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During embryogenesis and maturation of an embryo the tissuescovering it produce phenolic compounds the localization of whichchanges during maturation of the embryo. In the ovary containinga globular embryo, phenolics are located in the epidermis ofthe integumentum externum and the innermost layer of the integumentuminternum. In the ovule at the stage at which heart- and torpedo-shapedembryos are present, phenolic compounds are visible in the stellarcells, the innermost cells of the integumentum internum andthe endosperm. In hard, green seeds, after the integumentuminternum and layers over the stellar cells gradually disappear,the remaining tissue contains cell walls impregnated with phenolics.Mature, black seeds contain only one distinct layer of cells—stellarcells, which, like the other compressed cell walls, are impregnatedwith phenolics. In this way they constitute a barrier betweenthe embryo and its environment.Copyright 1994, 1999 AcademicPress Brassica napus, seed coat, integumentum, phenolic compounds  相似文献   

Winged bean (Psophocarpus tetragonolbtis) seed coat in the hilarregion consists of a double layer of sclereids, tracheid barand spongy parenchyma cells. This is contrasted to the seedcoat structure on either side of the hilar region, which hasa single layer of sclereids, columnar cells and crushed parenchymacells. Cotyledonary cells are large (50 to 100µm in diameter)and have cell walls 2·4 to 4·7 µm thickwith pit-pair structures. Protein bodies and lipid bodies arethe main structural components of the cytoplasm while only asmall number of starch granules are present in each cell. Themajor portion of the lipid can be removed by non-polar solventsand contains oleic and linoleic acids as the predominant unsaturatedfatty acids. High levels of behenic acid were present in both‘free’ and ‘bound’ lipids. Psophocarpus tetragonolobus (L.) DC., winged bean, seed structure, seed coat, protein bodies, lipid bodies, fatty acids, oleic acid, linoleic acid  相似文献   

The shape and regularity of bell pepper (Capsicum annuumL.)fruit are known to be determined at a very early stage of flowerdevelopment. Small, flattened fruit which are commonly parthenocarpicdevelop under low-temperatures (below 16 °C) from flowerswith enlarged ovaries. In such flowers self-pollination is notefficient because of the large distance between the stigma andstamens. Flower deformation of this kind is common during thewinter season. In the present study it was found that deformationsof flowers, similar to those found under low temperatures, wereinduced in 15 d by complete removal of fruit from plants growingunder night-time temperatures of 18 °C. Only flowers whichwere at the pre-anthesis stage at the time of fruit removalwere deformed by this treatment. Removal of leaves from thelower part of the plant (source leaves) partially reduced theeffect of fruit removal on the shape of the flowers and on subsequentfruit morphology. Fruit removal induced significant increasesin the concentrations of starch and reducing sugars, but notsucrose, in the flower buds. Likewise, flower buds of plantswhich grew under a night-time temperature of 12 °C containedmore carbohydrate than those which grew at 18 °C. Theseresults suggest that flower morphology in pepper is at leastpartly controlled by source-sink relationships. Assimilateswhich are normally transferred to developing fruit may be transported,upon fruit removal, to the flower buds which subsequently swell.A similar increase in assimilate translocation to flower budsmay occur under low temperatures, subsequently causing deformationof fruit.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Pepper, (Capsicum annuumL), flower shape, low temperatures, source-sink relationship, fruit shape, seeds, reducing sugars, sucrose, starch.  相似文献   

