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Zhou R  Kozlov AG  Roy R  Zhang J  Korolev S  Lohman TM  Ha T 《Cell》2011,146(2):222-232
SSB proteins bind to and control the accessibility of single-stranded DNA (ssDNA), likely facilitated by their ability to diffuse on ssDNA. Using a hybrid single-molecule method combining fluorescence and force, we probed how proteins with large binding site sizes can migrate rapidly on DNA and how protein-protein interactions and tension may modulate the motion. We observed force-induced progressive unraveling of ssDNA from the SSB surface between 1 and 6 pN, followed by SSB dissociation at ~10 pN, and obtained experimental evidence of a reptation mechanism for protein movement along DNA wherein a protein slides via DNA bulge formation and propagation. SSB diffusion persists even when bound with RecO and at forces under which the fully wrapped state is perturbed, suggesting that even in crowded cellular conditions SSB can act as a sliding platform to recruit and carry its interacting proteins for use in DNA replication, recombination and repair.  相似文献   


Bent DNAs are known to migrate slower than ordinary DNA in non-denaturing polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. In contrast, several satellite DNAs have been shown to migrate fast. The structural property that causes the fast migration, however, is not clarified so far on molecular basis. We have investigated the structural property of a satellite DNA, which contains consecutive purine sequences and migrates faster in gel, by CD spectroscopy. Partial formation of an A-form–like structure has been suggested. Reduction in DNA length due to the formation of the A-form–like structure may be responsible for the fast migration. The pronounced rigidity of DNA may also contribute to the behavior.  相似文献   

We have investigated in vivo the role of the carboxy-terminal domain of the Bacillus subtilis Single-Stranded DNA Binding protein (SSB(Cter)) as a recruitment platform at active chromosomal forks for many proteins of the genome maintenance machineries. We probed this SSB(Cter) interactome using GFP fusions and by Tap-tag and biochemical analysis. It includes at least 12 proteins. The interactome was previously shown to include PriA, RecG, and RecQ and extended in this study by addition of DnaE, SbcC, RarA, RecJ, RecO, XseA, Ung, YpbB, and YrrC. Targeting of YpbB to active forks appears to depend on RecS, a RecQ paralogue, with which it forms a stable complex. Most of these SSB partners are conserved in bacteria, while others, such as the essential DNA polymerase DnaE, YrrC, and the YpbB/RecS complex, appear to be specific to B. subtilis. SSB(Cter) deletion has a moderate impact on B. subtilis cell growth. However, it markedly affects the efficiency of repair of damaged genomic DNA and arrested replication forks. ssbΔCter mutant cells appear deficient in RecA loading on ssDNA, explaining their inefficiency in triggering the SOS response upon exposure to genotoxic agents. Together, our findings show that the bacterial SSB(Cter) acts as a DNA maintenance hub at active chromosomal forks that secures their propagation along the genome.  相似文献   

Single-stranded DNA binding proteins (SSBs) selectively bind single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) and facilitate recruitment of additional proteins and enzymes to their sites of action on DNA. SSB can also locally diffuse on ssDNA, which allows it to quickly reposition itself while remaining bound to ssDNA. In this work, we used a hybrid instrument that combines single-molecule fluorescence and force spectroscopy to directly visualize the movement of Escherichia coli SSB on long polymeric ssDNA. Long ssDNA was synthesized without secondary structure that can hinder quantitative analysis of SSB movement. The apparent diffusion coefficient of E. coli SSB thus determined ranged from 70,000 to 170,000 nt2/s, which is at least 600 times higher than that determined from SSB diffusion on short ssDNA oligomers, and is within the range of values reported for protein diffusion on double-stranded DNA. Our work suggests that SSB can also migrate via a long-range intersegment transfer on long ssDNA. The force dependence of SSB movement on ssDNA further supports this interpretation.  相似文献   

The tetrameric Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA (ssDNA) binding protein (Ec-SSB) functions in DNA metabolism by binding to ssDNA and interacting directly with numerous DNA repair and replication proteins. Ec-SSB tetramers can bind ssDNA in multiple DNA binding modes that differ in the extent of ssDNA wrapping. Here, we show that the structurally similar SSB protein from the malarial parasite Plasmodium falciparum (Pf-SSB) also binds tightly to ssDNA but does not display the same number of ssDNA binding modes as Ec-SSB, binding ssDNA exclusively in fully wrapped complexes with site sizes of 52-65 nt/tetramer. Pf-SSB does not transition to the more cooperative (SSB)(35) DNA binding mode observed for Ec-SSB. Consistent with this, Pf-SSB tetramers also do not display the dramatic intra-tetramer negative cooperativity for binding of a second (dT)(35) molecule that is evident in Ec-SSB. These findings highlight variations in the DNA binding properties of these two highly conserved homotetrameric SSB proteins, and these differences might be tailored to suit their specific functions in the cell.  相似文献   

