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The bacteriophage T4 regA protein is a translational repressor of a group of T4 early mRNAs. We have characterized the binding of regA protein to polynucleotides and to specific RNAs. Binding to nucleic acids was monitored by the quenching of the intrinsic tryptophan fluorescence of regA protein. regA protein exhibited differential affinities for the polynucleotides examined, with the order of affinity being poly(rU) greater than poly(dT) greater than poly(dU) = poly(rG) greater than poly(rC) = poly(rA). The binding site size calculated for regA protein binding to poly(rU) was n = 9 +/- 1 nucleotides. Cooperativity was observed in binding to multiple-site oligonucleotides, with a cooperativity parameter (omega) value of 10-22. To study the specific interaction between regA protein and T4 gene 44 mRNA, the affinity of regA protein for synthetic gene 44 RNA fragments was measured. The association constant (Ka) for regA protein binding to gene 44 RNA fragments was 100-fold higher than for binding to nontarget RNA. Study of variant gene 44 RNA fragments indicated that the nucleotides required for specific binding are contained within a 12-nucleotide sequence spanning -12 to -1, relative to the AUG codon. The bases of five nucleotides (indicated in upper case type) are critical for specific regA protein interaction with the gene 44 recognition element, 5'-aaUGAGgAaauu-3'. These studies further showed that formation of a regA protein-RNA complex involves a maximum of 2-3 ionic interactions and is primarily an enthalpy-driven process.  相似文献   

Peptide hormones are generally synthesized as inactive higher mol. wt precursors. Processing of the prohormone into biologically active peptides by specific proteolytic cleavages occurs most often at pairs of basic amino acids but also at single arginine residues. To study the role of protein secondary structure in this process, we used site-directed mutagenesis to modify the predicted secondary structure around the cleavage sites of human prosomatostatin and monitored the processing of the precursor after introduction of the mutated cDNAs in Neuro2A cells. Amino acid substitutions were introduced that affected the possibility of forming beta-turn structures in the immediate vicinity of the somatostatin-28 (S-28) and somatostatin-14 (S-14) cleavage sites. Infection of Neuro2A cells with a retrovirus carrying a human somatostatin cDNA resulted in the expression of prosomatostatin and its processing into S-28 and S-14, indicating that these cells have the necessary enzymes to process prohormone at both single and paired amino acid residues. Disruption of the different beta-turns had various effects on prosomatostatin processing: substitution of Ala for Pro-5 drastically decreased prosomatostatin processing and replacement of Pro-9 by Ala led to the accumulation of the intermediate maturation product [Arg-2Lys-1]-S-14. In contrast, substitution of Ala for Asn-12, Gly+2 and Cys+3 respectively had only very little effect on the proteolytic processing of prosomatostatin. Our results show that amino acids other than the basic amino acid residues are required to define the cleavage sites for prohormone proteolytic processing and suggest that higher orders of protein structure are involved in substrate recognition by the endoproteases.  相似文献   

The bacteriophage T4 regA protein (M(r) = 14,6000) is a translational repressor of a group of T4 early mRNAs. To identify a domain of regA protein that is involved in nucleic acid binding, ultraviolet light was used to photochemically cross-link regA protein to [32P]p(dT)16. The cross-linked complex was subsequently digested with trypsin, and peptides were purified using anion exchange high performance liquid chromatography. Two tryptic peptides cross-linked to [32P]p(dT)16 were isolated. Gas-phase sequencing of the major cross-linked peptide yielded the following sequence: VISXKQKHEWK, which corresponds to residues 103-113 of regA protein. Phenylalanine 106 was identified as the site of cross-linking, thus placing this residue at the interface of the regA protein-p(dT)16 complex. The minor cross-linked peptide corresponded to residues 31-41, and the site of cross-linking in the peptide was tentatively assigned to Cys-36. The nucleic acid binding domain of regA protein was further examined by chemical cleavage of regA protein into six peptides using CNBr. Peptide CN6, which extends from residue 95 to 122, retains both the ability to be cross-linked to [32P]p(dT)16 and 70% of the nonspecific binding energy of the intact protein. However, peptide CN6 does not exhibit the binding specificity of the intact protein. Three of the other individual CNBr peptides have no measurable affinity for nucleic acid, as assayed by photo-cross-linking or gel mobility shifts.  相似文献   

