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Ochagavía ME  Wodak S 《Proteins》2004,55(2):436-454
MALECON is a progressive combinatorial procedure for multiple alignments of protein structures. It searches a library of pairwise alignments for all three-protein alignments in which a specified number of residues is consistently aligned. These alignments are progressively expanded to include additional proteins and more spatially equivalent residues, subject to certain criteria. This action involves superimposing the aligned proteins by their hitherto equivalent residues and searching for additional Calpha atoms that lie close in space. The performance of MALECON is illustrated and compared with several extant multiple structure alignment methods by using as test the globin homologous superfamily, the OB and the Jellyrolls folds. MALECON gives better definitions of the common structural features in the structurally more diverse proteins of the OB and Jellyrolls folds, but it yields comparable results for the more similar globins. When no consistent multiple alignments can be derived for all members of a protein group, our procedure is still capable of automatically generating consistent alignments and common core definitions for subgroups of the members. This finding is illustrated for proteins of the OB fold and SH3 domains, believed to share common structural features, and should be very instrumental in homology modeling and investigations of protein evolution.  相似文献   

In the era of structural genomics, it is necessary to generate accurate structural alignments in order to build good templates for homology modeling. Although a great number of structural alignment algorithms have been developed, most of them ignore intermolecular interactions during the alignment procedure. Therefore, structures in different oligomeric states are barely distinguishable, and it is very challenging to find correct alignment in coil regions. Here we present a novel approach to structural alignment using a clique finding algorithm and environmental information (SAUCE). In this approach, we build the alignment based on not only structural coordinate information but also realistic environmental information extracted from biological unit files provided by the Protein Data Bank (PDB). At first, we eliminate all environmentally unfavorable pairings of residues. Then we identify alignments in core regions via a maximal clique finding algorithm. Two extreme value distribution (EVD) form statistics have been developed to evaluate core region alignments. With an optional extension step, global alignment can be derived based on environment-based dynamic programming linking. We show that our method is able to differentiate three-dimensional structures in different oligomeric states, and is able to find flexible alignments between multidomain structures without predetermined hinge regions. The overall performance is also evaluated on a large scale by comparisons to current structural classification databases as well as to other alignment methods.  相似文献   

MUSTANG: a multiple structural alignment algorithm   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multiple structural alignment is a fundamental problem in structural genomics. In this article, we define a reliable and robust algorithm, MUSTANG (MUltiple STructural AligNment AlGorithm), for the alignment of multiple protein structures. Given a set of protein structures, the program constructs a multiple alignment using the spatial information of the C(alpha) atoms in the set. Broadly based on the progressive pairwise heuristic, this algorithm gains accuracy through novel and effective refinement phases. MUSTANG reports the multiple sequence alignment and the corresponding superposition of structures. Alignments generated by MUSTANG are compared with several handcurated alignments in the literature as well as with the benchmark alignments of 1033 alignment families from the HOMSTRAD database. The performance of MUSTANG was compared with DALI at a pairwise level, and with other multiple structural alignment tools such as POSA, CE-MC, MALECON, and MultiProt. MUSTANG performs comparably to popular pairwise and multiple structural alignment tools for closely related proteins, and performs more reliably than other multiple structural alignment methods on hard data sets containing distantly related proteins or proteins that show conformational changes.  相似文献   

We present MASS (Multiple Alignment by Secondary Structures), a novel highly efficient method for structural alignment of multiple protein molecules and detection of common structural motifs. MASS is based on a two-level alignment, using both secondary structure and atomic representation. Utilizing secondary structure information aids in filtering out noisy solutions and achieves efficiency and robustness. Currently, only a few methods are available for addressing the multiple structural alignment task. In addition to using secondary structure information, the advantage of MASS as compared to these methods is that it is a combination of several important characteristics: (1) While most existing methods are based on series of pairwise comparisons, and thus might miss optimal global solutions, MASS is truly multiple, considering all the molecules simultaneously; (2) MASS is sequence order-independent and thus capable of detecting nontopological structural motifs; (3) MASS is able to detect not only structural motifs, shared by all input molecules, but also motifs shared only by subsets of the molecules. Here, we show the application of MASS to various protein ensembles. We demonstrate its ability to handle a large number (order of tens) of molecules, to detect nontopological motifs and to find biologically meaningful alignments within nonpredefined subsets of the input. In particular, we show how by using conserved structural motifs, one can guide protein-protein docking, which is a notoriously difficult problem. MASS is freely available at http://bioinfo3d.cs.tau.ac.il/MASS/.  相似文献   

