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块菌是指Tuber属的真菌种类,属于子囊菌门(Ascomycota),生在地下,其中包含着世界上最美味和价值最昂贵的食用菌.中国食与药用真菌文化悠久,历代本草都不乏各种菌类的记载,但在本草中记载的与块菌有关系的菌类唯有1245年陈仁玉编撰的“菌谱”中称之为“麦蕈”和俗名为“麦丹蕈”的一种地下真菌.日本本草对“麦蕈”也屡有记载,并把“麦蕈”叫“地肾”和“松露”.这是“松露”一名的最早记载,“麦蕈”或“松露”可能是被现代菌物学称之为须腹菌(Rhizopogon spp.)的真菌种类.因而,“松露”一名虽是汉字,但是所指并非真正的块菌,应是须腹菌(Rhizopogon spp.),也称“假块菌”(false truffle),所以松露和块菌寓意各异.产于我国西南地区的食用黑块菌主要是印度块菌(Tuber indi-cum)或中华块菌(T.sinernse)、夏块菌(T.aestivum=T.uncinatu)和拟喜马拉雅块菌(T.pseudohimalayense=T.pseudoexcavatum),近年来身价倍增,成为中国野生食用菌出口种类中名列前三甲的菌类,在世界块菌市场上也颇受欢迎.喜马拉雅块菌(T.himalayense)在我国尚未发现它的踪迹.印度块菌和中华块菌形态上有差异,若把中国产的类似黑孢块菌的黑块菌统称为印度块菌(T.indicum)尚值得商榷.中华块菌或印度块菌形态和遗传变异多样,尚需进一步研究.2010年在云南和四川相继发现的大型香味浓郁的白块菌,近似于波氏块菌(T.borchii)组的块菌,颇具研究和巨大的商业价值,表明我国块菌资源比原有记载的要丰富的多.由于利益之驱动和疏于管理,掠夺式的采收方法造成了块菌产区生态环境毁灭性的破坏,一些商业化采集区的块菌已濒临灭绝,中国西南地区的块菌资源的保护问题迫在眉睫.本文对产自欧洲、美洲的块菌、沙漠块菌,以及块菌的生态意义和种植作了简要介绍和讨论.  相似文献   

松露(块菌)是名贵的地下真菌,因其独特的香味和口感享誉全球,具有重要的经济价值、食药用价值和生态价值。块菌必须与宿主植物共生形成外生菌根后才能形成子实体(子囊果)。由于块菌具有较高的经济价值而野生块菌资源被严重破坏,以块菌菌根苗制备技术为基础的人工栽培手段受到广泛关注。本文以块菌菌根苗培育为切入点,阐述了块菌资源面临的较大威胁、人工栽培手段的进步和人工种植园的快速发展,通过综述菌根苗培育前对共生组合的选择,菌根苗培育时使用的基质、接种剂、培养方式、与其他生物间的互作,以及菌根苗培育后进行检测的方法等研究进展,为外生菌根食用菌的菌根苗培育技术和人工栽培推广提供参考。  相似文献   

Truffles (Tuber spp.) are symbiotic fungi that develop underground in association with plant roots. Food connoisseurs describe their scent as sensual, seductive and unique. These mysterious fungi, however, do not produce their aroma for the mere pleasure of humans. Truffle volatiles act as odorant cues for mammals and insects which are thus able to locate the precious fungi underground and spread their spores. They also freely diffuse in the soil and mediate interactions with microorganisms and plant roots, potentially regulating a complex molecular dialogue among soil fauna and flora. The aim of this review is to synthesize 30 yr of research on truffle volatiles, spanning fields of study from chemical ecology to aroma biosynthesis. Specific aspects of truffle volatile ecology and biology will be discussed, including which species have been studied so far and for what purpose, what ecological role has been demonstrated or speculated to exist for specific truffle volatiles, which volatiles are common or unique to certain species and what their biosynthetic route might be. Future challenges in truffle aroma research will also be addressed, focusing on how high-throughput post-genomic technologies may advance our understanding of truffle aroma biosynthesis and chemical ecology.  相似文献   

