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E V Zybina 《Tsitologiia》1981,23(2):129-133
The ultrastructure of the nucleolus of highly differentiated trophoblast giant cells has been studied on the 17th day of the foetus development. Changes in its morphology have been followed in relation to the degree of nuclear chromatin condensation and to the cell differentiation level. The nucleoli have a reticular structure in the nuclei with dispersed and condensed chromatin. In both the cases the nucleoli involve the four components: fibro-granular, fibrillar (of moderate and normal density) and lacunar regions; fibrillar centres are distinguished within the regions. In the nucleoli with condensed chromatin, unlike those with dispersed chromatin, the perinuclear chromatin is clearly seen, and the penetration of nucleolus-organizer threads along lacunae and deep into the nucleolus can be easily followed. The fibrillar centres are more obvious. With the run of a progressive differentiation of the trophoblast cells, the number of granules is reduced; first, the fibro-granular component covers a significant part of the nucleolus, then granules become visible only in the cortical zone of the nucleolus; in the nuclei with strongly condensed chromatin no granules are seen in the nucleolus.  相似文献   

For the direct investigation of intranuclear dynamics in living cells, extremely deformed nuclei of basipetally centrifuged protonemal cells of the fernAdiantum capillus-veneris were manipulated by the laser trap and the laser scalpel. Whereas the nucleolus was tightly fixed at the central position inside the non-centrifuged nucleus and proved to be immovable by the optical trap, it could easily be trapped and moved towards three directions inside the bubble-like terminal widening of the basal thread-like extension of centrifuged nuclei. Due to the connection of the nucleolus to the chromatin inside the nuclear thread (NT), moving was not possible against the direction of the nuclear apical main body. Nucleoli in recovered nuclei were again immovable, thus indicating the presence of a dynamic nucleolar anchoring system inside the nucleus. When the nucleolus in the bubble was arrested during the thread shortening process by the optical trap, the acropetal movement of the bubble continued. Probably due to dragging forces, some nucleoli became stretched, and a thick strand of a still unknown composition stretched between the nucleolus and the insertion site of the shortening NT. To assess whether the shrinking of the nuclear envelope (NE) and the shortening of the chromatin inside the NT were independent processes, the chromatin above the bubble was cut inside the NT by the laser scalpel. After severance, a gap between the nucleolus and the end of the chromatin strand in the NT indicated the shortening of the chromatin inside the NT. From these findings it was concluded that a shortening force was existing in the chromatin of the NT and that probably no physical link existed between the chromatin and the NE.  相似文献   

As a first step to understanding spermatogenesis in the buffalo bull the cytological details of different types of spermatogonia were determined in adult buffalo bulls. Morphological changes in the nuclear details were used as a basis for classifying the different types of spermatogonia. The type A spermatogonia had a spherical to ovoid nucleus with finely granulated chromatin, homogeneously dispersed in the nucleoplasm and having one to two nucleoli adhering to the nuclear membrane. The type A0 spermatogonia were characterized by nuclei containing moderately stained, finely granulated chromatin and a nucleolus attached to the nuclear envelope. The A1 type spermatogonia, on the other hand, have pale stained, finely granulated chromatin with the nucleolus adhering to the nuclear membrane. The nuclei of A2 type spermatogonia resembled those of type A1, but contained coarse granular chromatin dispersed in the pale nucleoplasm. The intermediate type of spermatogonia acquired a central position of the nucleolus, but the chromatin remained coarsely granulated and non-clumped. Three classes of type B (B1-B3) spermatogonia were determined on the degree of clumping of the chromatin and the central position of the nucleolus. The type B1 cells were characterized by nuclei containing a few flakes of lightly stained chromatin and a centrally located nucleolus. The type B2 cells showed comparatively more clumping of chromatin than type B1 spermatogonia, which was dispersed at random in the pale nucleoplasm and along the nuclear envelope. The type B3 spermatogonia demonstrated chromophilic chromatin dispersed in the slightly grey nucleoplasm and adhering along the nuclear membrane. Since there seems to be a succession of events following differentiation of type A1 spermatogonia till the last type B cell differentiates into resting primary spermatocytes, may intermediate stages between the presently described classes of type A (A0-A2) and type B (B1-B3) could also be located in sections of the seminiferous tubules.  相似文献   

