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Most vaccine modalities for human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) tested for immunogenicity and efficacy in the SIVmac (simian immunodeficiency virus) macaque model do not include the viral regulatory proteins. Because viral regulatory proteins are expressed early during the virus life cycle and represent an additional source of antigens, their inclusion as a vaccine component may increase the overall virus-specific immune response in vaccinees. However, at least two of the early proteins, Tat and Nef, may be immunosuppressive, limiting their usefulness as components of an SIV vaccine. We have constructed a polyvalent chimeric protein in which the open reading frames for Tat and Nef have been reassorted and the nuclear localization sequence for Tat and Rev and the myristoylation site for Nef have been removed. The resulting DNA plasmid (pDNA-SIV-Retanef) (pDNA-SIV-RTN) encodes a protein of 55 kDa (Retanef) that localizes at the steady state in the cytoplasma of transfected cells. Both the DNA-SIV-RTN and the highly attenuated recombinant poxvirus vector NYVAC-SIV-RTN were demonstrated to be immunogenic in SIVmac251-infected macaques treated with ART as well as in naive macaques. An equivalent strategy may be used for the generation of polyvalent antigens encoding the regulatory proteins in a HIV-1 vaccine candidate.  相似文献   

The development of an injectable drug-device combination (DDC) product for biologics is an intricate and evolving process that requires substantial investments of time and money. Consequently, the commercial dosage form(s) or presentation(s) are often not ready when pivotal trials commence, and it is common to have drug product changes (manufacturing process or presentation) during clinical development. A scientifically sound and robust bridging strategy is required in order to introduce these changes into the clinic safely. There is currently no single developmental paradigm, but a risk-based hierarchical approach has been well accepted. The rigor required of a bridging package depends on the level of risk associated with the changes. Clinical pharmacokinetic/pharmacodynamic comparability or outcome studies are only required when important changes occur at a late stage. Moreover, an injectable DDC needs to be user-centric, and usability assessment in real-world clinical settings may be required to support the approval of a DDC. In this review, we discuss the common issues during the manufacturing process and presentation development of an injectable DDC and practical considerations in establishing a clinical strategy to address these issues, including key elements of clinical studies. We also analyze the current practice in the industry and review relevant and status of regulatory guidance in the DDC field.  相似文献   

A biosimilar drug is defined in the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidance document as a biopharmaceutical that is highly similar to an already licensed biologic product (referred to as the reference product) notwithstanding minor differences in clinically inactive components and for which there are no clinically meaningful differences in purity, potency, and safety between the two products. The development of biosimilars is a challenging, multistep process. Typically, the assessment of similarity involves comprehensive structural and functional characterization throughout the development of the biosimilar in an iterative manner and, if required by the local regulatory authority, an in vivo nonclinical evaluation, all conducted with direct comparison to the reference product. In addition, comparative clinical pharmacology studies are conducted with the reference product. The approval of biosimilars is highly regulated although varied across the globe in terms of nomenclature and the precise criteria for demonstrating similarity. Despite varied regulatory requirements, differences between the proposed biosimilar and the reference product must be supported by strong scientific evidence that these differences are not clinically meaningful. This review discusses the challenges faced by pharmaceutical companies in the development of biosimilars.  相似文献   

Fuchs F 《Biochimie》2002,84(11):1173-1179
Vaccines for human use have been produced for decades using classical manufacturing methods including culture of viruses and bacteria followed by various concentration-, inactivation-, detoxification-, conjugation production processes. Availability of techniques for molecular biology and for the complete chemical synthesis of genes provides prospects of genetic engineering of microorganisms so as to generate novel biotechnological/biological-derived vaccines. The potential large-scale availability of biotechnology-derived vaccines makes feasible their evaluation in the prevention and/or treatment of various infectious, chronic, degenerative and cancer human diseases. There are potential safety concerns that arise from the novel manufacturing processes and from the complex structural and biological characteristics of the products. These products have distinguishing characteristics to which consideration should be given in a well-defined quality control testing programme. The evaluation of their quality, safety, efficacy and stability necessitate complex analytical methods and appropriate physicochemical, biochemical and immunochemical methods for the analysis of the molecular entity. A flexible approach to the control of these novel products is being developed by regulatory authorities so that recommendations can be modified in the light of experience of research and development in vaccinology, production and use of biotechnology products and with the further development of new technologies.  相似文献   

