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Warming temperatures and increasing CO2 are likely to have large effects on the amount of carbon stored in soil, but predictions of these effects are poorly constrained. We elevated temperature (canopy: +2.8 °C; soil growing season: +1.8 °C; soil fallow: +2.3 °C) for 3 years within the 9th–11th years of an elevated CO2 (+200 ppm) experiment on a maize–soybean agroecosystem, measured respiration by roots and soil microbes, and then used a process‐based ecosystem model (DayCent) to simulate the decadal effects of warming and CO2 enrichment on soil C. Both heating and elevated CO2 increased respiration from soil microbes by ~20%, but heating reduced respiration from roots and rhizosphere by ~25%. The effects were additive, with no heat × CO2 interactions. Particulate organic matter and total soil C declined over time in all treatments and were lower in elevated CO2 plots than in ambient plots, but did not differ between heat treatments. We speculate that these declines indicate a priming effect, with increased C inputs under elevated CO2 fueling a loss of old soil carbon. Model simulations of heated plots agreed with our observations and predicted loss of ~15% of soil organic C after 100 years of heating, but simulations of elevated CO2 failed to predict the observed C losses and instead predicted a ~4% gain in soil organic C under any heating conditions. Despite model uncertainty, our empirical results suggest that combined, elevated CO2 and temperature will lead to long‐term declines in the amount of carbon stored in agricultural soils.  相似文献   

EcoCELLs: tools for mesocosm scale measurements of gas exchange   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We describe the use of a unique plant growth facility, which has as its centerpiece four ‘EcoCELLs’, or 5x7 m mesocosms designed as open-flow, mass-balance systems for the measurement of carbon, water and trace gas fluxes. This system is unique in that it was conceived specifically to bridge the gap between measurement scales during long-term experiments examining the function and development of model ecosystems. There are several advantages to using EcoCELLs, including (i) the same theory of operation as leaf level gas exchange systems, but with continuous operation at a much larger scale: (ii) the ability to independently evaluate canopy-level and ecosystem models; (iii) simultaneous manipulation of environmental factors and measurement of system-level responses, and (iv) maximum access to, and manipulation of, a large rooting volume. In addition to discussing the theory, construction and relative merits of EcoCELLs, we describe the calibration and use of the EcoCELLs during a ‘proof of concept’ experiment. This experiment involved growing soybeans under two ambient CO2 concentrations (?360 and 710μmol mol?1. During this experiment, we asked ‘How accurate is the simplest model that can be used to scale from leaf-level to canopy-level responses?’ in order to illustrate the utility of the EcoCELLs in validating canopy-scale models.  相似文献   

Ecosystem-scale estimation of photosynthesis and respiration using micrometeorological techniques remains an important, yet difficult, challenge. In this study, we combined micrometeorological and stable isotope methods to partition net ecosystem CO2 exchange (FN) into photosynthesis (F(A)) and respiration (F(R)) in a corn-soybean rotation ecosystem during the summer 2003 corn phase. Mixing ratios of (12)CO2 and (13)CO2 were measured continuously using tunable diode laser (TDL) absorption spectroscopy. The dynamics of the isotope ratio of ecosystem respiration (R), net ecosystem CO2 exchange (deltaN) and photosynthetic discrimination at the canopy scale (delta canopy) were examined. During the period of full canopy closure, F(N) was partitioned into photosynthesis and respiration using both the isotopic approach and the conventional night-time-derived regression methodology. Results showed that deltaR had significant seasonal variation (-32 to -11% per hundred) corresponding closely with canopy phenology. Daytime deltaN typically varied from -12 to -4% per hundred, while delta canopy remained relatively constant in the vicinity of 3% per hundred. Compared with the regression approach, the isotopic flux partitioning showed more short-term variations and was considerably more symmetric about F(N). In this experiment, the isotopic partitioning resulted in larger uncertainties, most of which were caused by the uncertainties in deltaN. and the daytime estimate of deltaR. By sufficiently reducing these uncertainties, the tunable diode laser (TDL)-micrometeorological technique should yield a better understanding of the processes controlling photosynthesis, respiration and ecosystem-scale discrimination.  相似文献   

