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Antimicrobial Phytoprotectants and Fungal Pathogens: A Commentary   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Many plants produce antifungal secondary metabolites. These may be preformed compounds which are found in healthy plants and which may represent in-built chemical barriers to infection by potential pathogens (preformed antimicrobial compounds or phytoanticipins). Alternatively they may be synthesized in response to pathogen attack as part of the plant defence response (phytoalexins). If these molecules do play a role in protecting plants against pathogen attack, then successful pathogens are presumably able to circumvent or tolerate these defences. Strategies may include avoidance, enzymatic degradation, and/or nondegradative mechanisms. This review outlines the different ways in which fungal pathogens may counter the antifungal compounds produced by their host plants and summarizes the evidence for and against these compounds as antimicrobial phytoprotectants.  相似文献   

For a long time, the microbiology of cystic fibrosis has been focussed on Pseudomonas aeruginosa and associated Gram-negative pathogens. An increasing body of evidence has been compiled demonstrating an important role for moulds and yeasts within this complex patient group. Whether or not fungi are active participants, spectators or transient passersby remain to be elucidated. However, functionally, they do appear to play a contributory role in pathogenesis, albeit we do not know if this is a direct or indirect effect. The following review examines some of the key evidence for the role of fungi in CF pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Calcineurin is a calcium-activated phosphatase that controls morphogenesis and stress responses in eukaryotes. Fungal pathogens have adopted the calcineurin pathway to survive and effectively propagate within the host. The difficulty in treating fungal infections stems from similarities between pathogen and host eukaryotic cells. Using calcineurin inhibitors such as cyclosporin A or tacrolimus (FK506) in combination with antifungal drugs, including azoles or echinocandins, renders these drugs fungicidal, even towards drug-resistant species or strains, making calcineurin a promising drug target. This article summarizes the current understanding of the calcineurin pathway and its roles in governing the growth and virulence of pathogenic fungi, and compares and contrasts the roles of calcineurin in fungal pathogens that infect humans (Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans) or plants (Magnaporthe oryzae and Ustilago maydis). Further investigation of calcineurin biology will advance opportunities to develop novel antifungal therapeutic approaches and provide insight into the evolution of virulence.  相似文献   

Study of the fungal cell wall is currently an area of very active research. The relevance of the fungal cell wall for cell survival, and pathogenicity has been well established. The view of the cell wall as a tough and impenetrable structure has been left behind, and it is now conceived as a plastic shield that undergoes structural changes depending on the surrounding environmental conditions and morphological states. The fungal cell wall is also the source of most of the pathogen-associated molecular patterns that immune cells recognize, and thus facilitates establishment of a protective antifungal immunity. Paradoxically, fungi, through their cell wall, possess disguising mechanisms to avoid immune recognition. This review gathers the current knowledge about the cell wall of Candida albicans, Aspergillus fumigatus and Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, stressing the importance of the fungal cell wall for pathogenesis, immune recognition, and as a source of targets for antifungal drugs.  相似文献   

Heterotrimeric G proteins act as signal transducers that couple cell-surface receptors to cytoplasmic effector proteins. In fungi, G proteins play essential roles during sexual and pathogenic development. They are part of the pheromone signaling cascade in both ascomycetes and basidiomycetes, which is crucial for the recognition and fusion of cells of opposite mating type. In addition, G proteins affect a number of developmental and morphogenetic processes which determine the virulence of plant and human fungal pathogens. Cloning and targeted disruption of genes encoding α subunits of G proteins allowed the attribution of specific functions to these signal transducing molecules. Several lines of evidence indicate that many of the known fungal G proteins influence the intracellular level of cAMP by either stimulating or inhibiting adenylyl cyclase.  相似文献   

Fungal community structure and diversity in two types of agricultural grassland soil were investigated by amplified 18S ribosomal DNA restriction analysis (ARDRA) and 18S ribosomal DNA sequence analysis. These two grassland sites represent a species-rich old hay meadow and an agriculturally improved site with low floristic diversity. Two primer sets were used in combination to amplify approximately 550 bp of rDNA from three major fungal groups, the zygomycetes, basidiomycetes, and ascomycetes, and clone libraries were created for each site. 18S ARDRA was used to analyze 170 rDNA clones, and three diversity indices were calculated. A small-scale culturing analysis was also carried out and the most common isolates analyzed using ARDRA and sequence analysis. The soil fungal community revealed by the rDNA approaches was significantly different from that produced by this limited culture-based analysis. Twenty-eight soil-derived clones were sequenced, and many represented fungal taxa rarely reported in culture-based studies. The PCR-based techniques detected differences in diversity between the two fungal communities and changes in patterns of dominance that paralleled higher plant diversity. The results suggest that 18S rDNA-based approaches are a useful tool for initial screening of fungal communities, and that they represent a more comprehensive picture of the community than plate culturing.  相似文献   

