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FliI, the ATPase involved in bacterial flagellar protein export, forms a complex with its regulator FliH in the cytoplasm and hexamerizes upon docking to the export gate composed of integral membrane proteins. The extreme N-terminal region of FliI is involved not only in its interaction with FliH but also in its oligomerization, but the regulatory mechanism of oligomerization remains unclear. Using in-frame 10-residue deletions within the 100 residues of the N-terminal domain, we demonstrate that the first 20 residues are required for FliH binding and that the conformation of the N-terminal domain is sensitive to the export function, even though the oligomerization and FliH-binding ability are retained and the ATPase activity is maintained in most of the deletion variants.  相似文献   

The torque-speed relationship of the Na(+)-driven flagellar motor of Vibrio alginolyticus was investigated. The rotation rate of the motor was measured by following the position of a bead, attached to a flagellar filament, using optical nanometry. In the presence of 50mM NaCl, the generated torque was relatively constant ( approximately 3800pNnm) at lower speeds (speeds up to approximately 300Hz) and then decreased steeply, similar to the H(+)-driven flagellar motor of Escherichia coli. When the external NaCl concentration was varied, the generated torque of the flagellar motor was changed over a wide range of speeds. This result could be reproduced using a simple kinetic model, which takes into consideration the association and dissociation of Na(+) onto the motor. These results imply that for a complete understanding of the mechanism of flagellar rotation it is essential to consider both the electrochemical gradient and the absolute concentration of the coupling ion.  相似文献   

PomA, a homolog of MotA in the H+-driven flagellar motor, is an essential component for torque generation in the Na+-driven flagellar motor. Previous studies suggested that two charged residues, R90 and E98, which are in the single cytoplasmic loop of MotA, are directly involved in this process. These residues are conserved in PomA of Vibrio alginolyticus as R88 and E96, respectively. To explore the role of these charged residues in the Na+-driven motor, we replaced them with other amino acids. However, unlike in the H+-driven motor, both of the single and the double PomA mutants were functional. Several other positively and negatively charged residues near R88 and E96, namely K89, E97 and E99, were neutralized. Motility was retained in a strain producing the R88A/K89A/E96Q/E97Q/E99Q (AAQQQ) PomA protein. The swimming speed of the AAQQQ strain was as fast as that of the wild-type PomA strain, but the direction of motor rotation was abnormally counterclockwise-biased. We could, however, isolate non-motile or poorly motile mutants when certain charged residues in PomA were reversed or neutralized. The charged residues at positions 88-99 of PomA may not be essential for torque generation in the Na+-driven motor and might play a role in motor function different from that of the equivalent residues of the H+-driven motor.  相似文献   

The bacterial flagellar motor is a rotary motor driven by the electrochemical potentials of specific ions across the cell membrane. Direct interactions between the rotor protein FliG and the stator protein MotA are thought to generate the rotational torque. Here, we used total internal reflection fluorescent microscopy to observe the localization of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-fused FliG in Escherichia coli cells. We identified three types of fluorescent punctate signals: immobile dots, mobile dots that exhibited simple diffusion, and mobile dots that exhibited restricted diffusion. When GFP-FliG was expressed in a DeltafliG background, most of the cells were not mobile. When the cells were tethered to a glass side, however, rotating cells were commonly observed and a single fluorescent dot was always observed at the rotational center of the tethered cell. These fluorescent dots were likely positions at which functional GFP-FliG had been incorporated into a flagellar motor. Our results suggest that flagellar basal bodies diffuse in the cytoplasmic membrane until the axial structure and/or other structures assemble.  相似文献   

