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A paucity of information exists on the diet of Arctic grayling, Thymallus arcticus, particularly for young-of-the-year (YOY). We examined the diet of YOY Arctic grayling in relation to food availability, in the Barrenlands region of the Northwest Territories, Canada, where lake-outlet streams serve as nursery habitat for these fish. Given the small size of YOY grayling and the abundance of lake-derived microcrustacea in the drift of these lake-outlet streams, we anticipated that these prey would make up a major component of the YOY's diet. Food selectivity by YOY grayling, however, was strongly sized-biased; although microcrustacea dominated the drift, YOY primarily consumed larger taxa, especially Chironomidae and Simuliidae. Even among these taxa, grayling tended to select the larger individuals. As they grew, YOY grayling took larger numbers of both large and small prey, particularly the larger invertebrates, although prey size range did not change after mid-July. Selection of pupae and avoidance of Ephemeroptera suggest that prey characteristics other than size also contribute to selectivity by YOY grayling. The relatively limited consumption of terrestrial invertebrates and other large prey may reflect the small sizes of fish in this arctic study, as well as differences in prey availability. Despite the abundance of lake-derived prey, instream production of invertebrates should largely determine the productive capacity of Barrenlands streams as fish habitat.  相似文献   

During seven years of intensive fishing, the average individual size of pike caught declined progressively until the last year of the study. The size structure of the population markedly changed. Three phases could be identified. 1. a high proportion of large fish, 2. a high proportion of small fish, and 3. equal numbers of large and small fish. The growth of the different year classes in their first year of life showed an increase from 180 to 220 mm.  相似文献   

We consider a fishery model with two sites: (1) a marine protected area (MPA) where fishing is prohibited and (2) an area where the fish population is harvested. We assume that fish can migrate from MPA to fishing area at a very fast time scale and fish spatial organisation can change from small to large clusters of school at a fast time scale. The growth of the fish population and the catch are assumed to occur at a slow time scale. The complete model is a system of five ordinary differential equations with three time scales. We take advantage of the time scales using aggregation of variables methods to derive a reduced model governing the total fish density and fishing effort at the slow time scale. We analyze this aggregated model and show that under some conditions, there exists an equilibrium corresponding to a sustainable fishery. Our results suggest that in small pelagic fisheries the yield is maximum for a fish population distributed among both small and large clusters of school.  相似文献   

Many declining and commercially important populations are supplemented with captive-born individuals that are intentionally released into the wild. These supplementation programs often create large numbers of offspring from relatively few breeding adults, which can have substantial population-level effects. We examined the genetic effects of supplementation on a wild population of steelhead (Oncorhynchus mykiss) from the Hood River, Oregon, by matching 12 run-years of hatchery steelhead back to their broodstock parents. We show that the effective number of breeders producing the hatchery fish (broodstock parents; N(b)) was quite small (harmonic mean N(b)=25 fish per brood-year vs 373 for wild fish), and was exacerbated by a high variance in broodstock reproductive success among individuals within years. The low N(b) caused hatchery fish to have decreased allelic richness, increased average relatedness, more loci in linkage disequilibrium and substantial levels of genetic drift in comparison with their wild-born counterparts. We also documented a substantial Ryman-Laikre effect whereby the additional hatchery fish doubled the total number of adult fish on the spawning grounds each year, but cut the effective population size of the total population (wild and hatchery fish combined) by nearly two-thirds. We further demonstrate that the Ryman-Laikre effect is most severe in this population when (1) >10% of fish allowed onto spawning grounds are from hatcheries and (2) the hatchery fish have high reproductive success in the wild. These results emphasize the trade-offs that arise when supplementation programs attempt to balance disparate goals (increasing production while maintaining genetic diversity and fitness).  相似文献   

By numerical continuation of equilibria, we study a size-structured model for the dynamics of a cannibalistic fish population and its alternative resource. Because we model the cannibalistic interaction as dependent on the ratio of cannibal length and victim length, a cannibal experiences a size distribution of potential victims which depends on its own body size. We show how equilibria of the resulting infinite-dimensional dynamical system can be traced with an existing method for numerical continuation for physiologically structured population models. With this approach we found that cannibalism can induce bistability associated with a fold (or, saddle-node) bifurcation. The two stable states can be qualified as 'stunted' and 'piscivorous', respectively. We identify a new ecological mechanism for bistability, in which the energy gain from cannibalism plays a crucial role: Whereas in the stunted population state cannibals consume their victims, on average, while they are very small and yield little energy, in the piscivorous state cannibals consume their victims not before they have become much bigger, which results in a much higher mean yield of cannibalism. We refer to this mechanism as the 'Hansel and Gretel' effect. It is not related to any individual 'choice' or 'strategy', but depends purely on a difference in population size distribution. We argue that studying dynamics of size-structured population models with this new approach of equilibrium continuation extends the insight that can be gleaned from numerical simulations of the model dynamics.  相似文献   

