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In skeletal muscle the activation of phosphorylase b is catalyzed by phosphorylase kinase. Both enzymes occur in vivo as part of a multienzyme complex. The two enzymes have been imaged by atomic force microscopy and the results compared to those previously found by scanning tunneling microscopy. Scanning tunneling microscopy and atomic force microscopy have been used to view complexes between the activating enzyme phosphorylase kinase and its substrate phosphorylase b. Changes in the size and shape of phosphorylase kinase were observed when it bound phosphorylase b.  相似文献   

We report an atomic force microscopy (AFM) study of fibrinogen molecules and fibrin fibers with resolution previously achieved only in few electron microscopy images. Not only are all objects triads, but the peripheral D regions are resolved into the two subdomains, apparently corresponding to the βC and γC domains. The conformational analysis of a large population of fibrinogen molecules on mica revealed the two most energetically favorable conformations characterized by bending angles of ~100 and 160 degrees. Computer modeling of the experimental images of fibrinogen molecules showed that the AFM patterns are in good agreement with the molecular dimensions and shapes detected by other methods. Imaging in different environments supports the expected hydration of the fibrinogen molecules in buffer, whereas imaging in humid air suggests the 2D spreading of fibrinogen on mica induced by an adsorbed water layer. Visualization of intact hydrated fibrin fibers showed cross-striations with an axial period of 24.0 ± 1.6 nm, in agreement with a pattern detected earlier with electron microscopy and small-angle X-ray diffraction. However, this order is clearly detected on the surface of thin fibers and becomes less discernible with the fiber's growth. This structural change is consistent with the proposal that thinner fibers are denser than thicker ones, that is, that the molecule packing decreases with the increasing of the fibers' diameter.  相似文献   

Methanospirillum hungatei GP1 possesses paracrystalline cell envelope components including end plugs and a sheath formed from stacked hoops. Both negative-stain transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) distinguished the 2.8-nm repeat on the outer surface of the sheath, while negative-stain TEM alone demonstrated this repeat around the outer circumference of individual hoops. Thin sections revealed a wave-like outer sheath surface, while STM showed the presence of deep grooves that precisely defined the hoop-to-hoop boundaries at the waveform nodes. Atomic force microscopy of sheath tubes containing entrapped end plugs emphasized the end plug structure, suggesting that the sheath was malleable enough to collapse over the end plugs and deform to mimic the shape of the underlying structure. High-resolution atomic force microscopy has revised the former idea of end plug structure so that we believe each plug consists of at least four discs, each of which is approximately 3.5 nm thick. PT shadow TEM and STM both demonstrated the 14-nm hexagonal, particulate surface of an end plug, and STM showed the constituent particles to be lobed structures with numerous smaller projections, presumably corresponding to the molecular folding of the particle.  相似文献   

Sharma A  Anderson KI  Müller DJ 《FEBS letters》2005,579(9):2001-2008
We have characterized the cell surface of zebrafish stratified epithelium using a combined approach of light and atomic force microscopy under conditions which simulate wound healing. Microridges rise on average 100 nm above the surface of living epithelial cells, which correlate to bundles of cytochalasin B-insensitive actin filaments. Time-lapse microscopy revealed the bundles to form a highly dynamic network on the cell surface, in which bundles and junctions were severed and annealed on a time scale of minutes. Atomic force microscopy topographs further indicated that actin bundle junctions identified were of two types: overlaps and integrated end to side T- and Y-junctions. The surface bundle network is found only on the topmost cell layer of the explant, and never on individual locomoting cells. Possible functions of these actin bundles include cell compartmentalization of the cell surface, resistance to mechanical stress, and F-actin storage.  相似文献   

Lin H  Lal R  Clegg DO 《Biochemistry》2000,39(12):3192-3196
Fibronectin is composed of multiple homologous repeats and contains many functional domains. Two major heparin-binding domains have previously been identified: the Hep I site near the amino terminus and the Hep II site near the carboxyl terminus. The Hep II site has been considered the high-affinity heparin-binding site based on studies of fibronectin fragments. However, few studies have been carried out on heparin binding by intact fibronectin. We imaged single fibronectin molecules as well as heparin-coated gold particles bound to whole dimeric plasma fibronectin molecules with tapping mode atomic force microscopy. We observed heparin-gold particles preferentially bound at two locations that correspond to the Hep I and Hep II sites. Quantitative analysis of images of individual fibronectin-heparin-gold complexes showed that almost twice as many heparin-gold particles bound to the N-terminal Hep I site compared to the Hep II site. In contrast to previous findings with fibronectin fragments, these results suggest that the Hep I site has a binding affinity higher than or comparable to the Hep II site in the intact fibronectin molecule.  相似文献   