Raphidophycean flagellates, Chattonella marina and C. ovata,are harmful red tide phytoplankters; blooms of these phytoplanktersoften cause severe damage to fish farming. Previous studieshave demonstrated that C. marina and C. ovata continuously producereactive oxygen species (ROS) such as superoxide anion (O2)hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) under normal growth conditions, andan ROS-mediated toxic mechanism against fish and other marineorganisms has been proposed. Although the exact mechanism ofROS generation in these phytoplankters still remains to be clarified,our previous study suggested that NADPH oxidase-like enzymelocated on the cell surface of C. marina may be involved inO2 generation. To investigate the localization of O2and H2O2 generation in C. marina and C. ovata, we employed 2-methyl-6(p-methoxyphenyl)-3,7-dihydroimidazo[1,2-a]pyrazin-3-oneand 5-(and-6)-carboxy-2',7'-dichlorodihydrodihydrofluoresceindictate, acetyl ester, which are specific fluorescent probefor detecting O2 and H2O2, respectively. Observationby fluorescence microscopy of live phytoplankters incubatedwith each probe revealed that O2 is mainly generatedon the cell surface, whereas H2O2 is generated in the intracellularcompartment in these phytoplankters. When the cells were rupturedby ultrasonic treatment, O2 levels of C. marina and C.ovata decreased significantly, whereas a few times higher levelsof H2O2 were detected in the ruptured cell suspensions whencompared with the levels of the live cell suspension. In immunoblottinganalysis, the protein recognized by anti-human gp91 phox wasdetected in both species. These results suggest that, in bothphytoplankters, the underlying mechanisms of O2 and H2O2generation may be distinct and such systems are independentlyoperating in the cells.  相似文献   

An interesting anatomic feature of Rauwolfia is the occurrence of a remarkable type of sclereid in the stem and root. The initials of the sclereids in the stem arise in the ground tissue element of the pith in a region between 50 and 70μ below the surface of the shoot apex. This region of the shoot remains surrounded by a whorl of either 3 or 4 leaves. Sclereids initiate in succession in association with each whorl of leaves. Thus, the sclereids are restricted to the nodes. The sclereids in the stem arise as a primary element of the shoot from the ground tissue of the pith. In the root, they differentiate from the cells of the phelloderm and are secondary in origin. Morphologically, the sclereids in these 2 organs are basically the same, except that the sclereids in the stem are larger in size than those in the root. A solitary cell, or 2 to several cells in a longitudinal cell file (originated from a single mother cell), may differentiate into sclereid initials. The growth of the sclereids through relatively compact ground tissue of the pith is possibly accomplished by a combination of gliding growth and apical intrusive process. The sclereid initials grow rapidly and force their way between the parenchymatous cells. As a result, the neighboring cells lose their original surface contacts. Sclereids increase in size rapidly, and, therefore, very enlarged sclereids with thin primary walls may be observed in the second node. They mature progressively in basipetal direction in the subjacent nodes. In the fifth or sixth node, mature sclereids with massive secondary walls are most common. The secondary walls of sclereids contain much lignin as determined by the phloroglucinol-HCl test. The walls of sclereids at maturity show a variable number of lamellae ranging from 10 to 15 in the lateral walls. A remarkable feature of the sclereids is their canal-like pits in the secondary walls. Two adjacent pits may coalesce uniquely to form a Y-like configuration directed centrifugally from the lumen of the sclereids. The sclereids are ventrically symmetrical, joined end-to-end by their transverse walls like 2 superimposed young fibers.  相似文献   

Feeding of three species of molluscivorous Conus, C. textile,C. bandanus and C. omaria, was studied in aquaria. Conus spp.are able to kill and remove from the shell prey larger thanthemselves. Also, Conus swallowed prey with weight up to halfthat of the predator. Estimates suggest that molluscivorousspecies of Conus are probably able to swallow prey with a shellvolume reaching 85% of that of the predator, depending on theshape of the prey's body. It is confirmed that the thinningof the inner shell walls in Conus is connected with the abilityto swallow voluminous prey. Digestion of prey occurs in boththe oesophagus and stomach. (Received 9 August 2006; accepted 4 January 2007)  相似文献   

By means of functional screening using the cadmium (Cd)-sensitiveycf1 yeast mutant, we have isolated a novel cDNA clone, DcCDT1,from Digitaria ciliaris growing in a former mining area in northernJapan, and have shown that it confers Cd tolerance to the yeastcells, which accumulated almost 2-fold lower Cd levels thancontrol cells. The 521 bp DcCDT1 cDNA contains an open readingframe of 168 bp and encodes a deduced peptide, DcCDT1, thatis 55 amino acid residues in length, of which 15 (27.3%) arecysteine residues. Five DcCDT1 homologs (here termed OsCDT1–OsCDT5)have been identified in rice, and all of them were up-regulatedto varying degrees in the above-ground tissues by CdCl2 treatment.Localization of green fluorescent protein fusions suggests thatDcCDT1 and OsCDT1 are targeted to both cytoplasmic membranesand cell walls of plant cells. Transgenic Arabidopsis thalianaplants overexpressing DcCDT1 or OsCDT1 displayed a Cd-tolerantphenotype and, consistent with our yeast data, accumulated loweramounts of Cd when grown on CdCl2. Collectively, our data suggestthat DcCDT1 and OsCDT1 function to prevent entry of Cd intoyeast and plant cells and thereby enhance their Cd tolerance.  相似文献   

