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A mutant Escherichia coli (Ppcc-) which was unable to grow on glucose as a sole carbon source was isolated. This mutant had very low levels of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase activity (approximately 5% of the wild type). Goat immunoglobulin G prepared against wild-type phosphoenolypyruvate carboxylase cross-reacted with the Ppcc- enzyme. The amount of enzyme protein in the mutant cells was similar to that found in wild-type cells, but it had greatly diminished specific activity. The catalytically less active mutant enzyme retained the ability to interact with fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, but did not exhibit stabilization of the tetrameric form by aspartate. The pI of the mutant protein was lower (4.9) than that of the wild-type protein (5.1). After electrophoresis and immunoblotting of the partially purified protein, several immunostaining bands were seen in addition to the main enzyme band. A novel method for showing that these bands represented proteolytic fragments of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase was developed.  相似文献   

Phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase of Escherichia coli is activated by three different mechanisms: contiguous by acetyl coenzyme A, precursor by fructose 1,6-bisphosphate, and compensatory feedback by cytidine 5'-diphosphate (CDP). Even though each activator can interact independently with the enzyme, synergistic effects are observed with some combinations, namely, fructose 1,6-bisphosphate or CDP (coregulators), with acetyl coenzyme A. A mutant was isolated that has a phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase which is refractory to activation by fructose, 1,6-bisphosphate and CDP. The mutant enzyme was shown to be active primarily as the dimer and to lack cooperativity in substrate binding. The binding of acetyl coenzyme A and substrate, however, was essentially the same as that of the wild-type enzyme. The mutant cells grew extremely slowly on glucose alone as the sole carbon source. The only defect in the mutant appeared to be the inability of this enzyme to be activated by the coregulators. These data are consistent with the thesis that coregulation by fructose 1,6-bisphosphate or CDP is an essential requirement for the activation in vivo of this enzyme.  相似文献   

1. Citrate synthase has been purified from Escherichia coli and shown to exist at an equilibrium between three forms: monomer (mol.wt. 57000), tetramer (mol.wt. 230000) and, possibly, octamer. Modification of the enzyme by photo-oxidation and by treatment with specific chemical reagents has been carried out to gain information on the amino acid residues involved in enzymic activity and in the inhibition of activity by NADH and alpha-oxoglutarate. 2. Several photo-oxidizable amino acids appear to be involved in activity. The nature of the pH-dependence of their rates of photo-oxidation with Methylene Blue suggests that these are histidines, a conclusion supported by the greater rate of photo-inactivation with Rose Bengal and the destruction of activity by diethyl pyrocarbonate. 3. The participation of histidine at the alpha-oxoglutarate effector site is indicated by photo-oxidation and the participation of cysteine at the NADH effector site suggested by photo-oxidation is confirmed by the desensitization to NADH produced by treatment with 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoate). Inactivation of the enzyme after modification with this reagent suggests the additional involvement of cysteine in catalytic activity. 4. Amino acid analyses of native and photo-oxidized enzyme are consistent with these conclusions. 5. Modification with 2-hydroxy-5-nitrobenzyl bromide indicates the participation of tryptophan in the activity of the enzyme.  相似文献   

Multiple regulation of the activity of adenylate cyclase in Escherichia coli   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Summary We have studied the correlation between the activities of adenylate cyclase (ATP pyrophosphatelyase-(cyclizing); EC and in vivo rates of synthesis and intracellular concentrations of adenosine 3,5 cyclic monophosphate (cAMP) under various growth conditions in wild-type Escherichia coli and in mutants lacking or overproducing the cAMP receptor protein (CAP). We showed that when wild-type bacteria are grown in the presence of a variety of carbon sources the intracellular concentrations of cAMP are inversely related to the adenylate cyclase activities determined in permeabilized cells, suggesting that the carbon source-dependent modulation of cAMP levels is not directly related to the regulation of adenylate cyclase activity. In mutants lacking functional CAP (crp) the in vivo rates of cAMP synthesis are several hundred-fold higher than in the wild-type parent without a parallel increase of adenylate cyclase activities. In a strain carrying multiple copies of the crp gene and overproducing CAP the activity of adenylate cyclase is severely inhibited, although the in vivo rate of cAMP synthesis is similar to the parental strain. We interpret these results as indicating that CAP controls mainly the activity rather than the synthesis of adenylate cyclase.  相似文献   

Acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC) catalyzes the first committed step of the fatty acid synthetic pathway. Although ACC has often been proposed to be a major rate-controlling enzyme of this pathway, no direct tests of this proposal in vivo have been reported. We have tested this proposal in Escherichia coli. The genes encoding the four subunits of E. coli ACC were cloned in a single plasmid under the control of a bacteriophage T7 promoter. Upon induction of gene expression, the four ACC subunits were overproduced in equimolar amounts. Overproduction of the proteins resulted in greatly increased ACC activity with a concomitant increase in the intracellular level of malonyl-CoA. The effects of ACC overexpression on the rate of fatty acid synthesis were examined in the presence of a thioesterase, which provided a metabolic sink for fatty acid overproduction. Under these conditions ACC overproduction resulted in a 6-fold increase in the rate of fatty acid synthesis.  相似文献   

We report the molecular cloning and DNA sequence of the gene encoding the biotin carboxylase subunit of Escherichia coli acetyl-CoA carboxylase. The biotin carboxylase gene encodes a protein of 449 residues that is strikingly similar to amino-terminal segments of two biotin-dependent carboxylase proteins, yeast pyruvate carboxylase and the alpha-subunit of rat propionyl-CoA carboxylase. The deduced biotin carboxylase sequence contains a consensus ATP binding site and a cysteine-containing sequence preserved in all sequenced bicarbonate-dependent biotin carboxylases that may play a key catalytic role. The gene encoding the biotin carboxyl carrier protein (BCCP) subunit of acetyl-CoA carboxylase is located upstream of the biotin carboxylase gene and the two genes are cotranscribed. As previously reported by others, the BCCP sequence encoded a protein of 16,688 molecular mass. However, this value is much smaller than that (22,500 daltons) obtained by analysis of the protein. Amino-terminal amino acid sequencing of the purified BCCP protein confirmed the deduced amino acid sequence indicating that BCCP is a protein of atypical physical properties. Northern and primer extension analyses demonstrate that BCCP and biotin carboxylase are transcribed as a single mRNA species that contains an unusually long untranslated leader preceding the BCCP gene. We have also determined the mutational alteration in a previously isolated acetyl-CoA carboxylase (fabE) mutant and show the lesion maps within the BCCP gene and results in a BCCP species defective in acceptance of biotin. Translational fusions of the carboxyl-terminal 110 or 84 (but not 76) amino acids of BCCP to beta-galactosidase resulted in biotinated beta-galactosidase molecules and production of one such fusion was shown to result in derepression of the biotin biosynthetic operon.  相似文献   

In dilute solution phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase of Escherichia coli undergoes a spontaneous inactivation that can be described mathematically by a two-component declining exponential equation. The rate constant for the decay of the first component is 3.05 ± 0.52 × 10?2 min?, whereas that for the second component is variable, smaller in magnitude, and dependent upon the dilution conditions. Analysis of the coefficients for the exponential equation suggests that the decline of enzymatic activity with time is a function of the initial concentrations of catalytically active dimer and tetramer. From the concentrations of these two species, as determined from their initial activities, an equilibrium constant of 3 × 10?7m for the tetramer-dimer dissociation was determined.The diluted enzyme exhibits properties similar to those ascribed to hysteretic enzymes. The appearance of hysteresis is a function of the time after dilution and the presence of modifiers of catalytic activity, i.e., it is not present immediately after dilution and can be prevented from occurring if aspartate is present in the dilution buffer. The data are consistent with a scheme in which dimeric and tetrameric forms of the enzyme undergo inactivation by dissociation to monomers. The tetramer can dissociate directly to monomers and become inactivated or it can dissociate first to dimers than to monomers before undergoing inactivation. Monomer-to-dimer reassociation occurs to form a catalytically active species, but monomer-to-tetramer reassociation to an active species is not apparent. Hysteresis is presumed to result from reversible isomerization of the monomeric species to a form that can also result in an irreversibly inactivated enzyme.  相似文献   