We present a dynamical model of a spatial fishery describing the time evolution of the fish stock, the fishing effort and the market price of the resource. The market price is fixed by the gap between the supply and the demand. Assuming two time scales, we use “aggregation of variables methods” in order to derive a reduced model governing fish density and fishing effort at a slow time scale. The bifurcation analysis of the reduced model is performed. According to parameters values, three main cases can occur: (i) a stable fishery free equilibrium, (ii) a stable persistent fishery equilibrium and (iii) coexistence of three strictly positive equilibria, two of them being stable separated by a saddle. In this last case, a stable equilibrium corresponds to a traditional fishery with large fish stock, small fishing effort and small market price. The second stable one corresponds to over-exploitation of the resource with small fish stock, large fishing effort and large market price.  相似文献   

Recently, statistical population models using age-at-harvest data have seen increasing use for monitoring of harvested wildlife populations. Even more recently, detailed evaluation of model performance for long-lived, large game animals indicated that the use of random effects to incorporate unmeasured environmental variation, as well as second-stage Horvitz-Thompson-type estimators of abundance, provided more reliable estimates of total abundance than previous models. We adapt this new modeling framework to small game, age-at-harvest models with only young-of-the-year and adult age classes. Our Monte Carlo simulation results indicate superior model performance for the new modeling framework, evidenced by lower bias and proper confidence interval coverage. We apply this method to male wild turkey harvest in the East Ozarks turkey productivity region, Missouri, USA, where statistical population reconstruction indicates a relatively stationary population for 1996–2010.  相似文献   

Ecosystem surveys are carried out annually in the Barents Sea by Russia and Norway to monitor the spatial distribution of ecosystem components and to study population dynamics. One component of the survey is mapping the upper pelagic zone using a trawl towed at several depths. However, the current technique with a single codend does not provide fine-scale spatial data needed to directly study species overlaps. An in-trawl camera system, Deep Vision, was mounted in front of the codend in order to acquire continuous images of all organisms passing. It was possible to identify and quantify of most young-of-the-year fish (e.g. Gadus morhua, Boreogadus saida and Reinhardtius hippoglossoides) and zooplankton, including Ctenophora, which are usually damaged in the codend. The system showed potential for measuring the length of small organisms and also recorded the vertical and horizontal positions where individuals were imaged. Young-of-the-year fish were difficult to identify when passing the camera at maximum range and to quantify during high densities. In addition, a large number of fish with damaged opercula were observed passing the Deep Vision camera during heaving; suggesting individuals had become entangled in meshes farther forward in the trawl. This indicates that unknown numbers of fish are probably lost in forward sections of the trawl and that the heaving procedure may influence the number of fish entering the codend, with implications for abundance indices and understanding population dynamics. This study suggests modifications to the Deep Vision and the trawl to increase our understanding of the population dynamics.  相似文献   

The relationships between neural activity at the single-cell and the population levels are of central importance for understanding neural codes. In many sensory systems, collective behaviors in large cell groups can be described by pairwise spike correlations. Here, we test whether in a highly specialized premotor system of songbirds, pairwise spike correlations themselves can be seen as a simple corollary of an underlying random process. We test hypotheses on connectivity and network dynamics in the motor pathway of zebra finches using a high-level population model that is independent of detailed single-neuron properties. We assume that neural population activity evolves along a finite set of states during singing, and that during sleep population activity randomly switches back and forth between song states and a single resting state. Individual spike trains are generated by associating with each of the population states a particular firing mode, such as bursting or tonic firing. With an overall modification of one or two simple control parameters, the Markov model is able to reproduce observed firing statistics and spike correlations in different neuron types and behavioral states. Our results suggest that song- and sleep-related firing patterns are identical on short time scales and result from random sampling of a unique underlying theme. The efficiency of our population model may apply also to other neural systems in which population hypotheses can be tested on recordings from small neuron groups.  相似文献   

We examine some simple population models that incorporate a time delay which is not a constant but is instead a known periodic function of time. We examine what effect this periodic variation has on the linear stability of the equilibrium states of scalar population models and of a simple predator prey system. The case when the delay differs from a constant by a small amplitude periodic perturbation can be treated analytically by using two-timing methods. Of particular interest is the case when the system is initially marginally stable. The introduction of variation in the delay can then have either a stabilising effect or a destabilizing one, depending on the frequency of the periodic perturbation. The case when the periodic perturbation has large amplitude is studied numerically. If the fluctuation is large enough the effect can be stabilising.  相似文献   