Determining effects of elevated CO2 on the tolerance of photosynthesis to acute heat-stress (heat wave) is necessary for predicting plant responses to global warming, as photosynthesis is thermolabile and acute heat-stress and atmospheric CO2 will increase in the future. Few studies have examined this, and past results are variable, which may be due to methodological variation. To address this, we grew two C3 and two C4 species at current or elevated CO2 and three different growth temperatures (GT). We assessed photosynthetic thermotolerance in both unacclimated (basal tolerance) and preheat-stressed (preHS = acclimated) plants. In C3 species, basal thermotolerance of net photosynthesis (Pn) was increased In high CO2, but in C4 species, Pn thermotlerance was decreased by high CO2 (except Zea maya at low GT); CO2 effects in preHS plants were mostly small or absent, though high CO2 was detrimental in one C3 and one C4 species at warmer GT. Though high CO2 generally decreased stomatal conductance, decreases in Pn during heat stress were mostly due to non-stomatal effects. Photosystem II (PSII) efficiency was often decreased by high CO2 during heat stress, especially at high GT; CO2 effects on post-PSll electron transport were variable. Thus, high CO2 often affected photosynthetic theromotolerance, and the effects varied with photosynthetic pathway, growth temperature, and acclimation state. Most importantly, in heat-stressed plants at normal or warmer growth temperatures, high CO2 may often decrease, or not benefit as expected, tolerance of photosynthesis to acute heat stress. Therefore, interactive effects of elevated CO2 and warmer growth temperatures on acute heat tolerance may contribute to future changes in plant productivity, distribution, and diversity.  相似文献   

We investigate the utility of an improved isotopic method to partition the net ecosystem exchange of CO2 (F) into net photosynthesis (FA) and nonfoliar respiration (FR). Measurements of F and the carbon isotopic content in air at a high‐elevation coniferous forest (the Niwot Ridge AmeriFlux site) were used to partition F into FA and FR. Isotopically partitioned fluxes were then compared with an independent flux partitioning method that estimated gross photosynthesis (GEE) and total ecosystem respiration (TER) based on statistical regressions of night‐time F and air temperature. We compared the estimates of FA and FR with expected canopy physiological relationships with light (photosynthetically active radiation) and air temperature. Estimates of FA and GEE were dependent on light as expected, and TER, but not FR, exhibited the expected dependence on temperature. Estimates of the isotopic disequilibrium D , or the difference between the isotopic signatures of net photosynthesis (δA, mean value ?24.6‰) and ecosystem respiration (δR, mean value ?25.1‰) were generally positive (δAR). The sign of D observed here is inconsistent with many other studies. The key parameters of the improved isotopic flux partitioning method presented here are ecosystem scale mesophyll conductance (gm) and maximal vegetative stomatal conductance (gcmax). The sensitivity analyses of FA, FR, and D to gcmax indicated a critical value of gcmax (0.15 mol m?2 s?1) above which estimates of FA and FR became larger in magnitude relative to GEE and TER. The value of D decreased with increasing values of gm and gcmax, but was still positive across all values of gm and gcmax. We conclude that the characterization of canopy‐scale mesophyll and stomatal conductances are important for further progress with the isotope partitioning method, and to confirm our anomalous isotopic disequilibrium findings.  相似文献   

Humans are increasing atmospheric CO2, ground-level ozone (O3), and mean and acute high temperatures. Laboratory studies show that elevated CO2 can increase thermotolerance of photosynthesis in C3 plants. O3-related oxidative stress may offset benefits of elevated CO2 during heat-waves. We determined effects of elevated CO2 and O3 on leaf thermotolerance of field-grown Glycine max (soybean, C3). Photosynthetic electron transport (φet) was measured in attached leaves heated in situ and detached leaves heated under ambient CO2 and O3. Heating decreased φet, which O3 exacerbated. Elevated CO2 prevented O3-related decreases during heating, but only increased φet under ambient O3 in the field. Heating decreased chlorophyll and carotenoids, especially under elevated CO2. Neither CO2 nor O3 affected heat-shock proteins. Heating increased catalase (except in high O3) and CulZn-superoxide dismutase (SOD), but not MnSOD; CO2 and O3 decreased catalase but neither SOD. Soluble carbohydrates were unaffected by heating, but increased in elevated CO2. Thus, protection of photosynthesis during heat stress by elevated CO2 occurs in field-grown soybean under ambient O3, as in the lab, and high CO2 limits heat damage under elevated O3, but this protection is likely from decreased photorespiration and stomatal conductance rather than production of heat-stress adaptations.  相似文献   