FliG is an essential component of the flagellar motor and functions in flagellar assembly, torque generation and regulation of the direction of flagellar rotation. The five charged residues important for the rotation of the flagellar motor were identified in Escherichiacoli FliG (FliG(E)). These residues are clustered in the C terminus and are all conserved in FliG(V) of the Na(+)-driven motor of Vibrioalginolyticus (Lys284, Arg301, Asp308, Asp309 and Arg317). To investigate the roles of these charged residues in the Na(+)-driven motor, we cloned the VibriofliG gene and introduced single or multiple substitutions into the corresponding positions in FliG(V). FliG(V) with double Ala replacements in all possible combinations at these five conserved positions still retained significant motile ability, although some of the mutations completely eliminated the function of FliG(E). All of the triple mutants constructed in this study also remained motile. These results suggest that the important charged residues may be located in different places and the conserved charged residues are not so important for the Na(+)-driven flagellar motor of Vibrio. The chimeric FliG protein (FliG(VE)), composed of the N-terminal domain from V.alginolyticus and the C-terminal domain from E.coli, functions in Vibrio cells. The mutations of the charge residues of the C-terminal region in FliG(VE) affected swarming ability as in E.coli. Both the FliG(V) and the FliG(VE) proteins with the triple mutation were more susceptible to proteolysis than proteins without the mutation, suggesting that their conformations were altered.  相似文献   

PomA and PomB are transmembrane proteins that form the stator complex in the sodium-driven flagellar motor of Vibrio alginolyticus and are believed to surround the rotor part of the flagellar motor. We constructed and observed green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusions of the stator proteins PomA and PomB in living cells to clarify how stator proteins are assembled and installed into the flagellar motor. We were able to demonstrate that GFP-PomA and GFP-PomB localized to a cell pole dependent on the presence of the polar flagellum. Localization of the GFP-fused stator proteins required their partner subunit, PomA or PomB, and the C-terminal domain of PomB, which has a peptidoglycan-binding motif. Each of the GFP-fused stator proteins was co-isolated with its partner subunit from detergent-solubilized membrane. From these lines of evidence, we have demonstrated that the stator proteins are incorporated into the flagellar motor as a PomA/PomB complex and are fixed to the cell wall via the C-terminal domain of PomB.  相似文献   

Bacterial flagellar motors are the reversible rotary engine which propels the cell by rotating a helical flagellar filament as a screw propeller. The motors are embedded in the cytoplasmic membrane, and the energy for rotation is supplied by the electrochemical potential of specific ions across the membrane. Thus, the analysis of motor rotation at the molecular level is linked to an understanding of how the living system converts chemical energy into mechanical work. Based on the coupling ions, the motors are divided into two types; one is the H+-driven type found in neutrophiles such asBacillus subtilis andEscherichia coli and the other is the Na+-driven type found in alkalophilicBacillus and marineVibrio. In this review, we summarize the current status of research on the rotation mechanism of the Na+-driven flagellar motors, which introduces several new aspects in the analysis.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that cell-to-cell difference at the gene expression level is an order of magnitude greater than previously thought even for isogenic bacterial populations. Such gene expression heterogeneity determines the fate of individual bacterial cells in populations and could also affect the ultimate fate of populations themselves. To quantify the heterogeneity and its biological significance, quantitative methods to measure gene expression in single bacterial cells are needed. In this work, we developed two SYBR Green-based RT-qPCR methods to determine gene expression directly in single bacterial cells. The first method involves a single-tube operation that can analyze one gene from each bacterial cell. The second method is featured by a two-stage protocol that consists of RNA isolation from a single bacterial cell and cDNA synthesis in the first stage, and qPCR in the second stage, which allows determination of expression level of multiple genes simultaneously for single bacterial cells of both gram-positive and negative. We applied the methods to stress-treated (i.e. low pH and high temperature) Escherichia coli populations. The reproducible results demonstrated that the method is sensitive enough not only for measuring cellular responses at the single-cell level, but also for revealing gene expression heterogeneity among the bacterial cells. Furthermore, our results showed that the two-stage method can reproducibly measure multiple highly expressed genes from a single E. coli cell, which exhibits important foundation for future development of a high throughput and lab-on-chips whole-genome RT-qPCR methodology for single bacterial cells.  相似文献   