Development of fish communities in lakes after biomanipulation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Biomanipulation measures in the Netherlands are usually a combination of a drastic fish stock reduction and an introduction of pike fingerlings. In three small shallow lakes (Noorddiep, Bleiswijkse Zoom and Zwemlust) these measures resulted in a clear water state and the development of macrophytes. After the measures the fish community developed differently because of the new physical and biological conditions. Results of lake Noorddiep and lake Bleiswijkse Zoom showed that the fish community became more divers. Bream and carp became less dominant and were partly replaced by roach and perch. The importance of the main predator pike-perch was strongly reduced and replaced by pike and perch. The share of piscivorous fish in the total fish stock increased at all sites. The recruitment of young-of-the-year was similar or even higher in the clear overgrown areas than in the turbid water before the measures, but the recruitment of young-of-the-year to older fish differed between the species. Predation by pike and perch could not control the young-of-the-year cyprinids, but their predation may have contributed to the shift from bream to roach, because of selective predation on bream in the open water, while roach was hiding in the vegetation. The macrophytes provide new refugia and feeding conditions that favour roach and perch, but offer relatively poor survival conditions for bream and carp.  相似文献   

To promote understanding of fish population dynamics in tropical river-floodplains, we have synthesized existing information by developing a largely empirical population model for arapaima (Arapaima sp.). Arapaima are characterized by very large bodies, relatively late sexual maturity, small clutches, and large parental investment per offspring, and their populations are overexploited and even declining due to overfishing. We used unparalleled time series data on growth, reproduction, catch-at-age, and size-class abundance estimates for a population that has increased several-fold and undergone drastic changes in fishing practices in the Amazon, Brazil. Model population numbers were close to observed numbers, with generally low mean absolute percentage errors for juveniles (16%), adults (30%), and catch (18%). In using the model to test ecological hypotheses and to investigate management strategies, we found the following: (1) Annual recruitment is directly and positively related to spawner abundance, and it appears to be density-compensatory following a Beverton–Holt relation (R 2 = 0.85). (2) Fishing-selectivity of arapaima caused by use of harpoons and gillnets can lower yield potentials dramatically through removal of the faster-growing individuals of the population. That is in part because fewer individuals live long enough to reproduce and survivors take longer to reach reproductive age. (3) Arapaima populations can sustain annual catches of up to 25% of the number of adults in the population the previous year if minimum size (1.5 m) and closed season (December–May) limits are met. (4) When 25% of the number of adults in the population the previous year is harvested under a 1.6 m minimum size limit of catch, catches are slightly smaller but abundance of adults in the population is considerably greater than under a 1.5 m limit. These findings can be used in ongoing management initiatives, but caution is needed because of present biological and ecological uncertainty about these fishes.  相似文献   

Magnhagen C 《Oecologia》2006,147(4):734-743
I investigated if risk-taking behaviour of young-of-the-year (YOY) perch Perca fluviatilis was connected with population-specific predation patterns in four lakes in northern Sweden. The lakes differ in perch size distribution, according to earlier fishing surveys. Thus, the most intense predation pressure by cannibals is assumed to occur at different prey-size windows in the four lakes. In an aquarium study, I observed groups of perch, and registered time spent foraging in an open habitat and number of prey attacks in the presence of a predator. Perch from Ängersjön, with the highest proportion of large fish in the population, spent more time in the open area than those from Fisksjön that has a dense population of mainly small perch. The Ängersjön perch also made more prey attacks than did perch from Fisksjön and Bjännsjön. Relative differences in predation risk in the four lakes were estimated as cannibalistic attack rates, on a range of sizes of YOY perch, calculated from population size distributions. Principal component analysis on predation risk patterns resulted in two components, of which PC1 explained 79.1% of the variation. High scores of PC1 indicated low cannibalistic attack rates on smaller perch (10–20 mm) and high rates on larger fish (≥30 mm), while low scores indicated the opposite. The level of risk-taking behaviour in the aquarium study positively correlated with lake-specific PC1 scores. The perch with the most cautious behaviour in the aquaria originated from the population with the highest predation pressure on early stages. The boldest perch came from the lake with low predation on the smallest, but with higher predation on larger YOY perch. Thus, the influence of predation risk on behaviour patterns in perch may depend on the timing of the highest exposure to predators.  相似文献   

If a healthy stable host population at the disease-free equilibrium is subject to the Allee effect, can a small number of infected individuals with a fatal disease cause the host population to go extinct? That is, does the Allee effect matter at high densities? To answer this question, we use a susceptible-infected epidemic model to obtain model parameters that lead to host population persistence (with or without infected individuals) and to host extinction. We prove that the presence of an Allee effect in host demographics matters even at large population densities. We show that a small perturbation to the disease-free equilibrium can eventually lead to host population extinction. In addition, we prove that additional deaths due to a fatal infectious disease effectively increase the Allee threshold of the host population demographics.  相似文献   