Currently, one of the biggest challenges in microbial and ecosystem ecology is to develop conceptual models that organize the growing body of information on environmental microbiology into a clear mechanistic framework with a direct link to ecosystem processes. Doing so will enable development of testable hypotheses to better direct future research and increase understanding of key constraints on biogeochemical networks. Although the understanding of phenotypic and genotypic diversity of microorganisms in the environment is rapidly accumulating, how controls on microbial physiology ultimately affect biogeochemical fluxes remains poorly understood. We propose that insight into constraints on biogeochemical cycles can be achieved by a more rigorous evaluation of microbial community biomass composition within the context of ecological stoichiometry. Multiple recent studies have pointed to microbial biomass stoichiometry as an important determinant of when microorganisms retain or recycle mineral nutrients. We identify the relevant cellular components that most likely drive changes in microbial biomass stoichiometry by defining a conceptual model rooted in ecological stoichiometry. More importantly, we show how X-ray microanalysis (XRMA), nanoscale secondary ion mass spectroscopy (NanoSIMS), Raman microspectroscopy, and in situ hybridization techniques (for example, FISH) can be applied in concert to allow for direct empirical evaluation of the proposed conceptual framework. This approach links an important piece of the ecological literature, ecological stoichiometry, with the molecular front of the microbial revolution, in an attempt to provide new insight into how microbial physiology could constrain ecosystem processes.  相似文献   

急性前髓细胞性白血病(APL)是急性髓细胞样白血病(AML)的一个亚型,它的分子生物学特征为95%的患者有15号染色体前髓细胞性白血病基因(PML)与17号染色体视黄酸受体(RARα)基因的融合易位表达.维甲酸(ATRA)单药治疗能使APL患者达90%的缓解率,化疗药物与ATRA的联合应用更能降低患者复发率,改善生存;三氧化二砷(ATO)能使复发患者缓解率达到90%.这篇文章主要综述APL的发病分子机制和治疗进展.  相似文献   

Fungal Resistance to Plant Antibiotics as a Mechanism of Pathogenesis   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14       下载免费PDF全文
Many plants produce low-molecular-weight compounds which inhibit the growth of phytopathogenic fungi in vitro. These compounds may be preformed inhibitors that are present constitutively in healthy plants (also known as phytoanticipins), or they may be synthesized in response to pathogen attack (phytoalexins). Successful pathogens must be able to circumvent or overcome these antifungal defenses, and this review focuses on the significance of fungal resistance to plant antibiotics as a mechanism of pathogenesis. There is increasing evidence that resistance of fungal pathogens to plant antibiotics can be important for pathogenicity, at least for some fungus-plant interactions. This evidence has emerged largely from studies of fungal degradative enzymes and also from experiments in which plants with altered levels of antifungal secondary metabolites were generated. Whereas the emphasis to date has been on degradative mechanisms of resistance of phytopathogenic fungi to antifungal secondary metabolites, in the future we are likely to see a rapid expansion in our knowledge of alternative mechanisms of resistance. These may include membrane efflux systems of the kind associated with multidrug resistance and innate resistance due to insensitivity of the target site. The manipulation of plant biosynthetic pathways to give altered antibiotic profiles will also be valuable in telling us more about the significance of antifungal secondary metabolites for plant defense and clearly has great potential for enhancing disease resistance for commercial purposes.  相似文献   

Cryptococcal meningoencephalitis is the most common fungal disease in the central nervous system. The mechanisms by which Cryptococcus neoformans invades the brain are largely unknown. In this study, we found that C. neoformans-derived microvesicles (CnMVs) can enhance the traversal of the blood-brain barrier (BBB) by C. neoformans in vitro. The immunofluorescence imaging demonstrates that CnMVs can fuse with human brain microvascular endothelial cells (HBMECs), the constituents of the BBB. This activity is presumably due to the ability of the CnMVs to activate HBMEC membrane rafts and induce cell fusogenic activity. CnMVs also enhanced C. neoformans infection of the brain, found in both infected brains and cerebrospinal fluid. In infected mouse brains, CnMVs are distributed inside and around C. neoformans-induced cystic lesions. GFAP (glial fibrillary acidic protein)-positive astrocytes were found surrounding the cystic lesions, overlapping with the 14-3-3-GFP (14-3-3-green fluorescence protein fusion) signals. Substantial changes could be observed in areas that have a high density of CnMV staining. This is the first demonstration that C. neoformans-derived microvesicles can facilitate cryptococcal traversal across the BBB and accumulate at lesion sites of C. neoformans-infected brains. Results of this study suggested that CnMVs play an important role in the pathogenesis of cryptococcal meningoencephalitis.  相似文献   