The bacterial flagellar motor drives the rotation of helical flagellar filaments to propel bacteria through viscous media. It consists of a dynamic population of mechanosensitive stators that are embedded in the inner membrane and activate in response to external load. This entails assembly around the rotor, anchoring to the peptidoglycan layer to counteract torque from the rotor and opening of a cation channel to facilitate an influx of cations, which is converted into mechanical rotation. Stator complexes are comprised of four copies of an integral membrane A subunit and two copies of a B subunit. Each B subunit includes a C-terminal OmpA-like peptidoglycan-binding (PGB) domain. This is thought to be linked to a single N-terminal transmembrane helix by a long unstructured peptide, which allows the PGB domain to bind to the peptidoglycan layer during stator anchoring. The high-resolution crystal structures of flagellar motor PGB domains from Salmonella enterica (MotBC2) and Vibrio alginolyticus (PomBC5) have previously been elucidated. Here, we use small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS). We show that unlike MotBC2, the dimeric conformation of the PomBC5 in solution differs to its crystal structure, and explore the functional relevance by characterising gain-of-function mutants as well as wild-type constructs of various lengths. These provide new insight into the conformational diversity of flagellar motor PGB domains and experimental verification of their overall topology.  相似文献   

Summary The rotatory motor of bacterial flagella is driven by a transmembrane electrochemical gradient of protons. A model of the flagellar motor is analysed, which is based on the notion that protons passing through the motor use a channel-like pathway formed by ligand groups located partly on the rotor, partly on the stator. Proton translocation is linked to the displacement of stator elements which are elastically bound to the cell wall. The model is described by a cyclic sequence of translocation steps and proton binding and release reactions. Stochastic simulations of the model are carried out in which transitions between the states of the reaction cycle are treated as random events. In this way the rotation frequency can be predicted as a function of experimental variables such as driving force and viscous load. Furthermore, the effects of microscopic parameters such as the transition frequencies of stator elements and the force constant of elastic coupling on the dynamic properties of the motor can be studied. The model allows for intrinsic uncoupling (“slippage”) resulting from translocation steps without associated rotational movement. It is shown that mechanistic information can be obtained by studying random fluctuations of rotational speed. Offprint requests to: P. Lauger  相似文献   

The FliF ring is the base for self-assembly of the bacterial flagellum and the FliF/FliG ring complex is the core of the rotor of the flagellar motor. We report the structures of these two ring complexes obtained by electron cryomicroscopy and single-particle image analysis at 22A and 25A resolution, respectively. Direct comparison of these structures with the flagellar basal body made by superimposing the density maps on the central section reveals many interesting features, such as how the mechanically stable connection between the ring and the rod is formed, how directly FliF domains are involved in the near axial density of the basal body forming the proximal end of the central channel for a potential gating mechanism, some indication of flexibility in the connection of FliF and FliG, and structural and functional similarities to the head-to-tail connectors of bacteriophages.  相似文献   

Knowing how individual cells respond to environmental changes helps one understand phenotypic diversity in a bacterial cell population, so we simultaneously monitored the growth and motility of isolated motile Escherichia coli cells over several generations by using a method called on-chip single-cell cultivation. Starved cells quickly stopped growing but remained motile for several hours before gradually becoming immotile. When nutrients were restored the cells soon resumed their growth and proliferation but remained immotile for up to six generations. A flagella visualization assay suggested that deflagellation underlies the observed loss of motility. This set of results demonstrates that single-cell transgenerational study under well-characterized environmental conditions can provide information that will help us understand distinct functions within individual cells.  相似文献   

The atomic force microscope has developed into a powerful tool in structural biology allowing information to be acquired at submolecular resolution on the protruding structures of membrane proteins. It is now a complementary technique to X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy for structure determination of individual membrane proteins after extraction, purification and reconstitution into lipid bilayers. Moving on from the structures of individual components of biological membranes, atomic force microscopy has recently been demonstrated to be a unique tool to identify in situ the individual components of multi-protein assemblies and to study the supramolecular architecture of these components allowing the efficient performance of a complex biological function.Here, recent atomic force microscopy studies of native membranes of different photosynthetic bacteria with different polypeptide contents are reviewed. Technology, advantages, feasibilities, restrictions and limits of atomic force microscopy for the acquisition of highly resolved images of up to 10 Å lateral resolution under native conditions are discussed. From a biological point of view, the new insights contributed by the images are analysed and discussed in the context of the strongly debated organisation of the interconnected network of membrane-associated chlorophyll-protein complexes composing the photosynthetic apparatus in different species of purple bacteria.  相似文献   