In Protorhus namaquensis the outer epidermis of the ovary formsthe exocarp. At maturity it is uniseriate and consists of palisade-likeparenchyma cells and modified stomata (MS). A cuticle, extensivecutinization of the outer cell walls and starch also characterizethe exocarp. The mesocarp develops from the ground tissue ofthe ovary wall and includes an outer zone of large-celled tanniniferousparenchyma, secretory ducts associated with some of the vascularbundles, prismatic crystals of calcium oxalate and brachysclereids.The inner epidermis of the ovary undergoes successive periclinaldivisions whose derivatives form the mature endocarp. It isstratified and tetraseriate, comprising successive layers (frommesocarp inwards) of crystalliferous cells, brachysclereids,osteosclereids and macrosclereids. The morphology of the femaleflower, and the fruit structure of P. namaquensis are comparedwith that of P. longifolia (lectotype of the genus and onlyother African species) and species of Ozoroa. We present abundantevidence that P. namaquensis should be associated with somemembers of the genus Ozoroa , rather than with P. longifolia.The new combination, Ozoroa namaquensis (Sprague) Von Teichman& Van Wyk, is proposed. Characters of the perianth and pericarp,inter alia the occlusion of the pores of most MS, are consideredadaptations of the species to its harsh semi-desert habitat.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Anacardiaceae, Protorhus namaquensis, Ozoroa namaquensis, pericarp, fruit, flower, modified stomata, ontogeny, histochemistry, cutin  相似文献   

BURDON  J. N.; SEXTON  R. 《Annals of botany》1990,66(1):111-120
The production of ethylene by red raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.cv. Glen Clova) fruit increased climacterically during development.The concentration of ethylene within green fruit was low butincreased substantially as fruit abscission and ripening commenced.The receptacle contained higher concentrations than the drupeletsat all stages measured. In the mature ripening fruit the ethyleneconcentrations were found to be physiologically significant,and would accelerate the abscission of large green non-abscisingfruit if supplied as a fumigant. The addition of ethylene toripe fruit did not accelerate abscission, probably because saturatinglevels occurred naturally within these fruit. Reduction of ethylenesynthesis rates using the inhibitor of ethylene production aminoethoxyvinylglycine(AVG) reduced the rate of abscission zone weakening which occursin detached large green fruit. The rate of ethylene productionwas found to be dependent on the supply of the precursor l-aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylicacid (ACC). This only accumulated to any extent in those ripefruit with high rates of ethylene production. Rubus idaeus, raspberry, abscission, fruit ripening, ethylene, aminocyclopropane-l-carboxylic acid  相似文献   

The types of glandular trichomes, their ontogeny and patternof distribution on the vegetative and reproductive organs ofLeonotis leonurus at different stages of development, are studiedby light and scanning electron microscopy. Two morphologicallydistinct types of glandular trichomes (peltate and capitate)are described. Peltate trichomes, at the time of secretion,are characterized by a short stalk, which is connected witha large spherical head composed of eight cells in a single layer.Capitate trichomes can be divided into various types. Generally,they consist of a four-celled head supported by one or threestalk cells. The two kinds of trichomes differ in the secretionprocess. In the peltate trichomes, the secretory product seemsto remain accumulated in a subcuticular space, unless an externalfactor damages it. In the capitate trichomes, this product probablybecomes released through micropores. On the leaves peltate andcapitate trichomes are abundant, while on the flowers only thepeltate trichomes are numerous and the capitate are rare orabsent.Copyright 1995, 1999 Academic Press Leonotis leonurus R. Br., lion's ear, lion's tail, Lamiaceæ, glandular trichomes, morphology, ontogeny  相似文献   