Although numerous studies indicate that increasing atmospheric CO2 or temperature stimulate soil CO2 efflux, few data are available on the responses of three major components of soil respiration [i.e. rhizosphere respiration (root and root exudates), litter decomposition, and oxidation of soil organic matter] to different CO2 and temperature conditions. In this study, we applied a dual stable isotope approach to investigate the impact of elevated CO2 and elevated temperature on these components of soil CO2 efflux in Douglas-fir terracosms. We measured both soil CO2 efflux rates and the 13C and 18O isotopic compositions of soil CO2 efflux in 12 sun-lit and environmentally controlled terracosms with 4-year-old Douglas fir seedlings and reconstructed forest soils under two CO2 concentrations (ambient and 200 ppmv above ambient) and two air temperature regimes (ambient and 4 °C above ambient). The stable isotope data were used to estimate the relative contributions of different components to the overall soil CO2 efflux. In most cases, litter decomposition was the dominant component of soil CO2 efflux in this system, followed by rhizosphere respiration and soil organic matter oxidation. Both elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration and elevated temperature stimulated rhizosphere respiration and litter decomposition. The oxidation of soil organic matter was stimulated only by increasing temperature. Release of newly fixed carbon as root respiration was the most responsive to elevated CO2, while soil organic matter decomposition was most responsive to increasing temperature. Although some assumptions associated with this new method need to be further validated, application of this dual-isotope approach can provide new insights into the responses of soil carbon dynamics in forest ecosystems to future climate changes.  相似文献   

1. Climate warming is expected to change respiration in shallow lakes but to an extent that depends on nutrient state. 2. We measured sediment respiration (SR) over the season in the dark on intact sediment cores taken from a series of flow‐through, heated and unheated, nutrient‐enriched and unenriched mesocosms. The natural seasonal temperature cycle ranged from 2 to 20 °C in the unheated mesocosms. In the heated mesocosms, the temperature was raised 4–6 °C above ambient temperatures, depending on season, following the A2 climate change scenario downscaled to the local position of the mesocosms, but enlarged by 50%. We further measured ecosystem respiration (ER) in the mesocosms based on semi‐continuous oxygen measurements. 3. SR changed over the season and was approximately ten times higher in summer than in winter. SR showed no clear response to warming in the nutrient‐enriched treatment, while it increased with warming in the unenriched mesocosms which also had lower fish densities. 4. ER was not affected by artificial warming or nutrient enrichment, but it was ten times higher in summer than in winter. 5. SR contributed 24–32% to ER. The SR:ER ratio was generally stimulated by warming and was higher in winter than in summer, especially in the nutrient‐enriched mesocosms. 6. Our results indicate that climate warming may lead to higher SR, especially in clear, macrophyte‐dominated systems. Moreover, the contribution of SR to ER will increase with higher temperatures, but decrease as the winters get shorter.  相似文献   

Understanding how net ecosystem exchange (NEE) changes with temperature is central to the debate on climate change‐carbon cycle feedbacks, but still remains unclear. Here, we used eddy covariance measurements of NEE from 20 FLUXNET sites (203 site‐years of data) in mid‐ and high‐latitude forests to investigate the temperature response of NEE. Years were divided into two half thermal years (increasing temperature in spring and decreasing temperature in autumn) using the maximum daily mean temperature. We observed a parabolic‐like pattern of NEE in response to temperature change in both the spring and autumn half thermal years. However, at similar temperatures, NEE was considerably depressed during the decreasing temperature season as compared with the increasing temperature season, inducing a counter‐clockwise hysteresis pattern in the NEE–temperature relation at most sites. The magnitude of this hysteresis was attributable mostly (68%) to gross primary production (GPP) differences but little (8%) to ecosystem respiration (ER) differences between the two half thermal years. The main environmental factors contributing to the hysteresis responses of NEE and GPP were daily accumulated radiation. Soil water content (SWC) also contributed to the hysteresis response of GPP but only at some sites. Shorter day length, lower light intensity, lower SWC and reduced photosynthetic capacity may all have contributed to the depressed GPP and net carbon uptake during the decreasing temperature seasons. The resultant hysteresis loop is an important indicator of the existence of limiting factors. As such, the role of radiation, LAI and SWC should be considered when modeling the dynamics of carbon cycling in response to temperature change.  相似文献   