L F Liu  C C Liu  B M Alberts 《Cell》1980,19(3):697-707
The T4 DNA topoisomerase is a recently discovered multisubunit protein that appears to have an essential role in the initiation of T4 bacteriophage DND replication. Treatment of double-stranded circular DNA with large amounts of this topoisomerase in the absence of ATP yields new DNA species which are knotted topological isomers of the double-stranded DNA circle. These knotted DNA circles, whether covalently closed or nicked, are converted to unknotted circles by treatment with trace amounts of the T4 topoisomerase in the presence of ATP. Very similar ATP-dependent enzyme activities capable of unknotting DNA are present in extracts of Drosophila eggs. Xenopus laevis eggs and mammalian tissue culture cells. The procaryotic enzyme, DNA gyrase, is also capable of unknotting DNA. We propose that these unknotting enzymes constitute a new general class of DNA topoisomerases (type II DNA topoisomerases). These enzymes must act via mechanisms that involve the concerted cleavage and rejoining of two opposite DNA strands, such that the DNA double helix is transiently broken. The passage of a second double-stranded DNA segment through this reversible double-strand break results in a variety of DNA topoisomerization reactions, including relaxation:super-coiling; knotting:unknotting and catenation:decatenation. In support of this type of mechanism, we demonstrate that the T4 DNA topoisomerase changes the linking number of a covalently closed double-stranded circular DNA molecule only by multiples of two. We discuss the possible roles of such enzymes in a variety of biological functions, along with their probable molecular mechanisms.  相似文献   

Reddy MS  Vaze MB  Madhusudan K  Muniyappa K 《Biochemistry》2000,39(46):14250-14262
Single-stranded DNA-binding proteins play an important role in homologous pairing and strand exchange promoted by the class of RecA-like proteins. It is presumed that SSB facilitates binding of RecA on to ssDNA by melting secondary structure, but direct physical evidence for the disruption of secondary structure by either SSB or RecA is still lacking. Using a series of oligonucleotides with increasing amounts of secondary structure, we show that stem loop structures impede contiguous binding of RecA and affect the rate of ATP hydrolysis. The electrophoretic mobility shift of a ternary complex of SSB-DNA-RecA and a binary complex of SSB-DNA are similar; however, the mechanism remains obscure. Binding of RecA on to stem loop is rapid in the presence of SSB or ATPgammaS and renders the complex resistant to cleavage by HaeIII, to higher amounts of competitor DNA or low temperature. The elongation of RecA filament in a 5' to 3' direction is halted at the proximal end of the stem. Consequently, RecA nucleates at the loop and cooperative binding propagates the RecA filament down the stem causing its disruption. The pattern of modification of thymine residues in the loop region indicates that RecA monomer is the minimum binding unit. Together, these results suggest that SSB plays a novel role in ensuring the directionality of RecA polymerization across stem loop in ssDNA. These observations have fundamental implications on the role of SSB in multiple aspects of cellular DNA metabolism.  相似文献   

Single-stranded (ss) DNA binding (SSB) proteins play central roles in DNA replication, recombination and repair in all organisms. We previously showed that Escherichia coli (Eco) SSB, a homotetrameric bacterial SSB, undergoes not only rapid ssDNA-binding mode transitions but also one-dimensional diffusion (or migration) while remaining bound to ssDNA. Whereas the majority of bacterial SSB family members function as homotetramers, dimeric SSB proteins were recently discovered in a distinct bacterial lineage of extremophiles, the Thermus–Deinococcus group. Here we show, using single-molecule fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET), that homodimeric bacterial SSB from Thermus thermophilus (Tth) is able to diffuse spontaneously along ssDNA over a wide range of salt concentrations (20–500 mM NaCl), and that TthSSB diffusion can help transiently melt the DNA hairpin structures. Furthermore, we show that two TthSSB molecules undergo transitions among different DNA-binding modes while remaining bound to ssDNA. Our results extend our previous observations on homotetrameric SSBs to homodimeric SSBs, indicating that the dynamic features may be shared among different types of SSB proteins. These dynamic features of SSBs may facilitate SSB redistribution and removal on/from ssDNA, and help recruit other SSB-interacting proteins onto ssDNA for subsequent DNA processing in DNA replication, recombination and repair.  相似文献   