Surface area, chlorophyll concentration and stomatal size anddensity were measured for all green components of floral clusterson Cox's Orange Pippin apple trees to assess their relativepotential for photosynthesis. Before flower opening, sepalsand receptacles had chlorophyll concentrations similar to thosefound in the laminae of rosette leaves. But, whereas the concentrationin rosette leaves continued to increased until fruit set, thosein the sepals and receptacles decreased. Sepals had a greater mature stomatal density than leaf laminaeshortly after bud burst; although both densities increased,that on the laminae later exceeded that on sepals. Flowers contributed significantly to the green surface are (40%),chlorophyll content (30%) and mature stomatal number (25%) offloral clusters at the green cluster stage, but these contributionsthen decreased. Cox apple flowers appear to have the potentialfor contributing significantly to their carbohydrate requirementat a time when the rosette leaves are not thought to be exportersof photosynthate.Copyright 1993, 1999 Academic Press Malus pumila, apples flowers, chlorophyll, stomata, surface area, flower photosynthesis  相似文献   

Fruit structure (anatomy) was studied in 27 species of 15 genera of Monimiaceae s.s. Almost all have apocarpous gynoecia, with the carpels more or less surrounded by a floral cup. The fruitlets are presented on the opened floral cup, which, depending on its pre‐ and post‐floral development, differentially contributes to the attractive part of the mature fruit. Morphologically similar fruits may differ conspicuously in anatomical structure. Based on anatomical characters two different fruit forms were found: drupe(let)s (with compact sclerenchymatic endocarp forming a stone: putamen) and berry(let)s (with parenchymatic endocarp, and mesocarp parenchyma containing isolated sclereid nests). Four types of drupelets differing by the endocarp structure were tentatively distinguished: (1) the Monimia‐type has a many‐cell‐layered putamen of large isodiametric sclereids, interrupted on the ventral side by few radial rows of small sclereids; (2) the Hortonia‐type has a few‐cell‐layered putamen of isodiametric, especially thick‐walled sclereids – it may be composed of two lateral halves, i.e. with the sclerenchyma partially interrupted on the ventral and dorsal sides (but without rows of small sclereids); (3) the Mollinedia‐type has a few‐cell‐layered putamen, with more or less radially elongate sclereids with wavy cell walls; and (4) the Hedycarya‐type has a one‐cell‐layered putamen of pronouncedly radially elongate sclereids with wavy cell walls. Drupelets of some taxa with a single‐cell‐layered endocarp with only weakly thickened cell walls may represent a transition from drupelets to berrylets. The fruit structure supports three major clades recognized earlier by morphological studies and by molecular phylogenetic analyses: (1) Monimioideae (Monimia‐type drupelets), (2) Hortonieae of Mollinedioideae (Hortonia‐type drupelets), and (3) the remainder of Mollinedioideae (Hedycarya‐ and Mollinedia‐types) and berrylets. Fruit structure also supports the close relationship of Monimiaceae and Lauraceae. © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2007, 153 , 265–285.  相似文献   

Lamont  Byron B. 《Annals of botany》1993,71(6):537-542
When leaves of three Grevillea species were macerated, hydrogencyanide was only released from the soft, immature ones. Thebark but not wood of young stems was weakly cyanogenic. Thegreatest concentration of cyanoglucosides occurred in peduncles,flower buds, open flowers, immature seeds and germinants. Nocyanide was released from nectar, pedicels, dry fruit, elaiosomesand dry walls mature seeds. Addition of ß-glucosidase,and sometimes water only, increased cyanogenesis in young leaves,bark, some seed and fruit walls, and embryos of mature seeds.The endogenous levels of ß-glucosidase were sufficientto release all the cyanide present in at least 80% of cases. Young leaves and germinants of G. bipinnatifida (resprouter)released more cyanide than those of G. banksii, while flowerbuds, stigmatic region, styles, perianths and ovaries of G.banksii (non-sprouter) released far more cyanide than thoseof G. bipinnatifida. The interspecific and intraplant distributionof cyanoglucosides is consistent with the expected impact ofbeneficial and herbivorous animals on long term fitness of thesespecies. The F1 hybrid (G. 'Robyn Gordon') tended to have intermediatecyanoglucoside levels between the two putative parents.Copyright1993, 1999 Academic Press Grevillea bipinnatifida, G. banksii, G. 'Robyn Gordon', cyanide, herbivory, ß-glucosidase, cyanogenesis  相似文献   

