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We conducted inundative release experiments withTrichogramma nubilale (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) to suppressOstrinia nubilalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) in sweet corn (Zea mays): two experiment duringO. nubilalis first generation and three experiments during second generation. Five measurements of ear and stalk damage were used to assess.O. nubilalis control in treated and untreated plots within each experimental field. In one experiment during second generation, naturalO. nubilalis populations were sufficiently high to demonstrate that the parasitoids (three releases totaling 4.4 million parasitoids per ha) parasitized an estimated 57.4% of the placedO. nubilalis egg masses and reduced the mean number ofO. nubilalis larvae per ear by 97.4% the number of tunnels per stalk by 92.9%, and the number of larvae per stalk by 94.3% in the release plot. Ear damage in this experiment was suppressed to meet acceptable standards for use in cut-corn commercial processing. Larval mortality was apparently density independent, which implies that density-dependent larval loss would not compensate for egg parasitism byT. nubilale.  相似文献   

醉马草水浸液对豌豆蚜触杀活性及种群增长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马亚玲  李春杰 《生态学报》2021,41(4):1492-1500
为探讨醉马草水浸液对豌豆蚜触杀活性及种群增长的影响,采用带虫浸叶法比较不同生育期醉马草带菌(E+)和不带菌(E-)水浸液对豌豆蚜触杀活性及种群生命表,测定了豌豆蚜的死亡率及触杀后对其生殖期,平均繁殖力,繁殖率及生命表参数的影响。结果表明,不同生育期醉马草带菌(E+)水浸液触杀豌豆蚜后对其各项指标均有显著影响。在苗期时,E+水浸液触杀豌豆蚜后校正死亡率最高,繁殖力最低,内禀增长率(rm=0.145 d-1)和净生殖率(R0=4.802头)均为最小值。在成熟期时,E+水浸液触杀豌豆蚜24 h、48 h和72 h后校正死亡率分别为26.15%,19.01%,9.07%;繁殖期(3.87 d),平均繁殖力(8.80头),繁殖率(1.40%),内禀增长率(rm=0.208 d-1)和净生殖率(R0=8.820头)。在枯黄期时,E+水浸液触杀豌豆蚜后校正死亡率最低,繁殖力最强,内禀增长率(rm=0.247 d-1)和净生殖率(R0=13.647头)均为最大值。不同生育期醉马草E-水浸液触杀豌豆蚜后对其种群繁殖无显著影响,与对照差异不显著(P>0.05)。综上,苗期醉马草E+水浸液对豌豆蚜有较好的触杀效果,校正死亡率高,且触杀后当代繁殖力减弱,种群扩建时间延长,不利于其种群繁殖和增长;故苗期醉马草E+水浸液具有很好的杀虫潜力,所采用水浸液方法制备简单,成本低,可为新型植物源农药研发提供重要理论依据。  相似文献   

Laboratory experiments compared the nutritive value of various pollen sources for the development of Coleomegilla maculata DeGeer under conditions of continuous water availability and simulated drought. When water was continuously available, larval survival was not different from 100% on diets of frozen eggs of Ephestia kuehniella Zeller, corn pollen, sorghum pollen, or pulverized bee pollen, whereas survival of larvae was significantly reduced on the latter three diets in the simulated drought treatment. Pollen of cultivated sunflower, Helianthus annus L., proved fatal to both larvae and adults; its surface structure caused clumping and accumulation on the insect cuticle that led to death from exhaustion/desiccation in petri dishes. The Ephestia egg diet yielded shorter developmental times and heavier adult weights than any pollen diet in both treatments. The drought treatment increased developmental time on all diets with a significant treatment–diet interaction. Drought reduced the adult weight of females on the sorghum pollen diet, and that of both sexes on the bee pollen diet, again with a significant treatment–diet interaction. Initial water content was highest in corn pollen (36.8%), followed by Ephestia eggs (29.2%), sorghum pollen (25.3%), sunflower pollen (8.7%), and bee pollen (4.6%), but did not appear correlated with C. maculata larval survival on pollen sources under drought conditions. Reproductive adult females that received corn or sorghum pollen as a supplement to Ephestia eggs did not differ in fecundity or fertility from those fed only Ephestia eggs.  相似文献   

