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Environmental stress generally disturbs cellular homeostasis. Researchers have hypothesized that chilling injury is linked to a shortage of ATP. However, previous studies conducted on insects exposed to nonfreezing low temperatures presented conflicting results. In this study, we investigated the mitochondrial bioenergetics of Drosophila melanogaster flies exposed to chronic cold stress (4 °C). We assessed mitochondrial oxygen consumption while monitoring the rate of ATP synthesis at various times (0, 1, 2, and 3 days) during prolonged cold stress and at two assay temperatures (25 and 4 °C). We compared organelle responses between cold-susceptible and cold-acclimated phenotypes. Continuous exposure to low temperature provoked temporal declines in the rates of mitochondrial respiration and ATP synthesis. Respiratory control ratios (RCRs) suggested that mitochondria were not critically uncoupled. Nevertheless, after 3 days of continuous cold stress, a sharp decline in the mitochondrial ATP synthesis rate was observed in control flies when they were assayed at low temperature. This change was associated with reduced survival capacity in control flies. In contrast, cold-acclimated flies exhibited high survival and maintained higher rates of mitochondrial ATP synthesis and coupling (i.e., higher RCRs). Adaptive changes due to cold acclimation observed in the whole organism were thus manifested in isolated mitochondria. Our observations suggest that cold tolerance is linked to the ability to maintain bioenergetics capacity under cold stress.  相似文献   

Renal fibrosis is a process that is characterized by declining excretory renal function. The molecular mechanisms of fibrosis are not fully understood. Oxidative stress pathways were reported to be involved in renal tissue deterioration and fibrosis progression. In order to identify new molecular targets associated with oxidative stress and renal fibrosis, differential proteomics analysis was performed with established renal cell lines (TK173 and HK-2). The cells were treated with oxidative stress triggering factor H(2)O(2) and the proteome alterations were investigated. Two dimensional protein maps were generated and differentially expressed proteins were processed and identified using mass spectrometry analysis combined with data base search. Interestingly the increase of ROS in the renal cell lines upon H(2)O(2) treatment was accompanied by alteration of a large number of proteins, which could be classified in three categories: the first category grouped the proteins that have been described to be involved in fibrogenesis (e.g. ACTA2, VIN, VIM, DES, KRT, COL1A1, COL4A1), the second category, which was more interesting involved proteins of the oxidative stress pathway (PRDX1, PRDX2, PRDX6, SOD, PARK7, HYOU1), which were highly up-regulated under oxidative stress, and the third category represented proteins, which are involved in different other metabolic pathways. Among the oxidative stress proteins the up-regulation of PARK7 was accompanied by a shift in the pI as a result of oxidation. Knockdown of PARK7 using siRNA led to significant reduction in renal cell viability under oxidative stress. Under H(2)O(2) treatment the PARK7 knockdown cells showed up to 80% decrease in cell viability and an increase in apoptosis compared to the controls. These results highlight for the first time the important role of PARK7 in oxidative stress resistance in renal cells.  相似文献   