The anatomy and orientation of the foliar sclereids of the evergreen sclerophyll Phillyrea latifolia suggest a light-guiding function. Light microscope observations of enzymatically isolated sclereids showed that they possessed very thick cell walls, lobes and branches which occurred mainly at the end of the idioblasts reaching the abaxial epidermis. Leaf cross-sections showed that sclereids occurred diffusely within the mesophyll and were oriented vertically with respect to the lamina. In paradermal sections, the cut cell walls of the sclereids appeared as bright light spots among the dark-green background of the mesophyll cells. The heterogeneity of the radiation field transmitted through the same paradermal section was quantified by image analysis and two- or three-dimensional representations. The amount of light transmitted through the sclereids was found to be up to 30-fold higher compared to that transmitted through the neighbouring mesophyll cells. The light guiding capacity of the sclereids at the spongy mesophyll level was estimated to be 40-80%. In leaves illuminated from the adaxial surface, light passing through the ends of the sclereids seemed to be reflected from the internal surface of the abaxial epidermis. In sunny conditions when leaf thickness tends to increase, the number of sclereids per unit leaf area was increased significantly compared to the shaded ones. It is proposed that the anatomy and orientation of the foliar osteosclereids of P. latifolia, are suitable for a light-guiding function. Thus foliar sclereids, besides other roles, may contribute both qualitatively and quantitatively, to the enhancement of the light microenvironment within the mesophyll of these sclerophyllous leaves.Keywords: Phillyrea latifolia L. (incl. P. media L.), foliar sclereids, light guiding, image analysis.   相似文献   

Specimens of Gahnia sieberiana from Brisbane, Queensland, andof Gahnia clarkei from near Orbost, Victoria, were collectedand examined both morphologically and anatomically. The speciesgrow in wet areas and are of interest because they representthe largest arborescent species known in the Cyperaceae. Stemdiameters up to 120 mm and stems up to 10 m long have been observed.Such long stems tend to be supported by nearby vegetation. Althoughfresh stems are tough and woody, they are brittle. Branchingof the stems is sympodial, and numerous branches are producedby plants growing in exposed habitats. There is less branchingin plants from shaded habitats. Basal shoots may also occur.Adventitious roots develop basally on most plants, but withG. sieberiana, some adventitious roots form near the shoot apexand grow in and around leaf bases. Anatomical features of interestare an endodermoid layer composed of sclereids with elongate,undulated, outer tangential walls that are lignified and suberized,short vessel elements with horizontal to oblique simple perforationplates, and relatively short sclereids surrounding vessel elementsin the vascular bundles. Some vascular bundles are bipolar.The presence of short vessel elements here is in marked contrastto the longer tracheary elements in other arborescent monocotyledons. Arborescence, stem anatomy, Cyperaceae, Gahnia, saw sedge, Monocotyledon, bipolar bundles, morphology, endodermoid layer  相似文献   

Effects of Cross-pollination and Flower Removal on Fruit Set in Macadamia   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Macadamia racemes were cross-pollinated and had flowers removedto determine whether manipulation of initial fruit set wouldaffect final fruit set or yield. Examination of flowers collected7 d after pollination indicated that the cross-pollination treatmentgenerally induced a small (13-19%) but significant increasein the number of pollen grains per stigma. All flowers possessedsome pollen grains, but in all cases cross-pollination approximatelydoubled the percentage of flowers with a pollen tube at thebase of the style (42-68% of flowers on cross-pollinated racemescompared with 21-35% of flowers on control racemes). Fruit setafter 14 d was always improved by cross-pollination, and thistranslated into increased final fruit numbers on two out offour occasions. In these two cases, kernel weights were increasedby 24 and 31% in the cross-pollinated treatments. This indicatesa possible xenic (paternal parent) effect in macadamia. Flowerremoval resulted in retention of a greater percentage of flowersas fruits, so that only severe reductions in flower number decreasedfinal fruit numbers. Improved efficiency of cross-pollinationin macadamia may increase both nut numbers and nut size.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Macadamia integrifolia Maiden and Betche, Macadamia tetraphylla L. A. S. Johnson, Proteaceae, macadamia, pollination, pollen tube growth, flower number, fruit drop, fruit set, xenia  相似文献   

