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Summary With 11 currently recognised species, the genusEriocnemis (Reichenbach, 1849) is one of the most diversified Andean trochilid groups occupying mainly open montane habitats such as the edges of cloud forest or páramos. On the basis of distributional and morphological patterns, this study highlights the geographical variation and biogeography of the taxon. Characteristics common to all these species are the greenish dorsal plumage, the conspicuous and mostly whitish tibial tufts, and a fairly pronounced tail bifurcation. With the help of plumage synapomorphies for a cladistic analysis (PAUP*), several species groups or superspecies can be distinguished: theE. vestitus group (incl.E. vestitus, E. godini, E. nigrivestis), theE. luciani group (incl.E. luciani, E. cupreoventris, E. sapphiropygia), and theE. alinae group (incl.E. alinae, E. mirabilis).E. glaucopoides, E. mosquera, andE. derbyi differ quite widely in morphology and ecological requirements from the other species. Three new subspecies are described,E. vestitus arcosi from southern Ecuador and northern Peru, andE. luciani baptistae from central and southern Ecuador. A previously overlooked specimen ofE. luciani from the Andes of Mérida represents the first species record for Venezuela, about 1100 km northeast of the main population range, and should be recognised taxonomically asE. luciani meridae, subsp. nov., on the basis of its unique plumage morphology and geographical separation. Additionally, the unique type ofE. ventralis (Salvin, 1891) is probably of hybrid origin (E. vestitus × cupreoventris). The genus may have evolved in the northern Andes, subsequently spreading southward and invading the central Andes. Its recent range and phylogenetic patterns indicate vicariance events as the major speciation factor inEriocnemis.In memoriam Dr. Luis F. Baptista (1941–2000)  相似文献   

Tanagers of the genus Hemispingus comprise an array of 12 recognized species of rather dull-colored tanagers restricted to Andean forests. Four of these species are polytypic, with as many as seven subspecies recognized for H. superciliaris. Taxonomic relationships within this group, and with similar-looking Basileuterus warblers, have been confusing and not well understood. We used partial DNA sequences of the mitochondrial ND2 gene and a set of morphological characters to study their phylogenetic relationships. Our molecular dataset strongly supports the monophyly of Hemispingus (including the warbler-like species and the finch-like H. rufosuperciliaris) compared to other nine-primaried oscines (Ramphocelus, Chlorospingus, Atlapetes/Buarremon, Basileuterus) and indicates either that Atlapetes/Buarremon could be tanagers or that Chlorospingus could be finches. We propose a phylogeny containing three major clades: mostly greenish eye-browed birds (trifasciatus, atropileus, auricularis, calophrys), mostly gray warbler-like birds (superciliaris, verticalis, xanthophthalmus), and mostly ochraceous birds (rufosuperciliaris and goeringi, piurae, frontalis, melanotis). The relationships among these three clades are left unresolved. We suggest species status for H. auricularis and H. piurae. Our molecular data suggest that most of the diversity in Hemispingus tanagers predates the period of marked ecoclimatic fluctuations in the upper Pleistocene.  相似文献   

Summary Biogeography and taxonomy of the High-Andean hummingbird genusMetallura were analysed on the basis of geographical variation of morphometric and plumage colour characters. The genusMetallura is considered to consist of nine species and 15 subspecies. Within the speciesMetallura tyrianthina seven subspecies are recognized (smaragdinicollis [includingperuviana],septentrionalis, quitensis, tyrianthina, districta, oreopola, chloropogon).M. tyrianthina andM. iracunda are considered to be sister species and to be closely related toM. phoebe and to the members of theM. aeneocauda superspecies. The latter consists of six species as follows:M. aeneocauda (with subspeciesaeneocauda andmalagae),M. eupogon, M. theresiae (with subspeciestheresiae andparkeri),M. odomae, M. baroni andM. williami (with subspecieswilliami, atrigularis, primolina, recisa).M. tyrianthina andM. iracunda exhibit plesiomorphic character states (dimorphism, colour of throat feathers, short bill), that link the genusMetallura to its sister genusChalcostigma. The disjunct distribution of similar phenotypes, and the progression of morphological characters suggest fairly recent allopatric speciation processes in allMetallura taxa. High-Andean habitat fragmentations due to climatic changes during Late-Pliocene and Pleistocene presumably caused geographical isolation and differentiation of mostMetallura populations. The south-north phenotype progression regarding chin and gorget coloration ofM. tyrianthina females, paralleled by a transition from weak to strong sexual dimorphism, suggest for the genusMetallura a centre of origin in the Andes of north-eastern Bolivia or south-eastern Peru.Dedicated to Hans Hudde, Essen, for his friendship and support.  相似文献   

