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Differences in autonomic nerve activity between athletes and controls during supine rest and standing were investigated by recording the cardiac rhythm in 18 professional cyclists and 11 controls. We computed four indexes of autonomic control: the standard deviation (SD) of the interbeat intervals, the coefficient of variance (CV) of the interbeat intervals, the percentage of successive intervals differing by more than 50 ms (pNN50), and the fraction low-frequency (0.07–0.14 Hz) spectral power (LF), and we also measured the mean interbeat interval (MI). Significant differences (Student's t-test, P < 0.005) between the athletes and the controls in the supine position were found for pNN50 [mean 52.6 (SEM 2.5) vs 37.1 (SEM 3.4)%], LF [mean 32.2 (SEM 1.6) vs 40.7 (SEM 2.1) normalized units], and MI [mean 1241 (SEM 20) vs 1021 (SEM 25) ms]. A significant difference between the athletes and the controls in the standing position was found for MI [mean 888 (SEM 13) vs 801 (SEM 23) ms]. These results would suggest that there is a parasympathetic predominance in athletes in the supine, but not in the standing position. The finding that pNN50 and LF, but not SD and CV, differed between the athletes and the controls, would seem to demonstrate that the differences in autonomic control between the athletes and the controls are reflected in the quality (balance between slow and fast heart rate fluctuations) rather than in the quantity of heart rate variability.  相似文献   

Inflammatory activity, heart rate variability (HRV), and biochemical and functional indices were assessed in young ski racers during the preparation, competition, and recovery periods of an annual training cycle. During the preparation period, autohemodilution (decreased red blood cell count (RBC) and hematocrit (Ht) levels) and a decrease in the systemic inflammatory activity (C-reactive protein) occurred, without significant differences in the HRV or serum protein and lipid profile. During the competition period, the systemic inflammatory activity increased by 50% (p = 0.047), eliminating differences from the control group, and the HRV indices (SDNN, HF, TP, and IT) decreased (p ≤ 0.013), indicating an increase in the sympathetic effects on the HRV. During the recovery period, hematological indices (Ht and RBC), inflammatory activity, and fibrinogen levels decreased, and the parasympathetic effects on the heart increased. These findings allowed us to conclude that mental and physical activation led to a moderate increase in the systemic inflammatory activity and a shift in the sympathovagal balance towards increased sympathetic activity, providing a nonspecific contribution to the physiological regulation of biochemical (lipoproteins and immunoglobulins) and hematological indices in the athletes. However, similar changes in many biochemical and hematological indices in both groups during the year indicated the important role of a common, probably seasonal, factor in the regulation.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence and risks for musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) in relation to previous athletic status and current physical activity level in former athletes. Main anthropometric data, sports history, current physical activity and MSD were estimated using a questionnaire in 219 (148 males, 71 females) former athletes (35-75 years old) and 79 controls (33 males, 46 females). According to the previous participation in top-level sports, former athletes were divided into three groups: (a) endurance, n=120 (76 males, 44 females); (b) speed-power, n=57 (43 males, 14 females); (c) team sports, n=42 (29 males, 13 females). The most prevalent MSD among the male and female ex-athletes were back and knee pain. The endurance ex-athletes group (both males and females) had significantly higher risk for the knee problems than the control group (Odds ratio--OR 5.9, 95% CI 1.7-20.00, p < 0.05). Team sports athletes (males and females) showed significantly higher risk for Achilles' tendon injuries (OR 3.19 95% CI 1.19-8.5, p < 0.05) as compared to controls. Back pain did not show any significant associations with previous physical activity and current physical activity level. Current physical activity was significantly associated with a lower risk for the knee and hip pain. Body mass index was positively associated with knee problems. In conclusion, our study results revealed that previous participation in enduranve sports events is associated with a significantly higher risk for knee problems. At the same time current regular physical exercise 6-11 times per month is associated with a lower prevalence of knee and hip problems as compared to those who exercised less than 6 times per month.  相似文献   

The biochemical parameters of blood in highly qualified athletes coached in different energy regimens after graded bicycle exercise and consuming trial carbohydrate breakfast were studied. The glucose, total protein, albumin, calcium, magnesium, potassium, chlorine, and sodium concentrations were evaluated in blood serum. Significant differences in the glucose, magnesium, sodium and chlorine concentrations in athletes and individuals not going in for sports were found. These results provide evidence for considerable changes in energy and water-salt metabolisms after training under different energy conditions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to establish reference interval for biochemical parameters in blood of alpacas on the basis of large population of clinically healthy animals, and to determine the influence of sex, age and season on nitrogen and lipid metabolites, enzymes, electrolytes, vitamins and minerals in blood of alpacas. Blood samples were collected from 311 alpacas (61 males and 201 females >6 months of age and 49 crias (21 males and 28 females) ⩽6 months of age). Selected farms were located in Central Europe (Czech Republic and Germany). We determined 24 biochemical parameters from blood serum. We performed the comparison of results by the sex of animals and for the older group also the comparison of the results with regard to the season, respectively, to the feeding period. We found no highly significant difference (P<0.01) between males and females with the exception of γ-glutamyl transferase (GGT), alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and cholesterol. We found 15 significantly different parameters between the group of crias 6 months of age and the older alpacas. Based on our findings we suggest for most parameters to use different reference intervals (especially ALP, cholesterol, total protein, globulin, non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), GGT and phosphorus) for the two above-mentioned age groups. Another important finding is the differences between some parameters in older group of alpacas in summer/winter feeding period. Animals in the summer feeding period have higher values of parameters related to fat mobilization (β-hydroxybutyrate, NEFA) and liver metabolism (bilirubin, alanine aminotransferase). The winter period with increased feeding of supplements with higher amount of fat, vitamins and minerals is characteristic by increased values of cholesterol, triglycerides, vitamins A and E, and some minerals (K, Ca, Mg and Cl) in blood serum. Clinical laboratory diagnosis of metabolic disturbances may be improved with use of age-based reference values and with consideration of seasonal differences.  相似文献   