Human myocardial fatty acid ethyl ester synthase-III is a newly described acidic glutathione S-transferase that metabolizes both ethanol and carcinogens. Structure-function studies have not been performed relating these two distinct enzymatic activities. Since there are only two histidine residues in fatty acid ethyl ester synthase-III (His 72 and His 163), the role of each was examined by site-specific mutagenesis. Fatty acid ethyl ester synthase-III mutagenized at position 72 to contain either Gln, Pro or Ala had less than 5% of control glutathione S-transferase activity but retained fatty acid ethyl ester synthase activity under standard assay conditions. In contrast, substitution of histidine 163 with proline had no effect on glutathione S-transferase activity, but it slightly increased synthase activity. Thus, this study indicates that histidine plays a differential role in fatty acid ethyl ester synthase III depending on the nucleophilic substrate.  相似文献   

Human interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) has two cysteines located at amino acid residues 8 and 71 of the mature protein consisting 153 amino acids. To clarify the role of these characteristic cysteine residues in IL-1 beta, at first, an expression plasmid for site-specific mutagenesis has been constructed by inserting the ori and intergenic region of phage f1 into the IL-1 beta expression vector. The plasmid can be used not only for isolation of the modified IL-1 beta gene but for expression of the mutant protein in Escherichia coli. Using this plasmid, each of the cysteine codons in IL-1 beta gene was changed to serine or alanine codon, or deleted. The modified IL-1 beta showed that the two cysteine residues in IL-1 beta are not essential for biological activity but not to be eliminated for the maintenance of the functional structure of IL-1 beta.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the contributions that histidine residues might play both in the catalytic activities of endonuclease V and in binding to nontarget DNA, the technique of oligonucleotide site directed mutagenesis was used to create mutations at each of the four histidine residues in the endonuclease V gene. Although none of the histidines were shown to be absolutely required for the pyrimidine dimer specific DNA glycosylase activity or the apurinic lyase activity, conservative amino acid changes at His16 produced enzymes with little or no catalytic activity. In addition, the evaluation of conservative and radical amino acid substitutions at positions 34, 56, and 107 is consistent with the interpretation that each of these histidines may be involved in nontarget DNA binding. The data supporting this conclusion are that histidine changes to lysine at positions 34 and 107 enhance the nontarget DNA binding activity of the mutant enzymes while neutralization of charge at His56 reduces nontarget DNA binding.  相似文献   

Site-directed mutagenesis of the T4 endonuclease V gene: role of lysine-130   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A Recinos  R S Lloyd 《Biochemistry》1988,27(6):1832-1838
The DNA sequence of the bacteriophage T4 denV gene which encodes the DNA repair enzyme endonuclease V was previously constructed behind the hybrid lambda promoter OLPR in a plasmid vector. The OLPR-denV sequence was subcloned in M13mp18 and used as template to construct site-specific mutations in the denV structural gene in order to investigate structure/function relationships between the primary structure of the protein and its various DNA binding and catalytic activities. The Lys-130 residue of the wild-type endonuclease V has been postulated to be associated with its apurinic endonuclease (AP-endonuclease) activity. The codon for Lys-130 was changed to His-130 or Gly-130, and each denV sequence was subcloned into a pEMBL expression vector. These plasmids were transformed into repair-deficient Escherichia coli (uvrA recA), and the following parameters were examined for cells or cell extracts: expression and accumulation of endonuclease V protein (K-130, H-130, or G-130); survival after UV irradiation; dimer-specific DNA binding; and kinetics of phosphodiester bond scission at pyrimidine dimer sites, dimer-specific N-glycosylase activity, and AP-endonuclease activity. The enzyme's intracellular accumulation was significantly decreased for G-130 and slightly decreased for H-130 despite normal levels of denV-specific mRNA for each mutant. On a molar basis, the endonuclease V gene products generally gave parallel levels of each of the catalytic and binding functions with K-130 greater than H-130 greater than G-130 much greater than control denV-.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