Truffles are hypogeous Ascomycete fungi belonging to the genus Tuber and forming fruiting bodies highly prized for their taste and aroma. The identification of the genus Tuber and its species is important to investigate their ecology and avoid fraud in the food market. As genus-specific primers are not available, the aims of this work were (1) to assess the usefulness of the β-tubulin gene as a DNA barcoding region for designing Tuber genus-specific primers, (2) to test the primers on a range of fruiting bodies, representing a large part of truffle biodiversity and (3) to check their ecological usefulness, applying them to truffle-ground soil. The new primers designed on the β-tubulin gene were specific to the Tuber genus in nested PCR. When applied to DNA from soils, they gave a positive signal for 23 of 32 soils. Phylogenetic analysis confirmed that the bands corresponded to Tuber and that at least five Tuber species were present in the truffle-ground. β-tubulin was found to be a good barcoding region for designing Tuber genus-specific primers, detecting a high Tuber diversity in a natural environment. These primers will be useful for understanding truffle ecology and for practical needs in plantation management.  相似文献   

Truffles are prized and nutrition‐rich edible hypogeous fungi. The aim of this study was a comprehensive investigation of chemical composition of Burgundy truffle (Tuber aestivum Vittad .). We tried to answer the question: what is the impact of the environment on the truffle quality. To know the nutritional value of Burgundy truffle we compared lipids, proteins, saccharides, polyphenolics, flavonoids, total sterols, ergosterol, volatile flavour and aroma compounds content in fruit bodies of the fungus collected in three different geographical regions, i.e., Poland, Slovakia, and Italy. A comparison of the above mentioned compounds is especially interesting due to environmental and climatic differences among the studied geographical regions. Results revealed that fruit bodies of Taestivum from Poland and Slovakia possessed nearly similar content of proteins, total sterols, and saccharides. The fruiting bodies from Italy contained significantly larger amounts of most of the investigated compounds. In turn, Polish specimens had higher content of lipids and polyphenolics than Slovak and Italian ones. We have found higher similarity of volatile compounds composition between Polish and Italian specimens than those of Polish and Slovak origin.  相似文献   

Desert Truffles of the Australian Outback: Ecology, Ethnomycology, and Taxonomy. The Aborigines of central Australia have traditionally used desert truffles as food. Truffle hunting in the desert requires substantial ecological knowledge, as truffles occur sporadically and only with adequate and properly distributed rainfall as well as the presence of necessary soil conditions and mycorrhizal hosts. Truffles are hunted primarily by women, who look for cracks or humps in the soil caused by expansion of the truffles, which are then extracted with digging sticks. The truffles are typically eaten raw or baked or roasted in ashes. Seven truffle species are recorded from the Australian Outback, including three that have been only recently described.  相似文献   

Truffles (Tuber spp.) are ascomycete subterraneous fungi that form ectomycorrhizas in a symbiotic relationship with plant roots. Their fruiting bodies are appreciated for their distinctive aroma, which might be partially derived from microbes. Indeed, truffle fruiting bodies are colonized by a diverse microbial community made up of bacteria, yeasts, guest filamentous fungi, and viruses. The aim of this minireview is two-fold. First, the current knowledge on the microbial community composition of truffles has been synthesized to highlight similarities and differences among four truffle (Tuber) species (T. magnatum, T. melanosporum, T. aestivum, and T. borchii) at various stages of their life cycle. Second, the potential role of the microbiome in truffle aroma formation has been addressed for the same four species. Our results suggest that on one hand, odorants, which are common to many truffle species, might be of mixed truffle and microbial origin, while on the other hand, less common odorants might be derived from microbes only. They also highlight that bacteria, the dominant group in the microbiome of the truffle, might also be the most important contributors to truffle aroma not only in T. borchii, as already demonstrated, but also in T. magnatum, T. aestivum, and T. melanosporum.  相似文献   

Stir bar sorptive extraction (SBSE) was applied in head space mode (HS), coupled with GC/MS, to compare the aroma profile of three truffle species. A total of 119 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were identified from the fruiting bodies, of which 70 were not yet described in truffles and 60 in fungi. VOCs profile showed a high intra- and inter-specific variability, with alcohols and sulfur compounds dominating the HS of Tuber borchii and, alcohols, aldehydes and aromatic compounds the HS of T. melanosporum and T. indicum. Despite these variations, eight VOCs markers could be identified allowing the discrimination of the three species. Additionally, T. borchii and T. melanosporum both distinguished themselves from T. indicum due to higher aroma content and larger variety of sulfur containing compounds. Mycelial VOCs production was also investigated under two cultural conditions and led to the identification of eight VOCs. On one side, seven of them were also detected in the fruiting body, confirming their mycelial origin. On the other side, the total absence of some class of compounds (i.e. sulfur) in the mycelium raises questions about their origins in the fruiting bodies and confirms deep metabolic changes between the reproductive (fruiting body) and vegetative (mycelium) stages.  相似文献   

