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Most research examining how herbivores and pathogens affect performance of invasive plants focuses on aboveground interactions. Although important, the role of belowground communities remains poorly understood, and the relative impact of aboveground and belowground interactions is still debated. As well, most studies of belowground interactions have been carried out in controlled environments, so little is known about the role of these interactions under natural conditions or how these relationships may change across a plant's range. Using the invasive plant Cirsium arvense, we performed a reciprocal transplant experiment to test the relative impacts of above‐ and belowground interactions at three sites across a 509‐km latitudinal gradient in its invaded range in Ontario, Canada. At each site, C. arvense seedlings were protected with above‐ and/or belowground exclosures in a factorial design. Plant performance (biomass, height, stem thickness, number of leaves, length of longest leaf, maximum rhizome length) was greatest when both above‐ and belowground exclosures were applied and lowest when no exclosures were applied. When only one type of exclosure was applied, biomass generally improved more with belowground exclosures than with aboveground exclosures. Despite site‐to‐site differences in foliar damage, root damage, and mesofaunal populations, belowground interactions generally had a greater negative impact on performance than aboveground herbivory alone. These results stress the importance of including both aboveground enemy interactions and plant–soil interactions in studies of plant community dynamics and invader performance.  相似文献   

高梅香  刘冬  张雪萍  吴东辉 《生态学报》2016,36(6):1782-1792
地表和地下土壤动物群落空间格局及其与环境因子的空间作用关系,是揭示地表-地下生态系统格局与过程及生物多样性维持机制的重要基础。于2011年在三江平原农田生态系统,在50m×50m的空间尺度内,基于地统计空间分析方法,揭示地表和地下土壤螨群落及不同螨类物种丰富度的空间格局,并分析这种空间格局与土壤含水量、土壤p H值及大豆株高空间格局的空间关联性。半方差函数和普通克里格插值表明,8月份地表、地下和10月份地下螨群落及这些群落内大部分螨类物种在特定空间尺度内形成集群,表现为空间异质性特征,且这种空间分异多由结构性因素或结构性因素和随机性因素共同调控。交叉方差函数表明,土壤螨群落和不同螨类物种的空间格局与环境因子的空间格局在多种尺度上表现出复杂的空间关联性(正的或负的)。但简单Mantel检验仅发现8月份地表中气门亚目未定种1(Mesostigmata unidentified sp.1)和大豆株高存在明显的正的空间关联性。研究结果表明地下螨群落和生长季节的地表螨群落具有明显的空间异质性结构,地表和地下螨群落及大多数螨类物种丰富度与土壤含水量、土壤p H值及大豆株高的空间关联性并不显著。促进地表-地下生态系统土壤动物群落空间格局研究,为地表-地下格局与过程研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

In Canada it is generally accepted that most indigenous earthworms did not survive glaciation, and that the majority of the earthworms now inhabiting Canadian soils are relatively recent introductions of European origin. Although these exotic earthworms are generally considered to be beneficial in agricultural soils, their effects can be less benign in forested ecosystems. Studies have shown that invading earthworms can significantly alter the forest floor, affecting the distribution of carbon, nitrogen and other chemicals, roots, microbes and other elements of the soil fauna, and even understory vegetation. This paper summarizes the current distribution of exotic and native earthworm species in Canadian forests and draws on the results of studies of invasion patterns and environmental impacts in northern forests in North America and Europe to discuss potential outcomes for forests in Canada. The potential for variables such as temperature, pH, litter palatability and dispersal, to limit or promote the invasion of exotic earthworms in Canadian forests is discussed, and areas for future research are proposed. The same earthworm species that are invading forests in northern Europe and the US are also invading Canadian forests. Several species of exotic earthworms are already established in a wide range of deciduous and coniferous forest types, including the boreal. Evidence is presented to suggest that further expansion into Canadian forests is likely.  相似文献   

Globally, biological invasions can have strong impacts on biodiversity as well as ecosystem functioning. While less conspicuous than introduced aboveground organisms, introduced belowground organisms may have similarly strong effects. Here, we synthesize for the first time the impacts of introduced earthworms on plant diversity and community composition in North American forests. We conducted a meta‐analysis using a total of 645 observations to quantify mean effect sizes of associations between introduced earthworm communities and plant diversity, cover of plant functional groups, and cover of native and non‐native plants. We found that plant diversity significantly declined with increasing richness of introduced earthworm ecological groups. While plant species richness or evenness did not change with earthworm invasion, our results indicate clear changes in plant community composition: cover of graminoids and non‐native plant species significantly increased, and cover of native plant species (of all functional groups) tended to decrease, with increasing earthworm biomass. Overall, these findings support the hypothesis that introduced earthworms facilitate particular plant species adapted to the abiotic conditions of earthworm‐invaded forests. Further, our study provides evidence that introduced earthworms are associated with declines in plant diversity in North American forests. Changing plant functional composition in these forests may have long‐lasting effects on ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

