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Studies have been made on the cholesterol content of the brain in 73 species of vertebrates. Cholesterol content increases in both aquatic and terrestrial animals in evolutionary row. Significant variations in cholesterol content were noted within the same class. Comparative studies revealed correlation between changes in phospholipids and cholesterol on one hand and various glycolipids on the other. It is suggested that cholesterol content of the brain in vertebrates depends on ecological factors rather than on taxonomic position of animals.  相似文献   

Brain proteolipids in representatives of different vertebrate classes   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Folch-Lees proteolipid complexes of different purity (crude proteolipids and relative pure proteolipids) were isolated from vertebrate brain: mammalia (Macaca irus, Macaca rhesus and white rat), birds (Columbia livia), reptilia (Testudo horsfieldi), amphibia (Rana temporaria) and fishes (Salmo irideus). The proteolipid complexes were isolated by emulsion-centrifugation method. The content of proteolipid protein (mg/g w. w.) correlates with the level of phylogenetic development of the animals studied. It is the highest in monkey brain (10.5 and 8.6 mg/g) and the lowest in fish brain (2.2 mg/g). The yield of proteolipids from the brains of animals studied shows the same pattern. Crude proteolipids of mammalia, birds and reptiles contain 40-50% of protein and 60-50% of lipids. The content of phospholipids is about 40%. Proteolipids of amphibia and fish brain contain less protein--about 30%. In the conditions of mild purification, the protein content in mammalia, birds and reptilia makes up about 70% and lipid content--about 30-35%. The crude and purified proteolipids in all the animals studied (as compared with the original lipid extracts from which they were isolated) are enriched in acid phospholipids: phosphatidyl serine, phosphatidyl inositol and diphosphatidyl glycerol. Acid phospholipids in total lipid extract make up 10-20% of total phospholipids, in crude proteolipids 16-32 and in purified proteolipids--56-75%. There are no marked differences between fatty acid composition of phospholipids in proteolipids and in the same phospholipids isolated from total lipid extract.  相似文献   

A sheep antibody to human Tamm-Horsfall protein, the major protein in normal urine, was used in an immunohistological study of organs of 48 species of vertebrate animals, representing the classes Mammalia, Aves, Reptilia, Amphibia, Osteichthyes and Chondrichthyes. Immunoreacvity was shown in the thick limb of the loop of Henle in the kidney of mammals, but there was no reactivity with tissues of birds or reptiles. Superficial layers of the skin of several amphibians and fish, superficial layers of the oral mucosa and gills of fish, and the distal tubules of the kidney of some amphibians, reacted with the antibody. Immunoreactivity with mammalian kidney was removed by passage of the antibody down an immunoadsorption column coated with human Tamm-Horsfall protein, and amphibian immunoreactivity was removed by incubation of the antibody with material prepared from frogs in the same way as Tamm-Horsfall protein. These findings suggest that immunoreactive Tamm-Horsfall protein appeared early in vertebrate phylogeny, initially in skin and gills and later in kidney, and that although conserved in evolution, it shows antigenic differences between amphibians and mammals. Its distribution is consistent with the hypothesis that it acts as a waterproofing agent.  相似文献   

The chromosomes of the stemlines were analyzed in three cell lines stored in the Cell Bank of the South Jersey Medical Research Foundation, Camden, N. J. The cell lines were of marsupial, amphibian and teleostean origin, and 10 to 25 complete chromosome analyses in each of them formed the basis for idiograms. In the marsupial and the frog, comparison could be made with the normal karyotype of the species.Dedicated to Professor J. Seiler on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   

The carbohydrate groups of the glycoproteins of human, hamster, chick, reptile and fish cells growing in culture have been fractionated in succession according to size (Sephadex G-50), affinity for concanavalin A, charge (DEAE-Sephadex) and by thin-layer chromatography. It was found that despite the complexity of the array of separable glycopeptides in each type of cell, most of these structures seemed to be common to all of the cells. This suggests that they have existed in a relatively stable state for several hundreds of millions of years throughout the evolution of the vertebrates.  相似文献   

We report that two types of cGMP-activated channel coexist in the photoreceptor plasma membrane, with the most commonly encountered class appearing broadly similar to the channel reported in previous patch-pipette experiments. However, we find that flickering of this channel between the open and closed states is so rapid that a discrete single-channel conductance cannot unequivocally be resolved; the occurrence of flickering is largely independent of membrane voltage and of the presence of cytoplasmic Ca2+ or Mg2+. In recordings from the inner segment we occasionally find a second class of cGMP-gated channel, with activity resembling that reported for cloned channels. This channel does not flicker, but instead exhibits distinct open-close transitions. Our results suggest that the predominant form of channel in vivo differs significantly from cloned channels, and that its gating properties are not as simple as reported previously.  相似文献   

