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In many longitudinal studies, the individual characteristics associated with the repeated measures may be possible covariates of the time to an event of interest, and thus, it is desirable to model the time-to-event process and the longitudinal process jointly. Statistical analyses may be further complicated in such studies with missing data such as informative dropouts. This article considers a nonlinear mixed-effects model for the longitudinal process and the Cox proportional hazards model for the time-to-event process. We provide a method for simultaneous likelihood inference on the 2 models and allow for nonignorable data missing. The approach is illustrated with a recent AIDS study by jointly modeling HIV viral dynamics and time to viral rebound.  相似文献   

Proportional hazard models with multivariate random effects (frailties) acting multiplicatively on the baseline hazard have recently become a topic of an intensive research. One of the main practical problems related to the models is the estimation of parameters. To this aim, several approaches based on the EM algorithm have been proposed. The major difference between these approaches is the method of the computation of conditional expectations required at the E-step. In this paper an alternative implementation of the EM algorithm is proposed, in which the expected values are computed with the use of the Laplace approximation. The method is computationally less demanding than the approaches developed previously. Its performance is assessed based on a simulation study and compared to a non-EM based estimation approach proposed by Ripatti and Palmgren (2000).  相似文献   

Noncompliance is a common problem in experiments involving randomized assignment of treatments, and standard analyses based on intention-to-treat or treatment received have limitations. An attractive alternative is to estimate the Complier-Average Causal Effect (CACE), which is the average treatment effect for the subpopulation of subjects who would comply under either treatment (Angrist, Imbens, and Rubin, 1996, Journal of American Statistical Association 91, 444-472). We propose an extended general location model to estimate the CACE from data with noncompliance and missing data in the outcome and in baseline covariates. Models for both continuous and categorical outcomes and ignorable and latent ignorable (Frangakis and Rubin, 1999, Biometrika 86, 365-379) missing-data mechanisms are developed. Inferences for the models are based on the EM algorithm and Bayesian MCMC methods. We present results from simulations that investigate sensitivity to model assumptions and the influence of missing-data mechanism. We also apply the method to the data from a job search intervention for unemployed workers.  相似文献   

Case-deletion measures for models with incomplete data   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

Ding J  Wang JL 《Biometrics》2008,64(2):546-556
Summary .   In clinical studies, longitudinal biomarkers are often used to monitor disease progression and failure time. Joint modeling of longitudinal and survival data has certain advantages and has emerged as an effective way to mutually enhance information. Typically, a parametric longitudinal model is assumed to facilitate the likelihood approach. However, the choice of a proper parametric model turns out to be more elusive than models for standard longitudinal studies in which no survival endpoint occurs. In this article, we propose a nonparametric multiplicative random effects model for the longitudinal process, which has many applications and leads to a flexible yet parsimonious nonparametric random effects model. A proportional hazards model is then used to link the biomarkers and event time. We use B-splines to represent the nonparametric longitudinal process, and select the number of knots and degrees based on a version of the Akaike information criterion (AIC). Unknown model parameters are estimated through maximizing the observed joint likelihood, which is iteratively maximized by the Monte Carlo Expectation Maximization (MCEM) algorithm. Due to the simplicity of the model structure, the proposed approach has good numerical stability and compares well with the competing parametric longitudinal approaches. The new approach is illustrated with primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) data, aiming to capture nonlinear patterns of serum bilirubin time courses and their relationship with survival time of PBC patients.  相似文献   

Mixed case interval‐censored data arise when the event of interest is known only to occur within an interval induced by a sequence of random examination times. Such data are commonly encountered in disease research with longitudinal follow‐up. Furthermore, the medical treatment has progressed over the last decade with an increasing proportion of patients being cured for many types of diseases. Thus, interest has grown in cure models for survival data which hypothesize a certain proportion of subjects in the population are not expected to experience the events of interest. In this article, we consider a two‐component mixture cure model for regression analysis of mixed case interval‐censored data. The first component is a logistic regression model that describes the cure rate, and the second component is a semiparametric transformation model that describes the distribution of event time for the uncured subjects. We propose semiparametric maximum likelihood estimation for the considered model. We develop an EM type algorithm for obtaining the semiparametric maximum likelihood estimators (SPMLE) of regression parameters and establish their consistency, efficiency, and asymptotic normality. Extensive simulation studies indicate that the SPMLE performs satisfactorily in a wide variety of settings. The proposed method is illustrated by the analysis of the hypobaric decompression sickness data from National Aeronautics and Space Administration.  相似文献   

The analysis of nonlinear function-valued characters is very important in genetic studies, especially for growth traits of agricultural and laboratory species. Inference in nonlinear mixed effects models is, however, quite complex and is usually based on likelihood approximations or Bayesian methods. The aim of this paper was to present an efficient stochastic EM procedure, namely the SAEM algorithm, which is much faster to converge than the classical Monte Carlo EM algorithm and Bayesian estimation procedures, does not require specification of prior distributions and is quite robust to the choice of starting values. The key idea is to recycle the simulated values from one iteration to the next in the EM algorithm, which considerably accelerates the convergence. A simulation study is presented which confirms the advantages of this estimation procedure in the case of a genetic analysis. The SAEM algorithm was applied to real data sets on growth measurements in beef cattle and in chickens. The proposed estimation procedure, as the classical Monte Carlo EM algorithm, provides significance tests on the parameters and likelihood based model comparison criteria to compare the nonlinear models with other longitudinal methods.  相似文献   

