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BOUMA  D. 《Annals of botany》1970,34(5):1143-1153
Subterranean clover plants depending on symbiotic nitrogen fixationhad smaller leaf areas than control plants supplied with combinednitrogen in the nutrient solutions. There were no differencesin chlorophyll content per unit fresh weight of leaves or petioles,nor in net rates of carbon dioxide uptake per unit leaf areaat light intensities above 2000 fc and at carbon dioxide concentrationsabove 300 ppm. Dark respiration by the shoots of the nodulatedplants was considerably higher than for the controls. This couldhave been a direct result of nodule activity and is suggestedas a possible factor contributing to the slower growth of theseplants compared with the controls. A comparison of the nitrogen contents of shoots and roots showeda sub-optimal nitrogen status, particularly in the roots, ofthe nodulated plants. This is suggested as another factor contributingto the slower growth of the nodulated plants compared with thecontrols. The response patterns before and after the addition of combinednitrogen differed in a number of important respects from thosefound previously under conditions of a sub-optimal nitrogensupply in the nutrient solution outside the roots. These arebriefly discussed.  相似文献   

The accumulation of nitrosylleghemoglobin (LbNO) in nodulesand the properties of LbNO in vitro were investigated in connectionwith the inhibition of nitrogen fixation in soybean nodulesby nitrate. The leghemoglobin extracted under argon gas from nodules ofplants supplied with nitrate consisted mainly of LbNO, as judgedfrom the spectrum which corresponded to that of LbNO formedin vitro by the reaction of leghemoglobin with nitrite in thepresence of dithionite or by the combination of ferrous leghemoglobin(Lb2+) with nitric oxide. Further, LbNO formed in vivo was easilydissociated by visible light, as was LbNO formed in vitro. Thus,authentic LbNO does actually accumulate in nodules. Most of the leghemoglobin was of the ferrous type in nodulesof plants supplied with nitrate. Some LbNO appeared to be derivedfrom LbO2 which was deoxygenated by nitrite. The increase inlevels of LbNO in nodules paralleled the decrease in acetylenereducing activity. These results indicate that the decrease in nitrogenase activityin nodules of soybean plants supplemented with nitrate is causedby the decrease in levels of LbO2 that carries oxygen into bacteroids,which results from the formation of LbNO (Received August 22, 1989; Accepted December 4, 1989)  相似文献   

Nodulated plants of Alnus glutinosa, Myrica gale, and Hippophaërhamnoides, the root systems of which had been exposed to excessfree 15N, showed substantial enrichment in fixed 15N contentin all parts of the plant, but particularly in the root nodules.The data resemble closely those obtained by the present andprevious authors with legumes under comparable conditions, andsupport the conclusion already drawn from experiments of traditionaltype that the nodules of these non-legumes are similar to thoseof legumes in their function and relation to the rest of theplant. Nodulated plants of Alnus and Myrica continued to fixfree nitrogen concurrently with the uptake of combined nitrogenwhen the latter was supplied in the rooting medium in amountsunlikely to be exceeded in the field. Isotopic tests on detachednodules of one of the species (Alnus glutinosa) showed thatfixation continued, and though much reduced as compared withthat shown by attached nodules it considerably exceeded thatexperienced by the present and previous authors with detachedlegume nodules, on the basis of fixation per unit of total nodulenitrogen. It is probable that detached Alnus nodules presentconvenient material for the further study of various aspectsof the fixation process.  相似文献   