Four Indica and five Japonica varieties of rice (Oryza sativa L.) were examined to elucidate their differences in photosynthetic activity and dark respiratory rate as influenced by leaf nitrogen levels and temperatures. The photosynthetic rates of single leaf showed correlations with total nitrogen and soluble protein contents in the leaves. Respiratory rate was also positively correlated with the leaf nitrogen content. When compared at the same level of leaf nitrogen or soluble protein content, the four Indica varieties and one of Japonica varieties, Tainung 67, which have some Indica genes derived from one of its parents, showed higher photosynthetic rates than the remaining four Japonica varieties. At the same photosynthetic rate, the Indica varieties showed lower respiratory rate than Japonica varieties. When the leaf temperature rose from 20°C to 30°C, the photosynthetic rate increased by 18 to 41%, whereas the respiratory rate increased by 100 to 150%. These increasing rates in response to temperature were higher in the Japonica than in the Indica varieties. In this respect, Tainung 67 showed the same behavior as of the other four Japonica varieties.Abbreviations 30/20 ratios the ratios of photosynthetic and respiratory rates at 30°C to those at 20°C  相似文献   

Net ecosystem productivity (NEP), net primary productivity (NPP), and water vapour exchange of a mature Pinus ponderosa forest (44°30′ N, 121°37′ W) growing in a region subject to summer drought were investigated along with canopy assimilation and respiratory fluxes. This paper describes seasonal and annual variation in these factors, and the evaluation of two generalized models of carbon and water balance (PnET‐II and 3‐PG) with a combination of traditional measurements of NPP, respiration and water stress, and eddy covariance measurements of above‐and below‐canopy CO2 and water vapour exchange. The objective was to evaluate the models using two years of traditional and eddy covariance measurements, and to use the models to help interpret the relative importance of processes controlling carbon and water vapour exchange in a water‐limited pine ecosystem throughout the year. PnET‐II is a monthly time‐step model that is driven by nitrogen availability through foliar N concentration, and 3‐PG is a monthly time‐step quantum‐efficiency model constrained by extreme temperatures, drought, and vapour pressure deficits. Both models require few parameters and have the potential to be applied at the watershed to regional scale. There was 2/3 less rainfall in 1997 than in 1996, providing a challenge to modelling the water balance, and consequently the carbon balance, when driving the models with the two years of climate data, sequentially. Soil fertility was not a key factor in modelling processes at this site because other environmental factors limited photosynthesis and restricted projected leaf area index to ~1.6. Seasonally, GEP and LE were overestimated in early summer and underestimated through the rest of the year. The model predictions of annual GEP, NEP and water vapour exchange were within 1–39% of flux measurements, with greater disparity in 1997 because soil water never fully recharged. The results suggest that generalized models can provide insights to constraints on productivity on an annual basis, using a minimum of site data.  相似文献   

The rapid increase in atmospheric CO2 concentrations (Ca) has resulted in extensive research efforts to understand its impact on terrestrial ecosystems, especially carbon balance. Despite these efforts, there are relatively few data comparing net ecosystem exchange of CO2 between the atmosphere and the biosphere (NEE), under both ambient and elevated Ca. Here we report data on annual sums of CO2 (NEEnet) for 19 years on a Chesapeake Bay tidal wetland for Scirpus olneyi (C3 photosynthetic pathway)‐ and Spartina patens (C4 photosynthetic pathway)‐dominated high marsh communities exposed to ambient and elevated Ca (ambient + 340 ppm). Our objectives were to (i) quantify effects of elevated Ca on seasonally integrated CO2 assimilation (NEEnet = NEEday + NEEnight, kg C m?2 y?1) for the two communities; and (ii) quantify effects of altered canopy N content on ecosystem photosynthesis and respiration. Across all years, NEEnet averaged 1.9 kg m?2 y?1 in ambient Ca and 2.5 kg m?2 y?1 in elevated Ca, for the C3‐dominated community. Similarly, elevated Ca significantly (P < 0.01) increased carbon uptake in the C4‐dominated community, as NEEnet averaged 1.5 kg m?2 y?1 in ambient Ca and 1.7 kg m?2 y?1 in elevated Ca. This resulted in an average CO2 stimulation of 32% and 13% of seasonally integrated NEEnet for the C3‐ and C4‐dominated communities, respectively. Increased NEEday was correlated with increased efficiencies of light and nitrogen use for net carbon assimilation under elevated Ca, while decreased NEEnight was associated with lower canopy nitrogen content. These results suggest that rising Ca may increase carbon assimilation in both C3‐ and C4‐dominated wetland communities. The challenge remains to identify the fate of the assimilated carbon.  相似文献   

