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为了探讨羊瘙痒因子263K感染仓鼠脑组织中星形胶质细胞和神经元的数量及功能改变,利用免疫印迹、免疫组化方法研究了胶质纤维酸性蛋白(glial fibrillary acidic protein,GFAP)和神经元特异性烯醇化酶(neuron-specific enolase,NSE)在受染仓鼠各脑区中表达变化的特点,同时比较其与神经病理学改变及PrPSc沉积的关系.结果表明,感染终末期仓鼠的脑组织中GFAP表达量明显增高,与正常对照相比,大脑皮质、脑干和小脑区域GFAP着色细胞数量分别增高3.69、2.41和1.56倍.感染仓鼠脑组织NSE表达量低于正常对照,小脑、海马CA1区和大脑皮质NSE着色细胞数量分别仅为正常对照相应区域的22.5%、54.2%和53.9%.这些变化与PrPSc在脑组织中的沉积程度和空泡样变性程度相吻合.结果提示,GFAP和NSE的检测可分别很好地反映星形胶质细胞和神经元的数量及功能状态,成为在朊病毒病发病过程中重要的病理变化指标.  相似文献   

We examined the effect of expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) on the tumor growth of astrocytoma in vivo. When rat astrocytoma C6 cells were injected subcutaneously in athymic mice, the cells produced tumors that grew rapidly. The tumor growth of C6 cells transfected with GFAP cDNA was significantly reduced compared to that of control NeoC6 cells transfected only with the neomycin resistant gene. After implantation of C6 cells transfected with mutated GFAP cDNA at the phosphorylation sites, the tumor growth was suppressed similar to that of the wild GFAP transfectants. To determine whether the cell growth suppression by GFAP is specific for astroglial cells, we assessed the effect of GFAP on the cell growth of an L cell of fibroblast origin in vitro. By GFAP cDNA transfection, L cells showed morphological changes, but the cell growth was not reduced. These results suggest that GFAP is a critical regulator of the tumor growth of astrocytoma.  相似文献   

The hallmarks of human malignant gliomas are their marked invasiveness and vascularity. Because angiogenesis and tumor invasion have been associated with extracellular matrix degradation and intercellular tight junctions, the involvement of zonulin in glioma biology is in the focus. We selected for histological examination five cases of glioblastoma WHO IV (nomenclature of the World Health Organization) and one case each from astrocytoma WHO III, meningioma WHO III, and meningioma WHO I as control samples. The meningioma WHO I is regarded as benign, whereas the meningioma WHO III is recognized as the transition form of malignant tumors in humans. The visualization of a newly designed antibody against human zonulin was studied in triple-labeling studies using fluorescence immunocytochemistry and compared with the expression of c-kit and glial fibrillary acidic protein in differently developed human gliomas. We found that increasing the expression of c-kit is accompanied by an increase of zonulin expression. Both are correlated to the degree of malignancy of human brain tumors. The expression of zonulin is correlated to the degradation of the blood-brain barrier as revealed by Griffonia simplicifolia lectin. In differently graded tumors, we found differently graded involvement of blood vessels in the tumor development, explaining patients'' survival.  相似文献   

The human glial fibrillary acidic protein (hGFAP) promoter has been used to generate numerous transgenic mouse lines, which has facilitated the analysis of astrocyte function in health and disease. Here, we evaluated the expression levels of various hGFAP transgenes at different ages in the two most commonly used inbred mouse strains, FVB/N (FVB) and C57BL/6N (B6N). In general, transgenic mice maintained on the B6N background displayed weaker transgene expression compared with transgenic FVB mice. Higher level of transgene expression in B6N mice could be regained by crossbreeding to FVB wild type mice. However, the endogenous murine GFAP expression was equivalent in both strains. In addition, we found that endogenous GFAP expression was increased in transgenic mice in comparison to wild type mice. The activities of the hGFAP transgenes were not age-dependently regulated. Our data highlight the importance of proper expression analysis when non-homologous recombination transgenesis is used.  相似文献   

Glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in gliosed white matter from multiple sclerosis plaques and cerebral infarcts was examined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis and immunoblotting. Using a monoclonal antibody raised against human GFAP, up to 11 GFAP polypeptide bands of molecular weight 37-49 kilodaltons were identified in particulate and supernatant fractions of CNS tissue homogenates. Soluble GFAP constituted about one-quarter of the total GFAP in normal cerebral white matter. In brain lesions in which reactive astrocytes were observed microscopically, the proportion of soluble GFAP was increased, with a greater representation of the lower-molecular-weight forms. In brain chronic sclerotic plaques, almost all of the GFAP was in the particulate form. Purified particulate GFAP was susceptible to proteolysis at acid but not at neutral pH in the presence of CNS homogenates. In tissue autolysis studies, GFAP was stable in situ for periods well in excess of average CNS postmortem times.  相似文献   