S Zhang  F Grosse 《FEBS letters》1992,312(2-3):143-146
A helicase-like DNA unwinding activity was found in highly purified fractions of the calf thymus single-stranded DNA binding protein (ctSSB), also known as replication protein A (RP-A) or replication factor A (RF-A). This activity depended on the hydrolysis of ATP or dATP, and used CTP with a lower efficiency. ctSSB promoted the homologous DNA polymerase alpha to perform DNA synthesis on double-stranded templates containing replication fork-like structures. The rate and amount of DNA synthesis was found to be dependent on the concentration of ctSSB. At a 10-fold mass excess of ctSSB over double-stranded DNA, products of 200-600 nucleotides in length were obtained. This comprises or even exceeds the length of a eukaryotic Okazaki fragment. The ctSSB-associated DNA helicase activity is most likely a distinct protein rather than an inherent property of SSB, as inferred from titration experiments between SSB and DNA. The association of a helicase with SSB and the stimulatory action of this complex to the DNA polymerase alpha-catalyzed synthesis of double-stranded DNA suggests a cooperative function of the three enzymatic activities in the process of eukaryotic DNA replication.  相似文献   

The effect that Escherichia coli single-stranded DNA binding (SSB) protein has on the single-stranded DNA-dependent ATPase activity of RecA protein is shown to depend upon a number of variables such as order of addition, magnesium concentration, temperature and the type of single-stranded DNA substrate used. When SSB protein is added to the DNA solution prior to the addition of RecA protein, a significant inhibition of ATPase activity is observed. Also, when SSB protein is added after the formation of a RecA protein-single-stranded DNA complex using either etheno M13 DNA, poly(dA) or poly(dT), or using single-stranded phage M13 DNA at lower temperature (25 °C) and magnesium chloride concentrations of 1 mm or 4 mm, a time-dependent inhibition of activity is observed. These results are consistent with the conclusion that SSB protein displaces the RecA protein from these DNA substrates, as described in the accompanying paper. However, if SSB protein is added last to complexes of RecA protein and single-stranded M13 DNA at elevated temperature (37 °C) and magnesium chloride concentrations of 4 mm or 10 mm, or to poly(dA) and poly(dT) that was renatured in the presence of RecA protein, no inhibition of ATPase activity is observed; in fact, a marked stimulation is observed for single-stranded M13 DNA. A similar effect is observed if the bacteriophage T4-coded gene 32 protein is substituted for SSB protein. The apparent stoichiometry of DNA (nucleotides) to RecA protein at the optimal ATPase activity for etheno M13 DNA, poly(dA) and poly(dT) is 6(±1) nucleotides per RecA protein monomer at 4 mm-MgCl2 and 37 °C. Under the same conditions, the apparent stoichiometry obtained using single-stranded M13 DNA is 12 nucleotides per RecA protein monomer; however, the stoichiometry changes to 4.5 nucleotides per RecA protein monomer when SSB protein is added last. In addition, a stoichiometry of four nucleotides per RecA protein can be obtained with single-stranded M13 DNA in the absence of SSB protein if the reactions are carried out in 1 mm-MgCl2. These data are consistent with the interpretation that secondary structure within the natural DNA substrate limits the accessibility of RecA protein to these regions. The role of SSB protein is to eliminate this secondary structure and allow RecA protein to bind to these previously inaccessible regions of the DNA. In addition, our results have disclosed an additional property of the RecA protein-single-stranded DNA complex: namely, in the presence of complementary base-pairing and at elevated temperatures and magnesium concentrations, a unique RecA protein-DNA complex forms that is resistant to inhibition by SSB protein.  相似文献   

Highlights? FANCM and FAAP24 exhibit nonepistatic functions in cell survival upon DNA damage ? FAAP24 confers unique lesion specificity in DNA damage cell-cycle checkpoint ? FANCM translocase activity is involved in recombination-independent ICL repair  相似文献   