The BH3-only protein Bim is a potent direct activator of the proapoptotic effector protein Bax, but the structural basis for its activity has remained poorly defined. Here we describe the crystal structure of the BimBH3 peptide bound to BaxΔC26 and structure-based mutagenesis studies. Similar to BidBH3, the BimBH3 peptide binds into the cognate surface groove of Bax using the conserved hydrophobic BH3 residues h1–h4. However, the structure and mutagenesis data show that Bim is less reliant compared with Bid on its ‘h0'' residues for activating Bax and that a single amino-acid difference between Bim and Bid encodes a fivefold difference in Bax-binding potency. Similar to the structures of BidBH3 and BaxBH3 bound to BaxΔC21, the structure of the BimBH3 complex with BaxΔC displays a cavity surrounded by Bax α1, α2, α5 and α8. Our results are consistent with a model in which binding of an activator BH3 domain to the Bax groove initiates separation of its core (α2–α5) and latch (α6–α8) domains, enabling its subsequent dimerisation and the permeabilisation of the mitochondrial outer membrane.The intrinsic pathway to apoptosis is regulated by interactions between members of three factions of the Bcl-2 protein family: the BH3-only proteins such as Bim and Bid, which initiate the process, the essential effectors Bax and Bak, and the prosurvival members, which oppose the action of both other factions.1 The interactions between prosurvival Bcl-2 family members and BH3 peptides have been well characterised as the earliest studies with Bcl-xL and a BakBH3 peptide.2 Such complexes are readily formed in solution by incubating the C-terminally (ΔC) truncated prosurvival Bcl-2 protein with a BH3 peptide. The absence of the C-terminal segment that can anchor the Bcl-2 protein in a membrane apparently has little effect on the ensuing complex. That complex is believed to be responsible for the antiapoptotic function of Bcl-2, by sequestration of the BH3 motif either of the so-called BH3-only proteins such as Bim (''mode 1'') or of Bax or Bak (''mode 2'').3Although proapoptotic Bax and Bak have very similar three-dimensional structures to their prosurvival relatives,4, 5, 6 until recently7, 8 no structure of a complex of either Bax or Bak with a BH3 peptide had been captured, despite an accumulation of evidence that Bax and Bak could be activated directly by interaction with the BH3-only proteins Bid, Bim and possibly others.9, 10, 11, 12, 13Unlike Bak, which is constitutively anchored in the mitochondrial outer membrane (MOM) via its C-terminal segment, Bax is largely cytosolic in healthy cells and accumulates at the MOM only upon a death signal.14, 15 There it is believed to display at least two different conformers,16, 17 one loosely associated with the MOM and another in which its membrane anchor (helix α9) is inserted into the MOM. In striking contrast to the antiapoptotic relatives of Bcl-2, a construct of Bax lacking its C-terminal membrane anchor, BaxΔC21, has no measurable interaction with BH3 peptides. However, in the presence of the detergent octylglucoside binding is detected by surface plasmon resonance (SPR) for the BH3 peptides of Bim, Bid, Bak and Bax itself with IC50s in the range of 0.1–1μM,7, 18 some 100-fold weaker compared with those measured similarly with (for example) Bcl-xLΔC, where no detergent is required. Weaker interactions between BidBH3 or BimBH3 and BaxΔC as compared with Bcl-xLΔC are not inconsistent with various models for the function of the Bcl-2 protein family whereby the prosurvival molecules sequester BH3 motifs with high affinity and long half-lives, but proapoptotic Bax and Bak are activated by transient (‘hit-and-run'') interactions with BH3 motifs.19, 20, 21Complexes of BaxΔC21 bound to BH3 peptides from Bid and Bax have been prepared by coincubation of the protein with CHAPS and an excess of the peptides.7 Under these conditions, the protein undergoes a conformational change and dimerises via domain swapping of helical segments α2–α5 and α6–α8, dubbed ‘core'' and ‘latch'' domains, respectively. Although this ‘core/latch dimer'' is thought to be an in vitro artefact, its formation is diagnostic for the core and latch separation, which is required for membrane-associated Bax to dimerise via its core domains and then to permeabilise the MOM.7 If the latch domain is absent, as in a recombinant construct of GFP fused to Bax α2–α5, the core domain forms BH3:groove symmetric dimers,7 which, consistent with a wide body of evidence,21, 22, 23, 24, 25 are present in apoptotic pores.Previous work7 highlighted the importance of two hydrophobic ‘h0'' residues (Figure 1) in the peptide (I82/I83 in BidBH3) in governing Bid''s ability to activate Bax. Similar to Bid, Bim is also a potent direct activator of Bax, and the ‘h0'' amino acids in Bim are proline and glutamic acid. In the absence of a structure of BimBH3:BaxΔC, it remained unclear how these ‘h0'' residues were accommodated. Here we describe the crystal structures of BimBH3 26- and 20-mer peptides bound to BaxΔC26. Comparison with the structure of BidBH3:BaxΔC21 allows a dissection of the critical contacts between these two peptides and BaxΔC. The binding profiles of mutant BH3 peptides illustrate that BimBH3 binding to Bax is less dependent on the ‘h0'' residues compare with that in the case for BidBH3. The BimBH3 complex displays a similar cavity adjacent to Bax α1, α2, α5 and α8 as seen in the BidBH3 complex. We also describe a structure of BidBH3 bound to a BaxΔC21 mutant, I66A, which is more typical of the BH3 signature of antiapoptotic Bcl-2 family proteins7, 26Open in a separate windowFigure 1BimBH3 binds BaxΔC. (a) BH3 peptide sequences used in this study, indicating the 5 hydrophobic amino-acid positions ‘h0''–‘h4''. (b) The core/latch dimer of BaxΔC26 bound to BimBH3. The two Bax polypeptides, shown here as cartoons, are coloured yellow and grey, and the two Bim peptides cyan and orange. A crystallographic dyad symmetry axis passes through the centre of this particle. (c) Structure of BimBH3:BaxΔC26 complex. The globular unit depicted comprises Bax residues 1–128 from one polypeptide and 129–166 from the other, together with the associated Bim peptide. Bax is represented by its surface and colour coded according to surface charge (blue, positive potential (4kT/e); red, negative potential (−2kT/e); calculated using the Adaptive Poisson–Boltzmann Solver.41 The trace of the Bim peptide (cyan) is shown with ‘h0'' (P144, E145), ‘h1'' (I148), ‘h2'' (L152), ‘h3'' (I155) and ‘h4'' (F159) represented as sticks. (d) Overlay of BimBH3:BaxΔC26 with BidBH3:BaxΔC21 (PDB:4BD2). Structures represented as cartoon ribbons, yellow for Bax in the Bim complex and magenta for Bax in the Bid complex. The peptides (Bim cyan and Bid blue) stand vertically in the foreground in this view (similar to Figure 1c), with their N termini at the bottom of the figure  相似文献   

