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超声破裂载基因微泡增强心肌细胞报告基因的转染与表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Wang GZ  Hu SJ  Zheng ZL  Sun J  Li J  Zheng X  Zhu ZH  Yao YM 《中国应用生理学杂志》2005,21(4):371-375,i0009
目的:通过超声破裂载基因微泡介导报告基因心肌细胞转染,探讨其能否增强心肌细胞外源基因转染与表达.方法:以β-galactosidase质粒为报告基因,将其与自制氟碳气体微泡粘附,制备载基因微泡.利用诊断性超声破裂微泡进行体外心肌细胞基因转染;以磷酸钙共沉淀转染为阳性对照并将其以不同方式与超声破裂微泡技术联合应用,以期进一步增强基因转染效果.分别采用原位染色及酶学定量检测β-galactosidase表达水平,同时进行细胞活性检测.结果:超声破裂载基因氟碳气体微泡(PESDA)转染组心肌细胞β-galactosidase表达水平可达单纯质粒转染组60倍(P<0.01).磷酸钙共沉淀转染3.67倍(P<0.01)超声强度、微泡浓度对超声破裂介导基因转染效果有明显影响.超声破裂微泡技术与磷酸钙共沉淀联合应用可进一步提高报告基因的表达(P<0.05),即使在磷酸钙转染后6 h,超声破裂微泡仍能明显增强报告的基因的表达(P<0 05).结论:超声破裂微泡技术是一种高效基因转染方法,其不但能增加DNA转染,而且增强入胞后基因的表达.超声破裂微泡与其它基因转染技术联合应用能进一步增加基因转染效率.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although gene therapy might become a promising approach to treat spinal cord injury, the safety issue is a serious consideration in human gene therapy. Plasmid DNA transfer is safer than viral vectors, but the transfection efficiency is quite low. To overcome the problem, we applied the ultrasound microbubbles-mediated transfection method to the spinal cord in adult rats, since ultrasound microbubbles have been reported to be efficient to increase transfection efficiency in various tissues. METHODS: After exposing T9-10 spinal cord with a laminectomy, we injected a mixture of naked plasmid DNA and microbubbles into cerebrospinal fluid by lumbar puncture. Then, the T9-10 spinal cord was exposed to ultrasound. CONCLUSIONS: An ultrasound intensity of 0.4-0.5 W/cm2 significantly increased luciferase expression up to approximately 15-60-fold at the insonated level as compared to naked plasmid DNA alone. Luciferase activity could be detected at least up to 7 days after transfection, while the expression level was almost returned to undetectable level at 14 days after transfection. The transfected cells were mainly meningeal cells in the surface of insonated spinal cord. There was no obvious evidence of worsening of neurological deficits as compared to rats transfected with naked plasmid DNA alone or untransfected rats. Similarly, successful gene transfer was also achieved in the insonated T9-10 spinal cord after spinal cord injury. Overall, the present study demonstrated the feasibility of ultrasound microbubbles-mediated plasmid DNA transfer into the target level of the spinal cord.  相似文献   

The success of gene therapy is largely dependent onthe development of vectors or vehicles that can selectivelyand efficiently deliver a therapeutic gene to cells or targetissues with minimal toxicity. Viruses are efficient transducing vectors. However, the safety concerns regardingthe use of virus vector in human make nonviral deliverysystem an attractive focus. Nonviral vectors are particularly suitable with respect to the simplicity of use, possibility of large-scale production and lack of s…  相似文献   