Samples of rat livers were fixed in glutaraldehyde, contrasted en bloc with phosphotungstic acid, embedded in an epoxy resin and serially sectioned. The study of three-dimensional models of 20 complete nuclei shows that all of them share some general features: they have more than one nucleolus (2-4), an irregular layer of compact chromatin adjacent to the nuclear membrane and well-delimited clumps of chromatin both in the nuclear sap and surrounding the nucleoli. A space of 8 sections containing the central nucleolus and a lateral one was studied in detail. In this space, 8 clumps of compact chromatin were found in 17 nuclei and 9 clumps in the other 3 nuclei. No other number of clumps was found in those zones. In all the nuclei studied the compact chromatin surrounding the central nucleolus contacts the nuclear envelope. This contact takes place in a region almost diametrically opposed to the lateral nucleolus in 13 nuclei. In 7 nuclei, these structures were at angles between 50 and 125 degrees. These results support the existence of nonrandom repetitive patterns of chromatin distribution in liver cells.  相似文献   

In okadaic acid treated HeLa cells, the chromosomes sometimes condense without being accompanied by nuclear envelope breakdown. These cells show "persistent" nucleoli. Within these "persistent" nucleoli the intranucleolar chromatin condenses and can be observed in the region of the dense nucleolar component (DNC) of the nucleoli. Other nucleolar components, namely the fibrillar centre (FC) and the granular component (GC) remain unchanged. These observations strongly speak for the localization of nucleolar chromatin (ribosomal cistrons) within the dense nucleolar component of the interphase nucleolus.  相似文献   

We have investigated the precise location of DNA within the meristematic cell nucleolus ofZea maysroot cells andPisum sativumcotyledonary buds, in the course of their activation and induced inactivation following a subsequent treatment at low temperature. For this purpose, we combined the acetylation method, providing an excellent distinction between the various nucleolar components, with thein situterminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-immunogold technique, a highly sensitive method for detecting DNA at the ultrastructural level. In addition to the presence of DNA in the condensed chromatin associated with the nucleolus, we demonstrated that a significant label was detected in the nucleolus of quiescent cells in both plant models. Evident labels were also found in the dense fibrillar component of actived nucleoli. Whereas in inactivated nucleoli no significant label was observed within the dense fibrillar component, an intense label was seen over the large heterogeneous fibrillar centres only during inactivation. The granular component was never significantly labelled. These results appear to indicate that the DNA present in the dense fibrillar component of activated nucleoli withdraws from this structure during its inactivation and becomes incorporated in the large fibrillar centres. These observations suggest that in plant cells inactivation of rRNA genes is clearly accompanied by changes in the conformation of ribosomal chromatin.  相似文献   

MFP1 (matrix attachment region-binding filament-like protein 1) is a conserved nuclear and chloroplast DNA-binding protein encoded by a nuclear gene, well characterized in dicot species. In monocots, only a 90 kDa MFP1-related protein had been characterized in the nucleus and nuclear matrix of Allium cepa proliferating cells. We report here a novel MFP1-related nuclear protein of 80 kDa in A. cepa roots, with M(r) and pI values similar to those of MFP1 proteins in dicot species, and which also displays a dual location, in the nucleus and chloroplasts of leaf cells. However, this novel protein is not a nuclear matrix component. It shows a spotted intranuclear distribution in small foci differing from the nuclear bodies containing the 90 kDa protein. In electron microscopy analysis, the intranuclear foci containing the 80 kDa MFP1 appeared as small loose structures at the periphery of condensed chromatin patches. This protein was also located in the nucleolus. It was abundant in meristematic cells, but its level fell when proliferation stopped. This different expression and distribution, and its preferential location at the boundaries between heterochromatin and euchromatin, suggest that the novel 80 kDa protein might be associated with decondensed DNA and could play a role in chromatin organization.  相似文献   

E V Zybina 《Tsitologiia》1979,21(11):1259-1265
Electron microscope study of the nuclear fragments in the rat trophoblast has demonstrated that the division of the trophoblast giant nucleus results first in the formation of a multinuclear cell. Each nuclear fragment is covered with its own nuclear envelope made of two membranes with numerous pore complexes. The chromatin in these nuclear fragments is condenced with various degrees of condensation, which depends on the step of placenta development, cell differentiation and the degree of nuclear fragmentation. The nuclear ultrastructure in nuclear fragments also depends on the degree of nuclear fragmentation and on the level of chromatin condensation. The nucleolus has no granular component. On large fragments, with lower chromatin condensation the nucleolus is not homogenous being made of fragments of more and of less electron dense fibrilles. Small light lacunae are seen in the nucleolus where chromatin threads and strands pass on. With a high chromatin condensation in the nucleus, round small nucleoli look homogenous being made of moderately electron dense fibrilles. Products of chromosome activity have been found in the nuclear fragments: accumulations of minute granules (d = 15--20 nm), perichromatinous granules (d = 35--40 nm), and fibrillar nucleolus-like bodies. In the multinuclear cell, made as the result of fragmentation of the initially giant nucleus, all the small nuclei are first arranged very close to each other, so that the contours of the neighbouring nuclei coincide.  相似文献   