Plants growing under elevated CO2 concentration may acclimatize to this environmental change by modification of chemical, physiological, and/or morphological traits. As a consequence, not only plant functioning but also plant–insect interactions might be altered, with important consequences particularly for agricultural systems. Whereas most studies have focused on the plant acclimation effects of elevated CO2 with regard to crop growth and productivity, acclimation effects on the behavioral response of insects associated with these plants have been largely neglected. In this study, we used a model system comprised of Brussels sprout Brassica oleraceae var. gemmifera and a specialized herbivorous insect, the cabbage aphid Brevicoryne brassicae, to test for the effects of various periods of exposure to an elevated (2× ambient) CO2 concentration on key plant functional traits and on host plant location behavior by the insect, assessed as plant colonization rates. Elevated CO2 had no measurable effect on colonization rates or total plant volatile emissions after a 2-week exposure, but it led to 15 and 26 % reductions in plant colonization rates after 6- and 10-week exposures, respectively. This reduction in plant colonization was associated with significant decreases in leaf stomatal conductance and plant volatile emission. Terpene emission, in particular, exhibited a great reduction after the 10-week exposure to elevated CO2. Our results provide empirical evidence that plants might acclimatize to a future increase in CO2, and that these acclimation responses might affect host plant choice and colonization behavior by herbivorous insects, which might be advantageous from the plant’s perspective.  相似文献   

The soilborne fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum causes vascular wilt and root rot diseases in many plant species. We investigated the role of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase A of F. oxysporum (FoCPKA) in growth, morphology, and root attachment, penetration, and pathogenesis in Arabidopsis thaliana. Affinity of spore attachment to root surfaces of A. thaliana, observed microscopically and measured by atomic force microscopy, was reduced by a loss-of-function mutation in the gene encoding the catalytic subunit of FoCPKA. The resulting mutants also failed to penetrate into the vascular system of A. thaliana roots and lost virulence. Even when the mutants managed to enter the vascular system via physically wounded roots, the degree of vascular colonization was significantly lower than that of the corresponding wild-type strain O-685 and no noticeable disease symptoms were observed. The mutants also had reduced vegetative growth and spore production, and their hyphal growth patterns were distinct from those of O-685. Coinoculation of O-685 with an focpkA mutant or a strain nonpathogenic to A. thaliana significantly reduced disease severity and the degree of root colonization by O-685. Several experimental tools useful for studying mechanisms of fungal root pathogenesis are also introduced.  相似文献   