The adaptation process in several cheD chemotaxis mutants, which carry defects in tsr, the serine transducer gene, was examined. cheD mutants are smooth swimming and generally nonchemotactic; the defect is dominant to the wild-type tsr gene (J. S. Parkinson, J. Bacteriol. 142:953-961, 1980). All classes of methyl-accepting chemotaxis proteins synthesized in unstimulated cheD strains are overmethylated relative to the wild type. We found that the steady-state rate of demethylation in cheD mutants was low; this may explain their overmethylated phenotype. In addition, all cheD mutants showed diminished responsiveness of methylesterase activity to attractant and repellent stimuli transduced by either the Tsr or Tar protein, and they did not adapt. These results suggest that the dominant nature of the cheD mutations is manifested as a general defect in the regulation of demethylation. Some of these altered properties of methylesterase activity in cheD mutants were exhibited in wild-type cells that were treated with saturating concentrations of serine. The mutant Tsr protein thus seems to be locked into a signaling mode that suppresses tumbling and inhibits methylesterase activity in a global fashion. We found that the Tar and mutant Tsr proteins synthesized in cheD strains were methylated and deamidated at the correct sites and that the mutations were not located in the methylated peptides. Thus, the signaling properties of the transducers may be controlled at sites distinct from the methyl-accepting sites.  相似文献   

1. Phosphopyruvate carboxylase activity rapidly appears in the liver of prematurely delivered rats and development of activity is prevented by injection of actinomycin D just before delivery. 2. The activity is considerably decreased by puromycin and amino acid analogues and thus appears to be due to enzyme synthesis. 3. Newborn or premature animals show a transient intense phase of hypoglycaemia after delivery. 4. When the hypoglycaemic phase is prevented by glucose injection little phosphopyruvate carboxylase activity appears in the liver, but galactose, mannose and fructose, which have no effect on the blood glucose concentration, also repress enzyme development. 5. Lactate, pyruvate and glycerol injections repress the premature development of phosphopyruvate carboxylase. 6. Injections of glucagon, adrenalin and noradrenalin into the rat foetus in utero result in development of phosphopyruvate carboxylase activity. 7. These findings are discussed in relation to the mechanism of initiation of enzyme synthesis in neonatal rat liver.  相似文献   

Biotin carboxylase catalyzes the ATP-dependent carboxylation of biotin and is one component of the multienzyme complex acetyl-CoA carboxylase that catalyzes the first committed step in fatty acid synthesis. The Escherichia coli biotin carboxylase is readily isolated from the other components of the acetyl-CoA carboxylase complex such that enzymatic activity is retained. The three-dimensional structure of biotin carboxylase, determined by x-ray crystallography, demonstrated that the enzyme is a homodimer consisting of two active sites in which each subunit contains a complete active site. To understand how each subunit contributes to the overall function of biotin carboxylase, we made hybrid molecules in which one subunit had a wild-type active site, and the other subunit contained an active site mutation known to significantly affect the activity of the enzyme. One of the two genes encoded a poly-histidine tag at its N terminus, whereas the other gene had an N-terminal FLAG epitope tag. The two genes were assembled into a mini-operon that was induced to give high level expression of both enzymes. "Hybrid" dimers composed of one subunit with a wild-type active site and a second subunit having a mutant active site were obtained by sequential chromatographic steps on columns of immobilized nickel chelate and anti-FLAG affinity matrices. In vitro kinetic studies of biotin carboxylase dimers in which both subunits were wild type revealed that the presence of the N-terminal tags did not alter the activity of the enzyme. However, kinetic assays of hybrid dimer biotin carboxylase molecules in which one subunit had an active site mutation (R292A, N290A, K238Q, or E288K) and the other subunit had a wild-type active site resulted in 39-, 28-, 94-, and 285-fold decreases in the activity of these enzymes, respectively. The dominant negative effects of these mutant subunits were also detected in vivo by monitoring the rate of fatty acid biosynthesis by [(14)C]acetate labeling of cellular lipids. Expression of the mutant biotin carboxylase genes from an inducible arabinose promoter resulted in a significantly reduced rate of fatty acid synthesis relative to the same strain that expressed the wild type gene. Thus, both the in vitro and in vivo data indicate that both subunits of biotin carboxylase are required for activity and that the two subunits must be in communication during enzyme function.  相似文献   

Regardless of the respiratory conditions of the culture, Escherichia coli synthesizes an active propanediol oxidoreductase. Under anaerobic conditions, the enzyme remained fully active and accomplished its physiological role, while under aerobic conditions, it was inactivated in a process that did not depend on protein synthesis or on the presence of a carbon source.  相似文献   

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