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This study examined the effects of a 2-mo antioxidant vitamin treatment on acute hematological and hemorheological alterations induced by exhausting exercise; both sedentary and trained individuals were employed. Eighteen young male, human subjects (9 sedentary, 9 trained by regular exercise) participated in the study and performed an initial maximal aerobic cycle ergometer exercise with frequent blood sampling over a 24-h period and analysis of hematological and hemorheological parameters. All subjects were treated with an antioxidant vitamin A, C, and E regimen, supplemented orally for 2 mo, and then subjected to a second exercise test and blood sampling at the end of this period. In the sedentary group during the first testing period (before vitamin treatment), white blood cell counts and granulocyte percentages were increased at 2 h after the exercise test and remained elevated for 4-12 h. Red blood cell (RBC) deformability and aggregation were also altered by exercise in the sedentary group before vitamin treatment. However, none of these parameters in the sedentary group were altered by exercise after the 2-mo period of antioxidant vitamin treatment. With the exception of a transient rise in granulocyte percentage, these parameters were also not affected in the trained subjects before the vitamin treatment. Significant increases of RBC lipid peroxidation observed 12 h after the exercise test in both sedentary and trained subjects were also totally prevented by vitamin treatment. Our results indicate that antioxidant vitamin treatment is effective in preventing the inflammation-like response and coincident adverse hemorheological changes after an episode of exhausting exercise, and suggest that such changes may be related to exercise-induced death events.  相似文献   

This study examined the time course of glycogen accumulation in skeletal muscle depleted by concentric work and subsequently subjected to eccentric exercise. Eight men exercised to exhaustion on a cycle ergometer [70% of maximal O2 consumption (VO2max)] and were placed on a carbohydrate-restricted diet. Approximately 12 h later they exercised one leg to subjective failure by repeated eccentric action of the knee extensors against a resistance equal to 120% of their one-repetition maximum concentric knee extension force (ECC leg). The contralateral leg was not exercised and served as a control (CON leg). During the 72-h recovery period, subjects consumed 7 g carbohydrate.kg body wt-1.day-1. Moderate soreness was experienced in the ECC leg 24-72 h after eccentric exercise. Muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis of the ECC and CON legs revealed similar glycogen levels immediately after eccentric exercise (40.2 +/- 5.2 and 47.6 +/- 6.4 mmol/kg wet wt, respectively; P greater than 0.05). There was no difference in the glycogen content of ECC and CON legs after 6 h of recovery (77.7 +/- 7.9 and 85.1 +/- 4.9 mmol/kg wet wt, respectively; P greater than 0.05), but 18 h later, the ECC leg contained 15% less glycogen than the CON leg (90.2 +/- 8.2 vs. 105.8 +/- 8.9 mmol/kg wet wt; P less than 0.05). After 72 h of recovery, this difference had increased to 24% (115.8 +/- 8.0 vs. 153.0 +/- 12.2 mmol/kg wet wt; P less than 0.05). These data confirm that glycogen accumulation is impaired in eccentrically exercised muscle.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

In a previous study we demonstrated that while people with CFS had lower daily activity levels than control subjects, they were able to increase daily activity via a daily walking program. We reanalyzed our data to determine the time course of activity changes during the walking program. Daily activity assessed via an accelometer worn at the hip was divided into sleep, active, and walking periods. Over the first 4–10 days of walking the subjects with CFS were able to reach the prescribed activity goals each day. After this time, walking and total activity counts decreased. Sedentary controls subjects were able to maintain their daily walking and total activity goals throughout the 4 weeks. Unlike our previous interpretation of the data, we feel this new analysis suggests that CFS patients may develop exercise intolerance as demonstrated by reduced total activity after 4–10 days. The inability to sustain target activity levels, associated with pronounced worsening of symptomology, suggests the subjects with CFS had reached their activity limit.  相似文献   