丁易  黄继红  许玥  臧润国 《生态学报》2021,41(13):5118-5127
多次刀耕火种弃耕后自然恢复的热带次生林恢复速度通常较为缓慢。抚育是提高森林恢复和木材生产速度的重要营林措施,因此利用抚育间伐的方式加快热带次生林的恢复速度是当前森林经营和保护的重要议题。基于海南岛60个0.25 hm2热带次生林样地开展了抚育间伐对比试验。研究表明,经过5年的自然恢复,30个抚育样地和30个对照样地的地上生物量分别提高了24.5%和13.4%,而且抚育样地中减少的地上生物量迅速接近对照样地。抚育主要减少了清除种的地上生物量,而提高了保留种的地上生物量。次生林经过抚育处理后,其地上生物量的绝对增长量显著提高了58.74%,相对增长率显著提高了67.93%。在抚育样地中,地上生物量的绝对增长量和相对增长量均随着抚育强度呈现单峰曲线变化的趋势,抚育强度在(10±2.5)%时地上生物量的相对和绝对增长量最高。抚育强度是影响地上生物量增长量的重要因素,而物种多样性和功能离散度的作用较小。决定地上生物量的相对增长量最重要的因素(负作用)是初始生物量。本研究为我国热带次生林的未来管理提供了重要的理论基础和实践证据。  相似文献   

精确估算森林生物量对理解全球碳循环至关重要。已有的喀斯特森林地上生物量估算研究存在很高的不确定性,缺乏校准数据检验研究结果的精度。利用皆伐法,首次精确估算了我国西南贵州省中部喀斯特森林的地上生物量,并检验了已有生物量回归方程和平均标准木法对该喀斯特森林地上生物量的估算效果。该喀斯特森林的地上生物量为122.81 Mg/hm2,胸径(D)≥1 cm的木本植物、D<1 cm的木本植物和草本植物的地上生物量分别为120.00、2.56、0.24 Mg/hm2。D在10—30 cm范围内的植株(83.89 Mg/hm2)是地上生物量的主要贡献者。4个优势树种(云南鼠刺Itea yunnanensis、川钓樟Lindera pulcherrima、猴樟Cinnamomum bodinieri和化香树Platycarya strobilacea的地上生物量为103.03 Mg/hm2,占森林总地上生物量的83.89%。干(61.04 Mg/hm2)和枝(40.56 Mg/hm  相似文献   

Exotic plant invasion may alter underground microbial communities, and invasion-induced changes of soil biota may also affect the interaction between invasive plants and resident native species. Increasing evidence suggests that feedback of soil biota to invasive and native plants leads to successful exotic plant invasion. To examine this possible underlying invasion mechanism, soil microbial communities were studied where Ageratina adenophora was invading a native forest community. The plant–soil biota feedback experiments were designed to assess the effect of invasion-induced changes of soil biota on plant growth, and interactions between A. adenophora and three native plant species. Soil analysis showed that nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N), ammonium nitrogen (NH4+-N), and available P and K content were significantly higher in a heavily invaded site than in a newly invaded site. The structure of the soil microbial community was clearly different in all four sites. Ageratina adenophora invasion strongly increased the abundance of soil VAM (vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi) and the fungi/bacteria ratio. A greenhouse experiment indicated that the soil biota in the heavily invaded site had a greater inhibitory effect on native plant species than on A. adenophora and that soil biota in the native plant site inhibited the growth of native plant species, but not of A. adenophora. Soil biota in all four sites increased A. adenophora relative dominance compared with each of the three native plant species and soil biota in the heavily invaded site had greater beneficial effects on A. adenophora relative dominance index (20% higher on average) than soil biota in the non-invaded site. Our results suggest that A. adenophora is more positively affected by the soil community associated with native communities than are resident natives, and once the invader becomes established it further alters the soil community in a way that favors itself and inhibits natives, helping to promote the invasion. Soil biota alteration after A. adenophora establishment may be an important part of its invasion process to facilitate itself and inhibit native plants.  相似文献   

