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本文报道了在福建南平地区引起舍蝇(Musca domestica vicina Macquart)流行病的堪萨虫霉(Entomophthora kansana Hutchison)的鉴定工作。该菌子生孢子梨形,大小29.2—49.5×23.1—42.9/μm,平均39.6×31.4μm.次生分生孢子近球形,基部平截,平均大小23.8×21.7μm,虫菌体球形或近球形。假根,囊状体及休眼孢子缺乏。  相似文献   

(一)红铃虫的发生和预测中的几个问题 红铃虫的发生和预测,几年来各地作了很多工作,在生产实践上起了一定作用,但在早春世代的寄主和发生期预测方面,还有几个问题,值得注意。今将我们观察结果,提出供大家研究。 关于红铃虫的寄主植物,据文献记载,有4科49  相似文献   

麦水蝇又叫水稻水蝇,除为害水稻、碱草、冰草、看麦娘、野燕麦、游草等植物外,在陕西、甘肃两省尚为害小麦、大麦、青稞等。 在甘肃省武都县川区(海拔1,000米左右),4月上旬为产卵盛期,4月中旬孵化,卵期7—10天。4月下旬为幼虫为害盛期,幼虫期12—15天,5月上旬化蛹,蛹期10—12天,5月中、下旬羽化。 在岷县(海拔2,300米左右)6月上旬为产卵盛期,  相似文献   

1955年调查玉米螟时,发现第一代幼虫有被寄生蝇寄生的现象,但当时掌握的材料少,今年进行较细致的观察。 寄生蝇幼虫寄生在玉米螟幼虫体内,寄生早者不等玉米螟幼虫老熟即被寄生死了,晚者玉米螟也不能化蛹,因寄生蝇在寄主体内化蛹。每个奇主体内寄生1—2头。玉米螟幼虫被寄生后,初期从食性及身体看不出来,到中期体则发白,体上有1—2个针尖大小的小黑点,后期则变褐色而死亡。现将第一代玉米螟被寄生的调查列表如下:  相似文献   

<正> 稻负泥虫Oulema oryzae(Kuwa yama),又名稻叶甲,背屎虫,红头虫等。是我国东北和中南部山区水稻的主要害虫之一。 一、交尾和产卵 经观察,交尾适宜的日平均气温为16~22℃,低于13℃,大于26℃,交尾明显减少。相对湿度低于60%,一般不交尾,田间相对湿度  相似文献   

琉璃金花虫研究简报   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
章士美  汪广 《昆虫学报》1956,(3):373-374
琉璃金花虫学名Ambrostoma fortuneiBaly属鞘翅目叶甲科,是榆树上的重要害虫,江西各地均有发现,其形态、生活史、习性和防治法,  相似文献   

郭郛 《昆虫学报》1954,(3):277-286
一.引言 1952年在洪泽湖蝗区工作以及1953年在微山湖蝗区工作时均发见飞蝗(Locusta migratoria manilensis)体内有蝇蛆寄生。1952年仅采到少量3龄蝇蛆及成虫标本,注意到一些伤害现象。1953年微山湖区夏蝗末期秋蝗大量发生之时,发见此蝇异常活跃,遂做了一些初步的观察及试验。其中包括蝇的雌雄蛹、幼虫的外部形态,用“接种”方法来测定蝇的生长发育速度以及蝇蛆寄生的成活  相似文献   

稻虱跗蝙Elenchinus japonicus Esaki et Hashimoto属(捻翅目)跗蝙科,在稻田寄生于白背稻虱、褐稻虱和灰稻虱。稻虱跗蝙在母体血腔中发育、孵化产生三爪蚴,三爪蚴通过生殖沟、生殖孔、育道和育道开口离开母体。三爪蚴离开母体在稻株上活动。一旦靠近寄主,用足抓住寄主,爬在它们身上。它通过节间膜进入寄主,变成蛆状蚴,开始取食。幼虫在寄主体内继续发育,达到足够大小,它们羽化成虫。雌成虫留在寄主体内,仅露出“帽子”(即头胸部),雄虫离开寄主,自由飞翔、雄成虫寿命很短(<12小时),它们积极寻找雌虫,进行交配,发现交配位置在育道口,支配时间约1—2秒钟。雄成虫体长1.33mm;展翅约2.25mm;雌成虫体长1.6—2.6mm,宽0.88—1.35mm;头胸部长0.2mm;育道口宽0.15mm,卵在雌成虫体内形成,而卵母细胞在雌幼虫体内发育。卵长75μm×宽40μm。第1期幼虫(三爪蚴):体长0.2mm;尾须为体长1/3。第Ⅱ期幼虫(蛆伏蚴)足和附肢都退化;第Ⅱ期幼虫分成4个龄期,具口和消化道,蛹属围蛹。卵历期7—8天,而三爪蚴历期仅1天。蛆状蚴(2—5龄)历期10—11天,蛹历期约3—4天,雌成虫历期7—8天。在实验室,每世代历期约20—23天。稻虱跗蝙的寄生作用较低,由于三爪蚴找不到稻虱很快死亡。在浙江1983—1986年调查,稻虱跗蝙对白背稻虱成、若虫寄生  相似文献   