Truffles, symbiotic fungi renown for the captivating aroma of their fruiting bodies, are colonized by a complex bacterial community of unknown function. We characterized the bacterial community of the white truffle Tuber borchii and tested the involvement of its microbiome in the production of sulphur‐containing volatiles. We found that sulphur‐containing volatiles such as thiophene derivatives, characteristic of T. borchii fruiting bodies, resulted from the biotransformation of non‐volatile precursor(s) into volatile compounds by bacteria. The bacterial community of T. borchii was dominated by α‐ and β‐Proteobacteria. Interestingly, all bacteria phyla/classes tested in this study were able to produce thiophene volatiles from T. borchii fruiting body extract, irrespective of their isolation source (truffle or other sources). This indicates that the ability to produce thiophene volatiles might be widespread among bacteria and possibly linked to primary metabolism. Treatment of fruiting bodies with antibacterial agents fully suppressed the production of thiophene volatiles while fungicides had no inhibitory effect. This suggests that during the sexual stage of truffles, thiophene volatiles are exclusively synthesized by bacteria and not by the truffle. At this stage, the origin of thiophenes precursor in T. borchii remains elusive and the involvement of yeasts or other bacteria cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Truffle harvests are declining in Europe, due to droughts, and this offers an opportunity for production to be developed in countries such as the UK and Poland, where rainfall tends to be higher. Drier Mediterranean summers seem to be associated with a decrease in the harvest of the Périgord truffle (Tuber melanosporum) in Spain, France and Italy. However, other species, for example the Burgundy truffle (Tuber aestivum) offer opportunities for production in the more temperate environments north of the Alps. Truffles across Europe can be infested by insect larvae, seriously reducing their economic and culinary quality. Here, using a combination of literature sources and a field survey, we present a commentary on insects attacking truffles, aiming to highlight those species that could be potential pests in the British and Polish emergent industries. There is a remarkable disparity in coincidence of records of insects and truffles in these countries, yet a survey in Poland confirms that insects can be abundant. We discuss reasons for this disparity and suggest that biochemical methods could easily be developed for detection of the truffles and their attackers.  相似文献   

The Socioeconomic Impact of Truffle Cultivation in Rural Spain. Commercial black truffle (Tuber melanosporum) plantations have been promoted in Europe with the intention of benefiting rural economies while conserving biodiversity through the expansion of oak woodlands. In this context, a socioeconomic study was conducted around the town of Sarrión in eastern Spain, where government subsidies have supported oak reforestation and truffle cultivation in unproductive hilly areas since 1987. Currently there are about 4,500 ha of truffle orchards in the surrounding county and 530 members in the local truffle association, which has provided a key forum for truffle cultivators to share technical, financial and administrative experiences. Structured interviews were carried out in 2002 with a number of orchard owners, as well as representatives of financial and governmental institutions. Truffles, which are harvested using trained dogs, typically fetch local cultivators average prices of 220–670 EUR/kg, although retail prices of high-quality specimens may reach twice this amount. In addition to the direct economic impact, an increase in local land prices was also documented, as well as a tendency for continued expansion of truffle orchards, and thus oak reforestation. In conclusion, the promotion of truffle cultivation through autonomous community and provincial government subsidies, in conjunction with support by local banks, a dedicated local truffle association, and growing interest on behalf of local farmers, seems to have achieved the mutual goals of biodiversity conservation and improving the rural economy in this region of Spain.  相似文献   

Several truffle species (Tuber spp.) are highly prized by chefs and gourmets with some commanding prices of up to €9.000 kg?1 on international markets. Their ecological drivers and geographical patterns, however, often remain a puzzle. Truffle species in Germany are classified as Very Rare or even Extinct on the national Red Lists, while historical literature described their sporadic existence. Here we present evidence of seven Tuber species (T. aestivum, T. brumale, T. excavatum, T. fulgens, T. macrosporum, T. mesentericum, T. rufum), discovered at 121 sites in Southwest Germany. The valuable Burgundy truffle (T. aestivum) occurred at 116 sites. An unexpected abundance of Tuber spp. associated with 13 potential host plants along wide ecological gradients in a region far outside the traditional Mediterranean truffle foci in France, Italy and Spain, is likely indicative of possible responses to climate change, and also suggests ample truffle cultivation potential north of the Alpine arc.  相似文献   