Liposome-mediated gene therapy in the kidney   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Gene therapy directed to the kidney has been attempted to improve renal disorders such as inherited kidney diseases and common renal diseases that cause interstitial fibrosis, tubular atrophy, and glomerulosclerosis. Viral and non-viral vectors have been tried and been modulated to obtain sufficient transgene expression. However, gene delivery to the kidney is usually difficult because of characteristics of renal cell biology. Among non-viral vectors, the liposome system is a promising procedure for kidney-targeted gene therapy. Using cationic liposome, tubular cells were effectively transduced by retrograde injection of liposome/cDNA complex. Although transgene expression was reportedly modest using cationic liposomes, this method improved renal disease models such as carbonic anhydrase II deficiency and unilateral ureteral obstruction. In contrast, HVJ-liposome system is an effective transfection method to glomerular cells using intra-renal arterial infusion and improved glomerular disease models such as glomerulonephritis and glomerulosclerosis. In addition, intra-renal pelvic injection of DNA by HVJ-liposome system showed transgene expression in interstitial fibroblasts. In kidney-targeted gene therapy, liposome-mediated gene transfer is an attractive method because of its simplicity and reduced toxicity. In spite of modest transgene expression, several renal disease models were successfully modulated by liposome system. Although one limitation of liposome-mediated gene delivery is the duration of transgene expression, the liposome/cDNA complex can be repeatedly administered due to the absence of an immune response.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Achieving specificity of delivery represents a major problem limiting the clinical application of retroviral vectors for gene therapy, whilst lack of efficiency and longevity of gene expression limit non-viral techniques. Ultrasound and microbubble contrast agents can be used to effect plasmid DNA delivery. We therefore sought to evaluate the potential for ultrasound/microbubble-mediated retroviral gene delivery. METHODS: An envelope-deficient retroviral vector, inherently incapable of target cell entry, was combined with cationic microbubbles and added to target cells. The cells were exposed to pulsed 1 MHz ultrasound for 5 s and subsequently analysed for marker gene expression. The acoustic pressure profile of the ultrasound field, to which transduction efficiency was related, was determined using a needle hydrophone. RESULTS: Ultrasound-targeted gene delivery to a restricted area of cells was achieved using virus-loaded microbubbles. Gene delivery efficiency was up to 2% near the beam focus. Significant transduction was restricted to areas exposed to > or = 0.4 MPa peak-negative acoustic pressure, despite uniform application of the vector. An acoustic pressure-dependence was demonstrated that can be exploited for targeted retroviral transduction. The mechanism of entry likely involves membrane perturbation in the vicinity of oscillating microbubbles, facilitating fusion of the viral and cell membranes. CONCLUSIONS: We have established the basis of a novel retroviral vector technology incorporating favourable aspects of existing viral and non-viral gene delivery vectors. In particular, transduction can be controlled by means of ultrasound exposure. The technology is ideally suited to targeted delivery following systemic vector administration.  相似文献   

In this study, a chemical-free cleaning method for biofilms removal is presented, which is based on intermittent low-intensity ultrasonication (US) triggered bursting of microbubbles (MB) in such a sequence that MB were continuously introduced into the reaction vessel for 15?min, while US was activated for 2?s after every 2?min of microbubbling. It was found that the fixed biomass, and the extracellular proteins and polysaccharides of 24-h old biofilms grown on a nylon membrane surface were reduced, respectively, by 75, 79 and 72% after treatment by the US?+?MB method. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) analysis further revealed that the chemical composition of the biofilms was not altered by the US?+?MB treatment, suggesting that biofilms were removed through physical forces due to the generation of a shock wave and a high-speed water jet through US-triggered bursting of the MB. The proposed method can be considered a chemical-free technology for biofilm removal.  相似文献   

To explore the potential of baculovirus serving as a gene delivery vector in tissue engineering of articular cartilage, the efficiencies of baculovirus-mediated gene delivery into primary rat chondrocytes were evaluated and the transduction protocol commonly employed by others (using concentrated virus at multiplicity of infection [MOI] 200 for 1 h) was found to be ineffective (<1%). Therefore, a modified protocol was adopted, which markedly enhanced the efficiency (68%). Optimization of the transduction parameters, such as incubation time (8 h), temperature (25 degrees C), and surrounding solutions (PBS), further increased the efficiency to 88% and prolonged the duration of expression to 21 days, suggesting that the cells previously considered nonpermissive to baculovirus transduction may be reexamined for their permissiveness using alternative transduction protocols. The elevated efficiency correlated well with increased virus uptake upon extended incubation time, as demonstrated by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (Q-PCR). The Q-PCR also revealed the degradation of viral DNA over culture time. Although the virus transduction somewhat hindered the cell proliferation, growth rate could be restored in the long-term culture. More importantly, transduced cells could secrete articular cartilage-specific type II collagen and glycosaminoglycan as well as mock-transduced cells, confirming that normal differentiation state of rat chondrocytes is retained upon baculovirus transduction. Taken together, these data indicate that baculovirus is a safe and highly efficient gene delivery vehicle into rat chondrocytes.  相似文献   