The comparison between two protein structures is important for understanding a molecular function. In particular, the comparison of protein surfaces to measure their similarity provides another challenge useful for studying molecular evolution, docking, and drug design. This paper presents an algorithm, called the BetaSuperposer, which evaluates the similarity between the surfaces of two structures using the beta-shape which is a geometric structure derived from the Voronoi diagram of molecule. The algorithm performs iterations of mix-and-match between the beta-shapes of two structures for the optimal superposition from which a similarity measure is computed, where each mix-and-match step attempts to solve an NP-hard problem. The devised heuristic algorithm based on the assignment problem formulation quickly produces a good superposition and an assessment of similarity. The BetaSuperposer was fully implemented and benchmarked against popular programs, the Dali and the Click, using the SCOP models. The BetaSuperposer is freely available to the public from the Voronoi Diagram Research Center (http://voronoi.hanyang.ac.kr).  相似文献   

RNA structural motifs are recurrent three-dimensional (3D) components found in the RNA architecture. These RNA structural motifs play important structural or functional roles and usually exhibit highly conserved 3D geometries and base-interaction patterns. Analysis of the RNA 3D structures and elucidation of their molecular functions heavily rely on efficient and accurate identification of these motifs. However, efficient RNA structural motif search tools are lacking due to the high complexity of these motifs. In this work, we present RNAMotifScanX, a motif search tool based on a base-interaction graph alignment algorithm. This novel algorithm enables automatic identification of both partially and fully matched motif instances. RNAMotifScanX considers noncanonical base-pairing interactions, base-stacking interactions, and sequence conservation of the motifs, which leads to significantly improved sensitivity and specificity as compared with other state-of-the-art search tools. RNAMotifScanX also adopts a carefully designed branch-and-bound technique, which enables ultra-fast search of large kink-turn motifs against a 23S rRNA. The software package RNAMotifScanX is implemented using GNU C++, and is freely available from http://genome.ucf.edu/RNAMotifScanX.  相似文献   

Linking similar proteins structurally is a challenging task that may help in finding the novel members of a protein family. In this respect, identification of conserved sequence can facilitate understanding and classifying the exact role of proteins. However, the exact role of these conserved elements cannot be elucidated without structural and physiochemical information. In this work, we present a novel desktop application MotViz designed for searching and analyzing the conserved sequence segments within protein structure. With MotViz, the user can extract a complete list of sequence motifs from loaded 3D structures, annotate the motifs structurally and analyze their physiochemical properties. The conservation value calculated for an individual motif can be visualized graphically. To check the efficiency, predicted motifs from the data sets of 9 protein families were analyzed and MotViz algorithm was more efficient in comparison to other online motif prediction tools. Furthermore, a database was also integrated for storing, retrieving and performing the detailed functional annotation studies. In summary, MotViz effectively predicts motifs with high sensitivity and simultaneously visualizes them into 3D strucures. Moreover, MotViz is user-friendly with optimized graphical parameters and better processing speed due to the inclusion of a database at the back end. MotViz is available at http://www.fi-pk.com/motviz.html.  相似文献   

Current genomic screens for noncoding RNAs (ncRNAs) predict a large number of genomic regions containing potential structural ncRNAs. The analysis of these data requires highly accurate prediction of ncRNA boundaries and discrimination of promising candidate ncRNAs from weak predictions. Existing methods struggle with these goals because they rely on sequence-based multiple sequence alignments, which regularly misalign RNA structure and therefore do not support identification of structural similarities. To overcome this limitation, we compute columnwise and global reliabilities of alignments based on sequence and structure similarity; we refer to these structure-based alignment reliabilities as STARs. The columnwise STARs of alignments, or STAR profiles, provide a versatile tool for the manual and automatic analysis of ncRNAs. In particular, we improve the boundary prediction of the widely used ncRNA gene finder RNAz by a factor of 3 from a median deviation of 47 to 13 nt. Post-processing RNAz predictions, LocARNA-P's STAR score allows much stronger discrimination between true- and false-positive predictions than RNAz's own evaluation. The improved accuracy, in this scenario increased from AUC 0.71 to AUC 0.87, significantly reduces the cost of successive analysis steps. The ready-to-use software tool LocARNA-P produces structure-based multiple RNA alignments with associated columnwise STARs and predicts ncRNA boundaries. We provide additional results, a web server for LocARNA/LocARNA-P, and the software package, including documentation and a pipeline for refining screens for structural ncRNA, at http://www.bioinf.uni-freiburg.de/Supplements/LocARNA-P/.  相似文献   

