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A full length cDNA of PMP-22 (PAS-II/SR13/Gas-3) of peripheral myelin has been isolated from a cDNA library of human fetus spinal cord. The clone is 1823 base pairs (bp) in length and contains a 480 bp open reading frame encoding a polypeptide of 160 residues. The deduced amino acid sequence is highly homologous to PMP-22 from bovine (PAS-II), rat (SR13) and mouse (Gas-3).  相似文献   

Incubation of rat sciatic nerve slices with Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate buffer containing [3H]palmitic acid resulted in the acylation of the PO glycoprotein and a 24 kDa protein of the peripheral nerve myelin. Radioactivity was removed from PO after treating PO with hydroxylamine (83%) and methanolic KOH (97%). These results provided evidence that the radioactivity incorporated into PO was not due to the metabolic conversion of [3H]palmitic acid into amino acids or sugars. PO was more heavily labelled in the homogenate than in the myelin membrane in 8-day-old rat nerve between 5 min and 2 h of incubation. These results suggested that PO may be primarily acylated in the cell body. Incubation of purified myelin with [1-14C]palmitoyl-CoA resulted in the non-enzymic acylation of PO. This provided evidence of the absence of fatty acyltransferase from the purified peripheral nerve myelin. Glycosylation of PO has been shown to occur in the Golgi complex, and monensin inhibited glycosylation of PO in the homogenate and myelin by 53 and 61% respectively. These results suggest that the processing of PO in the Golgi complex and the assembly of PO into myelin is impaired by monensin. However, fatty acylation of PO was unimpaired by monensin, suggesting that the addition of fatty acids may not occur in the Golgi complex. There was a progressive decrease in the acylation of PO between 5 min (28%) and 2 h (61%) in the presence of cycloheximide, as the pool of previously synthesized PO was gradually depleted. These results also provide evidence that palmitylation of PO is not coupled to protein synthesis, and acylation of this protein probably occurs in the early subcompartment of the Golgi complex, which appears to be insensitive to monensin.  相似文献   

Peripheral nervous system (PNS) possess both classical (e.g. progesterone receptor, PR, androgen receptor, AR) and non-classical (e.g. GABAA receptor) steroid receptors and consequently may represent a target for the action of neuroactive steroids. Our data have indicated that neuroactive steroids, like for instance, progesterone, dihydroprogesterone, tetrahydroprogesterone, dihydrotestosterone and 3-diol, stimulate both in vivo and in vitro (Schwann cell cultures), the expression of two important proteins of the myelin of peripheral nerves, the glycoprotein Po (Po) and the peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22). It is important to highlight that the mechanisms by which neuroactive steroids exert their effects on the expression of Po and PMP22 involve different kind of receptors depending on the steroid and on the myelin protein considered. In particular, at least in culture of Schwann cells, the expression of Po seems to be under the control of PR, while that of PMP22 needs the GABAA receptor.

Because Po and PMP22 play an important physiological role for the maintenance of the multilamellar structure of the myelin of the PNS, the present observations might suggest the utilization of neuroactive steroids as new therapeutically approaches for the rebuilding of the peripheral myelin.  相似文献   

The composition of the myelin proteins of the peripheral nervous system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— A method for the isolation of peripheral nerve myelin is described. Peripheral nerve myelin differs from centrum ovale myelin in its amino acid composition, in that it contains a greater proportion of protein that is digestible with trypsin and pepsin, and in the insolubility of its proteins in chloroform–methanol.  相似文献   

Peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22) is a 22-kDa glycoprotein containing a single N-linked carbohydrate moiety. This posttranslational modification is conserved in PMP22 across species and within members of the PMP22 gene family; however, the function of the oligosaccharide is not known. To study the role of the PMP22 carbohydrate, site-directed mutagenesis was used to alter the glycosylation consensus sequence and produce a glycosylation-deficient mutant protein. This modified PMP22 was expressed in primary Schwann cells (SCs), and the effect of the N-glycan on the turnover rate, oligomerization, and intracellular trafficking of PMP22 was determined. Our data show a slight decrease in turnover rate from a half-life of approximately 70 min for the wild-type (wt) protein to 100 min for the glycosylation mutant. Although the presence of glycosylation-deficient PMP22 oligomers could be detected in SCs, we observed a decrease in oligomer stability compared with the wt oligomers. Both wt and mutant proteins showed similar localization in the endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi compartments and were transported to the SC surface. These results suggest that the N-glycan of PMP22 facilitates, in part, the stability of the PMP22 oligomer; however, the implications of PMP22 oligomerization remain unknown.  相似文献   

