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Wnt signaling in retinal stem cells and regeneration   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Most mammals are coated with pigmented hair. Melanocytes in each hair follicle produce melanin pigments for the hair during each hair cycle. The key to understanding the mechanism of cyclic melanin production is the melanocyte stem cell (MelSC) population, previously known as 'amelanotic melanocytes'. The MelSCs directly adhere to hair follicle stem cells, the niche cells for MelSCs and reside in the hair follicle bulge-subbulge area, the lower permanent portion of the hair follicle, to serve as a melanocyte reservoir for skin and hair pigmentation. MelSCs form a stem cell system within individual hair follicles and provide a 'hair pigmentary unit' for each cycle of hair pigmentation. This review focuses on the identification of MelSCs and their characteristics and explains the importance of the MelSC population in the mechanisms of hair pigmentation, hair greying, and skin repigmentation.  相似文献   

Regulation of epithelial stem cells in tooth regeneration   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Teeth form as epithelial appendages and the mechanisms regulating their development share similarities with other organs such as hairs, glands, and gut. However, the regenerative potential of mammalian teeth is generally limited. Stem cells have been identified in the epithelium of continuously growing incisors of mice. We have identified a network of signalling molecules that regulates the proliferation and differentiation of these stem cells, and that thereby influences the incisors' growth and enamel formation. The signals, including FGFs, BMPs, and Activin, mediate interactions between the mesenchymal and epithelial cells within the stem cell niche and form an integrated network. Follistatin antagonizes the functions of BMPs and Activin, and is a key regulator of the asymmetry of the incisor structure. The evolutionary variation in the growth capacity of teeth and the extent of enamel deposition may have resulted from fine-tuning of this signal network. In addition, subtle variations in this or in related regulatory networks may explain the different regenerative capacities of various organs and animal species.  相似文献   

Through studies to clarify the cellular origin of lens regeneration in the newt, the pigmented epithelial cells of the iris and the retina of many vertebrate species have been shown to possess a dormant potency to transdifferentiate into the lens. The method ofin-vitroculture of pigmented epithelial cells has been optimized to enable detailed studies of the transdifferentiation process by molecular techniques. Growth factors and extracellular matrix components are found to be important in the control of the transdifferentiation process. New systems forin-vitroculture are introduced, while prospects for renewedin-vivostudies using newts are given.  相似文献   

An increasing number of studies show that platelet‐rich plasma (PRP) is effective for androgenic alopecia (AGA). However, the underlying cellular and molecular mechanisms along with its effect on hair follicle stem cells are poorly understood. In this study, we designed to induce platelets in PRP to release factors by calcium chloride (PC) or by sonication where platelet lysates (PS) or the supernatants of platelet lysate (PSS) were used to evaluate their effect on the hair follicle activation and regeneration. We found that PSS and PS exhibited a superior effect in activating telogen hair follicles than PC. In addition, PSS injection into the skin activated quiescent hair follicles and induced K15+ hair follicle stem cell proliferation in K14‐H2B‐GFP mice. Moreover, PSS promoted skin‐derived precursor (SKP) survival in vitro and enhanced hair follicle formation in vivo. In consistence, protein array analysis of different PRP preparations revealed that PSS contained higher levels of 16 growth factors (out of 41 factors analysed) than PC, many of them have been known to promote hair follicle regeneration. Thus, our data indicate that sonicated PRP promotes hair follicle stem cell activation and de novo hair follicle regeneration.  相似文献   

The reconstitution of a fully organized and functional hair follicle from dissociated cells propagated under defined tissue culture conditions is a challenge still pending in tissue engineering. The loss of hair follicles caused by injuries or pathologies such as alopecia not only affects the patients’ psychological well-being, but also endangers certain inherent functions of the skin. It is then of great interest to find different strategies aiming to regenerate or neogenerate the hair follicle under conditions proper of an adult individual. Based upon current knowledge on the epithelial and dermal cells and their interactions during the embryonic hair generation and adult hair cycling, many researchers have tried to obtain mature hair follicles using different strategies and approaches depending on the causes of hair loss. This review summarizes current advances in the different experimental strategies to regenerate or neogenerate hair follicles, with emphasis on those involving neogenesis of hair follicles in adult individuals using isolated cells and tissue engineering. Most of these experiments were performed using rodent cells, particularly from embryonic or newborn origin. However, no successful strategy to generate human hair follicles from adult cells has yet been reported. This review identifies several issues that should be considered to achieve this objective. Perhaps the most important challenge is to provide three-dimensional culture conditions mimicking the structure of living tissue. Improving culture conditions that allow the expansion of specific cells while protecting their inductive properties, as well as methods for selecting populations of epithelial stem cells, should give us the necessary tools to overcome the difficulties that constrain human hair follicle neogenesis. An analysis of patent trends shows that the number of patent applications aimed at hair follicle regeneration and neogenesis has been increasing during the last decade. This field is attractive not only to academic researchers but also to the companies that own almost half of the patents in this field.  相似文献   

Objectives: Mesenchymal–epithelial interactions play a pivotal role in tubular morphogenesis and in maintaining the integrity of the kidney. During renal repair, similar mechanisms may regulate cellular reorganization and differentiation. We have hypothesized that soluble factors from proximal tubular epithelial cells (PTC) induce differentiation of adipose-derived adult mesenchymal stem cells (ASC). This hypothesis has been tested using cultured ASC and PTC.
Material and methods: Conditioned medium was prepared from injured PTC and transferred to ASC cultures. ASC proliferation was analysed by a fluorometric and photometric assay. Signal transduction was analysed by phosphorylation of extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1 and 2 (ERK1/ERK2). Grade of ASC differentiation was assessed by morphological analysis and cell expression of characteristic markers.
Results: Conditioned medium significantly induced proliferation and phosphorylation of ERK1/ERK2 of ASC. After 12 days of incubation, cell morphology changed to an epithelial-like monolayer. Expression of cytokeratin 18 was induced by conditioned medium, while α-smooth muscle actin, CD49a and CD90 expression decreased. These alterations strongly indicate onset of the differentiation process to the epithelial lineage. In summary, soluble factors from PTC induce signal transduction and differentiation of ASC.
Conclusions: Our study shows that conditioned medium from renal tubular epithelial cells provides a convenient source of inductive signals to initiate differentiation of ASC towards epithelial lineage. We deduce that these interactions may play an important role during renal repair mechanisms.  相似文献   

