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Thermotropic properties of purified cytochrome c1 and cytochrome c have been studied by differential scanning calorimetry under various conditions. Both cytochromes exhibit a single endothermodenaturation peak in the differential scanning calorimetric thermogram. Thermodenaturation temperatures are ionic strength, pH, and redox state dependent. The ferrocytochromes are more stable toward thermodenaturation than the ferricytochromes. The enthalpy changes of thermodenaturation of ferro- and ferricytochrome c1 are markedly dependent on the ionic strength of the solution. The effect of the ionic strength of solution on the enthalpy change of thermodenaturation of cytochrome c is rather insignificant. The formation of a complex between cytochromes c and c1 at lower ionic strength causes a significant destabilization of the former and a slight stabilization of the latter. The destabilization of cytochrome c upon mixing with cytochrome c1 was also observed at high ionic strength, under which conditions no stable complex was detected by physical separation. This suggests formation of a transient complex between these two cytochromes. When cytochrome c was complexed with phospholipids, no change in the thermodenaturation temperature was observed, but a great increase in the enthalpy change of thermodenaturation resulted.  相似文献   

In plants, channeling of cytochrome c molecules between complexes III and IV has been purported to shuttle electrons within the supercomplexes instead of carrying electrons by random diffusion across the intermembrane bulk phase. However, the mode plant cytochrome c behaves inside a supercomplex such as the respirasome, formed by complexes I, III and IV, remains obscure from a structural point of view. Here, we report ab-initio Brownian dynamics calculations and nuclear magnetic resonance-driven docking computations showing two binding sites for plant cytochrome c at the head soluble domain of plant cytochrome c1, namely a non-productive (or distal) site with a long heme-to-heme distance and a functional (or proximal) site with the two heme groups close enough as to allow electron transfer. As inferred from isothermal titration calorimetry experiments, the two binding sites exhibit different equilibrium dissociation constants, for both reduced and oxidized species, that are all within the micromolar range, thus revealing the transient nature of such a respiratory complex. Although the docking of cytochrome c at the distal site occurs at the interface between cytochrome c1 and the Rieske subunit, it is fully compatible with the complex III structure. In our model, the extra distal site in complex III could indeed facilitate the functional cytochrome c channeling towards complex IV by building a “floating boat bridge” of cytochrome c molecules (between complexes III and IV) in plant respirasome.  相似文献   

A rapid separation of the ten nuclearly-encoded subunits of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase, and ten out of the eleven subunits of cytochrome bc1, was achieved using a short, 50 mm C18-reversed-phase column. The short column decreased the elution time 4–7 fold while maintaining the same resolution quality. Elution was similar to a previously published protocol, i.e., a water/acetonitrile elution gradient containing trifluoroacetic acid. Isolated subunits were identified by MALDI-TOF. The rapidity of the described method makes it extremely useful for determining the subunit composition of isolated mitochondrial complexes. The method can be used for both analytical and micro-preparative purposes.  相似文献   

We report kinetic data for the two-step electron transfer (ET) oxidation and reduction of the two-domain di-heme redox protein Pseudomonas stutzeri cytochrome (cyt) c4 by [Co(bipy)3]2+/3+ (bipy = 2,2′-bipyridine). Following earlier reports, the data accord with both bi- and tri-exponential kinetics. A complete kinetic scheme includes both “cooperative” intermolecular ET between each heme group and the external reaction partner, and intramolecular ET between the two heme groups. A new data analysis scheme shows unequivocally that two-ET oxidation and reduction of P. stutzeri cyt c4 is entirely dominated by intermolecular ET between the heme groups and the external reaction partner in the ms time range, with virtually no contribution from intramolecular interheme ET in this time range. This is in striking contrast to two-ET electrochemical oxidation or reduction of P. stutzeri cyt c4 for which fast, ms to sub-ms intramolecular interheme ET is a crucial step. The rate constant dependence on the solvent viscosity has disclosed strong coupling to both a (set of) frictionally damped solvent/protein nuclear modes and intramolecular friction-less “ballistic” modes, indicative of notable protein structural mobility in the overall two-ET process. We suggest that conformational protein mobility blocks intramolecular interheme ET in bulk homogeneous solution but triggers opening of this gated ET channel in the electrochemical environment or in the membrane environment of natural respiratory cyt c4 function.  相似文献   

