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Variance in reproductive success is a major determinant of the degree of genetic drift in a population. While many plants and animals exhibit high variance in their number of progeny, far less is known about these distributions for microorganisms. Here, we used a strain barcoding approach to quantify variability in offspring number among replicate bacterial populations and developed a Bayesian method to infer the distribution of descendants from this variability. We applied our approach to measure the offspring distributions for five strains of bacteria from the genus Streptomyces after germination and growth in a homogenous laboratory environment. The distributions of descendants were heavy‐tailed, with a few cells effectively ‘winning the jackpot’ to become a disproportionately large fraction of the population. This extreme variability in reproductive success largely traced back to initial populations of spores stochastically exiting dormancy, which provided early‐germinating spores with an exponential advantage. In simulations with multiple dormancy cycles, heavy‐tailed distributions of descendants decreased the effective population size by many orders of magnitude and led to allele dynamics differing substantially from classical population genetics models with matching effective population size. Collectively, these results demonstrate that extreme variability in reproductive success can occur even in growth conditions that are far more homogeneous than the natural environment. Thus, extreme variability in reproductive success might be an important factor shaping microbial population dynamics with implications for predicting the fate of beneficial mutations, interpreting sequence variability within populations and explaining variability in infection outcomes across patients.  相似文献   

Previous papers have modelled the behaviour of populations which are subject to kleptoparasitism, and found those ecological situations in which kleptoparasitism should occur. Individuals were considered to be in one of several states, and an equilibrium distribution for the population was found. It was then assumed, for analytical purposes but without proof, that the population was actually in that equilibrium. In this paper, we show that the equilibrium is a stable one, and that it is reached in a relatively short time for all reasonable values of the ecological parameters. Thus, a population may be expected to spend most of the time in equilibrium, and this assumption of these previous works is justified.Research of the first author supported by EPSRC.The authors are also members of The Centre for the Study of Evolution, at the University of Sussex.  相似文献   

Short tandem repeats (STRs) are units of 1–6 bp that repeat in a tandem fashion in DNA. Along with single nucleotide polymorphisms and large structural variations, they are among the major genomic variants underlying genetic, and likely phenotypic, divergence. STRs experience mutation rates that are orders of magnitude higher than other well-studied genotypic variants. Frequent copy number changes result in a wide range of alleles, and provide unique opportunities for modulating complex phenotypes through variation in repeat length. While classical studies have identified key roles of individual STR loci, the advent of improved sequencing technology, high-quality genome assemblies for diverse species, and bioinformatics methods for genome-wide STR analysis now enable more systematic study of STR variation across wide evolutionary ranges. In this review, we explore mutation and selection processes that affect STR copy number evolution, and how these processes give rise to varying STR patterns both within and across species. Finally, we review recent examples of functional and adaptive changes linked to STRs.  相似文献   

Myofiber cultures give rise to myogenic as well as to non-myogenic cells. Whether these myofiber-associated non-myogenic cells develop from resident stem cells that possess mesenchymal plasticity or from other stem cells such as mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) remain unsolved. To address this question, we applied a method for reconstructing cell lineage trees from somatic mutations to MSCs and myogenic and non-myogenic cells from individual myofibers that were cultured at clonal density.Our analyses show that (i) in addition to myogenic progenitors, myofibers also harbor non-myogenic progenitors of a distinct, yet close, lineage; (ii) myofiber-associated non-myogenic and myogenic cells share the same muscle-bound primordial stem cells of a lineage distinct from bone marrow MSCs; (iii) these muscle-bound primordial stem-cells first part to individual muscles and then differentiate into myogenic and non-myogenic stem cells.  相似文献   

《Bone and mineral》1989,5(2):129-138
Studies involving bone marrow transplantation of osteopetrotic rodents have provided evidence for the lineage of the ostcoclast. Recent investigations have demonstrated that pluripotent hemopoietic stem cells (PHSC) isolated from the bone marrow of normal animals cure the skeletal sclerosis and result in the formation of normal osteoclasts when transplanted into ia osteopetrotic rats. A criticism of these findings is that the microenvironment of the osteopetrotic bone and the bone marrow compartment may be unique in its ability to induce the differentiation of these stem cells into osteoclasts. To test this hypothesis, PHSC were co-cultured with fetal metatarsal bones from normal animals. PHSC were isolated from normal bone marrow using FITC-labelled monoclonal antibodies directed against rat Thy 1.1 and fluorescence-activated cell sorting. The PHSC or whole mononuclear bone marrow were co-cultured with 20-day fetal rat metatarsal rudiments. In some cultures, recombinant mouse granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (rGM-CSF) (250 U per culture) was added in addition to the PHSC. After 7 days the fetal bones were prepared for light and electron microscopy and the number of osteoclasts generated in vitro was determined. The PHSC isolate generated as many osteoclasts as the whole mononuclear bone marrow. The addition of rGM-CSF did not enhance the generation of osteoclasts in either control bones or in bones cultured with PHSC. These results are equivalent to those reported in the osteopetrotic transplant system.  相似文献   