Abstract 1. Several studies have shown that above‐ and belowground insects can interact by influencing each others growth, development, and survival when they feed on the same host‐plant. In natural systems, however, insects can make choices on which plants to oviposit and feed. A field experiment was carried out to determine if root‐feeding insects can influence feeding and oviposition preferences and decisions of naturally colonising foliar‐feeding insects. 2. Using the wild cruciferous plant Brassica nigra and larvae of the cabbage root fly Delia radicum as the belowground root‐feeding insect, naturally colonising populations of foliar‐feeding insects were monitored over the course of a summer season. 3. Groups of root‐infested and root‐uninfested B. nigra plants were placed in a meadow during June, July, and August of 2006 for periods of 3 days. The root‐infested and the root‐uninfested plants were either dispersed evenly or placed in clusters. Once daily, all leaves of each plant were carefully inspected and insects were removed and collected for identification. 4. The flea beetles Phyllotreta spp. and the aphid Brevicoryne brassicae were significantly more abundant on root‐uninfested (control) than on root‐infested plants. However, for B. brassicae this was only apparent when the plants were placed in clusters. Host‐plant selection by the generalist aphid M. persicae and oviposition preference by the specialist butterfly P. rapae, however, were not significantly influenced by root herbivory. 5. The results of this study show that the presence of root‐feeding insects can affect feeding and oviposition preferences of foliar‐feeding insects, even under natural conditions where many other interactions occur simultaneously. The results suggest that root‐feeding insects play a role in the structuring of aboveground communities of insects, but these effects depend on the insect species as well as on the spatial distribution of the root‐feeding insects.  相似文献   

A number of remote sensing studies have evaluated the temporal trends of the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI or vegetation greenness) in the North American boreal forest during the last two decades, often getting quite different results. To examine the effect that the use of different datasets might be having on the estimated trends, we compared the temporal trends of recently burned and unburned sites of boreal forest in central Canada calculated from two datasets: the Global Inventory, Monitoring, and Modeling Studies (GIMMS), which is the most commonly used 8 km dataset, and a new 1 km dataset developed by the Canadian Centre for Remote Sensing (CCRS). We compared the NDVI trends of both datasets along a fire severity gradient in order to evaluate the variance in regeneration rates. Temporal trends were calculated using the seasonal Mann–Kendall trend test, a rank‐based, nonparametric test, which is robust against seasonality, nonnormality, heteroscedasticity, missing values, and serial dependence. The results showed contrasting NDVI trends between the CCRS and the GIMMS datasets. The CCRS dataset showed NDVI increases in all recently burned sites and in 50% of the unburned sites. Surprisingly, the GIMMS dataset did not capture the NDVI recovery in most burned sites and even showed NDVI declines in some burned sites one decade after fire. Between 50% and 75% of GIMMS pixels showed NDVI decreases in the unburned forest compared with <1% of CCRS pixels. Being the most broadly used dataset for monitoring ecosystem and carbon balance changes, the bias towards negative trends in the GIMMS dataset in the North American boreal forest has broad implications for the evaluation of vegetation and carbon dynamics in this region and globally.  相似文献   

全球气候变暖对陆地生态系统尤其是森林生态系统有着重要的影响,气温升高、辐射强迫的增强将显著改变森林生态系统的结构和功能.南方人工林作为我国森林的重要组成部分,对气候变化的响应日益强烈.为了探究未来气候情景下我国南方人工林对气候变化的响应,降低未来气候变化对人工林可能带来的损失,本研究采用3种最新的气候情景—典型浓度排放路径情景(RCP2.6情景、RCP4.5情景、RCP8.5情景)预估数据,应用生态系统过程模型PnET-Ⅱ和空间直观景观模型LANDIS-Ⅱ模拟2014—2094年间湖南省会同森林生态实验站磨哨实验林场森林的地表净初级生产力(ANPP)、物种建立可能性(SEP)和地上生物量的变化.结果表明: 不同森林类型的SEP和ANPP对气候变化的响应有明显的差异,各森林类型对气候变化的响应程度表现为: 对于SEP,在RCP2.6和RCP4.5情景下,人工针叶林>天然阔叶林>人工阔叶林;在RCP8.5情景下,天然阔叶林>人工阔叶林>人工针叶林.对于ANPP,在RCP2.6情景下,人工阔叶林>天然阔叶林>人工针叶林;在RCP4.5和RCP8.5情景下,天然阔叶林>人工阔叶林>人工针叶林.人工针叶林的地上生物量在2050年左右开始下降,天然阔叶林和人工阔叶林整体呈现上升趋势.2014—2094年,研究区地上总生物量在不同气候情景下增加幅度不同,RCP2.6情景下增加了68.2%,RCP4.5情景下增加了79.3%,RCP8.5情景下增加了72.6%.3种情景下的总地上生物量大小排序为: RCP4.5> RCP8.5> RCP2.6.我们认为,适当的增温将有助于未来研究区森林总地上生物量的积累,但过度的增温也可能会阻碍森林的生产和生态功能的持续发展.  相似文献   