Estimation in linear models with censored data   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Current status data arise due to only one feasible examination such that the failure time of interest occurs before or after the examination time. If the examination time is intrinsically related to the failure time of interest, the examination time is referred to as an informative censoring time. Such data may occur in many fields, for example, epidemiological surveys and animal carcinogenicity experiments. To avoid severely misleading inferences resulted from ignoring informative censoring, we propose a class of semiparametric transformation models with log‐normal frailty for current status data with informative censoring. A shared frailty is used to account for the correlation between the failure time and censoring time. The expectation‐maximization (EM) algorithm combining a sieve method for approximating an infinite‐dimensional parameter is employed to estimate all parameters. To investigate finite sample properties of the proposed method, simulation studies are conducted, and a data set from a rodent tumorigenicity experiment is analyzed for illustrative purposes.  相似文献   

Elashoff RM  Li G  Li N 《Biometrics》2008,64(3):762-771
Summary .   In this article we study a joint model for longitudinal measurements and competing risks survival data. Our joint model provides a flexible approach to handle possible nonignorable missing data in the longitudinal measurements due to dropout. It is also an extension of previous joint models with a single failure type, offering a possible way to model informatively censored events as a competing risk. Our model consists of a linear mixed effects submodel for the longitudinal outcome and a proportional cause-specific hazards frailty submodel ( Prentice et al., 1978 , Biometrics 34, 541–554) for the competing risks survival data, linked together by some latent random effects. We propose to obtain the maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters by an expectation maximization (EM) algorithm and estimate their standard errors using a profile likelihood method. The developed method works well in our simulation studies and is applied to a clinical trial for the scleroderma lung disease.  相似文献   

Roy J  Lin X 《Biometrics》2005,61(3):837-846
We consider estimation in generalized linear mixed models (GLMM) for longitudinal data with informative dropouts. At the time a unit drops out, time-varying covariates are often unobserved in addition to the missing outcome. However, existing informative dropout models typically require covariates to be completely observed. This assumption is not realistic in the presence of time-varying covariates. In this article, we first study the asymptotic bias that would result from applying existing methods, where missing time-varying covariates are handled using naive approaches, which include: (1) using only baseline values; (2) carrying forward the last observation; and (3) assuming the missing data are ignorable. Our asymptotic bias analysis shows that these naive approaches yield inconsistent estimators of model parameters. We next propose a selection/transition model that allows covariates to be missing in addition to the outcome variable at the time of dropout. The EM algorithm is used for inference in the proposed model. Data from a longitudinal study of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected women are used to illustrate the methodology.  相似文献   

Horton NJ  Laird NM 《Biometrics》2001,57(1):34-42
This article presents a new method for maximum likelihood estimation of logistic regression models with incomplete covariate data where auxiliary information is available. This auxiliary information is extraneous to the regression model of interest but predictive of the covariate with missing data. Ibrahim (1990, Journal of the American Statistical Association 85, 765-769) provides a general method for estimating generalized linear regression models with missing covariates using the EM algorithm that is easily implemented when there is no auxiliary data. Vach (1997, Statistics in Medicine 16, 57-72) describes how the method can be extended when the outcome and auxiliary data are conditionally independent given the covariates in the model. The method allows the incorporation of auxiliary data without making the conditional independence assumption. We suggest tests of conditional independence and compare the performance of several estimators in an example concerning mental health service utilization in children. Using an artificial dataset, we compare the performance of several estimators when auxiliary data are available.  相似文献   

PARma is a complete data analysis software for AGO-PAR-CLIP experiments to identify target sites of microRNAs as well as the microRNA binding to these sites. It integrates specific characteristics of the experiments into a generative model. The model and a novel pattern discovery tool are iteratively applied to data to estimate seed activity probabilities, cluster confidence scores and to assign the most probable microRNA. Based on differential PAR-CLIP analysis and comparison to RIP-Chip data, we show that PARma is more accurate than existing approaches. PARma is available from http://www.bio.ifi.lmu.de/PARma  相似文献   

A multiple-imputation Metropolis version of the EM algorithm   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Gaetan  Carlo; Yao  Jian-Feng 《Biometrika》2003,90(3):643-654

On models for binomial data with random numbers of trials   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Comulada WS  Weiss RE 《Biometrics》2007,63(2):610-617
A binomial outcome is a count s of the number of successes out of the total number of independent trials n=s+f, where f is a count of the failures. The n are random variables not fixed by design in many studies. Joint modeling of (s, f) can provide additional insight into the science and into the probability pi of success that cannot be directly incorporated by the logistic regression model. Observations where n= 0 are excluded from the binomial analysis yet may be important to understanding how pi is influenced by covariates. Correlation between s and f may exist and be of direct interest. We propose Bayesian multivariate Poisson models for the bivariate response (s, f), correlated through random effects. We extend our models to the analysis of longitudinal and multivariate longitudinal binomial outcomes. Our methodology was motivated by two disparate examples, one from teratology and one from an HIV tertiary intervention study.  相似文献   

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