To investigate the role of protein-protein and protein-nucleic acid interactions in virus assembly, we compared the stabilities of native bacteriophage MS2, virus-like particles (VLPs) containing nonviral RNAs, and an assembly-defective coat protein mutant (dlFG) and its single-chain variant (sc-dlFG). Physical (high pressure) and chemical (urea and guanidine hydrochloride) agents were used to promote virus disassembly and protein denaturation, and the changes in virus and protein structure were monitored by measuring tryptophan intrinsic fluorescence, bis-ANS probe fluorescence, and light scattering. We found that VLPs dissociate into capsid proteins that remain folded and more stable than the proteins dissociated from authentic particles. The proposed model is that the capsid disassembles but the protein remains bound to the heterologous RNA encased by VLPs. The dlFG dimerizes correctly, but fails to assemble into capsids, because it lacks the 15-amino acid FG loop involved in inter-dimer interactions at the viral fivefold and quasi-sixfold axes. This protein was very unstable and, when compared with the dissociation/denaturation of the VLPs and the wild-type virus, it was much more susceptible to chemical and physical perturbation. Genetic fusion of the two subunits of the dimer in the single-chain dimer sc-dlFG stabilized the protein, as did the presence of 34-bp poly(GC) DNA. These studies reveal mechanisms by which interactions in the capsid lattice can be sufficiently stable and specific to ensure assembly, and they shed light on the processes that lead to the formation of infectious viral particles.  相似文献   

Interactions between proteins and nucleic acids typify the role of disordered segments, linkers, tails and other entities in the function of complexes that must form with high affinity and specificity but which must be capable of dissociating when no longer needed. While much of the emphasis in the literature has been on the interactions of disordered proteins with other proteins, disorder is also frequently observed in nucleic acids (particularly RNA) and in the proteins that interact with them. The interactions of disordered proteins with DNA most often manifest as molding of the protein onto the B-form DNA structure, although some well-known instances involve remodeling of the DNA structure that seems to require that the interacting proteins be disordered to various extents in the free state. By contrast, induced fit in RNA-protein interactions has been recognized for many years-the existence and prevalence of this phenomenon provides the clearest possible evidence that RNA and its interactions with proteins must be considered as highly dynamic, and the dynamic nature of RNA and its multiplicity of folded and unfolded states is an integral part of its nature and function.  相似文献   

The role of the bacteriophage T4 gene 32 protein in homologous pairing   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The gene 32 protein of the bacteriophage T4 is required for efficient genetic recombination in infected Eschericia coli cells and strongly stimulates in vitro pairing catalyzed by the phage uvsX protein, a RecA-like strand transferase. This helix-destabilizing factor is known to bind tightly and cooperatively to single-stranded DNA and to interact specifically with the uvsX protein as well as other phage gene products. However, its detailed role in homologous pairing is not well understood. I show here that when the efficiency of uvsX protein-mediated pairing is examined at different gene 32 protein and duplex DNA concentrations, a correlation between the two is found, suggesting that the two interact in a functionally important manner during the reaction. These and other data are consistent with a model in which the gene 32 protein binds to the strand displaced from the recipient duplex during pairing, thereby stabilizing the heteroduplex product. An alternative model in which the gene 32 protein replaces UvsX on the invading strand, thereby freeing the strand transferase to bind to the displaced strand, is also considered.  相似文献   

Methylphosphonates as probes of protein-nucleic acid interactions.   总被引:14,自引:12,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
Deoxydinucleoside methylphosphonates were prepared by chemical synthesis and were introduced stereospecifically into the lac operator at two sites. These sites within d(ApApTpTpGpTpGpApGpCpGpGpApTpApApCpApApTpT), segment I, and d(ApApTpTpGpTpTpApTpCpCpGpCpTpCpApCpApApTpT), segment II, are indicated by p. Each segment containing a chiral methylphosphonate was annealed to the complementary unmodified segment. The interactions of these four modified lac operators with lac repressor were analyzed by the nitrocellulose filter binding assay. Introduction of either chiral phosphonate in segment II had little effect on the stability of the repressor-operator complex. When methylphosphonates were introduced into segment I, the affinity of lac repressor for the modified operators was shown to be dependent on the stereochemical configuration of the methylphosphonate.  相似文献   