The Andes are a hotspot of global avian diversity, but studies on the historical diversification of Andean birds remain relatively scarce. Evolutionary studies on avian lineages with Andean–Patagonian distributions have focused on reconstructing species-level phylogenies, whereas no detailed phylogeographic studies on widespread species have been conducted. Here, we describe phylogeographic patterns in the Bar-winged Cinclodes (Cinclodes fuscus), a widespread and common species of ovenbird (Furnariidae) that breeds from Tierra del Fuego to the northern Andes. Traditionally, C. fuscus has been considered a single species composed of nine subspecies, but its long and narrow range suggests the possibility of considerable genetic variation among populations. Sequences of two mitochondrial genes revealed three discrete and geographically coherent groups of C. fuscus, occupying the southern, central, and northern Andes. Surprisingly, phylogenetic analyses indicated that these groups were more closely related to other species of Cinclodes than to each other. Relationships of the southern and northern C. fuscus clades to other species of Cinclodes were straightforward; in combination with available information on plumage, behavioral, and vocal variation, this suggests that each should be recognized as a distinct biological species. The central Andean group was paraphyletic with respect to C. oustaleti, and relationships among these taxa and C. olrogi were poorly resolved. We suggest that the central Andean C. fuscus should also be considered a different species, pending new information to clarify species limits in this group. These new phylogenetic data, along with recently developed methods, allowed us to review the biogeography of the genus, confirming southern South America and the central Andes as important areas for the diversification of these birds.  相似文献   

The silver saxifrages (Saxifraga sect. Ligulatae Haworth; Saxifragaceae) exhibit remarkable variation of substrate specialization, with strictly calcicole to calcifuge species, as well as life histories which range from semelparity to iteroparity. They occur almost exclusively in the European mountain ranges and display high levels of endemism. Sequences from chloroplast and nuclear ribosomal DNA were obtained to resolve phylogenetic relationships among the silver saxifrages and related taxa and to gain insight into the evolution of substrate specificity, life history, and biogeography. The resulting phylogenies suggested that (1) Saxifraga sect. Ligulatae, as traditionally defined, does not constitute a monophyletic group; (2) lime-secreting hydathodes in calcifuge species apparently represent a secondary nonaptation; (3) semelparity evolved independently two or three times in the silver saxifrages and allied sections, possibly in response to climatic changes that occured during the Pleistocene; and (4) narrow endemics, for example S. cochlearis, likely evolved from the fragmentation of the widespread S. paniculata into refugial populations that became isolated during the glacial maxima of the Pleistocene.  相似文献   

The burbot (Lota lota Linnaeus, 1758) is the only freshwater species from the cod family. Various taxonomic hypotheses were tested against molecular data by sequencing the mitochondrial cytochrome b locus of 120 burbot from 41 populations together with the related species Molva molva (ling) and Brosme brosme (tusk), which represented the other Lotinae genera. Within the genus Lota two distinct phylogroups were observed: one in North America south of the Great Slave Lakes (Lota lota maculosa) and one in Eurasia and the remainder of the Nearctic region (Lota lota lota). The burbot lineage separated 10 Myr BP from the other Lotinae, while the genetic variation within burbot appeared to be approximately 1 Myr old. However, fossil evidence suggested that burbot already existed in the Early Pliocene in Europe, from were it probably colonized North America in the Early Pleistocene. While Nearctic burbot survived climatic oscillations and diverged in several refugia, the Eurasian form became extinct or was reduced to a very small population. In the Late Pleistocene the species recolonized the Palearctic region to establish its present distribution range.  相似文献   