A realistic understanding of primate morphological adaptations requires a multidisciplinary approach including experimental studies of physiological performance and field studies documenting natural behaviors and reproductive success. For primate feeding, integrative efforts combining experimental and ecological approaches are rare. We discuss methods for collecting maximum bite forces in the field as part of an integrated ecomorphological research design. Specifically, we compare maximum biting ability in 3 sympatric bamboo lemurs (Hapalemur simus, H. aureus, and H. griseus) at Ranomafana National Park, Madagascar to determine if biting performance contributes to the observed partitioning of a shared bamboo diet. We assessed performance by recording maximum bite forces via jaw-muscle stimulations in anesthetized subjects from each species. Behavioral observations and food properties testing show that the largest species, Hapalemur simus, consumes the largest and most mechanically challenging foods. Our results suggest that Hapalemur simus can generate larger bite forces on average than those of the 2 smaller species. However, the overlap in maximum biting ability between Hapalemur simus and H. aureus indicates that biting performance cannot be the sole factor driving dietary segregation. Though maximum bite force does not fully explain dietary segregation, we hypothesize that size-related increases in both maximum bite force and jaw robusticity provide Hapalemur simus with an improved ability to process routinely its more obdurate diet. We demonstrate the feasibility of collecting physiological, ecological, and morphological data on the same free-ranging primates in their natural habitats. Integrating traditionally laboratory-based approaches with field studies broadens the range of potential primate species for physiological research and fosters improved tests of hypothesized feeding adaptations.  相似文献   

This paper examines the role of traditional religious beliefs and traditional leaders in conserving remnant patches of a unique type of dry forest in the Zambezi Valley of northern Zimbabwe. We examined aerial photographs spanning more than three decades, interviewed and surveyed local residents, and met with communities to learn about the environmental history of the forests and the factors that have affected land use in the area. Our results show that forest loss is dramatically less in forests that are now considered sacred, or were in the past connected to sacred forests. This supports our hypothesis that traditional spiritual values have influenced human behavior affecting the forests, and have played a role in protecting them until now. We also found that rates of forest loss have been much higher in an area where traditional leaders are relatively disempowered within the post-independence political system compared to an area where traditional leaders have more power. These findings lead us to conclude that a strategy that links the conservation of culture and nature is likely to be more effective in conserving forests than a strategy that ignores traditional beliefs, values, and institutions.  相似文献   

This paper describes the effect of a plant-derived polygalacturonase-inhibiting protein (PGIP) on the activity of endopolygalacturonases isolated from fungi. PGIP's effect on endopolygalacturonases is to enhance the production of oligogalacturonides that are active as elicitors of phytoalexin (antibiotic) accumulation and other defense reactions in plants. Only oligogalacturonides with a degree of polymerization higher than nine are able to elicit phytoalexin synthesis in soybean cotyledons. In the absence of PGIP, a 1-minute exposure of polygalacturonic acid to endopolygalacturonase resulted in the production of elicitor-active oligogalacturonides. However, the enzyme depolymerized essentially all of the polygalacturonic acid substrate to elicitor-inactive oligogalacturonides within 15 minutes. When the digestion of polygalacturonic acid was carried out with the same amount of enzyme but in the presence of excess PGIP, the rate of production of elicitor-active oligogalacturonides was dramatically altered. The amount of elicitor-active oligogalacturonide steadily increased for 24 hours. It was only after about 48 hours that the enzyme converted the polygalacturonic acid into short, elicitor-inactive oligomers. PGIP is a specific, reversible, saturable, high-affinity receptor for endopolygalacturonase. Formation of the PGIP-endopolygalacturonase complex results in increased concentrations of oligogalacturonides that activate plant defense responses. The interaction of the plant-derived PGIP with fungal endopolygalacturonases may be a mechanism by which plants convert endopolygalacturonase, a factor important for the virulence of pathogens, into a factor that elicits plant defense mechanisms.  相似文献   

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