The proepicardial organ is an important transient structure that contributes cells to various cardiac lineages. However, its contribution to the coronary endothelium has been disputed, with conflicting data arising in chick and mouse. Here we resolve this conflict by identifying two proepicardial markers, Scleraxis (Scx) and Semaphorin3D (Sema3D), that genetically delineate heretofore uncharacterized proepicardial subcompartments. In contrast to previously fate-mapped Tbx18/WT-1-expressing cells that give rise to vascular smooth muscle, Scx- and Sema3D-expressing proepicardial cells give rise to coronary vascular endothelium both in vivo and in vitro. Furthermore, Sema3D(+) and Scx(+) proepicardial cells contribute to the early sinus venosus and cardiac endocardium, respectively, two tissues linked to vascular endothelial formation at later stages. Taken together, our studies demonstrate that the proepicardial organ is a molecularly compartmentalized structure, reconciling prior chick and mouse data and providing a more complete understanding of the progenitor populations that establish the coronary vascular endothelium.  相似文献   

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NG2 (nerve/glial antigen2)-expressing cells represent the largest population of postnatal progenitors in the central nervous system and have been classified as oligodendroglial progenitor cells, but the fate and function of these cells remain incompletely characterized. Previous studies have focused on characterizing these progenitors in the postnatal and adult subventricular zone and on analyzing the cellular and physiological properties of these cells in white and gray matter regions in the forebrain. In the present study, we examine the types of neural progeny generated by NG2 progenitors in the cerebellum by employing genetic fate mapping techniques using inducible Cre–Lox systems in vivo with two different mouse lines, the Plp-Cre-ERT2/Rosa26-EYFP and Olig2-Cre-ERT2/Rosa26-EYFP double-transgenic mice. Our data indicate that Olig2/Plp-positive NG2 cells display multipotential properties, primarily give rise to oligodendroglia but, surprisingly, also generate Bergmann glia, which are specialized glial cells in the cerebellum. The NG2+ cells also give rise to astrocytes, but not neurons. In addition, we show that glutamate signaling is involved in distinct NG2+ cell-fate/differentiation pathways and plays a role in the normal development of Bergmann glia. We also show an increase of cerebellar oligodendroglial lineage cells in response to hypoxic–ischemic injury, but the ability of NG2+ cells to give rise to Bergmann glia and astrocytes remains unchanged. Overall, our study reveals a novel Bergmann glia fate of Olig2/Plp-positive NG2 progenitors, demonstrates the differentiation of these progenitors into various functional glial cell types, and provides significant insights into the fate and function of Olig2/Plp-positive progenitor cells in health and disease.  相似文献   

There are two major myeloid pulmonary dendritic cell (DC) populations: CD103+ DCs and CD11bhigh DCs. In this study, we investigated in detail the origins of both myeloid DC pools using multiple experimental approaches. We show that, in resting lung, Ly-6ChighCCR2high monocytes repopulated CD103+ DCs using a CCR2-dependent mechanism, and these DCs preferentially retained residual CCR2 in the lung, whereas, conversely, Ly-6ClowCCR2low monocytes repopulated CD11bhigh DCs. CX3CR1 was required to generate normal numbers of pulmonary CD11bhigh DCs, possibly because Ly-6Clow monocytes in the circulation, which normally express high levels of CX3CR1, failed to express bcl-2 and may have diminished survival in the circulation in the absence of CX3CR1. Overall, these data demonstrate that the two circulating subsets of monocytes give rise to distinct tissue DC populations.  相似文献   



Tumor tissue resembles chronically inflamed tissue. Since chronic inflammatory conditions are a strong stimulus for bone marrow-derived cells (BMDCs) it can be assumed that recruitment of BMDCs into cancer tissue should be a common phenomenon. Several data have outlined that BMDC can influence tumor growth and metastasis, e.g., by inducing a paracrine acting feedback loop in tumor cells. Likewise, cell fusion and horizontal gene transfer are further mechanisms how BMDCs can trigger tumor progression.