狭义蛇葡萄属(Ampelopsis s. str.)是葡萄科的落叶木质藤本植物,主要分布在北半球温带地区,特别是东亚为其重要的分布和演化中心。该研究选取了狭义蛇葡萄属15个种的37个样本,对其5个叶绿体基因片段(trnL-F、rps16、psbA-trnH、atpB-rbcL和trnK-petN)和2个核基因标记(ITS和GAI1)进行了分子测序;利用测序获得的分子数据探讨属内的系统发生关系,叶的性状演化以及生物地理起源演化。结果表明:(1)狭义蛇葡萄属是一个单系类群,属内东亚地区的物种聚成一支。(2)叶绿体基因数据分析结果表明,狭义蛇葡萄属东亚支系分为两支系,这两支系的分布范围大致与东亚植物区系的中国-日本森林和中国-喜马拉雅森林亚区范围相一致。(3)形态演化分析表明,掌状复叶为祖征,叶形态性状存在多次的独立起源和演化,其变化与系统进化没有明显的关系。(4)生物地理分析结果表明,狭义蛇葡萄属起源于北美,渐新世晚期至中新世早期迁移扩散至欧洲,中新世中期随着全球气温回暖迁移至东亚,并进一步在东亚地区快速分化形成多样化中心,这可能与中新世时期的气候温暖、受第四纪冰川影响较少以及东亚地区复杂...  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships among South American sigmodontine rodents were examined based on the complete sequence for the mitochondrial cytochrome b gene [1140 base pairs (bp)] for 66 species and between 759 and 1140 bp for an additional 19 species. Thirty-eight South American genera were represented, coming from eight of nine tribes. Outgroups included the North American murid rodents Peromyscus, Reithrodontomys, Scotinomys, and Neotoma, the Old World murine rodents Mus and Rattus, and the geomyoid genera Thomomys, Geomys, Dipodomys, and Perognathus as the most distant outgroup. The South American sigmodontines were supported as a monophyletic lineage. Within this radiation several clear-cut suprageneric groupings were identified. Many of the currently recognized tribal groupings of genera were found fairly consistently, although not always with high levels of bootstrap support. The various tribes could not be linked hierarchically with any confidence. In addition, several genera stand out as unique entities, without any apparent close relatives. The overall pattern suggests a rapid radiation of the sigmodontines in South America, followed by differentiation at the tribal and generic levels.  相似文献   

The genus Obelus, so far known from shells only, is re-described on the basis of the anatomy of its genital system. Its range is here restricted to north-western Africa and the Canary Islands. Four species are traditionally listed for the Canary Islands: Obelus despreauxii, O. moderatus, O. mirandae and O. cyclodon. The presence of the last species on the Canary Islands is doubtful, whereas the fossil/subfossil presence of O. pumilio is documented. The species Helix morata also belongs to the genus, as well as a new species, O. discogranulatus sp. nov. The genital systems of all confirmed extant Canarian species are shown. Obelus has a peculiar vaginal stimulator appendix (“appendicula”) which is homologous to the penial appendix of the Orthurethra and to the stimulatory organ of other Stylommatophora, with the exception that the A3 portion is missing. The genus is diagnosed by characters of the vaginal stimulator appendix, such as a curved, finger-like A2 portion of the appendicula ending proximally in a blind, well-developed muscular sac, and by the slender tubular A4 portion arising laterally from the muscular sac duct. We conclude that Obelus belongs to the Cochlicella group because it shares an appendicula with the other genera of the group. However, it differs in anatomical details of this structure. The Cochlicella group should be recognized as a separate family Cochlicellidae Schileyko, 1972, with close relationships to the Helicellidae and the Hygromiidae. A new diagnosis for Cochlicellidae is proposed and its phylogenetic relationships are discussed.This is: Notes on the Malacofauna of the Canary Islands, No. 46.  相似文献   

The genus Tetraophasis is endemic to China and the systematic relationships of the genus in Phasianidae based solely on their morphology are not clear. The phylogenetic position of this genus and other genera in Phasianidae was investigated in this study using the mitochondrial genes cytochrome b (CYT B), NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 (ND2) and nuclear ovomucoid intron G (OVO-G). Maximum parsimony, Bayesian and maximum likelihood analyses were employed. Comparison between the mitochondrial and nuclear findings suggested that our final combined data had higher resolving power than the separate data. Both separate data and combined data yielded a sister relationship between Tetraophasis and Lophophorus with strong support, which provided new evidence that pheasants and partridges were not monophyletic. In addition, our results indicated a basal position of Ithaginis, but the position of Perdix and Pucrasia were still unresolved. The result of this study provided a phylogenetic background for a revised classification of Galliformes.  相似文献   

Gulls (Aves: Laridae) constitute a recent and cosmopolite family of well-studied seabirds for which a robust phylogeny is needed to perform comparative and biogeographical analyses. The present study, the first molecular phylogeny of all Larids species (N=53), is based on a combined segment of mtDNA (partial cytochrome b and control region). We discuss our phylogenetic tree in the light of previous suggestions based on morphological, behavioral, and plumage characters. Although the phylogeny is not fully resolved, it highlights several robust species groups and confirms or identifies for the first time some sister relationships that had never been suggested before. The Dolphin Gull (Leucophaeus scoresbii) for instance, is identified as the sister species of the Grey Gull (Larus modestus) and the Ross's Gull (Rhodostethia rosea) forms a monophyletic group with the Little Gull (Larus minutus). Our results clearly demonstrate that the genus Larus as currently defined is not monophyletic, since current taxonomy of gulls is based on the use of convergent phenotypic characters. We propose a new systematic arrangement that better reflects their evolutionary history.  相似文献   

