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After conjugation in hypotrichous ciliates, a new macronucleus is produced from a copy of the micronucleus. This transformation involves large-scale reorganization of DNA, with conversion of the chromosomal micronuclear genome into short, gene-sized DNA molecules in the macronucleus. To study directly the changes that occur during this process, we have developed techniques for synchronous mating of large populations of the hypotrichous ciliate Euplotes crassus. Electron microscope studies show that the micronuclear chromosomes are polytenized during the first 20 h of macronuclear development. The polytene chromosomes lack the band-interband organization observed in other hypotrichs and in the Diptera. Polytenization is followed by transectioning of the chromosomes. We isolated DNA at various times of macronuclear development and found that the average molecular weight of the DNA decreases at the time of chromosome transectioning. In addition, we have shown that a small size group of macronuclear DNA molecules (450-550 base pairs) is excised from the chromosomal DNA approximately 10 h later in macronuclear development.  相似文献   

After mating, hypotrichous ciliated protozoa transform a set of their micronuclear chromosomes into thousands of short, linear DNA molecules that form the macronuclear genome. To examine micronuclear genome organization in the hypotrich Euplotes crassus, we have analyzed two cloned segments of micronuclear DNA as well as the macronuclear DNA molecules that are derived from them. E. crassus was found to display a number of features characteristic of other hypotrich genomes, including (i) clustering and close spacing of the precursors of macronuclear DNA molecules, (ii) the frequent occurrence of internal eliminated sequences within macronuclear precursors, (iii) overlapping macronuclear precursors, (iv) lack of telomeric repeats at the ends of macronuclear precursors, and (v) alternative processing of the micronuclear chromosome to yield multiple macronuclear DNA molecules. In addition, a moderately repetitive, transposonlike element that interrupts the precursors of two macronuclear DNA molecules has been identified and characterized. This transposonlike element, designated Tec1, is shown to be reproducibly removed from one of the macronuclear precursors during independent episodes of macronuclear development.  相似文献   

Translational frameshifting is a ubiquitous, if rare, form of alternative decoding in which ribosomes spontaneously shift reading frames during translation elongation. In studying +1 frameshifting in Ty retrotransposons of the yeast S. cerevisiae, we previously showed that unusual P site tRNAs induce frameshifting. The frameshift-inducing tRNAs we show here are near-cognates for the P site codon. Their abnormal decoding induces frameshifting in either of two ways: weak codon-anticodon pairing allows the tRNA to disengage from the mRNA and slip +1, or an unusual codon-anticodon structure interferes with cognate in-frame decoding allowing out-of-frame decoding in the A site. We draw parallels between this mechanism and a proposed mechanism of frameshift suppression by mutant tRNAs.  相似文献   

Euplotes crassus, like other hypotrichous ciliated protozoa, eliminates most of its micronuclear chromosomal DNA in the process of forming the small linear DNA molecules that comprise the macronuclear genome. By characterizing randomly selected lambda phage clones of E. crassus micronuclear DNA, we have determined the distribution of repetitive and unique sequences and the arrangement of macronuclear genes relative to eliminated DNA. This allows us to compare the E. crassus micronuclear genome organization to that of another distantly related hypotrichous ciliate, Oxytricha nova. The clones from E. crassus segregate into three prevalent classes: those containing primarily eliminated repetitive DNA (Class I); those containing macronuclear genes in addition to repetitive sequences (Class II); and those containing only eliminated unique sequence DNA (Class III). All of the repetitive sequences in these clones belong to the same highly abundant repetitive element family. Our results demonstrate that the sequence organization of the E. crassus and O. nova micronuclear genomes is related in that the macronuclear genes are clustered together in the micronuclear genome and the eliminated unique sequences occur in long stretches that are uninterrupted by repetitive sequences. In both organisms a single repetitive element family comprises the majority of the eliminated interspersed middle repetitive DNA and appears to be preferentially associated with the macronuclear sequence clusters. The similarities in the sequence organization in these two organisms suggest that clustering of macronuclear genes plays a role in the chromosome fragmentation process.  相似文献   

A 604-base pair macronuclear DNA molecule from the hypotrichous ciliate Euplotes crassus was cloned and its DNA sequence determined. The DNA sequence contains an open reading frame capable of encoding a protein 141 amino acids in length. The putative protein contains significant sequence similarity to other eukaryotic proteins, including the rat form-I phosphoinositide-specific phospholipase-C.  相似文献   

Three macronuclear genes encoding putative nuclear protein kinases of the ciliate Euplotes octocarinatus syngen 1 were isolated and sequenced. All three deduced gene products share significant properties with a group of recently identified nuclear serine/threonine protein kinases named Ndr. The three predicted proteins contain the twelve conserved catalytic subdomains of protein kinases and 22 near universally-conserved amino acids residues that are characteristic of serine/threonine protein kinases. In addition, there is an approximately 30 amino acid-peptide insertion between subdomains VII and VIII that contains a potential nuclear localization signal. Sequence analysis suggests that expression of the Eondr2 gene requires a + 1 programmed translational frameshift for its translation. Comparison of the deduced EoNdr2 with other known Ndr protein kinases implies that a + 1 ribosomal frameshift occurs at the motif AAATAA.  相似文献   