John Lhota  Lei Xie 《Proteins》2016,84(4):467-472
Protein structure prediction, when construed as a fold recognition problem, is one of the most important applications of similarity search in bioinformatics. A new protein‐fold recognition method is reported which combines a single‐source K diverse shortest path (SSKDSP) algorithm with Enrichment of Network Topological Similarity (ENTS) algorithm to search a graphic feature space generated using sequence similarity and structural similarity metrics. A modified, more efficient SSKDSP algorithm is developed to improve the performance of graph searching. The new implementation of the SSKDSP algorithm empirically requires 82% less memory and 61% less time than the current implementation, allowing for the analysis of larger, denser graphs. Furthermore, the statistical significance of fold ranking generated from SSKDSP is assessed using ENTS. The reported ENTS‐SSKDSP algorithm outperforms original ENTS that uses random walk with restart for the graph search as well as other state‐of‐the‐art protein structure prediction algorithms HHSearch and Sparks‐X, as evaluated by a benchmark of 600 query proteins. The reported methods may easily be extended to other similarity search problems in bioinformatics and chemoinformatics. The SSKDSP software is available at http://compsci.hunter.cuny.edu/~leixie/sskdsp.html . Proteins 2016; 84:467–472. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Teyra J  Hawkins J  Zhu H  Pisabarro MT 《Proteins》2011,79(2):499-508
The emerging picture of a continuous protein fold space highlights the existence of non obvious structural similarities between proteins with apparent different topologies. The identification of structure resemblances across fold space and the analysis of similar recognition regions may be a valuable source of information towards protein structure-based functional characterization. In this work, we use non-sequential structural alignment methods (ns-SAs) to identify structural similarities between protein pairs independently of their SCOP hierarchy, and we calculate the significance of binding region conservation using the interacting residues overlap in the ns-SA. We cluster the binding inferences for each family to distinguish already known family binding regions from putative new ones. Our methodology exploits the enormous amount of data available in the PDB to identify binding region similarities within protein families and to propose putative binding regions. Our results indicate that there is a plethora of structurally common binding regions among proteins, independently of current fold classifications. We obtain a 6- to 8-fold enrichment of novel binding regions, and identify binding inferences for 728 protein families that so far lack binding information in the PDB. We explore binding mode analogies between ligands from commonly clustered binding regions to investigate the utility of our methodology. A comprehensive analysis of the obtained binding inferences may help in the functional characterization of protein recognition and assist rational engineering. The data obtained in this work is available in the download link at www.scowlp.org.  相似文献   

A total of six different structural alignment tools (TM‐Align, TriangleMatch, CLICK, ProBis, SiteEngine and GA‐SI) were assessed for their ability to perform two particular tasks: (i) discriminating FAD (flavin adenine dinucleotide) from non‐FAD binding sites, and (ii) performing an all‐to‐all comparison on a set of 883 FAD binding sites for the purpose of classifying them. For the first task, the consistency of each alignment method was evaluated, showing that every method is able to distinguish FAD and non‐FAD binding sites with a high Matthews correlation coefficient. Additionally, GA‐SI was found to provide alignments different from those of the other approaches. The results obtained for the second task revealed more significant differences among alignment methods, as reflected in the poor correlation of their results and highlighted clearly by the independent evaluation of the structural superimpositions generated by each method. The classification itself was performed using the combined results of all methods, using the best result found for each comparison of binding sites. A number of different clustering methods (Single‐linkage, UPGMA, Complete‐linkage, SPICKER and k‐Means clustering) were also used. The groups of similar binding sites (proteins) or clusters generated by the best performing method were further analyzed in terms of local sequence identity, local structural similarity and conservation of analogous contacts with the FAD ligands. Each of the clusters was characterized by a unique set of structural features or patterns, demonstrating that the groups generated truly reflect the structural diversity of FAD binding sites. Proteins 2016; 84:1728–1747. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