We evaluated the egg parasitoid Trichogramma ostriniae (Hymenoptera: Trichogrammatidae) to control European corn borer [Lepidoptera: Crambidae: Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner)] in field corn in 2001 and 2002. Inoculative releases of 75,000 T. ostriniae/ha occurred in New York and Virginia in 5–10 cornfields per state when corn was at mid-whorl. Incidence of egg mass parasitism, number of stalk tunnels, incidence of ear damage, and whole-plant yield were evaluated. Parasitism of European corn borer egg masses ranged from 0 to 75% in release plots and was greater in release plots than in control plots. Individual comparisons between paired release and control plots showed no reductions in either stalk or ear damage. However, when data were combined across both years and fields, stalk and ear damage were significantly reduced in New York. In Virginia, no significant differences were detected using data obtained from one year. There were no differences in yield between release and control plots. Low densities of European corn borer, drought conditions in 1 year, and a larger plant canopy in field corn are possible reasons why T. ostriniae releases provided less control than has been observed in previous trials in sweet corn. Additional research focused on improved timing and frequency and number of releases is warranted.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the functional response ofColeomegilla maculataDeGeer (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) fourth instars was conducted under laboratory, greenhouse, and field conditions. In the laboratory, individual larvae were placed in 9-cm petri dishes for 24 h, with 1, 3, 5, or 7 Colorado potato beetle (Leptinotarsa decemlineata[Say]) (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) egg masses. Each egg mass was standardized at 15 eggs. In the greenhouse and field,C. maculatalarvae were provided with an equivalent of 0.5 to 35L. decemlineataegg masses/m2of potato leaf. Fourth instars ofC. maculataexhibited a type II functional response toL. decemlineataeggs under laboratory, greenhouse, and field conditions. Predator search efficiency was inversely related with prey density. The maximum mean attack rate (8.7 eggs) byC. maculatalarvae in the field was about half the mean attack rate in the laboratory (17.6 eggs) and greenhouse (20.1 eggs). The difference in prey density between the laboratory and field seems to have been a major contributing factor in determining the rate of predation, whereas differences in environmental conditions (e.g., temperature and possible alternate food) may explain the differences observed in the predation rate in the greenhouse and field.  相似文献   

Parasitism ofOstrinia nubilalis egg masses byTrichogramma minutum was observed in maize-bare ground monocultures and polycultures of maize/bean/squash and maize/clover. Parasitism rates were 1.9 times higher in monocultures than in polycultures; seasonal phenology of parasitism, however, was similar in both. Parasitism first occurred during the late whorl/early tassel stage of maize; peak parasitism occurred during the mid to late tassel stage, and then dropped off rapidly. We speculate that direct predation of egg masses, and ammensal preemptive competition for egg masses byColeomegilla maculata may have contributed to the decline in parasitism rates in both monocultures and polycultures during the latter part of the season.   相似文献   

The objective of this study was to assess the influence of toxic substances with different modes of action on a two-species system: an aphid-specific parasitoid, Aphidius ervi Haliday, feeding on the pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris). The instantaneous rate of population increase (ri) was used as a measure of population level toxic effect in this study. The toxicants evaluated were imidacloprid, a nonpersistent neurotoxic insecticide, and cadmium, a chronic pollutant with a tendency to accumulate. We evaluated the effects of cadmium and imidacloprid on A. pisum and A. ervi because both toxicants can occur together in polluted areas where crops are grown. Cadmium (200 or 400 mg kg−1 dry weight soil) and imidacloprid (4 or 40 g a.i. ha−1) were applied to soil contained in plastic pots in which broad bean plants, Vicia faba L., were grown. Results of this study indicated that cadmium at the concentrations tested, reduced population growth rate of the pea aphid. Imidacloprid also reduced aphid growth rate, but only at the highest concentration tested (40 g a.i. ha−1). Combinations of cadmium and imidacloprid had the greatest impact on aphid growth rate. Imidacloprid alone had no effect on population growth rate of the parasitoid. However, cadmium alone or in combination with imidacloprid had a negative impact on A. ervi by reducing population growth rate 77%. These results indicate that negative impacts on parasitoids may occur in areas where cadmium contamination is present and imidacloprid is used to control aphids.  相似文献   