气候因子对三种豆科树种固氮的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了气候因子对台湾相思(Acacia confusa)、大叶相思(A.awriculaeformis)和南岭黄檀(Dalbergia balansae)根瘤固氮酶和吸氢酶活性的影响。3种树木根瘤均具有吸氢酶活性,外源H:可提高固氮酶活性,表明吸氢酶有助于固氮效率的提高。3树种根瘤的固氮活性有明显季节变化,夏秋活性较高,早春及冬季活性较低。离体根瘤固氮和吸H2活性表达的最适温度为25—30℃。光照强度及土壤湿度均显著影响根瘤固氮和吸H2活性。  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验进行水分(正常灌水和干旱后复水)和施氮处理(0、240、480kgN·hm-2),研究花铃期短期干旱再复水后氮素对棉花各器官干物质重、氮素累积与分配及产量与品质的影响.结果表明:花铃期土壤干旱显著降低了棉株各器官的干物质重与氮素累积量,而增大了棉株各器官的氮素含量,同时亦降低了棉株干物质与氮素在叶片中的分配指数,但提高了在根系的分配指数,从而增大了根冠比;增施氮肥可以提高干旱条件下棉株的干物质重与氮素累积量,但亦增大水分胁迫指数.复水对干旱处理棉株生长具有明显的补偿效应,尤其是根系的干物质重与氮素累积量显著高于相应正常灌水处理,且增施氮肥可以提高棉株的补偿效应.花铃期干旱结束时与复水后第10天,干旱处理棉株均以240kgN·hm-2水平下的生殖器官干物质重与分配指数最高,而根冠比最小,地上部与地下部生长最为协调,最终籽棉产量最高、纤维品质最优;而施氮不足(0kgN·hm-2)或过量(480kgN·hm-2)均不利于棉花产量的提高与纤维品质的改善.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) productivity under drought stress dependsto some extent upon a hybrid's capacity to produce and translocateassimilate to its developing kernels during the stress periodand/or after the stress is relieved. The objective of this studywas to evaluate differences in carbon and nitrogen accumulationand partitioning under drought stress among maize hybrids thatdiffer in yield potential and/or physiological metabolism duringreproductive development. The hybrids B73 x LH38, FS854, B73xMol7and US13 were subjected to drought stress from the 7th leafstage until pollination was completed, at which time the soilof the stressed plots was replenished with water. For d. wtand chemical constituent determinations, plants of each hybridwere harvested from the irrigated and drought stressed plotsat silking, mid-grain fill, and physiological maturity. Averagedover hybrids, vegetative biomass at silking was reduced 25%as a result of the drought stress treatment, with B73 x LH38and FS854 accumulating more total biomass during the later portionof grain fill than the other two hybrids under both soil moisturetreatments. At silking, the total non-structural carbohydratecontent of the hybrids' vegetative tissue was not changed asa result of drought stress, whereas their reduced nitrogen (N)contents were decreased by an average of 33%. B73 x LH38 andFS854 had greater grain carbohydrate and reduced N contentsunder irrigation and smaller decreases in those variables asa result of soil moisture deficit than did the other two hybrids.These results indicate that the greater drought tolerance ofB73 x LH38 and FS854 to stress imposed during vegetative andearly reproductive development resulted from their more activeN uptake and assimilation and sugar production during the laterportion of grain fill and from their more efficient partitioningof assimilate to the developing kernels. Zea mays L., maize, drought stress, nitrogen, carbohydrates, hybrids, partitioning  相似文献   

Understanding the time-course of dry matter (DM) and nitrogen (N) accumulation in terms of yield–trait relationships is essential to simultaneously increase grain yield and synchronize N demand and N supply. We collected 413 data points from 11 field experiments to address patterns of DM and N accumulation with time in relation to grain yield and management of winter wheat in China. Detailed growth analysis was conducted at the Zadok growth stages (GS) 25 (regreening), GS30 (stem elongation), GS60 (anthesis), and GS100 (maturity) in all experiments, including DM and N accumulation. Grain yield averaged 7.3 Mg ha−1, ranging from 2.1 to 11.2 Mg ha−1. The percent N accumulation was consistent prior to DM accumulation, while both DM and N accumulation increased continuously with growing time. Both the highest and fastest DM and N accumulations were observed from stem elongation to the anthesis stage. Significant correlations between grain yield and DM and N accumulation were found at each of the four growth stages, although no positive relationship was observed between grain yield and harvest index or N harvest index. The yield increase from 7–9 Mg ha−1 to >9 Mg ha−1 was mainly attributed to increased DM and N accumulation from stem elongation to anthesis. Although applying more N fertilizer increased N accumulation during this stage, DM accumulation was not improved, indicating that N fertilizer management and related agronomic management should be intensified synchronously across the wheat growing season to simultaneously achieve high yields and match N demand and N supply.  相似文献   

Phaseolus vulgaris cv. Glamis plants grown at 7 and 28 W m–228 W m–2 in controlled environment cabinets showed copiousnodulation and high levels of acetylene reducing activity. Earlydifferences in nodulation were apparent before differences inphotosynthesis and were attributed to an effect of far-red lighton nodule development. Total plant nitrogen content was greater at 28 W m–2 thanat 7 W –2 but nitrogen content as a percentage of d. wtwas greater at the lower irradiance level. Total acetylene reducing activity (nmol. min–1 root–1)was greater at 28 W m–2 than at 7 W –2, but therewas no irradiance effect on specific activity (nmol. min–1g d. wt of pink nodules–1 or nmol. min–1 pink nodule–1). Transfer of 40-day-old plants from 7 W m–2 to 28 W m–2resulted in increased nodulesize(due toincreased size of infectedcells), accompanied by increased total, but not specific, acetylenereducing activity. Transfer of plants from 28 W m–2 to 7 W m–2 resultedin a fall of total acetylene reducing activity within 24 h,and senescence of large nodules. Specific acetylene reducingactivity was unaffected The results are interpreted as an effect of light on the productionof nitrogen fixing tissue, rather than on nitrogenase activity.  相似文献   