范晴晴  孟飞龙  房冉  李高鹏  赵小立 《遗传》2017,39(10):897-907
Wnt信号通路在生物发育和维持内环境稳态过程中起着重要作用。Wnt配体通过与Frizzle受体结合参与体轴的形成、细胞分化和细胞命运决定等生命活动。在小鼠内耳发育过程中,Wnt信号通路扮演了重要角色:在内耳发育早期阶段,参与听基板的特化和听泡的形成;在内耳发育后期阶段,调控毛细胞分化及毛细胞纤毛束的定向。本文综述了Wnt信号通路在内耳毛细胞发育分化及再生过程中的研究进展,以期为从事相关领域的科研人员提供参考。  相似文献   

The melanocyte stem cells of the hair follicle provide an attractive system for the study of stem cells. The stem cells exist in an anatomically defined niche clearly separated from their differentiated progeny, differentiated progeny can be selected against by treatment with an inhibitor of Stem Cell Factor signaling, perturbations which affect survival and differentiation have clearly visible pigmentation phenotypes, and genetic mutations can impair or completely abolish this lineage without lethality. In mice several coat color mutants have been shown to have impaired specification or survival of melanocyte stem cells. Furthermore understanding of the normal regulation and behaviors of melanocytes and melanocyte stem cells will allow development of better strategies for cancer treatment. This article will review the discovery and behaviors of melanoctye stem cells as well as some aspects of melanocyte biology.  相似文献   

Current studies have revealed that stem cells are more radiosensitive than mature cells. As somatic stem cells are mostly kept in a quiescent state, this conflicts with Bergonié and Tribondeau's law that actively mitotic cells are the most radiosensitive. In this study, we focused on hair graying to understand the stress‐resistance of melanocyte stem cells (McSCs). We used Dct‐H2B‐GFP transgenic mice which enables the stable visualization of McSCs and an anti‐Kit monoclonal antibody which selectively eradicates amplifying McSCs. The results demonstrate that quiescent McSCs are rather radiosensitive, but the coexistence of non‐quiescent McSCs provides the stem cell pool with radioresistance. The irradiated quiescent McSCs prematurely differentiate in the niche upon their activation without sufficiently renewing themselves for cyclic hair pigmentation. These data indicate that tissue radiosensitivity is largely dependent on the state of somatic stem cells under their local microenvironment.  相似文献   

Canonical Wnt signaling supports the formation and maintenance of stem and cancer stem cells. Recent studies have elucidated epigenetic mechanisms that control pluripotency and stemness, and allow a first assessment how embryonic and tissue stem cells are generated and maintained, and how Wnt signaling might be involved. The core of this review highlights the roles of Wnt signaling in stem and cancer stem cells of tissues such as skin, intestine and mammary gland. Lastly, we refer to the characterization of novel and powerful inhibitors of canonical Wnt signaling and describe attempts to bring these compounds into preclinical and clinical studies.  相似文献   

Following local injury or tissue removal, regeneration in urodele amphibians appears to be dependent on cell cycle reentry and dedifferentiation of postmitotic, terminally differentiated cells in the remaining tissues. Regeneration of the lens of the eye occurs by the dedifferentiation of pigmented epithelial cells (PEC) of the iris and their subsequent transdifferentiation into lens cells. A key question is how cell cycle reentry is regulated. Here we demonstrate that thrombin activates S-phase reentry of newt PEC in vitro. Based on these findings, and on previous experiments showing that newt skeletal myotubes reenter the cell cycle following thrombin stimulation, we suggest that thrombin is a critical signal for initiation of vertebrate regeneration.  相似文献   

In vertebrates, the adult form emerges from the embryo by mobilization of precursors or adult stem cells. What different cell types these precursors give rise to, how many precursors establish the tissue or organ, and how they divide to establish and maintain the adult form remain largely unknown. We use the pigment pattern of the adult zebrafish fin, with a variety of clonal and lineage analyses, to address these issues. Early embryonic labeling with lineage-marker-bearing transposons shows that all classes of fin melanocytes (ontogenetic, regeneration and kit-independent melanocytes) and xanthophores arise from the same melanocyte-producing founding stem cells (mFSCs), whereas iridophores arise from distinct precursors. Additionally, these experiments show that, on average, six and nine mFSCs colonize the caudal and anal fin primordia, and daughters of different mFSCs always intercalate to form the adult pattern. Labeled clones are arrayed along the proximal-distal axis of the fin, and melanocyte time-of-differentiation lineage assays show that although most of the pigment pattern growth is at the distal edge of the fin, significant growth also occurs proximally. This suggests that leading edge melanocyte stem cells (MSCs) divide both asymmetrically to generate new melanocytes, and symmetrically to expand the MSCs and leave quiescent MSCs in their wake. Clonal labeling in adult stages confirms this and reveals different contributions of MSCs and transient melanoblasts during growth. These analyses build a comprehensive picture for how MSCs are established and grow to form the pigment stripes of the adult zebrafish fins.  相似文献   

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