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By using a histochemical method of determination of activity of cytochrome oxidase (CO), the level of metabolic activity in pigeons has been shown to be higher in centers of the tectofugal visual tract (pretectal nuclei: Pr, SP, SP/IPS, thalamic nucleus Rot, end telencephalic entopallidum) than in centers of the thalamofugal visual tract (GLd of the thalamus, visual area of the hyperpallium Wulst). These data agree with the concept of dominating role of the tectofugal visual tract in organization of the bird everyday behavior. The high CO activity is also characteristic of the mesencephalic structures (EM, isthmic nuclei: IMc, IPc, and SLu) modulating transduction of visual information in tectum, Rot, and GLd. Similar differences in the metabolic activities between two visual system tracts were earlier shown in reptiles, which indicates the evolutionary conservatism of the tectofugal visual tract among the sauropside amniotes. However, in pigeons the level of the CO activity in some GLd nuclei approaches that in Rot, which allows us to suggest an increase in birds of role of the thalamofugal tract in processing of information necessary for performance of complex visual functions.  相似文献   

By using a histochemical method of determination of activity of cytochrome oxidase (CO), the level of metabolic activity in pigeons has been shown to be higher in centers of the tectofugal visual channel (pretectal nuclei: Pr, SP, SP/IPS, thalamic nucleus Rot, telencephalic entopallidum) than in centers of the thalamofugal visual channel (GLd, visual area of the hyperpallium Wulst). These data agree with the concept of the dominating role of the tectofugal visual channel in organization of the bird everyday behavior. The high CO activity is also characteristic of the mesencephalic structures (EM, isthmus nuclei: IMc, IPc, SLu) modulating transduction of visual information in tectum, Rot and GLd. Similar differences in the metabolic activities between two visual system channels have been shown earlier in reptiles, which indicates the evolutionary conservatism of the tectofugal visual channel among the sauropside amniotes. However, in pigeons the level of the CO activity in some GLd nuclei approaches that in Rot, which allows us to suggest a rise in birds of the role of the thalamofugal channel in processing of information necessary for performance of complex visual functions.  相似文献   

Extrinsic sources of calcium-binding proteins involved in immunoreactive innervation of the visual thalamic nuclei Rot and GLd in turtles (Testudo horsfieldi and Emys orbicularis) were studied using HRP tracing method and immunohistochemistry. In 1.5-4.5 months after monocular enucleation calbindin (Calb)-, parvalbumin (Parv)- and calretinin (Calr)-labeling was found in fragments of degenerated retinal fibers in the contralateral optic tract and in some retinorecipient structures (optic tectum, GLd and GLv). Changes in GLd were detected in its neuropil part. in 2.0-3.5 months after unilateral ablation of tectum and pretectum, the densities of Parv-, Calb- and Aclr-immunoreactivity terminals and fibers were diminisched in the ipsilateral n. Rot, with the maximum effect seen in Parv. Following HRP injection into the visual thalamus (Rot and GLd), retrogradely labeled cells with Parv label only, were revealed in the ventrothalamic nucleus Enta, pretectal nucleus Ptv, and in all types of Ca-binding proteins (CaBPr) in separately labeled cells of the optic tectum. Thus, it has been shown that thalamic visual centers in turtles have multiple extrinsic cells, which serve as sources of CaBPr projections. The present data suggest that organization of CaBPr inputs to visual thalamus in reptiles (turtle) and higher amniotes are fundamentally similar.  相似文献   

Using histochemical determination of activity of the mitochondrial oxidative enzyme cytochrome oxidase (CO) the metabolic activity in structures of brain of turtles and lizards was shown to be higher in centers of the tectofugal channel (tectal SGC, pretectal Ptv, thalamic Rot, telencephalic visual area of Advr of) than in the centers of the thalamofugal channel (thalamic GLd, Cxdl and Path of telencephalon) of the visual system. Some interspecies differences in distribution of CO activity in the tectal, thalamic, and telencephalic visual centers were revealed between terrestrial and pond turtles and lizards. The obtained data confirm the idea of the dominating role of the tectofugal visual pathway in information processing and organization of the usual behavior of reptiles.  相似文献   

