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The organization of F-actin during somitogenesis in the chick embryo was studied by use of rhodamine-conjugated phalloidin and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Separation of a somite from the segmental plate proceeded simultaneously with the organization of segmental plate cells into a hemispherical epithelial sheet whose open side was directed antero-laterally. At the same time, intense staining of F-actin appeared in the apical surface of the epithelial sheet. Observations by TEM showed that zonulae adherentes associated with many actin filaments increased in the apical region of cells being organized into an epithelial sheet while this junctional apparatus was only sparsely distributed in the segmental plate cells. The hemispherical sheet subsequently closed to form an epithelial vesicle, with increase in curvature of its apical surface, and narrowing of cellular apices. At the same time, the zonulae adherentes and actin filaments in the cellular apices further increased, and many cellular processes formed on the apical surface of the epithelial somites. These findings suggest that segmentation involves organization of zonulae adherentes and a contractile process caused by acin filaments anchored to the zonulae adherentes.  相似文献   

In contrast to the slow rate of depolymerization of pure actin in vitro, populations of actin filaments in vivo turn over rapidly. Therefore, the rate of actin depolymerization must be accelerated by one or more factors in the cell. Since the actin dynamics in Listeria monocytogenes tails bear many similarities to those in the lamellipodia of moving cells, we have used Listeria as a model system to isolate factors required for regulating the rapid actin filament turnover involved in cell migration. Using a cell-free Xenopus egg extract system to reproduce the Listeria movement seen in a cell, we depleted candidate depolymerizing proteins and analyzed the effect that their removal had on the morphology of Listeria tails. Immunodepletion of Xenopus actin depolymerizing factor (ADF)/cofilin (XAC) from Xenopus egg extracts resulted in Listeria tails that were approximately five times longer than the tails from undepleted extracts. Depletion of XAC did not affect the tail assembly rate, suggesting that the increased tail length was caused by an inhibition of actin filament depolymerization. Immunodepletion of Xenopus gelsolin had no effect on either tail length or assembly rate. Addition of recombinant wild-type XAC or chick ADF protein to XAC-depleted extracts restored the tail length to that of control extracts, while addition of mutant ADF S3E that mimics the phosphorylated, inactive form of ADF did not reduce the tail length. Addition of excess wild-type XAC to Xenopus egg extracts reduced the length of Listeria tails to a limited extent. These observations show that XAC but not gelsolin is essential for depolymerizing actin filaments that rapidly turn over in Xenopus extracts. We also show that while the depolymerizing activities of XAC and Xenopus extract are effective at depolymerizing normal filaments containing ADP, they are unable to completely depolymerize actin filaments containing AMPPNP, a slowly hydrolyzible ATP analog. This observation suggests that the substrate for XAC is the ADP-bound subunit of actin and that the lifetime of a filament is controlled by its nucleotide content.  相似文献   

Cytoskeletal regulation of cell adhesion is vital to the organization of multicellular structures. The focal adhesion protein zyxin emerged as a key regulator of actin assembly because zyxin recruits Enabled/vasodilator-stimulated phospho-proteins (Ena/VASP) to promote actin assembly. Zyxin also localizes to the sites of cell-cell adhesion and is thought to promote actin assembly with Ena/VASP. Using shRNA targeted to zyxin, we analyzed the roles of zyxin at adhesive contacts. In zyxin-deficient cells, the actin assembly at both focal adhesion and cell-cell adhesion was limited, but their migration rate was unchanged. Cell spreading on E-cadherin-coated surfaces and the formation of cell clusters were slower for zyxin-deficient cells than wild type cells. By ablating a single cell within a cell monolayer, we quantified the rate of wound closure driven by a contractile circumferential actin ring. Zyxin-deficient cells failed to recruit VASP to cell-cell junctions at the wound edge and had a slower wound closure rate than wild type cells. Our results suggest that, by recruiting VASP, zyxin regulates actin assembly at the sites of force-bearing cell-cell adhesion.  相似文献   

N-Methyl-d-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) synaptic incorporation changes the number of NMDARs at synapses and is thus critical to various NMDAR-dependent brain functions. To date, the molecules involved in NMDAR trafficking and the underlying mechanisms are poorly understood. Here, we report that myosin IIb is an essential molecule in NMDAR synaptic incorporation during PKC- or θ burst stimulation-induced synaptic plasticity. Moreover, we demonstrate that myosin light chain kinase (MLCK)-dependent actin reorganization contributes to NMDAR trafficking. The findings from additional mutual occlusion experiments demonstrate that PKC and MLCK share a common signaling pathway in NMDAR-mediated synaptic regulation. Because myosin IIb is the primary substrate of MLCK and can regulate actin dynamics during synaptic plasticity, we propose that the MLCK- and myosin IIb-dependent regulation of actin dynamics is required for NMDAR trafficking during synaptic plasticity. This study provides important insights into a mechanical framework for understanding NMDAR trafficking associated with synaptic plasticity.  相似文献   