A fundamental question associated with the function of ion channels is the conformational changes that allow for reversibly opening/occluding the pore through which the cations permeate. The recently elucidated crystal structures of potassium channels reveal similar structural motifs at their pore-forming regions, suggesting that they share a common gating mechanism. The validity of this hypothesis is explored by analyzing the collective dynamics of five known K(+) channel structures. Normal-mode analysis using the Gaussian network model strikingly reveals that all five structures display the same intrinsic motions at their pore-forming region despite the differences in their sequences, structures, and activation mechanisms. Superposition of the most cooperative mode profiles shows that the identified common mechanism is a global corkscrew-like counterrotation of the extracellular and cytoplasmic (CP) regions, leading to the opening of the CP end of the pore. A second cooperative mode shared by all five K(+) channels is the extension of the extracellular and/or CP ends via alternating anticorrelated fluctuations of pairs of diagonally opposite monomers. Residues acting as hinges/anchors in both modes are highly conserved across the members of the family of K(+) channel proteins, consistent with their presently disclosed critical mechanical role in pore gating.  相似文献   

Five morphologically distinct classes of neurons can be identified within the neuropil of the gerbil lateral superior olivary nucleus (LSO) by using a variety of histological techniques and electron microscopy. The physical features of these five classes resemble those found in the cat LSO and are identified, by using criteria and nomenclature established for the cat, as principal neurons, multiplanar neurons, marginal neurons, small neurons, and class 5 neurons. Principal cells compose approximately 75% of the total LSO neuronal population. They possess a discoid dendritic organization and are oriented rostrocaudally, perpendicular to the transverse curvatures of the LSO. Roughly 8% of the LSO population is composed of multiplanar neurons, whose dendritic fields are not restricted to any single plane of section. Both principal and multiplanar neurons share similar cytoplasmic features, and greater than 65% of their perikaryal surface is in contact with synaptic terminals. Small neurons compose approximately 11% of the LSO neurons, have the lowest percentage of their somal surface contacted by synaptic terminals (approximately 8%), and are found mostly in the middle/medial portions of the LSO. Marginal neurons, which compose approximately 6% of the LSO population, appear similar to principal neurons at the light microscopic level except that they are found along the contours of the LSO, oriented orthogonal to principal neurons. Approximately 28% of the somal surface of marginal neurons is in contact with synaptic terminals. The class 5 neuronal somata receive a similar number of axosomatic synaptic contacts as marginal neurons (approximately 31%) but are found well within the matrix of the LSO, aligned parallel to principal neurons. Class 5 neurons share the same light microscopic features as principal neurons and can be identified electron microscopically based only on the reduced percentage of somal surface occupied by synaptic terminals.  相似文献   

The synovial membrane (SM) of some representatives of four terrestrial vertebrate classes was studied by means of scanning electron microscope (SEM). The figures of SM of the mammals (man, mini-pig), birds (fowl, Gallus domesticus L.), reptiles (lizard, Lacerta viridis Laur. and turtle, Testudo graeca L.) and amphibians (frog, Rana esculanta L.) are documented. The SM of all animal species investigated presents a great locally variable appearance in form and surface arrangement of the living cells. The surface of synoviocytes is mostly very rough, forked, the cells having a plenty of wart-like, spiny-like or leaf-like microvilli, with cytoplasmic projections protruding from cell bodies. The largest possible functional surface of SM in mammals is formed by multiple villi and folds, whereas in other animal classes--by a specific arrangement of the lining cells. Locally variable appearance of synoviocytes from human and rabbit joints was described by Date (1979); we have documented the same in birds, reptiles and amphibians, as well. Three characteristic types of locally variable appearance of the surface lining cells were picked out in representatives of the every animal class cited. These cells correspond to the histological types, classified by Key. Beside these basic types, a number of transitory cells appear, that increase the diversity of the appearance of the lining cells in different regions of the SM. We may conclude that all the synoviocytes present the largest possible functional surface, although their external form differs. Their cytoplasm contains all sorts of organelles necessary for synthesis and secretion of mucopolysaccharides of the synovial liquid, as well as for the resorption and phagocytosis.  相似文献   

Some sequence-induced physical properties of the region of the replication origin in human, mouse, rat, ox and xenopus mitochondrial DNA have been studied: characteristic profiles of stability can be observed, a consensus pattern of hydrogen bond donor/acceptor associated to a symmetrical distribution of base roll angles variation is found upstream of the 5' ends of the D-loop strand. In spite of diversity, evolution has conserved the collective physical properties in parts of the origin of replication region suggesting specific functions for these non-coding sequences.  相似文献   