Annexin V (placental anticoagulant protein I) binds tightly to anionic phospholipid vesicles in the presence of calcium. Four mutant proteins were expressed in Escherichia coli in which Ala replaced one of the following residues in the third repeat of annexin V: Arg-200, His-204, Arg-206, or Lys-207. In a competitive fluorescence quenching assay, the wild-type recombinant protein had the same affinity for phosphatidylserine-containing vesicles as the placentally derived protein. The affinity of the four mutant proteins for phosphatidylserine-containing vesicles was unchanged relative to wild-type protein. We conclude that His-204 and adjacent basic residues, including the highly conserved Arg-200 residue, are not required for high-affinity phospholipid binding.  相似文献   

D R Dowd  R S Lloyd 《Biochemistry》1989,28(22):8699-8705
Endonuclease V, a pyrimidine dimer specific endonuclease in T4 bacteriophage, is able to scan DNA, recognize pyrimidine dimer photoproducts produced by exposure to ultraviolet light, and effectively incise DNA through a two-step mechanism at the damaged bases. The interaction of endonuclease V with nontarget DNA is thought to occur via electrostatic interactions between basic amino acids and the acidic phosphate DNA backbone. Arginine-3 was chosen as a potential candidate for involvement in this protein-nontarget DNA interaction and was extensively mutated to assess its role. The mutations include changes to Asp, Glu, Leu, and Lys and deleting it from the enzyme. Deletion of Arg-3 resulted in an enzyme that retained marginal levels of AP specificity, but no other detectable activity. Charge reversal to Glu-3 and Asp-3 results in proteins that exhibit AP-specific nicking and low levels of dimer-specific nicking. These enzymes are incapable of affecting cellular survival of repair-deficient Escherichia coli after irradiation. Mutations of Arg-3 to Lys-3 or Leu-3 also are unable to complement repair-deficient E. coli. However, these two proteins do exhibit a substantial level of in vitro dimer- and AP-specific nicking. The mechanism by which the Leu-3 and Lys-3 mutant enzymes locate pyrimidine dimers within a population of heavily irradiated plasmid DNA molecules appears to be significantly different from that for the wild-type enzyme. The wild-type endonuclease V processively incises all dimers on an individual plasmid prior to dissociation from that plasmid and subsequent reassociation with other plasmids, yet neither of these mutants exhibits any of the characteristics of this processive nicking activity.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Using the expression system for site-specific mutagenesis in Escherichia coli, we have made deletion mutants at the N-terminal or C-terminal region of human interleukin-1 beta (IL-1 beta) consisting of 153 amino acids. The truncated mutants showed that at least 147 amino acids (numbers 4-150) in IL-1 beta are necessary for the exertion of biological activity. When we changed the arginine at the 4th position (Arg4) in IL-1 beta to other specific amino acids, there was a marked difference in the relative extent of biological and receptor binding activities among the mutants. The order of the mutants was Arg4 = Lys4 greater than Gln4 greater than Gly4 = des-Arg4 greater than Asp4. Our results demonstrate that the arginine residue at the 4th position in IL-1 beta is important, but not essential, for IL-1 beta to exhibit its biological and receptor binding activities, and the positive charge at this site plays a key role for IL-1 beta to exert the activities.  相似文献   

