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Some damaging effects that occur during cryopreservation by freezing to -196 degrees C have been evaluated in rabbit taenia coli by analyzing the proportional recovery of acetylcholine- and histamine-induced maximal contractions. Dimethyl sulfoxide (Me2SO) 10 v/v% was used as the cryoprotectant; it reversibly abolishes spontaneous contractility even after incubation at 37 degrees C during 2 hr. Programmed freezing at 0.6 degrees C/min with compensation for the latent heat of fusion and warming at 35 degrees C/min proved to be slightly superior to programmed cooling without compensation and slower warming. The degree of functional recovery was comparable after either abrupt or stepwise removal of Me2SO. Freeze-thawing resulted in a significant reduction of contractile force in each buffer solution tested, and acetylcholine-induced contractility was always better preserved than histamine-induced contractility. The best preservation (approximately 65%) was obtained in a potassium-rich buffer solution. The absence of calcium and magnesium from the incubating medium had no influence, whereas the presence of EDTA significantly affected functional recovery. It is difficult to compare our results with those reported by others because of multiple methodological differences. However, it seems that previous results can be improved by changing the freezing rate and the composition of the incubating and cryoprotecting medium.  相似文献   

The authors tested preserving properties of three concentrations of dimethylsulphoxide (15%, 10% and 7.5%) in preservation of rat bone marrow cells at -150 degrees C. Cells of rat bone marrow were frozen at 1 degree C/min to -20 degrees C, 5 degrees C/min to -80 degrees C and then placed directly at -150 degrees C and held at such temperature for 6 months. Vitality of cells was checked monthly for a period of 6 months by means of several vitality tests with dyes (eosin and trypane blue), autoradiography and erythrophagocytosis. It was found that cells capable of cleavage could be equally preserved at such low temperature with all the three DMSO concentrations while mature cells (granulocytes, reticular cells) revealed considerably higher erythrophagocytic activity when preserved at 15% DMSO and lower activity at 10% and 7.5% DMSO.  相似文献   

We have studied the viability of Haemophilus spp. preserved for 5 to 12 months at -70 degrees C. The following media were used: Laboratoire de Santé Publique du Québec (LSPQ) preservation medium, trypticase soy broth with 10 degrees C (vol/vol) glycerol and 40 degrees C (vol/vol) horse serum (TSBG), and Levinthal's broth (LB) medium. Three clinical isolates of both H. influenzae and H. parainfluenzae were used. After 5 months no differences in viability were observed between strains preserved in TSBG and strains preserved in LB, but a significant loss of viability was observed in strains preserved in LSPQ medium. No significant changes in antimicrobial susceptibility were observed after 5-month storage in any medium. After 12 months, TSBG appeared to be the most suitable cryopreservation medium for the six strains tested. We conclude that TSBG represents a good medium for the maintenance of Haemophilus spp. at -70 degrees C for up to 1 year.  相似文献   

The X-ray crystal structure of trypsin-S195C, a rat anionic trypsin mutant in which the active site serine has been replaced by cysteine, was determined at -150 degrees C and room temperature to 1.6 A resolution, R = 15.4% and 1.8 A resolution, R = 15.0%, respectively. Cryo-crystallography was employed to improve the quality of the diffraction data and the resulting structure by eliminating radiation damage and decreasing atomic thermal motion. The average temperature factor decreased by 10 A2 relative to that of the room temperature structure. No radiation-induced decay of the data was detected. The side-chains of the catalytic cysteine and histidine of trypsin-S195C are found with 25% occupancy in secondary orientations rotated 104 degrees and 90 degrees out of the active site, respectively. These alterations, as well as more subtle changes in the active site may be caused by the oxidation of the catalytic sulfur to sulfenic acid. The position of the carbonyl carbon of the tetrahedral intermediate analog, p-amidinophenylpyruvic acid, modeled into trypsin-S195C, is 1.1 A from the catalytic sulfur. The large size and altered approach of the catalytic sulfur to substrates could account for the observed low catalytic activity relative to wild-type trypsin. In addition to the benzamidine in the specificity pocket, two additional binding sites for benzamidine are characterized. One of these mediates an intermolecular contact that appears to maintain the crystal lattice.  相似文献   

Freeze-fracturing in ultrahigh vacuum at -196 degrees C   总被引:1,自引:7,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Conventional freeze-etching is carried out in a vacuum of approximately 10(-6) torr and at a specimen temperature of -100 degrees C. The relatively poor topographic resolution of most freeze-etch replicas, and the lack of complementarity of morphological details in double replicas have been thought to be caused by structural distortions during fracturing, and radiation damage during replication. Both phenomena can be reduced by lowering the specimen temperature. To prevent condensation of residual gases (especially H2O) on the fracture faces at lower specimen temperature, an improved vacuum is required. Therefore, an ultrahigh vacuum freeze-fracture apparatus has been developed which allows fracturing and Pt/C-shadowing of specimens at -196 degrees C while maintaining a vacuum of 10(-9) torr. It consists of a modified Balzers BA 350 ultrahigh vacuum (UHV) unit, equipped with an airlock which enables the input of nonhoar-frosted specimens directly into the evacuated bell jar. A comparison of the paracrystalline plasmalemma structure in yeast cells portrayed by the conventional technique and by UHV-freeze-fracturing at -196 degrees C shows the improved topographic resolution which has been achieved with the new technique. The improvement is explained by less structural distortions during fracturing at lower temperatures. The particles of the paracrystalline regions on the P face are more regularly arranged and exhibit a craterlike substructure which corresponds with a ringlike depression in the E face. The optical diffraction patterns of these paracrystalline regions demonstrate the improvement of the structural record by showing well-defined third- and fourth-order spots.  相似文献   

Low temperatures can assure the long-term or even indefinite preservation of important biological specimens. Nematode cryopreservation allows for the availability of large numbers of living nematodes at any one time, especially for experimental purposes. New isolates of Bursaphelenchus have recently been collected, including Bursaphelenchus eremus (Rühm) Goodey. This species was identified in north-central Italy on dying oak trees and from the bark beetle Scolytus intricatus Ratzeburg as dauer larvae. We therefore, sought to develop a cryopreservation technique for the long-term storage of all available Bursaphelenchus spp. The technique consists of a rapid-cooling protocol involving immersion in a liquid nitrogen bath before storage of the frozen samples in a mechanical freezer at -140 degrees C. The survival of nematodes subjected to this rapid-cooling protocol was higher than previously reported using slow-cooling methods and is suitable for several species of Bursaphelenchus and other phytoparasitic nematodes.  相似文献   

Embryos (8-16 cell) were obtained from random bred albino mice (6-8 weeks old) that were induced to superovulate by injections of 5 I.U. PMSG and 5 I.U. hCG given 48 hr apart. Embryos were exposed to intracellular cryoprotecting medium (glycerol 10%, 1-2 propanediol 20% in PBS) for 10 min and then transferred to extracellular vitrification medium (25% glycerol, 25% 1-2 propanediol in PBS). Vitrification medium containing embryos, and diluent (1 M sucrose) were loaded in a straw and immediately plunged into liquid N2. After thawing at 20 degrees C, the contents of the straw were mixed by shaking (1 step dilution) and emptied in a petri dish. After 3 washings in culture medium the embryos were kept in CO2 incubator for further development. In 3-step dilution procedure the dilution of cryoprotectants was done in 0.5 and 0.25 M sucrose before culture. Embryos in 3-step dilution of cryoprotectants exhibited high survival as compared to 1-step dilution (20.23% vs 6.55%).  相似文献   

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