Developmental alterations in the expression of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) and -tubulin were examined at the level of mRNA and protein in human fetal brain between weeks 13–23 of gestation. Except for a transient increase at week 15, GFAP expression in the cytoskeletal (CSK) fraction was low until week 17, when it increased steadily to week 23, corresponding to the phase of glial proliferation. The developmental profile of -tubulin in the CSK fraction displayed a biphasic pattern, with an initial rise between weeks 13–16 coinciding with the early phase of neuroblast multiplication, and a second rise between weeks 17–23 corresponding to the phase of glial proliferation. No significant difference in the spatial distribution of -tubulin was found in different region of brain but GFAP expression varied with a higher level in cerebellum than that in cerebrum at late midgestation.  相似文献   

Abstract: Three different epitopes on the glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) have been identified by means of three monoclonal antibodies. The antibodies were named anti-GFAP 1, anti-GFAP 2, and anti-GFAP 3. Antibody specificities were investigated by several techniques including indirect immunoprecipitation, immunoblotting, and immunohistochemistry. The anti-GFAP 1 antibodies recognized an epitope found on GFAP from all three species tested: human, rat, and ox, but in addition a reaction was observed with cells not containing GFAP. The epitope recognized by anti-GFAP 2 was present on GFAP from human and ox, but apparently not on rat GFAP; the anti-GFAP 2 antibodies also reacted with antigen(s) other than GFAP. In contrast, the epitope defined by anti-GFAP 3 has proved absolutely specific for GFAP in human, rat, and ox.  相似文献   

Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein (GFAP) is an intermediate-filament (IF) protein that maintains the astrocytes of the Central Nervous System in Human. This is differentially expressed during serological studies in inflamed condition such as Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). Therefore, it is of interest to glean molecular insight using a model of GFAP (49.88 kDa) due to its crystallographic nonavailability. The present study has been taken into consideration to construct computational protein model using Modeller 9.11. The structural relevance of the protein was verified using Gromacs 4.5 followed by validation through PROCHECK, Verify 3D, WHAT-IF, ERRAT and PROVE for reliability. The constructed three dimensional (3D) model of GFAP protein had been scrutinized to reveal the associated functions by identifying ligand binding sites and active sites. Molecular level interaction study revealed five possible surface cavities as active sites. The model finds application in further computational analysis towards drug discovery in order to minimize the effect of inflammation.  相似文献   

In the present study glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) expression was assessed following intravermian injection of kainic acid (KA) or physiological saline to adult rat cerebellum. After 2- to 30-day recovery period, free-floating sections cut with a microtome were obtained and were proccessed for immunocytochemistry against GFAP. Injection of both kainate and physiological saline elicited significant astrogliotic reaction, i.e. in the area around the lesion thick GFAP-positive Bergmann fibers with typical orientation appeared in the molecular and hypertrophied astrocytes abundantly appeared in the granular layer. However, following kainate intoxication lesion was not surrounded by typical demarcation glial scar during 30-day recovery period in contrast to the appearance of usual glial scar in the group injected with physiological saline, as early as 7-day postlesion. Preserved spatial organization of Bergmann fibers and the absence of typical demarcating glial scar after kainate-induced cerebellar lesion suggest distinct pattern of astrogliosis that presents an interesting model system to study the importance of glial scar in the recovery after ischemic brain insults.  相似文献   

The astroglial marker, glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) was investigated by immunohistochemistry in various brain areas in order to see its fluctuations in various functional states. Different neuronal states were either experimentally induced or studied under physiological conditions. To produce experimental alterations the visual system was chosen as a model. Upon lesioning of the lateral geniculate body with the stereotaxic injection of ibotenic acid an increase in GFAP immunoreactivity could be induced in layers III and IV of the ipsilateral visual cortex where geniculo-cortical fibres terminate. Electron microscopy has revealed a synchronous degeneration of synaptic terminals and the hypertrophy of perisynaptic astrocyte processes. To study changes in the intact animal the effect of illumination was observed. In the lateral geniculate body the dorsal subnucleus was found immunonegative when studied at day and positive at night. Similar changes were observed in the suprachiasmatic nucleus. As to more generalized influences, the effect of gonadal steroids on the GFAP-reaction interpeduncular nucleus, an area not involved in hormonal regulatory mechanisms was studied. In males only castration could reduce constantly high GFAP immonoreactivity, whereas in females GFAP showed wide-range sexual cycle-related fluctuations. It was concluded that changes in GFAP immunoreactivity can indicate synaptic events whithin a circumscribed area of the brain. Special issue article in honor of Dr. Ricardo Tapia.  相似文献   

We show that the expression of the gene encoding glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) gene is affected by at least three cis-acting elements. A positive regulatory element that is located between nucleotides -1,631 and -1,479 can confer cell type-specific expression on a heterologous gene. A second regulatory element is located between nucleotides -97 and -80. The third is a negative regulatory element that is located within the first intron of the gene. Deletion of this element activates GFAP expression in HeLa cells, and affects promoter function in glioma cells.  相似文献   

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