The extracellular matrix of unfixed, unstained rat corneal stroma, visualized with high-resolution scanning electron microscopy and atomic force microscopy after minimal preliminary treatment, appears composed of straight, parallel, uniform collagen fibrils regularly spaced by a three-dimensional, irregular network of thin, delicate proteoglycan filaments. Rat tail tendon, observed under identical conditions, appears instead made of heterogeneous, closely packed fibrils interwoven with orthogonal proteoglycan filaments. Pre-treatment with cupromeronic blue just thickens the filaments without affecting their spatial layout. Digestion with chondroitinase ABC rids the tendon matrix of all its interconnecting filaments while the corneal stroma architecture remains virtually unaffected, its fibrils always being separated by an evident interfibrillar spacing which is never observed in tendon. Our observations indicate that matrix proteoglycans are responsible for both the highly regular interfibrillar spacing which is distinctive of corneal stroma, and the strong interfibrillar binding observed in tendon. These opposite interaction patterns appear to be distinctive of different proteoglycan species. The molecular details of proteoglycan interactions are still incompletely understood and are the subject of ongoing research.  相似文献   

Circular DNA molecules imaged in air by scanning force microscopy.   总被引:48,自引:0,他引:48  
Routine and reproducible imaging of DNA molecules in air with the scanning force microscope (SFM) has been accomplished. Circular molecules of plasmid DNA were deposited onto red mica and imaged under various relative humidities. In related experiments, the first images of the Escherichia coli RNA polymerase-DNA complex have also been obtained. This has been possible by (1) the use of specially modified SFM tips with a consistent radius of curvature of 10 nm or less, to minimize the amount of image distortion introduced by the finite dimensions of commercially available tips, (2) the optimization of a method to deposit and bind DNA molecules to the mica surface in a stable fashion, and (3) careful control of the sample humidity, to prevent solvation of the molecules and detachment from the surface by the scanning tip or stylus. Contact forces in the range of a few nanonewtons are routinely possible in air and in the presence of residual humidity. The spatial resolution of the images appears determined by the radius of curvature of the modified styli, which can be estimated directly from the apparent widths of the DNA molecules in the images.  相似文献   

We report detection and quantification of ultraviolet (UV) damage in DNA at a single molecule level by atomic force microscopy (AFM). By combining the supercoiled plasmid relaxation assay with AFM imaging, we find that high doses of medium wave ultraviolet (UVB) and short wave ultraviolet (UVC) light not only produce cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) as reported but also cause significant DNA degradation. Specifically, 12.5 kJ/m(2) of UVC and 165 kJ/m(2) of UVB directly relax 95% and 78% of pUC18 supercoiled plasmids, respectively. We also use a novel combination of the supercoiled plasmid assay with T4 Endonuclease V treatment of irradiated plasmids and AFM imaging of their relaxation to detect damage caused by low UVB doses, which on average produced approximately 0.5 CPD per single plasmid. We find that at very low UVB doses, the relationship between the number of CPDs and UVB dose is almost linear, with 4.4 CPDs produced per Mbp per J/m(2) of UVB radiation. We verified these AFM results by agarose gel electrophoresis separation of UV-irradiated and T4 Endonuclease V treated plasmids. Our AFM and gel electrophoresis results are consistent with the previous result obtained using other traditional DNA damage detection methods. We also show that damage detection assay sensitivity increases with plasmid size. In addition, we used photolyase to mark the sites of UV lesions in supercoiled plasmids for detection and quantification by AFM, and these results were found to be consistent with the results obtained by the plasmid relaxation assay. Our results suggest that AFM can supplement traditional methods for high resolution measurements of UV damage to DNA.  相似文献   

Tapping-mode atomic force microscopy imaging under different cantilever vibration amplitudes has been used to differentiate the host beta-cyclodextrin nanotubes from retinal/beta-cyclodextrin inclusion complex nanotubes. It was observed that both compounds were deformed differently by the applied probe force because of their different local rigidity. This change in the elasticity properties can be explained as a consequence of the inclusion process. This method shows that tapping-mode atomic force microscopy is an useful tool to map soft sample elasticity properties and to distinguish inclusion complexes from their host molecules on the basis of their different mechanical response.  相似文献   