The ability of green parts of Cox's apple flowers (sepals, receptacleand pedicel) to photosynthesise was demonstrated using 14CO,feed experiments and an infra-red gas analysis (IRGA) system.The sepals had the greatest ability, comparable with that ofleaves, followed by the receptacle. Sepals and leaves fixedthe same amount of CO2 in the dark. Photosynthesis and respirationrates in orchard flowers were measured in comparison to thoseof leaves. Flower gross photosynthesis (GP) was about a thirdof that of leaves at the balloon stage and 15 d after full bloomin 1987, but this ratio was much less at full bloom (FB) inthe same year. GP in flowers decreased rapidly with fruitletenlargement. It was estimated that flower photosynthesis significantly contributedto their carbohydrate balance (15-33%) during the floweringand fruit setting periods. The highest contributions were made at the green cluster stage(33%) and between 6 and 11 d after FB (27%), the period whenthe fruit set had been initiated. Removal of sepals, the mainphotosynthetic parts of the flower, at the pink bud stage decreasedinitial set. The results suggest that flower photosynthesismight play an important role in flower growth and fruit setting.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Apple, photosynthesis, respiration, fruit setting, flower photosynthesis, sepal removal  相似文献   

The effects of seed number on set, development and growth ofa fruit, and on inhibition of later-developed fruits were studiedby varying the pollen load on the stigma of sweet pepper flowers(Capsicum annuum L.). Despite much variation, a linear increasein individual fruit weight with seed number could be observed.Seed number affected the growth rate rather than the growingperiod of fruit. When seed numbers were low, the probabilityof fruit setting was positively related to seed number. However,a relatively low seed number (50–100 seeds/fruit: 20–30%of the maximum seed number) was sufficient for maximal fruitset. An increase in seed number increased the inhibitory effect ofa fruit on set and growth of later-developing fruits. As a result,when pollination treatments were applied to all the flowersof a plant, results could be quite different to those obtainedwhen only a limited number of flowers were treated. Fruit setof the second fruit was reduced by the application of a highpollen load to the first flower, even when the first fruit abortedbefore it had accumulated much dry matter. Our results suggestthat growth inhibition of the second fruit by seed number ofthe first fruit is controlled both by competition for limitedassimilates, as well as by dominance due to the production ofplant growth regulators by the developing fruit. Sweet pepper; Capsicum annuum L.; pollination; fruit set; abortion; abscission; fruit growth; first-fruit dominance; sink strength  相似文献   

We describe and quantify development of flat and fan-shapedfruit of Actinidia chinensis var. chinensis from inception tomaturity. Flat fruit arise from particularly large and flatfloral meristems. After bract initiation, the terminal flowerremains elliptic in cross section, produces elliptic whorlsof floral organs, and forms a flat-shaped ovary. The allometryof the ovary does not change from inception to maturity. Fan-shapedfruit develop from exceptionally flat floral meristems. Theyresult from postgenital fusion of the terminal flower with oneor two precocious lateral flowers. Timing of the fusion processvaries, resulting in a variable degree of integration of tissues.The fasciated flower has supernumerary floral organs, and isborne on a single pedicel. The histology of mature flat andfan-shaped fruit is described for commercially-grown Actinidiadeliciosa cv. Hayward. Mature flat fruit have a larger maximumdiameter, but are comparable to normal fruit in the minimumdiameter. Flat fruit have more locules and more pericarp tissuethan normal fruit, but these are not causally related to fruitshape. The flat shape can be attributed to differential planesof enlargement of cells in certain regions of the central core.Mature fan-shaped fruit are larger, and have more pericarp,core and locules than normal or flat fruit.Copyright 1994, 1999Academic Press Actinidia chinensis, Actinidia deliciosa, fruit shape, development, anatomy, fusion  相似文献   

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