Endurance training increases muscle content of glucose transporter proteins (GLUT-4) but decreases glucose utilization during exercise at a given absolute submaximal intensity. We hypothesized that glucose uptake might be higher in trained vs. untrained muscle during heavy exercise in the glycogen-depleted state. Eight untrained subjects endurance trained one thigh for 3 wk using a knee-extensor ergometer. The subjects then performed two-legged glycogen-depleting exercise and consumed a carbohydrate-free meal thereafter to keep muscle glycogen concentration low. The next morning, subjects performed dynamic knee extensions with both thighs simultaneously at 60, 80, and until exhaustion at 100% of each thigh's peak workload. Glucose uptake was similar in both thighs during exercise at 60% of thigh peak workload. At the end of 80 and at 100% of peak workload, glucose uptake was on average 33 and 22% higher, respectively, in trained compared with untrained muscle (P < 0.05). Training increased the muscle content of GLUT-4 by 66% (P < 0. 05). At exhaustion, glucose extraction correlated significantly (r = 0.61) with total muscle GLUT-4 protein. Thus, when working at a high load with low glycogen concentrations, muscle glucose uptake is significantly higher in trained than in untrained muscle. This may be due to the higher GLUT-4 protein concentration in trained muscle.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that bicycle training may improve the relationship between the global SEMG energy and VO2. We already showed close adjustment of the root mean square (RMS) of the surface electromyogram (SEMG) to the oxygen uptake (VO2) during cycling exercise in untrained subjects. Because in these circumstances an altered neuromuscular transmission which could affect SEMG measurement occurred in untrained individuals only, we searched for differences in the SEMG vs. VO2 relationship between untrained subjects and well-trained cyclists. Each subject first performed an incremental exercise to determine VO2max and the ventilatory threshold, and second a constant-load threshold cycling exercise, continued until exhaustion. SEMG from both vastus lateralis muscles was continuously recorded. RMS was computed. M-Wave was periodically recorded. During incremental exercise: (1) a significant non-linear positive correlation was found between RMS increase and VO2 increase in untrained subjects, whereas the relationship was best fitted by a straight line in trained cyclists; (2) the RMS/VO2 ratio decreased progressively throughout the incremental exercise, its decline being significantly and markedly accentuated in trained cyclists; (3) in untrained subjects, significant M-wave alterations occurred at the end of the trial. These M-wave alterations could explain the non-linear RMS increase in these individuals. During constant-load exercise: (1) after an initial increase, the VO2 ratio decreased progressively to reach a plateau after 2 min of exercise, but no significant inter-group differences were noted; (2) no M-wave changes were measured in the two groups. We concluded that the global SEMG energy recorded from the vastus lateralis muscle is a good estimate of metabolic energy expenditure during incremental cycling exercise only in well-trained cyclists.  相似文献   

Jeukendrup, A. E., M. Mensink, W. H. M. Saris, and A. J. M. Wagenmakers. Exogenous glucose oxidation during exercise in endurance-trained and untrained subjects. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(3): 835-840, 1997.To investigate theeffect of training status on the fuel mixture used during exercise withglucose ingestion, seven endurance-trained cyclists (Tr; maximumO2 uptake 67 ± 2.3 ml · kg1 · min1)and eight untrained subjects (UTr; 48 ± 2 ml · kg1 · min1)were studied during 120 min of exercise at ~60% maximumO2 uptake. At the onset of exercise, 8 ml · kg1 · min1of an 8% naturally enriched[13C]glucose solutionwas ingested and 2 ml/kg every 15 min thereafter. Energy expenditurewas higher in Tr subjects compared with UTr subjects (3,404 vs. 2,630 kJ; P < 0.01). During the secondhour, fat oxidation was higher in Tr subjects (37 ± 2 g) comparedwith UTr subjects (23 ± 1 g), whereas carbohydrateoxidation was similar (116 ± 8 g in Tr subjects vs. 114 ± 4 g in UTr subjects). No differences were observed in exogenousglucose oxidation (50 ± 2 g in Tr subjects and 45 ± 3 g in UTr subjects, respectively). Peak exogenous glucose oxidationrates were similar in the two groups (0.95 ± 0.07 g/min in Trsubjects and 0.96 ± 0.03 g/min in UTr subjects). It is concluded that the higher energy expenditure in Tr subjects during exercise atthe same relative exercise intensity is entirely met by a higher rateof fat oxidation without changes in the rates of exogenous andendogenous carbohydrates.


