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Fibronectin, integrins, and growth control   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
Cell proliferation is controlled not only by soluble mitogens but also by components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) such as fibronectin, to which cells adhere via the integrin family of transmembrane receptors. Input from both growth factor receptors and integrins is required to stimulate progression through the G1 phase of the cell cycle, via induction of G1 cyclins and suppression of inhibitors of the G1 cyclin-dependent kinases. Extensive crosstalk takes place between integrin and growth factor receptor signaling pathways, and mitogenic signaling is weak and transient in the absence of integrin-mediated cell adhesion. In normal untransformed cells, all of the important mitogenic signal transduction cascades, namely those downstream of the Ras and Rho family small GTPases and the phosphoinositide 3-OH kinase-PKB/Akt pathway, are regulated by integrin-mediated cell adhesion. As a result, these cells are anchorage-dependent for growth. In contrast, constitutive activity of each of these pathways has been reported in cancer cells, which not only reduces their mitogen dependence but also allows these cells to grow in an anchorage-independent fashion.  相似文献   

Mitotic autoregulation, growth control and neoplasia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A model is proposed for the mitotic autoregulation of the haemopoietic stem cell population. Conditions are derived for the model population to exhibit spontaneous self-limitation; these consist of the satisfaction of algebraic inequality relationships between mathematical parameters referring to the global porperties of the model cell population. Violation of these conditions precludes the possibility of spontaneous self-limitation of the population, which therefore grows indefinitely, but is not synonymous with abolition of all responsiveness to homeostatic regulation. Non-limiting growth modes exist for which “cybernetic” responsiveness to perturbations occur.It is suggested that certain features of the model accord well with some observed characteristics of neoplasia, such as the non-localized “field phenomena” frequently seen in tumour growth and the continued responsiveness of some tumours to hormones and other physiological signals.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP, calcium and control of cell growth   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R K Ralph 《FEBS letters》1983,161(1):1-8
The role of cyclic AMP and calcium in the control of normal and tumour cell growth is considered in relation to the question whether cyclic AMP is a true mitogen or co-mitogen. It is proposed that cyclic AMP normally controls the cell cycle at a point in G1 phase only by virtue of its ability to exclude calcium required by cells to progress past this point into S phase. Therefore increased influx of calcium by other routes induced by various factors can bypass the inhibitory effect of cyclic AMP and stimulate growth. In these circumstances cyclic AMP or calcium may or may not facilitate further progress into S phase according to the metabolic requirements of individual cells. The relevance to cancer cells is considered.  相似文献   

TGFbeta signaling in growth control, cancer, and heritable disorders   总被引:65,自引:0,他引:65  
Massagué J  Blain SW  Lo RS 《Cell》2000,103(2):295-309

GTP binding and growth control   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Interferons and cell growth control   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Cytokines modulate cell growth, differentiation, and immune defenses in the vertebrates. Interferons (IFNs) are a unique class of cytokines that stimulate antiviral, antitumor and antigen presentation by inducing the expression of several cellular genes. Recent studies have identified a novel gene regulatory pathway activated by IFNs, which serves as a paradigm for most cytokine signal transduction pathways. A number of genes induced by IFNs participate in cell growth regulation and apoptosis. These include novel tumor suppressor genes. Although discovered as IFN-regulated factors, deletions of these genes cause leukemias in experimental models and in human patients. Genetic approaches have identified several novel regulators of apoptosis. Studies on the mechanism of action of these growth regulatory molecules are not only useful in identifying novel targets for the development of therapeutics but also help understand the molecular basis for loss of cell growth control and resistance to IFNs. This review focuses on the functions and roles of IFN regulated factors in cell growth control and mechanisms of disruption of IFN action in cancer cells.  相似文献   


Experiments on tumor spheroids have shown that compressive stress from their environment can reversibly decrease tumor expansion rates and final sizes. Stress release experiments show that nonuniform anisotropic elastic stresses can be distributed throughout. The elastic stresses are maintained by structural proteins and adhesive molecules, and can be actively relaxed by a variety of biophysical processes. In this paper, we present a new continuum model to investigate how the growth-induced elastic stresses and active stress relaxation, in conjunction with cell size control feedback machinery, regulate the cell density and stress distributions within growing tumors as well as the tumor sizes in the presence of external physical confinement and gradients of growth-promoting chemical fields. We introduce an adaptive reference map that relates the current position with the reference position but adapts to the current position in the Eulerian frame (lab coordinates) via relaxation. This type of stress relaxation is similar to but simpler than the classical Maxwell model of viscoelasticity in its formulation. By fitting the model to experimental data from two independent studies of tumor spheroid growth and their cell density distributions, treating the tumors as incompressible, neo-Hookean elastic materials, we find that the rates of stress relaxation of tumor tissues can be comparable to volumetric growth rates. Our study provides insight on how the biophysical properties of the tumor and host microenvironment, mechanical feedback control and diffusion-limited differential growth act in concert to regulate spatial patterns of stress and growth. When the tumor is stiffer than the host, our model predicts tumors are more able to change their size and mechanical state autonomously, which may help to explain why increased tumor stiffness is an established hallmark of malignant tumors.  相似文献   

During the development of a given organ or tissue within a multicellular organism, growth and patterning are controlled in a coordinated manner by the activity of a discrete number of signalling molecules and their corresponding pathways to give rise to a well formed structure with a particular size, shape and pattern. Understanding how cells of different tissues or organs translate in a context dependent manner the activity of these pathways into an activation or repression of the cell cycle machinery is one of the most intriguing questions in developmental and cancer biology nowadays. Here we revise the different roles of the signalling molecules Notch and Wingless in the regulation of cell cycle progression in the developing eye and wing imaginal discs of Drosophila and propose that depending on how growth regulators are regulated in a context dependent manner by the activity of these pathways, signalling molecules might have tumour suppressor or oncogene activity.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factors and control of neoplastic cell growth   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Transforming growth factors (TGFs) are peptides that affect the growth and phenotype of cultured cells and bring about in nonmalignant fibroblastic cells phenotypic properties that resemble those of malignant cells. Two types of TGFs have been well characterized. One of these, TGF alpha, is related to epidermal growth factor (EGF) and binds to the EGF receptor, whereas the other, TGF beta, is not structurally or functionally related to TGF alpha or EGF and mediates its effects via distinct receptors. TGF beta is produced by a variety of normal and malignant cells. Depending upon the assay system employed, TGF beta has both growth-inhibitory and growth-stimulating properties. Many of the mitogenic effects of TGF beta are probably an indirect result of the activation of certain growth factor genes in the target cell. The ubiquitous nature of the TGF beta receptor and the production of TGF beta in a latent form by most cultured cells suggests that the differing cellular responses to TGF beta are regulated either by events involved in the activation of the factor or by postreceptor mechanisms. The combined effects of TGF beta with other growth factors or inhibitors evidently play a central role in the control of normal and malignant cellular growth as well as in cell differentiation and morphogenesis. Since transforming growth factor as a concept has partially proven misleading and insufficient, there is a need to find a new nomenclature for these regulators of cellular growth and differentiation.  相似文献   

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