Access to quality-assured, accurate diagnostics is critical to ensure that the 2021–2030 neglected tropical disease (NTD) road map targets can be achieved. Currently, however, there is limited regulatory oversight and few quality assurance mechanisms for NTD diagnostic tools. In attempting to address such challenges and the changing environment in regulatory requirements for diagnostics, a landscape analysis was conducted, to better understand the availability of NTD diagnostics and inform future regulatory frameworks. The list of commercially available diagnostics was compiled from various sources, including WHO guidance, national guidelines for case detection and management, diagnostic target product profiles and the published literature. The inventory was analyzed according to diagnostic type, intended use, regulatory status, and risk classification. To estimate the global need and size of the market for each type of diagnostic, annual procurement data were collected from WHO, procurement agencies, NGOs and international organizations, where available and global disease prevalence. Expert interviews were also conducted to ensure a better understanding of how diagnostics are procured and used. Of 125 diagnostic tools included in this analysis, rapid diagnostic tools accounted for 33% of diagnostics used for NTDs and very few diagnostics had been subjected to regulatory assessment. The number of tests needed for each disease was less than 1 million units per annum, except in the case of two diseases, suggesting limited commercial value. Despite the nature of the market, and presumed insufficient return on commercial investment, acceptable levels of assurance on performance, quality and safety of diagnostics are still required. Priority actions include setting up an agile, interim, stepwise risk assessment mechanism, in particular for diagnostics of lower risk, in order to support national NTD programmes and their partners with the selection and procurement of the diagnostics needed to control, eliminate and eradicate NTDs.  相似文献   

It has been observed experimentally that most unbranched biosynthetic pathways have irreversible reactions near their beginning, many times at the first step. If there were no functional reasons for this fact, then one would expect irreversible reactions to be equally distributed among all positions in such pathways. Since this is not the case, we have attempted to identify functional consequences of having an irreversible reaction early in the pathway. We systematically varied the position of the irreversible reaction in model pathways and compared the resulting systemic behavior according to several criteria for functional effectiveness, using the method of mathematically controlled comparisons. This technique minimizes extraneous differences in systemic behavior and identifies those that are fundamental. Our results show that a pathway with an irreversible reaction located at the first step, and with all other reactions reversible, is on average better than an otherwise equivalent pathway with all reactions reversible, which in turn is on average better than an otherwise equivalent pathway with an irreversible reaction located at any step other than the first. Pathways with an irreversible first reaction and low concentrations of intermediates (one of the primary criteria for functional effectiveness) exhibit the following profile when compared to fully reversible pathways: changes in the concentration of intermediates in response to changes in the level of initial substrate are equally low, the robustness of the intermediate concentrations and of the flux is similar, the margins of stability are similar, flux is more responsive to changes in demand for end product, intermediate concentrations are less responsive to changes in demand for end product, and transient times are shorter. These results provide a functional rationale for the positioning of irreversible reactions at the beginning of unbranched biosynthetic pathways.  相似文献   

This case describes the physiological maturation from ages 21 to 28 yr of the bicyclist who has now become the six-time consecutive Grand Champion of the Tour de France, at ages 27-32 yr. Maximal oxygen uptake (Vo(2max)) in the trained state remained at approximately 6 l/min, lean body weight remained at approximately 70 kg, and maximal heart rate declined from 207 to 200 beats/min. Blood lactate threshold was typical of competitive cyclists in that it occurred at 76-85% Vo(2max), yet maximal blood lactate concentration was remarkably low in the trained state. It appears that an 8% improvement in muscular efficiency and thus power production when cycling at a given oxygen uptake (Vo(2)) is the characteristic that improved most as this athlete matured from ages 21 to 28 yr. It is noteworthy that at age 25 yr, this champion developed advanced cancer, requiring surgeries and chemotherapy. During the months leading up to each of his Tour de France victories, he reduced body weight and body fat by 4-7 kg (i.e., approximately 7%). Therefore, over the 7-yr period, an improvement in muscular efficiency and reduced body fat contributed equally to a remarkable 18% improvement in his steady-state power per kilogram body weight when cycling at a given Vo(2) (e.g., 5 l/min). It is hypothesized that the improved muscular efficiency probably reflects changes in muscle myosin type stimulated from years of training intensely for 3-6 h on most days.  相似文献   

Biotechnology affords opportunities to develop new tools to treat pest and disease problems. When a given pest or disease problem has no satisfactory cure or treatment, usually only a technological breakthrough can provide one, but the process whereby this happens can be undefined and unpredictable. Furthermore, it is difficult to predict which methods will work at the outset, meaning that it is also difficult for funding agencies to determine which proposals to support. When a proposed solution is new and may involve genetic manipulation, it may also be hard for the public, as represented by regulatory agencies, to accept. In addition, when the application market is small, funding is modest. When the problem is major but periodic, as in the case of migratory locusts, funding, interest and attention cannot be easily found, focused or sustained. It is only when a problem is severe and economically compelling, such as Pierce's Disease of grapevine in southern California, that it is possible to concentrate funding, attention and sustained interest long enough to have a chance of finding a lasting solution.  相似文献   