光周期对两种色型豌豆蚜种群参数的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马亚玲  刘长仲 《生态学报》2016,36(14):4548-4555
为探讨光周期对红绿两种色型豌豆蚜种群增长的影响,于室内模拟光周期22L∶2D、16L∶8D、10L∶14D和4L∶20D四个水平,研究了红绿两种色型豌豆蚜的发育、繁殖和生命表。结果表明:相对于其它光周期,在光周期22L∶2D时,红绿两种色型豌豆蚜若蚜存活率最高,繁殖力最强;其红色型豌豆蚜种群增长内禀增长率(r_m=0.3263)高于绿色型豌豆(r_m=0.2863)。光周期16L∶8D时,红色型豌豆蚜的若蚜存活率(72.22%)高于绿色型豌豆蚜(69.45%),而成蚜寿命(6.58d)较短;但绿色型豌豆蚜内禀增长率(r_m=0.2648)高于红色型豌豆蚜(r_m=0.2249),其种群繁殖力强。光周期10L∶14D时,红色型豌豆蚜与绿色型豌豆蚜相比,若蚜存活率(80.55%)高,内禀增长率(r_m=0.2490)高,种群增长力强,而绿色型豌豆蚜成蚜寿命(12.71d)较长。光周期4L∶20D时,两种色型豌豆蚜若蚜存活率最低,繁殖力最弱,成蚜寿命显著延长;红色型豌豆蚜若蚜存活率(64.67%)高于绿色型(35.50%),成蚜没有产生后代;绿色型豌豆蚜内禀增长率(r_m=-0.0366),其种群为负增长。综上,短光照条件(4L∶20D)延长了两种色型豌豆蚜的若蚜发育历期及成蚜寿命,降低了若蚜存活率、繁殖力及生命表各项参数;长光照条件(22L∶2D)缩短了两种色型豌豆蚜的若蚜发育历期及成蚜寿命,若蚜存活率高、繁殖力强;红色型豌豆蚜更适宜光周期10L∶14D,而绿色型豌豆蚜更适宜光周期16L∶8D。  相似文献   

Antibiotics are routinely used to eliminate intracellular prokaryotic microorganisms from a wide range of insect species, but concerns about deleterious effects of antibiotic therapy on the insect host are seldom addressed. Here, the impact of antibiotic therapy in the symbiosis between the pea aphid Acyrthosiphon pisum and bacteria of the genus Buchnera is reviewed. Antibiotic-treatment produces aposymbiotic (i.e. symbiont-free) aphids, but does not depress the mitochondrial complement, the assimilation of dietary amino acids or the incorporation of amino acids into protein in these insects and does not impair osmoregulation, feeding rate and the capacity to penetrate plant tissues. It is concluded that the general malaise associated with aposymbiotic aphids is not attributable to a direct effect of the antibiotic. However, an important implication of this study is that aposymbiotic insects exhibit substantial metabolic adjustments to loss of the symbiosis; they are not simply aphids from which the symbiotic bacteria have been removed.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of inoculative releases of Trichogramma ostriniae Pang and Chen for suppression of Ostrinia nubilalis (Hübner) in sweet corn was assessed. Early-season, low-density (75,000 females ha−1) releases were made, and establishment, levels of parasitism and sex ratios of emerging T. ostriniae quantified. T. ostriniae established effectively for each season that they were released, but appeared to be unable to overwinter. Parasitism levels tracked egg mass numbers closely, and T. ostriniae persisted in fields even where insecticides were applied. Parasitism by indigenous Trichogramma species was 3%. Field populations of T. ostriniae were distinctly female biased (78%), with males produced in the majority of broods. Numbers of males did not increase linearly with number of O. nubilalis eggs parasitized, but appeared to remain constant above an egg mass size of about 20 eggs. A Type-I functional response to increasing egg and egg mass density was found under field conditions, where the proportion of egg masses parasitized remained constant with increasing egg mass density. A relatively consistent percentage of eggs per egg mass was parasitized, with a linear increase in number of eggs parasitized with increasing number of eggs per egg mass. These results show that T. ostriniae established viable reproductive populations in sweet corn following inoculative release, with the potential to contribute to reduced dependence on insecticides for the control of O. nubilalis in an integrated pest management program.  相似文献   