目的:测定先天性白内障大鼠血液常规、生化正常值及血液流变学变化。方法采用XS-800i血常规分析仪和OLYMPUS AV2700生化自动分析仪对185~211 g大鼠共计90只进行血液常规和生化检测及用SA-6600自动血流变测试仪对血液进行流变学的测定。结果血像检测结果是白内障与正常对照同性比较无差异显著性(P >0.05);小眼白内障与正常对照同性比较红细胞宽度(RDW)间差异显著(P <0.01或 P <0.05)。血生化检测结果是白内障大鼠与正常对照组同性间比较白蛋白(ALB)差异显著(P <0.01或P <0.05)雌性与对照组比较尿素(Ure)差异显著(P <0.01),小眼白内障雌性与正常对照比较肌酐(Cr)差异非常显著(P <0.01)。白内障、小眼白内障大鼠的红细胞是雄性的低于雌性(P <0.05,P <0.01)而血小板是雄性的高于雌性(P <0.01),肌酐是雄性低于雌性P <0.01),正常组雄雌间无差异;血液流变学各组间无差异显著性。结论白内障大鼠与正常组大鼠间某些血常规及生化指标有一定的差异,该数据为该鼠在这领域的使用提供参考。  相似文献   

Scrotal circumferences of 119 young bulls of four distinct breeding groups were measured at the end of a feedlot performance test and at the beginning of the breeding season when the bulls were approximately 14 months old, to study the relationships of weight and growth parameters with testes size. Scrotal circumference was positively correlated with body weight at the end of feedlot test in the four breeding groups. The association between scrotal circumference and body weight was much stronger in the breeding group which had been selected for low yeariing weight than in the other three breeding groups which had been selected for high growth rate. The relationships between scrotal circumference and preweaning and postweaning gain differed among the four breeding groups. Preweaning gain was the most important factor in the association between body weight and scrotal circumference among the three beef breeding groups. The results indicated that the preweaning stage was a critical period for testicular development and that the probability of finding beef bulls with smaller than average testes among the bulls selected for weaning weight would be relatively small. Scrotal circumference was reduced (2.5–11%) from the end of feedlot test until the beginning of the breeding season.  相似文献   

In an experiment with seven-day immersion, blood samples were taken from eight volunteers (21 to 26 years old) seven days prior to immersion, on days 3 and 7 of immersion and on days 1 and 8 of recovery. Blood serum was analyzed for 38 biochemical markers of the functional state of the myocardium, skeletal muscles, hepatobiliary system, kidneys, pancreas, gastrointestinal tract, prostate, and protein-nucleic, carbohydrate, electrolyte, and mineral metabolisms. Seven-day immersion was shown to alter the biochemical parameters within the range of the physiological norm. The observed changes included lower activities of enzymes associated with muscular and myocardial constellation, shifts in electrolytes (K, Na, Mg), and an increase in the biliary function parameters. Increased concentrations of the parameters of lipid metabolism suggest a higher risk of atherogenesis. Biochemical parameters of bone tissues and erythrocyte activity were practically unchanged. Most of the parameters returned to the preexperimental values by day 8 of recovery.  相似文献   

Regulation of hemodynamics in young subjects was studied via estimating the variability of circulatory parameters. Slow-wave hemodynamic parameters and heart rate variability were shown to be individual-specific.  相似文献   

AimsWe tested the hypothesis that body fat percentage determines cardiac sympathovagal balance in healthy subjects.Main methodsHeart rate variability (HRV) measurements were made of the standard deviation of the normal–normal RR intervals (SDNN) and the low frequency/high frequency (LF/HF) ratio, from time domain and fast Fourier transform spectral analysis of electrocardiogram RR intervals during trials of uncontrolled and controlled (paced) breathing at 0.2 Hz. Body fat percentage was measured by dual energy x-ray absorptiometric (DEXA) scanning. Significance of differences between uncontrolled and controlled (paced) breathing was determined by analysis of variance and correlations between body fat percentage and HRV measurements by Pearson's coefficient at P < 0.05.Key findingsPercent body fat was negatively correlated with LF/HF during the uncontrolled breathing (r = ? 0.56, two-tailed P < 0.05, one-tailed P < 0.01) but not during the paced breathing trial (r = ? 0.34, (P > 0.1).SignificanceWe conclude that sympathetic activity produced by paced breathing at 0.2 Hz can obscure the relationship between body fat percentage and sympathovagal balance and that high body fat percentage may be associated with low sympathetic modulation of the heart rate in healthy adolescent/young adult males.  相似文献   