Using histochemical determination of activity of the mitochondrial oxidative enzyme cytochrome oxidase (CO) in brain structures, metabolic activity both in turtles and in lizards has been shown to be higher in centers of the tectofugal channel (the tectal stratum griseum centrale, SGC; nucleus pretectalis ventralis, Ptv; thalamic nucleus rotundus, Rot; telencephalic visual area of the anterior dorsal ventricular ridge, Advr) than in the thalamofugal channel centers (the thalamic nucleus geniculatus lateralis pars dorsalis, GLd; cortex dorsolateralis, Cxdl; and pallial thickening, Path) of the visual system. Some interspecies differences in distribution of the CO activity in the tectal, thalamic, and telencephalic visual centers between terrestrial and pond turtles and lizards were revealed. The obtained data confirm the idea on the dominating role of the tectofugal channel over the thalamofugal channel of the visual system in information processing and organization of the day-to-day behavior of reptiles.  相似文献   

Distribution of three calcium-binding proteins (CaBPr) calbindin (CB), calretinin (CR) and parvalbumin (PV) in parallel with metabolic activity (cytochrome oxidase, CO) was studied in telencephalic projection zones of the tecto- and thalamofugal visual pathways in experiments on the Horsfield's terrapin Testudo horsfieldi and the pond turtle Emys orbicularis. It was shown that the nucleus rotundus (Rot) and dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (GLd) terminal fields in both zones (dorsolateral region of the anterior ventricular ridge, Advrdl and dorsolateral cortex, Cxdl, respectively) were CB-immunoreactive (-ir) in the both studied turtle species. The highest density of CB-ir terminals and the focus of rotundal projections in the Advrdl core coincided precisely. The GLd terminal field in Cxdl also was CR-ir. The PV contribution to innervation of both projectional zones was much lower, especially to innervation of Cxdl from GLd. In spite of similar CB-ir innervation, the projectional field of the tectofugal pathway of Advrdl had the much higher CO activity than of that of the thalamofugal pathway in Cxdl. The neurons immunoreactive to all three CaBPr types were distributed in Cxdl in different ratios in each of layers. In the visual Advrdl area the overwhelming majority were PV-ir neurons, whereas CB-ir neurons were absent. The conclusion is made that in spite of the CB- or CB/CR-immunoreactivity predominates over the PV-immunoreactivity in both thalamotelencephalic pathways of the visual system, the tectofugal (rotundo-Advrdl) pathway having the higher metabolic activity.  相似文献   