Recent progress in plant transformation for insect resistance has increased the interest in the potential toxicity of proteins towards insect pests. While studies have been targeted to a large array of insect species, phloem-feeding Homoptera have not been investigated yet. The paper describes a routine test for screening toxicity and growth inhibition of purified proteins in artificial diets onAcyrthosiphon pisum (Harris). Twenty-five commercially available proteins of different classes were tested and compared to some non-protein chemicals (an insecticide, an antibiotic …).A. pisum proved to be very sensitive to all proteases tested and to some venoms with general cytolytic properties. A plant lectin, concanavalin A, displayed significant toxicity and growth inhibition, while various proteins such as a soybean proteinase inhibitor, a chitinase, and bovine serum albumin showed measurable impairments of growth only at higher dose (≥250 μg.ml−1). Some proteins were without short-term effect onA. pisum physiology. The influence of these results on aphid-plant interactions are discussed.
Résumé L'effet de protéines alimentaires sur les insectes phloémophages, dont les pucerons, n'a jamais été étudié. Nous proposons ici un test biologique standardisé sur milieu artificiel permettant d'analyser les effets de différentes classes de protéines sur la physiologie d'A. pisum. La validité de ce test est éprouvée (protocole, reproductibilité) et les différentes données récoltées (mortalité et inhibition de croissance) permettent de définir des paramètres toxicologiques tels que concentration létale 50 ou concentration inhibitrice 50. Cette caractérisation toxicologique a été réalisée sur 25 protéines appartenant à des classes différentes, ainsi que plusieurs substances non protéiques utilisées comme témoin de toxicité (insecticide, antibiotique, inhibiteur de synthèse protéique et glucoside phénolique). Les regroupements de protéines par proximités de profils toxicologiques ont été corrélés aux activités biochimiques des différentes protéines. Les implications de ces résultats sur les interactions plante-puceron sont discutées, ainsi que le potentiel d'une stratégie de création de variétés transgéniques résistantes aux pucerons.

The relationship between second generation European corn borer (Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner) egg mass numbers and subsequent field corn damage, as measured by stalk cavity numbers, was studied in 79 fields in northeastern North Carolina over three years. A mean of 0.028 egg masses per plant (645 egg masses/23400 plants) was found over the course of the study. Significant differences in oviposition rate were detected between fields and years. Ca. 85% of egg masses were deposited in a five leaf zone surrounding the primary ear; of these, 89% were found on the lower four leaves in this zone. Egg masses appeared to be distributed randomly within fields but at low rates of incidence, and oviposition was relatively uniform between sampling areas within individual fields. Under moderate to high oviposition pressure (mean number of egg masses per plant over the duration of the oviposition period >ca. 0.02), eggs laid during the early phases of the oviposition period account for more subsequent stalk damage than eggs laid during the later phases of the oviposition period. Variations in second generation egg mass numbers accounted for ca. 70% of variation in stalk cavity numbers.  相似文献   