In the last decades, homology modeling has become a popular tool to access theoretical three-dimensional (3D) structures of molecular targets. So far several 3D models of proteins have been built by this technique and used in a great diversity of structural biology studies. But are those models consistent enough with experimental structures to make this technique an effective and reliable tool for drug discovery? Here we present, briefly, the fundamentals and current state-of-the-art of the homology modeling techniques used to build 3D structures of molecular targets, which experimental structures are not available in databases, and list some of the more important works, using this technique, available in literature today. In many cases those studies have afforded successful models for the drug design of more selective agonists/antagonists to the molecular targets in focus and guided promising experimental works, proving that, when the appropriate templates are available, useful models can be built using some of the several software available today for this purpose. Limitations of the experimental techniques used to solve 3D structures allied to constant improvements in the homology modeling software will maintain the need for theoretical models, establishing the homology modeling as a fundamental tool for the drug discovery.  相似文献   

Brakoulias A  Jackson RM 《Proteins》2004,56(2):250-260
A method is described for the rapid comparison of protein binding sites using geometric matching to detect similar three-dimensional structure. The geometric matching detects common atomic features through identification of the maximum common sub-graph or clique. These features are not necessarily evident from sequence or from global structural similarity giving additional insight into molecular recognition not evident from current sequence or structural classification schemes. Here we use the method to produce an all-against-all comparison of phosphate binding sites in a number of different nucleotide phosphate-binding proteins. The similarity search is combined with clustering of similar sites to allow a preliminary structural classification. Clustering by site similarity produces a classification of binding sites for the 476 representative local environments producing ten main clusters representing half of the representative environments. The similarities make sense in terms of both structural and functional classification schemes. The ten main clusters represent a very limited number of unique structural binding motifs for phosphate. These are the structural P-loop, di-nucleotide binding motif [FAD/NAD(P)-binding and Rossman-like fold] and FAD-binding motif. Similar classification schemes for nucleotide binding proteins have also been arrived at independently by others using different methods.  相似文献   

The alpha/beta‐hydrolases are a family of acid‐base‐nucleophile catalytic triad enzymes with a common fold, but using a wide variety of substrates, having different pH optima, catalyzing unique catalytic reactions and often showing improved chemical and thermo stability. The ABH enzymes are prime targets for protein engineering. Here, we have classified active sites from 51 representative members of 40 structural ABH fold families into eight distinct conserved geometries. We demonstrate the occurrence of a common structural motif, the catalytic acid zone, at the catalytic triad acid turn. We show that binding of an external ligand does not change the structure of the catalytic acid zone and both the ligand‐free and ligand‐bound forms of the protein belong to the same catalytic acid zone subgroup. We also show that the catalytic acid zone coordinates the position of the catalytic histidine loop directly above its plane, and consequently, fixes the catalytic histidine in a proper position near the catalytic acid. Finally, we demonstrate that the catalytic acid zone plays a key role in multi‐subunit complex formation in ABH enzymes, and is involved in interactions with other proteins. As a result, we speculate that each of the catalytic triad residues has its own supporting structural scaffold, similar to the catalytic acid zone, described above, which together form the extended catalytic triad motif. Each scaffold coordinates the function of its respective catalytic residue, and can even compensate for the loss of protein function, if the catalytic amino acid is mutated.  相似文献   

Knowledge of structural class plays an important role in understanding protein folding patterns. In this study, a simple and powerful computational method, which combines support vector machine with PSI-BLAST profile, is proposed to predict protein structural class for low-similarity sequences. The evolution information encoding in the PSI-BLAST profiles is converted into a series of fixed-length feature vectors by extracting amino acid composition and dipeptide composition from the profiles. The resulting vectors are then fed to a support vector machine classifier for the prediction of protein structural class. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, jackknife cross-validation tests are performed on two widely used benchmark datasets, 1189 (containing 1092 proteins) and 25PDB (containing 1673 proteins) with sequence similarity lower than 40% and 25%, respectively. The overall accuracies attain 70.7% and 72.9% for 1189 and 25PDB datasets, respectively. Comparison of our results with other methods shows that our method is very promising to predict protein structural class particularly for low-similarity datasets and may at least play an important complementary role to existing methods.  相似文献   

In this study we present two methods to predict the local quality of a protein model: ProQres and ProQprof. ProQres is based on structural features that can be calculated from a model, while ProQprof uses alignment information and can only be used if the model is created from an alignment. In addition, we also propose a simple approach based on local consensus, Pcons-local. We show that all these methods perform better than state-of-the-art methodologies and that, when applicable, the consensus approach is by far the best approach to predict local structure quality. It was also found that ProQprof performed better than other methods for models based on distant relationships, while ProQres performed best for models based on closer relationship, i.e., a model has to be reasonably good to make a structural evaluation useful. Finally, we show that a combination of ProQprof and ProQres (ProQlocal) performed better than any other nonconsensus method for both high- and low-quality models. Additional information and Web servers are available at: http://www.sbc.su.se/~bjorn/ProQ/.  相似文献   