The effects of elevated CO2 on tropical ecosystems were studied in the artificial rain forest mesocosm at Biosphere 2, a large-scale and ecologically diverse experimental facility located in Oracle, Arizona. The ecosystem responses were assessed by comparing the whole-system net gas exchange (NEE) upon changing CO2 levels from 900 to 450 ppmV. The day-NEE was significantly higher in the elevated CO2 treatment. In both experiments, the NEE rates were similar to values observed in natural analogue systems. Variations in night-NEE, reflecting both soil CO2 efflux and plants respiration, covaried with temperature but showed no clear correlation with atmospheric CO2 levels. After correcting for changes in CO2 efflux we show that the rain forest net photosynthesis increased in response to increasing atmospheric CO2. The photosynthetic enhancement was expressed in higher quantum yields, maximum assimilation rates and radiation use efficiency. The results suggest that photosynthesis in large tropical trees is CO2 sensitive, at least following short exposures of days to weeks. Taken at face value, the data suggest that as a result of anthropogenic emissions of CO2, tropical rain forests may shift out of steady state, and become a carbon sink at least for short periods. However, a better understanding of the unique conditions and phenomena in Biosphere 2 is necessary before these results are broadly useful.  相似文献   

AimsGlobal warming could have profound effects on ecosystem carbon (C) fluxes in alpine ecosystems. The aim of our study is to examine the effects of gradient warming on net ecosystem carbon exchange (NEE).MethodsIn the Northern Tibetan Grassland Ecosystem Research Station (Nagqu station), Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, we conducted various levels of temperature increasing experiments (i.e., 2 °C and 4 °C increments). The warming was achieved using open-top chambers (OTCs). In total, there were three levels of temperature treatments (control, 2 °C and 4 °C increment), and four replicates for each treatment. The ecosystem NEE was monitored every five days during the growing season in 2015.Important findings Our findings highlight the importance of soil moisture in mediating the responses of NEE to climatic warming in alpine meadow ecosystem. The 4 °C warming significantly stimulated NEE,except for July measurements. The 2 °C warming had no effects on NEE during the growing season. Compared to the 2 °C warming, the 4 °C warming significantly stimulated NEE. The results showed that our targeted ecosystem acts as a carbon sink under 2 °C warming, whereas will act as a net carbon source under 4 °C warming in the future. This study provides basic data and theoretical basis for evaluating the alpine ecosystem’s responses to climate change.  相似文献   

全球气候变暖将对陆地生态系统(尤其是高寒草甸生态系统)碳循环产生深远影响。该研究依托中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所藏北高原草地生态系统研究站(那曲站), 设置不同增温幅度实验, 模拟未来2 ℃增温和4 ℃增温的情景, 探究不同增温幅度对青藏高原高寒草甸净生态系统碳交换(NEE)的影响。研究结果显示: 1)在2015年生长季(6-9月), 不增温和2 ℃增温处理下NEE小于0, 总体表现为碳汇, 而4 ℃增温处理下NEE大于0, 总体表现为碳源; 2)在生长季的6月、8月及整个生长季, 与不增温相比, 4 ℃增温处理显著提高了NEE, 而2 ℃增温处理没有显著改变NEE; 7月, 2 ℃和4 ℃增温处理均显著提高了NEE; 3)在半干旱的高寒草甸生态系统, 土壤水分是决定NEE的关键因素, 增温通过降低土壤水分而导致高寒草甸生态系统碳汇能力下降。该研究可为青藏高原高寒草甸生态系统应对未来气候变化提供基础数据和理论依据。  相似文献   

