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<正>国家重点新产品国家火炬计划国家高新技术示范企业东方生工发酵装备业的领跑者见证实力体现价值高等院校北京大学、清华大学、首都师范大学、北京科技大学、北京联合大学、中国农业大学、天津轻工业学院、天津医科大学、哈尔滨工业大学、八一农垦大学、东北大学、江南大学、南京农业大学、南京师范大学、中国矿业大学、上海交通大学、华东师范大学、浙江大学、浙江工业大学、山西大学、厦门大学、集美大学、福建师范大学、福建农林大学、山东大学、山东海洋大学、青岛海洋大学、青岛大学、烟台大学、中山大学、深圳大学、华南理工大学、广西大学、西北大学、西北农林科技大学、云南大学、湖南大学、合肥工业大学、东南大学、南京林业大学……  相似文献   

青凤蝶又名绿青凤蝶、樟青风蝶,在国内已知分布于江苏、江西、云南、广东、贵州、广西、浙江、四川、湖北、湖南、西藏、海南、台湾、香港、福建(三明、永安、南平、福州、宁化、沙县、尤溪、将乐、建宁、诏安、东山、云霄、龙岩、长汀、漳平、武平、建阳、建瓯、浦城、宁德、连江、闽侯);  相似文献   

《Virologica Sinica》2007,22(4):337-337
顾问:(按照姓氏笔划排序)丁明孝、于恩庶、方荣祥、王宇、王新武、卢天林、田波、华朝安、庄辉、朱宗涵、齐义鹏、朱宇同、张礼璧、张权一、张远志、张楚瑜、李河民、李钟铎、陈秀珠、陈焕春、陈鸿珊、俞永新、洪涛、赵恺、闻玉梅、候云德、耿运祺、郭仁、郭辉玉、陶佩珍、康来仪、章以浩、龚人雄、曾毅、谢天恩、廖延雄、薛凤举名誉主任委员:朱关福主任委员:邵一鸣副主任委员:张霆(常务)、祝庆余、金奇、高福、袁正宏、金宁一、邱并生、胡志红、胡远杨、张晓燕委员:(按照姓氏笔划排序)丁翠、孔宪刚、王哲、王佑春、江丽芳、阮力、严延生、…  相似文献   

上海市生物医学工程学会第三届理事(扩大)会议于1992年4月10日在科学会堂召开。出席会议的有丁文祥、邹祥英、薛伯卿、王威琪、徐智章、张燕秋、高忠华、方祖祥、秦家楠、唐树森、邱蔚之、刘景昌、曹源康、郑一仁、王晓光、石锡光、宋冠英、孙爱贞、苏肇伉、张泽琦、夏栋标、邱济堂、叶椿秀、曹厚德、张兆进、严樑、蔡胜平、李家骝、赵馥霖、郑瑞卿、沈天真、  相似文献   

石美鑫、陈明进、高学书、徐家裕、王威琪、陈俊强、陈艺生、楼鸿棣、龚道敦、孙复川、陈星荣、邓振秋、曹世龙、胡诞宁、秦治纯、高忠华、张镜人、周呜峦、}淘事细、施锦祥、谢丽娟、朱德鑫、张伯纳、李祖根、秦家楠、孙志良、俞宽祥、吴文豹、丁文祥、章开平、张泽琦、靳宝华  相似文献   

1992年5月23—25日在上海细胞生物学研究所召开了三届理事会第六次会议,出席会议的理事有王亚辉、左嘉客、贾敬芬、翟中和、薛绍白、周郑、白永延、宋今丹、杨抚华、黄祥辉、毛树坚、仝允栩、叶敏、李公岫、李文安、张小云、张中益、徐永华、郭畹华、段金玉、黄立。许智宏、陶松贞、邹恩洺、杜德林、陈惠民、楼定安、陈瑞阳、郭秀芳、丰美福、林月婵因事或因病请假。荘孝僡、姚鑫、罗士韦、罗登出席了会议。学会秘书处乔以炯也出席了会议。  相似文献   