Atrazine is the most commonly detected pesticide contaminant of ground water, surface water, and precipitation. Atrazine is also an endocrine disruptor that, among other effects, alters male reproductive tissues when animals are exposed during development. Here, we apply the nine so-called "Hill criteria" (Strength, Consistency, Specificity, Temporality, Biological Gradient, Plausibility, Coherence, Experiment, and Analogy) for establishing cause-effect relationships to examine the evidence for atrazine as an endocrine disruptor that demasculinizes and feminizes the gonads of male vertebrates. We present experimental evidence that the effects of atrazine on male development are consistent across all vertebrate classes examined and we present a state of the art summary of the mechanisms by which atrazine acts as an endocrine disruptor to produce these effects. Atrazine demasculinizes male gonads producing testicular lesions associated with reduced germ cell numbers in teleost fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals, and induces partial and/or complete feminization in fish, amphibians, and reptiles. These effects are strong (statistically significant), consistent across vertebrate classes, and specific. Reductions in androgen levels and the induction of estrogen synthesis - demonstrated in fish, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals - represent plausible and coherent mechanisms that explain these effects. Biological gradients are observed in several of the cited studies, although threshold doses and patterns vary among species. Given that the effects on the male gonads described in all of these experimental studies occurred only after atrazine exposure, temporality is also met here. Thus the case for atrazine as an endocrine disruptor that demasculinizes and feminizes male vertebrates meets all nine of the "Hill criteria".  相似文献   

Mature spermatozoa from five species of cicadas of the subfamily Cicadettinae (Quintilia wealei, Melampsalta leucoptera, Stagira simplex, Xosopsaltria thunbergi and Monomatapa matoposa) were examined by light and electron microscopy. In each species sperm are elongate, aggregated into organized bundles with their heads embedded in a homogenous matrix to form spermatodesmata, and exhibit polymegaly. The head of the sperm consist of an anteriorly positioned conical acrosome that has a tubular substructure and a deep, posterior invagination that forms the subacrosomal space (eccentrically positioned anteriorly). The acrosome is flattened anteriorly; posteriorly it extends along either side of the nucleus as two tubular processes that gradually decrease in diameter. The filiform nucleus tapers anteriorly and intrudes into the subscrosomal space. Posteriorly the nucleus has a lateral invagination that houses material of the so-called centriolar adjunct. Posterior to the centriolar adjuct and the nucleus are two crystalline mitochondrial derivatives and a centriole, respectively, the latter giving rise to the axoneme, which has a 9 + 9 + 2 arrangement of microtubules. In these respects the sperm are similar to those of platypleurine cicadas. However, some features seem unique to cicadettines, including the structural organization of an enlarged centriolar adjunct and the dimensions of the tails. The enlarged centriolar adjunct has a lamella-like substructure and can be considered a synapomorphic character in the Cicadettinae. It is, therefore, potentially useful in the separation of this subfamily from the Cicadinae. In addition, the great length of the sperm nucleus of long-headed sperm in M. matoposa could be a synapomorphy of this genus and related taphurine and cicadettine species.  相似文献   

Spinosad is a commercial reduced-risk pesticide that is naturally derived. Spinosad's performance was evaluated on four classes of wheat (hard red winter, hard red spring, soft red winter, and durum wheats) against adults of the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.); rice weevil, Sitophilus oryzae (L.); sawtoothed grain beetle, Oryzaephilus surinamensis (L.); red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum (Herbst); and larvae of the Indianmeal moth, Plodia interpunctella (Hübner). Beetle adults (25) or P. interpunctella eggs (50) were exposed to untreated wheat and wheat treated with spinosad at 0.1 and 1 mg (AI)/kg of grain. On all untreated wheat classes, adult beetle mortality ranged from 0 to 6%, and P. interpunctella larval mortality ranged from 10 to 19%. The effects of spinosad on R. dominica and P. interpunctella were consistent across all wheat classes. Spinosad killed all exposed R. dominica adults and significantly suppressed progeny production (84-100%) and kernel damage (66-100%) at both rates compared with untreated wheat. Spinosad was extremely effective against P. interpunctella on all wheat classes at 1 mg/kg, based on larval mortality (97.6-99.6%), suppression of egg-to-adult emergence (93-100%), and kernel damage (95-100%), relative to similar effects on untreated wheats. The effects of spinosad on S. oryzae varied among wheat classes and between spinosad rates. Spinosad was effective against S. oryzae, O. surinamensis and T. castaneun only on durum wheat at 1 mg/kg. Our results suggest spinosad to be a potential grain protectant for R. dominica and P. interpunctella management in stored wheat.  相似文献   



Chaperonin proteins are well known for the critical role they play in protein folding and in disease. However, the recent identification of three diverged chaperonin paralogs associated with the human Bardet-Biedl and McKusick-Kaufman Syndromes (BBS and MKKS, respectively) indicates that the eukaryotic chaperonin-gene family is larger and more differentiated than previously thought. The availability of complete genome sequences makes possible a definitive characterization of the complete set of chaperonin sequences in human and other species.  相似文献   

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