Nitrogen assimilation of pea plants (Pisum sativum cv. Meteor)was studied in growth cabinets tinder a range of water, salt,and aeration regimes in the rooting medium. Treatments wereimposed in the period 14–30 d after germination usingseedlings already nodulated in an optimum root environment. Highest nitrogen fixation in water culture required a strengthof culture solution one fifth of that optimal for fixation insand culture. Fixation in water culture of optimum strengthwas significantly improved by continuous bubble aeration orby lowering the level of culture solution below the main zoneof nodulation. However, if supra-optimal concentrations of solutionwere used, fixation was markedly inhibited by lowering the solutionlevel, this being associated with an accumulation of high levelsof salts on exposed root and nodule surfaces. In – N (minus nitrogen) sand culture continuous waterloggingreduced nitrogen content to 40 per cent of that of non-stressedplants. In nitrate-fed plants waterlogging effects were lesssevere. Waterlogging decreased nodule tissue production anddecreased the specific activity of nitrogenase, as assayed byacetylene reduction. These effects were most marked three ormore cm below the sand surface. Watering on alternate days with free drainage at all times yieldedmaximum fixation in – N sand culture. Regimes increasingthe extent of waterlogging or drying out in comparison withthis optimum produced increasingly great decreases in nitrogenfixation. For equivalent reductions in total fixation, percentageN in dry matter was consistently lower in waterlogged than indroughted plants suggesting that excess water had the more specificeffect on symbiotic activity. Both forms of stress affectedparticularly the transport of nitrogen from root to shoot.  相似文献   

Nodul{macron}ted alfalfa plants were grown hydroponically. Inorder to quantify N2 fixation and remobilization of N reservesduring regrowth the plants were pulse-chase-labelled with 15N.Starch and ethanol-soluble sugar contents were analysed to examinechanges associated with those of N compounds. Shoot removalcaused a severe decline in N2 fixation and starch reserves within6 d after cutting. The tap root was the major storage site formetabolizable carbohydrate compounds used for regrowth; initiallyits starch content decreased and after 14 d started to recoverreaching 50% of the initial value on day 24. Recovery of N2fixation followed the same pattern as shoot regrowth. Afteran initial decline during the first 10 d following shoot removal,the N2 fixation, leaf area and shoot dry weight increased sorapidly that their levels on day 24 exceeded initial values.Distribution of 15N within the plant clearly showed that a significantamount of endogenous nitrogen in the roots was used by regrowingshoots. The greatest use of N reserves (about 80% of N incrementin the regrowing shoot) occurred during the first 10 d and thencompensated for the low N2 fixation. The distribution of N derivedeither from fixation or from reserves of source organs (taproots and lateral roots) clearly showed that shoots are thestronger sink for nitrogen during regrowth. In non-defoliatedplants, the tap roots and stems were weak sinks for N from reserves.By contrast, relative distribution within the plant of N assimilatedin nodules was unaffected by defoliation treatment. Key words: Medicago sativa L., N2 fixation, N remobilization, N2 partitioning, regrowth  相似文献   