Biomineralisation can only be understood as an interplay between organic and mineral phases. With this objective, we conducted an investigation of coccoliths using atomic force microscopy (AFM), an ultra-high resolution technique that requires no surface coating and can be used in air or under solution at ambient conditions of temperature and pressure. The detailed morphology, crystal structure, organic scales and organic coating of the coccolith species Coccolithus pelagicus , Helicosphaera carteri and Oolithotus fragilis were investigated. The fine structure of coccoliths is very complex, with the calcite either being smooth, dominated by steps or tuberculate; organic cover can be either granular or fibrous. Behaviour of coccolith surfaces during dissolution is influenced both by mineral and organic material and different surface types show variable resistance to dissolution. The organic coating protects element faces against etching. Through atomic resolution AFM, it is possible to establish the crystallographic structure of the distal shields of C. pelagicus and O. fragilis . Though elements of both species are dominated by stable crystal faces, there are important differences between them, with the external edge of elements being parallel to a cleavage direction in C. pelagicus but parallel to the atomic rows in O. fragilis . Thus, there is evidence that the biomineralisation of each species, and also of select areas of coccoliths of the same species, is markedly different.  相似文献   

Fingerprinting polysaccharides with single-molecule atomic force microscopy   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We report the use of an atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based force spectroscopy technique to identify, at the single-molecule level, the components of mixtures of polysaccharides. Previously, we showed that the elasticity of certain types of polysaccharides is governed by force-induced conformational transitions of the pyranose ring. These transitions produce atomic fingerprints in the force-extension spectrum that are characteristic of the ground-energy conformation of the pyranose ring and the type of glycosidic linkages. Using this approach we find that commercially available agarose and lambda-carrageenan contain molecules that, when stretched in an atomic force microscope, produce a force spectrum characteristic of alpha-(1-->4) d-glucans. We have identified these molecules as amylopectin or floridean starch, a storage polysaccharide in algae. Our methodology can identify individual polysaccharide molecules in solution, which is not possible by any other spectroscopic technique, and therefore is an important addition to the arsenal of analytical techniques used in carbohydrate research.  相似文献   

Environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) were compared as tools for the observation of bacterial biofilms developed on carbon steel and AISI 316 stainless steel surfaces under stagnant conditions. Biofilms were generated in batch cultures of two different isolates of marine sulphate reducing bacteria (SRB) and in cultures consisting of mixed populations of acidophilic bacteria, known as "acid streamers";. Imaging of single SRB cells on mica was also carried out to reveal the surface topography of individual bacterial cells at nanometre resolution. Following the removal of biofilms, the stainless steel surfaces were profiled using AFM to determine the degree of steel deterioration. ESEM and AFM studies of bacterial biofilms in-situ, gave both qualitative and quantitative information on biofilm structure at high resolution. The use of AFM image analysis software allowed estimation of the width and height of bacterial cells, the thickness and width of exopolymeric (EPS) capsule and bacterial flagella, as well as characterisation of the surface roughness of the steel, including measurements of depth and diameter of individual pits. Exposure of stainless steel specimens to acid streamers resulted in a significant increase in the surface roughness of the steel, compared to specimens placed in sterile medium.  相似文献   

原子力显微技术作为一门新发展起来的显微成像技术,不仅具有在近生理条件下对样本实时、高分辨率三维成像等特点,而且能通过力矩测量探知样本物理性状。即给人们认识微生物的表面结构提供又一平台,也为揭示微生物表面结构与功能之间的关系提供一种新方法。介绍了对微生物表面形态观测中常用测量模式和某些样品固定方法:多孔膜技术、凹陷技术,概括近年来原子力显微技术在微生物学中的应用情况。  相似文献   