The performance of one clone of the pea aphid,Acyrthosiphon pisum (Harris), was assessed on 37 different cultivars and species ofPisum L. In addition, random samples of 36 pea aphid clones collected on alfalfa and clover were tested on a selection of fivePisum sativum L. cultivars. Aphid performance was evaluated in terms of the mean relative growth rate (MRGR) during the first five days of life or other life history variables. The MRGR of the first-mentioned pea aphid clone differed little between cultivars. No significant differences in MRGR were found between wild and cultivatedPisum species or between modern and oldP. sativum cultivars. There was considerable variation in host adaptation among the 36 pea aphid clones within each sampled field. The pea aphid clones showed no consistent pattern in performance on four of the five pea cultivars i.e. there was a significant pea aphid genotype —pea genotype interaction. On one of the cultivars all clones performed well. Pea aphid clones collected from red clover generally performed relatively poorly on pea cultivars, in contrast to the pea aphid clones collected on alfalfa. There was no difference in performance between the two pea aphid colour forms tested. Possible reasons for the high variation and the observed adaptation patterns are discussed. The fact that all clones were collected in two adjacent fields indicates thatA. pisum shows high local intraspecific variability in terms of host adaptation.  相似文献   

实时荧光定量PCR(RT-qPCR)的前提条件之一是具有合适的内参基因。为筛选斑地锦(Euphorbia maculata)合适的RT-qPCR内参基因,该文利用同源克隆法克隆斑地锦GAPDH、EF-1α、act、UBQ、TUB-α、eIF-4A、CYP等基因片段,RT-qPCR检测7个候选内参基因在斑地锦不同生长期根、茎、叶和果实中的表达情况,并用geNorm、NormFinder和BestKeeper等生物学软件对各候选基因表达稳定性进行评价。结果表明:(1)克隆的GAPDH、EF-1α、act、UBQ、TUB-α、eIF-4A、CYP基因片段为729、808、753、422、233、656、313 bp,分别编码242、269、250、140、77、218、103个氨基酸,与其他植物相应氨基酸序列的最高同源性均在85%以上。(2)综合3个分析软件分析内参基因表达稳定性得出,表达稳定性排名为UBQ>EF-1α>TUB-α>eIF-4A>GAPDH>CYP>act。因此,可以选取UBQ作为斑地锦RT-qPCR分析的内参基因,用于不同生长期基因组织特异性表达研究。  相似文献   

Two biotypes of pea aphid, Acyrthosiphon pisum, have been recognized in Australia, by their susceptibility (S) or resistance (R) to certain isolates of the fungal pathogen Erynia neoaphidis. The responses of these two biotypes to 40 isolates of the fungus have shown that the R form is largely confined to two States, New South Wales and Victoria, but appears to have recently spread into Queensland and Tasmania. There is no evidence to suggest it occurs outside Australia. Sequential sampling of two field populations of pea aphids during 1981 and 1982 showed that the proportion of R form remained stable at 10.7±3.0 and 14.6±2.6% (mean±standard error) for the two populations. Glasshouse competition experiments run at the comparatively high temperature of 25°C resulted in the R form becoming dominant even when the initial ratio was 4:1 in favour of the S form. The ecological and genetical implications are discussed.
Résumé Deux types biologiques d'Acyrthosiphon pisum ont été définis, en Australie, suivant leur sensibilité (S) ou leur résistance (R) à certains isolats du champignon pathogène Erynia neoaphidis. Les réponses des deux biotypes à 40 isolats du champignon ont montré que la forme R est essentiellement cantonnée à deux états: Nouvelle Galle due Sud et Victoria, mais a récemment gagné le Queensland et la Tasmanie. Aucun élément ne fait dire qu'elle existe hors d'Australie. Des échantillonnages séquentiels des deux populations de pucerons dans la nature en 1981 et 1982 ont montré que la proportion de la forme R est restée stable à 10,7 et 14,62 dans les deux populations. Des expériences de compétition en serre à la température relativement haute de 25°C ont rendu la forme R dominante, même quand le rapport initial était de 4/1 en faveur de la forme S. La discussion porte sur les conséquences écologiques et génétiques.