The explosion in gene sequence data and technological breakthroughs in protein structure determination inspired the launch of structural genomics (SG) initiatives. An often stated goal of structural genomics is the high-throughput structural characterisation of all protein sequence families, with the long-term hope of significantly impacting on the life sciences, biotechnology and drug discovery. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of solved SG targets to assess progress of these initiatives. Eleven consortia have contributed 316 non-redundant entries and 323 protein chains to the Protein Data Bank (PDB), and 459 and 393 domains to the CATH and SCOP structure classifications, respectively. The quality and size of these proteins are comparable to those solved in traditional structural biology and, despite huge scope for duplicated efforts, only 14% of targets have a close homologue (>/=30% sequence identity) solved by another consortium. Analysis of CATH and SCOP revealed the significant contribution that structural genomics is making to the coverage of superfamilies and folds. A total of 67% of SG domains in CATH are unique, lacking an already characterised close homologue in the PDB, whereas only 21% of non-SG domains are unique. For 29% of domains, structure determination revealed a remote evolutionary relationship not apparent from sequence, and 19% and 11% contributed new superfamilies and folds. The secondary structure class, fold and superfamily distributions of this dataset reflect those of the genomes. The domains fall into 172 different folds and 259 superfamilies in CATH but the distribution is highly skewed. The most populous of these are those that recur most frequently in the genomes. Whilst 11% of superfamilies are bacteria-specific, most are common to all three superkingdoms of life and together the 316 PDB entries have provided new and reliable homology models for 9287 non-redundant gene sequences in 206 completely sequenced genomes. From the perspective of this analysis, it appears that structural genomics is on track to be a success, and it is hoped that this work will inform future directions of the field.  相似文献   

Background: The frequency of small subtrees in biological, social, and other types of networks could shed light into the structure, function, and evolution of such networks. However, counting all possible subtrees of a prescribed size can be computationally expensive because of their potentially large number even in small, sparse networks. Moreover, most of the existing algorithms for subtree counting belong to the subtree-centric approaches, which search for a specific single subtree type at a time, potentially taking more time by searching again on the same network. Methods: In this paper, we propose a network-centric algorithm (MTMO) to efficiently count k-size subtrees. Our algorithm is based on the enumeration of all connected sets of k1 edges, incorporates a labeled rooted tree data structure in the enumeration process to reduce the number of isomorphism tests required, and uses an array-based indexing scheme to simplify the subtree counting method. Results: The experiments on three representative undirected complex networks show that our algorithm is roughly an order of magnitude faster than existing subtree-centric approaches and base network-centric algorithm which does not use rooted tree, allowing for counting larger subtrees in larger networks than previously possible. We also show major differences between unicellular and multicellular organisms. In addition, our algorithm is applied to find network motifs based on pattern growth approach. Conclusions: A network-centric algorithm which allows for a faster counting of non-induced subtrees is proposed. This enables us to count larger motif in larger networks than previously.  相似文献   

The detection and alignment of locally conserved regions (motifs) in multiple sequences can provide insight into protein structure, function, and evolution. A new Gibbs sampling algorithm is described that detects motif-encoding regions in sequences and optimally partitions them into distinct motif models; this is illustrated using a set of immunoglobulin fold proteins. When applied to sequences sharing a single motif, the sampler can be used to classify motif regions into related submodels, as is illustrated using helix-turn-helix DNA-binding proteins. Other statistically based procedures are described for searching a database for sequences matching motifs found by the sampler. When applied to a set of 32 very distantly related bacterial integral outer membrane proteins, the sampler revealed that they share a subtle, repetitive motif. Although BLAST (Altschul SF et al., 1990, J Mol Biol 215:403-410) fails to detect significant pairwise similarity between any of the sequences, the repeats present in these outer membrane proteins, taken as a whole, are highly significant (based on a generally applicable statistical test for motifs described here). Analysis of bacterial porins with known trimeric beta-barrel structure and related proteins reveals a similar repetitive motif corresponding to alternating membrane-spanning beta-strands. These beta-strands occur on the membrane interface (as opposed to the trimeric interface) of the beta-barrel. The broad conservation and structural location of these repeats suggests that they play important functional roles.  相似文献   

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