DNA heteroduplexes as models for slipped strand DNA have been analyzed by polyacrylamide gel migration and atomic force microscopy (AFM). All heteroduplexes containing one hairpin or loop have reduced electrophoretic mobilities compared with that expected for their molecular weights. The retarded gel mobility correlates with the formation of a sharp kink detected by AFM. Increasing the hairpin length from 7 bp to 50 bp results in a monotonous decrease in gel mobility of heteroduplexes. This secondary retardation effect appears to depend only on the hairpin size since the AFM data show no dependence of the kink angle on the hairpin length. Heteroduplex isomers with a loop or hairpin in opposite strands migrate with distinct mobilities. Analysis of gel migration of heteroduplexes with altered hairpin orientations as well as of truncated heteroduplexes indicates that the difference in mobility is due to an inherent curvature in one of the long arms. This is confirmed by the end-to-end distance measurements from AFM images. In addition, significant variation of the end-to-end distances is consistent with a dynamic structure of heteroduplexes at the three-way junction. Double heteroduplexes containing one hairpin in each of the complementary strands also separate in a gel as two isomers. Their appearance in AFM showed a complicated pattern of flat representations of the three-dimensional structure and may indicate a certain degree of interaction between complementary parts of the hairpins that are several helical turns apart.  相似文献   

Attempts were made to apply atomic force microscopy (AFM) imaging to the detection and mapping of the sites of base substitutions in DNA molecules. In essence, DNA fragments to be examined for possible base substitutions were mixed with an equal amount of a corresponding DNA standard and subjected to heat denaturation and subsequent annealing. The reassociated DNA was incubated with MutS protein, a protein that recognizes and binds to mismatched base pairs in duplex DNA. Bound MutS protein molecules were then detected by AFM and their positions along the DNA molecules were determined by calculating the distance from one of the DNA termini, which had been tagged with a biotin–avidin complex. Base substitutions present in DNA molecules >1 kb were effectively detected by this procedure, and the positions determined were in good agreement with the actual mutation sites. This method is quite simple, has virtually no limitations on the size of DNA fragments to be examined and requires only a very small amount of DNA sample.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is the type of scanning probe microscopy that is probably best adapted for imaging biological samples in physiological conditions with submolecular lateral and vertical resolution. In addition, AFM is a method of choice to study the mechanical unfolding of proteins or for cellular force spectroscopy. In spite of 28 years of successful use in biological sciences, AFM is far from enjoying the same popularity as electron and fluorescence microscopy. The advent of high-speed atomic force microscopy (HS-AFM), about 10 years ago, has provided unprecedented insights into the dynamics of membrane proteins and molecular machines from the single-molecule to the cellular level. HS-AFM imaging at nanometer-resolution and sub-second frame rate may open novel research fields depicting dynamic events at the single bio-molecule level. As such, HS-AFM is complementary to other structural and cellular biology techniques, and hopefully will gain acceptance from researchers from various fields. In this review we describe some of the most recent reports of dynamic bio-molecular imaging by HS-AFM, as well as the advent of high-speed force spectroscopy (HS-FS) for single protein unfolding.  相似文献   

Little study of insects with modern nanotechnology tools has been done so far. Here we use one of such tool, atomic force microscopy (AFM) to study surface oscillations of the ladybird beetles (Hippodamia convergens) measured in different parts of the insect at picometer level. This allows us to record a much broader spectral range of possible surface vibrations (up to several kHz) than the previously studied oscillations due to breathing, heartbeat cycles, coelopulses, etc. (up to 5-10 Hz). Here we demonstrate three different ways with which one can identify the origins of the observed peaks - by physical positioning the probe near a specific organ, and by using biological or chemical stimuli. We report on identification of high frequency peaks associated with H. convergens heart, spiracular closer muscles, and oscillations associated with muscles activated while drinking. The method, being a relatively non-invasive technique providing a new type of information, may be useful in developing “nanophysiology” of insects.  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy (AFM) is a key tool of nanotechnology with great importance in applications to DNA nanotechnology and to the recently emerging field of RNA nanotechnology. Advances in the methodology of AFM now enable reliable and reproducible imaging of DNA of various structures, topologies, and DNA and RNA nanostructures. These advances are reviewed here with emphasis on methods utilizing modification of mica to prepare the surfaces enabling reliable and reproducible imaging of DNA and RNA nanostructures. Since the AFM technology for DNA is more mature, AFM imaging of DNA is introduced in this review to provide experience and background for the improvement of AFM imaging of RNA. Examples of imaging different structures of RNA and DNA are discussed and illustrated. Special attention is given to the potential use of AFM to image the dynamics of nucleic acids at the nanometer scale. As such, we review recent advances with the use of time-lapse AFM.  相似文献   

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