Population genetic studies can help to determine whether invasive species are established via single vs. multiple introduction events and also to distinguish among various colonization scenarios. We used this approach to investigate the introduction of Dendrobaena octaedra , a non-native earthworm species, to the boreal forest of northern Alberta. The spread of non-native earthworms in forested systems is not well understood, although bait abandonment and vehicular transport are believed to be important. Mitochondrial DNA sequencing revealed that multiple introductions of this species have occurred in northern Alberta, although individual populations may have been established by either single or multiple invaders introduced on one or more occasions. There was no relationship between genetic distances and either geographical distances or distances along road networks, suggesting that human-mediated jump dispersal is more common than diffusive spread via road networks or via active dispersal. As well, genetic diversity was significantly greater at boat launches than roads, indicating that multiple introductions may be more likely to occur at those locations. Focusing management efforts on areas where multiple introductions are likely to occur may help to reduce invasive species' potential for adaptive evolution and subsequent rapid spread.  相似文献   

The introduction of photosynthates through plant roots is a major source of carbon (C) for soil microbial biota and shapes the composition of fungal and bacterial communities in the rhizosphere. Although the importance of this process, especially to ectomycorrhizal fungi, has been known for some time, the extent to which plant belowground C allocation controls the composition of the wider soil community is not understood. A tree-girdling experiment enabled studies of the relationship between plant C allocation and microbial community composition. Girdling involves cutting the phloem of trees to prevent photosynthates from entering the soil. Four years after girdling, fungal and bacterial communities were characterized using DNA-based profiles and cloning and sequencing. Data showed that girdling significantly altered fungal and bacterial communities compared with the control. The ratio of ectomycorrhizal to saprobic fungal sequences significantly decreased in girdled treatments, and this decline was found to correlate with the fungal phospholipid fatty acid biomarker 18:2ω6,9. Bacterial communities also varied in the abundance of the two dominant phyla Acidobacteria and Alphaproteobacteria . Concomitant changes in fungal and bacterial communities suggest linkages between these two groups and point toward plant belowground C allocation as a key determinant of microbial community composition.  相似文献   

1. Range expansions mediated by recent climate warming have been documented for many insect species, including some important forest pests. However, whether climate change also influences the eruptive dynamics of forest pest insects, and hence the ecological and economical consequences of outbreaks, is largely unresolved. 2. Using historical outbreak records covering more than a century, we document recent outbreak range expansions of two species of cyclic geometrid moth, Operophtera brumata Bkh. (winter moth) and Epirrita autumnata L. (autumnal moth), in subarctic birch forest of northern Fennoscandia. The two species differ with respect to cold tolerance, and show strikingly different patterns in their recent outbreak range expansion. 3. We show that, during the past 15-20 years, the less cold-tolerant species O. brumata has experienced a pronounced north-eastern expansion into areas previously dominated by E. autumnata outbreaks. Epirrita autumnata, on the other hand, has expanded the region in which it exhibits regular outbreaks into the coldest, most continental areas. Our findings support the suggestion that recent climate warming in the region is the most parsimonious explanation for the observed patterns. 4. The presence of O. brumata outbreaks in regions previously affected solely by E. autumnata outbreaks is likely to increase the effective duration of local outbreaks, and hence have profound implications for the subarctic birch forest ecosystem.  相似文献   