顾秀慧  贝亚维 《昆虫学报》1990,33(2):174-181
稻虱跗蝙Elenchinus japonicus Esaki et Hashimoto属(捻翅目)跗蝙科,在稻田寄生于白背稻虱、褐稻虱和灰稻虱.稻虱跗蝙在母体血腔中发育、孵化产生三爪蚴,三爪蚴通过生殖沟、生殖孔、育道和育道开口离开母体.三爪蚴离开母体在稻株上活动.一旦靠近寄主,用足抓住寄主,爬在它们身上.它通过节间膜进入寄主,变成蛆状蚴,开始取食.幼虫在寄主体内继续发育,达到足够大小,它们羽化成虫.雌成虫留在寄主体内,仅露出“帽子”(即头胸部),雄虫离开寄主,自由飞翔、雄成虫寿命很短(<12小时),它们积极寻找雌虫,进行交配,发现交配位置在育道口,支配时间约1—2秒钟.雄成虫体长1.33mm;展翅约2.25mm;雌成虫体长1.6—2.6mm,宽0.88—1.35mm;头胸部长0.2mm;育道口宽0.15mm,卵在雌成虫体内形成,而卵母细胞在雌幼虫体内发育.卵长75μm×宽40μm.第1期幼虫(三爪蚴):体长0.2mm;尾须为体长1/3.第Ⅱ期幼虫(蛆伏蚴)足和附肢都退化;第Ⅱ期幼虫分成4个龄期,具口和消化道,蛹属围蛹.卵历期7—8天,而三爪蚴历期仅1天.蛆状蚴(2—5龄)历期10—11天,蛹历期约3—4天,雌成虫历期7—8天.在实验室,每世代历期约20—23天.稻虱跗蝙的寄生作用较低,由于三爪蚴找不到稻虱很快死亡.在浙江1983—1986年调查,稻虱跗蝙对白背稻虱成、若虫寄生率5—7%,灰稻虱的寄生率为2%,褐稻虱为1%.有时白背稻虱的寄生率可达20—40%.  相似文献   

1974年我组由作物与植保专业组成,在大丰县金墩公社辉煌大队建立综合基点,三年来通过农田基本调查、开展群众性查虫工作,研究防治策略,探索农业生产中的有利因素,初步摸索了棉虫综合防治的途径,取得了一些成效。 一、农田基本调查 基点大队的农田是沿海改造盐土,初步宜粮宜棉。主要农作物为:秋播绿肥(蚕豆、苕子)、粮食(蚕豆、大元麦为主,少量小麦);春播玉米(1,330亩)、棉花(2,380亩)。由于玉米、棉花间作面积逐年扩大,耕作制度的变化,引起害虫种类的演变。1974年以前主要是棉铃虫、  相似文献   

Prototheca zopfii was isolated repeatedly from milk samples from ten cows (of a herd of 192 dairy cows) with reduced milk yield and indurated mammary glands. The strain was moderately sensitive to streptomycin, polymyxin and gentamycin, but resistant or relatively resistant to other antibiotics and antimycotics commonly used in clinical practice. An attempt to treat the infection with Ethidium bromide, which was found effective in vitro, did not succeed. The number of Prototheca excreted decreased, but a complete cure was not obtained. In histological sections of the udder, Prototheca cells were demonstrated both intracellularly and interstitially.  相似文献   

This study aimed at analysing the effects of age, horn and places on biting and butting as intra-species aggressive activities. Seventy-two Turkish Saanen goats were used as animal material and 22,686 aggressive behaviours were recorded in different places from a total of 118 h direct observation. Of the observations of aggressive behaviours, 32.7% was biting behaviour and the rest was butting behaviour. The frequency of biting behaviour in 3 or more years old goats was significantly higher than that of biting behaviour in 1 and 2 years old animals (P  0.01). The observations revealed that horned or hornless goats exhibited biting behaviour; however the frequency of biting behaviour in hornless goats was 2.38 times higher than in horned goats (P  0.01). Biting and butting behaviours were found to be well correlated with the area of places (P  0.01). As the area of places got narrowed, the frequency of biting increased. However, such a trend was not observed in butting behaviour. The frequency of butting behaviour again increased with the increase in social hierarchy (P  0.01), whereas the frequency of biting behaviour was not affected by social hierarchy (P = 0.30). In conclusion, intra-species biting behaviour, which is thought to have developed as a result of horn absence, should be questioned whether this is unique to the herd or to the genotype.  相似文献   