Potato plants (Solanum tuberosum L. cv. Bintje) were grown to maturity in open-top chambers under three carbon dioxide (CO2; ambient and 24 h d−1 seasonal mean concentrations of 550 and 680 μmol mol−1) and two ozone levels (O3; ambient and an 8 h d−1 seasonal mean of 50 nmol mol−1). Chlorophyll content, photosynthetic characteristics, and stomatal responses were determined to test the hypothesis that elevated atmospheric CO2 may alleviate the damaging influence of O3 by reducing uptake by the leaves. Elevated O3 had no detectable effect on photosynthetic characteristics, leaf conductance, or chlorophyll content, but did reduce SPAD values for leaf 15, the youngest leaf examined. Elevated CO2 also reduced SPAD values for leaf 15, but not for older leaves; destructive analysis confirmed that chlorophyll content was decreased. Leaf conductance was generally reduced by elevated CO2, and declined with time in the youngest leaves examined, as did assimilation rate (A). A generally increased under elevated CO2, particularly in the older leaves during the latter stages of the season, thereby increasing instantaneous transpiration efficiency. Exposure to elevated CO2 and/or O3 had no detectable effect on dark-adapted fluorescence, although the values decreased with time. Analysis of the relationships between assimilation rate and intercellular CO2 concentration and photosynthetically active photon flux density showed there was initially little treatment effect on CO2-saturated assimilation rates for leaf 15. However, the values for plants grown under 550 μmol mol−1 CO2 were subsequently greater than in the ambient and 680 μmol mol−1 treatments, although the beneficial influence of the former treatment declined sharply towards the end of the season. Light-saturated assimilation was consistently greater under elevated CO2, but decreased with time in all treatments. The values decreased sharply when leaves grown under elevated CO2 were measured under ambient CO2, but increased when leaves grown under ambient CO2 were examined under elevated CO2. The results obtained indicate that, although elevated CO2 initially increased assimilation and growth, these beneficial effects were not necessarily sustained to maturity as a result of photosynthetic acclimation and the induction of earlier senescence.  相似文献   

One of the most precise methods of determining hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) formation by biological systems is based on measuring the rate of enzyme-substrate complex formation between H2O2 and cytochrome c peroxidase (CCP). The main problem with this method is that CCP is not commercially available and has to be prepared in the laboratory. We have modified some currently available methods for purifying a highly active preparation of CCP in about 4 d. It includes a batch extraction of protein using DEAE-sepharose followed by concentration either by lyophilization or by passing the extract through a small DEAE-sepharose column instead of by ultrafiltration. The concentrated preparation is passed through a Sephadex G-75 column and the final CCP crystallized against water. The final preparations had a purity index (PI, ratio of absorbance at 408 nm/280 nm, equivalent to heme/protein ratio) above 1.2. These changes make the overall procedure very simple, preserving enzyme activity and spectral properties. In addition, we point out that special care has to be taken to eliminate cytochrome c from crude CCP extracts. Cytochrome c not only introduces an artifact when determining PI, but is also may act as a hydrogen donor for CCP when monitoring H2O2 formation, thus decreasing the sensitivity of this method.  相似文献   

Summary A new method for measuring protein with Coo-massie Brilliant Blue G-250 has been adapted for use as a screening method in a potato tuber protein improvement breeding program. The method is simple, fast and inexpensive, and has successfully estimated the total protein content of a broad range of tuber genotypes having dissimilar amino acid profiles and tuber maturities. Correlation between the Coomassie method and a modified micro-Kjeldahl method, the standard method used in the potato breeding program, was 0.93. Free amino acids and other compounds which interfere with other methods for measuring protein do not interfere with the Coomassie Brilliant Blue procedure.This research was supported in part by the Rockefeller Foundation. Scientific Journal Series Article # 10,157 of the Minnesota Agricultural Experiment Station  相似文献   

We have isolated and sequenced a cDNA clone encoding the apoprotein of a potato phytochrome. Based on the deduced amino acid sequence, which shows 78% amino acid identity to the Arabidopsis phyA and 50% identity to the Arabidopsis phyB open reading frame, we have classified this cDNA clone as potato phyA phytochrome. The amino acid immediately preceding cysteine 323, which is the homologue of oat cystein 321, to which the chromophore has been shown to be attached, is a tyrosine residue. This contrasts with six other type A phytochrome sequences from both monocots and dicots that encode serine in this position. As already observed in three other cDNAs isolated from dicot species, the potato phyA clone encodes a short open reading frame (13 amino acids) preceding the phyA open reading frame (1123 amino acids), supporting the idea that this type of leader sequence might be involved in the regulated expression of the phytochrome apoprotein. Southern blot analysis revealed a single phyA gene as well as other related phytochrome sequences in the potato genome. phyA mRNA levels varied in different organs and were modulated by white light; in seedlings and sprouts, highest levels of mRNA were detected in the etiolated stage. Upon illumination with white light, mRNA levels decreased to the amount found in leaves of re-etiolated plants. Lowest expression was observed in leaves of plants grown in the light, in tubers irrespective of light treatment, and in roots of plants grown in the dark. In roots of plants grown in the light, elevated levels of phyA mRNA were detected. Using a monoclonal antibody generated against pea phytochrome as an immunochemical probe, the protein was only detectable in protein extracts from etiolated seedlings and sprouts.  相似文献   