Myers JK  Mobley CK  Sanders CR 《Biochemistry》2008,47(40):10620-10629
Dominant mutations in the tetraspan membrane protein peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22) are known to result in peripheral neuropathies such as Charcot-Marie-Tooth type 1A (CMT1A) disease via mechanisms that appear to be closely linked to misfolding of PMP22 in the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). To characterize the molecular defects in PMP22, we examined the structure and stability of two human disease mutant forms of PMP22 that are also the basis for mouse models of peripheral neuropathies: G150D ( Trembler phenotype) and L16P ( Trembler-J phenotype). Circular dichroism and NMR spectroscopic studies indicated that, when folded, the three-dimensional structures of these disease-linked mutants are similar to that of the folded wild-type protein. However, the folded forms of the mutants were observed to be destabilized relative to the wild-type protein, with the L16P mutant being particularly unstable. The rate of refolding from an unfolded state was observed to be very slow for the wild-type protein, and no refolding was observed for either mutant. These results lead to the hypothesis that ER quality control recognizes the G150D and L16P mutant forms of PMP22 as defective through mechanisms closely related to their conformational instability and/or slow folding. It was also seen that wild-type PMP22 binds Zn(II) and Cu(II) with micromolar affinity, a property that may be important to the stability and function of this protein. Zn(II) was able to rescue the stability defect of the Tr mutant.  相似文献   

A multilayered complex forms when a solution of myelin basic protein is added to single-bilayer vesicles formed by sonicating myelin lipids. Vesicles and multilayers have been studied by electron microscopy, biochemical analysis, and X-ray diffraction. Freeze-fracture electron microscopy shows well-separated vesicles before myelin basic protein is added, but afterward there are aggregated, possibly multilayered, vesicles and extensive planar multilayers. The vesicles aggregate and fuse within seconds after the protein is added, and the multilayers form within minutes. No intra-bilayer particles are seen, with or without the protein. Some myelin basic protein, but no lipid, remains in the supernatant after the protein is added and the complex sedimented for X-ray diffraction. A rather variable proportion of the protein is bound. X-ray diffraction patterns show that the vesicles are stable in the absence of myelin basic protein, even under high g-forces. After the protein is added, however, lipid/myelin basic protein multilayers predominate over single-bilayer vesicles. The protein is in every space between lipid bilayers. Thus the vesicles are torn open by strong interaction with myelin basic protein. The inter-bilayer spaces in the multilayers are comparable to the cytoplasmic spaces in central nervous system myelins . The diffraction indicates the same lipid bilayer thickness in vesicles and multilayers, to within 1 A. By comparing electron-density profiles of vesicles and multilayers, most of the myelin basic protein is located in the inter-bilayer space while up to one-third may be inserted between lipid headgroups. When cytochrome c is added in place of myelin basic protein, multilayers also form. In this case the protein is located entirely outside the unchanged bilayer. Comparison of the various profiles emphasizes the close and extensive apposition of myelin basic protein to the lipid bilayer. Numerous bonds may form between myelin basic protein and lipids. Cholesterol may enhance binding by opening gaps between diacyl-lipid headgroups.  相似文献   