In Saccharomyces cerevisiae, 11 out of 42 tRNA species contain 5-methoxycarbonylmethyl-2-thiouridine (mcm5s2U), 5-methoxycarbonylmethyluridine (mcm5U), 5-carbamoylmethyluridine (ncm5U) or 5-carbamoylmethyl-2′-O-methyluridine (ncm5Um) nucleosides in the anticodon at the wobble position (U34). Earlier we showed that mutants unable to form the side chain at position 5 (ncm5 or mcm5) or lacking sulphur at position 2 (s2) of U34 result in pleiotropic phenotypes, which are all suppressed by overexpression of hypomodified tRNAs. This observation suggests that the observed phenotypes are due to inefficient reading of cognate codons or an increased frameshifting. The latter may be caused by a ternary complex (aminoacyl-tRNA*eEF1A*GTP) with a modification deficient tRNA inefficiently being accepted to the ribosomal A-site and thereby allowing an increased peptidyl-tRNA slippage and thus a frameshift error. In this study, we have investigated the role of wobble uridine modifications in reading frame maintenance, using either the Renilla/Firefly luciferase bicistronic reporter system or a modified Ty1 frameshifting site in a HIS4A::lacZ reporter system. We here show that the presence of mcm5 and s2 side groups at wobble uridines are important for reading frame maintenance and thus the aforementioned mutant phenotypes might partly be due to frameshift errors.  相似文献   

Rab proteins belong to the largest family of the Ras superfamily of small GTPase that play an important role in intracellular vesicular traffic. So far, almost 60 members of Rab family have been identified in mammalian cells. To further study the diversity and function of Rab protein in evolution, unicellular protozoa ciliates, Euplotes octocarinatus, were used in this study, Rab genes were screened by PCR method from macronuclear DNA of E. octocarinatus. Sixteen Rab genes were obtained. They share 87.6-99.5% identities. Highly conserved GTP-binding domains were found. There are some hot regions that diverse sharply in these genes as well.  相似文献   

Macronuclear development in Euplotes crassus begins with polytenization of micronuclear chromosomes and is accompanied by highly precise excision of DNA sequences known as internal eliminated sequences and transposon-like elements (Tecs). Quantitation of radiolabeled-precursor incorporation into DNA indicates that DNA synthesis during formation of polytene chromosomes is not continuous and occurs during two distinct periods. We demonstrate that the timing of Tec excision coincides with these replication periods and that excision can occur during both periods even at a single locus. We also show that Tec and internal eliminated sequence excisions are coincident in the second replication period, thus providing further evidence for similarity in their excision mechanism. Inhibition of DNA synthesis with hydroxyurea diminishes Tec element excision, indicating that replication is an important aspect of the excision process.  相似文献   

In the Saccharomyces cerevisiae double-stranded RNA virus, programmed -1 ribosomal frameshifting is responsible for translation of the second open reading frame of the essential viral RNA. A typical slippery site and downstream pseudoknot are necessary for this frameshifting event, and previous work has demonstrated that ribosomes pause over the slippery site. The translational intermediate associated with a ribosome paused at this position is detected, and, using in vitro translation and quantitative heelprinting, the rates of synthesis, the ribosomal pause time, the proportion of ribosomes paused at the slippery site, and the fraction of paused ribosomes that frameshift are estimated. About 10% of ribosomes pause at the slippery site in vitro, and some 60% of these continue in the -1 frame. Ribosomes that continue in the -1 frame pause about 10 times longer than it takes to complete a peptide bond in vitro. Altering the rate of translational initiation alters the rate of frameshifting in vivo. Our in vitro and in vivo experiments can best be interpreted to mean that there are three methods by which ribosomes pass the frameshift site, only one of which results in frameshifting.  相似文献   

Programmed translational frameshift sites are sequences in mRNAs that promote frequent stochastic changes in translational reading frame allowing expression of alternative forms of protein products. The EST3 gene of Saccharomyces cerevisiae, encoding a subunit of telomerase, uses a programmed +1 frameshift site in its expression. We show that the site is complex, consisting of a heptameric sequence at which the frameshift occurs and a downstream 27-nucleotide stimulator sequence that increases frameshifting eightfold. The stimulator appears to be modular, composed of at least three separable domains. It increases frameshifting only when ribosomes pause at the frameshift site because of a limiting supply of a cognate aminoacyl-tRNA and not when pausing occurs at a nonsense codon. These data suggest that the EST3 stimulator may modulate access by aminoacyl-tRNAs to the ribosomal A site by interacting with several targets in a ribosome paused during elongation.  相似文献   

Two forms of a macronuclear DNA molecule differing in the presence or absence of a restriction endonuclease recognition site have been detected in the hypotrichous ciliate Euplotes crassus. Through a series of genetic crosses the two forms were shown to be allelic, being derived from a single micronuclear genetic locus. This restriction fragment length variant (RFLV) was used as a genetic marker to determine that the migratory and stationary pronuclei generated during mating can be genetically non-identical. In addition, the RFLV was used to investigate the efficiency of processing of the alternate alleles during macronuclear development and their subsequent transmission during vegetative growth. Little or no bias in the processing and/or amplification of the two alleles was observed during macronuclear development. During vegetative growth, however, changes in the relative amounts of the two alleles were observed.  相似文献   

Translation termination in eukaryotes is mediated by the release factors eRF1 and eRF3, but mechanisms of the interplay between these factors are not fully understood, due partly to the difficulty of measuring termination on eukaryotic mRNAs. Here, we describe an in vitro system for the assay of termination using competition with programmed frameshifting at the recoding signal of mammalian antizyme. The efficiency of antizyme frameshifting in rabbit reticulocyte lysates was reduced by addition of recombinant rabbit eRF1 and eRF3 in a synergistic manner. Addition of suppressor tRNA to this assay system revealed competition with a third event, stop codon readthrough. Using these assays, we demonstrated that an eRF3 mutation at the GTPase domain repressed termination in a dominant negative fashion probably by binding to eRF1. The effect of the release factors and the suppressor tRNA showed that the stop codon at the antizyme frameshift site is relatively inefficient compared to either the natural termination signals at the end of protein coding sequences or the readthrough signal from a plant virus. The system affords a convenient assay for release factor activity and has provided some novel views of the mechanism of antizyme frameshifting.  相似文献   

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