Kozlov AG  Lohman TM 《Biochemistry》2006,45(16):5190-5205
We have previously shown that the linkage of temperature-dependent protonation and DNA base unstacking equilibria contribute significantly to both the negative enthalpy change (DeltaH(obs)) and the negative heat capacity change (DeltaC(p,obs)) for Escherichia coli SSB homotetramer binding to single-stranded (ss) DNA. Using isothermal titration calorimetry we have now examined DeltaH(obs) over a much wider temperature range (5-60 degrees C) and as a function of monovalent salt concentration and type for SSB binding to (dT)(70) under solution conditions that favor the fully wrapped (SSB)(65) complex (monovalent salt concentration >or=0.20 M). Over this wider temperature range we observe a strongly temperature-dependent DeltaC(p,obs). The DeltaH(obs) decreases as temperature increases from 5 to 35 degrees C (DeltaC(p,obs) <0) but then increases at higher temperatures up to 60 degrees C (DeltaC(p,obs) >0). Both salt concentration and anion type have large effects on DeltaH(obs) and DeltaC(p,obs). These observations can be explained by a model in which SSB protein can undergo a temperature- and salt-dependent conformational transition (below 35 degrees C), the midpoint of which shifts to higher temperature (above 35 degrees C) for SSB bound to ssDNA. Anions bind weakly to free SSB, with the preference Br(-) > Cl(-) > F(-), and these anions are then released upon binding ssDNA, affecting both DeltaH(obs) and DeltaC(p,obs). We conclude that the experimentally measured values of DeltaC(p,obs) for SSB binding to ssDNA cannot be explained solely on the basis of changes in accessible surface area (ASA) upon complex formation but rather result from a series of temperature-dependent equilibria (ion binding, protonation, and protein conformational changes) that are coupled to the SSB-ssDNA binding equilibrium. This is also likely true for many other protein-nucleic acid interactions.  相似文献   

Virulent lactococcal phages of the Siphoviridae family are responsible for the industrial milk fermentation failures worldwide. Lactococcus lactis, a Gram-positive bacterium widely used for the manufacture of fermented dairy products, is subjected to infections by virulent phages, predominantly those of the 936 group, including phage p2. Among the proteins coded by lactococcal phage genomes, of special interest are those expressed early, which are crucial to efficiently carry out the phage lytic cycle. We previously identified and solved the 3D structure of lactococcal phage p2 ORF34, a single stranded DNA binding protein (SSBp2). Here we investigated the molecular basis of ORF34 binding mechanism to DNA. DNA docking on SSBp2 and Molecular Dynamics simulations of the resulting complex identified R15 as a crucial residue for ssDNA binding. Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assays (EMSA) and Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) imaging revealed the inability of the Arg15Ala mutant to bind ssDNA, as compared to the native protein. Since R15 is highly conserved among lactococcal SSBs, we propose that its role in the SSBp2/DNA complex stabilization might be extended to all the members of this protein family.  相似文献   

In E. coli, the regression of stalled DNA replication forks is catalyzed by the DNA helicase RecG. One means of gaining access to the fork is by binding to the single strand binding protein or SSB. This interaction occurs via the wedge domain of RecG and the intrinsically disordered linker (IDL) of SSB, in a manner similar to that of SH3 domains binding to PXXP motif‐containing ligands in eukaryotic cells. During loading, SSB remodels the wedge domain so that the helicase domains bind to the parental, duplex DNA, permitting the helicase to translocate using thermal energy. This translocation may be used to clear the fork of obstacles, prior to the initiation of fork regression.  相似文献   

《Molecular cell》2014,53(3):420-432
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DNA interstrand crosslinks (ICLs) are highly toxic lesions that stall the replication fork to initiate the repair process during the S phase of vertebrates. Proteins involved in Fanconi anemia (FA), nucleotide excision repair (NER), and translesion synthesis (TS) collaboratively lead to homologous recombination (HR) repair. However, it is not understood how ICL-induced HR repair is carried out and completed. Here, we showed that the replicative helicase-related Mcm family of proteins, Mcm8 and Mcm9, forms?a complex required for HR repair induced by ICLs. Chicken DT40 cells lacking MCM8 or MCM9 are viable but highly sensitive to ICL-inducing agents, and exhibit more chromosome aberrations in the presence of mitomycin C compared with wild-type cells. During ICL repair, Mcm8 and Mcm9 form nuclear foci that partly colocalize with Rad51. Mcm8-9 works downstream of the FA and BRCA2/Rad51 pathways, and is required for HR that promotes sister chromatid exchanges, probably as a hexameric ATPase/helicase.  相似文献   

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