The aim of this study was to examine the time course induction of select proteolytic [muscle ring finger-1 (MuRF-1), atrogin-1, forkhead box 3A (FOXO3A), calpain-1, calpain-2], myostatin, and cytokine (IL -6, -8, -15, and TNF-alpha) mRNA after an acute bout of resistance (RE) or run (RUN) exercise. Six experienced RE (25 +/- 4 yr, 74 +/- 14 kg, 1.71 +/- 0.11 m) and RUN (25 +/- 4 yr, 72 +/- 5 kg, 1.81 +/- 0.07 m) subjects had muscle biopsies from the vastus lateralis (RE) or gastrocnemius (RUN) before, immediately after, and 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 24 h postexercise. RE increased (P < 0.05) mRNA expression of MuRF-1 early (3.5-fold, 1-4 h), followed by a decrease in atrogin-1 (3.3-fold) and FOXO3A (1.7-fold) 8-12 h postexercise. Myostatin mRNA decreased (6.3-fold; P < 0.05) from 1 to 24 h postexercise, whereas IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-alpha mRNA were elevated 2-12 h. RUN increased (P < 0.05) MuRF-1 (3.6-fold), atrogin-1 (1.6-fold), and FOXO3A (1.9-fold) 1-4 h postexercise. Myostatin was suppressed (3.6-fold; P < 0.05) 8-12 h post-RUN. The cytokines exhibited a biphasic response, with immediate elevation (P < 0.05) of IL-6, IL-8, and TNF-alpha, followed by a second elevation (P < 0.05) 2-24 h postexercise. In general, the timing of the gene induction indicated early elevation of proteolytic genes, followed by prolonged elevation of cytokines and suppression of myostatin. These data provide basic information for the timing of human muscle biopsy samples for gene expression studies involving exercise. Furthermore, this information suggests a greater induction of proteolytic genes following RUN compared with RE.  相似文献   

Time course of muscle adaptation after high force eccentric exercise   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The repeated bout effect on changes in muscle damage indicators was examined in two groups of subjects following two bouts of 70 maximal eccentric actions of the forearm flexors. Fourteen college age female subjects were placed into two groups. The two bouts were separated by 6 weeks (n = 6), and 10 weeks (n = 8). The subjects performed the same amount of work for the bouts. The muscle damage indicators were isometric strength (STR), relaxed elbow joint angle (RANG), flexed elbow joint angle (FANG), perceived muscle soreness ratings (SOR), and plasma creatine kinase activity (CK). These measures were obtained pre-exercise and 5 days following each bout. The first bout showed significant changes in all measures over time for both groups (P less than 0.01). For the 6-week group, significantly smaller changes in RANG (P less than 0.01), SOR (P less than 0.05), and CK (P less than 0.01), as well as significantly faster recoveries (P less than 0.05) for STR and FANG were produced in the second bout. For the 10-week group, significantly smaller changes in RANG (P less than 0.05) and CK (P less than 0.01) were demonstrated by the second bout, but not significant difference was found for STR, FANG, and SOR between bouts 1 and 2. Changes in CK were still significantly smaller than that of the first bout when 6 subjects (3 subjects from each group) performed the same exercise 6 months after the second bout, but no difference in other measures.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of carbohydrate and fat intake on exercise-induced fatigue was investigated in 30 untrained--(VO2max of 40.6 +/- 2.7 ml X kg-1 X min-1) and 24 trained-subjects (VO2max of 52.3 +/- 2.7 ml X kg-1 X min-1) performing a 34 km march with a 25 kg backpack. Marching time was 8 1/2 h and 6 1/3 h in the untrained and trained-subjects respectively. The subjects were divided into 3 dietary groups. One group had free access to sugar cubes, the second group was offered almonds and the third one served as a control. Triglyceride levels decreased by 65 mg X dl-1 in untrained, and by 115 mg X dl-1 in trained subjects, while blood glucose remained at normal levels. In the untrained subjects, ingestion of almonds delayed the subjective sensation of exhaustion, while 50% of the controls and the sugar consuming subjects complained of exhaustion. The data suggest that ingestion of food containing fat delays exercise induced exhaustion or fatigue to a greater extent than does carbohydrate ingestion.  相似文献   