Distribution of immunoreactivity (IR) to Ca-binding proteins (CaBPr) (calbindin, Calb, parvalbumin, Parv., and calretinin, Calr) was studied in the thalamus of the Central Asian terrestrial turtles (Testudo horsfieldi) and fresh water turtles (Emys orbicularis). There has been established a wide spread of these proteins, which combines overlapping and a relative alternation of distribution of different CaBPr in individual nuclei. A comparison of IR was made in two relay nuclei of the visual system, GLd and Rot. Both nuclei had IR to all CaBPr, but with different degree of intensity. In the terrestrial turtles, the amounts of Calb-, Parv-, and Calr-IR neurons in the cellular plate of the GLd were close. In this plate and in the neuropil part of this nucleus there was observed CaBPr-innervation of various density. Calr-IR neurons in the GLd of the fresh water turtles dominated over Parv- and Calb-IR neurons, whose detection varied significantly. In Rot, a clear predominance of Calb-IR neurons was shown over Parv- and Calr-IR cells by constancy of their detection, the number (1.5–2-fold higher), and intensity of the immune label, as well as the highest density of Calb and Parv innervation. The character of IR in the Rot was similar in the both turtle species. In the auditory and somatic relay thalamic nuclei and in the non-sensory anterior thalamic nuclei (Dma, Dla) there were present neurons and terminals with IR to all CaBPr without any predominance of Parv-IR in the relay nuclei and Calb-IR in the anterior thalamic nuclei. The constant and characteristic feature of Enta in the turtles of both species is a dense population of Parv-IR neurons, whose topography and cellular composition coincide with those of population of GABA-IR neurons in this nucleus. The data obtained have shown that the alternative presence of different CaBPr in the relay sensory and non-sensory thalamic nuclei, which has been established as a characteristic feature of the mammalian thalamus, is not characteristic at all of turtles. It seems that in the course of evolution there occurred a reorganization of distribution of different CaBPr in thalamic nuclei of amniotes due to changes of their functional loading. The reptilian thalamic sensory relay nuclei are likely to be represented mainly by less specific parts comparable with Calb-IR matrix of specific nuclei in the higher amniotes (mammals), while their more specialized (core) Parv-IR regions are formed later in evolution. Therefore, the distribution of Parv- and Calb-IR neurons in the turtle thalamic nuclei cannot be a criterion at evaluation of homology of thalamic nuclei in amniotes, but permits judging about the degree of their specialization.  相似文献   

As an introduction to the main theme of this conference an overview of the organization of the tetrapod forebrain is presented with emphasis on the telencephalic representation of sensory and motor functions. In all classes of tetrapods, olfactory, visual, octavolateral, somatosensory and gustatory information reaches the telencephalon. Major differences exist in the telencephalic targets of sensory information between amphibians and amniotes. In amphibians, three targets are found: the lateral pallium for olfactory input, the medial pallium for visual and multisensory input, and the lateral subpallium for visual, octavolateral and somatosensory information. The forebrains of reptiles and mammals are similar in that the dorsal surface of their cerebral hemisphere is formed by a pallium with three major segments: (a) an olfactory, lateral cortex; (b) a 'limbic' cortex that forms the dorsomedial wall of the hemisphere, and (c) an intermediate cortex that is composed entirely of isocortex in mammals, but in reptiles (and birds) consists of at least part of the dorsal cortex (in birds the Wulst) and a large intraventricular protrusion, i.e. the dorsal ventricular ridge. In birds, the entire lateral wall of the hemisphere is involved in this expansion. The intermediate pallial segment receives sensory projections from the thalamus and contains modality-specific sensory areas in reptiles, birds and mammals. The most important differences between the intermediate pallial segment of amniotes concern motor systems.  相似文献   

Using histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques, distribution of activity of oxidative mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome oxidase (CO) and of immunoreactivity to calcium-binding proteins has been studied in spiral ganglion and auditory nuclei of brainstem in two turtle species. It has been shown that immunoreactivity to calbindin, parvalbumin, and calretinin in neurons and neuropil of nuclei of cochlear and superior olivary complexes, in nucleus of lateral lemniscus, and in spiral ganglion neurons coincides topographically with the high CO activity. The similarity of the studied metabolic and neurochemical characteristics of these auditory centers in reptiles, birds, and mammals indicates the existence of some common principles of their organization in amniotes in spite of phylogenetic differences and peculiarities of specialization of the auditory system in different species.  相似文献   