Heat wave frequency, duration, and intensity are predicted to increase with global warming, but the potential impacts of short‐term high temperature events on forest functioning remain virtually unstudied. We examined canopy processes in a forest in Central Ontario following 3 days of record‐setting high temperatures (31–33 °C) that coincided with the peak in leaf expansion of dominant trees in late May 2010. Leaf area dynamics, leaf morphology, and leaf‐level gas‐exchange were compared to data from prior years of sampling (2002–2008) at the same site, focusing on Acer saccharum Marsh., the dominant tree in the region. Extensive shedding of partially expanded leaves was observed immediately following high temperature days, with A. saccharum losing ca. 25% of total leaf production but subsequently producing an unusual second flush of neoformed leaves. Both leaf losses and subsequent reflushing were highest in the upper canopy; however, retained preformed leaves and neoformed leaves showed reduced size, resulting in an overall decline in end‐of‐season leaf area index of 64% in A. saccharum, and 16% in the entire forest. Saplings showed lower leaf losses, but also a lower capacity to reflush relative to mature trees. Both surviving preformed and neoformed leaves had severely depressed photosynthetic capacity early in the summer of 2010, but largely regained photosynthetic competence by the end of the growing season. These results indicate that even short‐term heat waves can have severe impacts in northern forests, and suggest a particular vulnerability to high temperatures during the spring period of leaf expansion in temperate deciduous forests.  相似文献   

Invasive terrestrial plants often substantially reshape environments, yet how such invasions affect terrestrial snail assemblages remains understudied. We investigated how snail assemblages in deciduous forest soils with dense Berberis thunbergii (Japanese barberry), an invasive shrub in eastern North America, differ from forest areas lacking the shrub. Leaf litter and soil samples were collected from forest patches with dense B. thunbergii understories and adjacent control areas within two exurban forest tracts in western Pennsylvania, U.S.A. Snails were identified to species and quantified by standard diversity metrics. Contrary to our expectations, snails were significantly more abundant and diverse in B. thunbergii-invaded areas. Despite differences in abundance, the snail community composition did not differ between invaded and control habitats. The terrestrial snail assemblage we observed, which was composed entirely of native species, appears to respond favorably to B. thunbergii invasion and therefore may not be negatively impacted by physicochemical changes to soils typically observed in association with the plant. Such findings could reflect the fact that B. thunbergii likely creates more favorable habitat for snails by creating cooler, more humid, and more alkaline soil environments. However, the snail assemblages we retrieved may consist mostly of species with high tolerance to environmental degradation due to a legacy of land use change and acid deposition in the region.  相似文献   

Aim  Pathways linking grazing and detrital subsystems of terrestrial ecosystems are important for ecosystem processes and function, but remain poorly understood. The invasion of a generalist predator creates a unique opportunity to study the effects of predation across these subsystems. We examine here, the effects of a non-native generalist predator, the little red fire ant ( Wasmannia auropunctata, Roger) on both grazing and detrital invertebrate communities and ecosystem processes in a rain forest understorey.
Location  Gamba Protected Area Complex, south-western Gabon, Africa.
Methods  We measured abundances and diversities of understorey grazing and detrital invertebrate communities, soil nutrients, herbivory, litter fragmentation rates and leaf chemistry of a dominant understorey shrub inside and outside of 19 separate invasion fronts. We then explored possible trophic cascades and pathways of interaction using path analysis.
Results  Results suggest that invasive ants may alter herbivory regimes, grazing and detrital communities, and may indirectly alter litter decomposition and nutrient cycling in the soil by suppressing important microbivore and detritivore populations with consequences for leaf chemistry.
Main conclusions  These results demonstrate that generalist predators may be major drivers of both grazing and detrital subsystems by inducing strong shifts in adjacent communities that ultimately affect ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

Methods to quantify plant‐insect interactions in tropical forests may miss many important arthropods and can be time consuming and uneven in capture efficiency. We describe the Amazonas‐trap, a new method that rapidly envelops the target plant for sampling arthropods. We evaluated the efficiency of the Amazonas‐trap by comparing it with two commonly used sampling methods to collect arthropods from plants: the beating tray and manual collection. Samples were collected in 10 permanent plots, in the Ducke forest reserve, Manaus (Amazonas, Brazil). In each plot we sampled 18 plant individuals of Protium sp. (Burseraceae): six by a beating tray, six by manual collection, and six using the Amazonas‐trap. All insects were identified to the family level and those belonging to the order Hymenoptera were identified to the species and morphospecies level. The new method sampled more insect families and more Hymenoptera species than tree beating and manual collection. Of the 75 total families collected, 20 were sampled exclusively by the Amazonas‐trap, seven were only collected with a beating tray, and seven were sampled exclusively with manual collecting. A similar pattern was found for abundance: Amazonas‐trap sampled more individuals, followed by the beating tray and manual collection. Small and winged arthropods were more abundant in Amazonas‐trap, explaining the highest richness of Hymenoptera and insect families sampled with this method. The new method sampled more spiders, wood‐fungi feeders, sap suckers, omnivorous, parasitoids, and insect predators than the other methods, but was equally effective in sampling leaf‐feeders and ants. Amazonas‐trap was more time consuming in the field, but for all diversity parameters evaluated, the new method showed better performance for collecting invertebrates on plants.  相似文献   