The kinetics underlying plasma epinephrine concentrations were studied. Six athletes (T) and six sedentary males (C) were given intravenous infusions of 3H-labeled epinephrine, after which arterial blood was drawn. They rested sitting and bicycled continuously to exhaustion (60 min at 125 W, 60 min at 160 W, 40 min at 200 W, and 240 W to the end). Work time was 154 +/- 13 (SE) (T) and 75 +/- 6 (C) min. At rest, epinephrine clearance was identical [28.4 +/- 1.3 (T) vs. 29.2 +/- 1.8 (C) ml . kg-1 . min-1], but plasma concentration [1.42 +/- 0.27 (T) vs. 0.71 +/- 0.16 (C) nmol . l-1] and, accordingly, secretion [2.9 +/- 0.7 vs. 1.5 +/- 0.4 nmol . min-1] were higher (P less than 0.05) in T than C subjects. Epinephrine clearance was closely related to relative work load, decreasing from 15% above the basal level at 30% of maximal O2 uptake (VO2 max) to 22% below at 76% of VO2 max. Epinephrine concentrations increased much more with work intensity than could be accounted for by changes in clearance and were, at exhaustion, higher (P less than 0.05) in T (7.2 +/- 1.6) than in C (2.5 +/- 0.7 nmol . l-1) subjects despite similar glucose, heart rate, and hematocrit values. At a given load, epinephrine clearance rapidly became constant, whereas concentration increased continuously. Forearm extraction of epinephrine invalidated use of blood from a cubital vein or a hand vein arterialized by hot water in turnover measurements. During exercise, changes in epinephrine concentrations reflect changes in secretion rather than in clearance. Training may increase adrenal medullary secretory capacity.  相似文献   

Albumin synthesis after intense intermittent exercise in human subjects   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Yang, Roger C., Gary W. Mack, Robert R. Wolfe, and Ethan R. Nadel. Albumin synthesis after intense intermittent exercise inhuman subjects. J. Appl. Physiol.84(2): 584-592, 1998.We measured hepatic albumin synthesis infive volunteers (4 men and 1 woman) at 3 and 6 h after recovery fromintense exercise. A primed-constant infusion of a stable isotopictracer of phenylalanine was used to determine hepatic fractionalsynthetic rate (FSR) and absolute synthetic rate (ASR) of albumin fromthe enrichment of phenylalanine in albumin. The infusion of the stableisotope tracer began 2 h after upright exercise or upright rest.Albumin FSR and ASR were 6.39 ± 0.48%/day and 120 ± 9 mg · kg bodywt1 · day1,respectively, 3-6 h after recovery from exercise; the FSR and ASRon the time control study day were 5.94 ± 0.47%/day and 104 ± 9 mg · kg bodywt1 · day1,respectively. The 6 and 16% increases(P < 0.05) in FSR and ASR afterexercise were associated with an elevated plasma albumin content at 5 and 6 h of recovery (P < 0.05), anincreased total protein content throughout recovery(P < 0.05), and a negative freewater clearance (P < 0.05) at 2, 3, and 6.5 h of recovery compared with baseline values; these variableswere unchanged from their baselines on the time control study day.Increased albumin content and reduced free water clearance contributeto a retention of fluid within the circulation after intense exercise. The measured increase in albumin synthesis could not account for theentire increase in albumin content at 6 h of recovery from exercise.However, we estimate that if the increased activity was maintained forthe next 18 h, it could account for the expected increase in albumincontent at 24 h of recovery.


Blood lactate production and recovery from anaerobic exercise were investigated in 19 trained (AG) and 6 untrained (CG) prepubescent boys. The exercises comprised 3 maximal test performances; 2 bicycle ergometer tests of different durations (15 s and 60 s), and running on a treadmill for 23.20 +/- 2.61 min to measure maximal oxygen uptake. Blood samples were taken from the fingertip to determine lactate concentrations and from the antecubital vein to determine serum testosterone. Muscle biopsies were obtained from vastus lateralis. Recovery was passive (seated) following the 60 s test but that following the treadmill run was initially active (10 min), and then passive. Peak blood lactate was highest following the 60 s test (AG, 13.1 +/- 2.6 mmol.1-1 and CG, 12.8 +/- 2.3 mmol.1-1). Following the 15 s test and the treadmill run, peak lactate values were 68.7 and 60.6% of the 60 s value respectively. Blood lactate production was greater (p less than 0.001) during the 15 s test (0.470 +/- 0.128 mmol.1-1.s-1) than during the 60 s test (0.184 +/- 0.042 mmol.1-1.s-1). Although blood lactate production was only nonsignificantly greater in AG, the amount of anaerobic work in the short tests was markedly greater (p less than 0.05-0.01) in AG than CG. Muscle fibre area (type II%) and serum testosterone were positively correlated (p less than 0.05) with blood lactate production in both short tests. Blood lactate elimination was greater (p less than 0.001) at the end of the active recovery phase than in the next (passive) phase.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The effects of beta-blockade on tidal volume (VT), breath cycle timing, and respiratory drive were evaluated in 14 endurance-trained [maximum O2 uptake (VO2max) approximately 65 ml X kg-1 X min-1] and 14 untrained (VO2max approximately 50 ml X kg-1 X min-1) male subjects at 45, 60, and 75% of unblocked VO2max and at VO2max. Propranolol (PROP, 80 mg twice daily), atenolol (ATEN, 100 mg once a day) and placebo (PLAC) were administered in a randomized double-blind design. In both subject groups both drugs attenuated the increases in VT associated with increasing work rate. CO2 production (VCO2) was not changed by either drug during submaximal exercise but was reduced in both subject groups by both drugs during maximal exercise. The relationship between minute ventilation (VE) and VCO2 was unaltered by either drug in both subject groups due to increases in breathing frequency. In trained subjects VT was reduced during maximal exercise from 2.58 l/breath on PLAC to 2.21 l/breath on PROP and to 2.44 l/breath on ATEN. In untrained subjects VT at maximal exercise was reduced from 2.30 l/breath on PLAC to 1.99 on PROP and 2.12 on ATEN. These observations indicate that 1) since VE vs. VCO2 was not altered by beta-adrenergic blockade, the changes in VT and f did not result from a general blunting of the ventilatory response to exercise during beta-adrenergic blockade; and 2) blockade of beta 1- and beta 2-receptors with PROP caused larger reductions in VT compared with blockade of beta 1-receptors only (ATEN), suggesting that beta 2-mediated bronchodilation plays a role in the VT response to heavy exercise.  相似文献   