Adult mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are present in several tissues, e.g. bone marrow, heart muscle, brain and subcutaneous adipose tissue. In invasive infections MSC get in contact with bacteria and bacterial components. Not much is known about how bacterial pathogens interact with MSC and how contact to bacteria influences MSC viability and differentiation potential. In this study we investigated the impact of three different wound infection relevant bacteria, Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and Streptococcus pyogenes, and the cell wall components lipopolysaccharide (LPS; Gram-negative bacteria) and lipoteichoic acid (LTA; Gram-positive bacteria) on viability, proliferation, and osteogenic as well as adipogenic differentiation of human adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (adMSC). We show that all three tested species were able to attach to and internalize into adMSC. The heat-inactivated Gram-negative E. coli as well as LPS were able to induce proliferation and osteogenic differentiation but reduce adipogenic differentiation of adMSC. Conspicuously, the heat-inactivated Gram-positive species showed the same effects on proliferation and adipogenic differentiation, while its cell wall component LTA exhibited no significant impact on adMSC. Therefore, our data demonstrate that osteogenic and adipogenic differentiation of adMSC is influenced in an oppositional fashion by bacterial antigens and that MSC-governed regeneration is not necessarily reduced under infectious conditions.  相似文献   

Like many Gram-negative pathogens, enteropathogenic (EPEC) and enterohaemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) use a macromolecular type III secretion system (TTSS) to inject effector proteins into eukaryotic host cells. The membrane-associated needle complex (NC) of the TTSS, which shows broad similarity to the flagellar basal body, is conserved amongst bacterial pathogens. However, the extracellular part of the TTSS of EPEC and EHEC is unique, in that it has a hollow, approximately 12 nm in diameter, filamentous extension to the NC. EspA filaments are homo-polymers made of the translocator protein EspA. The three-dimensional structure of EspA filaments is comparable to that of flagella; the helical symmetry and packing of the subunits forming both filamentous structures are very similar. Like flagella, EspA filaments show antigenic polymorphism as EspA from different EPEC and EHEC clones show no immunological cross-reactivity. In this study, we determined the molecular basis of the antigenic polymorphism of EspA filaments and identified a surface-exposed hypervariable domain that contains the immunodominant EspA epitope. By exchanging the hypervariable domains of EspA(EPEC) and EspA(EHEC) we swapped the antigenic specificity of the EspA filaments. As for the flagellin D3 domain, which is known to tolerate insertions of natural and artificial amino acid sequences, we have inserted short peptides into the surface-exposed, hypervariable domain of EspA. We demonstrated that the inserted peptides are presented on the surface of the recombinant EspA filaments forming a new immunodominant epitope. Accordingly, EspA filaments have a potential to be developed into a novel epitope display system.  相似文献   

Eukaryotic genomes encode a considerably higher fraction of multi-domain proteins than their prokaryotic counterparts. It has been postulated that efficient co-translational and sequential domain folding has facilitated the explosive evolution of multi-domain proteins in eukaryotes by the recombination of pre-existent domains. Here, we tested whether eukaryotes and bacteria differ generally in the folding efficiency of multi-domain proteins generated by domain recombination. To this end, we compared the folding behavior of a series of recombinant proteins comprised of green fluorescent protein (GFP) fused to four different robustly folding proteins through six different linkers upon expression in Escherichia coli and the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. We found that, unlike yeast, bacteria are remarkably inefficient at folding these fusion proteins, even at comparable levels of expression. In vitro and in vivo folding experiments demonstrate that the GFP domain imposes significant constraints on de novo folding of its fusion partners in bacteria, consistent with a largely post-translational folding mechanism. This behavior may result from an interference of GFP with adjacent domains during folding due to the particular topology of the beta-barrel GFP structure. By following the accumulation of enzymatic activity, we found that the rate of appearance of correctly folded fusion protein per ribosome is indeed considerably higher in yeast than in bacteria.  相似文献   