森林群落复杂性分析:以广东黑石顶森林为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
覃林  余世孝 《生物多样性》2004,12(3):354-360
本文将森林群落复杂性定义为消除群落中任意一个树木个体的种名及层次不确定性所需的平均信息量,提出用联合熵H(X,Y)测度群落复杂性.H(X,Y)=H(X)+H(Y|X),其中H(X)=-∑Si=1(ni)/(N)log2((ni)/(N)),H(Y|X)=-∑Si=1(ni)/(N)∑4j=1(nij)/(ni)log2((nij)/(ni)),分别为树种组成复杂性和树种结构复杂性.式中S为森林群落树种数,N为森林群落的树木总株数,ni(i=1,2,...,S)为第i个树种的株数,nij(j=1,2,3,4)为第i个树种在第j层次的株数.用联合熵分析了广东省封开县黑石顶自然保护区针叶林、针阔混交林和常绿阔叶林等3种典型森林类型的复杂性.结果表明,群落复杂性的顺序为常绿阔叶林>针阔混交林>针叶林.同时,各森林类型的群落复杂性H(X,Y)与取样尺度之间具有较好的分形关系.  相似文献   

Saproxylic beetles constitute a significant proportion of boreal forest biodiversity. However, the long history of timber production in Fennoscandia has significantly reduced the availability of dead wood and is considered a threat to the conservation of saproxylic beetle assemblages. Therefore, since the mid‐1990s dead wood retention in harvested stands has formed an integral part of silvicultural practices. However, the contribution of this biodiversity‐orientated management approach to conserving saproxylic beetle assemblages in boreal forest landscapes that include production forestry remains largely untested. We examined differences in resident saproxylic beetle assemblages among stands under different management in a boreal forest landscape in Central Sweden, and in particular stands managed according to new conservation‐orientated practices. We also investigated the relationship between beetle diversity and forest stand characteristics. Bark of coarse woody debris (CWD) was sieved for beetles in old managed stands, unmanaged nature reserves, and set‐aside areas, and clear‐cut stands harvested according to certification guidelines [new forestry (NF) clear‐cuts]. All stand types contributed significantly to the total diversity of beetles found. While stand size, position, and distance to nearest reserve were unimportant, both the quality and the quantity of CWD in stands contributed significantly to explaining beetle abundance and species richness. This extends the previous findings for red‐listed invertebrates, and shows that heterogeneous substrate quality and a range of management practices are necessary to maintain saproxylic beetle diversity in boreal forest landscapes that include production forestry. The unique abiotic conditions in combination with the abundant and varied CWD associated with NF clear‐cuts form an important component of forest stand heterogeneity for saproxylic beetles. It is thus essential that sufficient, diverse, CWD is retained in managed boreal landscapes to ensure the conservation of boreal saproxylic beetle assemblages.  相似文献   

森林碳储量动态变化对揭示区域水土流失治理成效具有重要指示意义。以长汀县河田镇为例,2017年随机设置34个马尾松林样本作为建模集,分别与同期Landsat影像的原始波段、植被指数及主成分因子进行回归分析,构建马尾松((Pinus massoniana))林地上林木碳储量的最佳反演模型,基于伪不变特征原理的线性归一化法实现该模型在2003、2010年影像上的适用性校正转换,实现研究区2003、2010、2017年马尾松林地上林木碳储量的反演及时空分异特征的研究。结果表明:研究区2017年马尾松林地上林木碳储量最佳遥感反演模型是以绿色植被指数(GNDVI)为自变量构建的指数模型:C2017=0.006e14.357GNDVI2017,该模型拟合的决定系数为0.57,平均相对精度为82.19%;2003年、2010年马尾松林地上林木碳储量遥感估测模型为:C2003=0.006e(16.4086GNDVI2003+1.1428)C2010=0.006e(15.1677GNDVI2010+1.5821),两期校正模型的决定系数均在0.85以上;2003、2010及2017年碳储量分别为8.24 t/hm2、11.34t/hm2、16.14 t/hm2,整体呈上升趋势;地上林木碳储量随海拔、坡度的升高而增加,向阳坡地上林木碳储量高于背阴坡;碳储量增长率随海拔、坡度的升高而降低,背阴坡碳储量增长率高于向阳坡。  相似文献   

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