If a healthy stable host population at the disease-free equilibrium is subject to the Allee effect, can a small number of infected individuals with a fatal disease cause the host population to go extinct? That is, does the Allee effect matter at high densities? To answer this question, we use a susceptible–infected epidemic model to obtain model parameters that lead to host population persistence (with or without infected individuals) and to host extinction. We prove that the presence of an Allee effect in host demographics matters even at large population densities. We show that a small perturbation to the disease-free equilibrium can eventually lead to host population extinction. In addition, we prove that additional deaths due to a fatal infectious disease effectively increase the Allee threshold of the host population demographics.  相似文献   

Simple ecological models operate mostly with population densities using continuous variables. However, in reality densities could not change continuously, since the population itself consists of integer numbers of individuals. At first sight this discrepancy appears to be irrelevant, nevertheless, it can cause large deviations between the actual statistical behaviour of biological populations and that predicted by the corresponding models. We investigate the conditions under which simple models, operating with continuous numbers of individuals can be used to approximate the dynamics of populations consisting of integer numbers of individuals. Based on our definition for the (statistical) distance between the two models we show that the continuous approach is acceptable as long as sufficiently high biological noise is present, or, the dynamical behaviour is regular (non-chaotic). The concepts are illustrated with the Ricker model and tested on the Tribolium castaneum data series. Further, we demonstrate with the help of T. castaneum's model that if time series are not much larger than the possible population states (as in this practical case) the noisy discrete and continuous models can behave temporarily differently, almost independently of the noise level. In this case the noisy, discrete model is more accurate [OR has to be applied].  相似文献   

1. The space use of central-place foragers, animals that forage from and return to a single central place such as a nest, burrow or sleeping site, is well documented. Limited data, however, exist for multiple central-place foragers that alternate among several central places. 2. The conventional view of stream-dwelling salmonids suggests that they conform to the central-place territorial model (CPTM) by (i) attacking prey and intruders from one primary foraging station, and defending (ii) small (iii) exclusive areas that (iv) increase with body size. 3. Recent studies suggest greater variability in salmonid space-use than would be expected by the CPTM, but tend to focus on the time allocated towards different activities rather than their distribution in space, especially for young-of-the-year (YOY) fish that are hard to tag and monitor in the wild. 4. In this study, the validity of CPTM was tested by mapping the daily space use of 50 YOY Atlantic salmon in a natural stream via repeated observations of tagged fish in diverse habitats, and by comparing these to earlier estimates of territory use in YOY salmonids. 5. The 50 YOY Atlantic salmon were multiple central-place foragers. All fish visited more than one foraging station (median = 12.5 stations), visited most stations (68.5%) repeatedly, showed limited fidelity to a particular station and typically attacked prey only while holding a position at a station. 6. The multiple central-place territories of the 50 fish were large (mean = 0.932 m(2)) compared to earlier territory size estimates (mean = 0.107 m(2)) for salmonids of similar size and, surprisingly, did not increase with body size. Focal fish attacked intruders from similar distances as reported earlier for much smaller territories, suggesting that large territories are less exclusively defended at any given time. 7. Overall, this study provides a new view on foraging and territoriality in stream salmonids, and on the small but diverse literature on multiple central-place foragers. Further studies, however, are needed to clarify the evolutionary benefits and population consequences of multiple central-place space-use in mobile animals.  相似文献   

This paper introduces and analyzes a model of sequential hermaphroditism in the framework of continuously structured population models with sexual reproduction. The model is general in the sense that the birth, transition (from one sex to the other) and death processes of the population are given by arbitrary functions according to a biological meaningful hypotheses. The system is reduced to a single equation introducing the intrinsic sex-ratio subspace. The steady states are analyzed and illustrated for several cases. In particular, neglecting the competition for resources we have explicitly found a unique non-trivial equilibrium which is unstable.  相似文献   

We present a mathematical model of an aquatic community, where the size-and-age structure of hydrobiont populations is taken into account and the corresponding trophic interactions between zooplankton, peaceful fish, and predatory fish are described. We show that interactions between separate components of the aquatic community can give rise to long-period oscillations in fish population size. The period of these oscillations is on the order of decades. With this model we also show that an increase in the zooplankton growth rate may entail a sequence of bifurcations in the fish population dynamics: steady states → regular oscillations → quasicycles → dynamic chaos.  相似文献   

The coefficient of variation of individual food intake was large in small groups of young-of-the-year perch Perca fluviatilis (45–60 mm L T) and smaller when fish that were given the same feeding rank were placed together. No aggressive interactions were detected during feeding.  相似文献   

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