The new genus and species Teracosphaeria petroica is described for a perithecial ascomycete and its anamorph occurring on decayed wood collected in New Zealand. The fungus produces immersed, non-stromatic ceratosphaeria-like perithecia in nature, with hyaline, septate ascospores produced in unitunicate, non-amyloid asci. The anamorph produced in vitro is phialophora-like with lightly pigmented phialides terminating in flaring, deep collarettes that are often noticeably brown with conspicuous periclinal thickening. Phylogenetic analysis of LSU rDNA sequence data indicates that this fungus is distinct from morphologically similar fungi classified in the Chaetosphaeriales, the Trichosphaeriales or the Magnaporthaceae. It forms a monophyletic group with recently described, chaetosphaeria-like ascomycetes, such as the pyrenomycete genus Mirannulata, and shows affinity with the anamorphic species Dictyochaeta cylindrospora. The usefulness of describing anamorph genera for morphologically reduced anamorphs, when anamorph characteristics are actually part of the holomorph diagnosis, is discussed. An apparently contradictory example of the so-called Cordana and Pseudobotrytis anamorphs of Porosphaerella spp. is also discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of the entomopathogenic fungus Beauveria bassiana on the biological characteristics and life table of Aphidius matricariae, a parasitoid of the green peach aphid, Myzus persicae, was studied under laboratory conditions. Aphids were first infected with twice the LC95 of B. bassiana for third-instar M. persicae (2 × 108 conidia/ml). Subsequently, at different intervals they were exposed to 1-day-old mated parasitoid females for 24 h. The number of mummies produced per female and the percentage emergence of the F1 generation differed significantly as a function of the time interval between application of the fungus and exposure to the parasitoid. The interference of B. bassiana on parasitoid development was also studied by first exposing the aphid hosts to the parasitoid for 24 h and subsequently applying B. bassiana. The number of mummies produced by a female A. matricariae varied from 11.8 to 24.8 and was significantly different when the aphids were first exposed to the parasitoids and then treated with B. bassiana 24, 48, 72, and 96 h after exposure. There were no significantly different effects of B. bassiana on net reproductive rate (R0), mean generation time (T), intrinsic rate (rm) and the finite rate of increase (λ) of A. matricariae as a result of development in hosts exposed to low or high conidial concentrations (1 × 102, 2 × 108 conidia/ml). The parasitoids developed in infected hosts had lower rm, λ, T and DT (doubling time) values compared with those that developed in uninfected hosts but no differences were observed in R0 values. With proper timing, A. matricariae and B. bassiana can be used in combination in the successful biological control of M. persicae.  相似文献   

Systematic studies of Ceratitis (Tephritidae) fruit flies using molecular (i.e., COI, ND6, and period genes) and morphological (plus host-use characters) data have recently challenged the monophyly of the subgenera Ceratitis (Ceratitis) and Ceratitis (Pterandrus). In this paper, we report on the phylogenetic utility of three single-copy nuclear gene regions (two non-overlapping fragments of the carbamoylphosphate synthetase, CPS, locus of CAD, and a fragment of tango) within these taxa and investigate evolutionary relationships based on a concatenated ca. 3.4 kb data set that includes the six protein encoding gene regions. Results indicate that the CAD and tango genes provide useful phylogenetic signal within the taxa and are compatible with the previously studied genes. The two subgenera, as currently classified, are not monophyletic. Our molecular phylogenetic analyses support a revised classification in which (1) the subgenus C. (Pterandrus) comprises two lineages called A and B, (2) the C. (Pterandrus) B species should be included in C. (Ceratitis), and (3) the newly defined subgenera C. (Pterandrus) (=Pterandrus section A) and C. (Ceratitis) [=C. (Ceratitis) + C. (Pterandrus) section B] are reciprocally monophyletic.  相似文献   