D P Giedroc  R Khan  K Barnhart 《Biochemistry》1991,30(33):8230-8242
Bacteriophage T4 gene 32 protein (g32P) is a DNA replication accessory protein that binds single-stranded (ss) nucleic acids nonspecifically, independent of nucleotide sequence. G32P contains 1 mol of Zn(II)/mol of protein monomer, which can be substituted with Co(II), with maintenance of the structure and activity of the molecule. The Co(II) is coordinated via approximately tetrahedral ligand symmetry by three Cys sulfur atoms and therefore exhibits intense S(-)----Co(II) ligand to metal charge-transfer (LMCT) transitions in the near ultraviolet [Giedroc, D. P., et al. (1986) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 83, 8452-8456]. A series of fluorescent 1,N6-ethenoadenosine (epsilon A)-containing oligonucleotides conforming to the structure (5'----3') d[(Tp)m epsilon A(pT)l-m-1] where 0 less than or equal to m less than or equal to l - 1 and length (l) six or eight nucleotides have been evaluated as dynamics probes and potential fluorescence energy transfer donors to Co(II) in mapping the spatial proximity of the (fixed) intrinsic metal ion and a variably positioned epsilon A-base in a series of protein-nucleic acid complexes. We provide spectroscopic evidence that the epsilon A-oligonucleotides bind to g32P-(A + B) with a fixed polarity of the phosphodiester chain. A Trp side chain(s) makes close approach to a epsilon A base positioned toward the 3' end of a bound l = 8 oligonucleotide. Six oligonucleotides of l = 8 and m = 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, or 7 were investigated as energy transfer donors to Co(II) at 0.1 M NaCl, pH 8.1, 25 degrees C upon binding to Co(II)-substituted or Zn(II) g32P-(A + B), i.e., in the presence and absence of an energy acceptor, respectively. Detectable quenching of the epsilon A-fluorescence by the Co(II)-LMCT acceptors was found to occur in all epsilon A-oligonucleotide-protein complexes, yielding energy transfer efficiencies (E) of 0.43, 0.31, 0.26, 0.26, 0.28, and 0.41 for l = 8 and m = 0, 1, 3, 5, 6, and 7 epsilon A-oligonucleotides, respectively. The two-dimensional distances R (in A) were found to vary as follows: d[epsilon A(pT)7] (m = 0), 16.0 (15.5-16.9); d[Tp epsilon A(pT)6] (m = 1), 17.7 (16.9-19.1); d[(Tp)3 epsilon A(pT)4] (m = 3), 20.7 (19.5-22.1); d[(Tp)5 epsilon A(pT)2] (m = 5), 20.5 (19.5-21.9); d[(Tp)6 epsilon ApT] (m = 6), 19.0 (18.0-20.4); and d[(Tp)7 epsilon A] (m = 7), 18.6 (17.8-19.8).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Our laboratory has reported data suggesting a role for T4 phage gene 32 single-stranded DNA-binding protein in organizing a complex of deoxyribonucleotide-synthesizing enzymes at the replication fork. In this article we examined the effects of gene 32 ablation on the association of these enzymes with DNA-protein complexes. These experiments showed several deoxyribonucleotide-synthesizing enzymes to be present in DNA-protein complexes, with some of these associations being dependent on gene 32 protein. To further understand the role of gp32, we created amber mutations at codons 24 and 204 of gene 32, which encodes a 301-residue protein. We used the newly created mutants along with several experimental approaches--DNA-cellulose chromatography, immunoprecipitation, optical biosensor analysis and glutathione-S-transferase pulldowns--to identify relevant protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions. These experiments identified several proteins whose interactions with DNA depend on the presence of intact gp32, notably thymidylate synthase, dihydrofolate (DHF) reductase, ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) and Escherichia coli nucleoside diphosphate (NDP) kinase, and they also demonstrated direct associations between gp32 and RNR and NDP kinase, but not dCMP hydroxymethylase, deoxyribonucleoside monophosphate kinase, or DHF reductase. Taken together, the results support the hypothesis that the gene 32 protein helps to recruit enzymes of deoxyribonucleoside triphosphates synthesis to DNA replication sites.  相似文献   

Recombinant mistletoe lectin (rML) belongs to the class of type II ribosome-inactivating proteins (RIP) composed of a catalytically active A-chain with rRNA N-glycosidase activity and a B-chain with carbohydrate binding properties. To investigate the contribution of the enzymatic activity of the rML A-chain to the observed cytotoxic and apoptotic effects, an rMLA E166Q R169Q molecule was developed by means of site-specific mutagenesis. Following heterologous expression, the activity of mutant rMLA was measured in a cell-free assay for rRNA-N-glycosidase activity. Moreover, after generation of heterodimer, the activities of mutant rML E166Q R169Q and rML wild type were determined in a cytotoxicity and apoptosis assay. Although the reduction of activity as measured in the cell-free RIP assay was more pronounced (factor 237) than in both cellular assays (factors 20-22), the data clearly indicate a close correlation between cytotoxicity, apoptosis, and the enzymatic activity of the rML A-chain. Thus, RIP activity is an essential feature of rML and therefore a prerequisite for its biological function as an anticancer agent.  相似文献   

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