Tropospheric ozone exercises pressure on vegetation in combination with other oxidative factors such as strong sunlight, UV‐B radiation, high temperatures and water shortage. The relationship established between these factors and the plants can be either antagonistic (cross‐resistance) or synergistic. Response mechanisms are activated involving physiological, chemical and morphological features. Overall sensitivity (or resistance) is determined by the amount of total oxidative pressure in relation to the plant's physiological plasticity [i.e. its ability (within its own resilience potential) to alter its structure and functions in order to react to the oxidative pressure]. Within different populations of the same species, functional leaf traits (leaf area and thickness, leaf mass per area or specific leaf area, tissue thickness) may vary in relation to the extent that the plant succeeds in acclimating to ambient oxidative pressure. The behaviour of a tree in an oxidative environment can be interpreted by means of leaf structure analysis. Leaves presenting high tissue density (and thus low intercellular space content) display a high degree of acclimation to stressors, react little to environmental changes and are characterized by remarkable longevity. Leaves of this type also have a high photosynthesis capacity per surface unit (due to the N content per surface unit) and a high PN/GW (or water use efficiency, WUE). Thus, they are able to support detoxification processes. These morphological traits are to be found in adult plants in late successional stands and, above all, in ambients that have already been subjected to oxidative pressure. However, in early successional species and during the dynamic stages of growth (e.g. in the renewal occurring along forest edges), it is the opposite leaf traits that prevail: low leaf density, high photosynthesis capacity per dry weight unit, low WUE, low leaf longevity. These traits make plants far more reactive to environmental changes (e.g. they exploit the light from sun flecks much more effectively), but enable them to achieve only a low degree of acclimation and a poor ability to support detoxification processes. Whereas adult forests display a high level of ecological resilience and have a relatively good tolerance of ozone, the renewal stages are (at least potentially) more vulnerable. In these environments, ozone can alter the competition among genotypes and favour more resistant ones. Among the sectors most at risk, we must include communities growing at the edge of their ecological range, for whom even a slight increase in oxidative pressure can trigger substantial degenerative processes.  相似文献   

To verify the important role of nitrogen in detoxifying plants from heavy metals in Populus, the influence of nitrogen and cadmium on growth, chlorophyll (Chl) synthesis, and the expression of the Glutamine synthetase gene (GS2) were studied in poplar plants. Experiments were carried out in potted plants treated with (NH4)2CO3, Cd(NO3)2, CdCl2 and CdCl2 plus (NH4)2CO3. After treatment, plant height, biomass, chlorophyll content, the precursors content and GS2 were investigated. Results showed that the plants treated with cadmium showed toxicity symptoms, decrease in growth and Chl content. Cd inhibited Chl synthesis seriously by blocking the site located on the steps between UrogenIII and Coprogen III. However, the plants treated with cadmium and nitrogen grew well without any toxicity symptoms. Nitrogen supplement can alleviate Cd inhibition on chlorophyll synthesis by unblocking the pathway. The results indicated that nitrogen can effectively alleviate cadmium toxicity to poplar plants.  相似文献   

Although environmental stress likely plays a significant role in promoting aging, the relationship remains poorly understood. To characterize this interaction in a more comprehensive manner, we examined the stress response profiles for 46 long‐lived yeast mutant strains across four different stress conditions (oxidative, ER, DNA damage, and thermal), grouping genes based on their associated stress response profiles. Unexpectedly, cells lacking the mitochondrial AAA protease gene AFG3 clustered strongly with long‐lived strains lacking cytosolic ribosomal proteins of the large subunit. Similar to these ribosomal protein mutants, afg3Δ cells show reduced cytoplasmic mRNA translation, enhanced resistance to tunicamycin that is independent of the ER unfolded protein response, and Sir2‐independent but Gcn4‐dependent lifespan extension. These data demonstrate an unexpected link between a mitochondrial protease, cytoplasmic mRNA translation, and aging.  相似文献   

以漓江水陆交错带为研究区,分两个条带分别量测了适生植物的5个叶性状指标:最大净光合速率(A_(max))、比叶重(LMA)、单位质量叶片全氮含量(N_(mass))、单位质量叶片全磷含量(P_(mass))、单位质量叶片全钾含量(K_(mass))。研究重度淹没带与微度淹没带不同功能型植物叶性状间的差异,分析并讨论重度淹没带叶性状间的关系与全球尺度是否存在差异,探究重度淹没带植物对水淹生境的生理响应机制。结果如下:(1)重度淹没带植物叶片的A_(mass)、N_(mass)、P_(mass)显著高于微度淹没带。(2)乔木、灌木叶片的LMA均显著高于草本植物,而A_(mass)、PPUE均显著低于草本植物。(3)重度淹没带草本叶性状指标的N_(mass)、P_(mass)、PNUE均显著高于微度微度淹没带,而乔木、灌木的叶性状在两个条带的差异则不显著。(4)重度淹没带植物叶性状关系与全球尺度基本一致,其植物叶片具有低LMA,高A_(mass)、Nmas s、P_(mass)。分析可知,重度淹没带植物在出露期提高叶片光合效率及相关营养水平可能是其适应水淹胁迫特殊生境的关键策略之一;不同功能型植物对同一环境的适应能力存在一定的差异,草本对于水淹环境的响应更为积极,适应能力更好;重度淹没带也存在叶经济谱,其植物在经济谱中属于"快速投资-收益"型物种。  相似文献   