The evolutionary history of three out of four birds traditionally classified into the genus Rhodopechys birds has been studied by comparing their mitochondrial cytochrome b DNA sequence with that of greenfinches and other genus Carduelis finches. The desert finch (Rhodopechys obsoleta) or a sister extinct species seems to have existed about 6 million years ago in Asian and perhaps African desert-like areas. This bird has no molecular relationship with other Rhodopechys birds and seems to have given rise to the greenfinches radiation, probably by allopatry of marginal or isolated groups; the latter would have evolved to green plumage colours and more simple song modulations (i.e., greenfinches). The possible role of assortative mating and the newly postulated acquired phenotypic characters in greenfinches speciation are discussed.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide sequence of the mitochondrial genome of the clam Meretrix lusoria (Bivalvia: Veneridae) was determined. It comprises 20,268 base pairs (bp) and contains 13 protein-coding genes, including ATPase subunit 8 (atp8), two ribosomal RNAs, 22 transfer RNAs, and a non-coding control region. The atp8 encodes a protein of 39 amino acids. All genes are encoded on the same strand. A putative control region (CR or D-loop) was identified in the major non-coding region (NCR) between the tRNAGly and tRNAGln. A 1087 bp tandem repeat fragment was identified that comprises nearly 11 copies of a 101 bp motif and accounts for approximately 41% of the NCR. The 101 bp tandem repeat motif of the NCR can be folded into a stem–loop secondary structure. Samples of eight individuals from Hainan and Fujian provinces were collected and their NCR regions were successfully amplified and sequenced. The data revealed a highly polymorphic VNTR (variable number of tandem repeats) associated with high levels of heteroplasmy in the D-loop region. The size of the CR ranged from 1942 to 3354 bp depending upon the copy number of the repeat sequence.  相似文献   

宽翅菘蓝(Isatis violascens)是分布于新疆准噶尔盆地的一种早春短命植物。基于形态的相似性,有人建议将宽翅菘蓝作为Isatis emarginata同义体。目前宽翅菘蓝尚未得到分子水平的研究,其系统发育地位也不清楚。该研究对宽翅菘蓝的ITS区进行测序,结合GenBank数据库中菘蓝属物种的ITS序列对宽翅菘蓝的系统关系和分类地位进行研究。最大简约法,最大似然法和贝叶斯法3种方法分析表明:菘蓝属物种聚为两个分支;宽翅菘蓝与I.emarginata和小果菘蓝具有较近的亲缘关系;基于形态相似性和较近的遗传距离,支持将宽翅菘蓝与I.emarginata合并为一个物种,并把宽翅菘蓝作为I.emarginata的同义种。  相似文献   

王文采 《广西植物》2016,36(Z1):31-57
对毛茛科铁线莲属(Clematis)中单型的翅果铁线莲组(sect. Pterocarpa)进行了分类学修订,写出了此组及其惟一种,翅果铁线莲(C. brachyura)的分类学简史和形态描述,给出此种的插图。根据其体态及花构造近似亚洲东部的辣蓼铁线莲(C. mandshurica Rupr.)和圆锥铁线莲(C. terniflora DC.)[二种均为威灵仙组(sect. Clematis)的成员],推测翅果铁线莲可能源自威灵仙组。  相似文献   

Past treatments of the sleeper shark genus Somniosus generally recognize three species: S. microcephalus, S. pacificus, and S. rostratus. Based on morphometrics and meristics, we conclude that this genus includes two subgenera (Somniosus and Rhinoscymnus) and five species. Subgenus Somniosus differs from Rhinoscymnus by being much larger when adult and in having more numerous tooth rows in the lower jaw, hooklike rather than leaf-shaped dermal denticles, more numerous spiral valve and vertebral counts, and a poorly calcified vertebral column. Subgenus Somniosus includes S. (Somniosus) microcephalus and S. (S.) pacificus of the Northern Hemisphere and S. (S.) antarcticus of the Southern Hemisphere. Although Somniosus antarcticus has been synonymized with S. microcephalus and identified as S. pacificus in past literature, it differs from S. microcephalus in having a shorter interdorsal space, a more posterior first dorsal fin, lower dorsal fins, more numerous tooth rows in the lower jaw, more numerous spiral valve counts, and fewer precaudal vertebrae. Somniosus antarcticus also differs from S. pacificus by having a shorter prebranchial length, lower dorsal fins, more numerous spiral valve counts, and slightly more precaudal vertebrae. Subgenus Rhinoscymnus includes S. (Rhinoscymnus) rostratus from the eastern North Atlantic and Mediterranean Sea (senior synonym of S. bauchotae) and S. (R.) longus from the western Pacific Ocean. Somniosus longus has been synonymized with S. rostratus, but differs in having a relatively longer second dorsal fin, a slightly larger eye, more lower tooth rows, and slightly higher spiral valve counts. Both Somniosus (Somniosus) antarcticus and S. (Rhinoscymnus) longus from the Pacific Ocean were redescribed. A key to the species and the geographical distribution of all species are provided.  相似文献   

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