1982年和1988年,中国国务院分别审定公布了两批列为中国国家公园的名单,这两批国家公园共85个,总面积4.4万平方公里。 它们是:黄山、泰山、庐山、华山、衡山、恒山、嵩山、峨嵋山、九华山、普陀山、五台山、武夷山、雁荡山、千山、井冈山、天柱山、崂山、钟山(南京市)、武当山、鸡公山、青城山、骊山、麦积山、缙云山、武陵源、丹霞山、清源山、三清山、龙虎山、云台山、天台山、西樵山、贡嘎  相似文献   

近年来,《遗传》的封面设计受到广大读者和专家的好评,每期的“封面人物”既介绍了遗传学家的生平与贡献,又回顾了那段历史,给人以启发和教益。2003年以来,陆续介绍过的国际著名遗传学家有孟德尔、摩尔根、魏斯曼、贝特森、德弗里斯、高尔顿、约翰逊、科赛尔、莱文、沃森、克里克、麦克林托克、木原均、瓦维洛夫、穆勒、莫诺、科恩伯格、杜布赞斯基、尼伦伯格、李景均、兰德斯坦纳、艾弗里、比德尔、德尔布吕克、莱德伯格、穆利斯、徐道觉、蒋有兴、桑格、伯内特、泰明、伯格等。2007年,还将陆续介绍伯格、波特、本则尔、克里斯蒂安娜、利川…  相似文献   

CN101720830A 一种生物多糖药茶饮料 本发明涉及一种生物多糖药茶饮料制备。该饮料含有绿茶、山楂、板蓝根、金银花、香菇、茯苓、银耳、甘草、黄豆、维生素(C、B1、B2、B6、B12)、叶酸。经挑选、清洗、破碎、湿润、接种、培养、煎煮、萃取、过滤、调配、灌装、杀菌等工艺步骤而制成。  相似文献   

木耳木耳(Auricularia auricula[L.ex Hook.] Underwood)别名有光木耳、黑木耳、黑耳、云耳、木蛾、耳子、木茸、木蕈、木菌、木(土从)、树鸡等。木耳的分布极广,北京、天津、河北、山西、黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、山东、上海、江苏、安徽、浙江、福建、河南、湖北、湖南、广东、广西、陕西、甘肃、四川、贵州、云南等省区都有出产,但以四川、贵州的最为著名。  相似文献   

农田烟粉虱寄主植物调查初报   总被引:14,自引:2,他引:14  
2001~2002年通过调查福州、漳州农田烟粉虱寄主范围,记录农田烟粉虱寄主植物17科62种(变种).其中豆科7种、茄科6种、十字花科8种、葫芦科9种、菊科10种、苋科4种、藜科4种、旋花科2种、锦葵科2种、、大戟科2种、柳叶草科2种、蓼科1种、玄参科1种、番杏科1种、大麻科1种、免丝子科1种、伞形花科1种。农田烟粉虱寄主植物主要以蔬菜作物和农田阔叶杂草为主。  相似文献   

刘文萍 《四川动物》2005,24(4):529-531
横断山区的蝶类561种,隶属于12科,208属.在12科中,种类最多的是蛱蝶科148种,其次是眼蝶科117种,灰蝶科65种,凤蝶科63种,粉蝶科60种,弄蝶科60种,蚬蝶科18种,绢蝶科12种,斑蝶科9种,环蝶科6种,喙蝶科2种,珍蝶科1种.分布于横断山区的珍稀蝴蝶有44种,其中国家Ⅰ级保护的1种,Ⅱ级保护的3种.  相似文献   

Data from 27 feeding trials conducted on growing pigs from different research institutes across India were subjected to mixed model regression analysis to derive requirements of digestible energy (DE), crude protein (CP) and essential amino acids for maintenance and body weight gains. The ranges of maintenance requirements were determined to be: DE 516 to 702 kJ/kg M0.75, CP 6.98 to 11.62, lysine 0.431 to 0.664, methionine 0.265 to 0.458, methionine + cystine 0.327 to 0.466, cystine 0.055 to 0.184, threonine 0.205 to 0.511, arginine 0.377 to 1.21, isoleucine 0.241 to 0.775, leucine 0.604 to 1.54, phenylalanine + tyrosine 0.496 to 1.33, tryptophan 0.078 to 0.213, and valine 0.330 to 0.892 g/kg M0.75, respectively for different body weight ranges. The corresponding requirements for 1 g gain in body weight were: DE 28.6 to 38.6 kJ, CP 0.27 to 0.44 g, lysine 0.0071 to 0.0126 g, methionine 0.0047 to 0.0133 g, methionine + cystine 0.0151 to 0.0261 g, cystine 0.0043 to 0.0094 g, threonine 0.0052 to 0.0165 g, arginine 0.0045 to 0.0301 g, isoleucine 0.0023 to 0.0198 g, leucine 0.0150 to 0.0447 g, phenylalanine + tyrosine 0.0091 to 0.0382 g, tryptophan 0.0005 to 0.0044 g, and valine 0.0061 to 0.0222 g. Regression equations had high R2 values (ranging from 0.50 to 0.99 for different estimates), low coefficients of variation, low variance of error estimates and the coefficients were highly significant (P < 0.001). Regressed values were used to develop feeding standards. As the new standards derived in the present study are based on a thorough analysis of a larger database than previous Indian standards, the new feeding standard seems to be more appropriate for India and other tropical countries.  相似文献   