Hygromycin resistant murine 67NR-Hyg mammary carcinoma cells were co-cultivated with puromycin resistant murine BMDCs from Tg(GFPU)5Nagy/J mice. Isolation of hygromycin/puromycin resistant mBMDC/67NR-Hyg cell clones was performed by a dual drug selection procedure. PCR analysis revealed an overlap of parental markers in mBMDC/67NR-Hyg cell clones, suggesting that dual resistant cells originated by cell fusion. By contrast, both STR and SNP data analysis indicated that only parental 67NR-Hyg alleles were found in mBMDC/67NR-Hyg cell clones favoring horizontal gene transfer as the mode of origin. RealTime-PCR-array analysis showed a marked up-regulation of Abcb1a and Abcb1b ABC multidrug transporters in mBMDC/67NR-Hyg clones, which was verified by Western Blot analysis. Moreover, the markedly increased Abcb1a/Abcb1b expression was correlated to an efficient Rhodamine 123 efflux, which was completely inhibited by verapamil, a well-known Abcb1a/Abcb1b inhibitor. Likewise, mBMDCs/67NR-Hyg clones revealed a marked resistance towards chemotherapeutic drugs including 17-DMAG, doxorubicin, etoposide and paclitaxel. In accordance to Rhodamine 123 efflux data, chemotherapeutic drug resistance of mBMDC/67NR-Hyg cells was impaired by verapamil mediated blockage of Abc1a/Abcb1b multidrug transporter function.


Co-cultivation of mBMDCs and mouse 67NR-Hyg mammary carcinoma cells gave rise to highly drug resistant cells. Even though it remains unknown whether mBMDC/67NR-Hyg clones originated by cell fusion or horizontal gene transfer, our data indicate that the exchange of genetic information between two cellular entities is crucial for the origin of highly drug resistant cancer (hybrid) cells, which might be capable to survive chemotherapy.  相似文献   

Male gametes originate from a small population of spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs). These cells are believed to divide infinitely and to support spermatogenesis throughout life in the male. Here, we developed a strategy for the establishment of SSC lines from embryonic stem (ES) cells. These cells are able to undergo meiosis, are able to generate haploid male gametes in vitro, and are functional, as shown by fertilization after intracytoplasmic injection into mouse oocytes. Resulting two-cell embryos were transferred into oviducts, and live mice were born. Six of seven animals developed to adult mice. This is a clear indication that male gametes derived in vitro from ES cells by this strategy are able to induce normal fertilization and development. Our approach provides an accessible in vitro model system for studies of mammalian gametogenesis, as well as for the development of new strategies for the generation of transgenic mice and treatment of infertility.  相似文献   

Summary A mathematical method for calculating the number of blastoderm cells whose descendants form the various imaginal discs is described. The method differs from available approaches in two respects: (1) It is based only upon the frequency of mosaicism of the adult derivatives of a given imaginal disc and ignores the relative surface area of the two genetically marked cell populations which comprise these derivatives. (2) The method estimates the average number of cells at the blastoderm stage which give rise to a particular imaginal disc and not at the developmental stage at which restriction of the pool of cells which will form this imaginal disc occurs. Despite their methodological differences the estimates obtained from this method and from other approaches are of the same order of magnitude and thus provide further support to the currently available estimates and to the notion that restriction of whole imaginal discs occurs at the blastoderm stage. The proposed method also provides a quantitative approximation of the non-linear relationship that exists between the frequencies of mosaicism of different imaginal discs and the number of cells which comprise these discs.  相似文献   

Tissues of multicellular organisms consist of stem cells and differentiated cells. Stem cells divide to produce new stem cells or differentiated cells. Differentiated cells divide to produce new differentiated cells. We show that such a tissue design can reduce the rate of fixation of mutations that increase the net proliferation rate of cells. It has, however, no consequence for the rate of fixation of neutral mutations. We calculate the optimum relative abundance of stem cells that minimizes the rate of generating cancer cells. There is a critical fraction of stem cell divisions that is required for a stochastic elimination ('wash out') of cancer cells.  相似文献   