Multiheme cytochromes c have been found in a number of sulfate- and metal ion-reducing bacteria. Geobacter sulfurreducens is one of a family of microorganisms that oxidize organic compounds, with Fe(III) oxide as the terminal electron acceptor. A triheme 9.6 kDa cytochrome c7 from G. sulfurreducens is a part of the metal ion reduction pathway. We cloned the gene for cytochrome c7 and expressed it in Escherichiacoli together with the cytochrome c maturation gene cluster, ccmABCDEFGH, on a separate plasmid. We designed two constructs, with and without an N-terminal His-tag. The untagged version provided a good yield (up to 6 mg/l of aerobic culture) of the fully matured protein, with all three hemes attached, while the N-terminal His-tag appeared to be detrimental for proper heme incorporation. The recombinant protein (untagged) is properly folded, it has the same molecular weight and displays the same absorption spectra, both in reduced and in oxidized forms, as the protein isolated from G. sulfurreducens and it is capable of reducing metal ions in vitro. The shape parameters for the recombinant cytochrome c7 determined by small angle X-ray scattering are in good agreement with the ones calculated from a homologous cytochrome c7 of known structure.  相似文献   

The bc 1-complex (EC from Triticum aestivum L. was purified by cytochrome-c affinity chromatography and gel filtration using either etiolated seedlings or wheat-germ extract as starting material. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the isolated enzyme revealed ten bands, which were analysed by immunoblotting and direct amino-acid sequencing. The enzyme from wheat is the first bc 1-complex that is reported to contain four core proteins (55.5, 55.0, 51.5 and 51.0 kDa). In addition, the wheat bc 1-complex comprises cytochrome b (35 kDa), cytochrome c 1 (33 kDa) the Rieske iron-sulphur protein (25 kDa) and three small subunits < 15 kDa. This composition differs from the one reported in fungi, mammals and potato. Partial sequence determination of the large subunits suggests that the 55.5 and 55.0-kDa-proteins represent the -subunit of the general mitochondrial processing peptidase, and the 51.5 and 51.0-kDa proteins the -subunit of this enzyme. The bc 1-complex from wheat efficiently processes mitochondrial precursor proteins as shown in an in-vitro processing assay. In control experiments the isolated bc 1-complexes from potato, yeast, Neurospora and beef, all purified by the same isolation procedure, were also tested for processing activity. Only the protein complexes from plants contain the general mitochondrial processing peptidase. The composition of the wheat bc 1-complex sheds new light on the co-evolution of the processing peptidase and the middle segment of the respiratory chain.Abbreviations MPP mitochondrial processing peptidase We wish to thank Prof. G. Schatz, Biozentrum Basel, Switzerland and Prof. H. Weiss, Universität Düsseldorf, Germany for providing antibodies against the repiratory subunits of the bc 1-complex from yeast and Neurospora and to H. Mentzel, A. Leisse, R. Breitfeld and B. Hidde for excellent technical assistance. Thanks are also due to Prof. M. Boutry, Université de Louvaine-la-Neuve, Belgium for providing a plasmid containing the -subunit of ATPase from tobacco. This research was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschalft and the Bundesministerium für Forschung und Technologie.  相似文献   

Summary The SCO1 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae encodes a 30 kDa protein which is specifically required for a post-translational step in the accumulation of subunits 1 and 2 of cytochrome c oxidase (COXI and COXII). Antibodies directed against a -Gal::SCO1 fusion protein detect SCO1 in the mitochondrial fraction of yeast cells. The SCO1 protein is an integral membrane protein as shown by its resistance to alkaline extraction and by its solubilization properties upon treatment with detergents. Based on the results obtained by isopycnic sucrose gradient centrifugation and by digitonin treatment of mitochondria, SCO1 is a component of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Membrane localization is mediated by a stretch of 17 hydrophobic amino acids in the amino-terminal region of the protein. A truncated SCO1 derivative lacking this segment, is no longer bound to the membrane and simultaneously loses its biological function. The observation that membrane localization of SCO1 is affected in mitochondria of a rho 0 strain, hints at the possible involvement of mitochondrially coded components in ensuring proper membrane insertion.  相似文献   