The activities of selected enzymes in the branched metabolic pathway to succinate or lactate were determined in cytosol and mitochondrial fractions. The enzymes of lowest activity in the cytosol, and thus possibly regulatory, are phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase. Malic enzyme activity could scarcely be detected in either compartment; phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and malate dehydrogenase occur in both. The end products of metabolism are succinate and lactate; under anaerobic conditions lactate production increases whereas succinate production shows a small decrease. The presence of glucose in the medium does not influence the change, but causes an increase in total endproduct accumulation. Levels of metabolic intermediates in worms incubated aerobically and anaerobically are presented, and ‘cross-over’ plots and calculations of apparent equilibrium constants identify hexokinase, phosphofructokinase and pyruvate kinase as regulatory. Under aerobic conditions a large increase in the size of the malate pool is observed suggesting that the depression of lactate production is produced by its inhibitory effect on pyruvate kinase. Adenine nucleotide levels are maintained whether or not the worm is incubated under anaerobic conditions.  相似文献   

It is sometimes argued that, from an ecological point of view, population-, community-, and ecosystem-level endpoints are more relevant than individual-level endpoints for assessing the risks posed by human activities to the sustainability of natural resources. Yet society values amenities provided by natural resources that are not necessarily evaluated or protected by assessment tools that focus on higher levels of biological organization. For example, human-caused stressors can adversely affect recreational opportunities that are valued by society even in the absence of detectable population-level reductions in biota. If protective measures are not initiated until effects at higher levels of biological organization are apparent, natural resources that are ecologically important or highly valued by the public may not be adequately protected. Thus, environmental decision makers should consider both scientific and societal factors in selecting endpoints for ecological risk assessments. At the same time, it is important to clearly distinguish the role of scientists, which is to evaluate ecological effects, from the role of policy makers, which is to determine how to address the uncertainty in scientific assessment in making environmental decisions and to judge what effects are adverse based on societal values and policy goals.  相似文献   

Immunoinformatics is the application of informatics techniques to molecules of the immune system. One of the key goals of immunoinformatics is the development of computer aided vaccine design (CAVD), or computational vaccinology, and its application to the search for new vaccines. Key to solving this challenge is the prediction of immunogenicity, be that at the level of epitope, subunit vaccine or attenuated pathogen. This paper reviews the current state of play in the prediction of immunogenicity and focuses on well developed methods for the prediction of peptide binding affinity to major histocompatibility complexes, which are the necessary preliminary to the in silico identification of T cell epitopes.  相似文献   

Using the murine system we have analyzed an immunogenic T cell peptide epitope corresponding to amino acids 96-112 of the simian immunodeficiency virus-negative regulatory protein sequence. This epitope was unusual in that it was strongly immunogenic in mice of five of the six H-2 haplotypes tested. We generated a T cell hybridoma (SVNF) specific for this peptide in order to determine how manipulating the peptide might alter its immunogenicity. Substitution analysis showed that His 103, Pro 104, Val 106, and Pro 107 were important amino acids for stimulating SVNF because substitutions at these positions diminished the reactivity of SVNF. However, we also found that substituting an Ala for a Val at position 100 or a Val for an Ala at position 110 enhanced reactivity of SVNF. We were able to further enhance the immunogenicity of this epitope by extending the carboxyl terminus two amino acids and making the resulting carboxyl-terminal Lys an amide and by adding a Glu to the amino terminus. These modifications shifted the in vitro activity of SVNF at least two orders of magnitude. We also compared the ability of this modified peptide and the wild-type SIV nef 96-112 to prime a T cell response in vivo. We primed mice with various doses of either the wild-type or the modified peptide and looked at the ability of the draining lymph node cells to proliferate to wild-type peptide. We found that the modified peptide was 10- to 100-fold better at priming a T cell response than the wild-type peptide. Therefore, we were able to create a peptide that was more immunogenic than the wild-type peptide in vivo as well as in vitro. Manipulations such as these that enhance the immunogenicity of T cell epitopes must be considered in developing peptide vaccines against HIV or other infectious agents.  相似文献   

In May 2012, Health Canada and other participants held a National Summit on Subsequent Entry Biologics (SEBs). Health Canada released a guidance document in March 2010 describing policy positions and data requirements for approval of SEBs. While Health Canada and health agencies in other regulatory jurisdictions are aligned on many scientific principles related to biosimilar drugs, Health Canada's specific requirements may not be widely understood by many Canadian stakeholders. The Summit provided an opportunity for education and dialog among physicians who prescribe biologics, provincial payers, and industry on the following topics: preclinical and clinical comparability studies; manufacturing and other product differences; extrapolation of indications; substitution and interchangeability of SEBs with reference biologic drugs in clinical practice; payers' current perspective; pharmacovigilance and naming. It is anticipated that the consensus reached at this meeting will further educate Canadian healthcare professionals, provincial payers, and insurers about the appropriate use of SEBs, and may be of general interest to others internationally.  相似文献   

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