Myocardial infarction (MI) leads to a severe loss of cardiomyocytes, which in mammals are replaced by scar tissue. Epicardial derived cells (EPDCs) have been reported to differentiate into cardiomyocytes during development, and proposed to have cardiomyogenic potential in the adult heart. However, mouse MI models reveal little if any contribution of EPDCs to myocardium. In contrast to adult mammals, teleosts possess a high myocardial regenerative capacity. To test if this advantage relates to the properties of their epicardium, we studied the fate of EPDCs in cryoinjured zebrafish hearts. To avoid the limitations of genetic labelling, which might trace only a subpopulation of EPDCs, we used cell transplantation to track all EPDCs during regeneration. EPDCs migrated to the injured myocardium, where they differentiated into myofibroblasts and perivascular fibroblasts. However, we did not detect any differentiation of EPDCs nor any other non-cardiomyocyte population into cardiomyocytes, even in a context of impaired cardiomyocyte proliferation. Our results support a model in which the epicardium promotes myocardial regeneration by forming a cellular scaffold, and suggests that it might induce cardiomyocyte proliferation and contribute to neoangiogenesis in a paracrine manner.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase exists predominantly as a secreted enzyme which remains cell-associated at specific extracellular locations. Its extensive structural diversity appears responsible for the unique cellular disposition of the enzyme. To examine the molecular basis of the structural divergence of acetylcholinesterase species, we hybridized total RNA from Torpedo californica electric organ with restriction fragments from a cDNA encoding the catalytic subunits of asymmetric species of acetylcholinesterase. Multiple RNA species up to 14 kilobases in length can be detected on Northern blots using a full-length cDNA for hybridization. Each of these RNA species also hybridizes with smaller restriction fragments within the open reading frame and 3'-untranslated region of the cDNA. This indicates that the entire open reading frame plus the 3'-untranslated region is contained in the large RNA species. RNase protection experiments revealed at least three points of divergence for the message species. One occurs within the COOH-terminal portion of the open reading frame at a position just 5' to the TGA stop codon. This divergence accounts for the two classes of acetylcholinesterase found in abundance in Torpedo. The site of splicing has been further defined by isolating a genomic clone containing the exon serving as the potential splice donor. We find a divergence between the cDNA and genomic DNA at the position estimated by the protection experiments. A less abundant divergence in mRNA can also be detected in the 3'-untranslated region. Another divergence occurs as a deleted sequence within the 5'-noncoding region and may be important for controlling translation efficiency. Since it is hypothesized that a single gene encodes acetylcholinesterase, the divergences in the very 3' region of the open reading frame and the 5'-noncoding region correspond to presumed splice junction boundaries where alternative RNA splicing occurs.  相似文献   

A G Day  D Parsonage  S Ebel  T Brown  A R Fersht 《Biochemistry》1992,31(28):6390-6395
Barnase is found to have a series of subsites for binding its substrates that confers large rate enhancements. Ribonucleotide substrates of the type Zp0Gp1Xp2Y have been synthesized, where p is phosphate, X, Y, and Z are nucleosides, and G is guanosine. G occupies the primary specificity site. The most important subsite is for p2, followed by that for Y. There appears to be no subsite for the Z or p0 positions. Occupation of the subsite for p2 gives rise to a 1000-fold increase in kcat/Km, composed of a 100-fold increase in kcat and a 10-fold decrease in Km. The Y subsite gives rise to further 20-fold increase in kcat/Km. Rates approaching diffusion control for kcat/Km are observed. kcat for the dinucleotide monophosphate GpU = 0.55 s-1, and Km = 240 microM; this compares with 53 s-1 and 20 microM for GpUp, and 3.3 x 10(3) s-1 and 17 microM for GpApA (the best substrate tested). Cleavage occurs at the 3'-phosphate of guanosine in all cases. There are differences in base specificity at the two subsites for X and Y downstream of the scissile bond. The binding energies of different substrates have been analyzed using thermodynamic cycles. These show that the contributions of the X and Y sites are nonadditive.  相似文献   

How does protein synthesis give rise to the 3D-structure?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
O B Ptitsyn 《FEBS letters》1991,285(2):176-181
The recent experimental data on stages and kinetic intermediates in protein folding are reviewed. It is emphasized that these data are consistent with the 'framework model' proposed by the author in 1973. The model implies that protein folds by stage mechanism (secondary structure - molten) globule state - native state) in such a way that the results of previous stages are not reconsidered in subsequent ones. Arguments are presented that both these hypotheses and available experimental data do not contradict the assumption that native structures of at least small proteins are nevertheless under thermodynamic rather than kinetic control i.e. correspond to global minima of free energy.  相似文献   

Stem cells with the ability to differentiate in specialized cell types can be extracted from a wide array of adult tissues including skeletal muscle. Here we have analyzed a population of cells isolated from skeletal muscle on the basis of their poor adherence on uncoated or collagen-coated dishes that show multi-lineage differentiation in vitro. When analysed under proliferative conditions, these cells express stem cell surface markers Sca-1 (65%) and Bcrp-1 (80%) but also MyoD (15%), Neuronal beta III-tubulin (25%), GFAP (30%) or Nkx2.5 (1%). Although capable of growing as non-attached spheres for months, when given an appropriate matrix, these cells adhere giving rise to skeletal muscle, neuronal and cardiac muscle cell lineages. A similar cell population could not be isolated from either bone marrow or cardiac tissue suggesting their specificity to skeletal muscle. When injected into damaged muscle, these non-adherent muscle-derived cells are retrieved expressing Pax7, in a sublaminar position characterizing satellite cells and participate in forming new myofibers. These data show that a non-adherent stem cell population can be specifically isolated and expanded from skeletal muscle and upon attachment to a matrix spontaneously differentiate into muscle, cardiac and neuronal lineages in vitro. Although competing with resident satellite cells, these cells are shown to significantly contribute to repair of injured muscle in vivo supporting that a similar muscle-derived non-adherent cell population from human muscle may be useful in treatment of neuromuscular disorders.  相似文献   

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