The temporal pattern for changes in rates of protein synthesis and glucose uptake after resistance exercise, especially relative to each other, is not known. Male Sprague-Dawley rats performed acute resistance exercise (n = 7) or remained sedentary (n = 7 per group), and the following were assessed in vivo 1, 3, 6, 12 and 24 h later: rates of protein synthesis, rates of glucose uptake, phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3-kinase) activity, and p70(S6k) activity. Rates of protein synthesis in mixed gastrocnemius muscle did not increase until 12 h after exercise (e.g., at 12 h, sedentary = 138 +/- 4 vs. exercised = 178 +/- 6 nmol phenylalanine incorporated x g muscle(-1) x h(-1), mean +/- SE, P < 0.05), whereas at 6 h after exercise rates of glucose uptake were significantly elevated (sedentary = 0.18 +/- 0.020 vs. exercised = 0.38 +/- 0.024 micromol glucose 6-phosphate incorporated x kg muscle(-1) x min(-1), P < 0.05). At 24 h after exercise, rates of protein synthesis were still elevated, whereas glucose uptake had returned to basal levels. Arterial insulin concentrations were not different between groups at any time. Non-insulin-stimulated activities of PI3-kinase and p70(S6k) were higher at 6, 12, and 24 h after exercise (P < 0.05), and, generally, these occurred when rates of protein synthesis (12 and 24 h) and glucose uptake were elevated (6 and 12 but not 24 h) by exercise. These data suggest that regulators of protein synthesis and glucose uptake may respond to the same contraction-generated signals with different kinetics or that they respond to different intra- or extracellular signals that are generated by exercise.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the time course responses of strength, delayed-onset muscle soreness (DOMS), muscle thickness (MT), circumference (CIRC), and ultrasonography echo intensity (EI) after a traditional hypertrophic isoinertial resistance training session in young women. Ten (22.0 ± 3.2 years) healthy, untrained volunteers participated in the study. The resistance exercise session consisted of 4 sets of 10 repetitions at 80% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM) of the dominant arm elbow flexors. Maximum isometric elbow flexion peak torque (PT) at 90°, MT, and EI were recorded for both arms at baseline (PRE), immediately after exercise (0 hours) and at 24, 48, and 72 hours after exercise. Comparisons were made using a 2 × 5 mixed factor analysis of variance. There was a significant (p < 0.05) loss in PT and increase in MT at 0, 24, 48, and 72 hours. In contrast, EI increased only after 24, 48, and 72 hours, not at 0 hours. There were no significant changes in PT, DOMS, MT, and EI in the nondominant (control) arm after the exercise protocol. Our data suggest that after 4 sets of 80% of 1RM of unilateral elbow flexion resistance exercise, nonresistance trained women need >72 hours to fully recover muscle strength, MT, CIRC, and EI. Furthermore, the EI appears to be a sensitive and reliable method to assess MD.  相似文献   

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