BIEMOND  H.; VOS  J. 《Annals of botany》1992,70(1):37-45
Potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) were planted in pots in a temperature-controlledglasshouse The treatments consisted of three levels of nitrogensupply, ie 25, 8 and 16 g N per pot (treatments called N1, N2and N3) The accumulation rates of dry matter and nitrogen showedan upper limit of response to nitrogen supply, N3 plants continuedto accumulate dry matter and N at a constant rate for a longerperiod of time than N2 and N1 plants The uptake of nitrogenslowed earlier in time than the rate of dry matter accumulationin all treatments. The proportion of the dry matter in tubersof mature plants was not affected by nitrogen treatment, butthe start of tuber bulking was delayed in the N3 plants Thefinal proportion of total plant nitrogen in the tubers was similarfor all treatments The concentration of nitrogen in the drymatter of mature plants increased with the level of N supplyMaximum haulm weight increased with the level of N supply Apicallateral branches of the first and second order made up largerproportions of the total haulm dry weight and total leaf areaas more nitrogen was supplied. Yet, the distribution of drymatter over stems and leaves was not different between nitrogentreatments Stems were the most responsive to N treatment interms of N concentrations In each of the component organs (stems, leaves, tubers) theconcentration of nitrogen declined with time Fairly strong associationswere observed between the concentrations of N in component organs.The concentration of nitrate in leaves usually increased initiallywith leaf age, peaked and declined. A substantial part of thedifferences between treatments in the concentrations of N inleaf dry matter were attributable to differences in nitrateconcentration Nitrate in stems and tubers fell virtually belowthe limit of detection at total nitrogen concentrations of lessthan 1%, but increased in proportion to total N above that threshold,especially in stems Potato, Solanum tuberosum L, dry matter production, dry matter distribution, nitrogen nutrition, nitrogen distribution, nitrogen concentration  相似文献   

不同夏玉米品种生育后期干物质及氮素积累分配的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
选择陕西关中地区推广的10个玉米杂交种,在施氮和不施氮处理下对其产量,不同器官对籽粒氮转移量的差异进行比较分析。对10个杂交种进行分类并选择有代表性的3个品种,对各器官干物质和养分累积动态变化进行比较。结果显示,同一施氮量处理下,在玉米生育后期,不同品种各个器官的干物质和养分转移有很大差异,对 H-H型‘户单4’来说,灌浆期开始后除籽粒外的所有器官都是“源”,且植株还有较高的吸收氮素的能力,而L-L型‘豫玉22’和H-L型‘户单2000’在灌浆开始后有一段时间茎仍然作为“库”存在,且植株吸收氮素的能力下降。  相似文献   

气候条件和栽培管理技术直接影响着高梁的干物质积累状况和最终产量。在栽培技术基本相同条件下,干物质的积累主要受气候条件所制约。因此,通过分析不同产量年型下气候  相似文献   

The accumulation of nitrite in nodules was investigated to elucidatethe mechanism of inhibition of nitrogen fixation in nodulesof soybean (Glycine max. [L.] Merr.) plants supplied with nitrate.Acetylene-reducing activity (ARA) in nodules fell within 24h as a result of the supply of exogenous nitrate, accompaniedby an increase in the accumulation of nitrite in the cytosolbut not in the bacteroids of nodules. Nitrate reductase (NR)activity in the nodule cytosol remained high, irrespective ofthe supply of nitrate. Nitrosylleghemoglobin (LbNO) was detectedspectrophotometrically in the extract from nodules in whichnitrogen fixation was inhibited by nitrate. In experiments invitro, it was found that LbNO was easily formed from leghemoglobinin the presence of nitrite and dithionite. Thus, it is suggested that nitrogen fixation was inhibited primarilyby a decrease in the function of leghemoglobin, attributableto the formation of LbNO, which was caused by the accumulationof nitrite generated from nitrate by NR in the nodule cytosol. (Received August 22, 1989; Accepted January 24, 1990)  相似文献   

水稻光合生产与干物质累积的动态模拟   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
在综合已有研究成果的基础上,兼顾模型的机理性与实用性的平衡,构建了水稻光合生产与干物质累积的模拟模型.模型采用高斯积分法有效地计算冠层每日的总光合量,并考虑了冠层消光系数随生理发育时间(PDT)的动态变化,模型较充分地量化了生理年龄、温度、叶片含氮量及水分亏缺因子等对光合作用的影响及维持呼吸系数与PDT的动态变化关系、利用独立的试验资料对模型核实的结果显示,模型可以较好地预测不同生长条件下的生物量累积动态,具有较强的机理性与实用性.  相似文献   

为了探讨黄芩干物质累积和氮、磷、钾吸收与分配的特点及两者间的相互关系,通过田间试验和采样分析,研究了黄芩不同生育期植株的干物质和氮、磷、钾累积量.结果表明,黄芩干物质的累积量随生育进程不断地增加,出苗后52~85 d干物质累积量占总累积量的61.62%.在整个生育期,黄芩对K2O的吸收累积量最大,N次之,P2O5最小,N、P2O5、K2O吸收比例约为2.8∶1.0∶2.9,并且黄芩地上部氮磷钾的累积量大于根部,不同生育期,根部N、P2O5、K2O的累积比例呈现增加—降低—增加的趋势.黄芩对氮磷钾的积累量与干物质积累量呈极显著正相关关系.在供试的土壤和施肥条件下,每生产100 kg的黄芩根需要从土壤和肥料中吸收6.34 kg的N,2.60 kg的P2O5,7.02 kg的K2O.  相似文献   