The 2010 Yale Research Symposium on Complementary and Integrative Medicine highlighted original research in related areas by Yale faculty and provided a forum to discuss and debate issues of evidence and plausibility. In this brief report, we describe selected presentations on such diverse foci as nutritional influences on cancer, acupuncture for low back pain, protein intake's effects on bone consumption, Chinese herb-derived adjuvant chemotherapy, and the relationship between anger and cardiac arrhythmia. This symposium demonstrated that rigorous research methods are being used to study unconventional therapies and that an integrative medicine approach requires a solid scientific foundation.  相似文献   

A case of type B human botulism was found in Tochigi Prefecture in November, 1984. Botulinum type B toxin was detected in the serum and feces of the patient. The serum toxin was activated by trypsinization. Type B toxin was demonstrated in cooked meat medium cultures of the fecal specimens. The patient recovered after administration of type A, B, E and F quadrivalent antitoxin.  相似文献   

Peirce  John T. 《Dreaming》2006,16(4):280
This brief report examines the impact of imagery rehearsal treatment (IRT) on a 10-year-old boy with mild mental retardation and psychiatric illness. There is relatively little published information on the use of IRT to treat nightmares in children. The results in this case are consistent with reports of positive results from IRT in other studies with different populations. The findings in this study suggest that the limitations of IRT may not yet be known, and controlled studies with various populations are needed. This article also examines other factors present in this particular case that did not seem to impact the outcome, hence providing IRT with a robust appearance. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Changes in social hierarchy were evaluated in a herd of 3-year-old Hanoverian geldings. One group (n = 5) was exposed to a training programme, the other (n = 5) remained untrained. After 6 months, the groups were reversed. Hierarchical positions were evaluated by field observations and/or paired-feeding tests at the beginning, the middle, the end of the first and at the end of the second training period. Both methods yielded identical results. Almost all horses changed position in only one direction: either up or down. Neither increase in aggression nor mutual injuries were recorded during the whole experiment. No statistically verified differences in dominance ranking occurred between trained and untrained groups, but apparent differences were consistent. Thus, if horses are kept in the same group for a longer period of time, exercise induced changes in hierarchy are probably of minor importance and are unlikely to increase the incidence of injuries. This may have implications for the promotion of group-housing for sport horses.  相似文献   

A brief history of human autosomes.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Comparative gene mapping and chromosome painting permit the tentative reconstruction of ancestral karyotypes. The modern human karyotype is proposed to differ from that of the most recent common ancestor of catarrhine primates by two major rearrangements. The first was the fission of an ancestral chromosome to produce the homologues of human chromosomes 14 and 15. This fission occurred before the divergence of gibbons from humans and other apes. The second was the fusion of two ancestral chromosomes to form human chromosome 2. This fusion occurred after the divergence of humans and chimpanzees. Moving further back in time, homologues of human chromosomes 3 and 21 were formed by the fission of an ancestral linkage group that combined loci of both human chromosomes, whereas homologues of human chromosomes 12 and 22 were formed by a reciprocal translocation between two ancestral chromosomes. Both events occurred at some time after our most recent common ancestor with lemurs. Less direct evidence suggests that the short and long arms of human chromosomes 8, 16 and 19 were unlinked in this ancestor. Finally, the most recent common ancestor of primates and artiodactyls is proposed to have possessed a chromosome that combined loci from human chromosomes 4 and 8p, a chromosome that combined loci from human chromosomes 16q and 19q, and a chromosome that combined loci from human chromosomes 2p and 20.  相似文献   

U W Jehn  M A Mempel 《Blut》1986,52(3):165-168
A patient with acute myelomonocytic leukemia who experienced a spontaneous remission, is reported. He had precedent and concurrent bacterial infections as most of these cases described. Low peripheral WBC and myeloblasts, Auer-rod positive blasts, bone marrow eosinophilia with atypical eosinophils, and a partial deletion of chromosome 16 were favorable prognostic parameters. A brief review of the literature and possible explanations for the regulation of granulopoiesis are presented.  相似文献   

中国首批濒危苔藓植物红色名录简报   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
初步报道了2004年上海中国苔藓植物多样性保护国际研讨会上通过的中国首批濒危苔藓植物红色名录。名录共计82种,其中藓类植物28科、47属、50种,苔类植物12科、26属、31种和角苔类植物1科、1属、1种。根据修订的IUCN/IAB标准, 82种苔藓植物中,36种划为极危(CR),29种划为濒危(EN),17种划为易危(VU)。对中国首批濒危苔藓植物的地理分布特点、濒危原因及今后的保护行动也进行了初步讨论。  相似文献   

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