During endocytosis in S. cerevisiae, actin polymerization is proposed to provide the driving force for invagination against the effects of turgor pressure. In previous studies, Ysc84 was demonstrated to bind actin through a conserved N-terminal domain. However, full length Ysc84 could only bind actin when its C-terminal SH3 domain also bound to the yeast WASP homologue Las17. Live cell-imaging has revealed that Ysc84 localizes to endocytic sites after Las17/WASP but before other known actin binding proteins, suggesting it is likely to function at an early stage of membrane invagination. While there are homologues of Ysc84 in other organisms, including its human homologue SH3yl-1, little is known of its mode of interaction with actin or how this interaction affects actin filament dynamics. Here we identify key residues involved both in Ysc84 actin and lipid binding, and demonstrate that its actin binding activity is negatively regulated by PI(4,5)P2. Ysc84 mutants defective in their lipid or actin-binding interaction were characterized in vivo. The abilities of Ysc84 to bind Las17 through its C-terminal SH3 domain, or to actin and lipid through the N-terminal domain were all shown to be essential in order to rescue temperature sensitive growth in a strain requiring YSC84 expression. Live cell imaging in strains with fluorescently tagged endocytic reporter proteins revealed distinct phenotypes for the mutants indicating the importance of these interactions for regulating key stages of endocytosis.  相似文献   



Previous studies have shown that plant mitochondrial movements are myosin-based along actin filaments, which undergo continuous turnover by the exchange of actin subunits from existing filaments. Although earlier studies revealed that actin filament dynamics are essential for many functions of the actin cytoskeleton, there are little data connecting actin dynamics and mitochondrial movements.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We addressed the role of actin filament dynamics in the control of mitochondrial movements by treating cells with various pharmaceuticals that affect actin filament assembly and disassembly. Confocal microscopy of Arabidopsis thaliana root hairs expressing GFP-FABD2 as an actin filament reporter showed that mitochondrial distribution was in agreement with the arrangement of actin filaments in root hairs at different developmental stages. Analyses of mitochondrial trajectories and instantaneous velocities immediately following pharmacological perturbation of the cytoskeleton using variable-angle evanescent wave microscopy and/or spinning disk confocal microscopy revealed that mitochondrial velocities were regulated by myosin activity and actin filament dynamics. Furthermore, simultaneous visualization of mitochondria and actin filaments suggested that mitochondrial positioning might involve depolymerization of actin filaments on the surface of mitochondria.


Base on these results we propose a mechanism for the regulation of mitochondrial speed of movements, positioning, and direction of movements that combines the coordinated activity of myosin and the rate of actin turnover, together with microtubule dynamics, which directs the positioning of actin polymerization events.  相似文献   

NIH-3T3 fibroblasts expressing epidermal growth factor receptors (EGFRs) lacking the actin binding domain (ABD) were analyzed for their EGF-induced capacity to invade a bone marrow stromal cell (BMSC) monolayer. The fibroblasts display a reduction in the percentage of cytoskeleton-associated EGFRs. Furthermore, EGF-induced tyrosine kinase activity is unaffected by the mutation. Cells expressing the mutant EGFRs hardly invade a BMSC monolayer upon EGF stimulation in contrast to cells expressing wild-type EGFRs. Using the same cells no difference was observed in PDGF-induced invasion, which ligand was as potent in both cell types as EGF was in wild-type cells. Inhibition of both the phosphatidyl inositol-3-kinase (PI-3-K) and lipoxygenase pathways in wild-type cells mimicked the effect of the ABD deletion. Our results point to an important role for the ABD of the EGFR in EGF-induced tissue invasion.  相似文献   

An axial rod in abalone ( Haliotis discus ) sperm is a structure composed of a bundle of actin filaments, which elongates anteriorly to form the acrosomal process during the acrosome reaction. The ultrastructure of the actin filament bundle constituting the axial rod was examined using quick freeze technique followed by either freeze-substitution or deep-etch electron microscopy. Thin sections of quick freeze and freeze-substituted sperm revealed that the actin filaments in the axial rod are hexagonally packed in a paracrystalline array through its almost entire length with an average center-to-center spacing of 12 nm. Periodic transverse bands were also observed across the actin filament bundle, which may reflect the cross-bridges interconnecting the adjacent filaments. Quick-freeze deep-etch analysis provided the three-dimensional view of the axial rod. Actin filaments exhibiting 5.5–6 nm spaced striations were observed to run in parallel with each other inside the axial rod. The existence of cross-bridging structures was also displayed between adjacent filaments. These results suggest that the actin filaments in the axial rod are probably held together by regularly spaced cross-bridges to form a well ordered hexagonally packed bundle, and also cross-linked by fibrous structure to the lateral inner acrosomal membrane which closely surrounds the anterior half of the actin filament bundle.  相似文献   

