing a biofilm to various degrees) decreased by 2- to 15-fold. The extent of corrosion inhibition in LB medium depended on the nature of the biofilm: an increased proportion of live cells, observed with confocal scanning laser microscopy (CSLM) and image analysis, decreased corrosion. Corrosion inhibition in LB medium was greatest with Pseudomonas putida (good biofilm formation), while metal coupons exposed to Streptomyces lividans in LB medium (poor biofilm formation) corroded in a manner similar to the sterile controls. Pseudomonas mendocina KR1 reduced corrosion the most in VNSS. It appears that only a small layer of active, respiring cells is required to inhibit corrosion, and the corrosion inhibition observed is due to the attached biofilm. Received 09 December 1996/ Accepted in revised form 19 March 1997  相似文献   

This article discusses aspects of biofouling and corrosion in the thermo-fluid heat exchanger (TFHX) and in the cooling water system of a nuclear test reactor. During inspection, it was observed that >90% of the TFHX tube bundle was clogged with thick fouling deposits. Both X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer analyses of the fouling deposit demonstrated iron corrosion products. The exterior of the tubercle showed the presence of a calcium and magnesium carbonate mixture along with iron oxides. Raman spectroscopy analysis confirmed the presence of calcium carbonate scale in the calcite phase. The interior of the tubercle contained significant iron sulphide, magnetite and iron-oxy-hydroxide. A microbiological assay showed a considerable population of iron oxidizing bacteria and sulphate reducing bacteria (105 to 106 cfu g?1 of deposit). As the temperature of the TFHX is in the range of 45–50°C, the microbiota isolated/assayed from the fouling deposit are designated as thermo-tolerant bacteria. The mean corrosion rate of the CS coupons exposed online was ~2.0 mpy and the microbial counts of various corrosion causing bacteria were in the range 103 to 105 cfu ml?1 in the cooling water and 106 to 108 cfu ml?1 in the biofilm.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the influence of micro-organisms associated with copper corrosion on 'blue water' corrosion in drinking water. METHODS AND RESULTS: Laboratory rigs comprising of polycarbonate containers attached to annealed copper plumbing tubes were filled with Melbourne drinking water and sterilized by autoclaving. The copper tubes were inoculated with sterile or nonsterile extracts obtained from corroding copper and allowed to stand for 7 days. The extracts were drained and the tubes flushed and filled with sterile water from the rig. The water within the tubes was removed weekly for analysis and the tubes were refilled with freshly aerated water. The tube water sampled was analysed for pH, total copper and the presence of micro-organisms. Sterile rigs and rigs containing nonsterile water, both without tube inoculums, were used as controls. The results demonstrated that tubes inoculated with nonsterile corrosion extracts showed statistically higher copper release compared with the other rigs. Copper release as blue water was only observed after a lag period of 9 weeks. The internal surfaces of tubes releasing copper showed significant amounts of corrosion products and the presence of biofilm. Bacteria isolated from the corroding tubes included Acidovorax spp. and Sphingomonas sp. CONCLUSIONS: The results demonstrate a microbial role in blue water, as corrosion was induced in new copper tubes by exposure to nonsterile copper corrosion products. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: The potential for micro-organisms present in corrosion products to initiate blue water corrosion presents significant implications for the management of corrosion in distribution systems.  相似文献   

The formation of biofilm on surfaces in the marine environment is believed to be an important factor driving colonization and recruitment of some sessile invertebrate communities. The present study follows the process of biofilm buildup on unglazed ceramic tiles deployed into the marine environment in the northern Gulf of Eilat. PCR-DGGE of film eluted from the tile surface indicated the presence of bacteria as early as 2 h after deployment. The makeup of the biofilm bacterial community was dynamic. Bacterial presence was apparent microscopically 6 h after deployment, though a developed biofilm was not observed until 24 h following deployment. Total organic carbon (TOC) data suggest that a conditioning film was built within the first four hours following deployment. During this time period TOC reached the highest level possibly due to adhesion of organics (e.g., sugars, proteins and humic substances) from the water column. We suggest that the primary adhering bacteria, whilst still in the reversible stage of adhesion, utilize the conditioning film as food causing the decrease in TOC. Understanding the dynamics between these primary bacterial settlers is of importance, since they may play a role on the succession of invertebrate species settlement onto artificial surfaces.  相似文献   

生物膜型污水脱氮系统中膜结构及微生物生态研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
生物膜法污水脱氮系统主要利用生物膜中脱氮功能微生物的代谢活动去除氮素,从而达到净化水质的目的,研究脱氮生物膜的微观结构和微生物生态是揭示生物膜脱氮机理从而提高脱氮效率的重要途径.本文综述了生物膜型污水脱氮系统类型、生物膜微观结构特征及其影响因素、生物膜型污水脱氮系统内氮素传质过程、脱氮机理和生物膜数学模型等方面的研究进展.另外,本文介绍了生物膜型污水脱氮系统内生物膜脱氮功能微生物分布特征,不同生物膜脱氮系统、底物、运行条件和时间对功能微生物群落影响,及新型脱氮功能微生物等方面的研究进展,为生物膜脱氮技术的深入研究提供参考.  相似文献   

Conduction-based modeling of the biofilm anode of a microbial fuel cell   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The biofilm of a microbial fuel cell (MFC) experiences biofilm-related (growth and mass transport) and electrochemical (electron conduction and charger-transfer) processes. We developed a dynamic, one-dimensional, multi-species model for the biofilm in three steps. First, we formulated the biofilm on the anode as a "biofilm anode" with the following two properties: (1) The biofilm has a conductive solid matrix characterized by the biofilm conductivity (kappa(bio)). (2) The biofilm matrix accepts electrons from biofilm bacteria and conducts the electrons to the anode. Second, we derived the Nernst-Monod expression to describe the rate of electron-donor (ED) oxidation. Third, we linked these components using the principles of mass balance and Ohm's law. We then solved the model to study dual limitation in biofilm by the ED concentration and local potential. Our model illustrates that kappa(bio) strongly influences the ED and current fluxes, the type of limitation in biofilm, and the biomass distribution. A larger kappa(bio) increases the ED and current fluxes, and, consequently, the ED mass-transfer resistance becomes significant. A significant gradient in ED concentration, local potential, or both can develop in the biofilm anode, and the biomass actively respires only where ED concentration and local potential are high. When kappa(bio) is relatively large (i.e., > or =10(-3) mS cm(-1)), active biomass can persist up to tens of micrometers away from the anode. Increases in biofilm thickness and accumulation of inert biomass accentuate dual limitation and reduce the current density. These limitations can be alleviated with increases in the specific detachment rate and biofilm density.  相似文献   


O2 and pH microprofiles were measured above corroding mild steel covered with a biofilm. The pH in the anodic areas (tubercles) ranged from 5 to 7 and was always 9.45 at the surface of the cathodic areas. After 1 month of biofilm development, O2 was depleted at the anodic area but could reach the cathodic surface where it was reduced. Consequently, differential O2 concentration cells were the driving force for corrosion. The O2 microprofiles indicated that O2 was consumed in the tubercles, probably by microbial activity, while O2 was reduced electrochemically in the cathodic areas. It was concluded that O2 transfer to the cathodic surface was the rate limiting step for the corrosion process.  相似文献   

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