湖北省褐飞虱对吡虫啉、噻嗪酮及氟虫腈的抗药性监测   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用稻茎浸渍法监测湖北省武穴、天门、监利、通城、孝感、公安及枣阳七地褐飞虱Nilaparvata lugens(Sta1)田间种群对吡虫啉、噻嗪酮、氟虫腈的抗药性。结果表明:2006、2007和2008年3年7地褐飞虱种群对吡虫啉的抗性分别为98.89~389.19倍、69.00~153.33倍和56.32~116.89倍,达高水平至极高水平抗性,但3年期间总体抗性水平呈现一定程度的下降趋势;2007和2008年2年7地褐飞虱对噻嗪酮的抗性分别为13.39~41.06倍和6.94~20.44倍,达低水平至高水平抗性;2007和2008年2年7地褐飞虱对氟虫腈抗性分别为0.97~2.64倍和0.63~1.42倍,为敏感阶段。此外,还对褐飞虱的治理进行讨论。  相似文献   

Abstract: Glial fibrillary acid protein (GFAP)-positive astrocytes isolated from the cerebral cortices of 3–10-day-old rats frequently showed increased intracellular Ca2+ concentration responses to l -glutamate and glutamate analogues. However, few of the acutely isolated cells responded to ATP, and no such cells responded to serotonin [5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT)]. The same cell that failed to respond to ATP or 5-HT often responded to glutamate. Culturing acutely isolated cells in media containing horse serum decreased Ca2+ responses to glutamate but increased the responses to ATP and induced responses to 5-HT. In primary cultures prepared from the cerebral cortices of 1-day-old rats and cultured in horse serum, fewer of the cells responded to glutamate, but almost all cells responded to ATP and 5-HT. The lack of, or limited response to, 5-HT or ATP in the acutely isolated cells seems unlikely to be due to selective damage to the respective receptors because acutely isolated GFAP-negative cells showed responses to ATP, several different proteases and mechanical dissociation yielded cells that also responded to glutamate but not to ATP, and exposure of primary cultures to papain did not abolish Ca2+ responses to several transmitters. The responses of the acutely isolated cells to glutamate but limited or lack of responses to ATP and 5-HT also correspond to what has been seen so far for astrocytes in situ. Thus, the present studies provide direct evidence that some of the receptors seen in primary astrocyte cultures may reflect a response to culture conditions and that, in the context of the relevant information so far available, acutely isolated astrocytes seem to reflect better the in vivo state.  相似文献   

西双版纳热带雨林蚁科昆虫区系分析   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
徐正会 《动物学研究》1999,20(5):379-384
在西双版纳热带雨林已鉴定蚊科昆虫9亚科76属267种。西双版纳地区的蚂蚁区系以热带至亚热带分布的东洋界成分最为丰富。在属级水平上,与马来西亚界关系最为密切。与澳洲界关系较密切;与非洲界和马拉加西界的关系知中。与新北界,新热带界和古北界的关系最为疏远。可见西双版纳的蚂蚁区系具有典型的热带亚洲起源特征,同时与澳洲和非洲的热带区系有一定的渊源关系。  相似文献   