Retroviral vectors are widely used tools for gene therapy. However, in vivo gene transfer is only effective in dividing cells, which, in liver, requires a regenerative stimulus. Follistatin is effective in promoting liver regeneration after 90% and 70% hepatectomy in rats. We studied its efficacy on liver regeneration and retroviral-mediated gene delivery in 50% hepatectomized rats. When human recombinant follistatin was infused into the portal vein immediately after 50% hepatectomy, hepatocyte proliferation was significantly higher than in control 50% hepatectomized rats. A single injection of virus particles administered 23 h after follistatin infusion resulted in more than 20% gene transduction efficiency in hepatocytes compared to 3% in control rats. It is concluded that a single injection of follistatin induces onset of proliferation in 50% hepatectomized rats and allows efficient retroviral-mediated gene transfer to the liver.  相似文献   

Phospholipid-coated microbubbles are ultrasound contrast agents that, when functionalized, adhere to specific biomarkers on cells. In this concise review, we highlight recent developments in strategies for targeting the microbubbles and their use for ultrasound molecular imaging (UMI) and therapy. Recently developed novel targeting strategies include magnetic functionalization, triple targeting, and the use of several new ligands. UMI is a powerful technique for studying disease progression, diagnostic imaging, and monitoring of therapeutic responses. Targeted microbubbles (tMBs) have been used for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and cancer, with therapeutics either coadministered or loaded onto the tMBs. Regardless of which disease was treated, the use of tMBs always resulted in a better therapeutic outcome than non-tMBs when compared in vitro or in vivo.  相似文献   



Somatic gene therapy requires safe and efficient techniques for the gene transfer procedure. The ovine mammary gland is described as a model system for the evaluation of somatic gene transfer methods.


Different gene delivery formulations were retrogradely injected into the mammary gland of lactating sheep. The efficiency of the gene transfer was subsequently measured by the detection of the secreted transgene products in the milk. To counteract the milk flow in the lactating gland caused by the permanent milk production, a newly developed pretreatment of the mammary gland with hyperosmotic solutions was applied. In addition, in vivo electroporation of DNA into the mammary gland is described.


Gene transfer using naked DNA or simple complexes of DNA with polycations did not result in traceable amounts of reporter gene products. However, utilizing the complex cationic lipid DOSPER, a peak expression of about 400 ng/ml was observed 6 days after transfection. Maximum expression rates of more than 1 µg/ml were obtained by combining hyperosmotic pretreatment and receptor‐mediated gene transfer. For the in vivo electroporation, the proof of principle for this technique in the mammary gland is reported.


The ovine mammary gland turned out to be a very well suited as a model system for evaluation and optimization of various gene transfer protocols. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Intratumoral low-volume jet-injection for efficient nonviral gene transfer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Jet-injection has become an applicable technology among other established nonviral delivery systems, such as particle bombardment or in vivo electroporation. The low-volume jet injector employed in this study uses compressed air to inject solutions of 1.5–10 μL containing naked DNA into the desired tissue. The novel design of this prototype makes multiple jet-injections possible. Therefore, repeated jet-injections into one target tissue can be performed easily. This jet-injector hand-held system was used for the direct in vivo gene transfer of plasmid DNA into tumors to achieve efficient expression of reporter genes (β-galactosidase, green fluorescent protein [GFP]) and of therapeutic genes (TNF-α) in different tumor models. The study presented here revealed the key parameters of efficient in vivo jet-injection (jet-injection volume, pressure, jet penetration, DNA stability) to define the optimal conditions for a jet-injection-aided nonviral gene therapy.  相似文献   