Previous work has established that the N57I amino acid replacement in iso-1-cytochrome c from the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae causes an unprecedented increase in thermodynamic stability of the protein in vitro, whereas the N57G replacement diminishes stability. Spectrophotometric measurements of intact cells revealed that the N57I iso-l-cytochrome c is present at higher than normal levels in vivo. Although iso-1-cytochrome c turnover is negligible during aerobic growth, transfer of fully derepressed, aerobically grown cells to anaerobic growth conditions leads to reduction in the levels of all of the cytochromes. Pulsechase experiments carried out under these anaerobic conditions demonstrated that the N57I iso-l-cytochrome c has a longer half-life than the normal protein. This is the first report of enhanced stability in vivo of a mutant form of a protein that has an enhanced thermodynamic stability in vitro. Although the N57I protein concentration is higher than the normal level, reduced growth in lactate medium indicated that the specific activity of this iso-l-cytochrome c in vivo is diminished relative to wild-type. On the other hand, the level of the thermodynamically labile N57G iso-1-cytochrome c was below normal. The in vivo levels of the N57I and N57G iso-l-cytochrome c suggest that proteins in the mitochondrial intermembrane space can be subjected to degradation, and that this degradation may play a role in controlling their normal levels.  相似文献   

Two central redox enzyme systems exist to reduce eukaryotic P450 enzymes, the P450 oxidoreductase (POR) and the cyt b5 reductase–cyt b5. In fungi, limited information is available for the cyt b5 reductase–cyt b5 system. Here we characterized the kinetic mechanism of (cyt b5r)–cyt b5 redox system from the model white-rot fungus Phanerochaete chrysosporium (Pc) and made a quantitative comparison to the POR system. We determined that Pc-cyt b5r followed a “ping-pong” mechanism and could directly reduce cytochrome c. However, unlike other cyt b5 reductases, Pc-cyt b5r lacked the typical ferricyanide reduction activity, a standard for cyt b5 reductases. Through co-expression in yeast, we demonstrated that the Pc-cyt b5r–cyt b5 complex is capable of transferring electrons to Pc-P450 CYP63A2 for its benzo(a)pyrene monooxygenation activity and that the efficiency was comparable to POR. In fact, both redox systems supported oxidation of an estimated one-third of the added benzo(a)pyrene amount. To our knowledge, this is the first report to indicate that the cyt b5r–cyt b5 complex of fungi is capable of transferring electrons to a P450 monooxygenase. Furthermore, this is the first eukaryotic quantitative comparison of the two P450 redox enzyme systems (POR and cyt b5r–cyt b5) in terms of supporting a P450 monooxygenase activity.  相似文献   

DNA topoisomerase II ofDictyostelium discoideum (TopA), the gene (topA) encoding which we cloned, was shown to have an additional N-terminal region which contains a putative mitochondrial targeting signal presequence. We constructed overexpression mutants which expressed the wild-type or the N-terminally deleted enzyme, and examined its localization by immunofluorescence microscopy and proteinase K digestion experiment. These experiments revealed that the enzyme is located in the mitochondria by virtue of the additional N-terminal region. Furthermore, in the cell extract depleted the enzyme by immunoprecipitation, nuclear DNA topoisomerase II activity was not decreased. These results confirmed that TopA is located in the mitochondria, even through its amino acid sequence is highly similar to those of nuclear type topoisomerase II of other organisms. Thus, this report is the first to establish the location of the mitochondrial targeting signal presequence in DNA topoisomerase II and in proteins ofD. discoideum directly by analyzing deletion mutants. Tsukuba Advanced Research Alliance (TARA researcher for the Sakabe project)  相似文献   

Sk2 protein is the most abundant member of the pistil-specific proteins of Solanum tuberosum. Sk2 protein has been localized by use of a polyclonal antibody (anti-Sk2) in the pistils of four clones of Solanum tuberosum. In the stigmas Sk2 protein accumulates to a high level in the cytoplasm of the internal secretory cells underlying the papillae one day prior to anthesis. In styles, the intercellular matrix of the transmitting tissue cells is intensely labelled by anti-Sk2. Sk2 protein is present in all four clones and shows the same labelling pattern. The possible role of the Sk2 protein in pollen tube growth is discussed.  相似文献   

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