Characterization of dodecylphosphocholine/myelin basic protein complexes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The stoichiometry of myelin basic protein (MBP)/dodecylphosphocholine (DPC) complexes and the location of protein segments in the micelle have been investigated by electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR), ultracentrifugation, photon correlation light scattering, 31P, 13C, and 1H nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), and electron microscopy. Ultracentrifugation measurements indicate that MBP forms stoichiometrically well-defined complexes consisting of 1 protein molecule and approximately 140 detergent molecules. The spin-labels 5-, 12-, and 16-doxylstearate have been incorporated into DPC/MBP aggregates. EPR spectral parameters and 13C and 1H NMR relaxation times indicate that the addition of MBP does not affect the environment and location of the labels or the organization of the micelles except for a slight increase in size. Previous results indicating that the protein lies primarily near the surface of the micelle have been confirmed by comparing 13C NMR spectra of the detergent with and without protein with spectra of protein/detergent aggregates containing spin-labels. Electron micrographs of the complexes taken by using the freeze-fracture technique confirm the estimated size obtained by light-scattering measurements. Overall, these results indicate that mixtures of MBP and DPC can form highly porous particles with well-defined protein and lipid stoichiometry. The structural integrity of these particles appears to be based on protein-lipid interactions. In addition, electron micrographs of aqueous DPC/MBP suspensions show the formation of a small amount of material consisting of large arrays of detergent micelles, suggesting that MBP is capable of inducing large changes in the overall organization of the detergent.  相似文献   

SVIP (small p97/VCP-interacting protein) was initially identified as one of many cofactors regulating the valosin containing protein (VCP), an AAA+ ATPase involved in endoplasmic-reticulum-associated protein degradation (ERAD). Our previous study showed that SVIP is expressed exclusively in the nervous system. In the present study, SVIP and VCP were seen to be co-localized in neuronal cell bodies. Interestingly, we also observed that SVIP co-localizes with myelin basic protein (MBP) in compact myelin, where VCP was absent. Furthermore, using nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopic measurements, we determined that SVIP is an intrinsically disordered protein (IDP). However, upon binding to the surface of membranes containing a net negative charge, the helical content of SVIP increases dramatically. These findings provide structural insight into interactions between SVIP and myelin membranes.  相似文献   

Gene duplications, deletions, and point mutations in peripheral myelin protein 22 (PMP22) are linked to several inherited peripheral neuropathies. However, the structural and biochemical properties of this very hydrophobic putative tetraspan integral membrane protein have received little attention, in part because of difficulties in obtaining milligram quantities of wild type and disease-linked mutant forms of the protein. In this study a fusion protein was constructed consisting of a fragment of lambda repressor, a decahistidine tag, an intervening TEV protease cleavage site, a Strep tag, and the human PMP22 sequence. This fusion protein was expressed in Escherichia coli at a level of 10-20 mg/L of protein. Following TEV cleavage of the fusion partner, PMP22 was purified and its structural properties were examined in several different types of detergent micelles using cross-linking, near and far-UV circular dichroism, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. PMP22 is highly helical and, in certain detergents, shows evidence of stable tertiary structure. The protein exhibits a strong tendency to dimerize. The 1H-15N TROSY NMR spectrum is well dispersed and contains signals from all regions of the protein. It appears that detergent-solubilized PMP22 is amenable to detailed structural characterization via crystallography or NMR. This work sets the stage for more detailed studies of the structure, folding, and misfolding of wild type and disease-linked mutants in order to unravel the molecular defects underlying peripheral neuropathies.  相似文献   

The amino acid sequence of the glycopeptide obtained from bovine PASII/PMP22 protein in the PNS myelin was determined to be Gln-Asn-Cys-Ser-Thr, where the asparagine was glycosylated. To eliminate all the contaminated P(o) glycopeptides from the PASII/PMP22 glycopeptide preparation, we used a fluorescent probe, N-[2-(2-pyridylamino)ethyl]maleimide, which reacts with the cysteine of the PASII/PMP22 glycopeptides. The labeled PASII/PMP22 glycopeptides were isolated by HPLC and were digested further with glycopeptidase A. The resultant oligosaccharides were conjugated with 2-aminopyridine (PA) as a fluorescent tag. One major PA-oligosaccharide, OPPE1, was purified by HPLC. The structure of OPPE1 was elucidated by fast atom bombardment mass spectrometry and (1)H-NMR studies and comparing the derivatives of PA-OPPE1 and PA-oligosaccharides of gamma-globulin on HPLC. The structure, SO(4)-3GlcAbeta1-3Galbeta1-4GlcNAcbeta1-2Manalpha1+ ++-6(GlcNAcbeta1-4) (GlcNAcbeta1-2Manalpha1-3)Manbeta1-4GlcNAcbeta1- 4(Fucalpha1-6)GlcNAc- PA, was identical to the pyridylaminated form of the major oligosaccharide D8 of bovine P(o) previously reported.  相似文献   