The transformation of nucleolus and its structural components in the main groups of erythroid cells (from pronormoblasts to reticulocytes and dividing ones) has been studied. It is shown that during inactivation of the nucleolus, the granular component is reduced, and the degree of chromatin condensation increases. Enlargement and "naking" of fibrillar centres are also observed. At the stage of basophilic and polychromatophilic erythroblasts, the nucleolus has a mushroom-like shape with well developed fibrillar centres, which lie at the border of the nucleolus. Nucleolar RNP components consist predominantly of a fibrillar component and forms "caps" of these mushroom-like structures. Therefore, at this stage "free" fibrillar centres are found on ultrathin sections, if the section plane runs only through the fibrillar centre, or through ring-shaped nucleoli, i.e. the fibrillar centre surrounded by sheet of nucleolar RNP fibrilles, when the mushroom-like nucleolus is cut tangentially. Using serial section technique, small round nucleoli with an extremely weakly developed RNP material or free fibrillar centres, resembling those in telophase nuclei, are shown on the terminal stage of nucleolus transformation. It is noted that the main groups of erythroid cells differ from each other not only in the chromatin condensation degree, but also in the development of nucleolus material and in the size of fibrillar centres. However, such differences exist in either cell group. Consequently, we can distinguish between cell populations being on different stages of maturation. On this basis, we described on intermediate population of cells, which possess signs of pronormoblasts and basophilic erythroblasts. In all the cases, strands of electron opaque material bound with the condensed chromatin are present in fibrillar centres.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Morphological changes in the nuclear degeneration of the synergid (mainly the synergid that receives the pollen tube) and antipodal cells in Triticum aestivum were studied. Although located in the same embryo sac, and derived from the same megaspore, nuclear degeneration of the synergid and antipodal cells differs greatly. Nuclear degeneration in the synergid is characterized by pycnosis, i.e., total chromatin condensation, nuclear deformation and distinct shrinkage in volume, followed by the formation of an irregular and densely stained mass—the degenerated nucleus—while the nucleolus disappears prior to the degradation of chromatin. In contrast, in the nuclear degeneration of antipodal cells, chromatin is only partly condensed and the nuclear volume changes only slightly after the distinct chromatin condensation. Chromatolysis then occurs, i.e., stainable contents disappear while the nuclear envelope is retained. The nucleoli persist after the disappearance of the chromatin. The possible functions of nuclear degeneration of synergid and antipodal cells are discussed, especially with respect to the guidance of pollen tube growth and the proliferation of free-nuclear endosperm. The degeneration of synergids and antipodal cells in T. aestivum are distinct forms of programmed cell death, regarded as cytoplasmic cell death and nuclear degradation in advance of cell death, respectively.  相似文献   

Nuclear division in synchronized cultures of the ameboflagellate Adelphamoeba galeacystis has been described. Division in this organism is typically promitotic. It occurs within an intact nuclear membrane and is characterized by the persistence of the nucleolus and its transformation into 2 polar masses. The nucleolus is stained with pyronin-Y by the methyl green pyronin-Y technic, and with Heidenhain's hematoxylin, but is unstained by the Feulgen reaction. The reaction with these stains is removed after digestion of the nucleolus by ribonuclease. During mitosis the nucleolus undergoes an orderly series of vacuolizations before forming the polar masses. The chromatin is Feulgen positive, stains with methyl green by the methyl green pyronin-Y technic and undergoes a series of characteristic changes during the division process. Synchronization of amebae grown on coverglasses was accomplished by transfer of cells from 30 to 38.5 C for a period of 100 min. A temporal sequence of nucleolar and chromatin participation in the nuclear division of this organism is suggested.  相似文献   

Nuclear division is synchronized cultures of the ameoboflagellate Adelphamoeba galecystis has been described. Division in this organism is typically promitotic. It occurs within an intact nuclear membrane and is characterized by the persistence of the nucleolus and its transformation into 2 polar masses. The nucleolus is stained with pyronin-Y by the methyl green pyronin-Y technic, and with Heidenhain's hematoxylin, but is unstained by the Feulgen reaction. The reaction with these stsins is removed after digestion of the nucleolus by ribonuclease. During mitosis the nucleolus undergoes an orderly series of vacuolizations before forming the polar masses. The chromatin is Feulgen positive, stains with methyl green by the methyl green pyronin-Y technic and undergoes a series of characteristic changes during the division process. Synchronizationof amebae grown on coverglasses was accomplished by transfer of cells from 30 to 38.5 C for a period of 100 min. A temporal sequence of nucleolar and chromatin participation in the nuclear division of this organism is suggested.  相似文献   