近来,慢病毒载体引起了极大关注,己成为转基因操作中重要的工具。用编码病毒组份的三质粒系统共转染293T包装细胞系,建立了大量制备HIV-1缺损慢病毒载体的方法,病毒载体的度可达到1.1×107IU/mL,离心浓缩可将载体滴度提高100倍以上。HIV-1缺损慢病毒载体可以高效转导人淋巴瘤等多种来源的细胞,RT-PCR检测显示外源基因GFP稳定表达达18个月以上,长期传代观测未检出p24抗原蛋白或可复制病毒。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: We have developed minimal non-primate lentiviral vectors based on the equine infectious anaemia virus (EIAV). We evaluated the in vivo expression profiles of these vectors delivered regionally to ocular tissues to define their potential utility in ocular gene therapy. METHODS: EIAV vectors pseudotyped with VSV-G or rabies-G envelope proteins were delivered subretinally, intravitreally or into the anterior chambers (intracameral administration) in mice. Reporter gene (eGFP) expression was analysed using in vivo retinal imaging or histological examination of eyes and brains at intervals between 3 days and 16 months. We investigated the effects of vector titre, pseudotype, genome configuration, site of intraocular administration, intentional retinal trauma and the degree of retinal maturation on the spatial and temporal expression profiles of these vectors. RESULTS: Subretinal vector delivery resulted in efficient and stable transduction of retinal pigment epithelial (RPE) cells and variable transduction of photoreceptors up to 16 months post-injection. Retinal trauma facilitated the local transduction of neurosensory retinal cells. Intracameral administration of VSV-G- but not rabies-G-pseudotyped vectors produced stable eGFP expression in corneal endothelial cells and trabecular meshwork. CONCLUSIONS: The cellular tropism and expression kinetics of optimised EIAV vectors after intraocular administration make them attractive vehicles for delivering therapeutic genes in the management of inherited and acquired retinal and anterior segment disorders.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Ultrasound/microbubble-mediated gene delivery has the potential to be targeted to tissue deep in the body by directing the ultrasound beam following vector administration. Application of this technology would be minimally invasive and benefit from the widespread clinical experience of using ultrasound and microbubble contrast agents. In this study we evaluate the targeting ability and spatial distribution of gene delivery using focused ultrasound. METHODS: Using a custom-built exposure tank, Chinese hamster ovary cells in the presence of SonoVue microbubbles and plasmid encoding beta-galactosidase were exposed to ultrasound in the focal plane of a 1 MHz transducer. Gene delivery and cell viability were subsequently assessed. Characterisation of the acoustic field and high-resolution spatial analysis of transfection were used to examine the relationship between gene delivery efficiency and acoustic pressure. RESULTS: In contrast to that seen in the homogeneous field close to the transducer face, gene delivery in the focal plane was concentrated on the ultrasound beam axis. Above a minimum peak-to-peak value of 0.1 MPa, transfection efficiency increased as acoustic pressure increased towards the focus, reaching a maximum above 1 MPa. Delivery was microbubble-dependent and cell viability was maintained. CONCLUSIONS: Gene delivery can be targeted using focused ultrasound and microbubbles. Since delivery is dependent on acoustic pressure, the degree of targeting can be determined by appropriate transducer design to modify the ultrasound field. In contrast to other physical gene delivery approaches, the non-invasive targeting ability of ultrasound makes this technology an attractive option for clinical gene therapy.  相似文献   

基因治疗研究中脂质体介导的基因转移技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对于脂质体的深入研究特别是阳离子脂质体的研制使其逐步成为重要的基因转移载体之一,并且初步应用于基因治疗研究,同时多种靶向脂质体的研制也为体内靶向基因转移和表达奠定了基础。本文就脂质体的结构、功能、在基因治疗研究中的应用以及各种靶向脂质体的研制进行了介绍。  相似文献   

In this study, we established a method for Listeria monocytogenes(Lm)-mediated gene transfer into mammalian cells to manipulate the immune response of the host during infection by pathogens. We used the Lm-mediated gene transfer method in an in vivo study to manipulate host immune responses against Leishmania major(L. major )-infection. The injection of Lm modulated the susceptible host into a resistant state against L. major-infection. A more efficient protective effect was obtained with the injection of IL-12-cDNA containing Lm, and the protective effect was stronger than that of the resistant strain. The protective mechanism of Lm-injection against L. major-infection observed here appeared to be a result of the activation of the local immune system by the Lm-mediated gene transfer method. The present study is the first demonstration that a gene introduced into a host by Lm works to modulate the murine host immune response against infections in vivo. Since this system strongly induces Th1 responses and suppresses Th2 responses in infected hosts, the system can be used for controlling infectious diseases and for protection against allergic responses in the future.  相似文献   

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