Mating yeast cells remove their cell walls and fuse their plasma membranes in a spatially restricted cell contact region. Cell wall removal is dependent on Fus2p, an amphiphysin-associated Rho-GEF homolog. As mating cells polarize, Fus2p-GFP localizes to the tip of the mating projection, where cell fusion will occur, and to cytoplasmic puncta, which show rapid movement toward the tip. Movement requires polymerized actin, whereas tip localization is dependent on both actin and a membrane protein, Fus1p. Here, we show that Fus2p-GFP movement is specifically dependent on Myo2p, a type V myosin, and not on Myo4p, another type V myosin, or Myo3p and Myo5p, type I myosins. Fus2p-GFP tip localization and actin polarization in shmoos are also dependent on Myo2p. A temperature-sensitive tropomyosin mutation and Myo2p alleles that specifically disrupt vesicle binding caused rapid loss of actin patch organization, indicating that transport is required to maintain actin polarity. Mutant shmoos lost actin polarity more rapidly than mitotic cells, suggesting that the maintenance of cell polarity in shmoos is more sensitive to perturbation. The different velocities, differential sensitivity to mutation and lack of colocalization suggest that Fus2p and Sec4p, another Myo2p cargo associated with exocytotic vesicles, reside predominantly on different cellular organelles.  相似文献   

The chloroplasts genome (plastome) occurs at high copy numbers per cell. Several chloroplast genome copies are densely packed into nucleoprotein particles called nucleoids. How genome packaging occurs and which proteins organize chloroplast nucleoids are largely unknown. Here, we have analyzed the Chlamydornonas reinhardtii homolog of the bacterial architectural DNA-binding protein HU, the histone-like protein HLP. We show that the Chlarnydornonas HLP protein is targeted to chloroplasts and associates with nucleoids. Knockdown of HLP gene expression by RNA interference (RNAi) alters the structure of chloroplast nucleoids and appears to reduce the level of compaction of chloroplast DNA. Unexpectedly, also chloroplast genome copy numbers are significantly decreased in the RNAi strains, suggesting that, in addition to its architectural role in nucleoid formation, the HIP protein is also involved in chloroplast genome maintenance.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) induces rapid actin filament assembly in the membrane skeleton of a variety of cells. To investigate the significance of this process for signal transduction, actin polymerization is inhibited by dihydrocytochalasin B (CB). CB almost completely abolishes EGF-induced actin polymerization, as assessed by quantitative confocal laser scanning microscopy. Under these conditions, EGF induces enhanced EGF receptor (EGFR) tyrosine kinase activity, as well as superinduction of the c-fosproto-oncogene. These data suggest that EGF-induced actin polymerization may be important for negative feedback regulation of signal transduction by the EGFR. The phosphorylation of Thr654by protein kinase C (PKC) is a well-characterized negative feedback control mechanism for signal transduction by the EGFR tyrosine kinase. A synthetic peptide, corresponding to the regions flanking Thr654of the EGFR, is used to analyze EGF stimulated PKC activity by incorporation of32P into the peptide. Cotreatment of cells with CB and EGF results in a complete loss of EGF-induced phosphorylation of the peptide. These data suggest that actin polymerization is obligatory for negative feedback regulation of the EGFR tyrosine kinase through the C-kinase pathway.  相似文献   

S. E. Cramton  F. A. Laski 《Genetics》1994,137(4):1039-1048
The first allele of string of pearls (sop) was isolated as a recessive female sterile mutant in a P element enhancer trap screen. Oogenesis in homozygous sop females arrests at approximately stage 5. In addition, homozygous flies of both sexes have Minute-like characteristics that include reduced bristles, delayed development and larval lethality. sop maps to 30D/E on chromosome 2L and encodes the Drosophila homolog of eukaryotic ribosomal protein S2. The gene is present in a single copy in the Drosophila genome and the level of mRNA present in mutant animals is reduced. The identification of a mutant allele that blocks development at a mid-stage of oogenesis may indicate that sop has a specific developmental role during oogenesis in addition to its general role in protein synthesis as a component of the small ribosomal subunit.  相似文献   

Myosin VI is a pointed-end–directed actin motor that is thought to function as both a transporter of cargoes and an anchor, capable of binding cellular components to actin for long periods. Dimerization via a predicted coiled coil was hypothesized to regulate activity and motor properties. However, the importance of the coiled-coil sequence has not been tested in vivo. We used myosin VI's well-defined role in actin stabilization during Drosophila spermatid individualization to test the importance in vivo of the predicted coiled coil. If myosin VI functions as a dimer, a forced dimer should fully rescue myosin VI loss of function defects, including actin stabilization, actin cone movement, and cytoplasmic exclusion by the cones. Conversely, a molecule lacking the coiled coil should not rescue at all. Surprisingly, neither prediction was correct, because each rescued partially and the molecule lacking the coiled coil functioned better than the forced dimer. In extracts, no cross-linking into higher molecular weight forms indicative of dimerization was observed. In addition, a sequence required for altering nucleotide kinetics to make myosin VI dimers processive is not required for myosin VI's actin stabilization function. We conclude that myosin VI does not need to dimerize via the predicted coiled coil to stabilize actin in vivo.  相似文献   

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