Localization of snRNA at the ultrastructural level was studied in the nucleolus of CHO cells by EM autoradiography. In conditions where snRNA U3 is the only RNA species labelled in the nucleolus, silver grains were largely found at the periphery, over the granular ribonucleoprotein component and the perinucleolar condensed chromatin; this enrichment was quantitatively significant. Inhibition of pre-rRNA synthesis with actinomycin D did not alter the concentration or the distribution of U3 inside the nucleolus. The results are consistent with the demonstration that U3 is hydrogen-bonded to 28S pre-rRNA, and thus should be found in the granular compartment where 32S-28S pre-rRNA is assembled into 55s RNP.  相似文献   

Mammalian chromosomes occupy chromosome territories within nuclear space the positions of which are generally accepted as non-random. However, it is still controversial whether position of chromosome territories/chromatin is maintained in daughter cells. We addressed this issue and investigated maintenance of various chromatin regions of unknown composition as well as nucleolus-associated chromatin, a significant part of which is composed of nucleolus organizer region-bearing chromosomes. The photoconvertible histone H4-Dendra2 was used to label such regions in transfected HepG2 cells, and its position was followed up to next interphase. The distribution of labeled chromatin in daughter cells exhibited a non-random character. However, its distribution in a vast majority of daughter cells extensively differed from the original ones and the labeled nucleolus-associated chromatin differently located into the vicinity of different nucleoli. Therefore, our results were not consistent with a concept of preservation chromatin position. This conclusion was supported by the finding that the numbers of nucleoli significantly differed between the two daughter cells. Our results support a view that while the transfected daughter HepG2 cells maintain some features of the parental cell chromosome organization, there is also a significant stochastic component associated with reassortment of chromosome territories/chromatin that results in their positional rearrangements.  相似文献   

Chromatin: linking structure and function in the nucleolus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
McKeown PC  Shaw PJ 《Chromosoma》2009,118(1):11-23

The majority of known nuclear proteins are highly mobile. The molecular mechanisms by which they accumulate inside stable compartments that are not separated from the nucleoplasm by membranes are obscure. The compartmental retention of some proteins is associated with their biological function; however, some protein interactions within distinct nuclear structures may be non-specific. The non-specific retention may lead to the accumulation of proteins in distinct structural domains, even if the protein does not function inside this domain. In this study, we have shown that histone H2B-EGFP initially accumulated in the nucleolus after ectopic expression, and then gradually incorporated into the chromatin to leave only a small amount of nucleolus-bound histone that was revealed by removing chromatin-bound proteins with DNase I treatment. Nucleolar histone H2B had several characteristics: (i) it preferentially bound to granular component of the nucleolus and interacted with RNA or RNA-containing nucleolar components; (ii) it freely exchanged between the nucleolus and nucleoplasm; (iii) it associated with the nuclear matrix; and (iv) it bound to interphase prenuclear bodies that formed after hypotonic treatment. The region in histone H2B that acts as a nucleolar localization/retention signal (NoRS) was identified. This signal overlapped with a nuclear localization signal (NLS), which appears to be the primary function of this region. The NoRS activity of this region was non-specific, but the molecular mechanism was probably similar to the NoRSs of other nucleolar proteins. All known NoRSs are enriched with basic amino acids, and we demonstrated that positively charged motifs (nona-arginine (R9) and nona-lysine (K9)) were sufficient for the nucleolar accumulation of EGFP. Also, the correlation between measured NoRS activity and the predicted charge was observed. Thus, NoRSs appear to achieve their function through electrostatic interactions with the negatively charged components of the nucleolus. Though these interactions are non-specific, the functionally unrelated retention of a protein can increase the probability of its interaction with specific and functionally related binding sites.  相似文献   

Colour tests for study of the nuclear apparatus ofChlorella cells are described. It can be concluded from the results thatChlorella cell nucleus contains a relatively large nucleolus; the peripheral layers of the nucleus are rich in chromatin only in the nuclear division phase. The nucleus divides by a simplified form of mitosis, characterized morphologically by simple constriction.  相似文献   

The presence of phospholipids within the interphase nucleus and in isolated chromatin, previously demonstrated by analytical biochemical methods, has been only rarely documented by cytochemical procedures, especially at the ultrastructural level. By means of a gold-conjugated phospholipase technique, we investigated the fine localization of endogenous phospholipids in the different nuclear domains in rat pancreas and in cell cultures. To reduce possible removal or displacement of phospholipids, different specimen preparation procedures such as cryofixation, cryosectioning, and freeze-fracturing were utilized. Apart from slight differences in efficiency among these methods, phospholipids have been cytochemically identified in the same nuclear domains: the interchromatin granules and fibers and the dense fibrillar component of the nucleolus. These results suggest that the phospholipids are an actual nuclear component, not randomly distributed in the nucleoplasm but mainly localized in the nuclear domains involved in the synthesis, maturation, and transport of ribonucleoproteins.  相似文献   

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