Bread wheat chromosome 3A has been shown to contain genes/QTLs controlling grain yield and other agronomic traits. The objectives of this study were to generate high-density physical and genetic-linkage maps of wheat homoeologous group 3 chromosomes and reveal the physical locations of genes/QTLs controlling yield and its component traits, as well as agronomic traits, to obtain a precise estimate of recombination for the corresponding regions and to enrich the QTL-containing regions with markers. Physical mapping was accomplished by 179 DNA markers mostly representing expressed genes using 41 single-break deletion lines. Polymorphism survey of cultivars Cheyenne (CNN) and Wichita (WI), and a substitution line of CNN carrying chromosome 3A from WI [CNN(WI3A)], with 142 RFLP probes and 55 SSR markers revealed that the extent of polymorphism is different among various group 3 chromosomal regions as well as among the homoeologs. A genetic-linkage map for chromosome 3A was developed by mapping 17 QTLs for seven agronomic traits relative to 26 RFLP and 15 SSR chromosome 3A-specific markers on 95 single-chromosome recombinant inbred lines. Comparison of the physical maps with the 3A genetic-linkage map localized the QTLs to gene-containing regions and accounted for only about 36% of the chromosome. Two chromosomal regions containing 9 of the 17 QTLs encompassed less than 10% of chromosome 3A but accounted for almost all of the arm recombination. To identify rice chromosomal regions corresponding to the particular QTL-containing wheat regions, 650 physically mapped wheat group 3 sequences were compared with rice genomic sequences. At an E value of E < or = 10(-5), 82% of the wheat group 3 sequences identified rice homologs, of which 54% were on rice chromosome 1. The rice chromosome 1 region collinear with the two wheat regions that contained 9 QTLs was about 6.5 Mb.  相似文献   

Banana (Musa spp.) multiple shoot meristems are an excellent model to study the meristem proteome. Using a 2-DE protocol developed for small amounts of tissue and MS-based cross species polypeptide identification, we have revealed the meristem proteome and investigated the influence of sucrose-mediated osmotic stress in a dehydration-tolerant variety. Proteins that were significantly up- or down-regulated due to the high-sucrose treatment were classified using non-parametric univariate statistics. Our results suggest that the maintenance of an osmoprotective intracellular sucrose concentration, the enhanced expression of particular genes of the energy-conserving glycolysis and the conservation of the cell wall integrity are essential to maintain homeostasis, to acclimate and to survive dehydration. By comparing the dehydration-tolerant variety with a dehydration-sensitive variety, we were able to distinguish several genotype-specific proteins (isoforms), and could associate the dehydration-tolerant variety with proteins involved in energy metabolism (e.g., phosphoglycerate kinase, phosphoglucomutase, UDP-glucose pyrophosphorylase) and proteins that are associated with stress adaptation (e.g., OSR40-like protein, abscisic stress ripening protein-like protein). This work shows that proteome analysis can be used successfully to perform quantitative difference analysis and to characterize genetic variations in a recalcitrant crop.  相似文献   

Wheat seedlings were grown hydroponically in the presence of 50 microM Cu2+. The copper stress resulted in plasma-membrane (PM) changes of the root cells as altered lipid composition, a decreased phosphatidylcholine (PC)/phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) ratio from 0.7 to 0.3, a decreased fatty acyl unsaturation and a decrease in the lipid/protein ratio. Membrane vesicles made from total lipid extracts of isolated PMs of wheat grown under copper excess showed a remarkably low permeability to polar molecules like glucose, as compared with the control, and no difference in proton permeability. Permeability studies of vesicles of plasma-membrane lipids, which were selectively modified by addition of specific lipids such as PC and PE, were also performed. The results are discussed with emphasis on the role of the increased PE proportion.  相似文献   