The Prairie Heating and CO2 Enrichment (PHACE) experiment has been initiated at a site in southern Wyoming (USA) to simulate the impact of warming and elevated atmospheric CO2 on ecosystem dynamics for semiarid grassland ecosystems. The DAYCENT ecosystem model was parametrized to simulate the impact of elevated CO2 at the open-top chamber (OTC) experiment in north-eastern Colorado (1996-2001), and was also used to simulate the projected ecosystem impact of the PHACE experiments during the next 10 yr. Model results suggest that soil water content, plant production, soil respiration, and nutrient mineralization will increase for the high-CO2 treatment. Soil water content will decrease for all years, while nitrogen mineralization, soil respiration, and plant production will both decrease and increase under warming depending on yearly differences in water stress. Net primary production (NPP) will be greatest under combined warming and elevated CO2 during wet years. Model results are consistent with empirical field data suggesting that water and nitrogen will be critical drivers of the semiarid grassland response to global change.  相似文献   

This paper presents an empirical model of net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) developed for a subarctic fen near Churchill, Manitoba. The model with observed data helps explain the interannual variability in growing season NEE. Five years of tower‐flux data are used to test and examine the seasonal behaviour of the model simulations. Processes controlling the observed interannual variability of CO2 exchange at the fen are examined by exploring the sensitivity of the model to changes in air temperature, precipitation and leaf area index. Results indicate that the sensitivity of NEE to changing environmental controls is complex and varies interannually depending on the initial conditions of the wetland. Changes in air temperature and the timing of precipitation events have a strong influence on NEE, which is largely manifest in gross ecosystem photosynthesis (GEP). Climate change scenarios indicate that warmer air temperatures will increase carbon acquisition during wet years but may act to reduce wetland carbon storage in years that experience a large water deficit early in the growing season. Model simulations for this subarctic sedge fen indicate that carbon acquisition is greatest during wet and warm conditions. This suggests therefore that carbon accumulation was greatest at this subarctic fen during its early developmental stages when hydroclimatic conditions were relatively wet and warm at approximately 2500 years before present.  相似文献   

Relative importance of short-term environmental interaction and preconditioning to CO2 exchange response was examined in Fragaria ananasa (strawberry, cv. Quinault). Tests included an orthogonal comparison of 15 to 60-min and 6 to 7-h exposures to different levels of temperature (16 to 32°C), photosynthetically active radiation (PAR, 200 to 800 E m2 s-1), and CO2 (300 to 600 l/l) on successive days of study. Plants were otherwise maintained at 21°C, 300 E m2 s-1 PAR and 300–360 l/l CO2 as standard conditions. Treatment was restricted to the mean interval of 14 h daily illumination and the first 3–4 days of each test week over a 12-week cultivation period. CO2 exchange rates were followed with each step-change in environmental level including ascending/descending temperature/PAR within a test period, initial response at standard conditions on successive days of testing, and measurement at reduced O2. Response generally supported prior concepts of leaf biochemical modeling in identifying CO2 fixation as the major site of environmental influence, while overall patterns of whole plant CO2 exchange suggested additional effects for combined environmental factors and preconditioning. These included a positive interaction between temperature and CO2 concentration on photosynthesis at high irradiance and a greater contribution by dark respiration at lower PAR than previously indicated. The further importance of estimating whole plant CO2 exchange from repetitive tests and measurements was evidenced by a high correlation of response to prior treatment both during the daily test period and on consecutive days of testing.Abbreviations C3 plant a plant in which the product of CO2 fixation is a 3-carbon acid (3-phosphoglyceric acid) - IRGA intra-red gas analyzer - PAR photosynthetically active radiation - RH relative humidity - RuBisCO ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase Reference to a company and/or product named by the Department is only for purposes of information and does not imply approval or recommendation of the product to the exclusion of others which may also be suitable.  相似文献   

Monoterpene levels in current year needles of Douglas fir ( Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco) seedlings were measured at the end of 4 years of exposure to ambient or elevated CO2 (+179 µmol mol−1), and ambient or elevated temperature (+0.3.5^C). Eleven monoterpenes were identified and quantified using gas chromatography/flame ionization detector/mass spectroscopy, with eight of these compounds regularly occurring in all trees examined. Elevated CO2 exposure significantly reduced the levels for four of the eight main compounds in needles. Total monoterpene production was reduced by 52% ( P  < 0.05). Elevated temperature also reduced monoterpene levels ( P  < 0.07). The combination of elevated temperature and elevated CO2 resulted in a 64% reduction in total monoterpenes compared with needles on ambient temperature trees. Two-way anova showed no significant temperature-CO2 interaction. It is hypothesized that seasonal reductions in needle monoterpene pools under elevated CO2 and temperature conditions may be due to a combination of competing carbon sinks, including increased carbon flux through the roots.  相似文献   

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