目的检测绿色荧光蛋白(green fluorescenc eprotein,GFP)转基因裸鼠血液生理生化指标,为将来的研究提供基础参考值。方法实验选用6~8周GFP转基因裸鼠及对照组BABL/C裸鼠雌雄各30只,取血测定血生化和血常规指标。结果①GFP转基因裸鼠与对照组BABL/C裸鼠比较,白细胞总数(WBC)、尿素(URE)、平均血红蛋浓度(MCHC)、葡萄糖(GLU)差异极显著(P〈0.01);血红蛋白(HGB)、红细胞分布宽度(RDW)、血小板计数(PLT)、尿酸(uA)差异显著(P〈0.05),其它指标差异不显著。②GFP转基因裸鼠雌雄间比较,红细胞分布宽度(RDW)、平均血红蛋白含量(MCH)、平均血红蛋浓度(MCHC)、血小板计数(PLT)、球蛋白(G)、胆固醇(TC)、HDL-胆固醇(HDL—TC)差异极显著(P〈0.01),白蛋白(ALB)、葡萄糖(GLU)差异显著(P〈0.05),其它指标差异不显著。结论转基因GFP转基因裸鼠的生理生化指标值在雄雌间有一定的差异,为相关的生物医学研究提供了基础数据。  相似文献   

Objectives: Physical exercise significantly impacts the biochemistry of the organism. Ubiquinone is a key component of the mitochondrial respiratory chain and ubiquinol, its reduced and active form, is an emerging molecule in sport nutrition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of ubiquinol supplementation on biochemical and oxidative stress indexes after an intense bout of exercise.

Methods: 21 male young athletes (26?+?5 years of age) were randomized in two groups according to a double blind cross-over study, either supplemented with ubiquinol (200?mg/day) or placebo for 1 month. Blood was withdrawn before and after a single bout of intense exercise (40 min run at 85% maxHR). Physical performance, hematochemical parameters, ubiquinone/ubiquinol plasma content, intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) level, mitochondrial membrane depolarization, paraoxonase activity and oxidative DNA damage were analyzed.

Results: A single bout of intense exercise produced a significant increase in most hematochemical indexes, in particular CK and Mb while, on the contrary, normalized coenzyme Q10 plasma content decreased significantly in all subjects. Ubiquinol supplementation prevented exercise-induced CoQ deprivation and decrease in paraoxonase activity. Moreover at a cellular level, in peripheral blood mononuclear cells, ubiquinol supplementation was associated with a significant decrease in cytosolic ROS while mitochondrial membrane potential and oxidative DNA damage remained unchanged.

Discussion: Data highlights a very rapid dynamic of CoQ depletion following intense exercise underlying an increased demand by the organism. Ubiquinol supplementation minimized exercise-induced depletion and enhanced plasma and cellular antioxidant levels but it was not able to improve physical performance indexes or markers of muscular damage.  相似文献   

The authors evaluated mRNA TLR4 expression on neutrophils and the chosen parameters of oxidative-antioxidative balance in blood of 35 children with food allergy (17 of them with IgE-dependent allergy and 18 with IgE-independent allergy) and 15 healthy children without any allergy. The age of these children ranged from 1 to 36 months. Children with food allergy in comparison with healthy children were found to have lower mRNA TLR4 expression, higher average value of chemiluminescence (CL) and its increase after stimulation by fMLP, PMA and OZ as well as lower TAS values. Disturbances of oxidative-antioxidative balance were found in children with food allergy. We suggest that natural immunity is involved in the development of food allergy mechanisms. Moreover, chemiluminescence can be used as an additional diagnostic test.  相似文献   


The biochemical status in the saliva of 12 males before/after using mobile phone has been evaluated. Radio frequency signals of 1800 MHz (continuous wave transmission, 217?Hz modulate and Global System for Mobile Communications [GSM – non-DTX]) with 1.09 w/kg specific absorption rate (SAR) value were used for 15 and 30?min. Cell phone radiation induced a significant increase of superoxide dismutase (SOD); there was a statistically significant effect of talking time on the levels of SOD, F(2, 33)?=?8.084, p?<?0.05, ω?=?0.53. The trend analysis suggests a significant quadratic trend, F(1, 33)?=?4.891, p?<?0.05; indicating that after 15?min of talking the levels of SOD increased, but as talking time increased the SOD activity started to drop. In contrast to this, there was no statistically significant effect of talking time on the level of salivary albumin, cytochrome c, catalase or uric acid. Results suggest that exposure to electromagnetic radiation may exert an oxidative stress on human cells as evidenced by the increase in the concentration of the superoxide radical anion released in the saliva of cell phone users.  相似文献   

Molecular Biology Reports - l-Lysine (Lys) is a popular additive in foods, but the physiological effects of excess Lys supplementation are poorly understood and upper limits of safe intake have not...  相似文献   

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