The terms 'br?lé' and 'burnt' are used to describe vegetation-devoid areas of the ground around a range of woody plants interacting with certain truffle species. Increasing interest is currently focused on a systematic search for and study of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by truffles in the course of their life cycle. These metabolites are now recognized as biochemicals with an important impact on burnt formation. Based on current molecular approaches, Tuber melanosporum is emerging as an aggressive colonizer of the br?lé, dominant in competition with indigenous br?lé-associated organisms, suppressing their richness and biodiversity. There is compelling evidence that mycelia, mycorrhizae, and fruiting bodies of br?lé-forming truffles have evolved diffusible metabolites for their survival, typically characterized as having harmful effects on weeds, impairing seed germination, altering root morphogenesis and plant hormonal balance, or inhibiting the native rhizospheric microflora regularly associated with the br?lé. These effects can be widely interpreted as allelopathic phenomena, and the br?lé may thus be regarded as a promising opportunity to study truffle allelopathy. Considering the outstanding success of the genome analysis in T.?melanosporum, we are facing a very difficult task to proceed from the molecular to the ecological level.  相似文献   

Truffle-producing fungi (hypogeous sporocarps) are important mycorrhizal symbionts and provide a key food source for many animals, including small mammals. To better understand truffle diversity and associations in the northeastern US, we surveyed for truffles and analyzed spores in eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus) scat across hardwood (angiosperm-dominated), softwood (gymnosperm-dominated), and mixed forest at Bartlett Experimental Forest, New Hampshire. Truffle biomass ranged from 3.8 kg/ha in hardwood forest to 31.4 kg/ha in softwood forest and was up to 35 times greater than mushroom (epigeous sporocarp) production in softwood forest. Elaphomyces species were the most common truffle taxa in both field surveys and chipmunk scat. Scat analysis indicated that truffle richness increased over the summer and accurately reflected fruiting time, providing greater resolution of richness than field surveys alone. Basal area of eastern hemlock (Tsuga canadensis) was the primary driver of Elaphomyces biomass and was the best explanatory variable of truffle community composition. We discuss implications of hemlock loss, due to the introduced hemlock woolly adelgid (Adelges tsugae), on forest mycorrhizal communities and food webs.  相似文献   

Truffles are symbiotic fungi in high demand by food connoisseurs. Improving yield and product quality requires a better understanding of truffle genetics and aroma biosynthesis. One aim here was to investigate the diversity and fine‐scale spatial genetic structure of the Burgundy truffle Tuber aestivum. The second aim was to assess how genetic structuring along with fruiting body maturation and geographical origin influenced single constituents of truffle aroma. A total of 39 Burgundy truffles collected in two orchards were characterized in terms of aroma profile (SPME‐GC/MS) and genotype (microsatellites). A moderate genetic differentiation was observed between the populations of the two orchards. An important seasonal and spatial genetic structuring was detected. Within one orchard, individuals belonging to the same genet were generally collected during a single season and in the close vicinity from each other. Maximum genet size nevertheless ranged from 46 to 92 m. Geographical origin or maturity only had minor effects on aroma profiles but genetic structuring, specifically clonal identity, had a pronounced influence on the concentrations of C8‐ and C4‐VOCs. Our results highlight a high seasonal genetic turnover and indicate that the aroma of Burgundy truffle is influenced by the identity of single clones/genets.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2021,125(10):796-805
Truffles in the genus Tuber produce subterranean fruiting bodies that are not able to actively discharge their spores in the environment. For this reason, truffles depend on mycophagous animals for reproduction. Fungus consumption (mycophagy) is a behaviour typical of both vertebrates and invertebrates. Mammals, especially rodents, are the most studied group of mycophagists and have been found to consume a great variety of fungi. Among invertebrates, mycophagy is documented in arthropods, but rarely in molluscs. In our study we assessed the effect on the morphology and mycorrhizal colonization of Tuber aestivum spores after passage through the gut of slugs (Deroceras invadens) and, for comparison, of a house mouse (Mus musculus). Light, scanning electron and atomic force microscopy revealed that the digestion, especially by slugs, freed spores from the asci and modified their morphology. These are believed to be the reasons why we observed an improvement in oak mycorrhization with the slug and rodent ingested spores in comparison to a fresh spore inoculation. We also demonstrated by molecular barcoding that slugs’ guts sampled on a Tuber melanosporum truffle ground contain spores from this species and Tuber brumale, further suggesting that some invertebrates are efficient Tuber spore dispersers.  相似文献   