Organisms exhibit a diverse set of responses when exposed to low-phosphate conditions. Some of these responses are specific for phosphorus limitation, including responses that enable cells to efficiently scavenge phosphate from internal and external stores via the production of high-affinity phosphate transporters and the synthesis of intracellular and extracellular phosphatases. Other responses are general and occur under a number of different environmental stresses, helping coordinate cellular metabolism and cell division with the growth potential of the cell. In this article, we describe the isolation and characterization of a mutant of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, low-phosphate bleaching (lpb1), which dies more rapidly than wild-type cells during phosphorus limitation. The responses of this mutant to nitrogen limitation appear normal, although the strain is also somewhat more sensitive than wild-type cells to sulfur deprivation. Interestingly, depriving the cells of both nutrients simultaneously allows for sustained survival that is similar to that observed with wild-type cells. Furthermore, upon phosphorus deprivation, the lpb1 mutant, like wild-type cells, exhibits increased levels of mRNA encoding the PHOX alkaline phosphatase, the PTB2 phosphate transporter, and the regulatory element PSR1. The mutant strain is also able to synthesize the extracellular alkaline phosphatase activity upon phosphorus deprivation and the arylsulfatase upon sulfur deprivation, suggesting that the specific responses to phosphorus and sulfur deprivation are normal. The LPB1 gene was tagged by insertion of the ARG7 gene, which facilitated its isolation and characterization. This gene encodes a protein with strong similarity to expressed proteins in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) and predicted proteins in Oryza sativa and Parachlamydia. A domain in the protein contains some similarity to the superfamily of nucleotide-diphospho-sugar transferases, and it is likely to be localized to the chloroplast or mitochondrion based on programs that predict subcellular localization. While the precise catalytic role and physiological function of the putative protein is not known, it may function in some aspect of polysaccharide metabolism and/or influence phosphorus metabolism (either structural or regulatory) in a way that is critical for allowing the cells to acclimate to nutrient limitation conditions.  相似文献   

The ability to buffer detrimental effects of environmental stress on fitness is of great ecological importance because, in nature, pronounced environmental variation may regularly induce stress. Furthermore, several stressors may interact in a synergistic manner. In the present study, plastic responses in cold, heat and starvation resistance are investigated in the tropical butterfly Bicyclus anynana Butler, 1879, using a full factorial design with two acclimation temperatures (20 and 27 °C) and four short‐term stress treatments (control, cold, heat, starvation). Warm‐acclimated butterflies are more heat‐ but less cold‐tolerant as expected. Short‐term cold and starvation exposure reduce cold and heat resistance, and short‐term heat exposure decreases cold but increases heat resistance. Starvation resistance is not affected by any of the short‐term treatments. Thus, the effects of short‐term stress exposure are either neutral or negative, except for a positive effect of heat exposure on heat resistance, indicating the negative effects of pre‐exposure to stress. Interestingly, significant interactions between acclimation temperature and short‐term stress exposure for heat and cold resistance are found, demonstrating that larger temperature differences incur more damage. Therefore, animals may not generally be able to benefit from pre‐exposure to stress (through ‘hardening’), depending on their previously experienced conditions. The complex interactions between environmental variation, stress and resistance are highlighted, warranting further investigations.  相似文献   

Genetic variation for resistance to a high temperature stress under saturated humidity was examined within and among three Drosophila buzzatii populations from Australia. Further, the acclimation of this species to high temperatures was tested by prelreating flies for a shorter, sublethal, time period under conditions that lead to expression of heat shock proteins. Genetic variation for temperature resistance was present among lines for flies either pretreated to high temperature or not. Pro-treating increased survival, with the benefit significantly higher if pretreating was performed 24 h rather than 96 h before exposure to the potentially lethal stress. For (lies pretreated at both times, resistance to heat stress was even greater. The lack of a significant treatment by line interaction term suggested that all lines were similarly plastic for acclimation following previous exposure(s) to a high temperature. Significantly more males survived the heat stress than females, and, within each sex, larger flies were generally more heat resistant than smaller ones. Additionally, the lines from the population that naturally encounters the highest temperatures were generally more resistant to high temperature stress.  相似文献   

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