In turtles (Testudo horsfieldi, Emys orbicularis), immunoreactivity to calbindin (CB), parvalbumin (PV), calretinin (CR) and co-localization of CB and PV were studied in neurons of the visual thalamic nuclei (Rot, GLd) projecting to the telencephalon using a combination of immunohistochemical and tracer methods. The prevalence of CB-immunoreactive (-ir) neurons in Rot, CB-ir and CR-ir neurons in GLd, and a smaller number of PV-ir neurons in both nuclei was shown. Double immunofluorescent labeling revealed that within both nuclei PV and CB are colocalized in most PV-ir and fewer CB-ir neurons. After injection of horseradish peroxidase into the Rot and GLs telencephalic projection fields, retrograde labeling was found in corresponding thalamic projection neurons immunoreactive to all the three proteins. After introduction of the fluorescent tracer Fluo-gold into the same telencephalic regions, retrograde labeling was detected in Rot and GLd neurons immunoreactive only to PV and CB as well as in neurons with colocalization of both proteins. These findings provide further evidence that in turtles the CB component prevails in the rotundo-telencephalic pathway while the CB/CR component is dominant in the geniculotelencephalic pathway. The role of functional specialization in segregation of neurons expressing distinct types of calcium-binding proteins is postulated.  相似文献   

Distribution of activity of mitochondrial oxidative enzyme cytochrome oxidase (CO) was studied in the thalamic (Ov) and telencephalic (field L) auditory centers of the pigeon Columbia livia. Different levels of CO activity are found in the core and belt of the centers: the high CO activity in the core of Ov (nCe) and telencephalic field L2 and the much lower or absent in the peripheral regions (Ovl, Ovm, SPO and L1 and L3). Comparison of our data with those of various avian and reptile species confirms the concept of the common plan of rostral auditory centers in sauropsid amniotes by the principle of the center-periphery (core-belt), which is characteristic of the corresponding mammalian centers. The separation of the central and peripheral parts of these centers is better pronounced in birds than in reptiles.  相似文献   

In two turtle species—Emys orbicularis and Testudo horsfieldi—by the method of anterograde and retrograde traicing at the light and electron microscopy level, the existence is proven of direct descending projections from the thalamic nucleus of the tectofugal visual system n. rotunds (Rot) to the optic tectum. After injection of tracers into Rot alone and into Rot with involvement of the tectothalamic tract (Trtth), occasional labeled fibers with varicosities and terminals are revealed predominantly in the deep sublayers of SGFS of the rostral optic tectum, while in the lower amount—in other tectal layers. After the tracer injections into the optic tectum, a few retrogradely labeled neurons were found mainly in the Rot ventral parts and within Trtth. Their localization coincides with that of GABA-immunoreactive cells. Electron microscopy showed the existence of many retrogradely labeled dendrites throughout the whole Rot; a few labeled cell bodies were also present there, some of them being also GABA-immunoreactive. These results allow us to conclude about the existence of reciprocal connections between the optic tectum and Rot in turtles, these connections being able to affect processing of visual information in tectum. We suggest that reciprocity of tectothalamic connections might be the ancestral feature of the vertebrate brain; in the course of amniote evolution the functional significance of this feature can be decreased and even lost in parallel with a rise of the role of direct corticotectal projections.  相似文献   

Using histochemical and immunohistochemical techniques, distribution of activity of oxidative mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome oxidase (CO) and calcium-binding proteins-immunoreactivity was studied in the spiral ganglion and auditory nuclei of brainstem in two turtle species. Calbindin-, parvalbumin-and calretinin-immunoreactivity in neurons and neuropil of cochlear, supraolivary complexes, the lateral lemniscal nucleus and neuropil of spiral ganglion is shown to coincide topographically with high activity of CO. Similarity of the studied metabolic and neuro-chemical characteristics of these auditory centers in reptiles, birds and mammals suggests some general principles of their organization in amniotes, despite phylogenetic differences and peculiarities of auditory system in different species.  相似文献   

On the base of electron microscopic investigations of kidneys, performed on some representatives of vertebrata (fishes, amphibia, reptiles, birds, mammalia) the data on their JGC innervation are presented. In the course of evolution the structure of nervous-muscular, nervous-endocrine and nervous-epithelial contacts becomes more complex. The role of the nervous factor in regulation of the systemic blood flow and water-salt metabolism acquires a greater significance in the process of development.  相似文献   