Sultana  N.  Ikeda  T.  Kashem  M.A. 《Photosynthetica》2002,40(1):115-119
To understand the physiology of rice under seawater salinity, potted rice plants were irrigated with different concentrations of Japan seawater (electrical conductivity 0.9, 5.7, 11.5, or 21.5 mS cm-1) from 10 d after transplanting (DAT) to 35 DAT, and from 75 to 100 DAT. Seawater salinity decreased the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentration, transpiration rate, leaf water and osmotic potentials, and relative water content, and increased leaf temperature. The contents of chlorophylls, carotenoids, and total sugars significantly decreased in the leaves but content of non-reducing sugars decreased only slightly. With increasing salinity the Na+ concentration increased, while Ca2+, Mn2+, and K+ concentrations decreased. Salinity decreased the contents of sugars and proteins, dry mass, and rate of dry mater accumulation in developing grains.  相似文献   

Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi exist widely in natural ecosystems as well as in salt-affected soils and are considered suitable candidates for bio-amelioration of saline soils. Plants respond to salinity by accumulating sugars and other low-molecular-weight compatible solutes. One such compound is trehalose, which has been found to play an important role as a stress protectant. The aim of the present investigation was to study interactions between an AM fungus and salinity stress on growth, nitrogen fixation, and trehalose metabolism in Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. (pigeonpea). Two genotypes [Sel 85N (salt-tolerant) and ICP 13997 (salt-sensitive)] were subjected to saline treatments with and without mycorrhizal inoculations. Salinity reduced plant biomass (shoot and root) in both genotypes and resulted in a decline in shoot-to-root ratio (SRR); however, a smaller decline was observed in Sel 85N than in ICP 13997. AM colonization was reduced with increasing salinity levels but mycorrhizal responsiveness (MR) increased. Genotypic variability in nitrogen fixation and trehalose metabolism in response to salinity and mycorrhization was observed. An increment in nodule number was accompanied by a reduction in dry mass. Subsequently, nodular activity (leghemoglobin, acetylene-reduction activity [ARA], nitrogen content) was reduced under soil salinity, which was more profound in ICP 13997 than in Sel 85N. The symbiotic association with Glomus mosseae led to significant improvement in plant dry mass and nitrogen-fixing potential of nodules under salt stress. Salinity led to an increase in trehalose-6-P synthetase (TPS) and trehalose-6-P phosphatase (TPP) activities resulting in increased trehalose content in nodules, which was accompanied by inhibition of trehalose catabolism (trehalase activity). AM plants had lower trehalase activity under saline and nonsaline conditions. Thus, a symbiotic relationship between plant roots and G. mosseae might have resulted in salinity tolerance in a genotype-dependent manner.  相似文献   

The patterns of fruit growth, abscission and dry matter accumulationwere determined for ungirdled macadamia branches and comparedwith the patterns on girdled branches. The relationships betweenfruit set, fruit drop, and the number of available leaves werealso assessed. Approximately 50 leaves were required to supportdevelopment of each fruit on girdled branches, so that finalfruit numbers on girdled branches were higher or lower thanon ungirdled controls, depending on leaf number. High leaf numbersdid not cause any increase in fruit size on girdled branches,but low leaf numbers resulted in fruit volumes up to 23% lowerthan the controls. The number of fruits set on ungirdled brancheswas independent of the number of leaves on the branch. Defoliationof ungirdled branches had no effect on the number of fruitsset, with fruit set on these branches apparently being supportedalmost entirely from carbohydrates obtained elsewhere in thetree. Three phases of fruit drop were observed, with maximaat 2, 6-7, and 10 weeks post-anthesis, separated by phases ofrelatively low fruit drop at 4 and 8 weeks post-anthesis. Themaximum dry weight increase of the crop occurred between 10and 20 weeks post-anthesis, when there was very little fruitdrop. Therefore, although limited availability of assimilatesmay influence fruit retention in macadamia, there is no simplerelationship between structural carbon demand and fruit drop.Copyright1994, 1999 Academic Press Macadamia integrifolia Maiden and Betche, Macadamia tetraphylla L. A. S. Johnson, Proteaceae, macadamia, fruit set, fruit drop, girdling  相似文献   

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