Azadirachtin, a triterpenoid substance from the neem tree, Azadirachta indica A. Juss., Meliaceae, was evaluated for its antifeedant and insecticidal properties to the European corn borer Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner. The 50% protective concentration for larval feeding on treated corn disks (PC50) was 3.5 ppm for neonate larvae and 24 ppm for third instar larvae. Azadirachtin severely reduced larval growth at 1 and 10 ppm in a meridic diet and eventually caused 100% mortality at 10 ppm and 90% at 1 ppm. At 0.1 ppm azadirachtin showed no significant effect on larvae but altered the sex ratio in favor of male moths during adult emergence and arrested oviposition of female moths.Nutritional indices for naive and habituated third instar larvae suggested that reduction of growth was due to toxicity as shown by a lowered efficiency of conversion in the azadirachtin treated groups, rather than changes in digestibility. No clear evidence of tolerance was observed in the habituated group. The data suggest that at 10 ppm azadirachtin is an effective botanical insecticide for control of O. nubilalis.
Résumé On a examiné les propriétés anti-appétantes et insecticides de l'azadirachtine, une substance triterpénoïde provenant d'Azadirachta indica envers la pyrale du maïs Ostrinia nubilalis. La concentration effective pour causer 50% d'inhibition de l'alimentation larvaire (PC50) sur des disques foliaires a été de 3.5 ppm pour les larves de premier stade et de 24 g/8 pour celle de troisième stade. L'azadirachtine a sévèrement réduit la croissance larvaire à des concentrations de 1 et 10 ppm dans une diète méridique et, éventuellement, a causé 100% de mortalité à 10 ppm et 90% à 1 ppm. A 0.1 ppm l'azadirachtine n'a pas eu d'effet significatif sur les larves maïs a modifié l'indice de masculinité en faveur des mâles au moment de l'émergence et a empêché l'oviposition chez les femelles. Les indices nutritionnels pour les larves naïves de troisième âge et celles ayant subi une accoutumance suggèrent que la réduction de croissance est le résultat d'une intoxication comme le démontre une efficacité réduite de transformation chez les groupes traités à l'azadirachtine, plutôt que des changements de digestibilité. Il n'y a pas d'évidence claire de tolérance dans le groupe ayant subi l'accoutumance. Les résultats suggèrent qu'à 10 ppm l'azadirachtine est un insecticide botanique efficace envers O. nubilalis.

Predation upon lady beetle (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) eggs in the field is most often instances of egg cannibalism by larvae or adults while the majority of the remaining predation events upon coccinellid eggs is done by other species of Coccinellidae. Thus the recent introduction and establishment of Harmonia axyridis in the US could negatively affect native species of Coccinellidae via egg predation. However, little is known regarding the suitability of interspecific coccinellid eggs as a food source for larval development. In this study, it was found that native first or third instar Coleomegilla maculata and Olla v-nigrum larvae were incapable of surviving to the adult stage when provided solely exotic H. axyridis eggs. In stark contrast, H. axyridis larvae survived equally well when cannibalizing eggs or eating eggs of either native species. When C. maculata and O. v-nigrum were grouped as ‘native’ and compared with the exotic H. axyridis, more native eggs were attacked than exotic eggs and a higher percentage of eggs was attacked by H. axyridis larvae. Native and exotic larvae attacked a similar percentage of native eggs but native larvae attacked significantly fewer exotic eggs than did exotic larvae. These data suggest that H. axyridis may prey upon the eggs of these native species, when encountered in the field, compared with the likelihood of the native species preying upon H. axyridis eggs. Therefore, eggs of the native species C. maculata and O. v-nigrum will continue to be subjected to cannibalism and also to possible predation by other native species and the exotic H. axyridis.  相似文献   