Two types of nucleolus can be distinguished among eukaryotic cells: a tri-compartmentalized nucleolus in amniotes and a bi-compartmentalized nucleolus in all the others. However, though the nucleolus' ultrastructure is well characterized in mammals and birds, it has been so far much less studied in reptiles. In this work, we examined the ultrastructural organization of the nucleolus in various tissues from different reptilian species (three turtles, three lizards, two crocodiles, and three snakes). Using cytochemical and immunocytological methods, we showed that in reptiles both types of nucleolus are present: a bi-compartmentalized nucleolus in turtles and a tri-compartmentalized nucleolus in the other species examined in this study. Furthermore, in a given species, the same type of nucleolus is present in all the tissues, however, the importance and the repartition of those nucleolar components could vary from one tissue to another. We also reveal that, contrary to the mammalian nucleolus, the reptilian fibrillar centers contain small clumps of condensed chromatin and that their surrounding dense fibrillar component is thicker. Finally, we also report that Cajal bodies are detected in reptiles. Altogether, we believe that these results have profound evolutionarily implications since they indicate that the point of transition between bipartite and tripartite nucleoli lies at the emergence of the amniotes within the class Reptilia.  相似文献   

To elucidate phylogenetic relationships among amniotes and the evolution of alpha globins, hemoglobins were analyzed from the Komodo dragon (Komodo monitor lizard) Varanus komodoensis, the world's largest extant lizard, inhabiting Komodo Islands, Indonesia. Four unique globin chains (alpha A, alpha D, beta B, and beta C) were isolated in an equal molar ratio by high performance liquid chromatography from the hemolysate. The amino acid sequences of two alpha chains were determined. The alpha D chain has a glutamine at E7 as does an alpha chain of a snake, Liophis miliaris, but the alpha A chain has a histidine at E7 like the majority of hemoglobins. Phylogenetic analyses of 19 globins including two alpha chains of Komodo dragon and ones from representative amniotes showed the following results: (1) The a chains of squamates (snakes and lizards), which have a glutamine at E7, are clustered with the embryonic alpha globin family, which typically includes the alpha D chain from birds; (2) birds form a sister group with other reptiles but not with mammals; (3) the genes for embryonic and adult types of alpha globins were possibly produced by duplication of the ancestral alpha gene before ancestral amniotes diverged, indicating that each of the present amniotes might carry descendants of the two types of alpha globin genes; (4) squamates first split off from the ancestor of other reptiles and birds.   相似文献   

In the field of germline development in amniote vertebrates, primordial germ cell (PGC) specification in birds and reptiles remains controversial. Avians are believed to adopt a predetermination or maternal specification mode of PGC formation, contrary to an inductive mode employed by mammals and, supposedly, reptiles. Here, we revisit and review some key aspects of PGC development that channelled the current subdivision, and challenge the position of birds and reptiles as well as the ‘binary’ evolutionary model of PGC development in vertebrates. We propose an alternative view on PGC specification where germ plasm plays a role in laying the foundation for the formation of PGC precursors (pPGC), but not necessarily of PGCs. Moreover, inductive mechanisms may be necessary for the transition from pPGCs to PGCs. Within this framework, the implementation of data from birds and reptiles could provide new insights on the evolution of PGC specification in amniotes.  相似文献   

The evolution of the mechanical properties of amniote bone   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
J.D. Currey 《Journal of biomechanics》1987,20(11-12):1035-1044
162 specimens from 19 species of amniote were tested for various mechanical and physical properties to ascertain whether there were characteristic differences between different groups. All mechanical properties showed very great variation. In general the reptiles were not inferior to the mammals and birds. The histology of living forms was compared to that of fossil forms, to see whether 'weak' histology was more characteristic of primitive amniotes. The earliest reptiles probably had rather complaint bone, but it was probably tough. Modern types of bone appeared over two hundred million years ago. Very specialised bone, like that of the bullae of whales and antlers, may have evolved only in the mammals, but the fossil record is not complete enough to assert this confidently.  相似文献   

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