Truffles are abundant in some regions of China. Nevertheless, it was not until the 1980s that Tuber species were discovered by Chinese mycologists. In recent years, international truffle markets have shown an increasing interest in the import of Chinese Tuber. These truffles serve as a complement to European truffles due to their lower prices and their greater availability in a deficit market. However, Chinese truffles have been the subject of fraudulent commercial practices, and these could have a negative effect on truffle culture. These concerns have been behind numerous recent studies designed to obtain detailed information about Chinese Tuber species. Unfortunately, many of these studies are not published in English, and are dispersed throughout the specific local or national bibliography and proceedings of specialized truffle conferences. In view of the need to expand current knowledge of Chinese Tuber species, we present a comprehensive summary of the taxonomy, ecology, mycorrhizae, genetics, biochemistry, and cultivation of Chinese Tuber species. We also provide a synthetic taxonomy and morphological characterization of 16 Chinese Tuber species in order to assist in their verification and monitoring.  相似文献   

Truffles are one of the most valuable edible fungi and have drawn extensive research interests worldwide. In Taiwan, two species of truffle, Tuber formosanum and Tuber furfuraceum , have been identified and reported. Although the morphological features of these two truffles have been described, lack of molecular identification has led to difficulties with firmly establishing their relatedness to other truffles. In this study, we utilized the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) and β-tubulin gene sequences to generate the phylogenetic relationship of T. formosanum and T. furfuraceum with other taxonomic relatives. Our analysis revealed five/three major phylogenetic clades according to the 5.8S-ITS2/β-tubulin gene sequences and corroborated with their morphological characterization. Tuber formosanum highly resembles the Tuber indicum B complex, while T. furfuraceum is most similar to Tuber huidongense . Based on a molecular clock, we estimated that T. furfuraceum and T. formosanum would have diverged from their close relatives in mainland China between 10.2 and 4.1 Ma, respectively. Based on the results, we propose that these two Tuber species found in Taiwan might originate from the common ancestors with some truffle species in China. However, due to a long divergence time and geographical separation, they have evolved into indigenous species of Taiwan.  相似文献   


Truffles are hypogeous ectomycorrhizal fungi of ecological interest for forestry in soils of the northern hemisphere, and of economical relevance for food markets worldwide. The molecular mechanisms that control truffle body formation are largely unknown, as well as the environmental factors that are likely involved. Among the latter, it has been hypothesized that soil‐borne communities may have an impact on truffle production. To address this question, we investigated bacterial and fungal communities resident in productive versus adjacent non‐productive grounds of the white truffle Tuber magnatum by using PCR‐DGGE. Although bacterial communities were generally highly similar across all samples within the grounds, profiles did cluster according to the productivity of circumscribed niches, and a Moraxella osloensis population appeared to be associated with productive sites. Fungal communities revealed several populations, yet showed no obvious patterns in relation to productivity, although Mortierella and Fusarium oxysporum appeared to be more abundant in the productive area. Our results offer a first glimpse into microbial communities thriving in truffle productive niches, and open the question as to whether microbe‐mediated mechanisms may facilitate/inhibit truffle fruiting‐body production or, vice versa, i.e. whether truffle sporocarps have an impact on the microbes living in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

李杨  郭顺星  陈娟 《菌物学报》2021,40(4):873-894
块菌属Tuber是一类珍贵的地下生外生菌根食药用真菌,能与多种高等树木的根系形成互利共生关系,具有重要的经济和生态价值.一些种类因其地下生的子囊果具有独特的香味被认为是美食界的奢侈品而享誉全球.作为国际著名贸易真菌种类,块菌的研究在最近的二三十年里受到国内外的广泛关注.本文重点从块菌的化学成分及药理活性2个方面对近10...  相似文献   

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