The physiological relationships between Ostrinia nubilalis Hübner and its tachinid parasitoid Pseudoperichaeta nigrolineata Walker are described under abiotic conditions which induce development of the host without diapause. The parasitoid lowers the larval growth of the host: the maximal weight attained by the parasitized larvae represented only 78% of that of healthy ones. The duration of the last larval host instar increased to 10.4 days in parasitized O. nubilalis compared to 8.0 days in unparasitized ones. The influence of the host on the parasitoid development was studied experimentally after parasitization of O. nubilalis larvae of instars 2 to 5. When the second larval instar of the host is parasitized, the overall duration of parasitoid larval development lasts twice as long as when the fifth instar is parasitized. The best yield of parasitoid pupariae (50%) is obtained when parasitization occurs in instar 3. We show that good synchronisation exists between the larval development of the host and its parasitoid. There are four phases of parasitoid development which would appear to require a signal from the host: the start of the growth of newly hatched parasitoid larvae and the 3rd to 4th instar ecdysis of the host; the first moulting of the parasitoid and the 4th to 5th instar ecdysis of the host; the growth resumption of the parasitoid instar II (weight about 1 mg) and the small rise of the ecdysteroid level in the middle of host instar 5; and in all probability, the second parasitoid moulting and the larval-pupal apolysis of the host.
Résumé Les relations physiologiques entre O. nubilalis et le tachinidae P. nigrolineata ont été étudiées dans des conditions abiotiques telles que l'hôte présente un développement sans diapause. Le parasitoïde ralentit la prise de poids de l'hôte: le poids maximal des chenilles parasitées ne représente que 78% de celui des chenilles saines. Seule la durée du 5ème stade est significativement plus longue chez les chenilles parasitées que chez les saines (10,4 contre 8,0 jours). L'influence de l'hôte sur le développement du parasitoïde à été expérimentée en parasitant des stades 2 à 5 d'O. nubilalis. Lorsque l'infestation a lieu au stade 2, le développement larvaire complet du parasitoî de dure deux fois plus longtemps que lorsque l'infestation a lieu au stade 5. Le meilleur rendement en pupes (50%) est obtenu lorsque l'infestation a lieu au stade 3. Il a été montré qu'il existe une bonne synchronisation entre le développement de l'hôte et de son parasitoî de. Il y a 4 phases physiologiques du développement larvaire de P. nigrolineata qui semblent nécessiter un signal provenant de l'hôte pour être dépassées. Ainsi peuvent être mis en relation: — le début de la croissance de la larve néonate du parasitoî de et l'ecdysis 3/4 de l'hôte; — la première mue du parasitoïde et l'ecdysis 4/5 de l'hôte; — la reprise de la croissance du stade II du parasitoïde, vers un poids de 1 mg et la remontée des taux d'ecdystéroïdes au milieu du stade 5 de l'hôte. et probablement, — la seconde mue du parasitoïde et l'apolyse nymphale de l'hôte. Les expérimentations vont se poursuivre pour déterminer les facteurs en cause. Ces phénomènes de synchronisation seront aussi étudiés dans le cas de la diapause de l'hôte.

This project studied in detail the insecticidal activity of a fungal lectin from the sclerotes of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, referred to as S. sclerotiorum agglutinin or SSA. Feeding assays with the pea aphid (Acyrthosiphon pisum) on an artificial diet containing different concentrations of SSA demonstrated a high mortality caused by this fungal lectin with a median insect toxicity value (LC50) of 66 (49–88) μg/ml. In an attempt to unravel the mode of action of SSA the binding and interaction of the lectin with insect tissues and cells were investigated. Histofluorescence studies on sections from aphids fed on an artificial liquid diet containing FITC-labeled SSA, indicated the insect midgut with its brush border zone as the primary target for SSA. In addition, exposure of insect midgut CF-203 cells to 25 μg/ml SSA resulted in a total loss of cell viability, the median cell toxicity value (EC50) being 4.0 (2.4–6.7) μg/ml. Interestingly, cell death was accompanied with DNA fragmentation, but the effect was caspase-3 independent. Analyses using fluorescence confocal microscopy demonstrated that FITC-labeled SSA was not internalized in the insect midgut cells, but bound to the cell surface. Prior incubation of the cells with saponin to achieve a higher cell membrane permeation resulted in an increased internalization of SSA in the insect midgut cells, but no increase in cell toxicity. Furthermore, since the toxicity of SSA for CF-203 cells was significantly reduced when SSA was incubated with GalNAc and asialomucin prior to treatment of the cells, the data of this project provide strong evidence that SSA binds with specific carbohydrate moieties on the cell membrane proteins to start a signaling transduction cascade leading to death of the midgut epithelial cells, which in turn results in insect mortality. The potential use of SSA in insect control is discussed.  相似文献   

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