By combining results from previous studies of nutritional up-shifts we here re-investigate how bacteria adapt to different nutritional environments by adjusting their macromolecular composition for optimal growth. We demonstrate that, in contrast to a commonly held view the macromolecular composition of bacteria does not depend on the growth rate as an independent variable, but on three factors: (i) the genetic background (i.e. the strain used), (ii) the physiological history of the bacteria used for inoculation of a given growth medium, and (iii) the kind of nutrients in the growth medium. These factors determine the ribosome concentration and the average rate of protein synthesis per ribosome, and thus the growth rate. Immediately after a nutritional up-shift, the average number of ribosomes in the bacterial population increases exponentially with time at a rate which eventually is attained as the final post-shift growth rate of all cell components. After a nutritional up-shift from one minimal medium to another minimal medium of higher nutritional quality, ribosome and RNA polymerase syntheses are co-regulated and immediately increase by the same factor equal to the increase in the final growth rate. However, after an up-shift from a minimal medium to a medium containing all 20 amino acids, RNA polymerase and ribosome syntheses are no longer coregulated; a smaller rate of synthesis of RNA polymerase is compensated by a gradual increase in the fraction of free RNA polymerase, possibly due to a gradual saturation of mRNA promoters. We have also analyzed data from a recent publication, in which it was concluded that the macromolecular composition in terms of RNA/protein and RNA/DNA ratios is solely determined by the effector molecule ppGpp. Our analysis indicates that this is true only in special cases and that, in general, medium adaptation also depends on factors other than ppGpp.  相似文献   

A central question in cell biology is how cells determine the size of their organelles. Flagellar length control is a convenient system for studying organelle size regulation. Mechanistic models proposed for flagellar length regulation have been constrained by the assumption that flagella are static structures once they are assembled. However, recent work has shown that flagella are dynamic and are constantly turning over. We have determined that this turnover occurs at the flagellar tips, and that the assembly portion of the turnover is mediated by intraflagellar transport (IFT). Blocking IFT inhibits the incorporation of tubulin at the flagellar tips and causes the flagella to resorb. These results lead to a simple steady-state model for flagellar length regulation by which a balance of assembly and disassembly can effectively regulate flagellar length.  相似文献   

The signal recognition particle (SRP) mediated protein translocation pathway is universal and highly conserved in all kingdoms of life. Significant progresses have been made to understand its molecular mechanism, yet many open questions remain. A structure model, showing how nascent peptide inserts into peptide translocon with the help of SRP protein Ffh and its receptor FtsY, is desired to facilitate our studies. In this work, we presented such a model derived by computational docking of the Ffh-FtsY complex onto the translocon. This model was compatible with most available experiments. It suggested that the Ffh-FtsY complex approached the translocon with its G domains and was locked up by the cytoplasmic loop of SecG and the C5/C6 loops of SecY. Several residues were expected to play important roles in regulating GTP hydrolysis. Additionally, a hypothesis on the yet ambiguous function of FtsY A domain was proposed. These interesting results invite experimental investigations.  相似文献   

A multiplex PCR procedure that detects six major virulence genes, fliC, stx1, stx2, eae, rfbE, and hlyA, in Escherichia coli O157:H7 was developed. Analyses of the available sequences of the six major virulence genes and the published primers allowed us to develop the six-gene, multiplex PCR protocol that maintained the specificity of each primer pair. The resulting six bands for fliC, stx1, stx2, eae, rfbE, and hlyA were even and distinct with product sizes of 949, 655, 477, 375, 296, and 199 bp, respectively. The procedure was validated with a total of 221 E. coli strains that included 4 ATCC, 84 cattle, and 57 human E. coli O157:H7 strains as well as 76 non-O157 cattle and human E. coli strains. The results of all 221 strains were similar to the results generated by established multiplex PCR methods that involved two separate reactions to detect five virulence genes (stx1, stx2, eae, fliC, and hlyA). Specificity of the O antigen was indicated by amplification of only O157, and not O25, O26, O55, O78, O103, O111, O127, and O145 E. coli serotypes. Sensitivity tests showed that the procedure amplified genes from a fecal sample spiked with a minimum of 104 CFU/g (10 cells/reaction) of E. coli O157. After a 6-h enrichment of E. coli O157-spiked samples, a sensitivity level of 10 CFU/g was achieved.  相似文献   

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