Numerous molecular, cellular, and physiological biomarkers have been used to assess the responses of marine animals to petroleum compounds. To be used in ecological risk assessment after an oil spill, a biomarker response needs to be linked to petroleum exposure and not strongly influenced by internal and external confounding factors. Biomarker responses to petroleum PAH, dominated by alklated two-and three-ringed aromatics, can be quite different than responses to pyrogenic PAH, dominated by four-and five-ringed aromatics. In many field sites there is a mixture of petrogenic and pyrogenic PAH, along with other contaminants, making it difficult to relate biomarker responses to a particular contaminant class. Biomarkers used to assess marine animal responses in the field include the cytochrome P450 system, heat stress protein, histopathology, and bile fluorescent compounds (FAC). Other biomarkers, including DNA/chromosomal damage and phase 2 enzymes, have been shown to respond after laboratory exposure, but more work needs to be done to demonstrate their usefulness in the field. One of the most useful biomarkers of petroleum exposure are the FAC responses in fish, which can be used to distinguish between petrogenic and pyrogenic PAH exposure. Few of the presently used biomarkers are linked to higher order biological effects, e.g. toxicity, reproductive failure.  相似文献   

Lettuce and wheat cultivars, differing in reaction to root inoculation with plant growth-inhibitory bacteria, were tested for sensitivity to (i) gaseous metabolites produced by deleterious, cyanogenic isolates of Pseudomonas fluorescens, and to (ii) pure cyanide. Reactions were read as shoot and/or root elongation after exposure of seedlings to the volatiles in vitro. Lettuce cultivar Salad Bowl was significantly less sensitive than cv. Montana, both to bacterial volatiles and to pure cyanide, and a similar difference between these cultivars was also obtained in greenhouse experiments where bacteria were inoculated directly on the roots. Cultivar differences were, however, not recorded, either in vitro or in the greenhouse, when the bacteria were grown on a medium which did not support cyanide production. In wheat, a difference in sensitivity to bacteria-produced volatiles was recorded between two cultivars (Drabant and Besso) differing in reaction to bacterial inoculation, but in contrast to lettuce cultivars, the wheat cultivars tested did not react differentially to pure cyanide. The results suggest that in lettuce differential sensitivity to cyanide is one factor behind cultivar differences in reaction to the bacteria tested, even though bacterial metabolites other than cyanide may contribute to the plant growth inhibition recorded. In wheat, however, differential cultivar responses to these bacteria could not be shown to be related to cyanide.  相似文献   

Pollenkitt – its composition, forms and functions   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Ettore Pacini  Michael Hesse   《Flora》2005,200(5):399-415
Two types of sticky pollen coat material exist in angiosperms, both produced by the anther tapetum. Pollenkitt is the most common adhesive material present around pollen grains of almost all angiosperms pollinated by animals, whereas tryphine seems to be restricted only to Brassicaceae. Tapetal cell protoplasts have different patterns of development according to the products formed during their development and degeneration. If tryphine is formed, the tapetal cell protoplasts lose their individuality at the microspore stage. If pollenkitt is formed, their contents degenerate at later stages. Cell content is totally reabsorbed, when ripe pollen is not surrounded by any gluing material. Current knowledge of pollenkitt formation, deposition on pollen grains and chemical composition are reviewed and discussed. Methods for detecting this viscous fluid are also presented. The many functions of pollenkitt, deduced from personal observations and the literature, act in the period between anther opening and pollen hydration on the stigma; they are: (1) to hold pollen in the anther until dispersal; (2) to enable secondary pollen presentation; (3) to facilitate pollen dispersal; (4) to protect pollen from water loss; (5) to protect pollen from ultra-violet radiation; (6) to maintain sporophytic proteins responsible for pollen–stigma recognition inside exine cavities; (7) to protect pollen protoplasts from fungi and bacteria; (8) to keep together pollen grains during transport; (9) to protect pollen from hydrolysis and exocellular enzymes; (10) to render pollen attractive to animals; (11) to render pollen visible to animal eyes; (12) to hide pollen from animal eyes; (13) to avoid predation of pollen through smell; (14) to enable adhesion to insect bodies; (15) to enable pollen packaging by bees and to form corbicules; (16) to provide a digestible reward for pollinators; (17) to enable pollen clumps to reach the stigma; (18) to allow self-pollination; (19) to facilitate adhesion to the stigma; (20) to facilitate pollen rehydration. Depending on the developmental program of the species, these functions may act during pollen presentation, in relation to pollinators, during pollen dispersal and when pollen reaches the stigma.  相似文献   

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