The activity of 2',3'-cyclonucleotide-3-phosphohydrolase (CNP) and leucine aminopeptidase (LAP) was studied for the first time in the blood of patients with diseases of the peripheral nervous system. A spectrophotometric method for CNP activity detection was described. The activity absent from the blood of normal subjects was detectable with statistical significance in the patients with the diseases in question. Analogous results were obtained in the animals with an experimental injury to the myelin coat of the peripheral nerves. Study into the activity of LAP in the pathological conditions under consideration revealed no significant deviations. It is emphasized that CNP may transfer to the blood serum from myelin decay foci and that the method described may be used for diagnostic purposes.  相似文献   

Peripheral myelin protein22 (PMP22), a membrane glycoprotein, plays a significant role in the formation and/or maintenance of compact myelin in the peripheral nervous system. We studied two pedigrees with Dejerine-Sottas disease and identified two novel mutations in the PMP22 gene: one a 2-bp deletional mutation at nucleotide positions426 and 427 of exon4 (this is predicted to alter the reading frame at leucine80 and thus to lead to frame-shifted translation), and the other a guanine to thymine substitution at nucleotide position636 leading to a cysteine substitution for glycine150. Both mutations were located in the putative transmembrane domains reported in many cases of Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy, Dejerine-Sottas disease, and hereditary neuropathy with liability to pressure palsies. The results suggest an important role for the putative transmembrane domains of PMP22 in its function. Received: 1 September 1997 / Accepted: 4 November 1997  相似文献   

The central nervous system (CNS) of terrestrial vertebrates underwent a prominent molecular change when a tetraspan membrane protein, myelin proteolipid protein (PLP), replaced the type I integral membrane protein, P0, as the major protein of myelin. To investigate possible reasons for this molecular switch, we genetically engineered mice to express P0 instead of PLP in CNS myelin. In the absence of PLP, the ancestral P0 provided a periodicity to mouse compact CNS myelin that was identical to mouse PNS myelin, where P0 is the major structural protein today. The PLP-P0 shift resulted in reduced myelin internode length, degeneration of myelinated axons, severe neurological disability, and a 50% reduction in lifespan. Mice with equal amounts of P0 and PLP in CNS myelin had a normal lifespan and no axonal degeneration. These data support the hypothesis that the P0-PLP shift during vertebrate evolution provided a vital neuroprotective function to myelin-forming CNS glia.  相似文献   

ANF-like peptide(s) in the peripheral autonomic nervous system   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The recent demonstration of the atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) within the brain has been extended in the present study by the additional localization of ANF-like activity in the peripheral nervous structures. Using a sensitive radioimmunoassay, it was possible to detect ANF-like immunoreactive peptide(s) in crude and chromatographically separated extracts of parasympathetic rat ganglia. The partially purified ANF-like peptide exhibited a biological action similar to cardiac ANF. This finding supports a possible involvement of ANF in the regulation of both, central and peripheral neuronal activities.  相似文献   

An endogenous mannose binding lectin isolated from the rat cerebellum, CSL, was localized using immunocytochemical techniques in adult and in developing rat sciatic nerve. The lectin is present in Schwann cell cytoplasm and in compact myelin. It is present very early in Schwann cells and persists throughout postnatal sciatic nerve development. Endogenous ligands for the lectin were detected using iodinated-CSL binding to proteins blotted after polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Probably PO and MAG glycoproteins are specifically bound by CSL in contrast with numerous other Concanavalin A binding glycoproteins. A 31 kDa glycoprotein identified in purified preparations of axons of young rats also reacts with CSL. Based on the present developmental biochemical and immunochemical studies, an hypothetical scheme is proposed for the molecular basis of axon-Schwann cell interactions and of stabilization of compact myelin.  相似文献   

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